The bedroom is fashionable. Bedroom decoration - the best design ideas in various styles (10 photos). Photo wallpaper in the bedroom

Thanks to this, the calm, free, simple style without frills has remained firmly at the peak of fashion.

When choosing an interior for a bedroom, you need to take into account all the wishes of those people who plan to spend their holidays there.

It is based on their joint tastes and ideas that you can begin to plan the design of your bedroom.

Furniture, accessories, colors - all these interior elements influence general form rooms and atmosphere in the bedroom.

The atmosphere created in the bedroom with the help of a properly designed interior, in turn, has a positive effect on the quality of a person’s rest.
Thanks to modern materials and the capabilities of specialists, you can create a unique designer design for your bedroom.

Choosing a bedroom style

The right style should satisfy all the inhabitants of the room.

Briefly about styles

  1. Provence

Bedrooms decorated in Provence style have a very gentle atmosphere and are suitable for romantic people who miss a simple, bordering on rustic, but somewhat sophisticated interior. It contains ruffles, sewing, natural fabrics and small floral patterns. Canopies are acceptable.

A large number of textiles and various pillows stacked on chairs and beds are also an attribute of this style.

Also, furniture with forged parts is very suitable for a Provence style interior. Sentimental trinkets, placed as if by chance in different places of the bedroom, natural warm colors, antique furniture - and a bedroom in Provence style will decorate the apartment.

This style is reminiscent of the French countryside in spirit and feel.

When choosing the Provence style, you should be prepared to constantly fight dust, since textiles, pillows and trinkets have a tendency to collect it. Therefore, when creating a bedroom in this style, you need to be able to frequently clean, wash and wipe down the bedroom interior items, but, as you know, beauty requires sacrifice.

  1. Minimalism

The Minimalism style is sharply different from Provence. However, this direction of interior design is preferable in terms of easy maintenance, and is suitable for those people who do not want to devote a lot of time to regularly keeping their bedroom clean.

The minimalist style is suitable for those people who do not want to devote a lot of time to regularly keeping their bedroom clean.

When choosing this style, you should abandon almost all decor and purchase simple, laconic furniture. Ideally, this will be a closet, dressing table and a bed.

A bedroom in the minimalist style involves a minimum of furniture: a wardrobe, a dressing table and a bed.

In order to remove the feeling of emptiness, designers use the following trick. In a bedroom decorated in a minimalist style, you can focus on one single decoration; it should have strict, perfect lines and immediately attract the eye.

The right decorative object will make the interior of a minimalist bedroom perfect.
  1. Ethnic bedroom style

To decorate a room in ethnic style you need to purchase furniture or other interior elements related in design to items of any nationality. These can be rooms decorated in Japanese style or in the style of a Russian village.

Bedroom interior made in Japanese style.
Bedroom interior, made in the style of a Russian village.

By choosing this style, you can personalize the interior according to the customs of any nationality or by imitating their attributes, bed, bedside table, lamps and other objects in the room. In order to emphasize involvement in a particular image of the people of the world in the interior, furniture with traditional ornaments and designs, paintings with folklore scenes, sculptures and household items as souvenirs are often used.

In order to emphasize involvement in a particular image of the people of the world, furniture with traditional ornaments is used in the interior.
  1. Modern for the bedroom

Beauty and luxury combined in this style look unobtrusive and aesthetically pleasing. Bright colors and small details are sometimes not very easy to arrange in the image of a bedroom, but if they wish and being completely confident in their taste, some people can cope with this. When choosing a modern style for a bedroom, you need to be very careful when purchasing furniture and textiles.

In order to maintain the Art Nouveau style in the bedroom, the walls need to be painted in an even, monochromatic color, against which it will look good color variety furniture and other decorative elements.

And mandatory element is the minimum set of furniture in the room. Interesting option interior in Art Nouveau style is a combination of light gray walls and correctly selected non-standard design beds, flooring and a minimum set for lighting.

An interesting option for an interior in the Art Nouveau style is a combination of light gray walls with furniture and flooring.
  1. Classic

Classic style is the calmest of all. Familiar to almost everyone and suitable in most cases. It speaks to the traditional tastes of the owners and is easy to implement.

Strict furniture items are welcome here classic shape, calm muted colors, the materials predominate are wood or materials imitating wood.

Interior design when increasing the bedroom space due to the loggia

If the bedroom is small, but there is a loggia nearby, this great option increase the area. You can create additional space in the form of a large niche. This bedroom looks very interesting. The opening formed from the exit to the loggia can be designed in the form of an arch.

To separate the space of the loggia and the area of ​​the bedroom with light partitions or to leave the space free - this choice remains with the owners of the room.

If you can place the bed “facing” the arch in which the loggia window is formed, you will get a great option, but provided that the window opens good view. In order to be able to admire the picture from the window without curtains, you should cover the windows with tinting outside glass

Interesting interior bedrooms with a combined loggia.
If you have problems with the view from the window, you can decorate the window opening with beautiful curtains.

Interior design and colors

For the bedroom, the choice of color is a very important point. The bed is the place where a person rests, and the decoration around it should be conducive to rest and not interfere with sleep. Two color options can help create an atmosphere conducive to sleep.

The first option is muted shades of rather catchy colors. For example, burgundy, black, dark gray, brown, blue.

Muted shades of blue tones in the bedroom.

Another option is to choose soft shades and decorate the bedroom in pastel colors. For these purposes, shades of pink, pale blue, light lilac, pale yellow and other pastel colors are suitable.

A bedroom made in light lilac tones will fill you with calmness and serenity.
Bedroom design in yellow tones.

When planning the design of bedrooms, experts extremely rarely use bright flashy colors and large ornaments in decoration.

Exceptions are those cases when this is required to implement some design ideas.

Interior design and elements

Adding finishing touches In the image of the bedroom, you need to think about the little things that will complete the design of the room. For example, if the Provence style is chosen, it is worth providing the interior with several decorative pillows, it is permissible to install a floor lamp or table lamp with appropriate design.

When choosing Provence style, do not forget about decorative elements - pillows located on beds and armchairs. You can also hang a canopy over the bed.

If you choose a minimalist design style, you need to look more carefully for the accent and main decoration of the bedroom. With a minimum of furnishings, each item catches the eye and should look stylish and ideal from all sides, since it is often the main object of the interior.

It could be a large vase, an elegant sculpture with simple lines, or a painting with a corresponding image.

A bedroom should evoke a desire to sleep, because this is the main purpose of the room, and how to arrange it is a personal matter for the owners of the room.

Video: Bedroom design

50 photos of bedroom interior:

You can’t find a single person who would say: I want a bright, aggressive bedroom with a rich color scheme.

And that’s right, for the reason that this room should be as calming, peaceful and relaxing as possible.

It is the interior of the bedroom in the apartment that contributes good sleep, and therefore a quality life.

Concept, measure and color!

When creating a corner of privacy, you need to seriously think about the design of the bedroom in the apartment.

This is a personal space that should not always be occupied. This allows, under the heading of secret, to create there an atmosphere of complete intrigue that is different from the main theme.

Simply put, the design of a bedroom in an apartment may differ from the general one. Which will not only benefit the body (it will signal that it’s time to sleep), but will also diversify the apartment.

Rule: You should adhere to measures when decorating a bedroom in terms of items, colors and size of furniture if the bedroom is small!

If the bedroom is no different large area, it can be visually enlarged using:

  • bright hues,
  • mirrors,
  • small-sized furniture,
  • small size accessories,
  • silk textiles.

Special attention You should pay attention to the color scheme of the bedroom in a small apartment:

  • Warm shades of white will add romanticism.
  • Blue and light green will bring coolness.
  • Yellow, orange or gold will charge you with energy.
  • Pink, as an alternative to red, will add coziness.

"Clothes" for the bedroom!

A beautiful bedroom in an apartment is undoubtedly a trump card, which is often known only to the owners of the house.

Some I turn it into duets: bedroom and office, bedroom and dressing room, bedroom-living room, bedroom and fitness room.

Today, it is very simple to do this harmoniously, without disturbing the overall concept of the room. Furniture sets designed to delight, rather than burden you with searching for compatible items, help bring such ideas to life.

This set consists of a bed, a chest of drawers, bedside tables and the item that is needed according to the concept of the duet: a desktop, a cabinet, etc.

However, you can’t get by with just a set: one more important point– lighting.

The times of one chandelier on the ceiling have sunk into oblivion, they have been replaced ceiling lamps, sconces and floor lamps.

It is much more convenient to distribute the light around the entire perimeter and use only what is necessary - locally.

This method has undeniable advantages: energy savings, visual increase in space and twilight for a romantic situation.

Apartment bedroom styles!

A bedroom in an apartment is a “demanding” room that requires a lot of effort when choosing the right style.

More precisely, the renovation of a bedroom in an apartment must absolutely justify the requirements set by us. To avoid mistakes, let's take a closer look:

The classic style is characterized by light colors and laconic furniture, without small accessories;

A country bedroom is like an exhibition of wood and stone, decorated with patchwork textiles, wicker furniture and ornamental paintings;

Ethnic style can “transfer” an African hut, an oriental tent or a Provence terrace;

High-tech high-tech - distinguished by strict lines, black and white, slightly diluted with metallic, blue, yellow or red;

Forged metal, antique accessories and textiles - vintage style details;

Biedermeier is the style of talented people who can create interior items with their own hands;

Minimalism and eco style are the favorite trends of metropolitan residents who choose only functional furniture and environmentally friendly items.

Often, psychologists advise decorating bedrooms based on your psychotype.

For the melancholic good choice will become Baroque or Biedermeier due to the presence small parts and rich color range: red, orange or gold.

A phlegmatic person will appreciate the eco style – synonymous with connecting with nature. The sanguine person wins in this list: he has the opportunity to choose absolutely any interior style.

His energy, moderate activity and perception of reality give this right.

Photo of interior design of a bedroom in an apartment

People spend almost a third of their lives sleeping, so it is very important that the place intended for rest is as comfortable as possible. A pleasant interior will help you relax and forget about everything outside the bed. You will find ideas and tips on how to create a piece of paradise from a small bedroom in this article.

Choosing an interior style

If when planning the interior of a living room, kitchen or office, you have to think first of all about their functionality, then in the relaxation area you can give free rein to your imagination and listen to the desires of your soul. The basis for design experiments in a small bedroom can be styles such as Scandinavian, modern, classic, minimalism, loft or Provence.

Small bedroom in modern style

A small bedroom of the 21st century means clear graphic lines, calm colors and no unnecessary objects.

Modern style involves neat but reliable furniture without additional decor. The walls and ceiling are plain, in grey, white or beige. Black, chocolate and dark blue finishes are best reserved for large rooms. The floor can be covered with parquet, laminate or carpet in a discreet color. Metallic shine, chrome handles, polished wood, mirrors - all this reflects light and visually enlarges the space.

Accents in the form of paintings, exquisite floor lamps, ceramic figures, indoor plants. Bed linen should be silk or cotton, without noticeable prints. Spot LED lightening along the perimeter and bedside sconces with matte milky-white shades will help create a calm atmosphere and set the mood for a restful sleep.

Small bedroom in classic style

This style will be appreciated by lovers of luxury. Marshmallow shades of white, pink, peach, light lilac are ideally combined with aristocratic golden-silver patterns, plaster stucco, columns and crystal chandeliers.

Carved furniture painted with matching enamel Ivory, will create a majestic palace atmosphere. The headboard of the bed can be upholstered in soft leather. Windows should be covered with curtains made of brocade, velvet, satin to match general design. The same fabrics are suitable for a canopy. The bedspread can be jacquard, with shimmering patterns. The abundance of light in a “precious” frame will transform an ordinary small room into a truly royal bedchamber.

Small bedroom in Provence style

For romantic people who love the atmosphere of the south of France, would be better suited Provence style. All interior details should be in pastel colors - blue and white, pink, light purple, pale green and beige. From textiles, it is preferable to choose faded, faded chintz with small floral patterns, tiny polka dots, checkered patterns, and diamonds.

It is advisable to choose furniture for a small bedroom in the Provence style that is simple and without pretentiousness. It can be made of light wood without varnish or painted white (possibly with a slight tint).

Small bedroom in loft style

Initially, the term “loft” was used to describe former factories, industrial warehouses and offices that were converted into housing. They are characterized by a lack of decoration on the walls, a lot of free space, high ceilings And big windows. However, some ideas from this style may well be useful to refresh the interior of a small bedroom.

For example, instead of boring wallpaper or plaster, only bare brickwork, concrete panels or their imitation are left. A simple bed without legs is installed directly on the plank floor. Everything should look as if this is a temporary refuge for a free artist: no decorative frills, except maybe a couple of black and white prints, a mirror in a thin frame and high-tech lamps for lighting.

For the sake of visual increase In the room, the window can be expanded, turning it into a panoramic one, and the wardrobe can be ordered with glossy metal doors. The role of curtains in a loft should be performed by blinds or simple curtains with vertical folds.

Small bedroom in minimalist style

This is the most best option for a small bedroom. It is completely free of any excesses - no curls, patterns, decor or decorations. One or two colors close in spectrum or contrasting in design, perfectly even, smooth surfaces, clear furniture, simple lamps geometric shapes- all this saves space. So simple and modern solution I'll like it business people with a rational approach to life.

Small bedroom in Scandinavian style

The first association with Scandinavia is transparency and coolness. Decoration in airy white tones with light brown or gray-blue accents should be chosen for rooms facing south, as well as those located in warm climates. This finish will help you endure the heat more easily and create a feeling of freshness and lightness. Bedroom in Scandinavian style should remind you of snow-capped mountain peaks and icy rivers.

Color solutions

Because the we're talking about For bedrooms with a small area, the main attention should be focused on a light palette. Colors close to white reflect more light and visually expand the room.

Small bedroom in white

It is not for nothing that nature itself chose this color to cover the sleeping earth in winter: it lulls, relaxes, and creates an atmosphere of purity and peace. In a completely snow-white room, sleep will come in a matter of minutes, and if you want to add romance, just use colored lighting.

Small bedroom in blue tones

Decoration in heavenly shades removes nervous tension and cools the body. It will be appropriate if the apartment is often hot. Active, active people this color will help you dissipate a little energy and enjoy your dreams.

Small bedroom in green tones

Herbal, light green, emerald, sea - they all create a feeling of freshness, provide the desired rest to the eyes and nervous system. This is the easiest color to perceive because it is right in the middle of the rainbow spectrum.

Green is the color of life, and it should be combined in the bedroom with calm natural shades: gray, brown, sandy yellow, turquoise or lavender.

Small bedroom in purple tones

A soft purple tone appears in the sky in the evening, after sunset. It envelops the horizon in a light haze and seems to invite you into the fairy-tale kingdom of dreams. In the bedroom it can be a great complement to green, yellow or pink elements. Also, purple looks harmonious with white, beige and cream colors.

Small bedroom in yellow tones

This sunny color perfect for a bedroom that lacks warmth (for example, there is no window or it faces north). Sand, lemon, saffron, golden will make the room light and warm. Shades of yellow lift your spirits and fill your life with joy, and are best combined with white, green, blue, purple or brown.

Small bedroom in gray tones

Gray is the calmest and most neutral color. It's much softer than black, so it won't look bulky. This is a wonderful background for anyone bright accents, and in itself it has laconicism and restraint. Light or silver options gray suitable for all interior styles.

Finishes and materials

The choice of materials for decorating a bedroom is practically unlimited. The humidity in this room is normal, exposure to ultraviolet radiation and other factors is minimal. The only thing important condition, which should not be neglected, is the safety of materials: they should not contain harmful impurities and emit toxic fumes.


It is better to make the floor in the bedroom from warm material. It could be wooden parquet, laminate, carpet. To make the space seem more voluminous, you should abandon dark and uneven colors, and lay boards or other vertical patterns perpendicular to the window. The rug should blend with the main shade, or completely cover the room, otherwise it will “cut up” and make it smaller.


The best choice for a small bedroom is light walls, single-color or with a small, almost imperceptible pattern. This could be whitewashing, painting, decorative plaster(possibly with reflective sparkles), wallpaper, wooden panels and cork covering.

For the loft style, it is better to choose white or grayish masonry (under sand-lime brick or sandstone).


To visually make the bedroom higher, the ceiling should be glossy. It is good that it reflects the light from the side sconces. A volumetric effect can be achieved by placing a mirror stretch film in a plasterboard “frame”.

For a romantic design ceiling will do in the form of a blue or starry sky, with a 3D cosmic pattern and elements flickering in the dark. Images of planets, large figures, it is better to avoid rich colors in the design of a small bedroom.


The choice of fabrics must be consistent with the overall style. But in any case, they should not be dark and contain large prints. It is better to purchase curtains that are light, airy, and made from synthetic fabrics.

Bed linen in a small bedroom will look better in one color, diluted white shades or gray. To make sleeping comfortable, it is better to give preference to high-quality natural fabrics made of cotton, silk or linen.

Placement of furniture, appliances and accessories

When everything is in order with the decoration and the bedroom looks more spacious, it’s time to think about how to make the most of its actual space. Each type of room has its own recommendations and features.

Small square bedroom

If all sides are the same length, there are no special problems. So, the bed can be installed in the center, with the headboard against a blank or furniture wall, high chests of drawers or pencil cases on the sides, and a wardrobe against the other wall. An elevation-podium with pull-out shelves, inside which it is easy to hide clothes, bedding and various household items.

Narrow (rectangular) small bedroom

To visually balance the room, long wall It’s worth putting up photo wallpaper with a three-dimensional perspective, and installing, for example, a cabinet with a glossy surface on the opposite side. Narrow walls can be expanded with the help of horizontal stripes, which can be not only drawn, but also functional, in the form of shelves of a wide rack.

Small bedroom with non-standard layout

They have an unusual layout attic rooms, corners left after zoning or redevelopment, as well as lofts converted from non-residential premises. They can be used interesting furniture- round, oval, triangular beds, chests of drawers with beveled edges, custom-configured wardrobes, hammocks, hanging shelves. This approach will provide not only comfort and convenience, but will also give the bedroom interior a unique uniqueness.


In the sleeping area, it is better to do without bright overhead lights and overhanging large chandeliers. To create a soft atmosphere, a few spotlights on the ceiling, wall sconces and one or two comfortable floor lamps on the bedside tables will be enough.

Reflective particles or golden patterns in wall decor can add additional shimmer.

Design of a small bedroom in Khrushchev

In Soviet apartments, the usual bedroom area is 8-9 sq.m. Of course, there is not much space, but it is quite possible to place the furniture and accessories necessary for sleeping.

Achieving this is simple: you need to install a podium, raise the height of the cabinets to the ceiling, arrange storage space under the bed, and also expand the window sill, turning it into an additional work area or ladies' corner.

In children's bedrooms, it makes sense to use bunk and folding structures.

Connection with other rooms

In cramped apartments, a good solution may be to expand a small bedroom into adjacent rooms.

Combining a small bedroom with a living room

This option is usually used to divide the studio into a living room and bedroom. The area for the bed can simply be closed from prying eyes with a canopy, screen, high closet, or can also be located behind a plasterboard or plywood partition.

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The bedroom should be cozy and as comfortable as possible, because this is where we come to relax. Even a small room can be turned into the best place in a home you won't want to leave. We are in website We have collected some small tricks and tips to help you.

1. It is better to avoid walls that are too dark. Paint or wallpaper in light, clean shades visually “expands” the space.

2. But you can safely use bright colors: a colorful wall, a colorful painting, colored curtains or a bedspread will perfectly enliven the interior. But here you need to know when to stop.

3. Often the bedroom also functions as a dressing room. Bulky wardrobes for storing clothes “eat up” space. Therefore, it is worth choosing light facades, and the room will visually seem spacious.

4. As an alternative to the usual closet, you can choose a dressing room in a niche in the wall. And weightless doors in the form of curtains will maintain lightness in the interior.

5. For a seasonal wardrobe, you can install a barbell, then frequently worn items will always be at hand. And for those rarely used, shelves and mezzanines that match the walls are perfect.

6. Minimalism is an excellent style solution for small rooms. Leave only the most necessary furniture, and so that the interior does not seem boring, add interesting decorative elements.

The small dimensions of the bedroom are not a reason to leave the interior boring and ordinary. Original design solutions and use modern materials finishes of different textures and colors provide ample opportunities to decorate bedroom interior at the proper level.

« Felix Mizioznikov/»

To properly organize the room, choose furniture, decoration, learn all the tricks and methods of decoration, we recommend that you read the information given in the article.

How to choose a style for a small bedroom

The task of choosing a style is a priority, since it must arrange the elements into a single, integral, harmonious composition. Both classical rigor and modernist solutions are appropriate here. The most common styles are the following.

Modern style

Modern style is always relevant, performed with a simple furnishings, no frills, and laconic forms. The emphasis is on main element- bed, as well as lamps, sconces and windows.

Moderation is observed in wall decoration; piling up of surfaces is unacceptable. big amount paintings, photographs or panels. The color scheme is harmonious and discreet. The use of metal, glass or mirror materials is encouraged.


Classic – popular, never lost fresh ideas, style for a small bedroom. The dominant colors are classic gray, pale pink and light brown shades, which are complemented by gold, silver and black gloss. Particular attention is paid to textiles: smooth, pleasant to the touch fabrics, preferably natural.


French Provence for the interior will not leave indifferent lovers of romance and refined natures. A light, airy atmosphere is created by natural textiles and patterns in the form of stripes, checks or floral patterns.

Suitable for walls paper wallpaper with a discreet pattern, natural materials for finishing. The highlight of the “rustic” interior is furniture self made made of wood. Many designers use the aging effect in Provence for cabinets, chests of drawers, cabinets, and sideboards. This adds touching and coziness to the overall picture of the bedroom.


Minimalism is designed specifically for organizing this type of bedroom. The main aspects are lightness and airiness of free space. Characteristic features include low furniture, wardrobes, spotlights and natural finishing materials.

In the design, be sure to use no more than three colors, the brightest of which should fill smallest area. The walls are made plain, without applying ornaments or designs.


Loft-style bedrooms resemble an attic, warehouse or production room. Despite unusual combination, there are many fans of this interior. Features include bare walls, increased contrasts, transformable furniture, and natural cold shades.

Panoramic window overlooking the city – great idea, which will emphasize the overall impression of an urban interior.

When choosing from the proposed solutions, you should be guided solely by your taste preferences, not forgetting the general stylistic orientation of the entire apartment or cottage.

Wallpaper for a small bedroom: what designers offer

The choice of wallpaper for gluing walls in a small bedroom is accompanied by small restrictions, namely: the absence of large patterns, too thin lines, oversaturation with too many patterns and designs, dark deep color.

It is better to choose light or pastel shades that promote peace and sleep and do not cause aggression. Vertical striped wallpaper from floor to ceiling is another plus for visual height correction.

Advice! Wallpaper with a voluminous texture is relevant in a small bedroom. Thanks to the play of light and shadow on the material, they visually enlarge the room and create an additional volume effect.

Great for bringing your design to life small space use of photo wallpaper. Choose a photo wallpaper design with perspective designs that go deeper.

This can be either a forest path or realistic skyscrapers. Modern products with a 3D effect look great on the wall behind the bed and will certainly become an individual highlight of the bedroom and visually adjust the size of the room. Wide choose Such wallpaper makes it possible to realize any interior preferences.

What curtains are suitable for a small bedroom?

Curtains are an important element of decor, so they also require careful selection. In a bedroom with a wide window, it is recommended to purchase a wide curtain, from wall to wall. It is desirable that they hang freely or are slightly gathered.

To make the space taller and more spacious, you need to choose ceiling cornice not too bulky or massive. The style of the room plays main role when selecting curtains, since each direction has its own characteristics.

The presence of a dense pattern on the curtain fabric is only possible if there are no similar patterns on the wallpaper, so that the picture does not merge into a solid spot of color.

Natural textiles for the bedroom are welcome, they breathe, let in light and air, and create a pleasant natural atmosphere.

There should not be a lot of furniture so that the space does not become cluttered. It is better to choose a bed without legs so that it looks smaller and more compact. Availability drawers, additional places storage of things is a must.

Wardrobes and chests of drawers should be multifunctional and practical, taking up minimal space. You can choose a chair that is not too bulky, to match common room, either contrasting or with bright pillows.

We arrange furniture correctly

The central place in the bedroom is given to the bed. It can be placed either in the center of the room near the wall, or in the overall composition, when the furniture is placed around the perimeter of the room.

Consider the interior of the room so that there is room for free movement. Near the bed you can place a nightstand or glass coffee table. The cabinet can be built-in or small in size.

Advice! Big and wide bed- this is certainly convenient, but inappropriate in a compressed space. Considering the size of the room, choose a small or medium berth, or one with a pull-out design. A bunk bed is suitable for children's rooms.

A small bedroom cannot do without a mirror

Availability mirror surfaces almost indispensable in a small bedroom. The effect will surprise you, because the reflection of objects will visually enlarge the surrounding space.

The mirror can be used above the bed in the form of a horizontal strip. Mirror inserts on cabinet doors look interesting. Mirror chips may be present in the design of the ceiling or even wall panel in a spectacular frame on the wall.

Ceiling finishing: what is important to know?

The ceiling for a small bedroom creates airiness and lightness, so the color is chosen from a light palette, in accordance with the overall style decision.

Stretch ceilings are popular because they allow you to create interesting multi-level differences on the ceiling. It can be mounted from glossy pvc films, which partially reflects the objects below, or install a matte or satin version of pastel colors that promote calm and relaxation.

Selecting lighting and lighting fixtures

Lighting does not have to be in the form of a central chandelier. Spotlights do an excellent job of their functions. If you place them on levels or build them into the ceiling, you get an interesting idea.

With the help of modern sconces and lamps, you can zone the room in the dark, delimiting the place for sleeping and waking.

Color scheme for small bedrooms

Light finishing options will make a small bedroom cozy, modern and comfortable. Doesn't have to be used purely white, choose shades to suit your taste, avoiding gloomy, gloomy palettes.

Focus on the side of the world where the windows face. The north side is harmonious with warm notes of color, the south - with cool shades. Bright decoration elements will enliven a monotonous, boring atmosphere.

At the head of the bed you need to organize a corner that attracts attention: a bright color, photo wallpaper or a cozy carpet.
