Pink balcony. Peach color of the facade of the house: how to paint the walls correctly. Peach and brown

The color of the walls shapes the atmosphere in the house. From him the right choice It depends on what emotions you will experience while in the room: inspiration and relaxation or, conversely, fatigue and irritation. The same can be said about the interior of a loggia or balcony, which often play modern apartment the role of a full-fledged living room. Choice color range for these premises has its own characteristics. To decide what color to paint the balcony, you need to take into account the small dimensions of this room, the general style of the interior, as well as the openness of its walls to ultraviolet radiation. We will try to understand all the intricacies of these issues today.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a color?

From physics course we know that a dark surface attracts and absorbs light waves. While light is reflective. If you make light walls and a dark floor, the light will be reflected from the former and absorbed by the latter. This way you can make the floor warmer. For a balcony facing south or east, rich, intense wall colors are more suitable. If the windows of the loggia face north, then light pastel colors are preferred.

Good to know!
Sunlight can warm, but under its influence the paint fades. And this is more noticeable, the more saturated and bright the color. This primarily applies to black.

While the sun often turns white in color yellow tint. Least susceptible to this negative influence shades of gray. Therefore, if you intend to make a thorough renovation and not update it for a long time, then you should pay attention to this color for the loggia.

If the windows face north, then light colors in the decoration are preferable

The influence of color on the human psyche

According to observations, the color scheme in a room can influence a person’s mental state. So the red color encourages action and activates. Shades of blue calm and enhance concentration. Yellow tones you up nervous system, gives strength.

A room with orange walls is a good place to relax, recover after a hard day, and also to engage in creativity. However, its excess in the interior leads to absent-mindedness.

Green and light green stimulate mental activity and improve vision. White color is associated with space. But its excess in the absence of other colors makes the room uncomfortable. Purple helps reduce anxiety and encourages creativity.

Color combinations

The right combination of colors on the balcony can change the visual perception of the room. To visually “spread” small space, just paint the walls in pastel colors. You can reduce the length of a long loggia. By making the smaller wall darker in relation to the others.

Using paint in a soft, muted color, you can hide defects and surface irregularities, making them less noticeable. To achieve what is needed visual effect, the interior usually combines several colors. Let's take a closer look at their compatibility with each other.

  • White. Universal background color. Combines with almost all shades of the palette.
  • Orange walls are combined with a green carpet or flooring. It is important that all interior colors have the same degree of saturation.
  • Shades of pink and beige. With their help, you can implement a popular architectural technique on the balcony - zoning. For example, if the base color of the walls is milky, then by painting one of the walls in a rich fuchsia shade and choosing carpeting the color of baked milk, we get an excellent relaxation area.
  • Spice color. If desired, you can design the interior of a loggia or balcony in the exotic style of a North African home. For this, warm, rich tones of oriental spices such as hot cinnamon, turmeric and cardamom are suitable. They harmonize perfectly with the light yellow and beige main colors of the walls. Furniture in mahogany or wenge color will complement the interior.
  • Blue. This cool color is ideal for a balcony. Especially if you plan to turn it into a recreation area. It is both calming and relaxing. The light blue color of the loggia fits well with the rich blue on the walls and gray shades for ceiling and floor.
  • Earthy natural shades evoke an association with the natural environment and its natural colors. An example of a successful combination of such shades: warm texture wood paneling harmoniously coexists with the surfaces of sand and brown colors. This creates a warm atmosphere that is soothing and pleasing to the eye.

White color goes well with any other color

Taking into account the surface texture

The method of finishing the walls, ceiling and floor makes its own adjustments to the perception of the same color. A surface covered with plasterboard and clapboard will look different. So, let's take into account what the paint looks like:

  • on a rough wall - darker;
  • on smooth - lighter;
  • on the polished one it is colder;
  • on matte - warmer.

We adjust the space of the loggia and balcony using color

The use of contrasts is a proven design technique. Using intensive dark shades in combination with light pastel colors, you can visually improve the shape of the room. The following are options for how this principle is implemented in practice.

Dark walls + light ceiling + dark floor.
A classic universal interior option that uses stretching from light to dark tones. The right combination shades help balance the load between vertical and horizontal planes. The color of furniture and accessories is chosen in a cold or warm tone, based on the overall tone of the balcony.

Dark walls + light ceiling + dark floor

Light ceiling + bright walls + dark floor.
This option is suitable if you need to visually raise a ceiling that is too low. For the walls on the balcony, a thick and rich color, perhaps with vertical stripes, is suitable. The ceiling can be puttied and painted with white paint, and a dark color can be laid on the floor. flooring. Thus, white ceiling it will seem to “hover” over the balcony. The illusion will be enhanced by a dark floor, adding depth to the space. If the proportions of the loggia are too distorted (narrow and long balcony), then painting one of the walls white or using light long curtains near the frame will help to visually correct this.

Light ceiling + bright walls + dark floor

Dark floor + light walls + dark ceiling.
This color scheme used in apartments with very high ceilings. To answer the question: “What color should you paint the balcony walls?”, you need to decide what effect you want to achieve. If the room has a very low ceiling, then you can “lower” it by painting it in warm shades, because they visually make objects closer, unlike cold tones.

In the opposite case, if the ceiling is low, then you can “raise” it using a 2-level ceiling, painted in contrasting colors (make the lower tier dark and the upper tier light). This is how they achieve additional volume and deepening of the space upward.

Dark floor+light walls+dark ceiling

Light walls and ceiling + dark floor.
On a small balcony with low ceiling You can use a dark floor covering (for example, laminate). To prevent it from visually “lowering” the already low ceiling, you need to “lighten” the remaining surfaces in the room as much as possible, making them light, as if weightless. The picture will be complemented by white skirting boards and cornices, as well as transparent tulle on the windows. You can put a small light rug on the floor. You shouldn’t clutter up precious square meters with bulky furniture.

One of the design options with a dark floor and light walls and the ceiling

You need to choose the color of the balcony, taking into account various factors. Among them are the compatibility of shades, the influence of a particular color on a person’s mood and the size of the balcony. The latter are often far from ideal. This shortcoming can also be visually corrected through the competent use of contrasting colors.

A small room can be properly equipped and enlarged in this way usable area apartments. The design of the loggia is preceded by careful insulation. In this article, the photo shows a selection of ideas for decoration.

Coffee table and wicker chairs on the balcony 3 sq. m. Light tulle adds comfort and does not weigh down the space. The soft carpet allows you to take off your shoes while sitting in a chair without getting cold on the tiled floor.

Repair of a small balcony. The walls are covered with gypsum plasterboard, upper layer finishing - wallpaper for painting. For the arrangement, a compact cabinet and a small glass table, which do not take up much space.

Oriental style in design. The secret of this style consists of little things: warm colors in the decoration, textile furniture, soft lighting, Moroccan lamps. Here you can equip a hookah room. The presence of a radiator allows you to use the place to relax all year round.

  • To enlarge a small room (2, 3 or 4 sq. m), you can make an additional extension when installing double-glazed windows. This method can increase the room by 30 cm;
  • If removal is not possible, you should turn to visual expansion methods. To do this you need to use
  • Regardless of the repair method, finishing materials must match the chosen style.

Loggia furniture

  • To be able to transform the space, it is better to purchase folding furniture models;
  • Instead of a bed that will take up the entire area, you can use a hammock for the relaxation area. If necessary, its structure is dismantled, freeing up the premises.
  • If the loggia is small, you should use compact items when decorating the interior of the room. For example, for storage they use open shelves- such designs look easy, and at the same time help to properly organize the space.

A relaxation area with a hammock and pillows allows you to use several levels at once in one space. In such a room a company of 4-6 people can gather for a pleasant conversation.

Open shelves not only serve functional role, but also decorative - they serve as a color accent in this interior.

For additional insulation, a heated floor system is suitable. Despite the additional financial costs, the result will convince you of the rationality of this action.

The role of lighting

Additional light sources allow you to fully use the space throughout the day.

It is better to think through several lighting scenarios, so you will have the opportunity to use all devices at once or only part of them.

The lighting system creates an atmosphere for relaxation in the evening. There is also a more powerful light source on the balcony. The design of the blinds on the windows allows you to regulate the flow of light in daytime optional.

A selection of design ideas

Let's look at the photographs that show.

1. Premises with an area of ​​3 square meters. m

PVC panels were chosen for covering the walls of the room. This method is one of the most practical and does not require large investments of money and time for installation. The texture of the panels perfectly complements window frames PVC, the surface of which imitates wood.

Relaxation area on the balcony with an area of ​​3 sq. m. A pastel range of shades was used as a basis, complementing the interior with active colors through decorative items, furniture, and light sources. The panel with the city's perspective fits into general idea style and creates the atmosphere of a street in Paris.

The cabinet is designed specifically to save space and maintain order - with panoramic glazing, the area is visible from the street, if there is no tinting. Ironing board does not interfere with the passage to the apartment. Furniture material - painted chipboard elements. The walls are lined with black ceramic tiles in the shape of a brick.

Design of a balcony of 3 square meters. m in black and white. Chairs, coffee table, carpet, pillows, dishes and decorative items - everything is designed in the same style.

Modern interior. Finishing with natural materials - wood, decorative plaster, textiles.

Decorative plaster in the design of a hookah room (3 sq. m).

2. Loggia - continuation of the apartment

Two rooms are combined into one. Placed in the balcony part dressing table with pouf and built-in wardrobe.

The loggia continues the idea of ​​living room design. Behind sliding system Residents read books from glass without being distracted by extraneous sounds in the apartment. If you open the partition, you can thereby increase the area of ​​the room.

Country style in the interior of the work area.

3. Kitchen

Not everyone needs a kitchen that takes up a lot of space. In the space of an insulated balcony you can make a kitchen with a compact set, a dining area, hob domino, coffee machine or microwave.

Mini-set on the balcony in a studio apartment with a sink and domino hob.

Full dining area can be replaced with a bar counter, which will take up less space.

The window sill serves as a bar counter. Decoration Materials: ceramic tile, linoleum.

4. Children's room

Creative corner for children's activities.

The loggia is combined with the adjacent nursery.

5. Office

Interior in country style with a workplace.

Decorative stone, paintable wallpaper and moldings are used in the cabinet design. The backlight effectively reveals the texture of the material.

It is better to order furniture for arranging an office in a workshop according to individual sizes. Thus, the interior of the room will be as convenient as possible for further use.

Visualization of a home office in modern style on a loggia with panoramic glazing.

Sewing workshop.

A cozy place to work at the computer.

6. Space for relaxation

Despite the small area, the recreation room allows you to retire from the general space of the apartment.

Swing chair in room design.

Mini living room with sofa.

Modern interior style.

Place to stay in small room. The base is used to store various items.

7. Green corner

The plants will be comfortable on the loggia; here they will not lack natural light.

A shelf for flowers on a balcony greenhouse.

Recreation area and winter garden.

A flower garden can operate all year round if the room is insulated, or be seasonal.

To arrange flowers, open shelves are installed, special shelves or shelves are created.

8. Terrace

Balcony terrace. Wicker furniture, bamboo curtains and indoor flowers. The parapet is covered with wooden clapboard. Brick walls the houses are painted white.

Natural furniture materials, street lamps and decorative stone in wall decoration - all this creates the atmosphere summer terrace even in winter cold.

9. Dressing room

This method of storing things allows you to free up space in the apartment.


Photos of the 50 best ideas for the interior of a loggia

Loggia design is becoming increasingly popular, thanks to a carefully thought out interior, the modern balcony is becoming important functional space apartments. We invite you to familiarize yourself with photos and landscaping tips.

Often modern loggia owners use this room as a kind of storage room, where unnecessary things find a place. This is due to the inability to organize space and lack of imagination. We invite you to familiarize yourself with interesting loggia design options that will allow you to turn it into a real cozy corner where both the owner and the guests will feel comfortable and pleasant.

Design depends on size!

Small loggia


A loggia of 3 sq.m is a small room that, if properly decorated, will turn into a real cozy corner. Flower lovers can create a stylish greenhouse or winter garden here. Or you can make a room for relaxation out of it: put a small sofa next to it, place pots of flowers on the windowsill.

In small rooms, you should make the most of the space: you can put several shelves on the walls, which is also perfect: if necessary, it can be easily removed.

To prevent the room from losing its coziness, you should be very careful when placing accessories: they should not be bulky, pair clay pots with flowers, a picture in a frame will be quite enough. The active use of light colors will help to visually enlarge the boundaries of the room.

Middle loggia

If the loggia is of medium size – 4-6 sq.m., then the owner’s imagination is limited only by taste. In such a room you can reproduce almost any style, create a real installation from stones and living plants. Those who want to add an element of romance can install an artificial pond. Playing with light will help delineate the space.

Large loggia (more than 7 sq.m.)

In this case, the design project may involve zoning the room: a large balcony can be divided into zones by using screens and partitions. From such a loggia you can easily create a real relaxation room: put a large sofa with pillows and a table for a whole group. You can also equip a mini-gym here.

Choosing a style

When decorating a loggia, you can give real scope to your imagination: options style solution limited only by the taste of the owner. Let's look at the most common styles.


When choosing this style, you should adhere to the principle of naturalness: use only natural materials, in particular wooden boards. An excellent option would also be tiles - imitation of natural stone, decorative plaster. The ceiling and walls should be painted in light colors: it does not have to be white, you can dilute it with soft pink, blue, and beige.

On the picture - bright design open balcony.

The color scheme of the style is characterized by a wide variety:

  • White
  • Baked milk
  • Terracotta
  • Beige
  • Light orange
  • Mint

Combining these tones will create a unique flavor of the French province. To make the effect more noticeable, the colors should not be bright, it is better to use pastel colors. For furniture, a small sofa with floral upholstery or a wicker chair are perfect. Will complement the antique interior. This style is also convenient because you can successfully use old furniture: paint it white, giving it a Provencal flavor - and it will be a real decoration of your loggia. The metal table and chairs look very nice white. The final touch will be added by accessories: a forged chandelier or shelves, sofa cushions, flower pots. The abundance of fresh flowers is also welcome here.

Didn't like the Provence style? These design options are also very interesting.

Photo of the design of the children's area on the loggia.

Modern style

A very interesting option would be to design the loggia space in a modern style. Frameless furniture, wicker chairs, and trim are perfect for this design. decorative panels With original drawing. Don’t forget about accessories: original lamps, modern paintings on the walls, colored blinds or bright curtains will complete the design. Fresh flowers will add a touch of freshness. You can safely play with the color palette and use a variety of tones: both the most popular ones in the decoration of balconies are white and brown, and extravagant ones: red, deep blue, mint.


Fans oriental exotica can choose to design a loggia in the Japanese style. Wall cladding with panels depicting hieroglyphs, red-black and dark brown, will help give the room the spirit of the Land of the Rising Sun lacquered furniture, screens and partitions, bamboo blinds and mats. As a decoration, you can hang a beautiful fan on the wall, or a panel with a picture of a pretty Japanese woman, place several vases with decorative bushes bansai, multi-colored origami figures and artificial cherry blossoms would be appropriate.


To give the loggia the flavor of the Mediterranean Sea, you should use natural materials: cover the walls with wood or tiles with a suitable pattern, and install wicker chairs.

The most common colors in such an interior:

  • Turquoise
  • Mint
  • Brown
  • Olive
  • White

A striped hammock or a pair of sun loungers will fit perfectly into the interior. To create harmony, you should not overload the design with an abundance of accessories. A palm tree in a pot will be an original addition.

On the picture - interesting option window decoration on the loggia.

High tech

Fans of bold experiments will certainly appreciate high-tech loggias: they are characterized by minimalism, an abundance of glass and metal accessories, and a predominance of silver, gray and black colors. The most popular facing material is metal-look panels. To visually expand the space so inherent in this style, you should use a large number of LED lamps, placing them under.


Will help in decorating a loggia in country style. decorative stone, the presence of wooden elements, an abundance of fresh flowers, bright colors. You can hang curtains with large patterns on the windows, and lay multi-colored runners on the floor. For furniture, wooden benches, a simple table, and old chairs with bright chintz seats are preferred.


An excellent option for owners of large balconies: partitions and screens are used to divide the room into zones. Illumination should be maximum, which is why this style is especially suitable for loggias with panoramic glazing. Decorative elements are presented to a minimum; this, as a rule, comes from the realities of plant life - metal pipes, concrete, steel sheets. The furniture is the simplest, without any frills. All items in the loft interior should be in the same color scheme, usually blue or gray.

Attaching a loggia

Loggias are also convenient because they can be attached to the main room. The merger in this case can be either complete or partial (in this case, permission is not required; only the doors leading to the balcony are removed). In order to make the desired complete redevelopment in the apartment, you must first obtain permission.

Most often, loggias are combined with, here it is possible to combine without demolishing the window sill, which can be stylishly used as a bar counter. If the kitchen is small, then combining it with a loggia will help increase the usable space. Less commonly, a loggia is combined with a living room or bedroom.

A negative feature of such redevelopments is the labor-intensive process: first, it is necessary to coordinate with the housing and communal services and draw up a project. And the implementation itself will require a lot of effort and time.

About finishing options

Floor insulation

A serious step in making the loggia cozy is insulating the floor. The choice of material is important, it can be:

  • Expanded clay
  • Styrofoam
  • Mineral wool
  • Penoplex
  • Penophone

Let's look at them in more detail.

Expanded clayEasy to install, light weight, fire resistantRequires a large quantity, absorbs moisture, and is fragile. For best effect, a large layer is required, which reduces space
StyrofoamLow price, lightnessLow strength, insufficient hygroscopicity
Mineral woolLong service life, non-flammable material; ease of installationLow moisture resistance
PenoplexDurable, will last a long time, frost-resistantMade from flammable material. Quite expensive
PenophoneExcellent hydro- and thermal insulation, will save spaceUsed in conjunction with penoplex

Stages of insulation

  • Surface cleaning (vacuum the floor);
  • Laying the first layer of thin insulation (it is recommended to use solid pieces so that there are as few joints as possible; if necessary, cut them);
  • Laying the second layer;
  • Installation and fixation wooden beams(distance between longitudinal bars - 30 cm, between transverse bars - 50 cm);
  • Filling the “chambers” formed between the beams with polystyrene;
  • Alignment;
  • Laying a sheet of plywood or chipboard on top.

The process is quite labor-intensive, but if desired, it can be done with your own hands.

Wall cladding

An important stage in the improvement of the loggia is wall cladding, which allows not only to level the walls, but also to achieve noise and waterproofing, and additionally insulate the balcony.

Choosing material

The following materials can be used to cover the walls of the loggia:

  • MDF panels
  • Lining
  • Plastic panels
  • Cork
  • Decorative rock

Let's get to know them in detail.

DrywallEasy to install - even a beginner can do it!The material is afraid low temperatures(not suitable for uninsulated balconies)
MDF panelsAttractive price, wide variety of options, including imitation of natural materialsLow moisture and frost resistance; contains resin
LiningEco-friendliness, beauty, the interior acquires sophisticated chicHigh cost of high-quality materials, labor-intensive installation. Cheap material poor quality can rot, dry out
Plastic panelsMoisture resistance, ease of installation, there are models with high frost resistance; wide range of colorsThey tend to lose color brightness under the sun's rays
CorkNatural material, dampness is not a problemNo variety, expensive price
Decorative rockDurability, moisture resistance, variety of optionsIt won't be cheap

When choosing a material, you should proceed from the principle of practicality: choose the material that best suits your room. So, from brightly colored plastic panels It is better for owners of loggias on the sunny side to refuse; in this case, the choice should be clapboard or cork. Those who want to save money should think about drywall or MDF panels. If winters in your city are severe, it is better to properly insulate the walls natural stone, which, of course, is not cheap, but will last for many years.

Redevelopment options

Cabinet from the loggia

What could be better than turning a loggia into a real office: placing a small one here. Work for fresh air easy and pleasant, daylight does not harm the eyes. In the corner of even the smallest loggia you can hang shelves with books and CDs. If there is a large window sill - as work surface you can use it too.

Bedroom from the loggia

What could be more magical than a sound sleep in the fresh air! It invigorates and refreshes, gives strength and relieves negative emotions. That is why converting a loggia into a bedroom has become very popular: strict design, thick curtains that do not let in light, a compact bed. To create a summer bedroom, you can hang a hammock on the loggia.

Landscaping the loggia is not only important, but also interesting. The wealth of options allows your imagination to run wild, limited solely by the taste preferences of the owners!

Designing a loggia from the inside is a real creative process that will help you fully realize your ideas and make your dreams come true.

When operating a private home, every owner wants his home to be not only reliable and comfortable, but also attractive. In order to make the house as beautiful as possible, various styles, architectural techniques and design tricks are used to decorate the interior. However, many people forget that the building should be original and interesting not only inside, but also outside. Two main actions that need to be thought through at the design stage of a future building will help to make a house beautiful in appearance: choosing a roof design and its roofing, facade decoration and its color scheme.

When cladding the facade of a private house, it is necessary that the building fits into the surrounding landscape design, combined with the roof and pleasantly pleased the homeowners. For exterior finishing Various building materials, both natural and artificial, can be used on walls. However, not everyone has enough Money for expensive finishing, so it is replaced by a simpler and effective method façade cladding – plastering followed by painting.

This type of finishing is not only cheap, but also attractive in appearance. This coating will protect the walls of the house from external factors, allowing you to create a completed look for the building and an aesthetically attractive design. The main task when painting a facade is choosing the right color. One of the current options that designers often use is painting the facade of a private house in peach color, which is distinguished by its nobility, naturalness and originality.

The main stages of designing a peach facade

First of all, you need to choose the paint that will be used to paint the surface. To do this, you need to give preference to a well-known manufacturer, high-quality paint designed specifically for such surfaces and types of work. The specially developed paint has improved performance properties, is not susceptible to moisture, and is resistant to the formation of fungus and mold.

For example, if a private house is made of wood, then it is best to use acrylic paint; you can also use polyvinyl acetate, but it is less resistant to moisture and its effects. The characteristics of paint can be improved with the help of polymers that are added to its composition. It must be remembered that wood is a natural material that requires pre-treatment with antiseptics and impregnations that reduce the degree of exposure to external factors.

Leached brick facades are best coated with latex acrylic paint. If the walls of the facade of the house are made of concrete or plastered, then it is best to use water-dispersed acrylic paint. Silicone enamel is also a good option for plastered facades.

When choosing paint, you need to pay attention to the color scheme offered by the manufacturer. You should not give preference to universal paints suitable for exterior and interior work, as they are less wear-resistant and their service life is quite short. It is best to find out which surface a particular paint is suitable for by studying the information on the packaging.

In general, there is a rating of paints for painting facades, the leading place in which is occupied by latex and silicone acrylic enamels. After them in the ranking were water-dispersion paints, and the last acceptable option were silicate analogues. Silicate paint is durable, but it has a negative chemical ability to react with the surface of the facade, and therefore quickly loses its properties and attractive appearance.

Why is peach color for facade decoration so popular and is it possible to choose a different color? Of course, to decorate the facade you can use the entire color gamut, which includes hundreds of shades. However, experts and designers assure that only a pastel palette can be used to paint the facade of a private house, because it is quite soft and pleasant to the eye.

Bright representatives of the pastel palette: terracotta, pistachio, camel, vanilla and of course peach. At the same time, they note that it is the peach shade that can best fit a house into the surrounding landscape, making its visual appearance original and unique. It is this color that fits best into the green landscape and will emphasize the sense of taste of the owner of the house.

Paint parameters and surface preparation

When choosing paint for painting a facade peach color, you need to take into account the following parameters:

  • Paint consumption (covering power) – how much area can be painted with one liter of paint. Based on this indicator, it is calculated required amount paint and its cost.
  • Wear resistance. This factor affects the period of operation of the coating. In this case, the elasticity of the paint and the durability specified by the manufacturer are important.

For finishing works you need to take the following tools:

  • Brushes.
  • Spray gun.
  • Roller (rope roller for brick or stone facade).
  • Film and masking tape(so that the paint does not get on elements that do not need painting).
  • A set of workwear.

After this, you can proceed to preparing the surface, the features of which depend on the type of walls of the building. If this wooden surface, then it is treated with an anti-resin compound, and then special antiseptics are applied to protect the wood from fungus and mold.

In general, any surface needs high-quality cleaning, cleansing from dirt and dust. You also need to treat the walls with alkaline cleaners; if there is old paint, then its layer must be removed. If the walls have chips, cracks or other irregularities, they need to be puttied. To properly paint the facade peach, you need to prime all the walls, making them as even and smooth as possible.

Painting the facade peach color

Painting must be carried out in such a way that the joints of places painted at different times are invisible to the human eye, otherwise all the walls must be painted at once. It is best to paint from top to bottom. It is best to paint the facade late spring or early autumn, as the weather should be dry but not too hot.

If you need to reapply paint, you must wait until the first layer has dried. You need to paint with smooth movements from right to left, without stopping in visible places while working. In all hard to reach places the walls are painted small round brush or with a spray gun.

A modern balcony is more than just a couple of square meters outside the room. It has long ceased to be a place for storing unnecessary things, where it is difficult to turn around due to cramped conditions and the fear of breaking something.

Today, even a super-small balcony can be turned into a cozy corner, made into a mini-office, boudoir, relaxation area and even a winter garden. It can become a comfortable, beautiful, and most importantly, practical and functional part of the apartment.

Even a small balcony can be very functional

Where does the arrangement of a balcony begin?

Typically, a small balcony area is the lot of old houses in which the residents have lived for decades. Architects now give these premises 5 or more square meters, but previously they were generous with only two or three, or at most four. Therefore, the arrangement of the balcony must begin with the removal of rubbish from it.. It varies from apartment to apartment - bicycles, old books and cans, baby strollers and building materials left over from more than one renovation. Something that is unlikely to be useful, but it would be a shame to throw it away.

Cozy sofa and folding table

Balcony destination ideas

Having freed up the space, you can already think about what to use it for. – then its continuation will be justified: a couple of wall cabinets and a small wall table will make the balcony convenient for storing kitchen utensils and homemade preserves, as well as a place where you can not only drink a cup of coffee, but even have lunch with a small company.

Workplace on the balcony

If the balcony is in a children's room, then with proper insulation it will turn into a play or study corner. No desk or computer required large area, but they will save space in the room. It will be much more convenient for a child to solve problems and write essays on the balcony - there will be enough daylight and nothing can distract the young prodigy from studying.

Breakfast place on a small balcony

The balcony in the bedroom is suitable for a small boudoir– here you can fit several small lockers for clothes. Or turn it into a relaxation room by placing one or two chairs and a small table. And if you want to always be in sports shape, set up a mini-gym by installing treadmill or a bicycle. The balcony in the hall is the most the best place for creative fantasies - here you can arrange a place of rest, a winter garden or a library.

A place to relax - the entire balcony is occupied by a soft mattress

Insulate and glaze

Before turning a balcony into a functional room, it must be well insulated. If this is a loggia, you will need less work, if there is a hanging balcony - more hassle, building materials and costs will be needed. For insulation, you need to choose hygroscopic materials that can withstand rain, frost and summer heat. And at the same time the room will be comfortable.

Walls are usually insulated with sandwich panels. . After insulation, you need to decide whether the balcony will be open or closed: whether to glaze it or not. The second option is rarely chosen, since extra meters of space are needed in winter.

Selection of materials

Various finishing materials are used for balcony design:

  • lining – wooden and plastic;
  • tile;
  • frost-resistant plastic panels;
  • siding;
  • plaster and paint;
  • wallpaper;
  • MDF and chipboard;
  • bamboo and cork cladding;
  • drywall.

High-quality finishing of the balcony with wooden paneling

If the balcony is well insulated and glazed, any finishing materials for interior work will be suitable. If in winter the indoor temperature drops below zero, it is better to think about materials for exterior finishing.

Advice. When using wood, do not forget to impregnate it with moisture-repellent and fire-resistant materials, as well as antiseptics. Otherwise, it will be dangerous to leave the windows on the balcony open when the owners are not at home: there is a possibility of rain or a neighbor’s cigarette butt getting in.

How to choose a color

Today there is a large selection of colors and quality of finishing materials on the market. But not everyone is suitable for a small balcony. It is better to choose a light color - in a small room it will look more natural, visually increasing the area. More often, designers give preference to warm pastel colors - if the balcony is on shadow side, and cold light shades - if in the sun.

Decorating the walls of the balcony in the color of the room

Beige, light green, blue, pink, yellowish and light metallic on small balconies they look harmonious. Especially if the shade matches the main color next room. This way the room will look like one, with a functional division into zones.

Advice. Materials for finishing the balcony should be selected taking into account the size of the space.

A tree, which gives coziness to a room, is not always justified in a very small area, since it will visually reduce it. But if, nevertheless, the choice fell on it, then it is better to choose a light color. Amber shades look good. But it is worth remembering that in a few years wooden lining will darken slightly.

Decorating the balcony with decorative stone

The same goes for choosing a stone or decorative plaster– they should not be dark and too textured so as not to “eat up” even a couple of centimeters of the scarce area. The combination of these materials on the balcony looks very effective.

How to “enlarge” a balcony

There are several secret design techniques, which help to visually enlarge small balcony meters:

  • Making an accent on more than one wall will create an optical expansion of the area. For this you can use something other than general color or finishing material. This technique is especially suitable for narrow balconies.
  • On a narrow balcony, one of the end walls can be decorated with a panel with flowers - many small bright flowerpots will add harmony to the area.
  • Wall decoration with a panel with flowers

  • An end cabinet or cabinet is also suitable for a narrow room, especially if it is finished with bamboo or gloss.
  • Use glossy and mirror surfaces. To visually increase the width, you can end wall decorate it with glossy PVC, or even easier - hang a mirror.
  • To increase the height of the balcony, using vertical lines is suitable - you can choose striped tiles or wallpaper.
  • So that the irregular shape of the room does not visually reduce it, it can be “leveled” with the right finishing materials. The corners on the balcony in the shape of an iron or a boat can be decorated with stone.
  • Sofa for relaxing on the balcony

  • In the corners of irregularly shaped balconies, you can focus on some piece of furniture - hang a cabinet there or place a large flowerpot: this way the area will not seem ridiculous.
  • Photo wallpapers visually enlarge a small space, art painting, frescoes and today’s fashionable 3D decoration. Modern technologies allow you to realize any design pattern: the walls can be painted by hand or covered with a canvas with a pattern. The result will be a cozy and slightly virtual design shade.
  • In the case of a hanging balcony, you should think about moving the windows outside the perimeter of the walls in order to gain a few tens of square centimeters. But the design will require additional insulation.
  • Which style to choose for the balcony

    The interior of the balcony should be a continuation of the room, so the style in its design must also be taken into account. Any room needs not only good repair, but also correct design, because being in it should be pleasant and comfortable.

    European style balcony design

    The choice of style depends only on the preferences of the owners. But if they love classicism, then on a small balcony it is better to abandon it - massiveness, gilding and silk will look ridiculous here. But rococo or baroque are very suitable - due to their lightness and airiness. The main color is always light.

    Provence and Mediterranean style

    On a small balcony Provence or Mediterranean style. They are suitable for relaxation - with a cup of coffee and reading interesting book in a rocking chair. The main colors for them are blue, light turquoise, sand, and cream. For furniture, tables and chairs made of wicker or rattan are suitable, but all wicker must be moisture-resistant.

    Wicker furniture on the balcony in Provence style

    A Provence-style balcony can be successfully finished with textured plaster or light stone, even bricks of not too bright shades will do. For furniture, it is better to give preference to forged shelving and cabinets. If space does not allow, simply place a beautiful flower stand. One or two lanterns-sconces will fit well into the interior, especially if they have an ornate metal finish. Roller blinds in pastel colors are suitable for curtaining windows.

    White main background with bright objects

    Provence and Mediterranean style necessarily require a lot of indoor plants - light color walls can be combined with bright flowerpots of the same color scheme: blue flowerpots are suitable for blue walls, chocolate flowerpots for beige walls, and the color of bright lemon will look great on light yellow ones. If the balcony area is only a couple of meters, you can avoid cluttering it with furniture at all and arrange a small winter garden or greenhouse here. Or even a greenhouse - there is always enough space for a couple of tomato bushes, cucumbers and herbs even on a very small balcony.

    Country and oriental style

    This rustic style is perfect for a balcony, especially a kitchen one. Country is the most versatile style; it is suitable for both economical design budgets and quite generous ones. Pastel shades are also chosen for walls, but for bright “spots”, crimson, terracotta and rich colors are suitable. Blue colour. Such bright points can be small light bulbs, flowerpots, photographs.

    Finishing the walls with dark lining and the floor with decking boards

    Furniture should only be wooden - this is a country feature. If the space allows, then you can hang one or two cabinets or install a cabinet. If there is a shortage of meters, come up with something folding table and a couple of beautiful stools or chairs. The table can even be made hanging and attached to the wall, and unfolded only when necessary. If the balcony is square, you can install a wooden bench along one of the walls and even place a rustic chest. It can be used for storing fruits and vegetables and for sitting.

    Country style on a small balcony

    Ideally, window frames should also be wooden; country furniture will not accept modern plastic. But if you still have to install it, it is better to choose the color of wood and with a wide window sill, on which you can place a lot of cozy “country” things - ceramic pots, wicker baskets and bright flowerpots with flowers.

    Balcony interior with oriental motifs

    Textiles must match the style: for country, it will be chintz or linen curtains in a checkered or floral pattern. The tablecloth on the table and a couple of pillows on the bench should be the same. Modern options for plastic blinds would be inappropriate for such a balcony. Woven multi-colored rugs will look good on the floor - just like in grandma’s village.

    Decoration in oriental style

    The oriental style is not often chosen: it is justified for a balcony in the bedroom of a teenage girl or a married couple. In this case, the walls should be painted with intricate patterns, a trestle bed or lounger should be placed, and covered with an oriental blanket. Bright decorative pillows will also fit well into the interior. And light curtains with oriental patterns.
