Oak plant: photos, types, cultivation, planting and care in open ground. Sacred Oak Oak with sharp leaves name

There are several interesting facts about oak: At the Paris exhibition in 1900, an oak ridge was demonstrated, cut from a 485-year-old oak tree with a height of 31 m and a diameter of 169 cm. This oak was cut down in the Bolshesursky forest dacha of the Kurmysh forestry of the Simbirsk province, that is, on the territory of the modern Sumerlinsky forestry enterprise of the Chuvash Republic.

And in 1861, in the Yadrinsky district of the Kazan province, an oak tree “50 feet long” (that is, 15 m in height) and “48 inches in the top cut” (diameter 213 cm) was cut down. This tree was estimated to be 500 years old; at that time it was completely fresh, healthy and still growing in volume...

The oak was a sacred tree of many peoples, including the ancient Slavs and Celts, and was worshiped as a deity. Even today it remains a symbol of courage and perseverance, and not just, so to speak, “impenetrability”... By the way, seeing an oak tree strewn with acorns in a dream means well-being and career growth.

English oak (summer, English, common) ( Quercus robur). © Leafland

Botanical description

Oak (Quercus) is a genus of deciduous or evergreen trees of the beech family. The leaves are alternate, simple, pinnately divided, lobed, toothed, sometimes entire. Oak flowers are small, inconspicuous, unisexual, monoecious; staminate - in long hanging catkins, pistillate - single or several, sessile or on a peduncle. The fruit is a single-seeded acorn, partially enclosed in a cup-shaped woody plus.

Oak grows slowly, at first (up to 80 years) - stronger in height, later - in thickness. Typically forms a deep tap root system. Produces abundant growth from the stump. Photophilous. Some types of oak are drought-resistant, quite winter-hardy and have little demands on soils. Begins to bear fruit from 15-60 years of age, open places earlier than in plantations. It reproduces mainly by acorns. For sowing, acorns collected in the same year are used, because they quickly lose their viability. There are about 450 species of oak in the temperate, subtropical and tropical zones of the Northern Hemisphere. In Russia - 20 (according to other sources, 11) wild species in the European part, the Far East and the Caucasus; 43 species of oak trees are grown in cultivation.

The greatest importance in forestry is English oak, or summer ( Quercus robur), - a tree up to 40-50 m high and 1-1.5 m in diameter. The leaves are elongated, obovate, with 5-7 pairs of short lobes, on petioles up to 1 cm long. There are 1-3 acorns on the stalk. It blooms simultaneously with the leaves blooming from 40-60 years. Fruits abundantly every 4-8 years. With side shading it grows quite quickly, but requires good lighting from above. Lives up to 400-1000 years. Distributed in the European part of Russia, the Caucasus and almost all Western Europe. In the northern part of the range it grows along river valleys, to the south it reaches watersheds and forms mixed forests with spruce, and in the south of the range there are pure oak forests; in the steppe zone it is found in ravines and ravines. One of the main forest-forming species of broad-leaved forests in Russia.

Close to English oak Sessile oak, or winter ( Q. petraea), with almost sessile (2-3) acorns, found in the west of the European part of Russia, in the Crimea and the North Caucasus. Grows in the eastern part of the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia Georgian oak (Q. iberica) with leathery leaves and sessile (1-2) acorns; in the high mountain zone of these regions it grows Large anther oak (Quercus macranthera) with densely pubescent shoots and acorns sessile or on a short stalk. The main species of valley forests in Eastern Transcaucasia is Long-legged oak (Q. longipes). An important forest-forming species of the Far East - Mongolian oak (Q. mongolica) - frost-resistant and drought-resistant tree.

Oak wood has high strength, hardness, durability and beautiful texture (pattern on the section). It is used in shipbuilding and underwater structures, because does not rot; used in carriage building, furniture, carpentry, cooperage, house construction, etc. Bark of some types ( Cork oak- Q. suber) gives a cork. The bark and wood contain tannins (tannids) used to tan leather. The dried bark of young branches and thin trunks of the English oak is used as an astringent in the form of an aqueous decoction for rinsing in inflammatory processes in the mouth, pharynx, pharynx, as well as for lotions in the treatment of burns. Acorns are used as a substitute for coffee and as feed for pigs and some other agricultural products. animals. Many types, for example Chestnut oak(Q. castaneifolia), grown in gardens and parks as ornamental plants.

Growing oak

Oak acorns, unlike the seeds of the vast majority of our other trees, do not remain viable when dried and stored for a long time at room temperature. Therefore, it is necessary either to sow them in the fall before snow falls and the soil freezes, or to provide them with special storage conditions. Autumn sowing is the simplest, but there is a serious risk of damage to some of the acorns by rodents.

For spring sowing Oak acorns must be properly preserved. The best storage conditions are created at low (about 0° or slightly higher) temperature, high humidity and moderate ventilation. Acorns can be stored in the basement, in which potatoes are well preserved in winter; You can also bury them in the fall into the soil to a depth of at least 20 cm, covering the top with a sheet of waterproof material, leaving a layer of air between this sheet and the acorns and providing protection from mice. In any case, healthy acorns without external damage should be stored for winter, preferably collected in dry weather and dried at room temperature for a week. Any special preparation of seeds that have survived the winter before sowing is not required.

Before sowing, evaluate the quality of the acorns by opening several of them. Living oak acorns have yellow cotyledons, and at the point where they connect to each other there is a living (yellow or red-yellow) embryo. Dead acorns are black or gray inside. It is not always possible to distinguish living acorns from dead ones by external signs. Soaking acorns in a container of water gives good results - dead acorns mostly float, live acorns mostly sink (if there are a lot of acorns, then this method of separating the dead from the living can be recommended, but a small part of the living acorns will be lost).

If you were unable to stock up on acorns in the fall, then in some years (after a large harvest of acorns and in the event of a “failure” of mice, and if the winter was not very frosty) you can collect live and sprouting acorns in the nearest forest or park. It is necessary to collect germinating acorns early in the spring, almost immediately after the snow melts, otherwise you will find damaged roots in many acorns. Collected oak acorns must either be sown immediately or stored until sowing in such a way that the roots do not dry out (for example, mixed with wet leaves in a plastic box placed in a refrigerator or cold basement). Even during short-term storage, care must be taken to ensure that germinating acorns do not become moldy (damaged ones should be thrown away immediately), and ventilation should be ensured. The faster you can sow the acorns collected in the spring, the more of them will be able to develop into seedlings.

Oak acorns. © Twid Sprouted oak acorn. © Beentree

Sowing acorns

When sowing acorns, mark parallel furrows on the bed at a distance of 15–25 cm from each other. Place acorns in the furrows at the rate of 15–50 pieces. per 1 m of furrow length, depending on the quality and size (if the acorns are large and almost all are alive, then they should be laid out less often, if they are small and with a large proportion of dead and doubtful ones, they should be placed more densely). If you plan to plant on permanent place annual oak seedlings, then acorns should be sown even less frequently - at a distance of 7–10 cm from each other (this will ensure maximum growth of each tree). Press the acorns into the bottom of the furrow so that they are at a depth of 2–3 cm relative to the soil surface when spring planting and 3–6 cm – in autumn. After this, level the furrow by covering the acorns with soil.

Acorns take a very long time to germinate. First, they develop a powerful root, reaching a length of several tens of centimeters, and only after that the stem begins to grow. Therefore, oak sprouts can appear on the soil surface only a month and a half after the start of germination. Do not rush to conclude that your oak trees are dead and dig up the bed with crops (as the experience of novice amateur foresters shows, this happens). If in doubt, try digging up a few acorns. If their roots have grown, then the acorns are alive.

Caring for oak seedlings

Oak seedlings suffer significantly less from weeds and soil drying out than seedlings coniferous trees(due to the supply of nutrients in the acorn, large roots and leaves immediately develop). However, try to always keep the crops free of weeds and provide water during severe drought, especially if you want to produce large seedlings in one year. Stop all additional watering about a month and a half before the time when massive leaf fall begins in your area - this will allow oak seedlings to better prepare for wintering (oak growth that is too late often freezes in winter).

In summer, oak seedlings are often affected by powdery mildew, a fungal disease. Powdery mildew is not capable of killing oak seedlings, but can significantly reduce their growth. With strong development of powdery mildew (if white coating will cover more than half the area of ​​all leaves) seedlings can be treated with a 1% solution copper sulfate or 1% sulfur suspension. Oak seedlings can be grown for two years in one place without transplanting, or they can be transplanted into a “school” in the second year. The second method is preferable, since it allows the formation of a more compact and branched root system, which suffers less when transplanted to a permanent place (in two-year-old seedlings grown without replanting, the length of the main root can be more than a meter, and it is almost impossible to replant them without damaging the root).

Transplanting oak seedlings into a “school” should be done in the spring, preferably as early as possible, so that the root system damaged during replanting has time to partially recover before the leaves bloom (it is also important that the soil is still moist during replanting). When replanting, cut the main root of each oak seedling at a distance of 15-20 cm from the place where the acorn was located (in most seedlings, the remains of the acorn are still visible in the second year). This will allow the formation of a more compact root system. You can not cut off the main root, but in this case it will be very difficult to dig up two-year-old seedlings without seriously damaging their root system.

Oak seedlings. © Elektryczne jabłko

In the “school”, place rows of seedlings at a distance of 25–30 cm from each other, and seedlings in a row – at intervals of 12–15 cm. When planting under each oak seedling, make a hole 20–25 cm deep with a stake or the handle of a shovel (the depth of the hole should be such that when planting the seedling, the place of attachment of the acorn is 2–3 cm below the soil surface). Insert the seedlings into the holes (the main root of oak seedlings, unlike the roots of conifers, is hard and straight and is inserted into the holes without problems). Then fill the holes with soil and compact it with your hands so that the soil fits more tightly to the roots of the seedlings.

In the first weeks after transplantation, transplanted oak seedlings suffer greatly from root damage - the leaves bloom quite slowly, and the growth of shoots is relatively small. Nevertheless, by mid-summer the normal development of seedlings is restored, and by autumn, as a rule, large seedlings (30–50 cm high) are obtained that are quite suitable for planting in a permanent place. If the size of the seedlings by autumn leaves much to be desired, then only the largest ones can be selected for transplantation, and the rest left in the “school” for another year.

If you are transplanting annual oak seedlings to a permanent location (this is quite possible if planting is done in areas with low grass cover or on plowed soil), then do not cut the main roots of the seedlings - try to preserve as much of their length as possible. The root system of an annual oak seedling is represented mainly by a long and straight taproot with weak and short lateral roots, so for replanting it is enough to make a narrow hole of appropriate depth using a stake or a shovel handle.

Types of oak

English oak (summer, English, or common) - Quercus robur

It is found naturally in the European part of Russia, Central and Western Europe. A very powerful tree up to 50 m tall, in closed plantings with a slender trunk, highly cleared of branches, in single plantings in open areas - with a short trunk and a wide, spreading, low-set crown. Lives 500-900 years.

English oak (Quercus robur). © 2micha

The bark on trunks up to 40 years is smooth, olive-brown, later grayish-brown, almost black. The leaves are alternate, close together in bunches at the top of the shoots, leathery, oblong, obovate, up to 15 cm long, with an elongated apex and 3-7 pairs of blunt, lateral lobes of unequal length. The blades are entire or with 1-3 teeth, often with ears at the base of the leaf blade. The leaves are shiny, bare, dark green above, lighter below, sometimes with sparse hairs. In spring, the oak blooms late, one of the last among our trees. The oak tree blooms in April-May, when it still has very small leaves. The flowers are unisexual, monoecious, very small and inconspicuous. Male or staminate flowers are collected in peculiar inflorescences - long and thin, yellowish-greenish hanging earrings, reminiscent of hazel earrings. Acorns up to 3.5 cm, 1/5 covered with plus, ripen in early autumn.

Grows slowly, maximum growth energy in 5-20 years. It is moderately light-loving and, thanks to its powerful root system, is wind-resistant. It does not tolerate excessive soil moisture, but can withstand temporary flooding for up to 20 days. It prefers deep, fertile, fresh soils, but is able to grow in any soil, including dry and saline soils, which makes it indispensable in green construction in many regions of Russia. It has high drought and heat resistance. One of the most durable breeds, some sources indicate a life expectancy of up to 1500 years.

Has powerful energy. Oak in Rus' was considered a sacred tree. In springs located in oak forests, the water has an excellent taste and is particularly clean.

Propagated by sowing acorns, decorative forms by grafting and green cuttings. Renews well with growth from the stump. Acorns do not tolerate drying out; as soon as they lose even a small part of the water, they die. They rot easily in warm conditions and are very sensitive to cold and frost. This circumstance presents a certain difficulty in preserving acorns for seeds. In nature, there is no such problem: acorns that fall in the forest in late autumn overwinter in a damp litter of leaves under a thick layer of snow, which protects them from both drying out and frost. The germination of an acorn resembles the germination of a pea: its cotyledons do not rise above the soil surface, like many plants, but remain in the ground. A thin green stalk rises up. At first it is leafless, and only after some time small leaves appear on its top.

In nature, it is found along the banks of rivers, where there is no stagnation of water in the soil, north of the 35th parallel of the North American continent, up to Canada. Tree up to 25 m in height.

A slender tree with a dense tent-shaped crown.

Red oak (Quercus rubra). © Jean-Pol GRANDMONT

The trunk is covered with thin, smooth, gray bark, cracking in old trees. Young shoots are reddish-felt, annual shoots are reddish-brown, smooth. The leaves are deeply notched, thin, shiny, up to 15-25 cm, with 4-5 pointed lobes on each side of the leaf, reddish when blooming, dark green in summer, lighter below, scarlet-red in autumn, before falling, in young trees , the old ones are brownish-brown. It blooms at the same time as the leaves bloom. Acorns are spherical in shape, up to 2 cm, red-brown, as if chopped off at the bottom; unlike pedunculate oak, they ripen in the fall of the second year. Fruits steadily and abundantly from 15-20 years. When young it grows faster than European oaks.

Frost-resistant. Moderately light-loving, easily tolerates lateral shading, but prefers full illumination of the crown top. Not drought-resistant. It is wind-resistant, not very demanding on soil fertility, can withstand even acidic reactions, however, does not tolerate calcareous and wet soils. Resistant to pests and diseases, including powdery mildew - the scourge of our oaks. Has high phytoncidal properties. Due to its high decorative value, resistance to adverse environmental factors, and magnificent autumn decoration, it deserves the widest use in green construction, for creating single and group plantings, alleys, arrays, lining roads and streets.

In nature, it is found in the southern Crimea, the northern part of Transcaucasia, southern Europe and Asia Minor. Tree up to 10 m tall. Durable.

Downy oak (Quercus pubescens). © Petr Filippov

Significantly inferior in size to previous species, with a low, winding trunk and a wide crown, sometimes even a shrub. Young shoots are heavily pubescent. Leaves are 5-10 cm long, very variable in shape and size, with 4-8 pairs of blunt or pointed lobes, dark green above, glabrous, below gray-green, pubescent. The scales of the plush surrounding the acorn are also fluffy.

It grows slowly, is light- and heat-loving, lives on dry rocky slopes and soils containing lime. Tolerates haircuts well. A valuable species for green building in arid areas, it grows on rocky soils where other species do not develop. An excellent material for tall hedges and curly, trimmed forms.

Homeland - eastern North America. Grows in forests along with other species of oak and hazel, on various soils, but better on deep, rich, well-drained, limestone; in the north of the range it extends no higher than 200 m above sea level. sea, in the south up to 1500 m above sea level. seas.

White oak (Quercus alba). ©Msact

A large beautiful tree up to 30 m, with powerful spreading branches forming a wide, tent-shaped crown. The shoots are bare, the trunk bark is gray, shallowly cracking. Remarkable for its very large, oblong-oval leaves, up to 22 cm, with 5-9 blunt lobes; when blooming - bright red, in summer - bright green, with a whitish-gray underside. In autumn, the leaves turn dark red or violet-purple. Acorns up to 2.5 cm, covered by a quarter of the plus. Seeds are stored for spring sowing in semi-moist sand. In autumn, they are sown immediately after harvesting and air drying. Seed germination remains until the spring of next year. Soil germination 80 - 85%. Embedment depth c. 5 - 6 cm.

Homeland North America.

A slender tree up to 25 m tall, in youth with a narrow pyramidal crown, later with a broad pyramidal crown. Young shoots are thin, hanging, reddish-brown. The bark of the trunk is greenish-brown and remains smooth for a long time. Leaves are up to 12 cm long, with 5-7 deeply cut serrated lobes, almost to the middle of the leaf, bright green above, lighter below, with tufts of hairs in the corners of the veins. In autumn - bright purple. Acorns are sessile, almost spherical, up to 1.5 cm, covered by 1/3 plus. Seeds are stored for spring sowing in semi-moist sand. In autumn s. sown after harvesting and air drying. Seed germination remains until the spring of next year. Soil germination s. 80 - 90%. Embedment depth c. 5 - 6 cm.

Swamp oak (Quercus palustris). © Willow

It grows quickly and is less frost-hardy than red oak and northern oak. It is more demanding of soil and its moisture, as it naturally grows in deep, moist soils of river banks and swamps. Tolerates city conditions well. Looks great in single, group and alley plantings, along the banks of reservoirs. In culture since the middle of the 18th century. Grows in parks of Ukraine (Chernivtsi), Belarus, Voronezh region. It's freezing in St. Petersburg.

Grows wild in eastern North America.

A beautiful deciduous tree up to 20 m tall, with a slender trunk and a wide-round (pyramidal in youth) crown. Remarkable for its original shiny green leaves, reminiscent of willow leaves (up to 12 cm in length and 2 cm in width). This similarity is even stronger in young leaves, which are heavily pubescent underneath. In autumn, the leaves turn a dull yellow color.

Willow oak (Quercus phellos). © Daderot

It is characterized by rapid growth, light-loving, unpretentious to the soil, tolerates temperatures down to -23 ºС. Used in single and group plantings. In culture since 1680.

Homeland Mediterranean, Southern Europe, North Africa, Asia Minor.

An evergreen tree up to 25 m tall, with a smooth dark gray trunk and a dense, wide-spreading crown. The shoots are grayish-tomentose, the leaves are small, up to 8 cm, highly variable in shape, leathery, shiny, dark green, yellowish or whitish-pubescent below. Acorns ripen in the second year.

It is recommended to store freshly harvested acorns in trenches. The permissible period of dry storage is until next spring. Acorns are stratified in moderately moist sand for 2 - 3 months at 2 - 5 ° C, then sown in greenhouses or ridges, where they germinate for 20 - 30 days at 0 - 15 ° C. Embedment depth c. 4 - 7 cm.

Holm oak (Quercus ilex). ©propio

It grows quickly, is quite shade-tolerant, frost-resistant, and can withstand temperatures down to -20°C without damage. Drought resistant. Grows on dry rocky slopes and all types of soil. It tolerates haircuts well and is durable. A valuable, beautiful breed for park construction in the south of Russia. It is good in group, alley and street plantings, in regular gardens - for creating dense high hedges and high walls, for which its small-leaved forms are suitable. In culture since 1819.

Grows wildly in Armenia, the Caucasus and Northern Iran. Listed in the Red Book of the USSR. Protected in the Girkansky Nature Reserve. Forms pure forests or with an admixture of other deciduous species on the ridge crests. Photophilous mesoxerophyte.

Tall, up to 30 m, a beautiful tree with a slender trunk, the bark of which remains smooth for a long time, with a wide tent-shaped crown and large leaves, reminiscent of chestnut leaves, up to 18 cm long, with large, sharp, triangular teeth. The leaves are matte, dark green, almost bare on top; below are finely pubescent, grayish-white. Acorns up to 3 cm, 1/3 covered with plus.

Chestnut oak (Quercus castaneifolia). © Mmparedes

It grows relatively quickly, is moderately frost-resistant, and not drought-resistant enough. Good for alleys, group and single plantings of parks and forest parks. Suitable for cultivation in the southwestern and southern parts of Russia, on the Black Sea coast. In culture since 1830.

A North American species that grows as a tree up to 30 m high, with a thick trunk and a spreading, tent-shaped crown. The bark on the trunk is light brown, cracking. The leaves are obovate, oblong, up to 25 cm long, deeply lobed; shiny, dark green above, whitish-green, pubescent below, acquiring a spectacular yellow-brown color in autumn. Acorns are oval, large, up to 5 cm, 1/3 covered with plus.

Seeds are stored for spring sowing in semi-moist sand in the basement. In autumn, the seeds are sown after collection and air drying. Seed germination remains until the spring of next year. Soil germination 80 - 85%. The seeding depth is 5 - 6 cm.

Large-fruited oak (Quercus macrocarpa). © Daderot

Its growth rate is almost equal to that of pedunculate oak; in terms of frost resistance it is close to it and to red oak, but is more moisture-loving than these species. Decorative, used in green building, like other types. In culture since 1826.

Diseases and pests of oak


By autumn, oak leaves often develop yellowish or yellow-pink balls - galls - the size of a small cherry. They look like tiny apples with a regular spherical shape.

Galls are painful growths of leaf tissue. The gall midge insect, which looks like a very small fly, is to blame for their appearance. The gall midge pierces the skin of the leaf with a thin, sharp ovipositor and lays an egg there. Some time after this, a “ball” grows on the leaf. If you break such a ball in late autumn, in the middle you can find a small white worm - a gall midge larva - or already adult insect. In some years, oak leaves are literally covered with galls - there are several of them on each leaf.

Gall on an oak leaf. © Fritz Geller-Grimm Gall on an oak tree. © Rasbak Gall on an oak tree. ©Saharadesertfox

Galls are sometimes called ink nuts. This name is not accidental. Our ancestors in the time of Pushkin used them to prepare black ink. How do you get ink this way? You need to prepare a decoction of nuts and add a solution of iron sulfate to it. By merging two weakly colored liquids, we obtain a completely black liquid. This chemical “trick” is explained simply. Gall contains a lot of tannins, and they have the ability, when combined with iron salts, to give a thick black color. The same can be done with tea infusion (it also contains a lot of tannins). If you add a few drops of a yellowish solution of ferric chloride to a glass of weak tea, the liquid becomes completely black.

Oak pests

Leaf-gnawing and stem pests, and fungal diseases are the most important factor increasing the drying out of oak stands. Violation of the ecological balance of oak phytocenoses, especially in oak forest monocultures, leads to disturbances in the water regime of territories, changes in light and temperature conditions in the plantation, and all together to the formation of conditions more favorable for the development of pests and diseases.

Oak is damaged by a huge number of pests and diseases. Different authors give different figures on the number of pests and diseases that damage oak. In the Tellerman forest, 184 species of foliage pests have been identified (Molchanov, 1975). Among the most common pests that damage foliage are: 5 species of silkworms, 5 species of cutworms, 6 species of moths, 8 species of moths, 8 species of sawflies, 2 species of leaf rollers, 11 species of gall moths, 2 species of psyllids, 5 species of weevils, 2 species hermes, 2 types of aphids and 3 types of plant mites. Buds and flowers are damaged by 12 species of gallworms. Acorns are damaged by 2 species of codling moths, 3 species of weevils and 1 species of gall moth. The trunk and branches are damaged by 8 species of bark beetles, 7 species of longhorned beetles, 3 species of horntails, 2 species of woodworms, 1 species of flat beetles, 3 species of gold beetles, 1 species from the family of wood borers, 1 species of wood borers (Napalkov, 1953).

Sawfly caterpillars on oak leaves. © Beentree

In Europe, 542 species of harmful insects that damage oak have been identified (Hrast Luznjak..., 1996). A total of 206 species of fungi were discovered, including zygomycetes - 3 species, mastigomycetes - 2 species, ascomycetes - 50 species, basidiomycetes - 43 species, deuteromycetes - 108 species. 1 virus was detected - tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), 14 species of bacteria (Erwinia quercicola Geprges et Bad., Erwinia valachika Geprges et Bad., Pseudomonas quercus Schem, etc.). However, the influence of viruses and bacteria as causes of oak decline has not been clearly established (Ragazzi et al., 1995).

The healing power of oak

For treatment, young bark of branches and trunks, leaves and acorns of oak are used. The bark contains acids, resins, pectin, and sugar. Acorns contain protein and tannins, starch, fatty oil, sugar. The leaves contain tannins and dyes, pentosans.

Oak bark used as an astringent, anti-inflammatory and wound healing agent. In a mixture with other plants, it is used to treat gastritis, colitis, gastrointestinal bleeding, liver and spleen diseases. A cold infusion is given internally (1 teaspoon of crushed bark is infused in 2 glasses of cold water for 6-8 hours) 2-3 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

A decoction of oak bark (1:10) is used for pharyngitis, sore throat, skin diseases, and stomatitis. To treat burns, a stronger decoction of the bark (1:5) is used. For skin diseases, an ointment is also used - one part of a thickened bark decoction to four parts of lanolin.

A warm infusion of crushed oak acorns in red wine (25% tincture) in the form of compresses is used to treat hernias, and water decoctions are recommended by folk healers for burns, skin rashes, excessive sweating legs In addition, acorns are used to make a nutritious coffee drink, which is consumed with milk and sugar.

For stomach bleeding, intestinal inflammation, poisoning with heavy metals, alkaloids, mushrooms, henbane, dope, and food poisoning, use a decoction of oak bark. For this purpose, 20 g of dry crushed raw materials are poured into 1 glass hot water, boil for half an hour, then filter and bring the volume of liquid to the original volume with boiled water. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

An infusion of oak acorns helps with diarrhea and enterocolitis. It is prepared as follows: 1 teaspoon of dry crushed raw materials is poured with 1 glass of boiling water and, after cooling, filtered. Take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day.

To gargle for chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, gum disease and stomatitis, use a decoction of oak bark. For urethritis and cystitis, take a decoction of oak bark, 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day. For the same purpose, an infusion of acorns is used in a similar dosage.

For douching for cervical erosion, uterine prolapse, prolapse of the vaginal walls, vulvovaginitis and trichomonas colpitis, a decoction of oak bark is used: 20 g of dry crushed raw material is poured into 1 glass of hot water, boiled for half an hour, then filtered and the volume of liquid is brought to 1 liter with boiled water .

For baths and washes in case of allergic diathesis, a decoction of oak bark is used. For this purpose, 100 g of dry crushed raw materials are boiled in 1 liter of water for half an hour and filtered. For sweating feet, foot baths are prepared using a decoction of oak bark: 20 g of dry crushed raw materials are poured into 1 glass of hot water, boiled for half an hour, then filtered and the volume of liquid is brought to 1 liter with boiled water.

A cold decoction of the bark is used to treat burns and frostbite, as well as long-term non-healing wounds.

The common oak is a powerful large tree, revered by people since ancient times. Healers used its leaves, bark and fruits for healing, shamans and clairvoyants felt the strong energy of the tree and were charged with it. Modern society also uses parts of the tree in medicine, ornamental gardening and as building materials.


The biological reference book lists several varieties of these giants. flora. Among them are common oak, pedunculate oak, and sessile oak. All representatives of the genus belong to the Beech family. Have you ever seen a deciduous tree that keeps its leaves all year round? So, among late oaks this is a common phenomenon. Early forms bloom in early April and shed their leaves for the winter. And the later ones wake up closer to May, so young trees can turn green all year round. In nature, individually growing trees are more common, and oak groves are less common.

Where does the common oak grow?

This breed of deciduous trees is quite common in Russia and Europe. It is found in the form of small oak forests in Asia and northern Africa. It was brought to North American territory artificially. Unfortunately, oak trees no longer grow in Siberian forests. In European broad-leaved forests, oaks coexist with maples and elms, lindens and hornbeams. In mixed forests they grow next to fir, pine and spruce. Trees are undemanding natural conditions, tolerate dense shade. Therefore, young representatives can develop on a slope or in a dense forest. The older the oak tree gets, the taller it is, the more light it needs.

Common oak. Description

In botanical gardens there are very ancient specimens, sometimes several thousand years old. For example, the Zaporozhye oak in Ukraine is 700 years old, and the Stelmuzhsky oak in Lithuania is about 1700 or 2000 years old. Although the average age is approximately 400 years. Giants take a long time to develop:

  • they reach maturity at 40 years or later, and only then begin to bear fruit;
  • grow up to 100, some up to 200 years;
  • Oak trees gain width throughout their life; the oldest trees reach 13 m in circumference.

Oak leaves have a distinctive wavy appearance and grow on small petioles. They grow from 4 to 12 cm in length, and reach up to 7 cm in width. They are leathery, dense, and glossy to the touch. In summer, their color is deep green with small yellowish veins. The common oak blooms in early May, when the young foliage is already turning green. At this time, the crown is decorated with earrings up to 3 cm long, with up to 10 flowers. They are of different genders, usually females are higher than males. After pollination, 1 small acorn is born from each ovary. On young shoots, acorns grow in pairs, sometimes three or four.

The spreading branches are strong and thick, and the young shoots are soft and fluffy. Young trees have wrong kind because of the cranked trunks. Only with age does the trunk become smoother and thicker. The usual diameter of an adult tree is up to 2 meters. Young and old trees differ in the color and type of bark. Until 25-30 years old, she is smooth and gray. Then it darkens, turns black and becomes covered with deep cracks. What does a common oak look like? A photo, description or a simple walk into the oak forest will create the right impression. You can recognize a separately growing oak tree by its crown, which has the shape of a tent.

How is oak raw material harvested?

People often unknowingly collect old, rough bark from oak trees. It is suitable only for decorative purposes: it will make wonderful boards, stands, etc. If you are interested in common oak bark for medicinal purposes, then you need to remove it from young trees. Oak trees under 10 years of age are suitable for harvesting bark. On an industrial scale, bush forms of trees are grown to collect raw materials. They simply periodically cut off the tops from which the bark is removed. Or young trees are cut down at the roots. After some time, new shoots begin to grow in this place, and the oak tree bushes.

At the beginning of spring, when the trees wake up and sap begins to move through them, you can begin collecting raw materials. The resulting material is laid out for quick drying. Young bark is valued higher than old bark due to the high content of tannins in its composition. Acorns are also used in folk medicine. In addition to tannins, they contain oils and starch. Leaves are also used thanks to the coloring pigments in the composition.

How is it used in medicine in different countries?

In folk medicine in different countries, bark, young twigs, leaves and acorns are used. Recipes and uses vary slightly.

  1. For example, in Russia, a decoction of the bark is considered good remedy with bleeding gums, diarrhea with bloody discharge. It is recommended to drink it to treat scurvy and liver failure. In everyday life, the collected leaves are placed in jars with pickles, and coffee is ground from fried acorns.
  2. Polish healers use the astringent properties of a decoction of the bark. The product is used to heal cuts and reduce inflammation of the bladder. It is also recommended for women during menstruation to reduce discharge and relieve pain.
  3. It is known that Bulgarian healers prepare medicines for dysentery, sore throat, and stomach diseases from oak bark. Prepared ointments are used to treat skin diseases.

Carefully! Side effects

  • General recommendations are to use traditional medicines in moderation.
  • Doctors strictly prohibit giving decoctions and powders to children.
  • Rinsing the mouth too often with an infusion of bark can lead to poisoning and vomiting. Loss of smell can occur for those who use medications for too long.
  • People suffering from constipation and hemorrhoids are not recommended to try natural remedies.

Common folk recipes

  1. Infusions are made from acorns. To treat tuberculosis, peeled fruits are fried in the oven and then crushed. Powder from three teaspoons is poured into one and a half glasses of boiling water and infused. It is recommended to consume 1 tablespoon before lunch. An infusion of 1 teaspoon in the same amount of water will help with enterocolitis. You should drink a glass of it before meals.
  2. Acorn powder will help with diabetes. Only the collected ripe fruits are dried and crushed. They are recommended to be consumed for a month, 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. The powder can be washed down with water or tea. After the course you need to take a break.
  3. A decoction of the bark helps with women's diseases- erosive processes of the uterus, fungal diseases. You need to pour 20 grams of raw material into two glasses of water and boil over low heat for half an hour. Use the decoction for douching. In case of mushroom poisoning, such a decoction will help remove toxins. Drink it 50 ml 3 times a day.

Common oak is used for the construction of ships and houses; its raw materials are used in medicine and cosmetology; its huge crowns saturate the air with oxygen every day. Its benefits are invaluable. The main thing for humanity is to rationally manage such a resource and protect the oak heritage.

Oak ( Quercus) is a genus of shrubs and trees from the beech family. The oak is widely known for its power and strength, and the height of an oak tree can be 50 meters. These trees grow rather slowly, first adding centimeters in height every year, and only then in width.

How long does an oak tree live?

The oak tree is considered a long-liver and is often associated with wisdom and durability. And for good reason. The lifespan of oak is up to 5 centuries, although in history there are specimens that live more than 1000 years.

Description of oak. What does oak look like?

Oak is a deciduous tree. The size of the oak tree is impressive. Its average height is about 35 meters, although 60-meter giants are sometimes found. The thickness of oak can also be quite impressive. The oak trunk is on average about 1.5 m in diameter, covered with dark bark, dotted with cracks, twisting and wrinkled.

The shape of the tree's leaf depends on the type of oak. Oak leaves can be lobed, serrated, pinnate, and others. Oak branches are indirect, curved. This tortuosity is explained by the fact that the oak tree is very responsive to Sun rays. As shoots grow, they are drawn towards the light and therefore change direction depending on the period of the year, weather and time of day.

The oak root system is very well developed. Typically, oak roots are huge and go deep into the ground. The oak crown and its shape largely depend on the conditions in which the trees grow. In forests, oak trunks are mostly straight and even, while separately growing plants on the plains spread out very widely. The girth of the crowns of such oak trees is measured in meters. If a tree has grown in extreme conditions, for example, with a lack of moisture or under frequent exposure to wind, then the crowns of such oaks are deformed and not entirely clear and regular in shape.

Oak flowers

Oak blossoms late spring. Oak flowers are small and green, invisible among the foliage. Male flowers consist only of stamens, female flowers - of a pistil. Male flowers are collected in inflorescences that look like earrings. The female ones are on short stems; they look like green seeds with a red tip. It is from the female oak flowers that acorns grow.

Types of oak

There are a large number of oak species growing around the world. In total there are about 600 of them, although there is evidence that there are no more than 450 of them.

The most popular types of oaks:

  • English oak;
  • Weeping oak;
  • Swamp oak;
  • Sessile oak;
  • Georgian oak;
  • Long-legged oak;
  • Mongolian oak;
  • Chestnut oak.

Where does oak grow?

Most often, oak is found in regions with a temperate climate, in the Northern Hemisphere. Although some species of these giants are also found in the tropics, however, only in those places where the air temperature is not very high, mainly in high mountain regions.

Oak trees grow well in rich soils and like average humidity levels, but there are species that thrive in swamps, or, conversely, in conditions of lack of moisture.

How to grow an oak tree from an acorn

Oak trees bear fruit starting 30 years after planting. Oak fruits are acorns. Decorative oak species are quite easily propagated by grafting. The best option for planting an oak tree is in the fall, before the first snow and frost. However, during this period, oak acorns can be eaten by small rodents, so they are often saved until spring and planted when warm days. For planting, you must definitely choose live oak seeds, which consist of yellow cotyledons with a yellow or reddish embryo inside.

Editor Plants and trees 22769

In total, the oak genus contains about six hundred species, the distribution zone of which is the tropical as well as the temperate Northern Hemisphere.

Main characteristics of oaks

Trees of this species are characterized by a fairly powerful crown and root system. The leaves have a leathery surface and can vary in shape, color, and ability to overwinter (many varieties shed their leaves for the winter). As for resistance to climatic conditions, all members of the oak family tolerate windy and dry weather well.

The best place for planting is open, well-lit areas with nutritious soil.

When choosing types of oak, you should focus, first of all, on the size of the site: if there is a large free space, trees that form a spreading shading crown will look impressive, and if there is a minimum of space, the best option will be low-growing varieties with a narrow crown in the shape of a pyramid.

The most widespread in the design of landscapes of parks, gardens, and household plots are 10 species: stone, red (northern), large-fruited, white, marsh, willow, large-anthered (eastern), Mongolian, chestnut-leaved, petiolate.

Species characteristic of the Mediterranean, Canada, Southern Europe

Stone oak

Evergreen trees of this type are resistant to low temperatures and drought. The oak tree reaches a height of 25 meters; it is characterized by the formation of a wide branched crown and a powerful, saturated trunk. gray. The length of the glossy dark green leaves does not exceed 8 cm. The leaves can have a solid or variable shape, the back side is yellowish or whitish, and slight hairiness is possible. Holm oaks can be planted in any soil on areas of any light level. Trees can be pruned, allowing the formation of hedges, so they become an effective decoration of regular gardens, parks, and alleys.

The following decorative forms of this type are distinguished:

  • Narrow-leaved;
  • Longleaf;
  • Ford shape - characterized by the presence of a narrow crown and narrow leaves;
  • Golden-variegated (with a characteristic leaf color);
  • Curly;
  • Small-leaved;
  • Round-leaved.

Red oak

The tree has a slender shape, reaching 25 meters in height. The crown, resembling a tent in shape, is formed by shiny leaves with pointed blades, deep grooves and a length of up to 20 cm. The color of the leaves varies depending on the time of year and the age of the oak: in spring and summer, the color varies from reddish to dark green, in autumn period becomes scarlet red and brownish brown in young and mature trees, respectively. This type is widely used for landscaping streets, forming alleys in the form of group arrays or solitaires. Grows best in open areas with deep-textured soils, can withstand frosty and windy weather, is not susceptible to side shading, is not susceptible to negative influence powdery mildew. A special feature of wood is its ability to muffle city noise. It is undesirable to plant this species in calcareous, overly moist soils.

Representatives of North America

Large-fruited oak

The tree, which has a thick trunk and a branched tent-like crown, can reach a height of 30 m. The crown-forming obovate leaves with deep lobes (leaf length is about 25 cm) are whitish-green below and dark green above. In autumn the color changes to yellow-brown. Can be planted in masses or tapeworms, likes abundant watering, tolerates well low temperatures. This species is characterized by rapid growth and ripening of large acorns.

White oak

Quite unpretentious, grows best in nutritious deep soils. The height of an adult plant is about 30 meters; spreading branches form a wide crown in the shape of a tent. The length of the leaf reaches 22 cm. The color of the foliage varies depending on the time of year: from bright red (at the time of blooming), to light green (in summer), dark red or purple-violet (in autumn). Such representatives of the oak family do not withstand severe frosts and tolerate dry weather well. They look impressive as alley plantings.

Swamp oak

Like most trees of this species, it reaches a height of 25 meters, first forming
narrowly, and over time - a wide pyramidal crown. A feature of young shoots is the presence of reddish-brown bark. The length of the pointed leaves, which have smooth serrated blades, does not exceed 12 cm. The lower part of the leaf is colored light green, and
top – saturated green color. From below, tufts of pile form in the corners of the veins. In autumn the foliage turns bright purple. This species grows best in nutritious, well-moistened soils and does not tolerate severe frosts (young shoots freeze slightly). Used when forming a group or alley planting or planted as a tapeworm.

Willow oak

Represents a slender decorative tree, having a wide rounded crown and reaching a height of 20 meters. A peculiarity of the foliage is its similarity to willow leaves (the length and width of one leaf are about 12 and 2 cm, respectively). Young leaves are characterized by strong pubescence below. Foliage color varies from green in spring and summer to dull yellow in fall. It can grow on any soil in areas with sufficient lighting and can withstand severe frosts. It looks equally impressive both in group plantings and when planted with tapeworm.

“Natives” of the Far East, the Caucasus, East Asia and Siberia

Large anther (high mountain Caucasian) oak

The height of the tree does not exceed 20 meters. The leaves, about 18 cm long, are distinguished by a characteristic pinnately dissected shape with short blunt lobes (from 8 to 10). The top of the sheet has smooth surface and is colored dark green, while the lower one looks yellowish-gray due to the dense hairs. These oak representatives are resistant to dry and frosty weather, but grow rather slowly. Decorative plantings are often formed by large-anthered hybrids, named after Michurin, Timiryazev, Komarov, Vysotsky.

Mongolian oak

The tree has a decorative appearance and can reach 30 meters in height. The leaves are characterized by an oblong, obovate shape with short, non-pointed lobes. The length of one leaf does not exceed 20 cm. The color of the foliage varies from dark green in summer to yellow-brown in autumn. It tolerates lateral shading well (one of the factors for the rapid growth of oak), but loves good lighting from above. The most optimal conditions for growth - partial shade. It is a frost-resistant species, but may suffer from late frosts in the spring. Planted as a tapeworm or an element of an array when decorating an alley.

Chestnut oak

Belongs to the species listed in the Red Book. The tree is distinguished by the presence of a wide, tent-shaped crown, capable of reaching a height of 30 m. Massive leaves (length - about 18 cm) with pointed triangular teeth in shape resemble the foliage of a seed chestnut. The upper part of the leaf is dark green, and the lower part is light green (short pile is present). A feature of chestnut-leaved oak is its rapid growth and frost resistance. Grows best in moist soil.

English oak (Quercus robur) - a diverse representative of Western European and Russian forests

This species has become most widespread in landscape design and is a component of coniferous-deciduous forests. It grows best in nutritious soils in open areas with sufficient light, tolerates dry and windy weather well, and does not like waterlogging. The height of an adult tree can reach 50 meters. When grown as part of group plantings, it has a high-set crown and a slender long trunk; when used as a tapeworm, the crown becomes wide and has a low planting. Leathery leaves with a maximum length of 15 cm are characterized by an obovate or oblong shape with non-pointed blades (no more than 7). These oak representatives are among the most durable species, with a lifespan of about 1500 years.

English oak is represented by several varieties, each of which has its own characteristic features:

  • Atropurpurea - shoots and foliage have a wine color, which changes to green-violet in autumn. Oak is able to grow only in areas protected from draft cold winds;
  • Compacta – a rounded crown is formed on a low trunk;
  • Variegate - has white leaves with variegated splashes of color;
  • Concordia is a low-growing oak with leaves that change in color from bright yellow during the blooming season to green and copper in summer and fall, respectively;
  • Fastigiata Koster – forms an original crown in the vertical direction;
  • Pyramidalis is a low-growing oak with a narrow crown shaped like a pyramid;
  • Asplenifolia - a low oak tree with a rounded crown with leaves small size, densely dissected along the entire length.

Oak has long been considered a special tree. Our ancestors also worshiped this majestic giant, attributing to him imaginable and unimaginable miracles and magical powers. What is the reason for such a reverent attitude, what are the features and is it possible to grow an oak tree in your dacha? Let’s try to figure it out in this article.

Botanical description

English oak, also known as common oak or summer oak, is a prominent representative of the beech family. He is rightfully considered a long-liver among the trees, average age is 400 years, but can reach 1500.

Root system, bark, crown

Oak is a sustainable, durable deciduous plants, therefore, it has a powerful and developed root system, which provides it with high resistance to external natural factors:

  • The root system of the tree lies very deep. The young specimen usually has one tap-like long root, from which lateral roots spread as it grows during the first seven years;
  • the height of the trunk can reach 40-50 meters, the thickness of the trunk continues to slowly increase throughout the life of the tree;
  • the bark changes its appearance depending on the age of the plant: in young individuals it is usually light gray, without obvious furrows, smooth, but as it grows it thickens, becomes bumpy, the color begins to change towards dark gray with an admixture of brown shades;
  • The crown of the tree is spreading, lush and dense. The crown volume can reach 25 meters in diameter.

Shoots, buds, leaves

Young shoots of the tree are usually not bare or covered with slight fluff; as a rule, they are brown or red in color with numerous buds. The buds are round, have a slightly lighter shade than the shoot and have a scaly surface. Oak foliage dark green. The leaves have an oblong ovoid shape with rounded lobes, a short petiole and many veins. The size of the leaves can vary from 7 to 35-40 cm. Young foliage has a pubescent edge.

Flowers, fruits

The pedunculate oak is a unisexual plant, and accordingly, its flowers are unisexual. Males bloom with lush earrings hanging down, consisting of small yellowish flowers. The pistillate flowers are reddish, small, located in the axils of the leaves, collected in small inflorescences of up to 5 pieces.
The tree bears fruit with nuts. We are familiar with oak fruits as acorns - oblong bare nuts Brown, 2-7 cm in size with dark brown stripes, each located in its own cup-shaped “nest”. The first acorns usually appear on trees that have crossed the 40-year mark.

Did you know? Despite abundant harvests, according to statistics, out of 10,000 nuts, only one acorn can become an oak tree.

Where do oak trees grow: distribution

It is not for nothing that the common oak can be seen on many coats of arms and emblems of Old Europe. It is in Western Europe that this type of tree is the most common. It also grows in the European part of Russia and the countries of Western Asia. In the South it can be found in the mountainous regions of the Black Sea coast and the Caucasus.

Is it possible to grow in the country

The green, spreading long-liver looks very impressive, and many gardeners dream of relaxing in the shade of its crown. Is it possible to grow an oak tree on your own? summer cottage, let's try to figure it out. Growing pedunculate oak on personal plot is common in landscape design; it looks great next to standard garden shrubs and coniferous trees.
However, it is worth remembering that oak requires a lot of space and soil resources to grow and is quite capable of “robbing” its neighbors for nutrients. In order for the oak tree not to cause you trouble and to please the eye, you need to choose the right place to plant it and monitor the formation of the plant, preventing it from growing excessively.

Choosing a place

Growing oak on a plot is not as easy as it seems at first glance. In order for the idea to be crowned with success, you need to follow the basic rules for planting a plant. One of the most important tasks is the choice right place for the future giant.

Important! Do not forget that even a small oak tree has very developed roots and loves space, so you should avoid planting the tree too close to other plants.

Is lighting needed?

Oak loves good bright lighting, which is especially useful for the upper part of the crown. At the same time, the tree is not afraid of side shading. In this regard, open areas with nearby trees and low shrubs are suitable for growing a green giant.

Requirements for soil

The second important point is the definition suitable soil- this is one of the key secrets to the success of growing oak. The tree loves fertile neutral soil, but does not tolerate its high acidity, so you should not grow oak next to conifers.

It feels best on fertile loams, although it is also quite viable on poor, rocky soils. Oak is drought-resistant, does not like stagnant water and excessive soil moisture.

Temperature and weather conditions

Common oak is a relatively heat-loving plant, generally resistant to frost, but severe cold can damage the tree bark, forming frost holes. It is highly resistant to drought and wind due to its deep roots.

Landing Features

In order for a young oak tree to take root on your site, you need to pay maximum attention to planting and subsequent care of the tree.

When to plant English oak

It is recommended to plant young specimens in early spring before the leaves bloom. If propagation is carried out by means of acorns, then they are sown either in the fall or in late spring, closer to May; in this case, from autumn to spring, the acorns are stored in a cool place. dark place at high humidity.

Growing methods

English oak can be propagated by cuttings or sprouting from acorns. Let's consider what features these methods have.


Propagating trees by cuttings is a rather labor-intensive process, but it allows you to grow a tree without much expense. English oak propagates by rooting cuttings from the mother tree:

Important! The older the mother plant, the less likely it is that cuttings taken from it will survive and take root successfully.

As soon as your pet takes root, it will immediately let you know: the buds of the plant will begin to actively increase in size and soon the first young shoots will appear on it. After this, you can begin to acclimate the plant to its environment, first by slightly opening the shelter, and then leaving it open for several hours. Usually, by the beginning of September, the greenhouse can be removed and the plant can be prepared for transfer to open ground in the fall. Well-rooted cuttings can overwinter under the snow.

How to grow an oak tree from an acorn

Growing a common oak from an acorn will bring much less hassle. The most important thing is to seriously approach the choice of acorns that will become planting material, because among them there may not be viable ones:

A little more and the strengthened seedlings will be ready for transplanting into open ground.

Oak care

So, you have successfully completed the task of growing a seedling and transplanted the plant to a permanent habitat in your summer cottage. Now your main task is to provide the young tree with proper care. We emphasize that oak requires careful care only at first, while the plant is young, that is, until about 5 years of age.

Does the plant need to be watered?

Despite the fact that oak is considered a drought-resistant plant, in this case This refers to mature trees, while young trees require regular watering. As soon as you planted a seedling in open ground, you need to water it immediately and continue to water it for up to 5 days daily.

Then, during the hot season from late spring to early autumn, young oak trees need systematic watering as the soil dries out. It is important to remember that oak does not like stagnant moisture, so periodically you need to loosen the soil around the trunk and promptly remove leaves and other debris.

Responsiveness to feeding

Young growth is very sensitive to the environment, therefore, in order for the oak to take root, in the first years it is especially important to pay attention to feeding. Typically, oak is fertilized twice a season: in early spring and autumn - special mineral supplements in the form of granules. It has been noted that regular fertilization increases the resistance of oak trees to diseases and fungi, and also promotes more intensive growth of young trees.

Proper pruning of young oak

As you know, oak has an impressive crown, which can bring garden plot not only desirable coolness, but also unwanted shade for other plants. In addition, timely removal of dried branches gives the tree a more neat appearance.

Treatment against diseases and pests

Oak is a very stable crop, but like others deciduous trees, is susceptible to some diseases and attracts pests:

  • oak most often affects powdery mildew, forming a whitish coating on the leaves of the tree. This fungal disease not only spoils the appearance, but also weakens the plant; in addition, it can spread to shrubs and trees adjacent to the oak. The easiest way to combat powdery mildew is with preventative methods: it is necessary to periodically treat the plant with fungicidal agents, and if the first signs of the disease are detected, then destroy the affected branches and spray the tree itself with a fungicide;
  • dropsy. This disease occurs in oak trees due to pathogenic bacteria getting under the bark. As a result of the development of the disease, swellings filled with liquid form under the bark, then the dropsy opens and leaves cracks and spots on the bark. The disease occurs after unfavorable weather conditions: extreme heat or cold snap. In order to avoid dropsy, you need to carefully monitor the branches and crown, remove dry branches, leaves, cut off wild shoots;
  • rot is caused by fungi, which develop directly in wood and even roots. Typically, such fungi live on dead trees, but there are species that also attack living plants and lead to their drying out and destruction, such fungi include root sponge and oak tinder fungus. To prevent rot, you need to follow the agricultural practices of growing a tree, timely pruning and cleaning of dried branches, protect the tree from rodents in order to preserve the integrity of the bark and prevent spores from penetrating inside;
  • gall midges- the most common pests. Many have seen small balls around oak leaves. They have nothing to do with fruits - these are eggs laid by these insects; the larvae stimulate the growth of tissue around them, thus forming a shelter in the form of balls (galls). Timely treatment of oak with industrial pesticides will help prevent attacks by harmful gallworms.
Video: English oak, description of sores

Did you know? On inner surface The balls contain a huge amount of tannins, which were used in the production of ink, which is why the galls received the name “ink balls”.

  • green oak leaf roller- a harmful caterpillar that devours foliage, weakening the tree and reducing its yield. Appears in hot, humid weather. It is recommended to fight it, as with other insects, by spraying with insecticides when the first symptoms appear.

Despite the natural frost resistance of the common oak, it is sensitive to sudden changes in temperature, so it is better to cover young trees for at least the first 1-2 years of life for the winter. For these purposes, you can use special insulation or ordinary burlap, which is wrapped around the trunk and branches. With age, oak adapts to cold weather, and 2-3 year old trees will already be able to withstand them without shelter.

Mistakes gardeners make when caring for oak

The success of growing any tree, including oak, lies in compliance with agricultural technology, however, novice gardeners often make standard mistakes that lead to the death of a seedling or disrupt the growth of an adult and other plants.

One of them:

  • wrong choice of location. Oak, as you know, has a spreading crown and an extensive root system. Planting it too close to other plants or objects can cause damage. Overgrown roots can harm neighboring crops and also cause damage to buildings;
  • violation of disembarkation rules. Many gardeners are in such a hurry to plant a tree in the ground that they do not pay attention to preparing the hole. The planting hole must be dug in advance so that the metabolic processes necessary for the seedling to adapt begin in the soil. You cannot plant a tree in a newly dug hole;
  • improper watering. Many even experienced gardeners do not water their plants enough; this often leads to the fact that only upper layer Soil, accordingly, moisture simply does not reach the deep-lying roots. It is important to consider that to moisten 25 centimeters of soil layer per 1 square meter, 25-26 liters of water are needed;
  • non-compliance with the rules for pruning branches. Many people prune the crown strictly according to the calendar, which often leads to negative consequences for the tree. To avoid this, in addition to the calendar, you need to focus on weather, if it is too cold and frosts still occur at night, it is better to postpone pruning a little until a stable above-zero air temperature is established.
Video: English oak So, we looked at one of the varieties of oak called “pedunculated” and learned how to properly grow it in a personal plot. It is noteworthy that despite its power, oak is a very capricious tree and its cultivation must be approached very responsibly, observing all the rules.