Which decorative plaster to choose - types, features, application technology. Types of decorative plaster for walls Use of decorative plaster in the toilet and bathroom

The main task of renovating a house is to create a comfortable, cozy and exclusive home. Thanks to modern materials, this can be done without the help of professionals. One of best options is decorative plaster.

Application area:

  • for exterior finishing (facade mixtures);
  • For interior decoration;
  • universal mixtures. Suitable for finishing residential and non-residential premises outside and inside.

Classification of decorative plasters by composition

  • mineral. This is a dry mixture created on the basis of cement, which is diluted with water and used for exterior finishing. Among other types of decorative plasters, mineral mixtures are distinguished by their ease of application and ability to solve problems additional insulation facade of the building. To impart water-repellent properties, polymer additives are introduced into the mixture. However, the service life of such material is short - 9-10 years, after which it becomes necessary to carry out work to update and restore the coating.

  • acrylic. High elasticity of the material is achieved through the use of acrylic resins. The service life of such coating is 15-20 years. However, if it is used as insulation for the walls of a house basalt wool, acrylic plaster is not recommended. Maximum manifestation of the properties of the mixture is possible when combined with a foam insulating layer.

  • silicate. To date this is the most best option finishing, having high level strength, and rock service for about 20 years. The binding component is liquid potassium glass. This type plaster has a grooved or uniformly rough structure. Experts recommend applying silicate mixtures to surfaces containing lime.

  • silicone. The main component of such mixtures is an aqueous dispersion of silicone resin. Considering the fact that in the production of silicone I use oil, silicon, table salt, compositions based on them have all the advantages of mineral and polymer plasters and are among the best in the list of modern finishing materials. They are characterized by exceptionally high strength, water, dirt and dust repellent properties. The service life of the silicone mixture can reach 25 years, while the material does not absorb or accumulate harmful substances.

Decorative plasters also differ in the type of mineral filler, which creates the necessary surface relief. The filler can be quartz, granite or marble chips and mixtures based on them. The granules can range in size from 0.5 mm to 5 mm. Also, plaster compositions differ in the method of application, which determines whether the surface will be smooth or textured, matte or glossy. Which plaster is better is up to you to decide.

All compositions have a sufficient degree of vapor permeability - the ability to pass moisture and air in both directions. Acrylic compounds have the lowest vapor permeability, but at the same time they are the most weather-resistant materials. The highest rates are for silicone and silicate mixtures.

Types of decorative plasters

  • textured (structural). Today this is the most common type of finishing materials, which is sold in the form of a ready-made mixture or powder (diluted with water). The mixture is based on astringents; the fillers are flax or cotton fibers, crumbs of natural or artificial materials etc. Textured mixtures allow you to imitate masonry and wild stone, bas-relief with a textured or three-dimensional pattern, and tree bark. The most extensive group of materials are relief coatings, applied using various techniques and materials (pastes, varnishes, paper, etc.). Such plaster not only gives the surfaces a special attractiveness, but also perfectly hides unevenness and other defects in the walls.

  • smooth. With its help you can achieve the effect of silk drapery, light sea foam, ripples on the water, “pearl” shell, etc. This texture is achieved through the use of varnishes and paints, and the play of light. TO smooth plasters also include artistic painting and traditional plain wall decoration.
  • Venetian. With its help, you can apply a coating that will successfully imitate marble and other stone textures. The composition is applied to the wall in spots in several layers. In this case, the surface acquires a shimmering, luminous surface. To enhance this effect in finishing layer add beeswax. Venetian plaster looks unsurpassed in interiors made in a classical style.

  • stone chips. The mixture contains small pebbles, as well as adhesive and binding materials. Stone chips may be different colors and shades. The composition is applied even layer using a spatula. The most common types of stone chips are marble, granite and quartz. They have excellent appearance and are able to withstand bad weather. Experts recommend using decorative plasters in office decoration. large areas, but in cottages and houses it is better to decorate small areas with them or use them as an accent individual elements interior (arches, ledges, openings, niches, racks, etc.) Moreover, it is most appropriate to use stone chips in non-residential premises(hallways, bathrooms, hallways, etc.). IN exterior decoration it can be used both to decorate the entire building and to emphasize individual architectural elements.
  • flock covering. This is one of the latest achievements of our time. The finishing is applied to the surface in three layers: first a layer of glue, then colored flakes - flocks or chips, and then varnish coating, which performs a protective function. If desired, you can mix flocks of different colors.

The undeniable advantages of decorative plasters include:

  • Possibility of application to almost any external or inner surface buildings - concrete, brick, wood, metal, etc.
  • High resistance to mechanical stress.
  • Ability to hide surface defects.
  • High water resistance and resistance to aggressive environments - can be washed with any detergents, with the exception of solvent-based formulations;
  • Durability.
  • Affordable price.

With the help of decorative plaster it is easy and simple to create expressive and unique patterns on the surface of the walls. Admiring the effectiveness of the facade, we can conclude that only specialists can perform such a task. However, it is not. The main role in creating original reliefs is played not by the skill of the specialist, but by the material he uses: decorative plaster.

Types of decorative plaster

It contains special substances: fillers. They are the ones who help create beautiful drawing. No special or expensive tools are required for this. But it is necessary to choose the right plaster mixture and know the technology of its application.

Composition of decorative plaster mixtures differs from the composition of conventional ones not only by the presence of filler. If the material is intended for façade (exterior) work, it also includes additional components that provide increased stability facing surface to moisture, temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation.

Pattern effects that can be achieved using special techniques for applying decorative plaster:

  • aging;

  • cracking;

  • adding volume;

  • rough surface texture;

  • "silk";

  • planes with different relief depths.

There are three types of decorative plasters:

  • mineral;
  • textured;
  • structural.

They all have their own characteristics, both in terms of composition and application rules.

Mineral decorative plasters

The basis of mineral plasters is natural. Crumbs and dust of various types are used as filler. valuable species stone: granite, marble, onyx, malachite. Includes quartz sand of different grain sizes. Cement and gypsum act as binders. Cement-based plasters are classified as façade plasters. Mixtures with a gypsum binder are used exclusively for interior work.

Mineral decorative plaster “Bark beetle” 2 mm. Premium quality. For outdoor use

All types of mineral plasters must be prepared for use by adding the dry mixture to water in the proportion specified by the manufacturer.

The finished mixture can be applied to the wall in several layers. The final stage of work is finishing with wax or painting. Wax serves as a protective and decorative coating.

Since all types of mineral plasters are diluted with water, they do not have a long “lifespan” of the mixture. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare enough mixture so that it can be worked out before it begins to harden. One of the advantages of mineral dry plaster compositions is that they have much more low price than ready-to-use acrylic ones.

Textured plasters

Textured plasters are dough-like mixtures that can be tinted to any color during the mixing process, or coated with paint after the finishing layer has been applied and hardened. This type of plasters is characterized by unsurpassed plasticity, which allows you to create real masterpieces on the walls.

This effect is achieved due to the mixtures of natural fibers included in the composition, which can be cotton, linen, or wood. Some manufacturers use ground brick as a filler. Using mixtures of this type, you can create relief paintings, bas-reliefs and panels.

The popular “Venetian” plaster is not a separate type of decorative plasters, but belongs to the category of textured mixtures. It is called “Venetian” because of its special composition, which allows the use of a special application technique, which provides a spectacular wall pattern.

Structural plasters

Plasters of this type are heterogeneous granular masses. The binders are potassium silicate (silicate plasters), synthetic latex (latex plasters), and cement-lime composition. There are two types of structural plasters:

Hence the classification of these mixtures: water-soluble and organo-soluble. The main representatives of this type of finishing mixtures are “Bark Beetle” and “Shuba”.

They are the ones most often used in finishing facades. The reason is simple: these mixtures are easy to apply, form an attractive surface pattern, and have excellent wear resistance. In addition, they have one more advantage: reasonable price.

To dilute solvent-based mixtures, white spirit is mainly used. It should be noted that it does not dissolve anything in the plaster mass. He dilutes it to the desired consistency. Therefore, experts call any liquid added to the finishing composition not a “solvent”, but a “thinner”.

Acrylic plaster "Ceresit"

Pebble plaster "Ceresit"

Among structural mixtures, acrylic plaster is the most popular. Her distinctive feature is that it is ready to use immediately after purchase. These mixtures do not require dilution with water or solvent. This fact is their undoubted advantage. In addition, acrylic plasters are much more elastic and durable.

They have higher adhesion rates (adhesion to the base) than mineral and solvent-based structural ones. Acrylics can be applied to almost any surface: wood, brick, concrete, aluminum.

In sealed packaging, acrylic plasters retain their properties from 6 months to 1.5 years. Some manufacturers produce mixtures with a shelf life of up to 2 years. Another advantage of acrylic compounds is that walls treated with them can be painted.

“Small bark beetle”, decorative acrylic plaster for exterior and interior use

The only drawback of these mixtures is their lower vapor permeability than mineral ones. However, it is sufficient to use this material to construct a “wet” facade, which is also a heat insulator.


Prices for various types of decorative plaster

Decorative plaster

Techniques for applying decorative plasters

Mineral plasters must be prepared for use by diluting with water. On average, up to 30% liquid is required. All manufacturers indicate the required proportions on the product packaging. Mineral mixtures are applied in two layers.

The use of any plaster compositions requires careful surface preparation. The walls must be inspected for the presence of deep cracks, and make sure that the load-bearing surface is strong enough and does not require major repairs.

The next stage of work is priming. Primers are used to perform this task. deep penetration, intended for external finishing works.

Plastering of the facade begins from the corner of the building. The work is carried out in stages, gradually applying the mixture to areas small area. The first layer is the base layer. It is applied with a spatula so as to avoid overlaps and obtain as smooth a surface as possible. For leveling, you can use a spatula with a wide blade or a rule.

The main work on decorating the facade occurs at the next stage of work: when applying the second layer.

Tools for creating a decorative surface

To apply decorative plasters, special textured rollers are used. They differ from ordinary ones only in that they are equipped with rollers with a textured surface.

Depending on the material the roller is made of, there are several types of rollers:

  • wooden;
  • rubber;
  • plastic;
  • leather;
  • pile.

Standard sizes:

  • with a roller width of up to 30 cm (short rollers);
  • with a roller width of up to 50 cm (medium length);
  • with a roller width of 50 cm (long rollers).

All types of rollers can be roughly divided into textured and structural. The latter have a more relief surface than the former. Textured ones are designed to create an imitation of marble, natural stone, textiles. “Bark beetle” and “Shuba” plasters are applied using textured rollers.

Structural rollers are designed to produce a pronounced relief pattern, consisting of a repeating rather complex pattern. Externally, it creates the effect of voluminous wallpaper. The decorating technique using these tools is more complex than when using textured rollers.

Working with structural ones requires extreme care and attention. The rollers of these tools are usually made of wood or plastic. The use of such rollers requires compliance with several rules.

  1. Surface decoration is carried out using a base layer that has already hardened and leveled. For application use a liquid mixture. If you work with a dense composition, the recesses of the relief texture of the nozzle will quickly be filled with the mixture, so it will not be possible to obtain a pronounced pattern.
  2. The pattern is applied in stripes by rolling the roller in the direction from bottom to top or top to bottom.
  3. Each subsequent strip should fit tightly to the previous one, but not overlap it.
  4. When decorating walls, they try to avoid putting pressure on the roller. In this case, the relief of the pattern will be of the same depth.
  5. During work, the wall surface is moistened using a sprayer or a paint brush.
  6. The roller is periodically dipped into a container of water, washing off the adhering plaster mixture from it.

Prices for textured rollers

Textured rollers

How to get the “Marsiniada” invoice

To obtain the “Marsiniada” texture, structural plasters are used. Using this technique, they create a stylish and effective pattern that is suitable for decorating walls indoors and outdoors.

According to the instructions, the structural mixture Desan Versagele is required for plastering. However, the surface pattern is obtained using a special technique, and not due to any features of the composition. Therefore, to create the “Marsiniada” texture, you can use any suitable structural plaster.

Execution technique

Step 1. Open the container with wet plaster and thoroughly mix the composition with a spatula.

Step 2. Using a trowel or stainless steel spatula, apply the mixture to the wall, trying to obtain a uniform layer up to 5 mm thick.

Step 3. Immediately after applying the plaster, it is covered with thick plastic film. Smooth out all the waves with your hand so that the film sticks to the plaster mixture.

Step 4. Perform a series of movements with the palm, trying to displace part of the film without leaving a fingerprint. Thus they shift thin layer plaster over the entire surface of the wall. Make sure that no air bubbles remain under the film.

Step 5. Wait for the relative hardening of the plaster mixture (at least 12 hours).

Step 6. Carefully remove the plastic film.

Step 7 After the walls have completely dried (after 24 hours), treat the surface sandpaper fine grain.

Step 8 Using dry paint brush or rags remove dust from the wall.

Step 9 Apply a layer of finishing primer with a brush or roller.

For more reliable protection On a plastered surface, you can apply a layer of varnish or paint to the wall. To perform this task, use any most handy tool: spray gun, roller, paint brush.

An important point: rub the varnish or paint over the plaster with a soft foam sponge until it dries. This allows you to fill all the recesses of the relief pattern and gives the surface a finished look. While working with a sponge, periodically rinse it thoroughly with water and wring it out. You can apply several layers of varnish or paint. In this way, the desired shade of the façade color is obtained.

How to get the “Corals” texture

To obtain the “Coral” pattern, structural plasters with fine or medium-grain filler are used.

Step 1. Open the container with the composition and mix it thoroughly.

Step 2. An even layer of plaster mixture is applied to the wall. Use a trowel, trowel or stainless steel spatula.

Step 3. Smooth out the applied layer using a spatula with a wide metal blade.

Step 4. Take a spatula with a rectangular blade and gently press it against the wall surface. This is an important stage of work, so you need to be extremely careful.

To obtain a drawing, follow the following technique:

  • apply the spatula to the wall with the entire area of ​​the sole;
  • remove the spatula with a jerky movement;
  • apply the spatula to the wall, changing its direction: perpendicular or oblique relative to the previous imprint;
  • tear off the stuck trowel sole from the plastered wall.

Step 5. After 15-20 minutes, use the same tool to slightly smooth the pattern, leveling its relief.

Step 6. After 24 hours, the wall is treated with fine-grained sandpaper.

Step 7 Apply protective composition: finishing primer, varnish or paint.

This way you get a beautiful relief pattern “Corals”. The print density can be any. But the most effective pattern is one without overlapping prints.

Video - How to apply decorative plaster with your own hands

Video - Decorative plaster, granite chips based on natural stone

There are many different types of wall decoration, such as wallpaper, panels, paint, but we will take a closer look at decorative plaster. Many consider this type of wall decoration unusual and beautiful, but are convinced that it is expensive and labor-intensive. This is absolutely not true. Let's take a closer look at the types of decorative plaster for interior wall decoration.

Many people believe that plaster is a mixture of sand and cement (see Cement-sand plaster: features of the material), used to level walls and seal cracks. Coloring materials are added to modern plaster to create decorative plaster on the walls.

This type of wall covering is becoming very popular, let’s take a closer look at all the differences and types of this material, as well as all the pros and cons of each of them. And of course, we’ll look at how to cover walls with decorative plaster.

Types of basic plaster composition

Types of decorative plaster are divided according to their composition:

  • Mineral(see Mineral façade plaster: features of the material) - sold in the form of cement powder, diluted with water before application and mixed well. It is used for mineral bases with quartz primer. This coating is quite durable, allows air to pass through well, and has long term service, it has a fairly low price.

The downside is that you will have to additionally paint it yourself. But there are more expensive types of decorative plaster for interior work; they are distinguished by their textural qualities and the addition of various impurities to the composition. For example, marble chips or glitter.

  • Acrylic– it contains acrylic resin, which imparts plasticity and water-repellent properties. It is easy to install, but can burn, so it is not used near mineral wool insulation.

This type of plaster is sold ready for application, but it is necessary to check its expiration date, since it will be very difficult to work with expired or approaching expired material. Therefore, you should not take it, even if it comes with a discount.

  • Silicone(see Silicone plaster: features of the material) - the most popular and versatile. It is elastic, lasts a long time, allows air to pass through well and is suitable for any surface. This type of plaster is sold ready for application and has a wide range of colors.

Using silicone plaster, you can create your own individual masterpieces, but, of course, the cost is high. To use this material you will also need a special silicone primer, but when you see the result, you will not regret it.

  • Silicate– it is based on potassium glass and is very rarely used for finishing interior walls. More often it is used for finishing building facades, since when used it emits harmful substances.

This type is difficult to apply, since it hardens quite quickly and you need skills and dexterity to have time to apply the plaster, distribute it and create the desired pattern. Therefore, silicate plaster is not in great demand.

How to choose decorative plaster

You can choose the right plaster, taking into account the operating conditions and method of application. Of course, price also matters, as newer and trendier materials are quite expensive.

When choosing a wall covering, first of all, consider your desire and what you want to get in the end. Next we will look in more detail at the types of decorative plaster according to its filling, their pros and cons, and what effect we can get with their help.

Textured decorative plaster

Textured decorative plaster is considered the most unusual appearance finishing.

Various materials are added to its composition to create a textured pattern, for example:

  • Small pebbles.
  • Cotton fiber.
  • Wood sawdust.
  • Crushed brick.
  • Sand.
  • Mica.

Due to this filling, not only various relief patterns are obtained, but also different colors and shades.

With it you can create various visual effects, for example, such as:

  • Sandy wind.
  • Watercolor painting.
  • Imitation stone.
  • Tree bark.
  • Velvet.

Use textured plaster in any room and outdoors. It is quite easy to apply to any surface, can hide unevenness and flaws in the walls, and also lasts a long time.

Its main advantages are:

  • Ease of application.
  • Easy to care for.
  • No fear of damage.
  • Good moisture tolerance.
  • Does not lose color.
  • Thermal insulation.
  • Good sound insulation.
  • Eco-friendly.
  • Low flammability.

Textured decorative plaster is easy to apply to the walls, the difficulty lies in creating a pattern, the following can help with this:

  • Textured roller (see Rollers for decorative plaster and creating a relief surface).
  • Putty knife.
  • Stencil.

Advice! Before application, it is necessary to clean the walls, dry them and prime them. Apply textured plaster only after the primer has dried.

Structural decorative plaster

Structural decorative plaster is sold ready for application, in the form of a granular mass. It can be created on different bases with the addition of water or solvent. Due to its additional filling, it can be either fine-grained or coarse-grained.

Structural plaster is filled with materials such as:

  • Small pebbles.
  • Multi-colored granules.
  • Quartz particles.
  • Wood fibers.

This type is suitable for any room and surface, but it is worth remembering that structural plaster with solvent, not suitable for a bedroom or children's room. Most often it is used in the bathroom or hallway.

The main advantages of structural decorative plaster are:

  • Easy to use.
  • Versatility of use.
  • Resistant to damage.
  • Waterproof.
  • Easy to clean.
  • Tolerates temperature changes well.
  • Breathability.
  • Variety of patterns.
  • Affordable price.

Below we will take a step-by-step look at how to apply decorative plaster to a wall:

  • We prepare the walls. We clean them from the old coating and dry them.
  • If there are no large dents or differences, the wall does not need to be leveled.
  • Apply primer. This will strengthen and protect the surface.
  • Apply the plaster to the dried primer.

Creating a pattern depends only on your imagination and desire. Do-it-yourself decorative plaster of walls video will show how you can do it yourself at home.

Venetian decorative plaster

Of course, we haven’t looked at all types of decorative plaster; there are quite a few of them: antique – imitation of a cracked surface; flock coating resembling flakes; application under a fur coat using a spray of a broom; sgraffito - plaster with a pattern or design; terrazite - imitating rocks. Only you can choose.

In the video above in this article, you can watch the application of decorative plaster to the wall.

Today there are many different finishing materials. The most popular of them is decorative plaster.

Its leadership in the market is due to the fact that it has many advantages. It is durable, easy to care for, moisture resistant, and its cost is low.

Let's look at how to make decorative plaster yourself.

Types of plaster

This material for decorating rooms and facades can have various properties. Depending on the:

  • Chemical composition and components.
  • Texture and style.
  • Number and size of granules.

Chemical composition and components

Mineral, excellent value for money. Made from cement and lime. In stores it is sold in the form of a dry mixture. Therefore, before starting work, it must be diluted in water.

It is used not only for interior work, but also for decorating facades. Since it contains water-repellent substances.

In addition, it has a number of advantages:

  • vapor permeability;
  • fire resistance;
  • resistant to mechanical damage.

Acrylic plaster is sold ready-made, in the form of a water-dispersed material for decoration.

In its production, a polymer solution is used that connects the filler. This type of plaster is tinted, so you can choose any shade.

Silicone is used for decoration external walls. Because it has various positive characteristics:

  • Long service life.
  • Elastic structure.
  • Self-cleaning material.
  • High vapor permeability.
  • Weather resistant.

Silicate or mineral plaster is very expensive, however, reliable and practical. Since the main component is potassium glass. This will protect the walls from the appearance of fungus.

This plaster is usually used in finishing the facades of buildings. But you can find it in the decoration of interior walls.

If it is not possible to buy a ready-made mixture, then at home you can make decorative plaster from putty. With its help you can create textured images.

Texture and style

Venetian creates walls from marble. In the photo of decorative plaster, you can see how much the room is transformed. It is made from an aqueous solution, lime and marble sand. This type of material is applied only to smooth walls.

Structural is a heterogeneous mass with granules. It is made from latex and water. Its granules can be of any color. The color range is customized at the factory. However, choosing a color will not be difficult, as manufacturers offer a large palette of different shades.

Textured is the most popular among consumers. Because with its help you can create a relief or image on the wall in the interior of a room.


Flock turns the wall into a mosaic. As a rule, it is sold in two containers. The first contains glue, the second contains mosaic elements. They are already pre-painted by the manufacturer. It is applied to the wall in stages, first with glue, then with mosaic particles.

Lacquering is used in cases where it is necessary to create a certain effect on the surface of the wall. For example, the effect of silk, velor, sandstone. Decorative plaster can be applied to the façade of a building.

Instructions for applying decorative plaster yourself

You must first complete preparatory work. You need to remove the old finishing material.

The surface is cleaned, and if there are cracks and holes, they are puttied. Afterwards, the wall must be treated with a primer.

After all the preparatory work is completed, the plaster is applied using a construction tool. The material is placed using horizontal or vertical movements. The thickness of the application is measured by granules. After application it dries for about a day.

This completes the application of decorative plaster. If desired, it can be painted in a different color or decorated different elements design.


Decorative plaster of walls is a great way to quickly and inexpensively change the interior of a room.

Photo of decorative plaster with your own hands


Interior decoration of apartments and private houses has long been not limited to wall coverings. Today, the range of materials allows you to bring any original design idea to life. However, a special niche on the shelves construction stores rightfully occupies. We will present photos of the interior in today’s article, but it’s worth understanding the types of such building mixtures, understand how to choose the composition, and whether it is possible. You should not ignore the cost of decorative plaster for walls. Let's start the conversation with the areas of application of this amazing (let's not be afraid of this word) material.

Decorative plaster is a universal finishing material that creates interiors, textures and volumes. This putty is used in apartments, private houses, cafes, restaurants, hotels... the list goes on for a long time. The first mentions of such a mixture appeared in the Middle Ages. Then it was made from natural natural materials. Today natural stone and other components replaced acrylic compounds, and the putty itself became available to all segments of the population.

Advantages and disadvantages of this finishing material

The advantages of such mixtures are many times greater than the disadvantages. Let's try to list them:

  1. When finishing with a decorative mixture, you do not need to pre-level the walls. Surface treatment is limited to applying primer;
  2. the viscosity of the composition allows it to be easily applied to semicircular surfaces;
  3. If applied correctly, seams and joints will not be visible. It appears as if the wall was plastered in one continuous layer;
  4. the use of white decorative plaster leaves the right of tinting to the master. Paint is added while stirring the mixture;
  5. an extensive assortment allows you to choose the interior style planned by the home craftsman;
  6. additional protection in the form of special varnishes preserves the plastered surface from abrasion;
  7. Water-based putties can be restored in case of chipping.

Against the background of the above positive aspects, the shortcomings are lost, but we cannot ignore them:

  1. Such finishing material, built less than 5 years ago, is not used. Subsidence, which is mandatory in such cases, contributes to the appearance of cracks on the walls. The same applies to buildings in a seismic zone;
  2. Such coatings are not tolerated. If a special varnish protects against a small level, then it will not help in the bathroom;
  3. A significant argument “against” for home craftsmen is the high cost of putty, although today the price has dropped compared to the level of two or three years ago.

Related article:

From the article you will learn what plaster is used for, how it is classified according to materials and technologies, how to analyze costs during use, photo ideas and advice from professionals.

Decorative plaster: names of types with photo examples

The main types are structural, textured and Venetian plaster. However, do not forget about types that imitate expensive materials. These include marble, flock (silk) or marbled putty. Each of these types is special in its own way, and therefore we will consider them in detail, having familiarized ourselves with photographs of plastered different mixtures and wall methods.

The properties of all types are identical and depend on the components of the mixture (we’ll talk about this in detail below), but appearance is different.

Textured finishing material and its appearance

The name of the type already indicates that the applied finishing material has a clearly defined texture. Applying such a coating is not difficult, the cost is relatively low, which makes the mixture popular among finishing craftsmen.

There are 3 main textures - “lamb” (the coating resembles animal hair with curls), “fur coat” (gradually losing popularity) and “bark beetle” (more difficult to apply, has the appearance of a tree with grooves similar to the result of the work of a bark beetle).

A photo of textured decorative plaster for interior work can be seen below:

Helpful information! This material has a very significant advantage - the result is noticeable immediately after application. You don't have to wait for it to dry completely to see it.

Related article:

Photos, videos, application, examples of textures and interiors, average cost, how to properly apply plaster on the wall yourself - you will find all this and much more in our material.

What is the difference between structural putty

The peculiarity of this mixture is that the master never knows what the surface structure will be after complete drying. It will not be possible to set a specific direction for the patterns. Such mixtures must not be applied during wet areas. If you want to decorate the bathroom walls with such material, you need to provide low humidity air until the putty is completely dry. We invite you to see photos of wall decoration with structural decorative plaster:

Venetian plaster and its features

Applying this putty requires experience and skill. A home handyman who has not performed such work is unlikely to be able to do everything correctly. This smooth decorative plaster after application looks like marble, which becomes matte or glossy, depending on the finishing coating. Another difficulty in using it is that the surface requires careful preparation before application.

Interesting information! With the help of such material you can create the appearance not only natural stone, but also various precious metals. This effect is achieved by adding special pigments to the mixture.

One of the varieties of this type of application can be called Leonardo plaster, photos of which are presented in a small gallery:

Related article:

Features and composition of the material, how to make it yourself, advantages and disadvantages, review of manufacturers, video lesson on preparation and application Venetian plaster with your own hands, recommendations from experts - in our publication.

Flock or silk plaster: photos in the interior and some advantages

After application and finishing coat it looks like flowing silk with pearlescent tints. On the shelves it is presented in the following colors: golden, silver, bronze or garnet tone, as well as white, which can be tinted.

Good to know! It is not recommended to clean washable decorative plaster with hard metal brushes or abrasives. To remove contaminants, gel-based products without caustic chemical components are suitable.

Photos of hallway interiors with decorative plaster are presented below:

Features of applying decorative plaster in the bedroom

There are no differences in composition from the previous version. Any types and compositions are applicable. But if a light shade is more acceptable in the hallway, then the bedroom needs a dark, deep color. Application mixed interior welcome here. Materials such as or embossed gypsum panels are compatible with putty. An interesting option with fabric is that drapery gives a unique charm to the room and intimacy to the atmosphere.

Helpful information! A bedroom is a room in which mechanical damage to the walls is minimized, unlike the corridor. This means that wax can be used as a finishing coat. It will give the wall a gloss that visually resembles a glass coating.

Using decorative plaster in the toilet and bathroom

For such premises you need material that is resistant to moisture. Just like for the kitchen, good choice There will be a purchase of acrylic or silicate mixtures. Plaster for such premises is more expensive due to the inclusion of impurities in its composition that prevent the appearance of fungus and mold. Often, façade mixtures for exterior finishing work are used for similar purposes.

Important information! Despite the fact that bark beetle plaster is resistant to moisture, it is not worth finishing bathrooms and bathrooms with it. Water will accumulate in the grooves, which will eventually lead to rusty or limescale stains on the walls. Moreover, their appearance does not depend in any way on the color or shade of the wall.

Decorative plaster: photo in the living room interior

There is room for your imagination to run wild here. home handyman. Various combinations of materials, playing with colors and styles of applying putty, and even the possibility of plastering the ceiling to look like “Venetian” or “silk”. Option with ceiling, with the right approach, will help make the living room larger and taller (visually, of course). It should be understood that if the hallway gives the first impressions of the owners, then the living room is the soul of the entire house or apartment, where a lot of time will be spent. This indicates the need for tinting in light colors. Pearlescent and metallic shades like gold, silver or bronze will help add expressiveness. But you shouldn't abuse them.

Using several different techniques for applying plaster, you can create a panel, landscape or painting on the wall - this depends on the artistic skills of the master. If you have no experience or desire to perform such work, you can turn to professional plasterers for help, but none experienced master will not be able to implement what the owner himself will do. We agree that it is difficult, but nothing is impossible. The work will progress slowly, but the result will amaze not only the guests, but also the home craftsman himself.

Several reviews about decorative plaster from netizens

The picture would not be complete without reviews of decorative plaster from people who decorated their houses and apartments with such mixtures.

Milakisa, Russia, Ekaterinburg: I am a designer. All new interesting solutions For the interior, I try to test it in my apartment before offering it to the customer. So I first applied decorative plaster to the walls in my bathroom, and then began to include it in design projects for a client. The choice in favor of this material was due to the fact that it is very practical. The resulting three-dimensional pattern is coated on top with a special wax, thanks to which the walls can be wiped with a wet cloth. And I also like the non-repeating relief pattern of this piercing, since it is applied manually, each section of the wall is not similar to the neighboring one...

More details on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_3210253.html

And one more.

NadiZZZ, Russia, Nizhny Tagil: We are not designers, but when it comes to renovating an apartment, you want something new and original. My husband and I agreed on decorative plaster. Although this is quite a tedious and labor-intensive task. Moroccan plaster is decorative coating with a medium-sized texture in the form of raised areas (“islands”) of applied plaster above the main surface. The surface texture of this plaster is smooth and pleasant to the touch. (…) We are glad that everything is done! Enjoy the view! A little more about this type of plaster: it is hypoallergenic and easily tolerated wet cleaning, long warranty period, easy to repair and restore, withstands high loads.

More details on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_3499164.html

How to make a mixture for decorative plaster yourself

Let's consider the option of preparing bark beetle plaster. To do this, you need to purchase dry finishing putty, white primer and grout for joints. tiles. As a filler we buy marble or granite chips. The size of the fractions determines how wide the grooves will be.

Mix the putty with the primer-based grout until the mixture looks like sour cream. To check the density, you can apply a small amount of onto a small piece of drywall. The mixture should not drip, but do not make it too thick - it will be difficult to apply. Lastly, pour in the stone chips and mix thoroughly again.

Helpful information! You need to pour marble or granite chips into the mixture in parts, periodically checking the result by applying it to a piece of drywall. An excess number of fractions will not lead to greater beauty; the result will most likely be the opposite.

Methods for applying decorative mixtures to surfaces

If the home handyman has experience in such work, they will not pose a problem. The main thing here is availability the necessary tool. If you have no experience, we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with various technologies applying plaster and find out what tools you will need for this. You can learn about bark beetle plastering technologies from. If you plan to plaster with a more complex “Venetian”, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

Review of manufacturers, types and costs of decorative plaster

Let's look at several different mixtures and their costs as of February 2018:

Brand View Drying time, h Strength gain, days. Package weight, kg Cost, rub.
Manifik Lisse

12 28 8 2800

12 14 30 2000
Ceresit ST174

16 25 25 2600
Baumit Edel Putz Spezial Natur Kratz

24 30 25 700

14 28 15 3200


Despite the relatively high cost, the popularity of decorative plaster mixtures is growing day by day. No wonder. After all, the interior created in such a way finishing material, may surprise even the most seasoned critic.

And finally, an educational video on the topic of applying decorative plaster with your own hands.
