How to insulate a door frame with foam. Principles of insulating the front door. Seams and gaps

Metal doorsreliable means protection of living quarters from outside intrusion. But it happens that the insulating characteristics of such a device leave much to be desired. Fortunately, this problem can be solved using Additional materials. detailed information How to insulate a metal door is contained in the article.

Choice of insulation

When deciding on choosing insulation, users have several options regarding which product to use:

Mineral wool

It got its name because it is made from fusible natural minerals. In the process of exposure high temperatures, the structure of the source material becomes viscous. It is transformed into the finest threads that are woven together to form a thick web. The resulting mass actually looks like cotton wool.

The cost of the final product depends on how valuable and quality material was used for its production.


  1. Excellent insulating properties.
  2. High resistance to temperature changes, changes in humidity, chemical composition air, etc.
  3. This insulation is considered safe in case of fire. Its properties ensure that a flame, colliding with a layer of mineral wool, will not be able to pass into the next room.


  1. Despite the fact that the material is resistant to external factors, over time it begins to sag under its own weight. Accordingly, it will no longer perform its functions so well.


This lightweight material, actively used in construction as an insulator. The composition is unique: it is almost 100% air. To obtain it, polystyrene granules are alternately foamed several times, then blown with a stream of hot air. This technology allows you to make weight finished material minimal, while it has good insulating properties.

Having received the desired consistency, the foam is left to dry to get rid of excess moisture.


  1. The insulation structure withstands external influence , maintaining the given shape.
  2. Foam is easy to work with, easily cutting out elements required size and shapes.
  3. Holds up well, does not move.
  4. Low cost.


  1. Insulation performance is very mediocre. In particular, this is due to the fact that polystyrene foam is not able to make hermetically sealed contact with other material, so there are loopholes for cold and extraneous sounds in the smallest cracks.
  2. The structure is destroyed under the influence of hot water.
  3. Unfortunately, high level fire safety foam plastic also cannot boast.

It is the result of the activities of the pulp industry. These are thick sheets of cardboard, glued and laid in such a way that the structure is multi-layered and cellular.


  1. Low cost.
  2. Easy to install.
  3. Light weight.


  1. The insulating properties are even lower than those of polystyrene foam.
  2. May respond to humidity levels, over time, the structure may become compacted under the influence of moisture, which will worsen the insulation.
  3. Low level of fire safety.

This is essentially plastic, which, being inside special device, looks like liquid. When applied under pressure, this liquid foams and becomes voluminous at the outlet. Over a short period of time, the mass hardens, creating a reliable protective barrier.


  1. It is considered to be the best insulation material today.
  2. Resistant to temperature and humidity changes, exposure to chemicals.
  3. Mold and the development of pathogenic organisms are not dangerous for this material.
  4. Safe for residents.
  5. Fire resistant.


  1. Requires careful professional application.

Required materials and tools

So, to carry out work on insulating a metal door, you will need the following tools:

  • putty knife;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw (preferably electronic);
  • construction knife;


  • the insulation itself;
  • construction foam for performance installation work;
  • universal glue (insulating material will be attached to it), or liquid nails;
  • seal;
  • putty;
  • plywood, some wood to create internal frame doors;

Insulation options

Depending on the location of the material, it is possible the following options insulation:

  1. From the inside.
  2. Outside.

The first method is suitable if the inner door leaf is collapsible. In this case, it is enough to simply remove it and fill the space with the selected type of insulation. The only thing you need to do is ensure that the material is not exposed to moisture. To do this, a water-resistant film is usually applied over the insulation.

The second method is most often chosen in cases where the door frame is non-removable.

There are two options here:

  1. Bulk. Several holes are made in the door leaf with a drill, through which inner space filled with granulated foam. Possible disadvantages:
    • Insufficient insulation, if there is not enough material or it is distributed unevenly.
    • May have a negative impact on work locking mechanism.
    • Holes, even closed with plugs, can spoil the appearance of the canvas.
  2. Creating an external frame. The method is more painstaking and requires some skill. Most often, to create an additional layer between the leaf and the door, they are used wooden blocks or plywood. They are cut out in accordance with the parameters of the source material, and a frame is formed from them, the cavity of which is filled with insulation.

Do-it-yourself insulation

Door leaf

Before you choose a method self-insulation door, you need to study its design: whether the leaf can be disassembled or not, how the locking mechanism works, etc. You can increase the insulation of the leaf or door frame.


  1. If the canvas can be disassembled, then it is best to place insulation material inside. To do this, it is cut the right size depending on the parameters of the web (if a solid substance is laid). To prevent the insulation from moving, it is secured with spacers. It’s easier to work with a soft one, the only thing is that if the chosen product is not moisture resistant, after installation it needs to be covered with a special film.
  2. If the canvas is not removable, then you can apply the bulk method described in the previous section.

Insulating a box is a time-consuming method, but a high-quality result is worth it.

So here's how to proceed:

  1. Remove the fabric from the loops.
  2. Take out peephole , locking system.
  3. Remove the screws, which finishing panel attached to the door frame.
  4. If the insulation is solid, it must be cut so that it completely occupies the internal cavities. You can secure it with universal glue, or liquid nails. All, even the smallest gaps remaining between the material and the door body should be filled construction foam, otherwise, there will be paths for cold air flows.
  5. Soft material It is also attached to an adhesive base and, if necessary, additionally covered with a protective film.

After completing the installation work, external panel is attached back, the peephole and locks are returned, the door is installed in its place.

The presence of tiny gaps between joints can become a source of noticeable drafts. This problem can be easily solved using sealing tape. It can be made of rubber or foam rubber. The main thing is to choose correct thickness(usually the choice is made in favor of the minimum) to prevent interference with the normal closing of the door.

Sealing material is used to cover the joints around the entire perimeter of the door.

Ready-made insulated metal doors

You should take care of the tightness and insulating characteristics of the door at the stage of its purchase. Having purchased an already insulated copy, you will not have to subsequently look for ways to improve it yourself.

Even at the production stage, one or another type of insulation is placed in the door cavity. Maximum tightness is achieved by gluing the entire perimeter of the box with a sealant.

The price of the finished product depends on the quality of the materials used in production, the manufacturer, the cost of insulation, the type of cladding and burglary resistance. The range of prices for insulated doors is quite large - from 12,000 to 70,000 rubles.

So, when planning to insulate a metal door, you should remember the following:

  1. Knowledge design features doors will allow you to choose the most suitable way insulation.
  2. It’s better not to skimp on insulating material, because the higher cost is due not only to insulation parameters, but also to fire resistance, independence from the influence of factors external environment, as well as environmental safety.
  3. When installing solid material you need to make sure that all joints are filled with construction foam, otherwise drafts cannot be avoided.
  4. If inner surface the door consists of stiffening ribs, they also need to be filled with foam by drilling several holes in them, since in essence these are small hollow pipes that will allow cold air into the living space.
  5. By purchasing a door that is already insulated from the start, you can save yourself from the need to make design changes. In addition, industrial installation of insulation is usually performed to a higher quality than manual installation, and therefore its service life is much longer.

Most of the apartments are equipped with an iron entrance door - thanks to them you don’t have to worry about security. However, the iron door has a drawback - it lets the cold in. After all, iron is an excellent conductor, so in winter the apartment loses a lot of heat through it. To avoid this, you should take care of how to insulate iron door.

Usually, manufacturers of iron doors do not insulate them, so each owner needs to carry out insulation work independently.

Material selection

On construction market There is a wide choice of materials, but fiber and polymer insulation remain the most accessible.

However, it should be remembered that mineral wool may get wet and lose its properties, so when choosing such raw materials you should immediately think about moisture insulation.

Experts in installing iron doors advise using ordinary polystyrene foam - it is often used for cladding the facades of multi-storey buildings, so it can be purchased in slabs various sizes and thickness.

Foam plastic has long been used as insulation in construction and is highly rated: it is easy to install, designed for long-term use, and does not deform load-bearing structures.

Foam boards are easy to trim to fit perfectly into the desired space, and this is what is important in the case of a door. This same property allows you to make the insulation layer as aesthetically pleasing as possible. You should buy polystyrene foam of the maximum thickness that can fit inside the iron door.


To insulate the entrance part, the metal door will have to be removed from its hinges and disassembled before starting work. It is necessary to prepare all the contact areas and slopes next to the opening - they are also responsible for thermal conductivity. You don't need much for the job insulation material– a couple of sheets will be enough.


Let us describe the sequence of work on insulating a door with your own hands:

  • the door is removed from its hinges and disassembled;
  • the lock, peephole, number are removed;
  • pieces of foam plastic are cut out and placed inside the door so that there are no empty spaces left;
  • all empty spaces are filled with polyurethane foam;
  • locks are screwed on;
  • start facing work.

Instead of polystyrene foam, granular filler, rubber seal, or self-adhesive foam rubber can be used. Internal insulation of a metal entrance door can be combined with external leatherette cladding. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. The door leaf is covered on both sides with thin insulation in the form of heat-reflecting material. It is glued to the door with a special compound;
  2. For decorative effect the surface with insulation is upholstered with canvas - leather, leatherette or other durable material.

The problem is condensation

Moisture can settle on the metal door and on the entrance part in the form of slopes, which will lead to rust on the iron structures - so simply insulating it will not be enough.

What is the cause of moisture? Cold air landing And warm air premises are found in the area door space. Condensation forms and settles on surfaces.
To prevent such a problem, all joints should be covered with a rubber seal. You can even use a special material for waterproofing - liquid rubber, which is used for pipelines, bathtubs and shower rooms.

What about the slopes?

All slopes near the box also need insulation, especially indoor slopes. Usually these building construction plastered, puttied or sheathed with plasterboard. In these cases, you can achieve an aesthetically attractive result, but the problem is that the materials described will not become a barrier to the penetration of cold.

Large thermal insulation characteristics plywood, wood and MDF, as well as chipboards. It is quite possible to attach insulation boards in the form of isover or mineral wool under the facing panel. When covering internal slopes insulation and cladding panels Heat loss in the door area will be minimal.

About materials in general

Choosing material for door trim iron sheet, you need to take into account not only the practicality and attractiveness of the material, but the insulating properties. For example, plastic cladding: the material is inexpensive, looks nice, lasts a long time, but conducts cold. Therefore, the entire load for thermal protection will fall on the foam boards.

Other cladding materials are more expensive, but they can prevent cold from penetrating into the room. Wood, plywood, chipboard and MDF have low thermal conductivity characteristics. This figure will increase if the facing layer is made thicker.

Two-door vestibule

The best insulation option is to install a second door at the entrance and the heat will remain in the room. It doesn’t matter what materials the second door will be made of: it can be made of wood, metal, MDF or plastic.

By constructing a vestibule of two doors at the entrance to the room, you can achieve the same low thermal conductivity as is inherent in the externally insulated walls of the house. The condensation problem will also be solved. The disadvantage of this insulation method is the loss of living space and the financial costs of purchasing an additional door.

A metal door is an excellent protection against burglary and uninvited guests, but it does not protect well from the cold. The metal has excellent thermal conductivity, so the temperature is inside the door will be almost the same as the outside. This can lead to condensation, which can cause metal elements structures will begin to collapse over time. In addition, a gap of 5-8 mm must be left between the metal door and the frame, and cold air penetrates into the apartment through it, which also causes a deterioration in the microclimate in your home.

All these troubles can be avoided if you insulate the iron entrance door. Insulation can be done using various materials, and the most popular ones are fibrous or foam boards. The technology of their use for insulating an iron door is generally similar, the thermal characteristics are also similar, they differ in mechanical properties and fire safety.

Fiber materials: mineral and stone wool

Fiber insulation materials include mineral and stone wool, made in the form of solid slabs or roll materials. They have excellent heat-insulating properties, do not support combustion, are a good sound insulator, are easy to attach and fit into the size of the door frame. However, it has a significant drawback: when wet, fibrous materials lose volume, after which their heat-insulating properties sharply decrease. Therefore, in the case where the front door separates the cold room and warm apartment, and condensation may form on the metal surface, the use of mineral wool is not advisable. Its use is recommended in heated entrances of apartment buildings.

Foam and polystyrene

Foam plastic polymer material, the bubbles of which are filled with air. Polystyrene has a similar structure, but it is filled not with air, but with nitrogen, due to which it is much less susceptible to destruction and combustion, while its price is slightly higher. Both materials are produced in the form of slabs of various thicknesses, so you can choose the thickness of the insulation layer that will allow you to insulate the iron door and achieve the desired thermal insulation properties. Polystyrene foam and polystyrene are not afraid of moisture, so they can be used in any room.

Required materials and tools

In addition to the insulation selected according to your conditions, you will need:

  • Sheet laminated chipboard or plywood to the size of the door, taking into account the frame for the interior lining;
  • A block of dry wood to make the internal frame to which the internal
  • Polyurethane foam;
  • Plaster or putty;
  • Polymer seal in the form of a tape;
  • Contact universal adhesive for installing insulation on a metal surface;
  • Jigsaw and screwdriver;
  • A sharp knife for cutting insulation;
  • Putty knife.

Insulation of the door frame

The frame of a metal door is usually made of a corner fixed to the walls using metal pins. There are often gaps left between the frame and the wall, which are quickly sealed with foam during installation. Polyurethane foam has one drawback - unprotected from light radiation, it very soon loses its properties and collapses. This can be determined by yellow or brown color old foam. If your door frame is insulated this way, you need to remove the old foam and insulate it again.

  1. To do this, the wall adjacent to the door frame is cleaned of the remnants of the old insulation, the plaster is expanded to a solid base and the remaining dust is removed.
  2. The surface is moistened with water, after which holes and cracks more than 2 cm deep are foamed with polyurethane foam.
  3. After the foam expands and hardens, the excess is carefully cut off with a sharp knife.

The box is finished with a layer of plaster or putty, which will play a protective and decorative role. A door frame foamed in this way will no longer allow cold air to pass through.

Door insulation

Before starting work on insulating the door, it is necessary to remove the overhead elements: the peephole, the handle, and the lock lining.

After waiting for the glue to dry, check the insulation for any gaps. Large gaps are foamed with polyurethane foam and then trimmed flush with the insulation; gaps less than 0.5 mm can be filled with thin strips of polystyrene foam using the same glue.

Inner door lining and door gap seal

The internal lining plays a triple role: it protects the insulation from damage, provides additional noise and heat insulation, and also performs decorative function. Therefore, the interior decoration requires special requirements: it should not only be durable and moisture-resistant, but also look aesthetically pleasing. Usually interior decoration made from laminated chipboard or MDF, you can also make it from moisture-resistant plywood covered with artificial leather.

An iron door, insulated according to all the rules, perfectly retains heat inside the house and is a reliable protection against noise. The service life of the door also increases, since insulation provides reliable protection metal structures from condensation.

As many already know, metal doors not only provide security, but also protect residents from external noise and cold. That is why the question “how to insulate an iron entrance door” is now more relevant than ever.

The metal door is quite simple design, assembled from a frame and welded to it metal sheet. As a rule, there remains a small gap between the frame and the canvas, about 7-8 mm in size.

Some may think that insulating an iron door with your own hands can be done with simple insulation and, as they say, without reinventing the wheel, but if you look at the issue from a professional point of view, then this is just small step to create a cozy and warm atmosphere in the house.

We insulate the door with foam panels

So, to fully understand all the intricacies of this difficult question, we will try to tell you about everything in order.

Necessary tool

Before you start insulating the door, prepare the tools you will need for the work:

  • Rolled insulating foam;
  • Foam panels, the thickness of which corresponds to the thickness of the metal profile;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Set of drills (for metal);
  • Several bits (installed on a drill or screwdriver);
  • Medium grit sandpaper;
  • Marker;
  • Roulette;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Ruler;
  • Drill and screws;
  • Sealant or silicone;
  • Fiberboard sheet;
  • Screwdriver and drill;
  • Self-adhesive paper or film.

When purchasing all the components for door insulation, pay attention to foam plastic - it should be of high density. This is a necessary criterion that affects the quality of insulation.

Work plan

Well, we’ve figured out the tool, now let’s move on to the question of how to insulate an iron door in a private house.

This instruction will tell you step by step what to do and how to do it:

  • First you need to measure the height and length of the door leaf. This is necessary in order to then cut out a sheet of fiberboard that will completely cover the insulation;
  • We transfer the obtained dimensions to the fiberboard sheet;
  • We mark the location of the lock and peephole on a sheet of chipboard and cut out the corresponding holes for them;
  • We attach the finished part to check the size ratio and compliance with all the necessary holes;

  • The next step is to fill the door with foam panels. In order to cut the insulation for an iron door, we use a knife.
    We do not spare silicone and apply it in a rich layer on inner part doors (this measure is necessary to prevent the panels from falling out);

  • Now, you need to screw the fiberboard into place. We insert a special bit into the screwdriver and use self-tapping screws to screw it to the door.

In order to screw a fiberboard sheet to metal, you do not need to drill any additional holes.
Self-tapping screws are drilled into the metal themselves and do not require preparatory work.

  • We tighten the screws along the entire perimeter of the sheet. The most important thing in this matter is that the sheet of plywood lies tightly, without swelling;
  • Now you need to take a knife and plan off the excess edge that protrudes slightly beyond the profile;
  • The last step is to take medium-grain sandpaper and carefully grind down the edges of the fiberboard so that the structure has an attractive and finished look.

Do you want to thoroughly insulate your door?
In this case, even small gaps between the foam and the gaps between the stiffeners must be filled with polyurethane foam.

The door stiffeners, since they are made of metal, will keep the cold in. Profile pipes and corners freeze in winter and create an unpleasant refrigerator effect.

To avoid this, it is necessary to fill the stiffeners (tubes) with polyurethane foam. In order to do this, you will need a drill, which makes a hole in profile pipe. Then the pipe is filled with foam.

Door insulation with foam rubber

You can insulate an iron door with your own hands using foam rubber, since this material is a good heat insulator. Surely, many people think that by gluing rubber to the door as a seal, they will be able to get rid of cold and drafts once and for all - this opinion is wrong.

Unlike the same window, the door does not have gaps on which rubber can be glued, which is why, after gluing it, serious problems with closing and opening the door may arise.


In order to properly insulate iron doors with your own hands using foam rubber, you need to follow a simple step-by-step procedure:

  • The first thing to do is unwind the foam roll;
  • The next step is to remove protective film and glue foam tapes to the door frame profile;
  • If the foam rubber turns out to be thicker than the gap, you should cut off the edge of the foam rubber at a slight angle.

We insulate the canvas

How to insulate an iron door from the inside? What does that require? In this matter, much depends on the type of canvas - whether it is collapsible or not. If the canvas is disassembled, then any insulation you like can be safely placed inside the structure.

The material used as insulation can be either hard or soft.

The same polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, etc. are used as rigid insulation. It is customary to select solid materials according to thickness - that is, buy the same foam plastic of such a thickness that it fits comfortably inside the door.

If you are concerned about the question - how to insulate an iron entrance door if it is not possible to purchase rigid insulation? The answer is simple - use a soft type of insulation. When choosing this type of material, you should take care of waterproofing the door in advance.

Due to temperature changes, drops of moisture (condensation) form on the inside of the door, which over time moistens the soft insulation. And under the influence of moisture, it simply ceases to prevent the penetration of cold.

Also, when wet, the structure of the soft insulation will collapse, and your home will experience bad smell dampness, and the material itself will threaten the integrity of the metal door. Due to prolonged exposure to moisture, traces of corrosion may appear on the inside of the door.

In order to prevent such consequences, it is necessary to cover the soft insulation with a film, which in turn will play the role of a waterproofing agent.

If your steel door non-removable, then you can use another option - fill inner emptiness doors bulk heat insulator. But it’s worth mentioning right away that this option is only available in simple doors, in which there is no crossbar locking system.

If there are crossbars, loose insulation should not be used under any circumstances! Thus, you can block the crossbar system completely and irrevocably! A door with deadbolt locks can only be insulated from the outside. For this, experts recommend using elastic insulation, such as foam rubber, etc.

The main drawback external insulation doors - unaesthetic appearance. To hide the insulation, professional builders use plastic panels or wooden covering.

Often as decorative insert you can find high-quality plywood, which acts not only as decorative element, but also as an insulation element.

We insulate the door frame

So, in this case there is one significant and important question - how can you insulate door frame? For this, a special solution is used, which, after insulating the door, is applied along the entire perimeter of the door frame in the shape of the letter “P”.

If such actions have not been carried out in advance, then special holes must be made in the door frame and poured into them polyurethane foam. Also, as insulation, you can use bulk insulation, which is poured into pre-prepared holes from above.

Regarding the cracks

The last stage in the process of insulating the door can be called gluing along the entire perimeter entrance group(at the joints) rubber or foam seal. Rubber compressor is the most popular and preferred material, as it has a high level of wear resistance.

To eliminate cracks, you need to buy the thinnest seal, so that in the future you will not have problems closing the front door.

The price of insulation is not high. According to rough estimates (even if you buy the most expensive one), you will have to spend no more than 2,500 rubles.

To maintain the maximum amount of heat in the apartment, many of our fellow citizens, in addition to ).


That's basically all you need to know home handyman. Using the same principle, you can insulate the loggia and insulate plastic windows. These tips and recommendations are intended for ordinary person, who has practically no skills in construction and repair, so there is no need to be afraid to take on the work with your own hands. In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic. Good luck!

How to insulate iron front door– this question is relevant both for owners of apartments and private houses, this is due to the fact that metal doors are the most popular today, but the disadvantage of many such models is poor thermal insulation. In terms of safety, this is perfect option, can protect you from burglary, then there are many questions about the heat-insulating and sound-absorbing properties of such doors, but do not worry, this problem can be eliminated quite easily and quickly by doing the insulation work with your own hands.

Often the entrance door, especially a metal one, requires additional insulation


How can you insulate an iron entrance door? Today's market building materials provides a huge range of insulation materials of various types. Depending on the minimum temperature In winter you can buy expensive and high-quality polyurethane foam or polystyrene. If you live in an area with a fairly warm climate, you can limit yourself to more simple materials. In such cases, mineral wool, polystyrene foam, foam rubber and isolon sheets are often used for insulation. From loose insulation materials For doors you can use polystyrene foam granules, polystyrene foam, or ecowool.

Mineral wool - traditional insulation for entrance doors

Since there are several ways to insulate an iron door and other structural elements in a private house, it is necessary to select the material based on the thickness of the metal, structural features of the door, its standard filling and other characteristics. In addition, care should be taken to seal seams and cracks in the wall itself.

Internal insulation of a standard door

So, how to insulate an iron entrance door? Standard models are a sheet of metal reinforced with stiffeners. Some modern doors you can open them up and see their inner contents. Simple models- This is a single sheet of thick steel. In both cases, this insulation method will be suitable.

First you need to remove all the fittings: handles, locks, peephole. It is necessary to take dimensions from each section separated by stiffening ribs; based on these data, it is necessary to cut the insulation into fragments for each section, and then lay each piece in its place. The edges of the insulation should fit snugly against the walls of the door, so when cutting it is better to add 5-10 mm on each side. Using sealant or polyurethane foam, seal all joints to eliminate cold bridges.

The design of a high-quality entrance door always involves a layer of insulation

After this, a sheet identical in size is cut out of fiberboard or plywood door leaf. Place it on top of the insulation. Using metal screws, screw the sheet tightly to the door leaf. Depending on the type of metal, you may additionally need a drill, then the plywood is secured with screws.

Internal insulation of non-demountable models

If you have a complex model installed that is impossible to disassemble, then you can insulate such an iron door from the inside in another way; unlike the previous ones, this method is even simpler. For this, dry insulation in granules is used; walls and roofs are also insulated in a similar way. What is the principle of working with dry insulation? It does not need to be laid or additionally secured; it is enough to simply fill the hollow space inside the door leaf; small granules will fill all the voids. To evenly distribute the material and compact it better, you need to knock on the sides of the door or shake it, tapping it on the floor, if this is, of course, possible.

Expanded polystyrene granules will help solve the problem of insulating a non-removable entrance door

Polystyrene foam granules or foam balls are most often used as insulation for such cases. Previously, sawdust was used, but their thermal insulation properties were much lower than those of modern materials.

One thing worth considering important detail: if you have a door installed with special locking bolts that are part of an anti-burglary system, this method of increasing thermal insulation properties should not be used.

The fact is that insulation granules can clog into this system and, thus, block the movement of these parts.

External insulation

Now let's look at how to insulate an iron door from the outside. In addition to internal insulation you can attach the insulation to the outside on top of the door leaf; this will not only allow you to achieve a better effect, but will also transform the appearance of the door. To do this, you will need a piece of dermantine, slightly larger in size than the door itself and several strips of small width; with their help, sealing rollers are installed around the perimeter of the door.

Using glue and dermantine, a rolled piece of soft sealant is attached to the metal, then sheets of insulation are also attached to the canvas using glue; this can be foam rubber, polyurethane foam, isolon or mineral wool. The final stage is gluing the dermantine. Its edges are rolled up so that the cuts are not visible and glued on top of the rollers. Then all the fittings are installed in place.

Seams and gaps

For achievement maximum efficiency It is necessary to ensure complete sealing of seams and joints. First of all, it is necessary to seal the gaps that remain after installing the door frame. Identifying them is quite simple: just bring your palm to the opening and move it along the entire perimeter; in places that require insulation, a draft will be felt. You can also use a burning candle; its flame will flutter intensely in the areas where there are cracks.

Silicone sealant is used to insulate the seams

You can insulate an iron door and door frame with your own hands using various materials. In order to seal cracks and joints, polyurethane foam is most often used. After hardening, the excess is cut off with a knife, and the remaining foam is covered with plaster or platbands. If you do not close it, the material will very quickly collapse under the influence of light. You can also use silicone or rubber sealant instead of foam, it is much more convenient to apply, and you can seal even the smallest cracks.

The next step is to insulate the joints of the door and hatch. The first way: rubber. To do this, you need to cut strips of small width and glue them around the perimeter of the loot. Can be purchased now finished parts, they will provide better insulation, as they will fit more tightly to the door leaf. IN closed position This insulation will ensure complete sealing of the seams.

Second method: foam rubber. The principle of operation is the same; it is also installed around the perimeter of the hole. It is not difficult to find strips of foam rubber of the required width on the building materials market; they are convenient because one side of them is an adhesive tape, so they are very easy to attach. More modern and reliable material– isolon. By appearance and the principle of fastening these two products are almost the same.

Knowing how to insulate an iron door, you don’t have to be afraid that the winter cold will come knocking on your house. The process of improving doors yourself will not take much time, and the consumption of materials is relatively small, but you will be reliably protected not only from the penetration of strangers, but also from drafts and frost.
