How to install basement siding with your own hands? Do-it-yourself basement siding installation: advantages, preparatory work and installation technology Do-it-yourself façade cladding with basement siding

Basement siding with vinyl is used to treat foundations and walls. The material is easy to install, and correct installation is characterized by durability (service life of 50 years). Covering the foundation with siding is a way to equip beautiful facade homes in record time. Paneling is carried out without the use of special tools; even a beginner can cope with the task.

Description of material

Vinyl siding is made from polyvinyl chloride. Covering the foundation with basement siding is often done to imitate stone (natural or decorative), brick (silicate or red) and various types of wood. During the manufacturing process, the design is transferred from a prepared natural cast, resulting in the color matching the natural texture of the materials as closely as possible. Finishing the base with siding can be done using single-color panels; they can be easily painted on top in pleasant colors.

Best decorative look is created by simultaneously covering the base and walls. Processing panels of the same color is not always the best option, panels with imitation brick or stone underneath and wood on the walls go well together. Depending on the purpose of the material, siding cladding is divided into basement and wall types. For the foundation, the sheets are thicker - 2.5-3 mm, and 1.5 mm panels are laid on the walls.

Siding is not only an environmentally friendly type of building decoration, but also very economical.

Basement work places increased demands on the material:

  • high strength, since it will be affected by various negative influences and there is a risk of impacts;
  • immunity to ultraviolet radiation. To prevent the casing of the base from fading with corrugated sheets, special components are added to the composition;
  • high quality of raw materials and finished composition.

By combining the listed qualities, the durability of the material and resistance to various negative phenomena are achieved: temperature changes, mechanical damage, UV radiation, etc. Finishing the base with siding meets the stated requirements.

Basement siding is available in different sizes. Common dimensions (ratio of length to panel width):

  • 1.22x0.47 m;
  • 1.265x0.51 m;
  • 1.13x0.47 m;
  • 1.14x0.395 m;
  • 1.15x0.52 m;
  • 2.44x0.24 m.

Due to the variety of sizes, it is easy to choose convenient panel dimensions, and the material itself is quite cheap. Manufacturers guarantee the service life of the cladding for 50 years. If you install and maintain siding correctly, it will last another 50 years. Installation and assembly basement siding It is done with your own hands, and subsequent care is reduced to cleaning it from dust with a soap solution.

According to the installation method, types of basement siding can be horizontal and vertical

Due to the lightness of the material, it practically does not weigh down the building, therefore, reinforcement of the foundation is not required. The indicator is especially useful for processing the basement of a house on screw piles, which are operated in conditions of watery or loose soil. Finishing pile foundation basement siding can be made with additional installation thermal insulation film. The weight of 1 m2 of completed cladding material is only 3.5 kg. For comparison, artificial stone weighs 35 kg/m2, and facing brick - 190 kg/m2.

Covering the base with siding - pros and cons

Finishing the base with siding has become increasingly widespread due to the abundance of advantages of the material. It is ideal for covering walls and foundations.


  • durability. Due to its resistance to most negative influences, the material retains performance characteristics long time - 50-100 years;
  • siding has high vandal resistance;
  • immunity to microorganisms;
  • mechanical strength. The material can withstand various impacts due to the built-in metal base and dense finishing coating;
  • weather resistance. Snowfalls, rains and fogs do not harm the siding. Operating temperature range from -50°C to 50°C;

Installing basement siding is not particularly complex process
  • weightlessness. The lightness of the material eliminates additional costs for strengthening the foundation and simplifies the installation process;
  • opportunity additional insulation facade. Easy to place under cover thermal insulation materials, including volumetric mineral wool and thick foam;
  • a wide range of. The variety of colors and textures leads to the possibility of creating a unique look. The most common option is siding the base with stone, but there are other types of imitation. Modern technologies production creates a realistic drawing that is difficult to distinguish from natural;
  • quick and easy repair. When comparing the time required for plastering, laying stone over siding will speed up the work by 2-3 times. Repair is carried out by simply replacing the strip;
  • ease of work even with walls with complex geometry. Work with rectilinear facades is extremely simple; round or multifaceted buildings are a little more complicated.

If you install basement siding yourself, there are several disadvantages to consider:

  • After the cladding, the dimensions of the building will be increased. Losses are 10-40 cm, depending on the presence of irregularities, the type of insulation and the design of the panels. If complex cladding with metal siding is carried out, this parameter is of little importance, but when processing the base separately, a further method of leveling should be considered;
  • It is important to buy all additional accessories exclusively from branded manufacturers: fasteners, corners, starting levels. Be sure to purchase the material in reserve to eliminate the need for constant trips to the store;
  • Panel cutting should be done confidently but with caution. It is recommended to use scissors with a hydraulic element, a grinder or a hacksaw. It is better to practice beforehand so as not to cause damage to large pieces.

Please note that facing a private house with siding involves the use of a large number of screws or nails

The development of skills occurs during installation; you can start work without preliminary preparation. The benefits of the coating clearly outweigh the relative disadvantages.

Material calculation and purchase of additional parts

Do-it-yourself installation of basement siding is possible only with the correct calculation and preparation of materials. For determining required quantity materials, the area to be processed is initially calculated using the formula: height * length.

Before covering the foundation of a house with corrugated sheets or any other material, you should find out the square footage of all areas and add them together. Next, the square footage of the material in the package is calculated. The resulting number shows the number of required packs without taking into account trimmings. You should buy siding with a reserve of at least 10%.

What else is needed to cover the base with siding?

For fastening products the following can be used:

  • metal profile for vertical and horizontal lathing. To calculate, you should measure the length of the surface and, taking into account the dimensions of the profile, determine the quantity. The metal is fixed overlapping each other by 40-50 cm;

Installation of the sheathing begins with the installation of the planks you have chosen: wooden or metal
  • self-tapping screws The basement siding must be secured with self-tapping screws; they will also be required during the installation of the sheathing;
  • auxiliary elements: modules, sockets, corners;
  • thermal insulation material. An optional but useful layer, usually the amount of siding is comparable to insulation;
  • tools: screwdriver, grinder, construction knife, metal scissors, hammer, level, tape measure and ruler.

It is better to buy all the materials at one time so as not to be distracted from work to purchase small items. Price various types siding ranges over a wide range. You can choose basement siding for either 400 rubles/m2 or 1200 rubles/m2.

How to prepare a house for siding installation

Step-by-step instructions for installing basement siding with your own hands always begin with the preparation stage. Application of building materials does not require careful or special preparation. It can be installed even on dilapidated shingle houses. Such walls cannot be plastered, it is forbidden to install any heavy cladding on them, so siding is the best solution.

To cover the walls, there is no need for preliminary stripping, plastering or priming; it is enough to check the evenness of the wall and the absence of protruding elements.

After inspection and removal of protrusions, a frame or sheathing is formed. Most often, the lathing is installed using a metal profile or wooden beam. The manufacturer allows installation of the material directly on the wall, but it must have an ideal plane and consist of a material into which fasteners can be easily inserted.

From the outside, the profile strips are attached to the base using dowels and screws

If part of the house is being processed, it is necessary to make a metal sheathing; it will last longer, otherwise there is a risk of the wood collapsing before the siding fails. You can use not only a metal profile, but also wood with impregnation to protect against rot.

How lathing is done

Installation work should begin from the ground. The first profile is the most important; it is leveled and screwed to the wall at a distance of 5-10 cm from the surface. If there is installed around the perimeter of the building concrete blind area, you can start installation directly from the level of the blind area. The metal is fastened with self-tapping screws screwed into the wall, if its material allows for a reliable connection.

The distance between the profiles depends on the purpose of the work. If you plan to lay insulation, the distance is calculated for comfortable installation of thermal insulation. For easy installation It is recommended to install the profile in 50 cm increments to obtain even squares.

The greatest attention is paid to the corners. If desired, you can make a curly shape of the corners from the profile.

Installation instructions for basement siding

Installation procedure:

All plates are secured with self-tapping screws; they should not be screwed in too tightly. It is better to leave 1 mm to the surface of the panel to prevent deformation.

Installation of siding panels

Start off installation work always follows from the left, moving to the right. The panels are inserted level with the previous element so that they rest against the groove. At least 5 screws are used for fastening: 4 in the corners and 1 in the center. It is important to monitor the integrity of the coating; any gaps will lead to wear and tear of the insulation and accelerate the destruction of the siding.

The application procedure includes several basic rules:

  • the last row is always installed after installing the final beam;
  • To prevent deformation and swelling, tension on the panels should be avoided;
  • It is better to start application from the bottom;
  • when installing panels under window sills, finishing strips should be installed first;
  • if necessary, create holes for gas pipe or heating, it is recommended to create a slot 6 mm larger than the diameter of the pipe.

Final finishing

The last stage of finishing - finishing coat to complete appearance. The effect is achieved by installing corners, small modules and parts. At the top, the edge is closed with a drip - a special strip for draining water, which is installed on a sealant of the same color as the siding.


All of these steps require only care and precision; it is better to check the evenness and integrity of the coating several times. With the help of these recommendations, even a beginner can create plinth siding.

The basement of the house, as well as its walls, needs decorative finishing so that the entire structure looks holistic, beautiful and harmonious. In addition to beauty, the finishing material must protect this part of the building from the destructive effects of moisture and precipitation. Basement siding copes with this task perfectly. It is not only beautiful and durable, but also provides reliable protection for home structures. There are several types of this material, each of which has its own characteristics. In our article we will not only look at the properties and varieties of this product, but also describe in detail how to install basement siding with your own hands. To make it easier for you to understand the process, a visual video instruction is presented at the end of the article.

Properties and characteristics of the material

Basement siding is special panels, which are made by casting or pressing. Externally, this material can very accurately imitate stone surface, wood, brick and other materials. For the manufacture of these products, different raw materials can be used, but there are also common components that can improve the quality of the product, its durability and strength. Among these components are:

  • titanium dioxide to maintain color brightness and protect against fading;
  • modifiers to increase the strength of the product;
  • plasticizers increase the elasticity of the material;
  • high quality resins.

Important: thanks to this composition and special manufacturing technology, the basement siding panels do not require additional processing before installation and special care throughout their entire service life.

The dimensions of this product may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Basement siding, a photo of which can be found on the Internet, has the following characteristics:

  1. High moisture resistance, resistance to chemical and mechanical stress.
  2. Siding for the facade and plinth is resistant to sunlight and does not fade over time.
  3. This finishing of the foundations and walls of houses has a wide range of operating temperatures. Depending on the material from which the panel is made, it can range from -50°С...+50°С and reach up to +80°С.
  4. Due to its high strength and elasticity, the material does not collapse under direct mechanical impact.

  1. Installed siding can last up to half a century.
  2. Installing basement siding is simple and quick due to the light weight of the material, convenient dimensions, the presence of special locks, holes for fasteners and additional elements.
  3. You can cover your brick, concrete, wooden or frame house with this material.
  4. Finishing a house with basement siding can be done with your own hands. You do not need special skills or special construction equipment to work. The video instructions at the end of the article will help you understand the installation process.
  5. Products may have different surface textures and colors. For example, brick basement siding can be light beige, brown, red, etc.

In addition to the panels themselves, do-it-yourself installation of basement siding is carried out using the following additional elements:

  • starting strip - the installation of panels begins with this element;
  • end profiles are needed to frame the trim around the edges;
  • a connecting profile is needed to join two products;
  • finishing profiles are needed to frame the last panels;
  • External and internal corner elements are used at the corners of the plinth.


  • metal panels;
  • vinyl products;
  • acrylic material;
  • fiber cement panels.

It is worth choosing one or another type of siding taking into account its advantages and disadvantages.

Vinyl and acrylic panels

Tsokolny vinyl siding made from polyvinyl chloride. The advantages of this material include the following:

  1. The material is not subject to corrosion and rot. It is not spoiled by insects and microorganisms.
  2. The product can be used in a wide temperature range, and installation can be performed in any season.
  3. The service life of this product is 30 years.
  4. This is an environmentally friendly material.
  5. The product does not support combustion.
  6. Reviews say that installing such siding is easy and quick due to its lightness and flexibility.
  7. The material does not crack, and small dents are restored on their own.
  8. If you find out how much this product costs, you will understand that its price is the most reasonable among all types of siding. You can buy one panel 3.6 m long for about 1.9 USD.

The main disadvantages of the material are as follows:

  1. When exposed to temperatures above 500 degrees, vinyl begins to melt.
  2. When temperature increases, the product is subject to deformation expansion and contraction. This must be taken into account during installation.
  3. Installation at temperatures below -10°C must be carried out very carefully due to the risk of cracking of the material.

Polymers are also used to make acrylic siding, so the main characteristics of these products are similar. Small differences explained different technologies production. Thus, acrylic base siding is characterized by the following qualities:

  • the material can withstand temperatures up to +80°C;
  • the product is not subject to temperature deformation;
  • high chemical resistance;
  • In comparison with vinyl panels, acrylic elements are more expensive and cost 2.9 USD.


Metal panels are made from stamped galvanized steel. Its surface is protected special composition, primer, polymer layer on the front side and painting on the back.

Sheathing the base with metal panels is beneficial for the following reasons:

  1. They are very strong and durable and can last more than 50 years.
  2. The product is reliably protected from corrosion and rot.
  3. It does not burn and is an environmentally friendly material.
  4. The panels are not subject to temperature deformation.
  5. They can be installed at any time of the year.

Before finishing the base metal siding, it is worth knowing its disadvantages:

  1. The high price of the material is its main drawback.
  2. If damaged polymer coating, then over time traces of corrosion may appear in this place.
  3. The products are quite heavy, which makes them difficult to install.

Fiber cement siding

Such elements are produced by pressing from a mixture of cement, mineral fillers and reinforcing cellulose fibers. Finishing the base with fiber cement siding is beneficial because of its advantages:

  • high strength and flexibility;
  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • increased moisture resistance and water resistance;
  • the product is resistant to any adverse environmental factors;
  • the material is not subject to combustion;
  • The product can easily withstand extreme temperatures and sudden changes.

However, a plinth finished with this material will have the following disadvantages:

  • during the installation process it will not be possible to completely hide the seams between the finishing elements;
  • if you decide to replace one panel to repair the base, it will be very difficult to remove one element from the row;
  • Due to the increased fragility of the material, its transportation is difficult.

Installation of basement siding

The initial stage of installation involves calculating the required amount of materials. To do this, you need to measure the perimeter of the house and the height of the basement. The starting strip and finishing element are purchased exactly along the perimeter of the house. To determine the number of panels, you need to find the surface area of ​​the plinth by multiplying the perimeter by the height. In this case, it is worth making a reserve of 10% for adjusting and trimming the panels.

In addition to purchasing materials, at this stage it is necessary to prepare the surface of the walls. To do this, the base of the house must be cleaned of dust and dirt, as well as all protruding elements. Before covering the wooden base and frame house All wood structures are treated with antiseptics and fire retardants, and the cracks are carefully sealed.

Important: to ensure ventilation of the wall surface and protection from condensation, it is advisable to mount the finishing material on special sheathing. In this case, you can additionally insulate the structures by placing thermal insulation material between the sheathing frame.

Manufacturing of sheathing

Before attaching basement siding to this part of the house, it is necessary to make a sheathing of steel profiles for gypsum plasterboard or timber. When using wooden sheathing, all wood frame elements should also be subjected to protective treatment.

It is better to fasten the sheathing using special brackets. When installing the frame, adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Sheathing elements must be installed horizontally along the lower and upper parts of the base, in the corners of the house, around windows or vents, as well as with a certain step in the vertical direction.
  2. The installation step of the vertical guides of the frame is 50-60 cm. But when using insulation, this step is determined by the width of the slabs of heat-insulating material.
  3. The correct installation of the sheathing is checked with a level.
  4. For wooden frame It is better to use timber with a moisture content of no more than 15%. After protective treatment, the product should dry well.

Installation of panels

First, the starting bar is attached to the lower horizontal guide of the frame. It should go along the perimeter of the building and be leveled in a strictly horizontal position. To fix the strip, we use self-tapping screws, which we screw into the central part of the oblong mounting hole. To ensure the possibility of thermal expansion of the material, the fastener should not be screwed in too tightly; it is better to leave a gap of 1 mm between the element and the head of the fastener.

Attention: if the bottom line of the plinth is uneven, then the starting strip is not used. The panels are cut during installation and attached directly to the sheathing. Subsequently, the lower edge is covered with a special camouflage profile.

After installing the starting profile, the corner elements are attached. Next, you can begin installing the panels themselves. Installation instructions for basement siding:

  1. First, the first element to be mounted is attached to the starting rail. It slides into the groove of the corner profile so that the panel does not reach the inside of the corner by 8-10 mm. After this, the panel is checked for horizontalness and fastened with self-tapping screws to the sheathing.
  2. Installation of subsequent panels is carried out similarly.
  3. Before installing the last row, the finishing strip is attached.
  4. If there are windows or vents on the base, then install around them end strips, and at the corners of the slopes there are corner elements.
  5. The ebb must be attached on top of the base.

Installation of basement siding video:

Basement siding is often the most vulnerable element of a home. Can be destructive for him various factors: temperature difference between the indoor and outdoor environments, melt water, snow, mechanical damage, deformation during the off-season, etc. Traditional finishing materials will require regular off-season maintenance (painting and plastering work, sealing cracks, etc.), and basement siding will help you avoid all these hassles.

Basement siding is a very strong and durable panel that is much thicker and denser than traditional finishing materials. He doesn't require special effort for care, you just need to wash it with a garden hose and detergents. But on the other hand, basement siding is more susceptible to abrasive substances than other facing materials.

Types of basement siding

In conditions of constant growth in demand for basement siding, manufacturers regularly expand their assortment range, thus contributing to the development of new models. Currently, the facing materials market can offer:

  • – realistic imitation of masonry various breeds(both natural and artificial stone);
  • – the material is visually no different from natural brickwork even at a distance of 1 meter;
  • wood chips– has no grooves or irregularities, imitates a striking resemblance to rough-hewn boards;
  • – has neat fibers on the entire surface of the panel (in some cases, “careless” traces from a chainsaw may be visible);
  • Scalesthe new kind basement siding, intended for decorating the upper part of the walls (the facing material is similar to the surface with flake plates).

The most famous manufacturers today are the companies “Novik” (Canada), “VoxIndustrieS.A.-Profile” (Poland), “Alfa-Profile” (Russia), “FineBer” (Russia), “Wandstein” (Russia).

Installation instructions

For homeowners, these panels almost always cause a blow to the financial budget, and at the same time they also require correct installation work.

You can save on unskilled workers only if you have full list sequential actions of installation work. When installing basement siding with your own hands, you need to clearly understand the main stages of the work (installation diagram of basement siding with wall insulation):

Preparing the walls

For wooden house It is very important to insulate the joints of the logs. It is necessary to remove all unnecessary elements present on the walls, remove ebbs, platbands, etc. Make sure there are no holes at the joints.

If necessary, you need to dismantle the old cladding. The external walls where installation work will be carried out must be completely bare, since during installation it will be almost impossible to do such work. Siding is mounted on long years, so you shouldn’t neglect the preparatory work.

Installation of films under siding

To properly make a vapor barrier on your walls yourself, it is first recommended to calculate the heat transfer coefficient. If the insulation has low vapor permeability resistance, then all the water vapor that will tend to come out in cold weather will condense on it and it will get wet, losing its technical properties.

Therefore it is necessary with inside design, place a high-quality vapor-permeable film. As a rule, the manufacturer attaches a description and conditions of use to each such film. of this material.

Sheathing for basement siding

Installation of sheathing is an important stage on which the service life of the siding will depend. The thing is that if the walls of the building are not leveled in advance, then over time the cladding may lose its protective properties.

The sheathing is made from metal profiles or wooden blocks (vertical or horizontal).

Horizontal jumpers should be at a distance of no more than 46 cm, vertical ones - no more than 91 cm. When installing the sheathing, you must always use a building level, since the quality and reliability of the fastenings will depend on this.

Membrane (moisture and wind insulation)

The membrane for protection against moisture and wind is often made of polymer fibers of different colors. This material is environmentally friendly, does not undergo bacterial decomposition and is resistant to solar radiation.

A moisture- and wind-proof layer is installed under external cladding facade inside the walls frame structure. This material can even serve as temporary facing material within 1-2 months.

Panel installation

The plinth panels are mounted from left to right and from bottom to top. Self-tapping screws or nails are driven strictly in the middle of the hole (perpendicular to the wall).

First, the panel is fixed in the central guide hole, then in the extreme corners, then in all other places.

Basement siding has special markings. The upper corner of each panel must be aligned with this marking (provided that the installation is carried out with temperature conditions from -1 to +37 o C).

Installation of corners

At corners or J-profiles, mounting pins, stands and channels are adjusted. This procedure is carried out at the back of the panels at a distance of up to 80 mm from the very corner. For these purposes, special additional materials are provided, in which there are grooves (19 or 28 mm).

Finishing slopes of windows and doors

First, the distance under the window is measured (a margin of 6 mm is left on each side of the window or door). The panels that will be adjacent to the window or door are cut with a gap of 6 cm (this procedure is carried out with special metal scissors).

It is advisable to immediately attach a J-profile to the bottom of the window; a panel will be inserted into it (this will ensure the aesthetics of the finish). Panels around the perimeter of a window or door should be installed flush with the opening.

Installation diagram

First, the walls are prepared (all defects are eliminated). The next step is the installation of a windproofing layer. This material is installed so that the condensation that will form on outside, was not assembled inside the structure (a special ventilation gap is installed).

Ventilation sections are formed by sheathing. The lathing, in turn, evens out the curvature of the walls (it is made of wooden beams connected to each other). Panels are installed on top of the sheathing, one after another, from bottom to top or from left to right. Installation of additional elements completes the installation process.

Installation of basement siding on the foundation

To finish the basement siding with your own hands, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • construction pencil;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • self-tapping screws and dowel-nails;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer drill;
  • Bulgarian;
  • metal UD profile.

Installed first load-bearing frame from a metal profile or wooden beam (horizontal and vertical lines must be observed). The starting profile and corner elements are installed, after which the first row of siding is installed (in the case when the foundation area is not poured evenly, the starting strip is not installed).

After the first row of cladding, subsequent layers are installed from left to right. Self-tapping screws must be screwed in the center of the hole so that the panels do not warp or change their length. In this case, the finish should be beautiful and monolithic.

Video instructions for installing basement siding with your own hands

Basement siding is façade panels, it is used to decorate the walls of houses and buildings. It is similar to natural material - quite strong and durable. Not every material meets all the requirements that we place on finishing. On the one hand, I want it to be beautiful and inexpensive, but on the other hand, quality is above all. The decoration of the house must withstand temperature changes in the off-season, last for more than one year and have a decent appearance.

Advantages and disadvantages of basement siding

Basement siding is suitable for finishing foundation buildings, for wall cladding, architectural elements, for example gables, mansard roofs and so on. Basement siding has its advantages:

  1. Made from environmentally friendly pure material, it contains PVC;
  2. Not heavy and does not give a strong load;
  3. Protects against mold and mildew;
  4. Tolerates severe frosts (-50) and heat (+60);
  5. Shockproof;
  6. Does not lose its original appearance;
  7. Withstands strong winds;
  8. Easy to clean;
  9. Long warranty period (up to 50 years).

Each material has its pros and cons, and even basement siding has its disadvantages:

  1. Not fireproof. The fact is that this type of material does not burn, but melts, which is why there are restrictions on its use. Under no circumstances should this type of material be used at gas stations, factory buildings, or pavilions;
  2. Basement siding is mainly available only in light shades;
  3. On quality material- high price.


The material from which the siding is made is not susceptible to rotting, corrosion and other processes that destroy the foundation. In addition, a special barrier is created that prevents the development of microorganisms, does not allow moisture to pass through and provides a sufficient amount of oxygen.
Today, basement sidings come in different sizes, the most common length is from 1 to 1.2 meters, and the width is from 42 to 47 centimeters. There are sidings in other sizes, but these are usually made to order.

The design is very diverse; siding can imitate brick, stone or wood.

When choosing basement siding, you need to pay attention to the following:

  1. Check the joints, to do this you need to connect them together, they must easy to dock. After which the panels are separated and connected, but vertically. There are special hooks for this, then look, there shouldn’t be no irregularities.
  2. It is better not to buy a product that is too cheap - it may turn out to be of poor quality.

Misconceptions when installing basement siding:

  1. The thicker the panel, the less it will bulge at high or low temperatures- it depends not on thickness or hardness, but from installation;
  2. Basement siding is suitable only for the foundation;
  3. It is forbidden use for interior decoration.

Types of basement siding

Basement siding is also called plinth panels. There are several types of plinth panels, each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, first of all, you need to decide what you will use it for, and, based on this, take into account all the positive and negative qualities. On construction market you can easily find wood siding, metal and vinyl (or basement), each of them is suitable for certain conditions.

  • Wood siding. For country houses Wood siding is perfect, it does not allow heat to pass through and extraneous noise. Its disadvantage is that it is made of natural material And susceptible to adverse effectsenvironment. Insects stick to it, it burns and it requires constant care so that it does not lose its original appearance.
  • Metal siding. He fire resistant, insects do not stick, and does not lighten when exposed to the sun for a long time. The price is significantly higher than wood siding. Thanks to the special coating on it no corrosion, but it is significantly heavier compared to other materials.
  • Vinyl siding. Many people use this type of material. Unlike other sidings, it has the fewest disadvantages. He's enough easy to install, not susceptible to environmental influences, more varied in design. He's enough lasting, but less lightweight, practical and durable.

Siding prices vary and range from 100 to 500 rubles, it all depends on the pattern you choose, length and height.

For example, with a length of 1.6 meters and a width of 48 centimeters:

  • a corner strip in the color of brick costs 295 rubles;
  • base panel in brick color already 445 rubles;
  • a pure white panel is also 445 rubles.

If you compare the price with other siding, then yes, it’s really basement siding expensive, although they may be the same in quality, the plinth panel is clearly more beautiful.


Beginning of work

To ensure that the installation is not only high-quality, but also quick, you must do the following:

  1. Do it competently material calculation, it is worth considering that ten percent will be spent on customization;
  2. Prepare slats with dimensions of 4 by 6 centimeters, they are useful for lathing;
  3. Buy screws and dowels, which will later be used to make the sheathing (one screw per forty centimeters);
  4. Buy aluminum or galvanized screws, or nails, their heads should be large (1 screw per thirty centimeters);
  5. If you want to additionally insulate the building, then purchase additional insulation boards, they are mounted in the sheathing.

Installation of sheathing

In order to install the sheathing, you need to take prepared slats and metal guides; the timber should not be close to the ground, otherwise it will last much less. What the height of the sheathing will be depends only on the climatic conditions in which you are building. In cold areas, the sheathing should be off the ground by fifteen centimeters. The sheathing is done from the ground if the ground does not freeze. The lathing can be of two types: horizontal and vertical. Horizontal is used if the panels will be mounted in the basement of the building, and vertical - if the entire facade of the building will be sheathed. The pitch of the vertical sheathing is 90 centimeters, and the horizontal one - 45.


We need to start installing the siding. from the starting rail. It is attached only in a horizontal position, after preliminary marking. At the corners of the building are made two corner elements: outside and inside. The slats are attached with galvanized nails. When the panel is secured, the nails are not driven in completely. Between the washer and the panel there should be remain a gap from 1 to 1.5 mm. It is also necessary to leave it at the joints in the corners. thermal clearances from 5 to 10 mm. At the end, the gaps are closed with a plastic platband.

If the sheathing is vertical, then installation begins from left corner. Then you need to insert the trim and starting strip, then the siding is attached to the sheathing. Take another panel and need it dock with the previous one and secure. Last panel trimmed, fastened and the edge is covered with a casing.

Operation and care

Behind basement siding It's quite easy to care for. The material gets dirty more often in spring and autumn, when there is heavy rainfall. It's enough rinse with plain water from under the hose.

Basement siding will not only protect the house from harmful effects environment, but also decorate it.

Installation of basement siding: video

Siding is rightfully one of the most reliable building materials for protecting the foundation and walls from moisture, freezing and scorching sun. But despite all of it positive traits, incorrect installation panels can negate all efforts to create reliable protection designs. Let's talk about how to produce DIY basement siding installation so that the foundation of the building will last for many years.

Required Tools

Any type of construction involves the use of certain tools. We will need the following items:

Siding components

Step by step installation instructions for basement siding contains specific terms, or rather names individual elements of this material, which “harass the ears” ordinary person, who has never encountered such work. Of course, it’s not worth talking about what siding panels are. But here's more about the rest:

We have listed only those elements that are necessary for installing the base. There are also chamfers, window and door trims and other details, without which it is impossible to cladding the facade of a building, but this is a completely different topic.

Stage 1 of siding installation - installation of sheathing

The panels must be fixed to a perfectly flat surface, otherwise all the siding parts may become deformed, which can negatively affect the condition of the foundation as a whole. If you plan to attach it to a concrete or brick base, then installing the sheathing cannot be avoided.

The sheathing can be constructed either from wood impregnated with a fire-resistant composition or from metal - it all depends on your capabilities and the climatic conditions of the area. In areas with a warm climate, you can fix the sheathing in the ground, in cold climates - only to the base at a height of approximately 12-15 cm from the ground level. The space created between the sheathing and the ground is usually covered with earth to give the structure a finished look.

The distance between the vertical slats should not exceed 91 cm; if this rule is not observed, add additional strapping every 40 cm.

Stage 2 – installation of the starting profile

The starting profile must be installed along a pre-drawn line, and it should be located 10 cm from the corner of the building. Its installation is carried out with nails in increments of 30 cm - to perform this operation you will need a level, because all parts must be fixed strictly horizontally.

Stage 3 – cutting of panels

First, determine how many panels are needed to cover the base. This is very simple to do: the total length of the wall in centimeters is divided by 112 cm. Remember that the final panel cannot be shorter than 30 cm!

Stage 4 – installation of the first panel

At this stage the immediate finishing with basement siding first tier of the structure.

As already mentioned, you need to move from left to right - set the angle of the first panel just below the edge of the starting profile, namely 2-3 mm. Slide the first panel to the left - almost all the way external corner, then apply sealant to its edge and join it to the corner. Be sure to maintain the necessary expansion joints(gaps between siding elements intended for their possible movement relative to each other) and do not pinch the pins of the previous rows.

Stage 5 – installation of the second row

Hammer nails or screw screws only through the substrate, and only at right angles. Each subsequent panel must be inserted into the starting profile and moved towards the very first panel. The remaining rows are installed in the same way - their number depends on the height of the foundation. If the siding is made in the form of stone or brickwork, then it is necessary to give natural look– to do this, move each row by about 15-20 cm relative to the previous one.

Lower the panel down smoothly, under no circumstances pushing it to the previous level, so the fastening will be reliable and natural. Basement siding is equipped with special posts located on the back panels, called mounting pins. These parts are designed to protect the siding from deformation during temperature fluctuations, but not to secure it to the wall. Five or more fasteners can be installed on one panel, providing the required design freedom.

Nails or other fasteners should penetrate the surface at least 11 cm, or better yet, more, and to install them on the surface of the panel, you need to drill a hole with a diameter larger than the size of the nail shank.

Stage 6 – installation of internal corners

At this stage DIY basement siding must be firmly fixed to the inside corners of the building. To do this, use a J-profile or inner corner– the second option is much simpler.

This or that element is securely fixed in the corner of the building, “falling” with one entrance into the already installed panels. Then you can continue to install the panels on the adjacent wall.

Stage 7 – installation of finishing board

The final step is necessary to install the finishing bead (fitting profile) on the last row of panels. Holes of a certain diameter are drilled in the profile, slightly larger than the size of the fastening rods. Then it is fixed to the surface of the foundation, bringing the edge of the panel behind it and fixing the whole thing with sealant. To bend the profile at the corners, it can be heated.

Actually, installing basement siding is not an easy job. But it’s quite possible to cope with it with two or three people – all you have to do is start.
