How to make a porch with a platform without a foundation. Do-it-yourself porch of a house: a step-by-step extension from a porch to a house. Metal with forged elements

The height of the porch should be 50 mm below the threshold

Important: If the porch is entirely made of bricks and blocks, without backfilling, construction should begin from the top platform, and only then add steps.

To avoid typical mistakes when laying, watch the video on how to lay a brick porch.

The final stage

If upper layer the steps are made of facing bricks or paving stones, then such a porch does not need finishing. But in practice, they usually lay out a rough version of brick first, and only then do the decorative finishing.

Photo of a porch made of granite; according to GOST, such cladding will last for more than a century

The steps of a brick porch can be laid with clinker tiles, porcelain stoneware, paving slabs etc. In a rural house or dacha, cladding made of rubble stone or wood will look beautiful, and in a cottage, a brick or block porch can be finished with granite, marble, or onyx.

Beautiful porch brick house, photo of how to properly combine rubble stone, clinker, brick and forging

The material mainly depends on the design of the porch and the financial capabilities of the home owners. But at the same time, we should not forget about expediency and compatibility; it is unlikely that finishing made of polished granite will be appropriate in a bathhouse at the dacha made of rounded logs, but finishing the porch with natural stone in this case will look advantageous, and even original.

Almost everyone a private house before front door has a platform with a small canopy and steps, called a porch. This architectural structure protects from bad weather, facilitates access to the front door and serves as a decoration for the home. It can be made from a variety of various materials, but below is information on how to make a porch out of brick - a private house - with your own hands, because this is exactly what fake diamond It has sufficient strength and is easy to install.

Stage 1. Foundation

The construction of a brick porch should begin with the construction of the base. Moreover, if the installation of this auxiliary element of a residential building begins after the completion of the last one, it is important to firmly connect both foundations to each other.

The foundations must lie at the same depth and represent, as it were, one one-piece design. In this case, when the soil shrinks, the process will occur in the same way for both the house and the porch.

If this rule is not followed, subsidence will occur separately, which is fraught with the appearance of cracks in the base of the structure and the complete destruction of the structure created with your own hands.

In rare cases, it is not possible to install a foundation on the same level as the house. Then you need to act according to the following scheme:

  • It is advisable to place the lower edge of the porch support in the ground below its freezing level;
  • at high occurrence groundwater, a trench can be dug to a depth of about 80 cm, but there is no need to firmly connect the foundations of the house and porch; it is enough to drive in a few pieces of reinforcement and fill them with concrete.

Now let's look in more detail at how to cast reliable foundation to attach a porch to a brick house:

  1. Digging a pit of the length and width you need. After graduation earthworks The bottom of the pit is leveled and a crushed stone cushion 10 cm thick is poured, which is carefully compacted.

  1. Reinforcing mesh is installed. It needs to be made from reinforcing rods 10-12 mm thick, which should be twisted with wire into a mesh with a cell width of 20-25 cm.
  2. Getting ready concrete mortar and the foundation slab is poured. The ratio of cement, sand and crushed stone is standard (1-2-5). Take care of the correct strength gain. During hardening, the surface of the concrete monolith must be moistened with water or covered from time to time. plastic film, preventing the rapid evaporation of moisture.

  1. After drying, several rows are performed on top brickwork . You can use rubble brick, the price of which is low. The upper part must be carefully leveled using cement mortar.

Stage 2. Waterproofing

We continue to build brick porch with your own hands. To prevent the foundation you have made from being destroyed by precipitation and groundwater, it must be thoroughly waterproofed.

Many novice builders completely in vain do not pay due attention to this stage.
However, waterproofing should never be neglected.
If the porch of a brick house is not protected from water, moisture penetrating into the pores building materials, will quickly destroy the structure.

The work is carried out in two stages:

  1. Protection of horizontal surfaces. For this, the selected material (most often ordinary roofing felt is used, but you can choose something more effective and expensive) is laid on the constructed foundation. It is necessary to arrange two layers located perpendicular to each other.
  2. Treatment of vertical surfaces. If you are building a porch for a private house made of brick, the basement of the home is also subject to additional waterproofing. It is necessary to lay sheets of roofing material or waterproofing in those places where they will be adjacent to the wall. structural elements extensions.

Do the work carefully so that after construction is completed, the layer of roofing material does not protrude beyond the masonry, as this will spoil the visual perception of the facade of the house.

Stage 3. Selection of materials

Before you build steps for the porch, you need to decide on the type of artificial stone used.

Some inexperienced craftsmen think that low-quality building materials can be used to build auxiliary buildings, including an extension to the front door. For example, remains from the construction of a house, waste from dismantling old buildings, defective elements, and so on.

This is strictly not recommended due to the low quality of the building materials mentioned above. The porch, despite its apparent insignificance, constantly experiences significant external loads, therefore, increased attention should be paid to its strength.

The use of used or broken bricks can lead to the fact that the structure you erected will quickly collapse and you will have to start work from scratch.

The best choice for the job would be facing decorative brick. But you can also use high-quality rubble, which last stage Construction sites will be tiled with ceramic tiles.

Stage 4. Making steps

Having finished pouring the foundation and waterproofing it, purchasing necessary materials For further work, you can start making steps for the porch with your own hands from brick.

But before that, it is advisable to decide on their sizes:

  1. According to current building regulations, the width of the step should be 30 cm. Then the resulting staircase will be convenient for the average person to use. However, this may vary depending on the design of your porch.
  2. The standard height of each step is 15 cm. This is a masonry two bricks high.
  1. The number of steps depends on the height of the base of the house. Be that as it may, you need to calculate this parameter so that a person stands on the upper platform in front of the front door with the same foot with which he began climbing the stairs.
  2. Make sure you have a fairly spacious area in front of the entrance. Its area should be such that a person can open the door without going down the stairs. At a minimum, it is inconvenient, and at a maximum, dangerous.

It remains to tell you how to lay out the steps:

  1. The first row is laid directly on the waterproofing layer. The outer edge, as already mentioned, can be made from expensive facing bricks, inner part fill with rubble.

  1. When starting work on the next element, make sure that the previous one does not collapse. There is no need to be in too much of a hurry to finish the construction. Better monitor the quality of work: check the horizontal and vertical lines, carefully seal the seams in the brick, and so on.

  1. Some builders fill the surfaces of the steps with concrete, believing that this will protect the structure from moisture penetration. There is no need to do this. It is enough to carry out a thorough hydrophobic treatment at the last stage of construction or use a waterproof material for cladding.

Stage 5. Canopy

A small roof over the entrance to the house and the stairs is not only an attractive architectural move, but also protects the home and the porch itself from the adverse effects of the natural environment.

The following materials can be used to make a roof:

  1. Profiled metal sheets. Not the best best material, although quite inexpensive. The fact is that during rain, thin steel will make a lot of noise, which will not bring pleasure to the inhabitants of the cottage.
  2. Polycarbonate. This option is more popular. The roof made of two-layer plastic has an attractive appearance, low weight and ease of installation. In this regard, you will not need to construct powerful supports.

The porch roof can be decorated with the same material that was used in the construction of the house.
So the extension to the entrance and the dwelling itself will form a single architectural ensemble.
Design your land plot You will benefit even more if you make a gazebo and carport in the same style.

Stage 6. Decoration

The final stage of construction is making the self-built porch attractive appearance.

In principle, if you used high-quality and expensive building materials - for example, decorative brick - the structure itself will look great.

Otherwise, you will have to make additional efforts:

  1. In most cases, extensions to the front door are designed tiles. When covering steps, make sure that you use material with a non-slip surface, otherwise using the stairs will be dangerous.
  2. You can use other design options. Be sure to take into account the design of the facade of the house, otherwise the porch you built will look alien.
  3. Don’t be afraid to use additional accessories: wrought-iron railings, pots with fresh flowers, sculptures, figured balusters, and so on.


Now you have enough information on how to make a brick porch with your own hands. All that remains is to put the acquired knowledge into practice by registering for entry into own house at your own discretion. Having completed the work and gained the necessary experience, you can safely begin building more complex buildings: a garage, a bathhouse, a barn, and so on. More details about our topic can be found in the video in this article.

The porch is small, but important element any home. Other rooms and parts of the building may not be noticed, but every resident or visitor passes through the porch.

We'll tell you how to build a porch with your own hands. Of course, our instructions will not be very detailed, since everything depends on the chosen design, materials and construction technology, but we will try to cover the general points.

It is impossible to completely list the types of porches. There is also no clear classification. But to have at least general concept, if we are building a porch to a house with our own hands, we will define some types.

  • - is a platform in front of the entrance with a staircase.

  • - the area in front of the entrance is combined with a terrace.

  • - there is a canopy over the entrance that protects from rain.

  • - except for the canopy added side walls, they can be blind or with openings. Additionally, the openings can be glazed.

You can also classify them by the number and location of stairs (in front of the entrance, side ones), and by their type. Everything is clear here without additional explanation.

Porch materials

If you need to build a porch with your own hands, then there are no restrictions on the choice of materials. Everything that is used for building houses - concrete, brick, wood, etc., is also suitable for building a porch.

It is worth noting that combinations are more often used. For example, the main structure is made of concrete, the staircase is made of metal, and the canopy is made of polycarbonate.

Also, as is natural, for a structure located on outdoors Do not use materials intended exclusively for interior decoration. For example, plasterboard finishing will not last even one season.

Advice. When planning to build, purchase all materials from in full and immediately. The price for a larger batch is always less. Count your money.

Choosing a porch architecture

The issue of choosing an appearance is always complex, and it is difficult to do it correctly. It is almost impossible to give specific advice. Therefore, if you are going to build a porch for your house, then either entrust the design to professionals, or be guided by your taste.

The design of the porch is most often chosen in the same style as the entire exterior of the house (the same materials are used). But you can also experiment, for example, highlight it on the facade of a building, making it an accent of the external appearance. An option is a porch with fancy forged fences against the backdrop of a strict façade trimmed with natural stone.

The main thing is not to mix incompatible styles, otherwise your building will look ridiculous. Let’s also give an example: building a porch will look inappropriate and tasteless. wooden house made of calibrated timber, in the form of a massive reinforced concrete structure. It also looks inappropriate polycarbonate canopy in the photo below.

Enclosed porch and canopy

Often, when planning to build a porch for a house with your own hands, the question arises: is it necessary to build a canopy (canopy) and side railings on the porch? The answer to this is unequivocal - if it is possible and does not spoil the appearance, then yes. It's practical.

  1. Firstly, comfortable. It is better to look for keys or wait until the door is opened with protection from rain and wind.
  2. Secondly, front door, porch parts and finishing will last longer. Rain, wind and sun reduce the lifespan and deteriorate the appearance of almost all building materials.

You can refuse protection only in the most extreme cases. Even if the budget does not allow for it, it is worth planning to install a canopy and walls in the future.


Many people perceive the ramp solely as a concern for people with disabilities. disabilities. Yes, it is important. But if possible, it should be arranged for other reasons. If there is a ramp, then it is much more convenient to bring bulky things into the house. Also, walking with a stroller or bicycle on a ramp is better than dragging it up the steps.

Having determined appearance porch, you can begin its construction. So, let’s build a porch to the house with our own hands step by step.

Let us pay attention to the features of each stage and the requirements that must be met in order for our design to be strong and durable. Perhaps, in addition to our article, a video will help you: building a porch for a house with your own hands.

Preparing the foundation

The first stage is pouring the foundation

Starting the construction of a porch to the house, they arrange a monolithic strip foundation, but don’t rush to dwell on it.

This is the most expensive and time-consuming option. Moreover, his load bearing capacity sometimes it is unnecessary. For example, for a porch assembled from wooden parts- sufficiently columnar.

To speed up construction, you can use more modern technologies. For example, great choicescrew piles. Using them, you can literally make a foundation for the structure with your own hands in just a few hours. In this case, you will not have to take a break from work until the concrete gains sufficient strength.

Another good option is precast concrete. True installation without special equipment foundation blocks it can be difficult.

What you need to pay attention to when laying a foundation

  • The depth of the foundation should be such that it prevents subsidence of the porch. You need to get to the most dense soil. Of course, a porch is lighter than a house, so it is not necessary to reach the bottom of the foundation of the building itself. But if you want to build a porch in country house, in any case, the base should be deeper than the soil freezes in winter.
  • Before pouring and laying the blocks, be sure to make a cushion of sand and crushed stone and compact it thoroughly. If a vibrating platform is not available, then at least pour water on it and compact it thoroughly.

  • We provide waterproofing. Although concrete does not lose strength when high humidity, the cause of its destruction may be salts and other aggressive substances that will filter into it from the soil. It can be insulated with any sheet waterproofing materials. Prefabricated foundation blocks can be coated with mastic.
  • Be sure to reinforce the foundation with meshes. They can be welded or, which is easier, knitted with your own hands during construction. We also provide a protective layer of concrete - there must be at least 3 centimeters from the edge of the structure to the reinforcement. To ensure that the rods do not move during pouring and compaction, we use clamps.
  • When laying the reinforcement, we knit embedded parts and anchors to it, to which we will attach other structures.

Connection between the foundation of the porch and the house

Most the best option, when both bases are poured simultaneously and form a single monolith. Then the question of connecting them disappears by itself.

If we are building a porch to the house later, many recommend tying the foundations together. But it's ambiguous good advice. If the porch is massive, then when it shrinks, a situation is possible where it will pull part of the wall of the house with it. In this case, it makes sense to abandon the joint and provide an expansion joint between the bases of the house and the porch.

In order to establish a connection, you can install self-expanding anchors (4-6 pieces per square meter enough) or glue pieces of reinforcing bars into the drilled holes. For reliable anchoring of the reinforcement, it is enough that it is immersed in concrete at a distance of at least five diameters.

After the foundation is ready, the construction of the porch of the house continues with the installation of its other parts. Let's consider options for constructing a site from various building materials.

Monolithic concrete platform

  • First of all, we lay at least three layers of sheet waterproofing material on the foundation. Although our foundation is already protected from moisture, according to building codes, an additional barrier for water is required between it and the base. Any advice from professionals on how to properly build a porch to a house must take this operation into account. It is advisable to lay the insulation on mastic.

Advice. Choose a waterproofing material based on fiberglass or foil rather than paper. It is more durable.

  • We install the formwork. If our porch is high enough, then in order to save cement, we can make sure that the construction of a porch to the house will include space under the platform and stairs. It can be used for various needs (inventory storage) or simply forgotten.

The choice of free space under the stairs is especially important if you are deciding how to build a high porch to the house. You can even choose to place the platform on columns.

  • If the staircase is also supposed to be monolithic, then at the same time we make formwork for it.
  • If a connection is required between the porch and the base of the house, then we establish connections in the same way as when pouring the foundation.
  • We install the reinforcement frame.
  • We attach embedded parts to the reinforcement. Fences, railings, canopy posts, and stairs (if it is not monolithic) will be attached to them.
  • We pour concrete. It is necessary to complete this work in one step, since the hardened cement stone does not adhere well to fresh mortar.
  • When laying concrete, we compact it. It is best to do this with a submersible vibrator, but, as a last resort, we use tampers.
  • After installation, we level the exposed surfaces with a vibrating screed or simply a board, a trowel and plaster floats.
  • After pouring, cover the concrete with film or wet sawdust (sand).
  • When the concrete reaches formwork strength (1-10 days), we periodically wet the surface.
  • When the concrete has hardened, we remove the formwork and begin installing the remaining structures.

Site made of piece construction materials

The second most common porch material after concrete is brick. Sometimes instead of the usual ceramic stone use other piece materials. For example, you can find a porch made of sidewalk tiles.

The technology for constructing a porch is no different from masonry of other brick structures. Therefore, let's pay attention to small nuances that need to be taken into account.

Attention. Do not use for porches (except walls) sand-lime brick. It has very little moisture resistance and absorbs water very well. The structure will quickly collapse.

  • The surface of the foundation must be very carefully leveled horizontally so that later it will be easy to carry out masonry. If this has not been done, then it is better to level the surface on which the brick will be laid with a concrete screed.
  • Just like when installing a concrete porch, we lay waterproofing on the foundation. This is very important for brick, since, once saturated with water, it will collapse in frost.
  • It is also advisable to reinforce the masonry with wire or mesh.
  • In order to save building materials, we can provide space that we simply forget.
  • It is highly undesirable to make the staircase brick. As a last resort, the brick steps must be protected from destruction with a concrete screed.

  • So that later you don’t have to solve the problem of how to secure other porch structures while doing the laying, we immediately install the embedded parts.

Wooden platform

Its construction is no different from laying a conventional floor.

  1. On the foundation (also through a layer of waterproofing) we lay out brick columns - filars. They can also be poured from concrete or, in extreme cases, use wooden ones (which we fasten to the embedded parts with bolts) or metal racks.
  2. We lay logs on the racks, to which we will attach the flooring boards.
  3. After the flooring is ready we sew it up side surfaces sites.

By the way wooden porch to the house, how to build it correctly is shown well in the video in this article.

Advice. It is better to use for the porch terrace board from species resistant to high humidity (oak, beech, larch). Thanks to the presence of special grooves on the lower surface, it warps less. To ensure protection against microorganisms, fungi and mold, we must treat all parts with an antiseptic.

Installation of other porch elements

Here everything also depends on the material from which they are made or will be built, as well as on the material of the site:

  1. The staircase - concrete or metal - is welded to the embedded parts. The wooden one is fastened with any fasteners - nails, self-tapping screws, bolts. If the platform is not made of wood, then such a staircase is also screwed to the embedded parts. The answer to how to build steps to a porch is simple - just like any other staircase.
  2. An option is possible when the staircase is combined. For example, we immediately install metal bowstrings using welding, and bolt wooden treads to them.
  3. Posts, railings and fencing frames are attached in the same way.
  4. Often the fence is made of permanent construction, made of brick or concrete. In this case, it is also advisable to think about embedded parts on the site for greater connection strength.


In most cases, it is a mini roof.

The sheathing is assembled in the same way, which rests either on individual posts, or on the frame of the fence or the fence itself. Often the entire canopy is cantilevered, or its part adjacent to the wall is attached to it (as in the video of building a porch with your own hands, which is shown above). But there are also differences.

  1. The canopy roof does not require steam or thermal insulation.
  2. It is important to ensure the tightness of the joint between the canopy and the wall of the building. This is done by gluing rolled waterproofing materials to Wall.
  3. It is possible (most often when polycarbonate is used) that there is no sheathing at all, only a light metal frame is assembled.

Porch finishing

The final stage of construction is finishing the porch. It is performed in order to complete the structure and, in some cases, to protect materials from negative influences.

Let's look at the most common finishing options various elements and porch designs:

  • Coloring- protects wooden and metal structures. For concrete it is used for decorative purposes.
  • Plastering- first of all, levels the surface of masonry or concrete for subsequent painting. A special solution with special decorative qualities can be used. Plaster is not suitable for surfaces on which people move.
  • Siding finishing and similar materials are used for decorative purposes. Only the side surfaces and porch railings are finished with it (as in the case of plaster).

  • Tiling- Primarily used for stairs and landings. They use ceramics natural stone and many other materials. The tiles protect materials from abrasion and make cleaning the porch easier.

That's all we wanted to tell you about how to build a porch for your house. Of course, we didn't give much detailed instructions, but it all depends specific situation and your choice. We will be glad if we at least helped useful recommendations and advice. Let the entrance to your home be beautiful and comfortable!

Want to build a porch yourself? No problem! Be it concrete, be it wood, or be it metal – choose any one. In this case, the metal will be made with a beautiful canopy roof made of

Building a concrete porch

Reliable, durable and overall solid design.

Choosing sizes

Dimensions of steps: a - normal; b - outsiders

Typically a porch consists of several steps. Our task is to choose the best design dimensions.

The optimal width of the stairs is 80-100 cm. If possible, the width should be increased - this will make the porch more comfortable and beautiful. It is not advisable to reduce it.

The permissible angle of inclination of the stairs is from 27 to 45 degrees.

Step width, mmStep height, mmMarch inclination angle, degrees.
400 100 14
380 110 16
360 120 18
340 130 21
320 140 23
300 150 25
280 160 29
260 170 33
240 180 37
220 190 40
200 200 45

We make the steps approximately 25 cm in width and 12-20 cm in height, depending on who will use the porch. Children and elderly people? Making the steps lower. Mostly young and full of energy users? We can increase the height of the steps.

We arrange the upper platform so that it is approximately 50 mm below the end of the front door.

Pouring the foundation for the porch

We dig a pit around the perimeter of the future porch. Depth – from 50 cm.

We install formwork around the perimeter of the foundation.

We fill the bottom of the pit with a 20-centimeter layer of crushed stone and compact it. Pour a 10 cm layer of sand on top. Spray with water for better compaction.

We cover the area with roofing felt. We lay the reinforcing mesh (recommended cell size is 10x10 cm) and. You can prepare the solution yourself. Standard proportions:

  • cement – ​​1 part;
  • sand – part 3;
  • crushed stone - 5 parts.

We pour concrete. We level the filling and pierce it with reinforcement in several places to release excess air. We leave the concrete for several days to gain initial strength.

Prices for cement and basic mixtures

Cement and base mixtures

Installing formwork

We build formwork for the steps. For this we use thick plywood. The height of the formwork should be 20 cm higher than the height of the future porch.

The principle is simple: we cut out the formwork elements according to the height of each step and install them in the appropriate places. We tighten the shields together metal plates, wooden blocks or other suitable fasteners.

Important! The side panels need to be strengthened with additional stiffeners.

The steps must be reinforced. In this case, the reinforcement must be laid and installed in all three planes. Even more convenient option– weld the frame in the shape of the future staircase and build formwork around it. Do as you please.

Filling the steps

Lubricate the inner walls of the formwork with oil. Thanks to this, in the future we will be able to remove it without much effort.

We prepare the mortar for pouring in the same way as the mixture for the foundation-platform.

We fill the stairs in stages, starting from the first step. Let each step dry slightly, and only then fill the next one. In this case you need to install additional elements formwork on the front side of the steps. The length of these elements must correspond to the width of the stairs. We make the height the same as that of the step itself.

Important! The side of the formwork in contact with should be as smooth as possible.

We carefully level the poured concrete and pierce it with reinforcement in several places.

We remove the formwork after at least 7-10 days. In conclusion, all we have to do is execute finishing steps. We can cover them with stone or tiles, lay them and perform any other finishing at our discretion.

We install railings upon request. The height of the handrails is from 90 cm. You can use next option. It is also suitable for metal and wooden porches (in this case we will replace metal elements wooden).

Install at the bottom and top of the porch support posts from metal pipes. It is advisable to select the length so that the slope of the railing matches the slope of the stairs. We connect the upper and lower ends of the racks with pipes of a slightly smaller cross-section. We use welding.

The top tube will take on the functions of a handrail. To fill the space between our pipes we use any rolled steel. We install elements at any interval. At this point, everything completely depends on your preferences and imagination.

After installing the structure, we clean the metal elements and prime them in 2 layers. This treatment will increase the service life of the railings.

This porch will go well with almost any home.

Making the foundation

In general, the foundation is laid out in the same way as in the case of a concrete porch, with only one difference: at the same stage, you need to install supports for the future canopy.

It is better to install supports in each corner of the future canopy - this way the structure will be as stable as possible. If the porch is large, we make supports along the length of its walls in increments of no more than 2 m.

We dig holes about one and a half meters deep for each support. They will cope with the role of supports perfectly metal pipes. We insert the pipe into the hole and fill it with concrete.

The supports can also be made from bursa. The operating procedure is the same, but first the lower part of the beam must be wrapped in roofing material or tarred and additionally soaked with an antiseptic.

At the same stage, we install supports for the future staircase. Similarly, we dig holes, place metal posts in them and pour concrete. It is unlikely that the porch will have too long a staircase, so it will be enough to install supports at the bottom and top of the structure. To be more confident, we can install them in the middle of the span.

The further procedure, up to the stage of pouring concrete, remains the same as in the instructions for arranging a site for a concrete porch.

At the pouring stage, we take into account that we will need to drown the staircase structure somewhat in the solution. We do not fill it to the very top of the site - we leave approximately a 100-300 mm gap (depending on the dimensions of the structure being equipped and its features).

Then, after installation metal structure, we will fill the pit to the very top.

Drawing according to the house plan

Cooking the stairs

We take two metal channels. We weld them to the previously installed and concreted supports. In the future, we will weld rolled products for steps to these products.

We take equal flange metal corner. We cut it to the selected length of the steps, increased by the length of the welding seam. We weld the metal corner along the contour.

We get products in the form of the letter G. We connect them together. At the top we connect these L-elements using an equal angle corner. To do this, we weld it along the contour to both products, placing the shelves inside. To connect the bottom of the steps we use a similar corner, but we place it with the shelves facing outwards.

To fill the steps we can use different materials, for example, wood and plywood. Fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws, screwing them in from the bottom. For additional fastening of wooden elements we use silicone and regular glue.

In general, decorate the stairs at your own discretion. If you wish, you can not seal the horizontal openings, but simply mount the sheathing directly on the steps.

Prices for popular models of welding machines


Making a visor

We installed the racks for the frame at the stage of arranging the foundation. Next we work in this order.

We install transverse supports according to the dimensions of the frame. If desired, we can make a curved canopy. To do this, just cut the profile in increments of about 4 cm and bend it to the desired level. The advantage of a curved canopy is that precipitation and various debris will not linger on it.

We lay it on the frame and secure it with self-tapping screws. We maintain a fastening pitch of 300 mm. We glue the edges. At this point the canopy is ready.

Building the foundation

The best decision for a wooden house porch. Such a foundation is simple and quick to install, but at the same time very reliable.

We dig holes at the points where the pile is installed - in the corners of the future porch and along the length of its edges in increments of 80-100 cm. The depth of such holes is from 80 cm. Optimally, below the freezing point of the soil.

We treat the support beam with an antiseptic, wrap its lower part with roofing felt, and then insert it into the holes. Fill the vertically aligned timber in the pits with concrete.

Let the concrete harden and proceed to further activities.

We install logs

If necessary, we cut off the tops of the timber so that all the piles are at the same level. We calculate the height of the supports so that after laying the platform between it and the front door there remains approximately a 5-centimeter difference in height.

We attach the logs to the supports and the wall of the house in a suitable way(with self-tapping screws, dowels, etc., depending on the wall material).

Making a kosour (string)

We begin to manufacture the load-bearing part of the stairs. We will attach steps to it. That is, the bowstring is side edge steps.

To make a bowstring we use wooden boards from 5 cm thick. Take a board and draw steps on it. We cut out the blanks with a jigsaw or saw.

We fasten the string with the lags using a tongue-and-groove connection.

We design the platform and steps

We screw or nail the deck sheathing boards to the joists. If desired, lay some kind of material on top of the boards. finishing coat– we focus on our preferences.

We attach risers and treads to the string. We start working from the bottom step. The procedure is simple: fix the riser, attach the tread to it, and so on until the end. For fixation we use self-tapping screws or a tongue-and-groove connection.

Arrange the railings and canopy at your discretion. Installation instructions for these elements have been provided previously. The sequence remains the same, you just need to replace the supporting elements and cladding parts with similar products made of wood or other preferred material.

Prices for various types of construction boards

Construction boards

Good luck!

Video - DIY house porch

In this case, the porch can be made of different materials and have a variety of shapes. In the article we will talk about how to make a wooden porch with your own hands, show diagrams, drawings, photos and video materials.

Perhaps, even at the design stage, you should think about what kind of porch to make for your house. There are several types:

  • Regular (simple) porch. Comprises small quantity steps, while the risers can be either open or closed. This porch can be built with or without railings. It has a simple appearance, there is no wide flooring.
  • Porch - patio. Has an original appearance and is characterized beautiful shapes. Such a porch has a special platform on which flowers or other elements of decorative structures are installed. A small recreation area may be provided.

  • Porch - terrace or veranda has enough complex shape. It connects to the open part of the house and has a seating area.
  • Built-in porch. It is built together with the house and has a common foundation with it. This type of porch is designed together with the building, every element of the building is thought through.
  • Attached (attached) porch. It is being built separately from the building itself. Can be done while using the house. It is a separate structure that is connected to the house in a certain way.

Anyone can build a porch. When implementing construction work It is important to follow safety rules and regulations.

Independent construction of a porch includes the following steps:

  1. First of all, you need to make a drawing of the future structure. You can make the drawing yourself or order it from specialists.
  2. The porch drawing must have general form, dimensions of the flight of stairs, landing, railings and flights of stairs.
  3. When designing, you must immediately think about what material will be used. If the porch will have a lot of traffic, then it is better to use stronger types of wood. For small family you can make a porch from pine.
  4. It is important to consider what kind of protection from precipitation will be provided, for example, you can use a roof or canopy.
  5. The construction site should not interfere with the opening and closing of doors, while there should be enough space for several people to move around.
  6. Before starting construction work, it is worth deciding what height of steps is best to use.
  7. Consider the design and appearance of the porch. This design should fit harmoniously into the exterior of the house.

After they have been carried out preparatory work, you can safely begin building the porch.

To make a wooden porch you will need to select the following building material:

  • Beam with a section of 10×20 cm for supports. Although in most cases the size of the support beam is selected individually. The choice depends on the degree of load on the structure. As for the wood itself, it is preferable to choose larch or pine. They contain resins that allow the wood to withstand unfavourable conditions external environment.
  • Boards 3–5 cm thick for decking the platform.
  • Blanks for balusters and railings. If there are none, then you should purchase a beam/batten for their manufacture. Dimensions depend on design parameters.
  • Impregnations, solutions and special compounds for impregnation of wood.
  • Concrete for pouring supports.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the technology of making a wooden porch at wooden pillars. Building a porch on a foundation in the form of a support cushion will be justified if the following rules are observed:

  • The base of the stringer must necessarily have an emphasis on waterproofing, which is located between the wood of the stringer and the foundation.
  • It is better to use wood for supports. coniferous species, especially if you live in an area with high humidity.

  • The support pillars should be treated with an antiseptic against rotting. It is not recommended to use roofing felt in this case, since it does not allow air to pass through, and this leads to rotting of the wood. Therefore, it is better to use waste oil or drying oil for processing.
  • The installation depth of the pole is up to 80 cm. On average, the depth of digging a support can be equal to 1/3 of its length.
  • If the design is quite massive according to plan, then more supports should be installed for better stability.
  • Each support must be poured with concrete. Once it's dry, check the height between all the posts. If there is a difference, then it is necessary to eliminate it by filing.

  • After this, you can lay the lag on the supports.
  • If possible, secure the upper edge of the stringer to a railway sleeper.

The principle of building a porch to a brick or wooden house is identical. In any case, it is worth making a high-quality connection of the porch to the building.

As for the steps, everything is very simple here. The boards are laid on logs and fixed with nails or screws. The method of installing them may vary. For example, boards are fitted close to each other so that there are no gaps between them. In this case, the slope of the porch will be from 1.5 to 2°. This will be enough so that the water does not accumulate, but drains. Another installation method is to leave gaps of up to 3 mm between the boards. This will allow the water to immediately flow down without lingering on the surface of the porch.

The latter method of laying flooring has its disadvantages, which is associated with the risk of injury. This applies to cases where the fair half of the house wears stilettos.

If we talk about steps, they can be purchased ready-made. But if you want to save family budget, you can make them yourself:

  1. It is necessary to start installing the steps from the bottom of the bowstring/stringer. For fastening, self-tapping screws are used, the heads of which are recessed into the wood.
  2. First of all, the risers are installed, and then the steps themselves.
  3. If your steps are on a stringer, then the fastening is carried out directly to it.

When the steps are ready, you should worry about safe movement on the porch by building railings. They can also be made from wood. Guardrails on steps are especially necessary if there are more than three steps.

The porch fence can be made of forging, stone or brick. In this case, it will look more monumental.

Be sure to provide additional safety features. This includes anti-slip coating, which can be made of rubber, rubber, etc. This is very important, because frozen water makes movement on the porch and steps unsafe.

So, making a porch out of wood is one thing. Providing it with a long service life is quite another. We will talk further about the means of protecting a wooden porch.

To organize the protection of the porch and steps, it is worth making a canopy. It will prevent snow, rain and direct sun rays. All this negatively affects wood, especially with constant exposure. If the porch is small, then it will be enough to build a small canopy. For canopy/canopy roofs you can use different materials corrugated sheeting, polycarbonate, tiles, etc.

When arranging a canopy or canopy, it is important to ensure that the support pillars do not interfere with movement.

This is the principle used to make a wooden porch. If you already have experience in making such a design, then leave comments at the end of this article. If you are a beginner, then the provided diagrams and photographs will help you design and do all the work yourself. We also invite you to watch the prepared video material.


In the video provided, you can clearly see the technology for making a wooden porch:


You can see in the photographs different variants making a wooden porch:


If you decide to make a wooden porch yourself, then the proposed diagrams can help you develop your own project:
