How to arrange a small summer cottage with your own hands. How to arrange a summer house with your own hands - useful tips. Ideas for decorating fences and walls

Arranging a summer cottage with your own hands is a process that can confidently be called continuous. Every year, when we come out of town, we find many objects that deserve our close attention: here we need to fix a rickety fence, here we need to lay a path, and here it would be nice to arrange a flower bed.

And although an entire encyclopedia may not be enough to describe every detail of this process, below we will try to collect a number of the most useful recommendations. By following them, you can streamline your work and significantly increase its efficiency. So there will still be time for relaxation!

Dividing the cottage into zones

Before arranging a summer cottage, you need to conditionally divide its area into functional areas. Of course, it is advisable to do this at the design stage, but to restore order in a dacha that is actively in use, this will also not be amiss.

Experts identify three main zones:

  • Residential, including a house and surrounding area. Here the priorities are communications (water, electricity, sewerage), paths and access roads, as well as the features of the building itself. The main factors to pay attention to will be comfort and safety.
  • Recreational – everything related to relaxation (active and not so active). Perhaps the examples of arranging a summer cottage here will be the most diverse, ranging from terraces and lawns to exercise equipment open air, basketball courts, tennis courts, etc.

  • Gardening. This can include both a front garden with flowers and an alpine slide in front of the house, and a greenhouse with outbuildings for equipment. However, the main part of this zone is, naturally, the garden and beds, which can be considered an integral part of almost every dacha.

When we arrange a summer cottage with our own hands, we should visually separate these zones from each other, arranging them so that they do not intersect. In this case, our stay outside the city will be much more comfortable, since we can easily switch from one type of activity to another, and at the same time we will not interfere with each other.

Local area

We will try to limit ourselves to only the most important ones, and will start with those that relate directly to the area near the house:

  • One of key points, which are worth paying attention to, will be the arrangement of the entrance to the summer cottage. For this purpose, either a gravel platform is usually built (layer thickness from 50 cm, fraction 25-35 mm), or monolithic slab made of concrete/asphalt concrete. The price of the second option is much higher, but concrete covering much easier to keep clean.

An important element of the entrance area is the drainage ditch, which ensures the removal of rainwater.

  • The area in front of the house is usually connected to all other objects on the site through paths. Arranging the paths of a summer cottage with your own hands can take place along the most different schemes. The cheapest option is to fill it with gravel, but if your financial capabilities allow it, then you can lay out all the paths paving slabs on a sand cushion or concrete monolithic base.

  • Also on local area stands from the rain. It can cover only a small area in front of the porch, or it can cover the entire area, including the parking space. Typically, such canopies are mounted on steel supports, and translucent polycarbonate is used as a covering.
  • An important factor ensuring comfort will be the lighting of the local area.. Naturally, this requires a stable energy supply, and renting a diesel generator for your dacha will help here: even if the electricity goes out, you will not be left without light.

Rest zone

If you don’t know where to start planning a recreational site, then we recommend that you think about creating:

  • For this purpose, we select a small area that will not be shaded by either the house or tall trees. If necessary, we bring fertile soil to the site, carefully level it and sow it with lawn grasses.

Lawn grasses are resistant to trampling, but they must be mowed regularly.

  • You can also build an alpine slide on such a site. We lay out its basis from natural stone: limestone is best, granite or quartzite is somewhat worse. We fill the gaps between the stones with fertile soil in which we plant the plants.
  • Finally, if you have an empty large territory, then you can make a pond on it. Of course, digging and concreting the bowl itself will require a lot of work, which is why today special plastic containers, which are installed flush with the ground level.


When deciding how to arrange a small summer cottage, many of us pay special attention to the part where we can grow vegetables and fruits.

This approach can be considered quite rational, however, here too it is worth adhering to a number of recommendations:

  • Firstly, the beds need to be placed in such a way that there is enough light for them. That's why in close proximity to country house Usually trees are planted, and the garden is planted at a distance - this way it will not be shaded throughout the day.

This doesn't concern shade-loving plants: for them, a site is usually allocated either next to the garden, or even under the canopy of trees.

  • Particular care must be taken in choosing the location for installing greenhouses. In addition to a sufficient amount sun rays this area should be protected from the wind, especially in spring.
  • The beds themselves should be separated from the paths with sides made of boards or plastic boards: this way the black soil will not be lost, and we will apply much less dirt to the recreation area and to the house.

  • To ensure sufficiently abundant watering during the dry period, it is worth considering such an option as installing a well on a summer cottage. Despite all the labor costs associated with this event, it can be considered justified: this way we will not only provide ourselves with high-quality water for drinking and irrigation, but also insure ourselves against water supply outages, which usually occur at the most inopportune moment.
  • Well, if growing vegetables is a fairly serious hobby for you, then you should set up your own garden pumping station. Such an installation will make it possible to water the beds with a hose and install an economical, but effective system drip irrigation.


Options for arranging a summer cottage, as well as recommendations for performing certain works, can be listed endlessly. The main thing here is to understand what exactly we want from our dacha, plan the work and begin the systematic implementation of our project. This may take more than one year, but if we are guided by tips similar to those presented in the video in this article, then we will definitely succeed.

Every person probably dreams of always being surrounded by beauty. Beauty should surround us not only in the house, but also on the street. Today it is customary to decorate not only inner space dwellings, but also garden plots. Can do everything to the highest class professional designer. But you will have to pay a lot of money for his services. And if you don’t have huge sums of money, then you can do it on your own. Indeed, in order to make your yard attractive you do not need to spend a lot of money. In this case, you can get by on a limited budget. Remember that garden design for the poor with your own hands can make absolutely any summer cottage attractive.

Planning an economical garden design

It is important to say at the beginning that it will not be possible to improve the area without spending any money. Therefore, you should first calculate the amount of finance that you can allocate for improvement. Below we will describe the sequence of actions with which your garden will become more attractive.

We are looking for materials for the arrangement.

There is probably old trash at your dacha. As a rule, it is stored in sheds or storage rooms. You will use items suitable for garden design. In this case, the following may be used in decorating the garden: boards, logs, old car tires, holey barrels and buckets, pieces of reinforcement. You can even use holey shoes to arrange small mini-flower beds. And an old bathtub and a broken stroller can be used as a flower garden.

We are assessing the site and future work.

If you are interested in designing garden plots with your own hands, then you can look at some photos for inspiration. Thanks to them you can find for yourself perfect solution. Before you start decorating your garden, it is important to assess your site and draw up a rough plan. In this case you can use computer program, and if you don’t know how to use a computer, then you don’t need to despair. Arm yourself with a pen and notebook and go to your yard. You need to sketch out a rough plan of your site on a piece of paper. In your notebook, designate the house and those buildings that are involved as outbuildings. The plan should indicate the location of the cardinal directions. It is also necessary to assess the configuration of the site. Write about your soil and note any unevenness it has.

If the house was recently built and there are no plantings next to it, then this is a good situation. But in practice it is completely different. And that’s why we all want to change the situation and produce inexpensive landscape design for a summer cottage. As a rule, cheap materials or those materials that are at hand can be used here. You need to think about the layout garden plot. What changes will you make in this case? If you intend to move your garden, then think in advance about the work that will be carried out.

Those plants that are already growing in the country are written out on a separate sheet. In a separate column, indicate those trees and plants that do not make sense to replant. You can change the look of your garden quickly and cheaply with perennials. There is no need to buy plants. Just ask your friends who can give you their shoots.

Planning details.

Out of hand experienced designer You may end up with a beautiful drawing and plan describing actions to improve your garden plot. But even without any skills, you can do just as well. On the plan in a regular notebook, you should draw with a pen the details that you want to obtain. In this case, it is necessary to place explanatory notes on the side.

On the plan, flower beds are indicated by an oval or a square. It all depends on the form they will have in the future. Straight or winding lines indicate paths in the garden. Large mugs- these are large trees. Small circles are bushes. A number is placed in the center of the circle. And then on a separate piece of paper opposite each one we put the name of the plant.

In general, you need to develop your own notation system for design elements. This system should be convenient and understandable for you. At the same time, you can change your plan taking into account your capabilities and desires.

When planning garden design There are a few tips to keep in mind. In this case, you can make the right decision and make your garden very beautiful.

We take into account the location of the cardinal points.

  • In the garden plot, everything must be located correctly relative to the cardinal directions.
  • The north side will always be in the shade. Therefore, it is better to place a place to relax in this area.
  • On the eastern side, the sun's rays remain from sunrise until noon. In such an area, it is most pleasant to drink a cup of tea early in the morning and listen to the birds singing. Therefore, it is recommended to place a table or bench here.
  • The western side is well illuminated by the sun's rays. This usually happens from midday until sunset.
  • The south side is considered the best in the garden. The sun is located in this part throughout the daylight hours. Therefore, it is recommended to place all design elements, as well as flower beds, in this area.

We divide the area into zones.

Even the smallest plot of land can be divided into certain zones. In this case, you won’t have to build huge walls or plant expensive shrubs. Here you can get by budget option. To divide the area, just drive a couple of stakes and pull the string. A climbing perennial or annual plant. The effect will be amazing. You can also string string between two trees.

On a strong support that can last for more than one year, you can use: various varieties grapes, clematis, honeysuckle. You can divide the area using: arches with looping plants, trellises or some kind of decorative walls.

Paths and paths.

Ordinary paths and paths in the country are not the best solution. As a rule, walking on them is not very convenient due to dirt and weeds. The solution to the situation is simple. The paths are tiled. It's convenient and beautiful. You can also fill them with crushed stone or gravel. Naturally, the second option is cheaper, but if you have the opportunity, then choose tiles.

An excellent solution for the garden would be a grass path called “bird knotweed.” This weed easily colonizes any surface. He is not afraid of trampling, but summer time Walking along such a path is a real pleasure. This grass grows at a fast pace. Therefore, its growth can be reduced by trimming with trimmer scissors.

A wonderful and very comfortable path can be made from birch logs. These logs are simply sawn into circles, which should not be too thin. After which, the path is laid out in circles. The result will be very beautiful, and the path will last you a long time.

On a note! A path of birch circles should not be laid out in the place where children play. They may trip over the mugs and get hurt.

And some more tips on arranging paths and paths.

  • For solo trip A path 60-80 cm wide is suitable.
  • For paired paths, a path 1.2 meters wide is constructed.
  • To approach the house, a path is built, 1.2-1.4 meters wide. Moreover, the garden path on the approach to the house should gradually widen.
  • The shape of the path must be chosen taking into account landscape features your dacha plot.
  • If the path has sharp bends, then they are masked. As a rule, in this case they use ornamental trees or shrubs.
  • There should be a flat and wide road from the front exit to the gate.

Let's talk about curbs

Borders are an integral part of any summer cottage. They can be built from different materials. Suitable in this case: tiles and border tape. But sometimes such materials are not available at the dacha. The way out of the situation is very simple. Take disks and planks of wood. But they should first be soaked with waste machine oil. This action will prevent the material from rotting. Such borders may not last long. But during this time you will be able to find those materials that will become a replacement and form a beautiful border.

Lawn at the dacha.

In this article, we list DIY garden design ideas. In addition to tips, you can also see photos here. Lawns are quite common in landscape design. But this element is considered the most difficult to care for. And if you don’t have the money to buy seeds, but really want to have a plot of land with a lawn, then you can get by with a budget option. In this situation, select an area with grass that is regularly mowed. Remember that when you constantly mow the grass, weeds lose their ability to grow and also reproduce. After a couple of years of such actions weed will leave the site completely, and she will be replaced beautiful herbs, which usually grow in the meadow.

A lawn of meadow grasses will not be very beautiful. However, caring for such an area is extremely simple. They mow it once a month, but do not remove the grass; it will act as fertilizer. In addition, it will be difficult for weeds to grow through it. This type of lawn has several other advantages. For example, it is not afraid of trampling and it is so pleasant to walk on it barefoot in the summer to harden the body.

Small forms of architecture.

MAFs are auxiliary elements in the decoration of a garden plot. MAFs are small architectural forms. They can be: benches, gazebos, arches, pergolas and other elements. Some of these elements are easy to make yourself. At the same time, you won’t have to spend enormous amounts of money. For example, it’s very easy to make benches. And to add beauty or to protect against strong winds, a trellis is installed behind the bench, which is made of slats or slats. Also, for beauty, you can plant vines that will beautifully entwine this support.

Quite often you can see gazebos in the garden area. But it’s not so easy to build it with your own hands. Yes, and this event is costly. You can do it differently. Take reinforcement or high poles from which to form a hut. Climbing plants are planted next to such a structure. Naturally, such a gazebo is not capable of protecting from rain and precipitation. But it is quite possible to hide from the sun. In addition, such a product will be an excellent decorative element.

Flower beds and flower beds.

Just digging up the area and planting flowers on it is half the battle. It is worth remembering that even the most expensive plant varieties will look ridiculous in poorly maintained beds or flower beds. Best used in composition fewer plants. However, it is worth thinking about combining them.

At the dacha, flower beds and flower beds can be of completely different shapes. Moreover, the size can also be different. Building a beautiful flower garden is not an easy task. But, if you take into account some rules, you will succeed.

First of all, the selected location and environmental conditions are assessed. The area for planting flowers must be consecrated and have fertile soil. Plants are planted only in suitable place. They are grouped according to watering requirements. In this case, it is highly not recommended to plant a moisture-loving plant with a plant that likes moderate watering. In such a situation, one of the plants will definitely suffer.

When planting flowers, you should pay attention to the tiers. In the foreground are located low flowers. But plant the larger ones in the back. Small plants should frame the entire flower garden if it is clearly visible from all sides. But large flowers are planted in the center.

Throughout the season, the flower garden should play a decorative role. Before you plan your flowerbed, you need to know the flowering dates of the plants you plan to plant. Pay attention to decorative foliage plants. They are quite diverse. Therefore, you can easily find everything you need.

Everything in the flower garden flowering plants must match in color. A flowerbed with flowers must be carefully selected. Flowers are a good option white. They can be combined with flowers of any color. But the 50:50 color ratio is not particularly beautiful. The right combination 1/3 and 2/3.

Flower beds made from handy materials

Do you think that decorating your garden with flowers is an expensive undertaking? Then it’s worth saying that you are seriously mistaken. Cash you only have to spend on planting material, but to create flower beds you will need handy materials. Old bath, Not the right log and even a leaky bucket - all this can serve you to create an original flower bed.

In the arrangement landscape design Old shoes and bags may be included. These items are filled with earth and hung throughout the area. Such interesting flower beds Lobelia and petunia grow well.

If you first paint old car tires, you can plant flowers in them.


In this article we have listed for readers just a few options for arranging a summer cottage. Of course, we offer you inexpensive ideas that will help your garden sparkle with new colors.

My suburban area– my own territory, in the arrangement of which I can fulfill any of my fantasies. This is one of those pleasant things that you want to start immediately. How to arrange a summer cottage, what the garden will be like, where the pond will be, everything depends on us and our desires.

Having received a summer cottage as personal property, we get the opportunity to discover the artist within ourselves, express our creativity, and make our long-time dreams come true. How to arrange a summer cottage will depend entirely on our desire and the skill of our hands.

But first we need to identify the circumstances that do not suit us. Maybe these are old trees, unnecessary buildings left over from former owners, large stones. Before you uproot and throw it all away, I advise you to decide what you actually want to get.

Draw up an action plan, outline a specific goal. It is quite possible that when arranging a summer cottage, stones can be used to create alpine slide, and an old stump will make a very nice table. When the stage of clearing the site is left behind, I advise you to begin planning future buildings and plantings. Determine where the house will be located, and where the garden will be planted, plan the planting of the lawn, and the construction of a gazebo. Or maybe for privacy you will want to equip a pergola or a cozy green arch. Everything is in your hands, and all plans can be easily implemented.

Eight concrete steps for creating a garden plan.

Stage one. Let's all imagine together how and where each of those present sees themselves at the dacha.

At this planning stage there is no need to specify quantities and varieties fruit trees in the garden or the presence of corn in the future vegetable garden, we determine, so to speak, strategically.

Sketching in simple geometric shapes and sign the future elements of our site.

I would immediately like to warn and remind you of some important points regarding future friendly relations with your dacha neighbors:

  • You should not design a house closer than 3 meters from the neighboring territory, this is prohibited building codes, why constantly feel under attack;
  • It is better to coordinate the placement of a septic tank and compost container with your neighbor. This is, of course, possible, but it’s still worth warning;
  • Well, the planting of free-growing trees should be limited to a three-meter distance from the neighbor’s plot.

There are many options that you can imagine: from a factory for breeding “cultivated” earthworms, to your own forest where you can pick mushrooms.

Let's imagine that we settle on a compromise solution that suits most families.

In general terms, our dacha should have:

  • a residential building set back from the road at least 3 meters so that dust from the road does not disturb us;
  • utility rooms combined in one place away from your and your neighbor’s recreation areas;
  • parking lot on the north side of the house;
  • a productive vegetable garden and garden (our pride) with a public garden, while the trees in the garden are small, these elements of the dacha can be partially combined. Although such a combination is considered a mistake by many gardeners, in my opinion, tree trunk circles Enough lightened trees make original round beds for greens, onions, and even cucumbers and beans. And we must remember that on one acre of garden we can grow six, maximum seven, free-growing fruit trees;
  • gazebo for barbecue and benches for relaxation.

Stage two. It's time to move on to specifics.

Compose full list plants that you and your family want to see in your dacha. Fruit trees, shrubs, grapes, flowers, ornamental plants, please don't miss anything.

I am sure that many points of your plan will change, something will be crossed out, and something will be added. The main thing is not to forget that replanting trees is always much worse than underplanting.

Extra trees will reach for the light, forgetting about the harvest, and they will still have to be cut down. And during their growth, they will greatly harm nearby growing trees.

Stage three. Think about the “geography” of your site.

For example, if you have wetlands and waterlogged areas on your site, and your list of desired plants includes moisture-loving plants, then this is an ideal case.

And, conversely, if you are a cherry lover, and the level groundwater is high, which means it is necessary to drain the cherry planting site using drainage grooves, and possibly make an embankment.

Stones, holes, bumps, stumps, if you are not going to turn them into elements of the design flight of your thoughts, using them to bring beauty with your own hands, then it would be better to remove all this.

Stage four.

Under no circumstances should crops be planted in the shade. When in the shade, a tree must grow into constant direct sunlight to survive.

Therefore, in order for a tree to bear fruit, it must be planted where it is needed, and not poked anywhere.

To do this, let’s draw the shaded areas of our site:

  • We take a blank sheet of paper, imagine that we are on the site;
  • we indicate the cardinal directions and the approximate movement of the sun;
  • We schematically plot future buildings that are already growing big trees, fence and anything that can provide shade;
  • indicate the height of everything listed in the previous step;
  • paint over all shadow areas. We proceed from this rule: the width of the shadow is two times less than the height of the object that gives this shadow. Those places where, according to our calculations, there will be more than half a day of shade, are considered unsuitable for planting productive plants.

An area of ​​full shade can be planned only for paths, gazebos, benches for relaxation, perhaps for a flower garden with interesting design solutions.

Stage five.

Until now, our plan has been dominated by restrictions that do not allow us to realize our grandiose plans.

Don’t give up, we can place all the desired plants on our site if we know that:

  • all trees respond well to CROWN FORMATION. Therefore, we can easily give them any shape with our own hands - from 4 meters of normal height to dwarf sizes, with a width of " flat wall» up to 6 meters;
  • well, the geometric shape of the tree crown itself can be anything - spreading along the ground, in the form of “balls” of different heights or “walls” of different heights;
  • Always place rows of fruit trees and shrubs from north to south (or vice versa). This arrangement will give a total of less shadow, so it will be possible to use row spacing;
  • Gooseberry and currant bushes, as well as trees with a “ball” shaped crown, are planted in a checkerboard pattern, as if in the corners of a triangle. This will give more rational use places and improve the lighting of your plants. recommends planting red currants and gooseberries in elevated, dry, well-lit areas, while black currants, on the contrary, feel good in damp, lower areas. Let the raspberries grow in isolated places on the site; they produce a lot of root shoots, and this way it will be easier to control their growth area.

Stage six. Let's plan a garden.

Think about what kind of vegetable crop you want to harvest. More precisely, how much you need.

If you are not going to feed all your relatives up to the fifth generation, then perhaps round beds in tree trunk circles will suffice for you.

Later you can create similar round beds scattered throughout your garden. Optimal width for them it is approximately a meter.

It looks very nice. For this to be practical, you will need to set decorative borders 30 centimeters high, or higher, fill them with humus. Then you can cover it with mulch (grass, rags, husks, straw), then water and lightly weed no more than once a week.

Install trellises on the beds. For climbing vegetables, arrange “vegetable alleys” - connect the trellises just above your height with a roof, a kind of overlap. So you can create a cucumber or bean alley with your own hands.

It’s also a great idea to make a pyramid on round beds - you install a support in the center, to which you tie one and a half to two dozen ropes. You can also build an “umbrella” at the top.

On such structures, vegetables, in addition to looking beautiful, also bear fruit well.

Arrange your beds along the southern or eastern walls of the house or utility rooms. In such places, plants grow several times faster than in a simple garden bed. The main thing is to waterproof the walls, otherwise a beautiful wall decorated with your favorite vegetables will collapse over time.

The ideal garden bed will be one that will be visible from your kitchen window. Vegetables growing in such a bed seem to sense your constant presence and grow much more cheerfully.

Stage seven. All that remains is to think about how we will move around the territory of our site.

Think about what, from where and where you will have to transport and carry.

No need to plan rectangular diagrams movement around the dacha. Such paths will constantly catch you at their right angles.

Do not be afraid of triangular, semicircular, oblique areas and, accordingly, paths in your dacha.

If such geometry requires simplicity and ease of movement, feel free to arrange such garden paths.

The entire area that does not fall under the beds is your lawn. If you don’t want to worry too much about creating an English lawn, remember the main rule: constant mowing completely destroys all weeds. Only meadow grasses will remain; mowing is their favorite condition.

You will have to master working with a trimmer and consider that you have mastered the most competent ecological method of caring for the land at your dacha.

Stage eight (final).

A plan like “a dozen trees behind the house and five berry bushes near the garden” will yield absolutely nothing.

You need to plan the same way you do home renovations. You know exactly where the TV will be - there should be a socket and an antenna plug there.

It’s the same with the dacha project, everything should be literally: “When I sit on the terrace, I will see the Pepin saffron apple tree, behind it the Renet Krasnoznamenny apple tree, and to the left of it the Tolstobezhka pear tree.” In the garden I will put a trellis from north to south, from which cucumbers will stretch towards the house.”

Only an accurate representation of what and how we want will make it possible to avoid in the future unnecessary alterations, uprooting of trees and poor harvest of vegetables. Believe me, it’s much easier to think through everything once, rather than torment yourself every summer to no avail.

Elements of arrangement of a summer cottage

For decorative design dachas, you can plan a lawn. To do this, you need to level the area, dig up and remove all the weeds. Then add soil and sow herbs. And if your plans include creating an alpine slide, then you don’t need to level anything; on the contrary, it requires unevenness.

I would suggest creating a pond. It will be beautiful arrangement summer cottage, decorated with aquatic plants. It is not difficult to do it yourself. First you need to dig a hole and give the soil time to settle. Then plan the distribution of water from the water supply system. This matter is not difficult. Lay out the bottom of the pond with a special film so that it covers the walls, but not stretched. I advise you to take the film black, this will create the illusion of depth. It must be taken half a meter beyond the edges of the reservoir, sprinkled with sand, and then covered with decorative boulders. You can do it even simpler - buy plastic bath, or any other form, and dig it into the area level with the ground. Cover it decoratively with stones, sprinkle it with multi-colored pebbles, and plant water-loving plants and lawn grasses along the shore.

When thinking about how to arrange a summer cottage, you need to take care of lighting. This important point, especially after dark. Surely in the evening after working in the garden, you will want to sit on the terrace with a cup of tea. This is where inexpensive and beautiful flashlights come in handy. solar powered. They will create soft lighting in the gazebo and emphasize the whimsical line of the path in the dark. Or you can create such lanterns with your own hands, using unnecessary tin or glass jars, decorating them different colors, and cut out patterned holes in the tin. Forged lanterns on poles will look impressive, beautifully and mysteriously illuminating a romantic bench in the garden.

If you got it small space, where you need to save every square meter of space, an excellent solution would be to build a summer cottage with vertical beds. This is possible from the old one wooden barrel make a real strawberry tree by drilling holes 5 cm in diameter across the entire surface and planting bushes in them. Fill the barrel itself completely with earth. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Every dacha owner wants to decorate it and do something unique. The easiest way is to go to the “Garden Goods” store and choose the accessories you like.

If the owner of a dacha wants to see a vacation spot unlike others, he will have to rely on his own strength and make items to improve the area with my own hands. Then, in addition to beauty and aesthetics, he will also receive the joy of creativity.

Making the site unique - ideas for interesting crafts

All summer residents are able to pick up original ideas to decorate the area. Most often, it is enough to use the things and means at hand, and put in a little effort and material expenses. There will be outdated furniture and other unnecessary items, which should be approached creatively.

It would be useful to remember long-abandoned things in the form of unnecessary furniture, old toys, empty containers, worn-out car tires, leftover building materials, etc. Country crafts made from such things are the most interesting and best decorate the site!

Designing a summer cottage is impossible without beautiful flower beds. Your flower arrangements can be diversified by adding old containers: barrels, pots, carts. The construction of original picket fences around flower beds will make them intricate and interesting.

If you add skillfully designed flower beds made from timber or stone to your flowerbed decoration, this will add originality.

Many country house design masters use plastic container for the construction of sculptures, accessories for flower beds, borders. Fantasy in this area is limitless.

Before starting work, you need to think through the idea well to get the desired result. Plastic is easy to cut, giving it the intended shape. It is suitable for making figurines from fairy tales. It will be especially impressive if you paint them with bright colors.

IN country interior It will not only be a beautiful item, but also useful. The children will have something to watch, and the birds will have a permanent dining area. There will be materials at hand for it.

Manufacturing from polymer clay, polyurethane foam, plaster of various figures that can create comfort and uniqueness in the country. It is enough to awaken the imagination, and design solutions they will come on their own.

Having a glass cutter on hand will help you work with glass bottles. They make interesting pots or candle stands.

Bottle caps and plastic packaging of chocolate eggs are suitable for creating unusual compositions.

It would be nice to arrange small pond at the dacha, surrounding it with flower beds, sculptures, and crafts. As a decoration, you can complement it with an elegant bridge.

Unnecessary car tires after painting, they will become a platform for flower beds or material for cutting out figures.

Arrangement of the play area

Children can be given not just an area to play in, but also arranging play area with comfort. All children will be happy. Enough for them simple boards, ropes. Metal chains and the same painted tires will do. The remains of building materials will become a slide, old furniture will turn into rocking chairs.

Kids love to play in the sandbox. They will be delighted by colorful borders made from bottles or wooden scraps. The sandbox can be given an interesting shape and protected from sunlight. One of the options with a slide is shown in the photo below.

Another creative one country idea- wooden house. If the guys get a small house at their disposal, especially furnished, there will be no end to the delight. They themselves will dream up how to decorate it.

Design of flower beds and flower beds

When breaking down, you should consider the selection of colors. On each of them you need to identify 3-4 main types of plants; this idea will allow you to paint the flowerbed, giving it an interesting look.

Adding ornamental grasses and plants with beautiful leaves will decorate the flowerbed not only in combination with flowers, but also during the period of absence of flowering. It is important to know when to stop and not to plant flower beds with too many types of flowers.

One the right choice there will be few flowers. Flower beds and flower beds need to be decorated. Old tires, beehives, a cart, a wheelbarrow, even a car body will come in handy. It is important to think about their placement and do everything harmoniously. Carved figures of bees, butterflies, and stuffed animals will also fit in.

Enclosing the flower beds with low fences, made in the author’s version, will only add originality to the dacha area.

How to design a fence at the dacha?

The idea of ​​enclosing your property not just with a fence, but of coming up with an individual business card will allow you to avoid the banality of an ordinary wooden or iron fence. If no other option works out, you can even apply your imagination to them.

Decorative items to create interesting and unique design There may be attached flower pots, catchy crafts, or decorated decorations on the surface of the fence.

The creative imagination will come up with ways to use old rubber boots and discs to give the fence an effect.

Plants climbing along the fence will also create their own charm. You can buy ornamental plants with fast growth. If you plant slowly growing vines, you won’t have to regret it either - they look more colorful. And most best choice will become wild grapes.

The ability of the leaves to change color allows it to remain beautiful until the winter cold. A good idea would be to move the grapes from the fence to. Lovers of ancient views will really like it.

A country fence that is not very high can be decorated with a variety of shrubs with beautiful flowers. It is advisable to choose them so that there is a variety of colors over time.

And in the dark, any fence will be enlivened by lanterns. Ideas at hand will prompt their implementation from painted glass jars with candles inside or something similar.

Arranging a relaxation area

Adults also want to have a cozy place in their summer cottage to enjoy fresh air about complete. This means that it is necessary to think about the arrangement of a recreation area. The choice of elements for it will be dictated by the tastes of the owners.

You can choose from the following options:

Shady area with table and chairs.

Constructed from surplus building materials. Hidden in the shade of trees or climbing plants, brightly colored, equipped soft pillows on the benches, it will allow you to forget about the bustle and noise of city life.

A barbecue will most likely be required. The simplest way would be with four walls and a bottom. Connect them by inserting the ends into the cuts made by the grinder, without using bolts and nuts. This collapsible metal grill is very easy to assemble and disassemble.

A swing or will allow adults to relax and even take a nap, this country house idea is simply a must for every site in the summer. It is better for them to make a wider swing than for children. The hammock can be hung from trees.

Setting up a pond on your own is not difficult. Draw a contour according to the chosen shape, dig a pit along it, cover it with 10 cm of sand, and fill the pond with water. All that remains is to decorate the area around it as you wish.

When designing a summer cottage, follow the proverb “The eyes are afraid, but the hands do!” Feel free to trust your imagination. Convert creative ideas everyone will like it in reality with their own hands.

Photo selection of new ideas for a summer residence
