Instructions with photos and videos: how to make a door from boards with your own hands. How to make doors for your house with your own hands from boards? How to make a small door with your own hands

As you know, the situation on our planet is getting worse every year. It is for this reason that most people strive to at least own home create an environmentally friendly atmosphere using natural materials. , fully satisfying the needs of people. It has proven itself especially well in such house design elements as windows and doors. To get started you need to know how to make doors from wood.

Wooden doors still do not lose their popularity

In conditions modern world does not pose any particular problems, because all parts, tools and components are sold ready-made. This also applies to doors and windows. The assortment is so wide that everyone can choose what will best suit the facade of the house and financial capabilities. But as the assortment grows, the price also increases, and when starting a renovation, every owner wants to reduce their costs.

An excellent solution for people who want to save money is to make a door with their own hands. At first glance, this may seem like a very funny idea, because you need experience and special skills, but in fact there is nothing complicated about it, you just need to be precise and patient.

Safe entry into the premises with your own hands

Few people know how to make doors from wood, so they often turn to stores for ready-made products. Further performance characteristics. Tree varieties are also selected for specific premises. Some breeds are better suited for outbuildings, others - for interior doors, and, accordingly, others - for the main entrance to the house. The doors differ in appearance and are used different technology manufacturing.

There are several types of doors:

  • panel;
  • paneled;
  • solid solid doors;
  • with stained glass insert.

Door manufacturing technology varies depending on its purpose.

In most cases, the canvas is impact-resistant stained glass are used between room openings, and blind ones are used for external doors. Glass or stained glass inserts are decorated with artistic forging, which, in addition to being decorative, also has a protective function. Panel construction canvas is most often used for.

Doors are also divided among themselves according to the number of door leaves into:

  • single-field;
  • double-field;
  • one-and-a-half poles.

One and a half floors are externally a structure consisting of one wide canvas and another narrower one. Single-leaf and double-leaf, respectively, consist of door leaves of the same size.

Preparing for work

You now know how to make wooden doors yourself; the front door is made according to the same principle. For the manufacture, unlike interior ones, they use not a slab, but an array, and the space between the two slabs is insulated. Most often used for insulation mineral wool. Fillers for external doors, in addition to thermal insulation, will provide owners with... If you want to enhance the protection of the room, in addition to insulation, you can place inside the “sandwich” a metal sheet approximately 2 mm thick. This is the method used to make wooden armored doors.

The final stage

When the frame is installed and the canvas has dried, carry out final works, namely, they are attached to hinges, a place for the lock is cut out and installed. It is also very important to choose the right fittings, because they play an important role in the functionality of your doors. Persistent door leaf- this is only 50% of the protection of your home, the remaining 50% is secure lock. The front door must be equipped with two locks, the main one - a safe, and an additional one. When making a door, you shouldn’t skimp on locks, because in reality: what’s the use of entrance doors if they don’t have a lock.

Competent design your door will highlight the beauty of the interior

Having carefully read the above instructions, you have probably already convinced yourself that making a door from wood is a completely feasible task that even a non-professional can do. By deciding to make a door yourself, you will not only save your cash, but you will also be able to demonstrate your hidden talents and abilities. Such a complex design, made with one’s own hands, will definitely be appreciated by those around you.

With a minimum of effort, you get an inexpensive, unique and one-of-a-kind entry door with the desired quality and design.

During a major renovation of an apartment, it often becomes necessary to replace interior doors, and sometimes . In this case, you can either purchase a ready-made door or make it yourself.

While performing the work, you may encounter some difficulties. However, if you fulfill all the requirements and take into account the necessary details, the result will please you.

Replacement balcony door begins with dismantling the old block. First of all, it is necessary to remove the trim and the sash from the hinges. If the box is in good condition, you can keep it. Otherwise, the structure should be replaced. This is a rather labor-intensive process, but in most cases necessary. To clear the opening, you need to make a slot in the jamb. A crowbar is inserted into the resulting recess and, using a hammer, the box is gradually knocked out of the wall.

After this, you should thoroughly clean the walls and floor of construction debris. It is better that the cleaning is wet using special detergents. When the opening is completely dry, you can take the dimensions of the future product.

Preparing the doorway for installation

The next step will be purchasing a door or making it yourself. First of all, it is worth remembering the uniform aesthetics of the room. Therefore, the future should be in harmony with the overall style of the interior. It is also necessary to take care of the reliability of the design, otherwise this dangerous door onto the balcony may cause accidents or injuries.

The work is completed by installing a new frame in the prepared opening and hanging the sash.

If you decide to make a door with your own hands, you should opt for wooden models, since you can assemble the structure from PVC profile at home it is quite difficult.

Advantages and disadvantages of wood products

Wood has many advantages, but this material also has disadvantages. Positive characteristics include:

  • environmental cleanliness;
  • attractive appearance;
  • long service life;
  • sufficient noise insulation;
  • low heat loss;
  • reliability of operation.

The negative features are the following:

  • high moisture absorption;
  • possible deformation.

All the disadvantages of wood appear only due to poor-quality harvesting and violation of technology. According to existing standards, to reduce absorption, boards must be dried and treated with hot steam and special impregnations.

Materials for work

The humidity coefficient should not exceed 10%. Additionally ready block covered with stain with a protective layer of varnish on top or water-repellent paint.

Classification of wooden doors

It is useful for every owner to know how to make a door out of wood themselves. Before you start making it, you should decide on the choice door block. Based on the number of leaves, doors are divided into double-leaf (2 leaves) and regular.

The following types of products are distinguished:

Any of the listed models is suitable for installation on a loggia. It all depends on personal preference.

The procedure for making a balcony block yourself

Having decided on the choice of product, you can begin to work. Detailed description How to make a door from boards with your own hands will help you avoid mistakes during the manufacturing process.

First of all, you need to measure the opening. Special attention pay attention to the thickness of the partition. Ideally, the door frame should match the thickness of the opening. If the wall is unusually wide, you should provide decorative overlays on the box the right size to visually remove this defect.

To determine the width of the canvas, you need to measure the distance between the two vertical partitions of the opening. In this case, it is more expedient to take measurements at the widest point where the walls diverge. Use a plumb line to check the angle of the partition. From the obtained parameter we subtract the thickness of the box - usually 70 mm - and the gap for polyurethane foam(about 30 mm). Then we add 10 mm to this number for an allowance during installation. The value you get will be equal to the width of the canvas. If the total value exceeds 100 cm, only a double door will suit you.

To determine the height of the door, you need to find out the distance between the floor and the top of the opening at three points. From their minimum value we subtract thirty-five millimeters for the upper part of the trim and another 15 mm for the gap from the floor. As a result, we get the desired number. If a threshold is provided, then from total height of the opening, it is necessary to subtract 75 mm for the frame and 4 mm for the free opening of the sash.

In accordance with the measurements taken and the calculated dimensions of the door leaf, you should purchase required quantity lumber. In this case, it is advisable to buy more forests than is required by about 15%. This is required by the consumption of material during the work process. The wood must be of high quality drying, without noticeable defects. It is advisable to choose even and smooth boards. Optimal fit soft types raw materials, as they are easier to process.

Conifers trees

The most commonly used coniferous species are spruce and pine, and the most commonly used deciduous species are birch and linden.

The following tools will be useful to you:

  • roulette;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • chisel and hammer;
  • coarse and fine grain emery;
  • hacksaw;
  • plane;
  • wood glue;
  • screws (preferably with a flat head) of different sizes;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • clamps;
  • anchor bolts.

Additionally, you may need power tools:

  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • electric plane;
  • horizontal grinder.

With electrical equipment, your work will go much faster, and the quality of the finished product will be higher. However, the availability of such tools is not a prerequisite.

If you want to know how to make a door with your own hands, the video presented on our website will help to clearly demonstrate this process.

Box installation

The door frame must withstand heavy loads. This system is installed in the opening and then hung on it door panel using loops. The box consists of two vertical and one horizontal parts made of tongue and groove boards. If a threshold is provided, two horizontal structural members must be used.

Gather door frame needed on a horizontal plane. Suitable for this big table. You can also assemble it on the floor. On each board we mark the joints of the parts and the location of the connecting protrusions. Using a hacksaw we cut the tenons and grooves. We thickly coat all fastening points with glue and assemble the structure, further strengthening it with screws.

After the glue has dried, we mount the finished box into the opening using anchors. When setting up the structure, do not forget to use a level to check the verticals and horizontals. If the box is placed crookedly, the doors will jam and they will not open. We fill the gaps between the wall and the frame with polyurethane foam.

Installation of a door in an opening

The final stage is to secure the bottom fixing board and the brace strips on top. This is necessary so that the hardening foam does not bend the box.

The paneled door is considered the most successful design. This model is simple and inexpensive to manufacture. At the same time, it looks presentable and will fit well into any interior. This design will serve you for a long time. The best option for a wooden balcony door would be a combination of a solid bottom and a glazed top of the leaf.

For the manufacture of standard door you will need to assemble a frame from two posts and three crossbars. The width of the boards should be about 120 mm. It is important that the distance from the bottom of the canvas to the panel exceeds the height of the top and middle crossbars by 1.5 - 2 times. This will improve the appearance of the product and ensure structural rigidity.

At the ends of the bars, grooves are additionally sawed in the places where the panels are attached.

To make a blind panel, you need to glue the beams and lamellas together one by one. The parts are connected to each other using the tongue-and-groove method.

Tongue and groove connection method

After adjusting everyone wooden parts you need to coat the joints with glue and secure the structure with self-tapping screws.

It is necessary to cover the joints of the product parts with glue.

The product should be tightened with screw clamps to avoid deformation and left to dry for three days.

If desired, sand the surface of the dried sash. It would be a good idea to cover the box and canvas with stain and varnish.

The finished product is coated with a layer of varnish

Each coat of coating takes approximately 12 hours to dry.

Experts recommend installing the frame and sash simultaneously. To do this, place a box on a table or other horizontal plane, apply a cloth and mark the places where the hinges will be hung. After cutting in the canopies, we fix the box in the opening as described above. Afterwards we install the finished door and screw the hinges, observing the necessary clearances.

The next day after installation, we cut off the excess foam and insert the glass, securing it with a glazing bead.

Knowing how to make a wooden door yourself, you can significantly reduce repair costs.


Preparing the doorway for installation Coniferous trees Materials for work The tongue-and-groove connection method

Doors are made from boards furniture panels or beams according to previously prepared drawings. To understand what and how wooden doors are made of, let’s get acquainted with their varieties.

Types of doors by design

A solid wood box has the following advantages:

At the same time, wooden canvas has the following features:

  • unprocessed raw materials quickly absorb moisture;
  • presence of cracks and knots;
  • flammability.

To reduce absorption, the board is dried, treated with hot steam and impregnations.

Massive doors

Before making wooden doors, it is recommended to determine the features production process. The dacha can be protected from robbers by a massive canvas, for the manufacture of which thick tongue-and-groove or planed boards are used. The resulting structure is strengthened with horizontal or inclined jumpers.

For the manufacture of massive door use wood of dense structure

To make a massive entrance door, cedar, larch or oak are used. This type of wood is characterized by a dense structure and textured pattern.

If the project summer cottage includes a bathhouse, then linden and pine are used to arrange the opening. The bathhouse must be used after treating the wood with an antiseptic.

Paneled doors

To make paneled fabric, boards and beams obtained by gluing lamellas are used. Then the workpiece is covered with veneer. Before constructing the canvas, a drawing is prepared. It indicates the configuration of the panels. It can be the same or different. Instead of wooden elements glass can be used.

Paneled doors are most often installed indoors

To equip the vertical and transverse elements, you will need to glue the timber. It is used to make fabric batten appropriate thickness. For fixation individual elements spikes are used.

Door assembly diagram

If a panel is used to make the canvas, you need to consider:

  • The reliability of the product is directly affected by the number of cross-sections;
  • a homemade box is formed from timber, and a lath or plastic is used to make a panel;
  • glazing bead is used to fix panels.

Since the paneled door is thin, it is considered the best option to arrange an interior doorway.

Panel doors

The panel box is made of fiberboard, veneer or laminate. The frame is assembled from boards. Fibreboard, MDF or chipboard sheets are used as a shield.

Design panel door

The canvases under consideration are classified into the following types:

  • solid - filled with beams fastened together;
  • hollow – made from side and cross beams. Lining is used for cladding;
  • small-hollow - have different fillings.

To create a high-quality canvas yourself, the frame is first covered with plywood. The material is laid in 2 layers. Size of 1 layer – 24 mm. This technology prevents deformation of the coating.

Tools for work

Tools you will need:

  • to create grooves and holes, you will need a router;
  • hacksaw;
  • to sand the ends of the doors, you will need a plane;
  • chisels;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver

Standard set of tools for making a door

To assemble the doors you will need the following materials:

  • tongue and groove boards;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • glue.

The purchased wood is additionally dried. The boards are laid so that they do not touch each other.

Selection of lumber

Before assembling the canvas, an individual plan for the upcoming work is drawn up. Particular attention is paid to the selection of boards. The following criteria are taken into account:

  • financial opportunities;
  • acquisition of “industrial wood”;
  • residual humidity – 15%;
  • checking the evenness of the material;
  • board thickness – 25-50 mm;
  • the array is polished.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

Any step-by-step plan for manufacturing a door involves assembling a shield. If it is planned to install the linen in the bath, then easy assembly shield To fix the boards, transverse and longitudinal elements. A warm box for the home is made taking into account aesthetics. The assembled shield is polished.

Making a door from solid wood

IN step by step plan canvas assembly included right choice consumables. To make a shield, you will need tongue and groove boards more than 25 mm thick. Then the consumable material is cut into pieces.

The tongue and groove boards must be smooth and without grooves on the front sides

When assembling the shield, it is recommended to take into account the direction of the annual rings. To connect tongue and groove boards, a tongue-and-groove lock and wood glue are used. If the consumable material is non-grooved boards, then they are assembled using glue.

Work is done on the surface large area. The assembled coating is pressed with clamps. If the shield is dry, it is processed with a milling cutter. To be good sound insulation, it is recommended to assemble a shield from several layers of boards. The resulting structure is clamped with clamps.

Traditional methods tying boards in solid wood doors

For tying, crossbars are used, installed at the top, middle and bottom of the covering. Markings for grooves are made on the canvas. The recesses made should be ½ the thickness of the consumable material.

Assembly diagram

Holes are cut using a router. More difficult to cut grooves manually. For this you will need a chisel. A rubber hammer is used to insert the cross member. If you plan to apply a drawing to the resulting shield, first draw its outline using a pencil according to the template. A cutter is used for cutting.

The cutouts are milled according to a previously drawn pencil drawing.

Then the canvas is painted with pre-treatment with an antiseptic. Markings are made on the canvas and the box for installing hinges. The markings for the handle and lock are done in the same way. Final stage– canopy of the canvas into the opening.

Treatment with antiseptic and varnish

Manufacturing of a panel door

The instructions for making a shield sheet allow you to use finely filled boards. Experts distinguish 3 methods for assembling such a structure:

  • preliminary assembly of the frame with subsequent filling of its internal space. Using this technology, you can create a solid or finely filled shield;
  • separate production of the shield with its subsequent fixation into the frame. The last stage is covering with finishing material;
  • The manufactured shield is mounted in a frame and lined.

To assemble the canvas using the first method, primary tying is carried out. It will determine the size of the future door. The structure uses timber with a cross section of 30×120 mm. Consumables are cut to fit the dimensions of the future structure.

The next step is choosing the type of connection in the corners. Experts advise using the “half-tree” method. Accurate marking of future grooves is an important stage in shield assembly.

Connection diagram of frame elements

All grooves are coated with glue. The connection of the timber is carried out on a flat but large area. If the glue has dried, the connections are fixed with dowels. To do this, perform through holes diameter 8-10 mm.

Plywood or fiberboard is used to cover the frame. The markings are made and the frame is removed. The frame returns to its original place. She needs to be pressed to facing material treated with glue.

Plywood or fiberboard is used for cladding

To fill in inner space, MDF is used. It is glued with bottom sheet finishing material. But first the glue must dry well. At the same time, it is recommended to prepare consumables for the outer lining of the canvas.

Internal filling gives the canvas rigidity

If you need to glue 2 sheets, then the first sheet is fiberboard, and the second is laminated material or SF. The resulting structure is sent under the press.

You can sheathe the door with natural wooden slats. They are fixed to the frame. The holes made are filled with a mixture of glue and sawdust. If the surface is dry, it is treated sandpaper. All corners and ends are processed with a milling cutter. Into the finished door leaf and,. The door is mounted in a corresponding frame.

It is produced using a similar method frame door– the internal space is additionally strengthened with beams. But before starting work, accurate calculations are carried out and a drawing is prepared.

Making a paneled door

To make a paneled door, you will need special carpentry tools and experience. Components structures are made of plywood, solid boards. A drawing is pre-prepared, on which 4 panels are marked.

The frame is made of timber. It is pre-processed with a milling cutter. Then a groove is made on one side of it. Tenons are cut out on the crossbars, and the edges are processed with a router. Panels and mullions are inserted into the grooves.

The end part of the coating, which will extend to the end of the canvas, must be flat. Slots are made in the vertical elements to assemble the structure.

To make panels, plywood or chipboard is used. Some panel elements are replaced with glass. In this case, glazing beads are additionally used. Panels with flat plane mounted and framed with glazing beads.

Otherwise, the panels are processed with a router. In this way a relief configuration is created. Plywood is used to make panels. Each element of the future canvas is treated with an antiseptic and dried.

All parts are assembled into a single structure on a flat surface, and each tenon is coated special glue. Step by step assembly doors:

  • gluing crossbars into the grooves of vertical beams;
  • installation of mullions;
  • installation of the remaining panels;
  • gluing vertical beams;
  • fixing glazing beads for finishing.

To install the tenons into the grooves, use a rubberized hammer. The canvas is padded from the sides. A construction angle is used to check corners. The covering is compressed with clamps.

Markings are made on the canvas for installing hinges and a handle with a lock. Installation of fittings is carried out after completion finishing works. For finishing applies acrylic paint or . To obtain a dark finish, stain is used.

Insulation and sound insulation

Door insulation scheme


At the next stage, the finished structure is processed and decorated. It is recommended to adhere to the following plan:

  • processing the coating with sandpaper or a grinding machine;
  • impregnation of wood with antiseptic. The first layer should dry well. The processing is then repeated;
  • the canvas is covered with a special putty, which can be replaced with a primer. In this case, the canvas is processed 2 times. But each applied layer must dry well. This will take about 2 days;
  • Paint, varnish, and stain are used to finish the coating. The stain must be applied over the primer. Taking into account the desired shade, the appropriate number of layers of stain is applied. Each layer will take 4 hours to dry. To fix the result, the stain is coated with two layers of varnish.

To finish the door, paint, varnish, and stain are used.

So, you built a house, or maybe you are doing major renovation in your apartment? And you are faced with the question of equipping the rooms with doors. So what should you choose? Should you purchase ready-made factory options or start making your own?

Many consider the first option an impossible task, and therefore go to the store. But I would like to point out that this is far from the case. Even a non-professional can make a door with his own hands. The main thing is to have a great desire, necessary materials and tools, and some free time. We’ll look further at how to make a door with your own hands.

It doesn’t matter what kind of door you need: interior or for installation at the entrance to the house - any of these options can be made independently. How? Let's figure it out.

So you decided that the best option: DIY wooden door. It will be much easier to make one, but first let’s talk about the material for it. Many characteristics of your future system will depend on this factor.

For example, appearance, service life and so on. Basically the type of wood does not have of great importance. It could be like deciduous tree, and coniferous. The main thing is that the source material is properly dried and has no defects that affect its strength properties.

To improve the properties, you need to use special compounds that increase the reliability and aesthetic characteristics of wood. In addition, your future door will be reliably protected from moisture, bacteria and other aggressive contacts.

This concerns the selection and preparation of material for making a door, and now let’s look at one of the most simple options door suitable for independent operation.

Do-it-yourself interior and entrance door

For those who are not very well versed in the terminology, a door is a piece of wood that will be hung on the hinges of a door frame. These two structures (frame and door leaf) form the so-called door block.

  • Let's start by making a box or joint. For this you will need a beam. The door block option for the front door can only be closed. Their design consists of four bars, the size of which corresponds to a value from 75 to 120 mm. They are connected using spikes, either single or double.
  • As for doors located in rooms, for them, in addition to the option described above, you can use an open jamb. Its design is made of three bars and their thickness is slightly less than previously stated: 50 mm. These bars will be located on top and on the sides of the doorway.
  • The lintel (beam located on top) needs to be made wider. This is necessary so that the projections have reliable support on the existing masonry or other wall material. Usually the jamb is assembled first. When performing these actions, you need to pay special attention to maintaining the exact dimensions, as well as the correct angles (straight lines).
  • After assembly, the jamb can be fixed in the doorway. To assemble, you will need staples or pins that can be driven into the wall (masonry).

To hang the door leaf, you need to make special notches on the long part of the bars for future hinges. You will also need to make another notch on the beam intended for the door. If after installing the jamb small gaps and other defects appear, they can be eliminated using polyurethane foam. When the jamb is ready, you can start making the door leaf.

Door leaf

If we consider the manufacture of a door, it should be noted that the design of the option intended for entering the house and rooms will be different. This is due to the fact that the front door must be more durable and have increased thermal and sound insulation properties. But interior doors may not be so impressive; for them, the main thing is aesthetics appearance. Although having soundproofing properties won't hurt either.

So, the door intended for the room can be paneled. Making one yourself is quite easy. This option meets the requirements of aesthetics, durability and affordable cost.

What is a panel? This wooden shield. Its surface can be varied. For example, smooth or profiled. There are also carved options. This shield is located in a special harness.

  • The panel design can be made using one or several boards. It all depends on the sizes you need. The basis of the panel, as noted above, is the binding. For its production, bars that have undergone certain processing are used. And, of course, it is desirable that the source material is free of any defects. The bars are equipped with special grooves in which the panel itself will be placed.
  • The bars are fastened using spikes. To make panels, in addition to boards, fiberboard or regular plywood. If you wish, you can even replace these materials with glass or a combination of them. After the door is assembled, it needs to be hung on hinges, which are fixed to the jamb with screws.

The door intended for entering the house is made a little differently. The reasons for this were stated above. Make front door It is possible using the technology described above, only in this case you will need a panel with more impressive dimensions. Its parameters must correspond to a value of 40 millimeters or more.

And finally, a few words about making door handles. For this purpose, you can use a solid wood blank. From it you can quite easily cut out a handle with a round shape.

This type of handle can be secured to the door leaf using a fairly long bolt and a pre-prepared hole. In order not to disturb the aesthetics door handle, the top of the bolt, as well as the nut, must be disguised under special decorative overlays.

For rural residents and owners country houses you have to be able to do things that many city dwellers don’t even know about: growing potatoes, plucking a chicken, lighting a stove, milking a cow. On the other hand, they don’t need this - the main thing in the city is to make good money, and everything you need can be bought in a store or ordered a service from numerous offices. However, many people dream of buying a house outside the city and getting out of the metropolis at least for the weekend. And then they have to learn professions that are almost unclaimed in an urban environment, for example, making a barn door. By the way, you will learn how to make a wooden door yourself from this article.

So, there are a lot of options for making new door: when the old one rotted or rusted, when they built some kind of door in, into a room, on. In our case, a small shed was built for household equipment, which also needed a door.

The cost of manufacturing a new one is several times less than the purchased one, and besides, stores sell doors of certain sizes, to which the openings must be adjusted, which is not very convenient. It’s easier to have the one you need and make a door leaf for it yourself.

They begin to build the door by measuring the perimeter of the opening. Our dimensions are 190 by 80 cm. Convenient in both height and width. Now you need to select boards of arbitrary width, and no less in length doorway. The number of tesins does not matter, the main thing is that when folded together they are wider than 80 cm. The thickness of the tesins is 2.5 cm. Let's cut them circular saw, making the length 190 cm.

We decided to cover the front part of the door leaf with clapboard. Therefore, we plan the side of the boards that will look inside the barn with a plane.

Let's connect the strips together and measure the width of the canvas. Next, so that the gaps do not diverge, we will tighten them with a wooden plank, screwing it to the first and last board. Let's make marks with a pencil and cut the blade with a circular saw to a width of 79.5 cm, 5 mm less than the opening. It is necessary to create a gap so that the canvas does not touch the jamb. We will also make the length 189.5 cm.

Let's unscrew the bar and determine which side the door will open from - right or left. This is done in order to understand which board the lock should be installed in. In our case, it will be a mortise device with handles and a latch. When making doors from boards, I always immediately cut out a place for a lock in the outermost board, and not later, in assembled door. It's much easier, faster and more convenient.

First, we mark the gap by circling the lock body with a pencil. Then, using a feather drill of a suitable size, we will drill a recess in it.

It is difficult to make a recess for a lock in boards 25 mm thick without damaging the walls. But in the future, when finishing the canvas with clapboard, all the holes will be closed. It is better to work out a place for a lock with a narrow, well-sharpened chisel. Immediately you need to drill through holes for attaching the lock handles and cut out a place for the key. Insert the lock into the recess and check its operation with the key.

Next you can assemble the door leaf. Let's connect the boards together and align them.

Let's cut a piece of lining to the width of the canvas and use short nails with narrow heads to nail it to the planks. We cut the lining of the same size, insert it into the previous one and nail it.

Plank by plank, we cover the entire door. After the lining is nailed, we will take grinder and polish the edges of the door around the perimeter, removing unevenness and roughness. Let's turn the door upside down and carefully sand its inside. Don't forget to drill holes for the key and handles of the lock in the place where they were covered with clapboard.

Gaps between boards with inside can be decorated with a 25 mm wide layout. It can be nailed around the perimeter, thereby closing the holes during the locking process.

We paint the door on both sides with varnish with the addition of natural wax. This best composition paints for doors installed outdoors and exposed to natural precipitation. The wax prevents the absorption of moisture and the door does not swell during humid weather.

After the varnish has dried, you can install the hinges. In our case, arrow loops are used, in old style. We will place them on the door leaf, make marks, drill through holes and secure them with furniture bolts with semicircular heads. We will install larger washers on the inside so that the nuts do not crush the wood and tighten the hinges with the nuts using a wrench.

Next we move on to the opening in the barn. We screw a wooden strip 5 mm high onto the threshold. This is done so that during installation of the hinge the door rests on this bar. When, after screwing the hinges, we remove it, the door leaf will sag a little, but still, when opening and closing, it will not touch the threshold.

At this moment, it is necessary to install the canvas in the opening and wedge it, for example, with an ax, so that it does not move.

Next we straighten the second part of the loops, make markings and drill 3 holes for each loop. We remove the ax, take the bolts and tighten them with nuts. The barn door is installed.

Next, we secure it and install the handles. On door jamb First we mark it, then we select a recess for the latch and then we screw the locking plate. We check the operation of the lock with a key.

Now, if you close the door, it will flow into the barn because there is nothing holding it. To eliminate this problem, we will nail along the perimeter of the opening wooden planks 1.5 cm high. They act as a stop and protect the shed from snow entering the gap between the door and the jamb. There should be a small gap. Doors installed outdoors may slightly increase or decrease in size depending on the weather. Varnish with the addition of wax significantly reduces this probability, but still, you need to play it safe and leave gaps of 5 mm.

That's all, making and installing the door yourself is finished. Such canvases, made from pine boards, will serve long years. From time to time they need to be tinted and the hinges lubricated, no more maintenance is required.

