Family tree on the wall as a decorative element. Decorative decorations for walls made of wooden slats, boards or bars: how to make a wooden panel with your own hands and where to hang it. Tree Vinyl Decals

A large number of finishing materials makes it possible to create magnificent compositions and sketches on the walls.

Together with them, ordinary home design turns into a modern and surprising design. The drawing of a tree on the wall is a kind of highlight that can support home comfort. A master class that we will look at today will help you reproduce a tree on the wall with your own hands.

Features of wall art

Anyone with even minor artistic skills can draw a tree on the wall with their own hands. However, before you create an image, remember that it will be difficult to remove it from the wall. That is why start with a sketch that is printed on whatman paper. You can draw a tree or branch in different ways:

Option: Decor:
Imitation of real wood: Of course, the first step is to draw the outline of the picture, but then it can be supplemented with real, pre-prepared dry twigs.
Paper, corrugated sheet, cardboard: A three-dimensional drawing can be decorated with colored paper. The application in this case will be small in size. To enlarge, you will have to assemble several sheets. A craft made from corrugated cardboard creates an interesting background.
Pencil, watercolor paint: A template or stencil is prepared, which is then painted. Painting is done with brushes, beads serve as decoration.
Textile: Will help decorate the wall cheap material, even burlap rolled into a tube is suitable. A three-dimensional composition is created step by step by a beginner using master classes and video lessons.
Thread and buttons: Creative decor can be easily made using threads and buttons different color. In some cases, wire is suitable. The vector creates a wood effect using threads. At the same time, you can hang a butterfly or an origami bird on a branch, and also fill them with other light little things.
Coins, plasticine, letters: A children's room is a place for imagination and creativity. Any fairy tale character will fit into the interior. Cool idea create a tree from letters of different sizes or coins. Schools and kindergartens are places where images of owls, trees, and gardens “warm” the atmosphere as much as possible and the child feels as comfortable as at home. It is better to glue the money panel onto previously prepared drywall. A heart, a flower, a hedgehog, and other inhabitants of the forest or the world become an addition to the fairytale tree.
Modeling: For a volumetric effect, gypsum is used. It is convenient to print a tree, trace it on the surface of the wall and then sculpt it using a plaster mixture.

Important! Paint family tree maybe the whole family. It looks impressive when the trunk and branches are decorated with photographs. The frame makes it possible to mount photographs so that they can be changed in the future. Collage of different photos can affect both the birth of the first child and favorite moments in the life of the entire family.

Artistic wall painting (video)

We create wall decorations with our own hands

Creating a family tree with your own hands is almost free. For these purposes, a large number of scrap materials are used, most of which are found in every home. There are several rooms in which the tree looks very impressive, if you do not stop only at its image:

  1. Kitchen – boring wallpaper will be brightened by a sakura tree or a coffee element. In addition, it is possible to make shelves that will be placed on branches and will serve as support for jars of seasonings or figurines. The shelf is painted to match the wood.
  2. Hall - living room comfort is enhanced by a family tree with a photo that will delight all guests. In addition, a pedigree layout compiled by all family members will only strengthen the relationship.
  3. Bedroom - this decoration looks impressive and large in a studio apartment.

Important! A family tree or tree with family photos on the wall is not done in one day.

Let's look at how to make a family decorative tree with your own hands:

  • Choose what you will decorate the tree with. Decide what you want to use this decorative component for and prepare required material. For example, photo frames cling to the branches of a beautifully drawn tree, and if there is a desire, you can cut out parts from the board and build a composition for further use as shelves.
  • A novice master draws a tree on a rough drawing and then transfers it to the base. You can buy ready-made stencils that simplify the process of applying to the surface of the walls.
  • The plant is painted to match the style of the room - it is not necessary to use brown and green paint. Sponge and brushes allow you to apply desired color. This stage is completed after the drawing on the wall has completely dried.
  • Print family photos and using the diagram, place them one by one on the future composition. It’s easier to decorate with photo frames.

The finished look is complemented by an inscription on the wall or a wish left by each family member. If you did new renovation and want to complement it, but are not ready to paint on the walls, then choose vinyl stickers. The instructions for their installation include separating the sticker from the base and transferring it to the surface. In the future, it is allowed to insert shelves on which books and figurines will be placed. Illumination of wood highlights special areas of decoration.

Other design options

There is an ecological version of the composition on the wall, everything needs to be done step by step:

  • Most unusual option- is to create trees from trees. For example, cut down a tree and saw it into thin circles, then open it with varnish and fix it on a previously prepared warp.
  • Plastering - having the necessary skills, a three-dimensional pattern and branches are created along with leaves and even flowers. The slot is made with a spatula of different sizes. A pot of flowers looks impressive against the background of this decoration.

  • Photo wallpaper – new artificial material, which is capable of creating an incredible atmosphere. Such cladding will last for more than a year or two, but will delight others every day. In addition to images of trees on photo wallpapers, the following are in demand: a window depicted on a canvas, a staircase, flowering meadows and mountains.

Wood-effect tiles are an expensive decoration for any home. The carved, silhouette look is applicable both for all walls and for highlighting certain areas. You can lay out the corner of the room or tile the kitchen apron. The installation process is not difficult, but requires high-quality preliminary preparation - it consists of cleaning the surface and priming it. Wood-look trellises, which resemble a cardboard sheet with thin layer applied wood. In terms of quality, these differ little from paper ones, since they do not like moisture.

Photo gallery of finished works

For those owners of houses or apartments who want to make their home exclusive, unlike many others typical interiors, there are many ways to transform it. When purchasing, a person can never be completely sure that when he comes to visit his friends, he will not see exactly the same ones on their wall. Therefore, it makes sense to turn to one of the techniques for applying wall drawings.

Drawings on the wall in an apartment can be made with your own hands in different ways, however, in order to choose an option that is affordable to implement, you need to know how they are reproduced. Painting a wall is a rather complex undertaking, and not everyone has a predisposition to this, without exaggeration, art. Therefore, technological techniques have been developed that do not require drawing talent - only accuracy, consistency and accuracy are required.

Very important point When creating a pattern of any type on a wall, the ideal smoothness of the wall is essential, otherwise it will be impossible to achieve the desired aesthetic effect. On the contrary, when paint is applied to the surface, all its flaws will appear. That is why work must begin with careful preparatory measures.

Leveling the wall for painting

There are two ways - using drywall (“dry plaster”) and applying regular wet plaster.

  • The first method is much simpler than the second, and therefore is accessible to anyone, even an inexperienced builder.
  • The second method of leveling walls requires some experience, and it is not a fact that you will be able to put the surface in order the first time.

Therefore, it is better to use plasterboard for the walls of an apartment, especially since leveling the walls with its help can be done in two different ways.

Leveling the wall with plasterboard

Drywall can be fixed to the wall by gluing it to a plaster mortar or by mechanically fastening it to a metal frame.

Walls in apartments are quite often uneven, but usually do not have excessively large differences, such as, for example, surfaces in an old private house. Therefore, to put them in order, you can use the method of gluing leveling drywall.

Gluing drywall

To work, you will need sheets of drywall and gypsum-based mounting adhesive.

The alignment process is carried out in the following order:

  • A building level or plumb line is used to check the evenness of the wall to determine where to apply a thicker layer of adhesive mortar on the sheet of drywall.
  • Next, the wall primed composition deep penetration and dries.
  • Drywall sheets, if necessary, in the required size.
  • After this, the solution is mixed in strict accordance with the instructions included with it.
  • Glue is applied to a sheet of drywall in a dotted manner - in the form of slides.
  • After this, the sheet is installed against the wall and pressed tightly. The horizontal position of its installation is controlled by the building level.

  • The entire wall is leveled in the same way. To maintain a uniform plane, it is recommended to tighten the control cords from above.
  • After all the sheets are glued and securely fixed frozen solution, the joints between them are glued with sickle tape and then sealed, at the beginning of the starting, and then a fine finish. After it dries, they are thoroughly cleaned.
Fastening drywall to the frame.

This leveling method can be used to level the wall, and if it is necessary to insulate it or soundproof.

Actually, the wall leveling itself is done not with sheets of drywall, but metal frame from galvanized profiles. It is this that is leveled and fixed on the wall.

After this, between the frame guides, if planned, one of the h vuko - and heat-insulating materials.

The next step is to cover the frame with sheets of plasterboard, which is secured using self-tapping screws. The heads of the screws are recessed into the sheets by 1 ÷ 1.5 mm.

The joints between the sheets are sealed in the same way as when gluing them to the wall. But besides this it is necessary putty and holes in the places where the screws are screwed in, otherwise they will appear later as rusty spots.

With any method of installing gypsum boards, after completing the main work, the entire surface must be puttied. The solution is applied with a wide spatula in a thin layer.

Then the wall is thoroughly cleaned grinder or by hand grouting until perfectly even and smooth.

The last step before applying the drawings, regardless of the chosen technique, is to prime the wall well - it is best to do this in two layers.

Only after the soil has completely dried can you proceed to decorative design wall surface.

If you have experience plastering works, then you can refuse to use drywall by using “classical” technology.

The traditional way to correct wall defects

One of the visitors to our portal shares his experience.

Prices for drywall and sheet materials

Drywall and sheet materials

Existing techniques for applying drawings to walls

There are a lot of ways to transfer a drawing to a wall, but not all of them are available for reproduction if you lack experience and talent in this art. Therefore, it is worth considering the most popular technologies so that you can decide which one is most suitable for independent execution by a novice master.

Painting on the wall with paint

This method is used by experienced artists when applying a pattern on the wall that does not have clear contours and lines. To do this kind of work, you need to have good spatial imagination and already imagine in advance the picture that should be the result.

Immediately applying a colorful drawing is the lot of professional artists

First of all, you need to decide on the base color, which will be present in most elements of the painting. It is the base color that is used to create the so-called “skeleton of the drawing”, that is, key, supporting parts.

For example, it is supposed to depict a landscape on the wall, the center of the composition of which will be a tree, and auxiliary elements will be located around it. In this case, the base paint diluted to transparency reproduces the contours of the central and largest elements of the picture. Brown or green paint is well suited for applying a landscape scheme, since they are necessarily present in any paintings with a natural theme.

This stage is a kind of marking and will become the basis for further work. Since the paint used is basic and translucent, it can always be covered with a thicker layer when performing further actions and painting small details.

It is this method that is the most difficult, and, without experience and talent, it is better not to undertake it, since in order to correct the result of a failed experiment, you will have to completely repaint the surface of the wall.

To mark a pattern with this approach, you only need paint, a brush and a container for paint thinner.

Video: painting on the wall - from sketches to drawing details

Prices acrylic paints for drawing

Acrylic paints for painting

Drawing with a pencil

This method of drawing a picture on the wall is also not easy. The point of all her work is to transfer the image from a small sketch to a plane on a large scale and without distortion. The difficulty of transferring lies in maintaining the exact proportions of the elements of the future picture, and, of course, their shape and direction of movement.

The first thing to do is to determine the area on the wall where the painting will be placed - it can be marked with dots or crosses. Then, inside the selected plane, the selected drawing is reproduced using a pencil.

To apply an image using this method, you need to prepare a simple pencil, an eraser and a soft cloth.

Transferring a pattern across squares

Transferring an image from your own sketch, photograph or printed picture to the wall by dividing it into squares seems simpler and affordable option than the two methods described above. This approach to drawing is accessible even to those who do not have artistic talent, but are ready for quite long, painstaking and precise work.

The process is carried out as follows:

  • The prepared sketch is drawn into squares, usually having a size with a multiple of 10, for example, 40x40 or 50x50 mm. Round numbers are taken in order to simplify their conversion into proportions when transferred to the wall.
  • Next, an area is determined on the wall that is proportional to the drawn pattern. Let's say the sketch size is 200x250 mm. If we apply a proportion of 1:10, then it will require an area of ​​2000x2500 mm on the wall. If you need the image to be smaller in size, then you can transfer it in a ratio of 1:5, in which case it will occupy an area of ​​1000x1250 mm on the wall.
  • The area on the wall reserved for the drawing is also divided into squares, in the same proportion as the entire image. The point of dividing the drawing into separate sections is to accurately transfer the image from small leaf on large area walls. They transfer it, focusing on each of the squares, which contains part of the overall image. The drawn lines will become excellent strongholds.
  • Next, from each square in the sketch, part of the image is transferred to the corresponding square on the wall. It is very important here to ensure that the line from one square has the desired continuation in the lower or another adjacent square. Only then will the image be transferred accurately and become a full-fledged likeness of the small drawing.

This method of drawing a drawing will require quite a lot of tools - a simple pencil, an eraser, rulers of different lengths, a construction corner and a level (plumb line) for drawing straight horizontal and vertical lines.

Transferring a drawing to the wall using a shadow

Transferring a drawing to a wall using a shadow is not often practiced in wall painting, although this method is quite simple to perform. The main thing is to create the necessary lighting and install it so that the shadow of the selected object clearly falls on the wall where the painting will be done. Thus, a lacy or geometric pattern, tree branches that can turn into trunks in the shadow, a silhouette of a person or just the profile of his face, and much more can be transferred to the surface.

An original technique - transferring the contours of the future drawing along the cast shadow

The advantage of this method is that the shadow on the wall itself can magnify objects.

For example, it is planned to depict a landscape with a house on the wall. To do this, you can cut out a house small size made of cardboard and install it against the light at such a distance from the wall that its desired size is displayed on it.

In addition, the shadow can become an assistant in composing a landscape composition, since some objects can be rearranged and the most suitable ones can be found. the best display on the wall using shadows until complete harmony in the distribution of elements is achieved.

Having fixed the object in the desired position, trace its shadow on the wall with a simple pencil. The only thing that will have to be completed after completing the image layout is the small details. By using this method of pattern transfer, you can create a 100% exclusive panel for the room.

To transfer a drawing to the wall in this way, you will need a projector or a powerful lamp, a simple pencil and an eraser.

Stencil technique

A very simple way to transfer a drawing to the wall is a stencil. Its only disadvantage is that it will be difficult to make blanks for large elements that will be present in the drawing, and the image will be quite monotonous, since using a stencil it is impossible to recreate full-fledged paintings with many details.

“Cat pack” depicted using stencil method

Otherwise, the advantages of this method are undeniable - it gives clear lines of the image, and it is enough to make one or two templates to completely decorate the entire designated area for decoration with the desired ornament.

This approach is perfect for decorating a wall with an ornamental belt or if you plan to display one or more individual objects or plant compositions.

You can make a stencil yourself by first printing the image on a printer, then gluing it onto cardboard and cutting out the design all the way through sharp knife. Find ready-made samples possible in any artistic or even hardware store, but in this case, they will not be exclusive.

Before applying color, for the stencil element, you must determine the area where the selected pattern is located on the wall, then attach the template to it and trace the image with a pencil. Then, you should step aside and look from afar to see if the place has been chosen correctly. If you plan to make an ornamental border on the wall, then before starting work, you need to mark the line along which it will go.

When choosing this method, drawing and self-made stencil, you need to prepare a sharp one from the tools stationery knife, eraser and simple pencil.

Painting a design through a stencil

The stencil is used not only for drawing the contours of the design - very often it is used immediately to reproduce the required image. For such a design, you usually only need one or two paints, which are used for printing. The main work of applying paint is carried out using a sponge or paint brush, but to adjust the contour of the shape you will also need soft watercolor brushes of different thicknesses. If you need to do the work quickly, then instead of a sponge, use a can of paint of the selected color.

So that the adjustment work is as less as possible, you need to observe two very important rules- this is to press the stencil as tightly as possible to the wall, and while applying paint, make sure that it does not move from the designated place until the entire template is filled with color. To keep the stencil well in one place, you can fix it on the wall with masking tape, which will not damage the base finish of the wall.

It should be noted that instead of paint, putty can be used for application through a stencil, which is applied using a spatula. In this case, an interesting effect is achieved - the pattern will be three-dimensional, protruding from the wall by about 1÷1.5 mm.

Applying a relief pattern

A three-dimensional image can be applied to a previously made pencil drawing, but many experienced craftsmen do it without preliminary marking.

One of the most complex techniques is exclusive plaster bas-reliefs

The work is done with a gypsum mixture, from which elements of various compositions are quickly formed - these can be landscapes, figures of birds and animals, as well as three-dimensional plant patterns.

Such reliefs can be later covered with paint, or they can remain in their natural form, and most often the latter option is chosen.

Read practical guide, in our new article.

“Revitalizing” a drawing with color and shape

Having figured out how the base of the picture is applied to the wall, you can move on to the next, most interesting stage of the work. It is necessary to “breathe life into the created outlines”, to give them that appearance, which will decorate not only a specific wall, but the entire room.

Applying paint with a roller

The simplest of all existing methods applying paint is to use a special roller with a textured pattern. This tool consists of cylinder-rollers rotating in opposite directions. The surface of one of them is made of foam rubber - it takes paint from the container. The second roller is made of rubber, and a relief pattern is applied to it. When rotated, the paint from the sponge falls onto the relief of the adjacent roller, and from it is imprinted on the surface of the wall.

A technology accessible to everyone - applying patterns with a special relief roller

On sale you can find roller attachments with different designs, from which you can choose the one that suits your specific room. The advantage of this method of decorating walls is that the work is done in one step, that is, the image is applied immediately with paint and does not require additional adjustments. The disadvantage is obvious - everything turns out too monotonous, and the factory production of rollers practically eliminates the possibility of exclusivity of the applied pattern.

Painting a pencil drawing

Reviving a drawing with paints occurs in the same way for both ordinary and relief drawings. To work, you will need water-based paints and brushes, water containers and a palette for mixing different colors.

  • The first layer of paint applied to the drawing should be “transparent”, since its function is to distribute color throughout the future fresco painting.

  • Without drawing small elements, color spots are applied to the drawing, which should fill the entire canvas. For example, by mixing paints and achieving natural shades, the sky becomes covered blue, field – yellow-green, tree trunks – transparent brown tone. You should not take saturated colors - they can be achieved later by applying subsequent layers, which will form the “volume” of the various details of the picture.
  • We must not forget that distant elements should not be visible as clearly as those in the foreground. Taking this into account, you can emphasize the depth of space in the image. There is no need to rush to paint the foreground of the landscape right away - artists usually work on it last.
  • When the entire area of ​​the painting is covered with color, you need to move to the opposite wall to better see the distribution of colors.

  • After completing the first stage of work, you can pick up thinner brushes and begin to describe all the details in more detail, trying to give shape to volumetric elements using color and shadows. At the same time, do not forget to observe the laws of perspective, that is, the further the depicted trees and houses are removed from the bottom edge of the picture, the less clarity they should have.
  • The foreground of the picture is written out more clearly, but the objects located on it should also have volume, which is created by different shades of paint. After completing work on the first plan, you can further darken some areas of the painting, which will add depth to the space and make the image more voluminous.

Color coating of a three-dimensional or single pattern

If there is a relief, volumetric or regular pattern on the wall without surroundings additional elements, then the work to transform it is carried out approximately according to the same scheme as painting a multifaceted picture. This category of images includes elements such as a large-sized flower, a flowering tree branch, or a composition of several plants.

If you break down the painting of such a picture step by step, then the work will consist of the following stages.

  • Each element of the picture is completely covered with the desired color. The first layer should be transparent, but the paint should not extend beyond the lines of the contour applied to the wall. If we look at what is presented in illustration image, then the leaves on it are covered with pale green, the petals of the buds are covered with transparent red and yellow.
  • After the first stage of work, the painting will acquire color, but will look flat.

Therefore, subsequent layers of paint should work to create volume in the petals, leaves and stems. To do this, more saturated tones are added to the base colors already applied to the image, which can make the picture more picturesque. For example, a little brown or even black paint is added to the red color, and the resulting color is applied in the shadow areas of the buds. To obtain a more saturated yellow color, red and brown shades. All paints must be mixed on a palette that will allow you to see the transitions of color and tone.

  • To create a leaf color that is in harmony with all other elements of the composition, in this case you will have to mix three colors on the palette - yellow, brown and green. They can be mixed in different proportions to suit different areas of the image.
  • When each of the elements takes shape, it is necessary to emphasize the depth of the volume. To do this, add to the base color large quantity paints in shades close to it, as well as a little black. The finished color is applied to the shadow areas of the buds and leaves, which will give them more noticeable volume and, as it were, visually “tear” them away from the wall.

Step-by-step creation of a three-dimensional pattern on the wall

On this photo a room is presented, the back wall of which is decorated with a voluminous floral pattern, made by hand from start to finish. To make sure that this design option is available for production to any apartment owner who wants to transform yours housing drawings on the walls, you need to consider in detail the sequence and technique of performing the work.

To reproduce this decor you will need some materials and tools:

  • Material for creating a stencil – cardboard or having a high density insulation material. You will need a sheet measuring approximately 1000x500 mm.
  • Gypsum putty for creating relief.
  • Primer for covering the wall before starting work and after creating a relief pattern.
  • selected color. If volumetric parts will also be painted, you will need to choose two colors that will be in harmony with each other.
  • Construction or stationery sharp knife.
  • Spatula and stack.
  • Soft narrow and wide brushes.
  • Scraper.
  • Fine-grit sandpaper.
  • Spray.
  • Oil marker with gold or silver paint to highlight the relief.

The process of transforming a wall using this technology is carried out in the following order:

  • Work begins with the manufacture of a stencil, which will serve to create a thin three-dimensional pattern or even a relief that protrudes significantly from the wall. The material for making the template must have such a thickness that it is planned to “raise” the relief parts from the wall. It is best for these purposes to use dense or even hard material that adheres well to any surface. However, at the same time, the base for the template should stay enough light, so that it can be glued to the wall using masking tape. Some use dense roll insulation(polyethylene foam) of the required thickness.

The selected pattern is clearly applied to the panel prepared for the template, and then cut along the contour with a sharp knife. The work must be carried out on a hard surface that you won’t mind damaging, for example, you can put a sheet of thick plywood on the table.

  • The next step is to fix the stencil with tape on a primed and well-dried wall,
  • Next, a gypsum-based plaster mixture is mixed. Here you need to remember that gypsum quickly sets and hardens, so you should not mix a large amount of solution.
  • The next step is to apply a plaster mixture using a spatula through a stencil fixed to the wall, on top of the cut out drawings and compare it with the surface of the template.

Since the plaster hardens quickly, the stencil can be carefully removed from the wall after 10-15 minutes, because for further work it is necessary that the relief pattern remains slightly damp.

After removing the stencil, the relief design remaining on the wall will not have a completed look. It can rather be called a blank, so you will have to work on it more.

  • To do this, take the stack in hand, mix the solution and adjust each of the elements. On some of them, excess plaster is trimmed, and in other places, on the contrary, a small part of the solution is added, from which the missing elements of the design are formed.

Small details are first corrected using a stack...
  • Next, the stage of additional refining of the relief details is carried out using a brush and water. Wetting the brush, use it to level the surface of the relief as much as possible, trying to round off its sharp sharp edges.

... and then finally leveled and smoothed with a damp brush

The solution smeared around the design must be carefully cleaned off or wiped off with a soft damp cloth.

  • After this, it is best to prime the entire wall and let it dry.
  • Next, all decorative elements must be coated with paint to match their color with the general background of the wall. This operation is carried out with a soft brush, and during the work you need to ensure that there are no stripes or stains left on the surface from the bristles of the brush.
  • The painted relief must be carefully cleaned with fine-grain sandpaper. Sandpaper is used not only on the surface of the elements, but also on all the recesses, removing excess solution from them, highlighting the shape of flower petals and giving beautiful volume to leaves and curls.

  • After this, it is best to coat the wall again with a primer.

  • The next stage is to completely cover the entire wall with paint, which will even out the entire surface. You may have to paint the wall two or even three times - the number of cycles will depend on the quality of the paint and texture finishing material walls. Some plaster mixtures They absorb the painting material well, and it can dry out in spots - some areas of the wall will be matte, others glossy. To avoid such unevenness, the surface is primed before applying paint.

Now all that remains is to “raise” the necessary details of the relief pattern with some contrasting shade
  • The final stage of work will be to highlight the relief elements on the wall with a darker or lighter tone of the base paint. Instead, another decorative option can be used, for example, as shown in this photo. Here the master decided to use gilding of the floral design, which gave the wall style and a peculiar chic.

The use of natural motifs in interiors is becoming more and more relevant. A painted tree will look amazing on the walls of the room. But the question arises: how to make a tree on the wall with your own hands and get a beautiful result?


Drawings and various images will be an interesting addition to the interior, especially if you choose the right style. Wall trees can most often be seen in the interior in the form of photo wallpapers or special vinyl wall stickers. Similar options can be considered as examples or ideas. But if you paint trees on the wall, the interior looks completely different. Colors, lively strokes, a flow of imagination - they look much more complete, rich and visually attractive.

Many people worry that their inability to draw will make it difficult or simply impossible to create such a design. However, this is not so, step-by-step drawing with detailed plan will make the process understandable even for a small child.

A minimalist image of regular shapes, created using 1-2 paints, even without shades (solid color), will fit into a modern interior. Similar option the easiest to implement. In a Soviet design or loft, oak with twisting branches, play of light and a combination of many tones will look good. However, Baroque, like Empire, will require the highest skill in artistic painting; these styles are best left to a professional.

Bonsai is ideal for a room decorated in Japanese style, with lanterns and images of geishas. You can also draw a sakura tree on the wall, which will look very elegant, especially in a delicate color scheme. Having drawn the trunk, crown and flowers, you can apply them with asymmetrical strokes, like a mosaic.

Color spectrum

In addition to the image style, the choice of colors plays a significant role. Shades can be luminescent, pastel or muted dark. A tree divided into four seasons will look original. Make part of the crown autumn in fiery red tones, part - light green with buds. Some branches can be covered with artificial snow, making the image three-dimensional. In the area of ​​the roots it is worth adding details: depict flowers or “scatter” acorns.

Black and white options are popular. They are often performed in a graphic style - using strokes and lines. The black design may seem too dark and ominous to many, but there are very airy variations of trees in this style that completely dispel this feeling. The black and white combination, due to its laconicism, is optimally suited to various color design. And it’s much easier to paint a tree on the wall in one color with your own hands.

Children's theme

Many people may find the stylish black and white combination boring, especially since you can use not only natural color palette, but also fantasy. Who said that wood cannot be made with purple, blue, and yellow paints? The combination of pink and purple is perfect for the bedroom of a little princess. Next to the tree there may be a painted castle in the same color scheme or flowers in the background.

Russian heroes will help you draw a tree on the wall in the nursery with an amusing motif. folk tales: a squirrel sitting on a tree with emerald nuts, a rejuvenating apple tree, a Pinocchio money tree. Or a learned cat with a chain will walk along the branches, and a mermaid from A.S.’s poem will sit nearby. Pushkin.

Preparatory stage

In order to paint a beautiful tree on the wall, you must first prepare the surface. Even suitable for this regular wallpaper, but it is recommended to use wallpaper with a special coating. Bare walls should be plastered and then primed to ensure the paint adheres well. Walls covered with paint can be painted literally immediately, provided that the coating is not glossy. If you apply a design to an unprepared surface, the paint can literally flow down or remain as watery spots.

If you have a suitable ready-made design, print out the parts large and make a stencil based on them. To do this, first cut out a piece of paper the desired shape, take thick cardboard and repeat the figure from a denser material. The same stencil can be used repeatedly, for example, when drawing leaves.

The process of creating a drawing

Before you paint a tree on the wall with your own hands, you need to apply the future drawing with a pencil. The first step will be a sketch that just roughly shows where the main parts of the tree will be located. Next, we outline the contours, it is better to draw leaves and small details according to the template.

Next, the first, main layer of paint is applied. Using a large brush, the trunk is painted over and a background of foliage is created. Then the shades are placed with a smaller brush. The final element is working out the details. Using a thin brush, miniature details are drawn: twigs, highlights, buds.

There is one clever way to quickly and effortlessly draw a tree on the wall. The main “ingredient” will be a stencil, which will need to be firmly glued to the wall. After that, the shape of the tree can be painted over using a can of spray paint. The only caveat is uniform spraying, otherwise the color will turn out uneven: with spots and poorly painted areas. Later, it will be easy to draw contours, shadows, and details over the paint. Markers or acrylic are best.

To create a multi-colored tree, completely painted with spray paint, you will have to work hard. You will need to cut out a multi-layer stencil; more often it is done on several sheets. The more layers, the more colors and details there are in the drawing.


For the preparation of old wall painting may be required Construction Materials: putty, putty knife, primer, several construction brushes. Since you will first have to seal the cracks, level the surface and apply a paint-sensitive layer of primer.

Next you will need a simple pencil and an eraser. To draw a tree on the wall with your own hands, you don’t have to make templates. This is only recommended if the tree must have some identical parts or be symmetrical. To create a stencil, it is better to use a printed drawing; in addition, you need scissors, cardboard, and you may need a ruler.

Brushes are needed to complete the drawing. different diameters, paints, palette, glass of water. An additional layer of varnish can be applied over the image.

Choice of colors

The final stage is the actual application of paint. The most important question: how to choose the right paint? It is also worth paying attention to hypoallergenicity if there are small children or allergy sufferers in the house. For water resistance: you can take waterproof paint or varnish with the most ordinary gouache.

In no case should you take watercolor to paint a tree on the wall with your own hands, since the paint is very watery and is not suitable for walls; gouache is a cheap, but far from the highest quality and most beautiful option.

Acrylic paints are ideal for decorating surfaces; they are used for artistic wall painting.


The crown of a tree painted on the wall can be used as a board for reminders or photographs. You can place stickers with an adhesive strip on the wall, which will remind you of important dates and events or notes about upcoming activities. You can hang fishing line or thread on the buttons, on top of which photographs can be easily attached using paper clips or mini clothespins.

Additional lighting installed above the painted tree will create interesting accents. If the wall bears cleanly decorative function, then in some places you can stick real twigs on the drawing. And on the images of leaves there are voluminous paper applications. Some designers complement the composition with small pieces of canvas bags, fabric, and shreds.

Of course, after moving to a new home, everyone wants to make it not only comfortable and practical, but also add a touch of originality to the familiar interior. Recently, the trend towards wall painting has become particularly relevant. The drawing on the wall fits into absolutely any interior, making it unique and unique. Entering a room with such picturesque walls, guests will easily be able to form a first impression of the owners of the apartment, and happy home owners will more than once hear compliments about their creativity and impeccable taste.

Cherry blossoms - forever

But not everyone can afford to hire a professional decorative artist who will create a real detailed and well-drawn masterpiece on your walls. Not everyone can do this on their own, and if you incorrectly assess your artistic talents, you can, at best, end up with a clumsy but passable picture, and at worst, you will have to sketch or wash away the results of your artistic efforts.

Therefore, if you last time If you held a pencil and a brush in your hands when you were still in school, it’s better to first try to make a sketch of the drawing in a fairly large format. By drawing a future picture on whatman paper, you can soberly assess your capabilities. Better yet, show the drawing to your relatives or friends to get their opinion.

Remember! It is especially important if your relatives or loved ones live with you. It is impossible for a room that has turned into yours light hand V blooming garden, brought discord to family relationships and made your family nervous.

Important points when drawing a tree on a wall

When choosing a pattern for a room, you should consider:

  • Room dimensions.
  • Its direct purpose.
  • Interests and hobbies of residents.
  • The artistic talents of the author of the drawing.
  • The amount of money you are willing to spend on creating the painting.

Related article: How to decorate walls with plastic panels: step-by-step instructions

Based on the above factors, we can conclude that the drawing on the wall should be quite simple and not tacky. In addition, it is highly not recommended to make large drawings covering the entire wall in small rooms. In this case, it is best to choose part of the wall or one corner for painting. Of course, there is practically no room in the house where drawings on the walls would be inappropriate.

The illusion of completely natural wood

As for the bedroom or children's room, you need to be quite careful with applying bright and catchy images to the walls, since the main purpose of these rooms is relaxation, and colorful, saturated designs can distract adults from relaxation and prevent children from falling asleep.

If you nevertheless decide to depict any paintings on the walls of these rooms, then it is best to place them at the head of the bed. As for the type of drawing and its content, everything will depend on the individual desires of the apartment owner. But in order for all the interior items in the house to be harmoniously combined with the pattern, you need to work hard. The versatility of a wall painting should be motivated by practical considerations. After all, you must admit that it would be quite stupid to select furniture and accessories to match the masterpiece you have drawn, and not vice versa.

Wood or its elements are deservedly considered one of the most universal designs. The fact is that this drawing can be done in almost any style, and, depending on the room where it will be depicted, various decorative elements can be added. In addition, the image of a tree can be easily decorated with all kinds of voluminous accessories. It is easy to place hooks for clothes on the tree branches, making it into a hanger, photo frames or any other small items.

The tree can be decorated with pleasant little things

Remember that it is best to make the tree branches asymmetrical; this will greatly simplify the drawing process and make the picture more lively and natural.

What will help modern man, daily exposed to various stresses and aggressive influences external environment regain lost strength? What will warm you up, calm you down, give your spirit vigor and your body physical strength? Of course, nature! Who else is capable of taking care of a person with such warmth if not Mother Nature?

Eco-motives are gaining popularity in modern interiors

A short walk through a park or forest is enough to restore lost strength by inhaling the life-giving fresh air, enjoying the tranquility and rustling of leaves. However, such a walk for a person living in the concrete jungle, who does not see the “white light” from morning to night due to the abundance of work, is a very rare occurrence. Having missed the quiet, cozy, life-giving corner of nature, the man began to return it to his home.

Woody motif: soothing, invigorating, revitalizing

The wall on which it is planned to depict a wood pattern may be dominant in the interior space, and perhaps the decorative tree appears on the wall after the interior has been created, for example, to mask any defects.

A family tree is not only an interior decoration, it is a connection between generations.

The family tree located on one of the walls is also popular. Sometimes wood appears on the walls in order to bring something new into an already boring interior. The advantage of this interior decoration is that such an element will never go unnoticed and will add personality to even the most ordinary room.

The appearance of wood motifs on the wall can completely transform interior decoration. It can become the compositional center of the interior, or it can simply successfully complement it without attracting attention or distracting from the main details.

The next, undeniable advantage of choosing this finish is the ability to create it yourself. Yes, yes, it is absolutely not necessary to invite a designer or artist to refresh interior decoration Thus. A little imagination, skills in drawing or creating appliqués - and go ahead! How to create a tree on the wall with your own hands? The most important thing before starting creativity is to accurately decide on the material, or even, if possible, sketch out a sketch of the future composition. Once the decision on the type of finishing has been made, you can begin to create a cozy natural corner.

Natural wood materials in the interior

Perhaps the most obvious way to use wood motifs is to actually use natural branches, saw cuts, boards, even tree trunks as they are. This option is good for those who value natural, environmentally friendly materials.

The use of natural ingredients in decoration is called eco-design.

This method is suitable for spaces decorated in eco-design style, as well as for spaces in which the presence of natural ingredients is necessary.

If necessary, these elements are coated with paint, as well as protective compounds that prevent biological damage to the wood.

The saw cuts are perfect for a country house, where, in addition to them, there will also be wooden components in the interior space. A bold, almost avant-garde solution for the room is the presence of real tree trunks in it. This option is suitable for extraordinary individuals who want to make their home special and unique.

Wallpaper and photo wallpaper with wood pattern

The easiest way to add a woody image to the interior is to hang wallpaper with such a pattern. For each interior, you can choose something that suits well in style and overall compositional design.

Among all the variety you can find wallpaper with patterns of a wide variety of wood elements, boards (including in fashionable vintage style with traces of time on the surface), various branches, cuts. The choice of such material, of course, depends on the style in which you plan to decorate the space, or which style is dominant at the moment. Photo wallpapers with a forest or wood texture pattern are also great for highlighting one or more planes.

Modern printing technologies give photo wallpapers maximum realism.

For lovers of wooden textures, there are wallpapers that imitate a solid wooden canvas made of boards. This material, in comparison with the construction of a real wooden canvas, is much more affordable, but the effect after gluing is achieved almost the same. Moreover, when pasted on the wall, they will create a special atmosphere in the room, since wood trim is a real luxury.

Wallpaper - comfortable material, especially if the main pattern is on only one wall surface. If necessary, it can be replaced, leaving the finishing of the remaining surfaces the same - a new look for the room is guaranteed, and by choosing a couple of new decorative pads to match the new wallpaper, you can achieve the integrity of the interior composition.

Stencils and stickers: the fastest way to liven up your interior

If you are sorely short on time, don’t want to collect branches, don’t have enough skills for drawing, and gluing wallpaper doesn’t give you the most pleasant feelings, you can use vinyl stickers for decoration. There are a great variety of them, so you will still have to spend a few minutes choosing. Photos of examples will help illustrate the options for decor such as wood on the wall more clearly.

The main advantage of stickers is that they can be removed without damaging the surface on which they were stuck, as soon as they no longer suit their owner. Stickers can be appropriate in any room, be it a kitchen, living room, bedroom, children's room, hallway or bathroom, as they have a universal appearance and are resistant to moisture. Such elements are very simple to operate, and their service life is approximately five years.

Affordability is another distinctive feature stickers made from vinyl. Due to their price, as well as the speed of installation, they have gained considerable popularity.

Compared to vinyl stickers, stencils for manual application Paints on the wall are not so easy to use, because it is not enough to just stick them on. In addition, you need to be careful when gluing them and applying paint so as not to damage nearby surfaces.

Stencils and stickers allow you to make dramatic changes to your interior in a short time.

However, this type of finish will last much longer (of course, this depends on the quality of the paint applied) and looks much more solid. In addition, a stencil can be created with my own hands. In order to create a decor such as wood on a wall, environmentally friendly water-based paints are used, most often acrylic, since they dry quickly and are odorless.

It is with the help of stencils and stickers that can often be made family trees on the walls of homes - a trunk with branches can be glued or drawn using a stencil, and frames with photographs of family members are “hung” on the branches. Such frames can be different in color and design.

Drawing a tree on the wall: sculptural works with artistic painting

If ordinary vinyl stickers and filling stencils with paint are still not enough, real art will come to the rescue - painting with acrylic or oil paints and sculpture. With the help of plaster, you can create not only unique sculptural compositions that will impress with their scope, but also rather modest elements of the room, however, no less unique and special.

Molded wood from gypsum is a rather labor-intensive and expensive process, but the result can exceed all expectations, especially if you entrust the work to a professional. This decor can be a bas-relief, protruding very slightly above the surface of the wall, or maybe a full-fledged sculptural work. Sometimes the tree trunk is made with voids, which is very functional and is subsequently successfully used.

Drawings in the interior are individuality and originality.

Decorative wall painting is used when the room is truly planned to be unique. The price of this service is relatively high, but varies depending on the skills of the artist, as well as the complexity of the applied pattern. It is a professional who knows exactly how to make a tree on the wall the way it was intended.

There are a lot of options for painted trees - they can be stylized, primitive silhouettes or complex photorealistic landscapes - it all depends on the taste preferences in decorating the owner of the home.

Decorative shelves, holders and branch brackets

Continuing the conversation about the form in which trees can be present on the walls various rooms, it is worth noting a few more unusual options:

  • Shelves for books
  • Holders for various small items
  • Brackets and hooks for clothes

The advantage of these options is that they are all made not so much for decorative purposes as for functionality. Such elements will add liveliness and completeness to any room and make it unique.

Wooden motifs on the walls: longing for nature

Wood is a unique, natural, special material. The warmth and beauty of real wood have been valued by people for many centuries. A piece of nature at home is not uncommon today. Many interiors are filled with environmentally friendly clean materials, and naturalness is valued more and more. In addition, wood decoration has always been famous as a symbol of wealth, style and beauty - in palaces, by the way, it was used quite often.

If we talk about means that help to transfer wood motifs as an element of nature into the home, then the most important thing remains the use of wood in its classic in kind. When you don’t have enough time and money to build one at home wood trim, you can use simpler and available methods– wallpaper, stencils, stickers and real wood components.

If the plans are grandiose and inner space planned to be turned into a work of art - the forces of artists and sculptors are used. Any of these solutions will, to one degree or another, help transform an old interior or set the tone for a new one, and the aesthetics of wood will add comfort to everyday life.

Video: master class on drawing a tree on the wall
