Installing a block container on blocks. Installation of modular buildings and block containers. Pros and cons

A block container is a rectangular metal or wooden box with a flat roof. It has a door and windows and can be welded or transformable (collapsible). From collapsible blocks, by combining them, buildings of various quadratures and complexity are created. More recently, modular buildings were considered exclusively temporary structures that can serve as change houses, warehouses or non-residential buildings - shops, offices, etc. But recently, country houses from block containers are being built more and more often, designed for seasonal recreation or year-round use. What can be modular houses: photos and descriptions of examples in our article.


Application options block containers

The container is a metal or wooden frame with a crate for thermal insulation made of wooden beams around the entire perimeter. Structures from containers are characterized by a high level of thermal insulation, strength and reliability. They build from them:

    trade pavilions;

  • houses at tourist bases;

    cottages for year-round use;

    country houses;

    industrial buildings;


    modular offices;


    security posts.

This is not a complete list. In fact, modular technology is suitable for the construction of any low-rise structures. Containers are sold reinforced and insulated, while communications were initially laid in them. All this makes it possible to obtain buildings of any purpose at a minimum cost of funds and time.


Construction features

Modular houses are assembled as a children's designer. Each block container is an element of the overall design of the building, which is fully completed by the manufacturer. At the construction site, the modules prepared according to the project are interconnected. The process of building a modular structure consists of several stages:

    foundation construction;

    delivery of containers to the site;

    installation of containers on the foundation;

    connection of containers according to the scheme;

    connection of communications.

The assembly of the building is carried out according to proven technology and does not take much time. If you use modules with exterior and interior decoration, after assembling the cottage, you can move into it. But often developers use containers without decorative trim. This allows you to choose facing materials to your taste.


A year-round cottage or summer cottage can consist of a different number of modules. There are many options for combining containers. In addition, a building made of modules can be supplemented with a frame extension, or, for example, a traditional attic roof. With the help of cladding, you can "disguise" the structure for construction from any building material. From the modules you can build a very stylish and solid cottage, looking at which no one will think that this is a prefabricated transportable building from containers. A variety of options for modular cottages is provided by the variability of combining containers.


Pros and cons

Modular construction is a new direction in modern low-rise construction. Like any other technology for the construction of architectural structures, it has its advantages and disadvantages.


The main advantage of modular cottages is the assembly speed. In just a few days, the house can be installed and ready for moving in. The blocks are made airtight, so they can be installed at any time of the year and in any weather. Since containers are delivered immediately with windows and doors and communication lines, the process of preparing for moving in is shortened and simplified as much as possible.

Another important advantage is the ability to complete the house by adding new modules. You can attach both horizontally and vertically - by placing the container on top, the second level.

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In this video, we will take a detailed look at the cost of each stage of building a small house:

The most attractive plus for private developers is the low cost of modular buildings. It is possible to deliver containers and carry out their installation using simple and inexpensive special equipment for rent. These processes are often taken over by container manufacturers.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of modular houses from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low Rise Country".

Despite the simple form of containers, with their proper combination, architects design very spectacular modern cottages. The most original and attractive are modular houses in a modern style. But if the future homeowner likes classical architecture more, he can choose a container dwelling project with a traditional gable roof. In this case, the building takes on the appearance of an ordinary country house, which will harmoniously fit into any environment.


The main disadvantage is that the factory blocks do not retain heat well enough. For construction in the southern regions, this does not really matter. But when building a modular house in the Moscow region, attention should be paid to additional insulation of containers. The thing is that modular buildings are mostly still temporary or summer. However, some manufacturers are already producing warmer containers that are quite suitable for building permanent housing. How much will such a warm house made of containers cost - projects and prices for them can be found on the manufacturers' websites. But on average, it will cost 2 million rubles.


Containers made by an unscrupulous manufacturer have many disadvantages. They are unreliable, poorly insulated, and the materials used as insulation and interior decoration may be unsafe for human health. Therefore, it is necessary with increased care to choose a company in which modules for the cottage will be purchased. It is better to do this together with an experienced specialist, he will at least start by showing and telling what a container house can be like, photos and projects, prices for them from a specialist always correspond to the present.

The cost of construction consists of two components - the price of the modules themselves and the cost of their delivery. If the container manufacturing facility is located too far away from where the house is to be built, then the total amount will be too high. This is more likely not a minus, but a feature of modular construction. If there is no enterprise for the production of high-quality containers nearby, it becomes economically unprofitable.

Loading the module with a manipulator Source

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of building modular houses. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".


Quite high requirements are imposed on the appearance and interior of a cottage for permanent residence. Unlike country houses and temporary buildings, it should look solid and attractive. Containers are usually sheathed on the outside with galvanized metal sheet, and inside with clapboard or plywood. These coatings are covered with more aesthetic decorative materials.

Facades of modular houses can be decorated with conventional painting. But in order to give the building a respectable appearance, panel front materials are used. If desired, you can even veneer the modular house with brick or decorative stone, but such a decision must be calculated at the foundation design stage, since the front brick or stone will make the house much heavier.

Decorative panels are also often used for interior decoration. If you need to get smooth surfaces, you can decorate the interior with plaster, paint or wallpaper.


Types of modules

As modules for building a house, you can use:

    iron frame module;

    module with a wooden frame;

    sea ​​container.

The last option with a sea container is relevant only in regions where it is possible to buy cheap and deliver used containers for transporting goods by sea. Such a container has only a frame, and all the filling, including insulating materials and lining, must be laid independently, and this requires qualified specialists.

When choosing between a container with a wooden and metal frame, you need to take into account the features of their application. Metal modules perfectly retain heat. They make real thermos houses. But in order for a comfortable microclimate to form in such a house, it is necessary to think over a good and expensive ventilation system. Houses made of wooden containers do not need super efficient ventilation, but when building them, more attention should be paid to insulation.

By size, the block containers are divided into standard sizes. Their length can be 3000, 6000, 9000 or 12000 mm. In width they are 2500 mm or 3000 mm. The height of different manufacturers may vary, but in any case it must be at least 2400 mm. It is worth noting that not all container manufacturing companies strictly adhere to the standards, but the proportions of the modules are approximately the same for everyone.

Video description

Visually about block containers, see the video:

Containers with a length of 9 and 12 meters are quite expensive, and besides, they are inconvenient to transport. Therefore, modules with a length of 3 or 6 meters are most often used.

Modular construction in Moscow

Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region have very wide opportunities in the construction of container cottages. Various companies for the design, manufacture, assembly and installation of modular houses operate on the territory of the capital.

In the suburbs of Moscow, there are more and more modular houses from block containers every year. More often these are summer cottages that do not require additional insulation. But large cottages are also being actively built. With proper design and high-quality construction, very stylish and comfortable buildings are obtained.

Currently, Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region can purchase modern beautiful cottages at a price of 1,000,000 rubles. For this amount, the customer receives a fully finished cottage with a high-quality layout and stylish design. Ready-to-move-in houses from block containers, projects and prices of which are immediately indicated by the construction company, are an ideal way to quickly and cost-effectively build comfortable housing.

Video description

More about modular houses for permanent residence in the following video:

Project Options

The design of a modular home is tied to the parameters of the containers. This complicates the task of the architect. However, if an experienced professional takes up the matter, he can create such a modular cottage, in the layout of which there will be no flaws.

House from one block container

A dwelling consisting of one container unit can accommodate everything you need for living. You can’t call it spacious, but if you need to get a compact and economical house, this is the most acceptable option.

A standard medium-sized container fits a full bathroom, kitchen area and bedroom. This type of housing is ideal for the construction of budget hotels and hostels.


House of two block containers

By combining two containers, more spacious houses are being built, which are quite comparable in size to city apartments. Such housing has, in addition to a bathroom and a bedroom, a comfortable kitchen-living room. If you install 2 containers parallel to each other at a distance of 3-4 meters, and build up the resulting void as a frame structure, you can get a pretty solid cottage.

Modern architects design rather unusual modular houses from two block containers. 2 containers can be combined in an original way. For example, they can be placed one on top of the other. But in this case, you need to use large modules. Another option is to combine modules with a slight vertical offset.




House of three block containers

Three containers are enough to build a standard-sized cottage. If you make a frame living room in the center, you get a cottage with a comfortable layout and an expressive exterior.


House of four block containers

A four-block cottage can already be called a solid dwelling of increased comfort. It can be one-story or two-story. You can combine blocks in a variety of ways. Most often they are built in one row, resulting in a building that is square in plan.

Video description

What a house of four block containers looks like, see the video:


Modular construction technology has recently begun to be used in the construction of low-rise housing. Therefore, many private developers treat it with some apprehension. However, the most daring experimenters around the world have been building modular houses from containers for many years and proving their reliability, durability and practicality.

According to the current standard SP 22.13330, the foundation for the block container is designed and built based on the geological conditions and topography of the site, taking into account the distance from significant objects and underground utilities.

However, in order to increase the operational resource and the comfort of using the inventory building, some of the nuances discussed below should be taken into account.

Design features of the block container

Initially, the foundation under the building serves to absorb structural and operational loads, and distribute them to the foundation. At the same time, it should be taken into account from what structural materials and according to what technology the building itself was built.

For example, log cabins are assembled from long logs with self-supporting capacity. Therefore, they fearlessly leaned on the stones in the corners without concreting the tape or slab. A brick cottage, on the contrary, is assembled on a solution of small-format elements, therefore, at the slightest subsidence of the soil, cracks will open in the walls, the building may collapse.

If you put a log house on a fresh embankment or swamp, the structure will not collapse, but will partially sink into the soil, warp relative to the horizontal level. The quality of operation will decrease, but it is possible to repair the foundation for the possibility of further residence.

The block container has a rigid welded or prefabricated metal frame with a multiple margin of safety. The lower trim is automatically a beam grillage. Walls made of sheet materials or sandwich panels can be completely dismantled and replaced, for example, with panoramic glazing. This will in no way affect the strength of the load-bearing frame and its stability of spatial geometry.

Therefore, the foundation for the block container is necessary in the following cases:

  • difficult terrain - slopes, mountainous terrain;
  • subsiding soils - a swamp, a coastal zone, a fresh, not compacted embankment;
  • clay soils - when swelling and freezing, the clay swells unevenly.

The trailer can be installed on a slope and embankment, clay soil, without any consequences. The maximum that threatens the developer is immersion in the soil and skew horizontally. However, this is inconvenient for operation, and therefore they use bases made of non-metallic materials and foundations made of reinforcing concrete, which is considered the strongest and most durable structural material today.

When choosing the type of foundation, they are guided by economic efficiency, that is, preference is given to the very structures with a minimum implementation budget at the facility. For example, in the presence of an asphalted area, it is possible to install an inventory building without additional investments. On the formed rocky, coarse sandy and gravelly soil without clay impurities, it is enough to plan a building spot.

On clay, loam and a slope with a height difference of more than 1 m between opposite walls, the container block will have to carry out earthworks to equip a columnar, strip or slab foundation or screw piles.

Site preparation

Thus, in case of difficult terrain and unfavorable soil conditions, the block container can be placed on the following foundation options:

  • monolithic slab;
  • shallow tape MZLF;
  • screw piles;
  • bored piles;
  • poles.

To put a block container in the country in these ways, you will have to do not the same amount of work:

  • screw piles - only excavation at installation sites (leader wells 0.4 m deep);
  • pillars - removal of the fertile layer, and replacing it with crushed stone or sand with compaction with a vibrating plate;
  • bored piles - drilling wells with a diameter of 0.6 m to a freezing depth;
  • MZLF - trenches along the perimeter with a depth of 0.4 - 0.6 m;
  • slab - a pit a little larger than a container block.

For long-term operation, it will be necessary to make a blind area, to the width of which fertile soil is also removed. Block containers are 100% ready for use, so formwork elements cannot be used in finishing and making partitions. Which also increases the budget for the construction of strip and slab foundations.

For pile and columnar hanging grillages, it is necessary to make a fence - a false plinth to protect the technical underground from blowing, penetration of rodents and accumulation of dirt. Block poles are commonly used, even on soils with high design resistance. Since contact with the soil is harmful for a metal beam frame, despite a multi-layer anti-corrosion coating.

Selection and pouring of the foundation

Before correctly installing a block container on a site with difficult geological conditions or topography, it is necessary to select a foundation according to the following criteria:

  • the presence of communications - before concreting the slab, it is necessary to make the nodes for entering the cold water and sewage trailer, and on the pile / columnar grillage to ensure their thermal insulation inside the technical underground;
  • the slope of the site - on steep slopes, screw piles remain a budget option;
  • mobility of the building - for frequent moves, pillars made of solid concrete wall blocks or road slabs are more economical;
  • GWL level - in swamps, slab foundations or screw piles are usually used.

Given the low cost of a block container, a complete package of geological surveys and topographic surveys is not economically beneficial for the developer. Therefore, screw piles become the most inexpensive option for modular technology. Specialists screw in two piles to determine the composition of the soil and the depth of groundwater. After that, the diameter and length of the SHS are selected to rest on the lower geological layers with a known high conditional resistance.

We provide an opportunity to buy a block container with delivery to your facility, turnkey installation and connection of engineering systems. We provide information support and project support by our employees for free.

Any block container must be installed on a specially prepared surface. It is not recommended to simply put a change house on the ground, since in this case the structure will definitely sag or tilt, and in early spring it will most likely be flooded with melt water. The presence of a foundation not only protects metal change houses from moisture, but also avoids the rapid wear of buildings, improves their thermal insulation properties.

We select the foundation for the change house

You can install a change house on poles made independently from a mixture of concrete with sand or bricks and stone. A lighter and more successful option is to use reinforced concrete poles, which can be purchased from the manufacturer complete with a block container. As a rule, when buying finished products, you can consult a specialist about the rules for their operation.

To build a foundation, it is necessary to remove soil 10-15 cm thick from the place where the change house will be located. Then fill the prepared area with gravel and sand and place the pillars in the corners and perimeter, in pre-dug holes 60 cm deep and 40 cm in diameter, keeping a distance of 1.5-2 meters between them. It is desirable that the supports are approximately 20 cm above the ground.

Another way to install metal cabins is on screw piles. The advantage of such a foundation is its reliability - the piles are able to withstand the weight of a small two-story structure. Also, this method is popular because of the ease of installation, which does not require excessive effort. Usually, before making a pile foundation, the area where the block container will be located is well leveled. To do this, remove 5-10 cm of soil, then carry out measuring work and mark the most optimal location of piles for a change house. Then, using a special drill, they begin to cut holes for the piles. For an ordinary metal change house, six screw piles are usually enough.

To prevent corrosion, increase the strength of the foundation and extend its service life, the cavities of screw piles are filled with concrete. The manufacture of the base for the block container is completed with the installation of heads and jumpers, tying with a log, channel or bar.

Another option for the base for metal change houses is ordinary concrete blocks. To place them, a twenty-centimeter layer of earth is removed at the installation site of the container. Gravel is poured into the resulting pit, on top of which blocks are installed, on which the structure is placed. In some cases, instead of concrete slabs, interconnected logs are used.

In order to properly install the change house on the prepared foundation, it is necessary to use the services of specialists, since only in this case it is possible to guarantee the exact performance of all installation work. Having resorted to the services of professionals, you can be sure that the block container will last a long time.

In our time, it is important to create the most comfortable conditions for accommodating personnel in various climatic conditions. The best choice here would be to install a block container (another name is a change house), directly on the territory of the construction site or inside a hangar or other building.

What are the benefits

The design of such a product is perfectly protected from adverse weather conditions, retains heat well and is designed for living and working at any time of the year. Thanks to a strong metal frame around which a structure is created for the floor, ceiling and wall panels. In the manufacture of products, the internal hollow space formed inside the frame is actively used for filling with insulation. Energy-saving characteristics allow you to maintain a comfortable temperature, both in cold winters and hot summers.

On-site installation

Sometimes our customers are faced with the need to organize workplaces where there is no physical possibility of unloading due to the height of the premises, the height or width of the entrance gate, or cramped conditions.

In such conditions, the assembly of a block container is the only way out. This is a responsible business that requires special skills and abilities. At the same time, various costs associated with the involvement of transport, lifting mechanisms and a team of installers increase quite significantly.

It is better to entrust such installation of block containers to competent specialists, by contacting us, you will receive not only reliable premises for a wide variety of household needs, but also qualified assistance in assembling a change house right on the site.

Depending on the complexity of the work performed, the installation of change houses takes from one to three working days. Our experts will independently choose the most optimal installation option. Depending on the situation, the container block will be delivered either partially assembled or as components. Further installation in this case will require more painstaking work, but sometimes this is the only acceptable option for installing change houses on site.

Service cost

Information on the estimated cost of such services will also be useful. In this case, everything will depend on the complexity and features of the installation. Installation of a simple container, taking into account the use of special vehicles and tools, is sometimes equivalent to the cost of the product. For advice and discussion of issues related to the installation of block containers of any complexity, you can contact the employees of our company, who will select the best option for your organization.

A change house can be assembled from scratch, or you can purchase a ready-made shipping container and partially modify it. The first option is good for variability - you can choose the right size, choose convenient equipment for a comfortable stay in the summer. A ready-made container requires much less labor, but its applications are limited.

Another type of steel collapsible block containers of a modular type. Several of these containers can be combined - as a result, you will get an analogue of a full-fledged summer house with several rooms and a convenient layout. Such products are characterized by mobility and assembly variability.

Features of installing a modular container

A self-made container can be made from a metal channel for the frame, the outer skin is made of corrugated board. The rough floor is made of a metal sheet 2 mm thick; linoleum or other floor covering can be laid on it. The inner lining can be made using plastic lining or plywood; insulation and a vapor barrier membrane are installed between the layers of the lining. For sheathing the frame, you can purchase ready-made insulated sandwich panels.

The installation of a block container is carried out in several stages:

  • Selection, preparation and marking of the site. It must be cleared of green spaces and construction waste, the soil is leveled and carefully compacted.
  • Installation of a simple columnar foundation. The container cannot be installed on the ground - concrete blocks or brick columns are used as the basis for it. For large containers, a pile foundation is used.
  • Channel cutting and metal frame welding. Sections of the channel of the required size are connected into a solid frame, the angles are strictly 90 degrees.
  • Vertical posts are welded to the bottom trim. They are placed in the corners and at the locations of doors and windows.
  • Laying and welding of the upper trim on prepared racks.
  • Laying the subfloor - metal sheets are laid on the frame and concrete blocks, and then welded together.
  • Sheathing of walls and roofs with galvanized corrugated board. Its sheets are attached to the frame using conventional metal screws.

The metal container is assembled and installed, after which you can proceed to the insulation and interior decoration.

Container Finish

On the inside, a wooden frame is installed, designed to install a heater and a vapor barrier membrane. After insulation work, it is closed with a layer of plywood or lining. Logs are placed on the metal sheets of the subfloor, after which a heater and a vapor barrier membrane are placed in the space between them. They are covered with floor boards and a finishing coating.
