Manly hall 77 best nlp techniques. The 77 Best NLP Techniques by Michael Hall. Sergey Gorin NLP. Bulk Techniques»

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77 the best technicians NLP will help you achieve mastery in learning, personal growth, education, business, management, psychotherapy. Use the magic of NLP - become a perfect person! L. Michael Hall, PhD with Barbara P. Belnap. MSW THE SOURCEBOOK OF MAGIC A Comprehensive Guide to NLP Change Patterns Second Edition I I Crown House Publishing Limited www* Michael Hall BEST NLP TECHNICIANS 3rd International Edition St. Petersburg Prime EUROSIGN UDC 159.98 I'm with Crown House Publishing Ltd. (UK) with the participation of the Alexander Korzhenevsky Agency (Russia). X36 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders. Hall , M. HZb 77 best NLP techniques / Michael Hall. - St. Petersburg: Prime-EUROZNAK, 2008. - 438, with: ill. - (The best psychotechnologies of the world). psychotechnologies of the world) ISBN 978-5-93878-789-6 (C: Psychology is the best) The book of one of the founders and modern masters of NLP Michael Hall offers 77 best techniques of neuro-linguistic programming to achieve excellence, mastery, genius in all areas human experience. If you want to achieve a revolutionary change in the way you think, feel, behave and communicate, you will find in this book a wide variety of methods that allow you to create real magic. 77 best NLP techniques will help you achieve excellence in areas such as business, management, education, psychotherapy, personal growth, development and efficiency improvement, interpersonal relationships , communication skills, negotiation, conflict resolution and many others. Use the magic of NLP - become a perfect person! Scientific Edition Michael Hall 77 BEST NLP TECHNIQUES Scientific Editor S. Komarov Art Editor S. Vashchenok The covers of the series "The Best Psychotechnologies of the World" feature works by artist V. N. Gruzdev Signed for printing 19.06.08. Format 84x1081/z2 - Cond. oven l. 23.52. From: The best psychotechnologies of the world. Circulation 3000 copies. Order No. 8713. C: Psychology is the best. Circulation 2,000 copies. Order No. 8713. PRIME-EUROZNAK Publishing House. 195220, St. Petersburg, Nepokorennyh Ave., 17, building 4 The publication was carried out with the technical assistance of 000 Publishing House ACT. JSC "Vladimir Book Printing House" 7 Oktyabrsky Prospekt, Vladimir, 600000. The quality of the print matches the quality of the transparencies provided © L. Michael Hall and Barbara P. Belnap, 2004 © Crown House Publishing Ltd., 2005 © Russian translation: Komarov S., Mironov N., 2007 © Series, design, ISBN 978-5-93878-772-8 Prime-EUROSIGN, 2008 ISBN 1-90442-425-2(eng.) © Prime-EUROSIGN, 2008 CONTENTS Introduction 10 Foreword . The Magician's Handbook 16 The Birth of This Book 16 Some General Semantics 23 Sources of Patterns 25 Part I THE NLP MODEL. The Source of Magical Transformations on Modeling Excellence and Managing Your Own Brain 27 Chapter 1. Introduction to NLP Magic 29 Chapter 2. NLP as a Model 43 Part II NLP PATTERNS. Transformation and Growth Spells 65 Chapter 3. Basic Patterns 67 Chapter 4. Parts 105 Chapter 5 Identity 130 Chapter 6. Emotional States 184 Chapter 7. Using Language 231 Chapter 8. Thought Patterns: .254 Chapter 9. Meanings and Semantics 289 Chapter 10. Strategies 313 Contents Part П1 APPLICATION OF PATTERNS. Think like a magician 367 Chapter 11. Think in patterns 369 Chapter 12. Find out what and when to do 379 Chapter 13. Applications, 395 Epilogue 414 Appendix. The word "to be" trap 415 NLP Glossary 418 Literature 429 77 PATTERNS OF NLP MAGIC Fundamental Patterns Ecology 82 Pattern 5. Responsive Flexibility 86 Pattern 6. Detecting States 88 Pattern 7. Entering a State 92 Pattern 8. Interrupting States 94 Pattern 9. Anchoring 96 Pattern 10. Entering Positive Intention 102 Basic NLP Patterns for Transformation and Mastery Patterns for incongruence Pattern 11. Anchor Collapse Pattern 106 Pattern 12. Partial Negotiation Pattern 109 Pattern 13. Six-Step Reframing Pattern 111 Pattern 14. Perceptual Position Harmonization Pattern 114 Pattern 15. Agreement Frame Pattern 118 Pattern 16. Harmonized Self Pattern 121 Pattern 17. Internal Conflict Resolution Pattern 124 Pattern 18. Advanced Visual Squash Pattern 126 Patterns for Identification Pattern 19. Pattern of changing "submodal" beliefs 132 Pattern 20. De-identification pattern 137 Pattern 21. Reimprinting pattern 140 Pattern 22a. Pattern of time lines 148 8 Patterns Pattern 226. Pattern of revealing "time" 149 Pattern 23a. Personal History Change Pattern 152 Pattern 236. Personal History Change Pattern in the Meta State 155 Pattern 24. Swish Pattern (Instant Transfer Pattern) 158 Pattern 25. Circle of Perfection Pattern 161 Pattern 26. Decision Destruction Pattern 164 Pattern 27. Deep Transformation Pattern 166 Pattern 28. Meta-Transformation Pattern 169 Pattern 29. Parental Reconciliation Pattern 172 Pattern 30. Self-Love Pattern 176 Pattern 31. Self-Sufficiency Pattern 178 Pattern 32. Getting Advice from Your Inner Wise Man Pattern 180 Patterns for Neuro-Linguistic States Pattern 33. Visual -kinesthetic dissociation: film rewind pattern 185 Pattern 34. Pattern of entering and managing resource states 195 Pattern 35. State awareness pattern 198 Pattern 36. Frame “as if” pattern 199 Pattern 37. State stringing pattern 203 Pattern 38. Overlay pattern "submodalities" 206 Pattern 39. Compulsion Explosion Threshold Pattern 208 Pattern 40. Transformation Pattern 211 Pattern 41. Passion on Order: Godiva Chocolate Pattern 214 Pattern 42. Decision Making Pattern 216 Pattern 43. Pleasure Pattern 218 Pattern 44. Pleasure Dilution Pattern 221 Pattern 45. Limiting Synesthesia Break Pattern 225 Pattern 46. Pattern archiving memories 227 Patterns for language Pattern 47. Meta-modeling pattern 235 Pattern 48. Meta-model III pattern 243 Pattern 49. Denominalization pattern 245 Pattern 50. Problem definition/formulation pattern 247 Patterns 9 Patterns for identifying patterns, meta-programs and cognitive Distortion Pattern 51. Identifying and Adjusting to Meta Programs 265 Pattern 52. Recognizing and Critically Examining Limiting Meta Programs 266 Pattern 53. Changing Meta Programs Pattern 268 Pattern 54. Identifying and Revising Cognitive Biases 283 Patterns for Content and Semantics Pattern 55: Content Reframing 290 Pattern 56: Context Reframing 295 Pattern 57: “Submodalities” Reframing 296 Pattern 13: Six-Step Reframing (Revisited from Chapter 3) 297 Pattern 58: Six-Step Reframing as Meta -state 300 Pattern 59. Breaking the synesthesia of beliefs 302 Pattern 60. Establishing Piepapxnn values ​​303 Pattern 61. Kinesthetic hierarchy of criteria 307 Pattern 62. Vaccination against thought-viruses 309 Patterns for strategies Pattern 63a. New Behavior Generator 316 Pattern 636 End of Day Review: New Behavior Generator as Evening Review 319 Pattern 64 Request 321 Pattern 65 Allergy Treatment 326 Pattern cc. Overcoming sadness 329 Pattern 67. Prevention of sadness 334 Pattern 68. Healthy eating 336 Pattern 69. Breaking free from codependency 338 Pattern 70. Confidence in communication 341 Pattern 71. Reacting to criticism 344 Pattern 72. Setting the right boundaries 348 Pattern 73. Pattern 350 Magical parents 74. Transforming Mistakes into Learning (Second Version of the Effective Error Coping Pattern) 353 Pattern 75. Wise and Inclusive Thinking/Evaluation 355 Pattern 76. Disney Creativity Strategy 358 Pattern 77. Image Rotation 361 Introduction I still remember a moment in my life The long-awaited change has finally come. By this time, I had made significant progress in my profession, but in the realm of intimacy, it was not so. I realized the need to change something in my personal life, or at least in my attitude towards it, during one of the Neuro-Linguistic Programming trainings. It was a turning point. Having combined several NLP techniques, I worked them out carefully. The timing was well chosen: dissatisfaction with my personal life had reached its peak, and I was ready to work hard. Did I get results? Here is the best answer to this question: in less than a day, a woman entered my life ... I had never met such a woman before. It was not just another stranger - she was different, not like any of those whom I knew before: generous, selfless and, so to speak, " open to the world". This meeting seemed to me a real miracle, the very magic of NLP. Do you think we got married and have been living happily ever after? Unfortunately no. What happened between us is unforgettable, but I still had a lot to experience, a lot to change in myself. This, despite the help of NLP, took time. And yet that meeting turned my whole life upside down. Since then, my relationships with women began to develop more and more successfully, and finally I met the one whom I am still married to. And you can achieve the same life-changing change with the book you hold in your hands. Michael Hall's book is masterfully written, it not only provides the reader with comprehensive information about the possibilities of NLP, but also explains which of his techniques is best used in a particular situation. The techniques of NLP are presented here in a simple and accessible way, but you will learn them more effectively in practice - after all, we learn only from our own experience. Therefore, if you want to master NLP to perfection, I strongly recommend that you not only read the book, but also take the training. Choose a training company with a good reputation and trainers you trust. NLP is often referred to as a technology, and in a sense it is. Sci-fi dystopias depicting a world in which technology has gone out of human control are a reminder that technology can be an excellent servant, but it is a very bad master. This also applies to NLP. To get the desired result, you must take control of the technology, clearly understand what you want to achieve with it, and apply it based on your own experience. Numerous examples that you will find in the book will help you understand how to achieve this. NLP techniques are widely known as invaluable aids in building relationships with people. It really is. In addition, NLP masters managed to create models of ideal human behavior in different areas activities. NLP can be useful to anyone who wants to answer the question "How is it done?". And yet, I believe that, ultimately, the enormous potential of NLP is not determined by the impact it allows us to have on people, and not even by the ability to transfer professional experience. The true power of NLP is that it allows us to influence ourselves. If you decide to change yourself, you will have to great job . Working as a consultant, I am constantly convinced that the desired result is brought not only by individual methods and techniques, but also by the very way of thinking that is characteristic of NLP. The ability to work on oneself is important for both personal and professional life. As a result of the application of NLP, not only the heads of organizations, but also all their employees feel liberated and ready to work more effectively. It became much easier for me to communicate with leaders after I learned to apply in my work a variety of models and technologies of influence from the arsenal of 12 NLP Introduction. Every commercial organization that I work with is interested in managing business contacts better and not disappointing customers. NLP offers specific methods to help achieve these goals. What company would not benefit if its employees learned to put themselves in the place of others, whether they be their colleagues or customers? What employee doesn't want to know how best to get out of a difficult situation at work? NLP has specific techniques that make it easy to acquire the necessary skills. Recently I noticed that there are more and more instructors who come to us to take NLP Practitioner and NLP Master trainings. When asked why they came here, they answer with amazing unanimity: thanks to the extreme specificity of the proven methods, NLP allows them to achieve a noticeable result in just thirty minutes - this is a standard coaching session. Another reason is related to the marketing situation: there are a lot of instructors now, and the competition between them is high. With the help of NLP, instructors successfully compete with those who do not master these techniques. Helping the client to achieve the desired result, the instructor provides himself with a stream of clients who come on the recommendation of old ones. In my opinion, this is quite natural: NLP helps us understand how we do what we do, and which methods work and which do not. NLP can be applied in any field of activity. I have a special shelf at home for donated books written by my students and dedicated to the application of NLP. The spectrum of application of this technology covers all spheres of life, from business, sports and medicine to the development of leadership skills or equestrian dressage. However, using NLP to the maximum, you can achieve much more significant changes - to awaken active compassion for people, which allows you to carry out deep structural transformations. NLP is a field in which many paths lead to results, and some paths may be easier than others. In addition, NLP is distinguished by a respectful and realistic approach to the client, based on the recognition that each of us has a unique picture of the Entry 13 world. If we are to remain open to new possibilities that take us beyond our old experiences and thinking, we need to respect individual ideas about life. I also appreciate NLP for its democratic spirit, which promotes clarity of mind: using NLP, you will find that your personal experience has a structure. This means that you can give meaning to what you do, and if you wish, you can change the way you act. Personally, I work in the field of NLP because I see the possibility of a wide application of this technique and way of thinking. Potentially, NLP can change not only the life of an individual, but the whole world. Sometimes it is even capable of deciding issues of life and death. I am inspired by the collaboration with doctors, thanks to which I see that the potential of NLP can be used in medicine. My own success paled next to that of one of my students, a lawyer, who told me that, thanks to his NLP skills, he became a consultant to a major political leader in one of the Caribbean countries, who, on his advice, overturned the death sentences of many rebels. I was inspired with new hopes when another student of mine began to use NLP in a social justice program, first using it with British police officers. This program brought the victims of crimes face to face with the perpetrators, giving them the opportunity to resolve conflicts among themselves. The success of his work, as evidenced by the sharp drop in recidivism, led me to think about the use of NLP in resolving international conflicts. Therefore, I willingly responded to the requests of my students from the Islamic world to help them spread knowledge about NLP in the Middle East. These and many other examples made it clear to me that the magic of the NLP technique pales in comparison to the wonders that people can create with it. And yet the best way to start changing the world for the better is to clean up the own house. Starting NLP with yourself is a great idea if you want to earn the respect of others, live in harmony with yourself, and achieve success over the years. NLP enables us to become aware of at least some of the attitudes that govern our thinking and behavior, and therefore our lives. Understanding your own settings is very helpful. But it is equally helpful - as I can testify from my own experience - to know that NLP can change these attitudes if they work against us. So, going back to my personal life, is it true that "I owe my success entirely to NLP"? I think no! And is it possible that we are entirely indebted to only one thing? Well, if I decided to pay special attention to one of the components of my success, I would say that it is my willingness to take responsibility for my life and for changing what I considered possible to change. Based on my own experience, I assure you that you, too, can achieve any change you desire if you only begin to build a more constructive relationship with yourself and openly admit to yourself what you really want. NLP is one of better ways achieve it. So, starting with the desire to change something in our own life, we find that a whole world opens up before us. creative possibilities . Often it is even difficult for us to imagine their true scale. Thanks to NLP, I had a completely unexpected personal experience. When I met Paulette, who became my wife, I faced the difficult task of learning to love differently, more deeply. I would not call the solution of this problem something mystical, but so far there is a lot of mystery hidden in it for me. This is an alchemical process that radically changes a person (but this is a topic for another book). I recently received an email from one of my students who had just completed her NLP Practitioner and NLP Master trainings. In her letter, she lists the most important changes she has experienced since completing each module of the two programs. She had never experienced such profound changes in her entire life. In ten months, she started a new career, bought a new house, which allowed her to rent out her apartment, and now she is ready to join her life with a loved one. And the last line of her letter contains something immeasurably more: “I am so happy to live a fulfilling life, and not just exist.” I believe that NLP - in good hands - can be of great help to those who want not just to exist, but to live a full life. That is why I believe that reading this book is your duty to yourself. Michael Hall, with the utmost professionalism, has compiled a valuable guide to NLP from disparate methods and techniques. I hope you find the book extremely informative and worth reading. That is why it is my pleasure to offer you the second edition of this authoritative guide to NLP magic. Ian McDermott, International Training Seminars Training Company at foreword THE MAGIC'S HANDBOOK The magic is in the language... R. Bandler and J. Grinder Birth of this book I wrote this book through a conversation I had with Barbara Balknap at a conference in Neuro-Linguistic Programming in Salt Lake City. During this conversation, we discussed the need for psychotherapists to have a single source of NLP key patterns. After that, I decided to write a book that allows you to collect all the key patterns under one cover. When I started patterning, I was a psychologist in private practice in Colorado, and Barbara was a psychotherapist working in the Utah health care system. Our idea was to bring NLP patterns, extremely versatile and effective, to anyone who would like to do short-term psychotherapy with clients. We both liked this idea. At that time, the US health care system was striving to make psychotherapy short and high quality. The choice of NLP seemed natural and obvious to us. I thought that we could identify the cognitive-behavioral processes in NLP and come up with specific instructions describing exactly how to use this highly effective model of change step by step. The Magician's Handbook 17 I set about developing a book format that would suit this task. But during this work, we suddenly realized that NLP patterns can be applied not only in psychotherapy. NLP is not psychotherapy. In the broadest sense of the word, NLP is the modeling of human experience and, above all, human perfection. Psychotherapy is intended for suffering and sick people who need help. medical care to help them overcome their traumas. NLP, on the other hand, is mainly interested in perfection, health, mastery, genius - in a word, what works well and is more oriented toward creative change than corrective. I corrected the main focus of the book and began to collect and classify patterns for all areas of human experience. This is exactly what NLP Best Techniques is about - the book offers 77 main patterns of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, demonstrating the structure of the magic of language and patterns of growth spell. Universal Magic If, as Bandler and Grinder wrote, “the magic is in language,” and if we can use language and structured processes to bring about transformational change in the way we think, feel, talk, behave, and communicate, then you you will find in this book a wide variety of patterns that allow you to create magic, change the thoughts and lives of people. These key patterns can be easily translated into various professional languages ​​and applied to many fields. They help achieve excellence in areas such as: ♦ business, management and coaching; ♦ education; ♦ psychotherapy; ♦ personal growth, development and efficiency improvement; ♦ sports and sports training; 18 Foreword ♦ interpersonal relationships; ♦ communication skills; ♦ negotiation, mediation and conflict resolution; ♦ development of personal style, development of personality and modeling skills. The Context of Magic This is a guide to magic, but what kind of magic is it and what is the context of this magic? Magic is what happens in the system of consciousness - body - human emotions, when words and processes lead us to change our maps of reality and create a different reality. NLP began when its creators drew attention to the magic performed by the three wizards of psychotherapy (Virginia Satir, Fritz Perls and Milton Erickson) using language patterns. It seemed that they were just saying words, but the patients came out of their offices, feeling a new taste for life. How does it happen? How does this magical intervention technique work? If you are new to NLP, the first two chapters of this book will provide you with the necessary background information. NLP is about change, transformation and development, the structure of excellence - the study of how excellence "functions", how to "map it" and how to reproduce its best examples. After all, if we are not familiar with the structure, then everything that experts or geniuses know, can appreciate and do seems like magic to us. If we are initiated into the knowledge of structure, then power and efficiency remain with us, but confusion, myths, ignorance disappear. With knowledge, we gain the ability to transfer our magic to others. Metaphor of magic Why do we use the word "magic"? What does this magic do? In NLP, we tend to use this concept in a specific sense. This word does not mean what people used to think!? magic, it does not refer to magic that changes the laws of physics. By magic, we don't mean anything like that. The Magician's Handbook 19 By "magic" we mean the seemingly insane, miraculous, and magical effects of change and transformation that occur when we know the structure of subjective experience. When we don't know how our mind-body-emotion system interacts with motivation, health, etc., we don't have the keys to understanding our own experiences, we don't have the keys to achieve the experiences we would like to evoke and experience. We are ignorant of the causes and effects of change. And without this knowledge, we also do not know how to influence events, and are not able to determine the point of application of forces. When we don't understand the mechanisms human activity (cognitive-behavioral or neuro-semantic), we cannot become happier and more successful. Conversely, when we understand the structure of subjective experience, we get our hands on a "magic wand" ready to serve for the benefit of our health, happiness, success and perfection. Knowing the point of application of forces in the system of consciousness - body - human emotions, as well as memories, hopes, desires and fears, provides us with a springboard from which we can work magic for pleasure and benefit, for the sake of achieving perfection. The book is the source of the magic of NLP and its technique of "controlling one's own brain" (this is the ultimate meaning of our patterning), in fact, puts the source of magic in our hands. This was discussed in early books on NLP, which introduced the reader to this area (The Structure of Magic, vol. 1, 1975, and vol. II, 1976). This is also reflected in such works as "The Demystification of Magic", "Magic in Action" and "Magic of Communication", 2001a (in the first edition - "Secrets of Magic", 1998)*. The books “Magic in Action” by R. Bandler (“Prime-Eurosign”, 2004), “Magic of Communication” by M. Hall (“Prime-Eurosign”, 2004) have been translated and are available to the Russian-speaking reader. - Note. ed. 20 Preface It all started when the founders of NLP, linguist Dr. John Grinder and computer programming graduate student Richard Bandler, discovered that the structure of magic can be found in representational systems (sensory systems and the meta-system of language). These language systems consciousness - body include not only words and sentences, but also other "languages", languages ​​that function at various "logical levels". At the primary level, we deal with sensory-based sights, sounds, sensations, smells, and tastes. These images describe the "movies" that we play in our minds. There is a "language" of sensory modalities in these films. At this new level, we are dealing with the qualities (properties, differences, characteristics) of modalities. These more subtle differences function at the meta level, the highest level of framing. Thus, "c)/5 modalities" are in fact the cinematic characteristics of our films (Hall & Bodenhamer, 1999). These qualities and characteristics of the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic modalities (VAK) constitute the characteristics that manifest themselves clearly within or within each of these modalities of consciousness. Having risen above the non-linguistic level of images, sounds and sensations (sensory modalities), we find ourselves on the first level of propositional language - words based on sensory experience. Here we are dealing with the empirical language of science, which can be tested with the help of the senses. Then we rise to the next level, to another type of "language" - evaluative language. This level allows us to interpret and evaluate events based on the language of the previous level and generate higher level abstractions. This process of abstraction continues as we move upward to higher levels, where we finally reach the meta levels of metaphors and narratives. What is the significance of these levels of awareness of actual experience? They describe the built-in system of thoughts and emotions that make up our frame matrix. And when we change these CODES, our inner sense of reality also changes. This is what we mean when we say that in such transformations we encounter magic. Learning Magic Spells We offer the reader of this book the NLP model and its basic patterns, describing both a theoretical and a practical approach. Together, this information will allow you to "control your own brain." The first part of the first section of the book describes how your brain functions and how to control it. This information will help you take control of your life, construct more adequate maps, more gracefully and joyfully enter into social and interpersonal contacts, achieve your goals in order to act more effectively in general. The way we treat information characterizes our attitude to problems. Knowing that we have a problem, and even knowing why we have this problem, in terms of its causes and origins, is radically different from knowing what to do about the problem. Theoretical information gives us an explanation and allows us to find out the cause. We can become experts at explaining events with this type of information. In this case, we know something about things. A practical approach to information gives us wisdom, practicality, and the ability to transform. In this case, we know how to do things. This information makes us experts in the field of practical knowledge that answers the question of how. This book gives only some attention to the first type of information and much more attention to the second type of information. In the first chapters you will find a brief overview of the cognitive psychology that is part of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. In the chapters that follow, you'll find numerous "how-how" transformation patterns about taking effective action to overcome the various problems and challenges that undermine our productivity. 22 Foreword Beware: Practical Magic! You are holding in your hands a complete reference guide to NLP techniques, a book of magical spells in which you will find 77 specific patterns. I have designed this book to help you practice and use your Neuro-Linguistics arsenal with yourself and with others. This does not mean that just reading this book will make you a practitioner in the field. You will receive tools and some general guidance, but a practitioner is a person who has applied the knowledge and received appropriate training, and therefore has the understanding and skill level that allows him to practice. If you want to become proficient with these patterns, you need to take the training in order to get an initial level of training in handling NLP models and neuro-semantics. Such training will equip you with knowledge and enable you to use the patterns judiciously, with safety and professional ethics, and with the grace to become truly elegant and successful in handling them. When choosing training companies that provide training in NLP or neuro-semantics, make sure that their training is based on personal competence. Because NLP models are based on individual experience, they are best learned through interaction with a competent practitioner rather than in a theoretical training course. You must try out these models personally, first on yourself and then with others. Choose programs that provide quality feedback to help you become a successful practitioner. After that, if you want to become a master in this area, you will have to train NLP skills and patterns for a long time in order to learn how to use them intuitively, organically combining them with your own. personality traits and individual style of work. Although our magic may sometimes seem instantaneous from the outside, achieving mastery takes time and long practice. A Magician's Handbook 23 A Bit of General Semantics The terms neuro-linguistics and neuro-semantics date back to the 1930s and 1940s. They were used in seminars held by Alfred Kozybski, the founder of general semantics. In those years, Kozybski toured the United States, conducting "neuro-linguistic training". In his program work “Science and Common Sense. An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics" (1933/1994), he made a fundamental distinction "between a map and a territory". Kozybski's teaching was a constructivist epistemology that laid the foundation for NLP. Under his influence, Bandler and Grinder's first book, The Structure of Magic, was written. Kozybski also influenced the anthropologist Gregory Bateson (author of The Ecology of Mind, 1972), who contributed to the development of presuppositions and the theoretical framework of NLP. In my work, based on my training in general semantics, I used some of the provisions of linguistics that Richard and John did not include in the meta-model. Kozybski argued that these extensional techniques would provide the human race with tools useful to both science and common sense. As you read the book, you will find these provisions in the text itself. If you're not familiar with general semantics, they might seem a little strange to you. Kozybski's linguistic contribution to NLP is detailed in this paper, which extends the meta-model with some of the "magic tricks" proposed by Kozybski. In this book, I have used the following elements of magic. Quotation marks This extensional technique marks terms and phrases that represent a more or less dubious ^(^ quotation. Quotation marks indicate that the reader should be especially careful with a certain word, term or phrase. For example, we can take the words "time" and " consciousness". As a rule, we operate with such terms without thinking. 24 Foreword We believe that we know their meanings and that certain objects are hidden behind these terms. However, this is not so. The fact is that these terms have undergone certain distortions, as a result These words are not only nominalizations, but also terms that can be used in a multi-order manner Hyphens The hyphen technique allows us to deal with dichotomized and fragmented maps. The hyphens used in phrases such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming reunite a word that has been broken into elements, and this separation has created a disunity that does not exist in reality. We use hyphens to heal this disunity and dualism so typical of Western thinking. "Consciousness" and "body" taken separately do not mean anything real. These terms give rise to linguistic fictions. The same may be true for the words "time" and "space." In contrast, consciousness - body and space - time designate real phenomena, and therefore these terms united by a hyphen map the phenomena more adequately. And so on, or etc. Perhaps "etc." seems to be a banal and worn-out phrase due to a bad habit. However, if used intentionally, it can also indicate a non-Aristotelian approach. Why is it so? Because in an infinite world, no map can tell everything. To remind you that our maps are not complete and cannot fully reflect reality, we use the combination "etc." It warns us to avoid thinking that we have "said it all" or thinking that everything we know and understand exhausts given subject . Encountering "etc." within the pages of this book, remember that there is much more we could add. If, in the case of omission, we ignore certain characteristics of the surrounding world, then by using “etc.,” we are reminded of such a mapping phenomenon as omission. The Magician's Handbook 25 Eliminating Identifying Connectives When we rid our speech of passive verbs and connectives that distort reality, we eliminate two completely far-fetched problems: the problem of identification (He "is" an idiot) and the problem of predication (The chair "is" red). These "is" cause us to map inadequate representations and incorrectly reflect the structural relationship of the map and the territory. This is contrary to common sense and makes it difficult to adapt to the territory (see Appendix). Process language Since reality at the quantum level (as we know from modern physics) is a "dance of electrons" and subatomic particles, object language gives rise to all sorts of representational problems. We need a language that describes a dynamic world, a world in progress. We need a more procedural language, consisting of verbs, actions, functions, and processes. This is in line with NLP's emphasis on denominalizing and non-generalizing terms (see Chapter 7). Ellipsis If you find an ellipsis (...) inside quotes, it means that we just omitted part of the quote. If you find an ellipsis in the set of instructions, then we used this technique to tell you, "Stop, focus and fully experience these words and instructions." If you still get confused - refer to the glossary and index at the end of the book. Pattern Sources Where did these patterns come from? Who created them? When? For whom? In what context? What other people played a key role in their evolution, giving them the form we use them today? 26 Foreword NLP was born out of Richard Bandler's discovery of Fritz Perls' psychotherapy. By the way, Richard edited the book The Gestalt Approach (1973) during his student internship at the University of California at Santa Cruz. As an undergraduate, he received permission to teach Gestalt Therapy seminars. Dr. Robert Spitzer commissioned Richard to edit Perls' book. He later introduced Richard to Virginia Satir, and subsequently engaged John Grinder and Richard Bandler to edit the Virginia audio recordings, the transcripts of which were published as Change with the Family. In this sense, most of the source patterns, representational systems, reframing, parts parties, meta-modeling, part integration, etc., come from the work of Perls and Satir. It is hardly possible to say that any of these patterns belong to someone personally or that their development is someone's special merit. Each pattern actually reflects the growing and evolving knowledge in the field of NLP - the "link of times" that Kozybski spoke of. Undoubtedly, the knowledge and use of these patterns will continue to stimulate the creative activity of people in search of new and productive forms of their practical application. And if it turns out that you or someone you know played a key role in the development of this or that pattern, I will gratefully accept this information and include it in the next edition of this book. Michael L. Hall, PhD, Colorado, USA August 2003 Part I THE NLP MODEL The Source of Magical Transformation for Modeling Excellence and Managing Your Own Brain Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION TO NLP MAGIC Magic has a structure Although the techniques of magical psychotherapists differ from each other, they share one common feature : they all bring changes to the models of the world of customers, which opens up new behaviors for these people. We may find that each of these wizards possesses a map or model for changing their clients' world models, i.e., a meta-model that allows them to effectively expand and enrich their clients' world models, making their lives more fulfilling and worthwhile. R. Bandler and J. Grinder. The Structure of Magic When we don't know how something works or what principles it is based on, we live by remaining "uninitiated into the mystery" of an unknown process that seems to us magic. Can you recall a moment when you were suddenly overwhelmed by the "magic" of the world around you? I wonder how the bulbs light up when you press this switch? Are you serious? Are you saying that by sitting at this keyboard and typing these characters, I can send out email around the world? So you're saying that if I put my food in the microwave and press that button, my breakfast will be ready in seconds? 30 Part I. The NLP Model. The Source of Magical Transformations To the uninitiated in the mysteries of magic, many phenomena seem absurd, implausible, incomprehensible and even unreal. Is it possible to believe that the Earth is a ball revolving around the Sun? Nonsense! Why don't we fall down then? These are really wild fantasies! Imagine if we could build flying machines! Also say that they can fly to the moon! To the uninitiated, such strange, fantastic ideas and solutions may seem like nothing more than “magic”. However, knowing everything we know today about gravity, aerodynamics, electromagnetic waves, artificial intelligence, processing information using parallel processors and much, much more, we no longer consider them "magic". "Magic" has become "knowledge", "science". And now let's assume that the "mysteries" of some kind of magic that is happening inside the human brain and nervous system have been unraveled. Let us assume that we know all the factors, components and principles that govern the neurological processes of information processing, and we can learn how our brain's biocomputer and nervous system work. Suppose that we are initiated into the secret of the inner world of man and into the mechanisms of functioning of what we call "consciousness", "emotions", "personality" and "genius". For now, just let it be! And if you really imagine that a dream has come true and scientific knowledge has spread to the inner, subjective and phenomenological world of a person, then you can enter the Universe, which we call NLP, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming. The "magical" world of human subjectivity is not just a dream; the depth of our knowledge in the field of human neuro-linguistics already today exceeds all fjiaea L Introduction to the magic of NLP M is what most people can imagine. Scientific discoveries in the field of physics, electronics, quantum mechanics and other exact sciences have left far behind the most daring hypotheses of science fiction. Also, discoveries in the field of NLP are far ahead of anything scientists who study the characteristics of human activity, psychology and communication can imagine in their wildest dreams. “What are these incredible discoveries?” - you ask. At present, NLP allows: ♦ to rid a person of phobias that have haunted him for decades in a matter of minutes; ♦ to model the internal processes (strategies) of "genius" and train people to consciously reproduce them; ♦ discover the components of "consciousness" that are the "building blocks" of "mind", "emotions", "personality", etc. and allow us to "engineer design" a person; ♦ identify and reprogram the structures of "meaning" in human neurology and information processing processes in order to eliminate negative and dysfunctional meanings and replace them with constructive ones; ♦ use hypnotic states to program the autonomic nervous system for self-healing and achieving efficiency; ♦ change limiting and destructive beliefs; ♦ intentionally and consciously improve human consciousness and skills; ♦ radically transform toxic states of complacency, loneliness, boredom, despair, despondency and others. Pipe dreams? Not today. The NPL has indeed developed models to achieve this. In the thirty-three years since the first book on NLP (The Structure of Magic, 1975) appeared, amazing discoveries have been made that lead us to consider nervous system consciousness-and-body of a person "computer", or processing. 32 Part I. The NLP Model. The source of magical transformations is information by a system that we can program. By setting the paradigm for the functioning of human subjective cmUy, NLP made it possible to touch the deep secrets of what from the outside seems to be the real “magic”. Armed with these secrets concerning the structure of magic, we can now control the processes that take place inside a person. In 1977, Richard Bandler and John Grinder, based on practical experience, developed a method they called "Ten Minute Phobia Cure with NLP". Richard and John helped patients overcome phobic reactions. Entering the office, clients could not even talk about what causes them a painful condition (be it an elevator, a snake, public speaking, conflict, or anything else) without experiencing panic, anxiety, or fear. However, after ten minutes of working through the subject of the phobia using a specific pattern, they were surprised to find that there were no more fears. Magic, and more! But in this "magic" there was one feature that made the healing process even more impressive. Bandler and Grinder were just talking to the patient. It was the magic of the word! Was or seemed to be. And yet, despite all the "magical" incomprehensibility of this process, the founders of the new direction of psychotherapy were aware of the deep structure of this magic and worked directly with it. If in 1977 Grinder and Bandler, while performing such miracles, had not found any theoretical justification for them, they would have only a single example of “magic” at their disposal. Without understanding how it works, how to teach it, how to reproduce it. But, fortunately, they were able to find a theoretical justification. For several years, the founders of NLP have been developing various auxiliary tools, patterns and processes. They found confirmation of their discoveries in behaviorism, neurology, linguistics, cognitive psychology, general semantics and many other areas of science. John and Richard's achievements in healing phobias were not accidental - they opened up the structure of magic. Because of this, the transformational technology that began to emerge from advanced information processing, cognitive psychology, and linguistics in the early 1970s led them to new discoveries. And since then, the technology of magic has continued to develop continuously. Brief excursion in the history of NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming was formed when two scientists outside the field of psychology (and therefore free from its inherent limitations and prejudices) initiated a colossal paradigm shift based on the model of human functioning. Thomas Kuhn (Kuhn, 1962) argues that it is people outside the established paradigm who, as a rule, become the founders of scientific revolutions. One of the founders of the NPL (Dr. John Grinder) came to psychology from the field of linguistics, namely, transformational grammar. Another (Richard Bandler, who studied mathematics and computer programming at the University of Santa Cruz in Southern California) could not boast of professional achievements, but had an innate and exceptional talent for imitation, for identifying patterns, and for an amazing sense of the "very essence" of phenomena. While still a college student, he showed an extraordinary ability to reproduce (or model) patterns. During their joint search, John and Richard encountered geniuses^ who had achieved excellence by working in the realm of human functioning. It so happened that while working for Science and Behavior Books, Richard met Virginia Satir and then Fritz Perls. It all started when publisher Richard Spitzer asked Richard to listen to and transcribe audio and video recordings of Satir's seminars. He then sent him to one of her training sessions, where Richard was to maintain the recording equipment and record Satir's family therapy. 2 Michael Hall 34 Part I. The NLP Model. The source of magical transformations, Richard recalls that, sitting in a recording booth and monitoring the operation of the audio system, he played rock music and listened to Satyr through headphones at the same time. Nevertheless, he was able to isolate seven patterns that Satir used in her work, which at first glance seemed like magic. After the training, he told her: "You use only seven patterns, constantly repeating them." Satyr wondered what the seven patterns the 21-year-old boy had discovered in her work were. And to her surprise, he listed them. According to Richard, Satir confirmed that she herself identified four patterns, but could not formulate the other three, but Richard was able to correctly identify them. Another genius Richard met was Fritz Perls. Richard also met him through audio and video recordings. Dr. Spitzer (1982) later said that Richard was able to copy Fritz so well that he often caught himself calling Richard "Fritz". After Fritz's death, Spitzer, in whose hands his unfinished manuscript was, asked Richard to edit it. Richard selected several videos from Fritz Perls' training seminars and transcribed them; these notes formed the basis of the book The Gestalt Approach and the Psychotherapy Witness (1973). With this experience, Richard, as an undergraduate, received permission to teach an introductory course in Gestalt therapy at the college. Terence McClendon described these events in his book The Wild Days of NLP: 1972-1981 (McCIendon, 1989, The Wild Days: NLP 1972-1981). In these sessions, Richard literally "became" Fritz Perls, although his exposure to Gestalt therapy was limited to modeling Perls patterns from videos and books. It is at this point in our history that Dr. Grinder appears, appointed supervisor of this training course . McClendon recalls in his book: John, with his brilliant modeling skills in linguistics, and Richard, with his behavioral modeling skills and knowledge of modern systems fjiaea L Introduction to the Magic of NLP 35 psychotherapy, joined forces, and this union proved extremely beneficial for both of them. According to some reports, John promised Richard to join his work if he would explain to him how he manages to do what he does. Richard wanted to better understand exactly how he manages to reproduce patterns. John did a linguistic analysis of them, since the patterns he identified in Satir and Perls included predominantly speech constructions. So Richard, who worked as a programmer and was engaged in modeling human tasks, breaking them down into separate operations and compiling programs based on them, and John, a linguist who modeled language structures, embarked on a new form of modeling - modeling human perfection. Richard and John began to decompose professional skills into components in order to structure the human brain, and in fact the entire nervous system, consciousness - body. This raised a number of questions: ♦ What are the elements of the sequence? ♦ What activates it? ♦ How does this sequence work? ♦ What else happens? ♦ What distinctions does the brain make? ♦ How does he sort and encode this information? ♦ What is the role of language in this process? Bandler and Grinder considered the human brain as a “computing machine” for processing information that can be “programmed” with the help of special “programs” for certain thoughts, emotions, behaviors, etc. Since it is the structure that controls language, mathematics, music etc. and makes them informative, the structure also defines and controls the processes associated with human activity. And if we can program a computer to perform tasks that a person previously performed (for example, operations with numbers such as addition or multiplication, text analysis, etc.), then similar processes should take place at the level of neuroscience. 2* 36 Part I. NLP Model. The Source of Magical Transformations It is known, for example, that some people can perform complex mathematical operations in their minds. Others have a program that allows them to eloquently use the "magic of language", inducing people to profound personal changes (Perls and Satir, in particular, belonged to their number). ♦ How do these “programs” work? ♦ What elements do they consist of? ♦ What triggers the programming process? ♦ How can this programming be changed? ♦ What methods can be used to develop the unconscious intuition needed to manage such programs? The collaboration between Bandler and Grinder began a paradigm shift in the study of human behavior, and their work resulted in Neuro-Linguistic Programming. After studying the working methods of Perls and Satir, they published two volumes of The Structures of Magic, dealing with psychotherapy and language. The preface to this book was written by Virginia Satir and anthropologist Gregory Bateson. This groundbreaking work laid the foundation for the technologies that today shape the field of NLP, the field of modeling human excellence. When The Structure of Magic was going to press, Bateson introduced its authors to another magician, hypnotherapist Milton Erickson. Bandler and Grinder immediately managed to model wonderful language and Erickson's non-verbal patterns that made up his art of hypnosis. A year later (in 1976) they published a two-volume book on Erickson's hypnotic techniques (Patterns, vols. I and II), which described the more subtle differences in the NLP* model. Now this art is available to everyone. Using the methods of linguistics, general semantics and cognitive psychology (and above all the work of George Miller, Karl Pribram, Eugene Galanter and a number of others), Bandler and Grinder form - This book "Patterns of Milton Erickson's Hypnotic Techniques" by J. Grinder, R. Bandler, J. DeLozier "M. Erickson's Hypnotic Patterns" was published by the Prime-Eurosign publishing house. - Note. ed. rdava L Introduction to NLP Magic 37 analyzed the patterns they identified in various branches of psychotherapy, such as Gestalt therapy, family therapy, and Ericksonian hypnosis. They did not create a new direction in psychology; instead, they created a meta-destination. Through modeling, the founders of NLP tried to identify and understand the patterns and structures that have the greatest impact on people. Each of the gifted psychotherapists - wizards of communication - during conversations with clients caused miraculous changes in their lives. What united these masters of psychotherapy? The founders of NLP created a completely new approach, never before used in psychology. Namely, going beyond "theories" to explain why this magic works, they tried to describe how it works. This is the very essence of scientific research: in modeling, in the search for processes and in answering the question of how, and not why, as well as in the emphasis on models of excellence, as opposed to manifestations of psychopathology. For the previous hundred years, psychology has taken a very different approach. Based on the medical model and on the model of the "exact" sciences, psychotherapists paid attention to pathology (disorders, perversions, stress and pain), trying to understand their source - "Where did this violation come from?", "Why does it manifest itself this way?" - and sought to find external empirical evidence for their answers to these questions. The paradigm shift completely overturned the foundations of traditional psychology. The question why, which forced clinicians to focus solely on understanding the source of the problem, instantly lost its relevance. A completely new question came to the fore: How does it work? Empiricism, modernism and positivism gave way to postmodernism, phenomenology and constructionism. The fundamental question of psychology is “What is the real nature of this problem? " has lost its relevance, and now another question has become an urgent one: "How does this person create the reality that he perceives and experiences?" 38 Part I. The NLP Model. The Source of Magical Transformations The patterns of NLP have been years since the inception of NLP. During this time, numerous trainings, seminars, conferences, thematic magazines and publications have appeared, making the patterns of change the property of a huge mass of people. These patterns allowed people to “control their own brains” in new, creative, and productive ways. Some of these patterns radically change people, freeing them from pain and grief and allowing them to lead healthier and more fulfilling lives. Other patterns describe the secrets of genius and through them "ordinary" people can learn new and amazing things. Some patterns simply identify the components and sequences of basic life strategies - confident public speaking, healthy eating, leading business negotiations , loving but demanding parenting, thoughtful reading or literate writing. In every field of human activity, from the most mundane to the most sublime, NLP patterns provide people with step-by-step instructions that allow them to control their own brain. They contain the knowledge of how to "program" our organic neural biocomputer for more effective experiences. This means that NLP does not simply describe some other psychology, although its history began with such a description. NLP began by modeling the experience of two psychotherapists and two schools of psychology, but the founders of NLP and their successors did not stop there. NLP describes a much broader realm, namely the realm of human subjectivity, or even more specifically, the realm of human perfection. Part of the radical paradigm shift that NLP has brought to psychology has to do with a shift in emphasis. Prior to the revolution in cognitive psychology in the 1960s, psychology was primarily concerned with the question of why: ♦ Why are people the way they are? ♦ What makes people ruin their own lives? ♦ Where does human psychopathology come from? f;iaea 1. An Introduction to NLP Magic 39 In trying to answer these questions, various branches of psychology have offered various reasons and explanations: Freud turned to Greek mythology, seeking to explain them in terms of sexual attraction, which he considered responsible for most psychological problems; Adler explained them with an inferiority complex; Jung - the collective unconscious, etc. in the same vein. Almost all psychotherapists have focused on the source, believing that people need to understand why in order to improve their lives. Bandler and Grinder questioned the work of the predecessors, calling it "psycho-archaeology" and "psycho-theology". Based on the cognitive-behavioral model of Kozhybsky (1933/1994), Chomsky (1957), Miller (1956, 1960), Perls' semi-cognitive, existential and humanistic model, Satyr's systemic model, Bateson's cybernetic model (1972) and a number of other authors, they proposed a new approach. As heirs of information models, the cognitive revolution, and the dawn of the computer age, they have focused on the question of how: ♦ How does a person's brain function? ♦ How is “consciousness” programmed in general? ♦ What components of consciousness are responsible for information processing? ♦ What are the representative components that create “differences that define differences”? ♦ What are the mechanisms of consciousness programming? ♦ How can we pause, change and/or transform this programming? The Structure of "Subjectivity" As the realm of modeling human subjectivity and perfection, NLP is primarily concerned with the question: how does it work ♦ How does language function? ♦ How does human "consciousness" function? 40 Part I. The NLP Model. Source of Magical Transformations ♦ How many styles of “thinking”, processing, representing and sorting information can we identify? ♦ What are the differences various styles information processing? ♦ What sequences of thoughts, representations, etc., make up the human program? ♦ How can we control or program the brain more effectively? Emphasizing structure, NLP developers began to invent and construct all sorts of "patterns" in order to bring about behavioral change. These structural processes play in the sphere of human experience (consciousness, representation, feelings, etc.) the role of technology in achieving change and perfection. In this sense, transformational patterns provide technological progress in the field of social sciences (the study of communication, relationships, thought-emotions, states of consciousness, etc.) comparable to what happened several centuries earlier in the field of exact sciences. Transformational Patterns: The Magic Spells for Growth and Excellence I have offered this brief history of NLP to spark your interest and capture your imagination with this model and its patterns (which we also call "techniques" or "technologies"). Since there are so many patterns in NLP and more in the future, let's focus on the initial patterns that allow people to control their own brains, constructing subjective "realities" that can improve their lives. I have described and brought together these patterns in detail in order to give you practical knowledge about them. I have also tried to help newcomers to NLP gain an understanding of the scope of this highly effective and innovative model. f^aea 1. An Introduction to the Magic of NLP 41 To date, there is no book that would collect and describe in this way all the patterns of NLP. Previously, in order to get an idea of ​​all the patterns, people had to buy dozens and dozens of books. As a rule, one work contains a description of three or four to ten or fifteen patterns. There are even books dedicated to just one pattern. I usually provide references to works that offer a comprehensive description of individual patterns in order to fill this gap in this work. In the next chapter, you will find a brief description of the basic NLP model. It is presented in such a way that even the novice can immediately start using these application patterns. For NLP veterans, the concentrated and organized description of patterns offered here will help them find and use them more effectively. I also hope that NLP practitioners this style of presentation will help stimulate creativity in the use of individual patterns or their components and encourage you to create your own combinations. From the very beginning, the founders of NLP knew that this model could serve not only therapeutic, but also constructive purposes. Through its model and its technologies, NLP offers people processes to create new and even completely unexpected patterns of excellence. This allows us to constantly develop and progress, more and more fully actualizing our human potential. And let your journey into the amazing realm called NLP help you in this! Summary As a tool for "managing your own mind," NLP offers not only a theoretical model, but also specific patterns that provide such control. These technologies of change, transformation, and renewal allow us to analyze the maps we have drawn as we move through life and reconsider those that are not serving us well. 42 Part I. The NLP Model. The Source of Magical Transformations ♦ In the next chapter, you will find a positive and solution-oriented model, as well as advanced mind-body technologies that allow you to gain more and more resources to "live" your own life. Chapter 2 NLP AS A MODEL Concept, language and components of the NLP model ♦ What are the components of Neuro-Linguistics? ♦ Why is it important to know these components? ♦ What do you need to know to work with your own neurolinguistics? ♦ What knowledge and skills are needed to work with another person's neurolinguistics? Any complete model consists of at least four components. First, it contains the constituent parts, or elements, with which we are working. In addition, it includes principles of operation, or theoretical constructs that allow us to understand what we are doing. On their basis, instructions for working with individual elements are developed. The practical use of these instructions is implemented in processes, or patterns. So, we have four components: ♦ components, or elements of the model; ♦ operating principles and theory of the model; ♦ instructions for practical use; ♦ patterns and processes that bring the model to life. The components and elements of NLP include representational systems, meta-program specific features, meta-model specific features, kinematic 44 Part I. NLP Model. The source of magical transformations of a characteristic ("submodalities"), etc. e. In addition, NLP presuppositions and some instructions are included in the model theory and theoretical constructs. Finally, patterns provide specific processes for using the model to achieve personal change. NLP focuses on modeling human perfection. For what purpose? To improve the quality of life by controlling your own brain. In NLP, we model excellence by recognizing, identifying, isolating, and designing the various patterns or "programs" upon which the mind-body nature (neuro-linguistic nature) of our experience is based. Basic Model Components In NLP, we work with the neuroscience, linguistics, and software components that are at the core of our neuro-linguistic states. Neuro- or Neurology By "neuro-" or "neurology" is meant the free and autonomous nervous system through which we process the impressions received through the five senses (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory and gustatory) as well as through the "invented" us the channel of perception - the language that we call "audio-digital". This component makes neurology and physiology part of the human information system. Linguistic By "linguistic" we mean language and the non-verbal sign systems by which we encode, organize, and give meaning to neural representations (representations or "representations"). The word "linguistic" refers not only to words and propositional language, but to all sign systems - visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc., as well as to non-propositional sign systems of mathematics, music, art, etc. Chapter 2. NLP as a Model 45 Programming "Programming" refers to the processes of reinforcing regular, systematic response patterns that form into deeply ingrained habits. Unfortunately, if you do not treat this term as a computer metaphor ^ from which it grew, then unpleasant associations with "manipulation" and "control" arise. However, in our context, "programming" is simply a synonym for "patterns", is considered in an exclusively positive sense and means organized "plans" and processes that can be introduced into human activities. In some countries, the letter "P" in the abbreviation NLP also stands for "processing" or "psychotherapy". The Components of "Mind" The title of Bandler's book, Use Your Brain to Change, one of the first works in NLP, emphasizes the central role of thought and positions NLP as a cognitive-behavioral model. Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT, or RET) also focuses on “thoughts” as primary driving forces human experience. However, in REBT, “thoughts” act primarily as words, internal dialogues and beliefs, and more recently as internal images . In general, accepting the cognitive model of information processing by a person, NLP significantly expands it, extending the analysis of "thought" to five sensory modalities (modes) of awareness (Fig. 2.1). These include: ♦ visual (images, visual impressions, images); ♦ auditory (sounds: noise, music, etc.); ♦ kinesthetic (sensations, feelings); ♦ olfactory (smells); ♦ taste (tastes). In the literature on NLP, you can find a generalized designation of these modalities - VAK (visual, auditory, kinesthetic representational systems). These are the basic components of the "thought" with which we represent 46 Part I. The NLP Model. The source of magical transformations (literally, we represent) sensory information for oneself. Such representations constitute the language of our biocomputer, and therefore we ultimately not only process external impressions, but also program ourselves. We experience it like movies playing in our minds; usually as fragments of frames and scenes, but sometimes as longer episodes - films with a sound track, into the space of which we can enter and perceive what is happening from the inside. Modalities: channels of awareness B - Visual A - Auditory Aj - Auditory-tonal (sounds, music) Ats - Auditory-digital (words) K - Kinesthetic, or bodily sensations Kg - Visceral (internal sensations) Kj - Tactile (touch) K^ - Meta- (= emotions) O - Olfactory B - Taste "Submodalities": cinematic characteristics The specific qualities of each modality. The qualities or characteristics of each channel. Characteristics that define how we see, hear and feel the film. Cinematic characteristics that frame our experience of a representational film that informs us of how we should feel and how to respond. Il. 2.1. Representational Systems of Modalities and "Submodalities" Chapter 2. NDP as a Model 47 We construct our view of the world with the help of sensory components. Therefore, the ability to consider the representations that make up the movie playing in our minds as a programming language opens the way for us to understand, model and transform our experience. Bateson wrote about this with mixed feelings of surprise and regret in the preface to The Structure of Magic. The genius of Bandler and Grinder, in his opinion, is that they used as central components of representation such simple things as our sensations. Bandler and Grinder constructed a model of "consciousness", "personality" and experience, using our representational films as a sign system (VAK as an internal film). This gave them a simple but comprehensive and extremely accurate way of describing subjective inner experience. The former method of introspection could not be accurate, fruitful, and scientifically sound, although modern psychology, since the 1880s, when Wundt proposed his introspective method, has tried to isolate the "table of elements" of thought with the help of precise terminology. With the introduction of the concept of sensory systems encompassing the basic components of "thought", NLP offered a precise language for describing and manipulating the introspective world of human consciousness. This new and precise language also allows us to describe the processes (or strategies as “sequences of representations”) that we use in the mind-and-body realm to create the individual programs that make up our unique models of the world. In our minds, we “comprehend” the surrounding phenomena, using our visual-visual-olfactory-gustatory sensations to encode the information we process. It can be information about past experiences (memories) and ideas about the future (imagination). Each sensory modality enriches the language of consciousness with an additional facet. In addition to these modalities at the meta level, there are symbolic systems of representation and coding, which include language, as well as mathematics, music, poetry, proverbs, stories, etc. But here, too, sensory modalities 48 Part I. The NLP Model. The source of magical transformations provide additional ways to encode and represent structural information or programs. By "submodalities" we mean the qualities of the representations - in other words, the cinematic characteristics of our films. With their help, we can speak even more precisely and concretely about the content of our thoughts, describing how we encode the movies that play in our minds. What is the significance of these cinematic characteristics? They enable us to describe the frames we give to our mental films and identify with those frames. The finer coding of our films is nothing more than the editorial framing that we provide these films with. These fine tunings allow us to get to the structure or process of thinking that "programs" our neurology for certain feelings, reflexes, forms of behavior, speech style, skills, etc. Thus, in addition to forms of cognition (sensory representations - VAK, as well as language - Ac), NLP relies on modalities as a means of concretizing differences. Interestingly, in order to identify, recognize and observe submodalities, we need to make a kind of meta-transition from one level to another - to rise above the visual images, sounds, etc. that fill the cinema of our consciousness, and notice them. ♦ Did I encode my movie in color or black and white? ♦ How loud or quiet did I make the sound? ? ♦ In what key and at what tempo is the sound encoded? At first glance, it may seem as if the subtle features of the film are contained within it or at a lower level. But this impression is wrong. In order to watch the movie in your mind, a "meta-transition" is necessary. With this more high point vision, we can make changes and transformations in the coding of our films. This understanding of "submodalities" differs from the traditional explanation offered in NLP. For more detailed comments on this topic, see Hall and Bodenhamer, The Structure of Excellence: Unmasking the Meta-Levels of "Sub-Modalities \ 1999). Some of these qualities and characteristics of representative systems are like a computer relay that switches between zero and one and thus forms a complex information picture. Considering "submodalities", one can distinguish between closely related ones, but all different experiences. How, for example, is the difference between thinking about a confusing event and actually experiencing it "coded?" Traditional psychology has defined such phenomena as incomplete traumatic memories, weak ego, various kinds of dysfunctional defense mechanisms, developmental arrest at an early psychosexual or psychosocial stage, etc. and has spent decades looking for various explanations to answer the question of why they arise. . The developers of NLP asked a different question: "How does each of these experiences function?" This question steered them in a completely different direction and led them to different conclusions. In order to simply think about an experience, it is enough for a person to encode it from the second perceptual position, from the point of view of the observer, as if he were watching a movie. In order to be frightened and fall into a hysterical Emotional reaction, it is necessary to mentally enter this film and “be inside”. Take a step out of it and the film will change. Take a step inside and it will change again. The secret lies in how we encode the movie in our minds. We do not need additional explanations why things are happening the way they are. It is enough to be aware of the differences in structural coding and to know which structural frames are most effective in producing the results we want to achieve. So it's all about how we frame our films on a meta level. The cinematic characteristics of our films (the so-called "submodalities") include the following fundamental differences that construct the shape and appearance of our inner world: 50 Part I. The NLP Model. Source of magical transformations Visual: ♦ spatial arrangement of images; ♦ distance; ♦ ♦ ♦ frame or film (moving or still image); the number of images; narrow-format or panoramic film; color or black and white; ♦ outlines; the form; the size; ♦ horizontal or vertical orientation; ♦ associated or dissociated; ♦ three-dimensional or flat (two-dimensional); ♦ brightness (dim to bright); ♦ contrast between foreground and background. Ayialnye: ♦ spatial arrangement of sounds; ♦ distance; ♦ number of sound sources; ♦ type of sound (music, noise, voice); ♦ whose voice; ♦ tone; ♦ sound intensity (from quiet to very loud); ♦ quality (clearness, intelligibility or unintelligibility of sound); ♦ pitch (from low to high); ♦ melody. Kinesthetic: ♦ spatial localization of sensations; ♦ what feelings; ♦ fixed or mobile; ♦ pressure; ♦ area and coverage; ♦ intensity; .♦ temperature; ♦ humidity; Chapter 2. NJP-like model 51 ♦ texture; ♦ rhythm. Language: This meta-representational system is sometimes referred to as "audio-digital". The linguistic system includes: ♦ arrangement of words; ♦ sensory-based or evaluative words; ♦ simple or complex; ♦ describing themselves or others; ♦ concerning the present or the past. Levels of Processing NLP functions not only as a model, but also as a model of models. On ill. Figure 2.2 shows the "logical levels" of human information processing and the place of various patterns in this hierarchy. More Abstract Language (Milton Model) and Linguistics (Meta-Level Signal) Evaluative Language and Cinematic Characteristics of Representations as Frame Coding of Specific Movie Qualities in Our Mind ("Submodalities") Sensory Language MODALITIES - the sensory modes of our movie ) visual/auditory/kinesthetic/olfactory/taste representations Il. 2.2. NLP as a model of information processing 52 Part I. NLP model. The Source of Magical Transformations At the neurological level, we first map the territory of the world around us, developing non-linguistic representations using sensory channels (SACs). They form the film that we see in our minds. The language of this film does not yet include words: they appear on a higher level and are needed to reflect on these representations. Then we map them verbally. We map linguistically with words, symbols, metaphors, etc. Language functions in the form of signals about signals - at the meta level. Above the level of modalities rises an area that is known in NLP as "submodalities". This term can be misleading. There are no "sub"modalities" if we mean something below the modalities, like in a dungeon. The cinematic characteristics of our mental films - the various aspects of our mapping - are not at the bottom, but at the top. We create them by rising above the film and editing it , customizing it as you wish - making it closer, brighter, changing the soundtrack, etc. e. It is in this sense that the prefix "sub-" misleads us and offers us a false metaphor. Although the cinematic characteristics are brought into the film during the editing process, they seem to be such an integral part of the image and sound that it seems as if these features (“submodalities”) are inside the representations. But this is not because they are really within subjective experience or hidden under (sub-) it, but because it is the nature of our higher frames to get inside things. In meta states, we are dealing with the embodiment of thought that penetrates our neurology and muscles in the form of muscle memory. This process largely explains what we have agreed to call the "magic" inherent in many NLP patterns. By working with so-called "submodalities" and making subtle adjustments to the coding of experience, we are actually framing and reframing. We find an old film in our minds, painful and even traumatic, and add circus music to the frames, inverting 2. NLP as a model 53 movement, distance - so that everything seems more distant to us; or we bring a sense of time into it, so that it seems that we are talking about the past, and not about the present. This editing of cinematic characteristics will change both the film itself and the way we feel about it. In this way, we can consciously bring into our memories and cognitive knowledge resources that enrich our lives and give us new skills. Please note that in Fig. 2.2 at the highest level is the meta-modality of the language. It describes our sixth sense, because we use language to talk about our feelings, as well as the meanings we give to what we see, hear and feel. Higher Levels of Information Processing Above the neurological and linguistic representations are the meta-levels shown in Fig. 2.2 and 2.3. The term "meta" means something that lies "above" or "beyond" something else. It functions at a higher "logical level", pointing to this other or replacing it, reporting something "about" it or "about" it. Thus, thoughts of peace or pleasure over thoughts of anger give us calm anger, calm fear, pleasure in the state of fear or anger (perhaps serving as a presupposition of acceptance). Meta-thinking or meta-feeling adds new flavors to our experience. Climbing up the levels shown in Fig. 2.2 and 2.3, we are confronted with the so-called meta-level phenomena. Usually these complex layers of thoughts-and-feelings are called beliefs, values, criteria, identity, understanding, decisions, intentions, knowledge, paradigms, frames, presuppositions, metaphors, descriptions, etc. Numerous technologies: timeline patterns, visual-kinesthetic dissociation pattern (film rewind), stepping back for ecological check. Techniques: Timeline Meta Model Ecological Checks Milton Model (Hypnosis) Techniques: SBMD Shift Contrasting Analysis C^^Swishing) Sensory Language Techniques: Visual Access Signals Adjustment I Anchoring Meta-State Anchor Collapse (States-Relative-States) and Beliefs /values ​​Linguistics (meta-level cue) "Submodalities" Cinematic characteristics of films played in our minds...consisting of the specific qualities of each representational system it MODALITIES Representations based on sensory experience Neurological coding prior to consciousness Ill. 2.3. Logical levels within representations Presuppositions Meta-frames Deep transformation Film rewind Evaluative language it Level of preconsciousness f^aea 2. NLP as a model 55 Milton model or hypnotic language pattern model, deep transformation, hundreds of meta-state patterns, many reframing patterns, etc. At the primary level, thought induces a mind-body state of consciousness into which sensory coding and cinematic characteristics (i.e., sights, sounds, and sensations) introduce us. As we rise higher, we can enter other states by reflecting on what was experienced at lower levels. This allows us to evoke and experience states-about-states (fear of fear, calmness about anger, joy of learning, love of love, etc.). In 1994, in my extended version of this model, I labeled these states-relative-to-states as meta-states. Thanks to the meta-state model (1995), the internal processes that take place at higher levels become even more obvious. We have known for a long time that the phenomena of these higher "logical levels" guide, control and modulate the lower levels (especially the primal states where all meta-states are integrated). The meta-state model makes all of these processes transparent, showing how they work and demonstrating the range of experiences that can be modeled with it. This reflection never ends because we can always think and feel something else about what we just thought or felt. This is the very "infinite regression" that philosophers talk about. Now we apply it consciously and purposefully and can call it infinite progress. After all, we can use it to lay the best ones as organizing frames of consciousness at the highest levels. And so on at all levels - from the lowest to the highest. Logical levels of states Primary states are understood as states that include basic emotions (fear, anger, joy, sexual desire, relaxation, pleasure, disgust, etc.). In contrast to them 56 Part I. The NLP Model. The source of meta-state magical transformations are those that contain thoughts-and-emotions about primary states. For example, anger about experiencing fear, guilt about our anger, discomfort from disgust, fear of fear, depression from fear, etc. States-about-states (meta-states) explain the enormous role of unconscious frames that govern our life. In addition, they are an excellent illustration of Bateson's claim that we are able to extract meaning not only from words or sentence syntax, but also from the larger contexts (or frames) in which words or syntax appear. This explains why meta-state technology is so powerful in bringing about personal change. Thanks to the meta-state model, many of the so-called "crashes" that are sometimes encountered in the use of NLP have been explained. The fact is that when working with meta-level experiences or phenomena, one cannot use technology designed for primary states. So, to test kinesthetic anchoring (see pattern 9), you can put the person into a state that includes the meta levels, not just the primary ones. If you set an anchor based on sensory experience for a complex state, such as lability, proactivity, or self-esteem, and then try to “activate” the anchor at the right time, then your client is unlikely to re-enter the desired state. Some researchers, faced with this phenomenon, have decided that "NLP doesn't work." In reality, it is only a matter of not distinguishing between states and meta-states. While we can easily and quickly anchor primal states through sight, sound, and sensation, anchoring meta states requires more advanced skill and skill. When working with meta-states, in the process of anchoring multi-layered experiences, you have to use various meta-mechanisms: language, meta-linguistics, symbols, diagrams, etc. You must also use repetition, neurological intensity and bring layers Chapter 2. NLP as a model 57 of the internal fastening. After all, the reflecting consciousness operates at the meta-level in relation to the basic modalities and to the films playing in our consciousness. NLP distinguishes between primary and meta states. Primary states are usually associated with the territory outside our skin, and arise when interacting with objects, people and events in the world around us. The meta-state model deals with higher-level abstractions or concepts: self, spacetime, morality (good/bad; fair/unfair), relationships, values, beliefs, "emotions", etc. Meta -states, by their very nature, involve a recursive, reflective consciousness that allows us to rise above our own thinking (meta-thinking), to feel about feelings (meta-emotion), to talk about our speech (meta-communication), etc. Primary level anchors define neurological "skills" when our responses are conditioned by external stimuli. These are the well-known conditioned stimuli with which we reinforce the content. When we anchor at the meta level (skill level II), we are anchoring the method, that is, the process of how we experience and frame the learning context, rather than the learning itself. Bateson referred to these anchors as "contextual markers" (eg, trigger, suggestion, word, etc.). They identify the frame of reference they are working with. In addition, they provide access to the context that triggers the processing of information in a different way. Meta anchors (meta-level anchors) are anchors that link a context or frame to an experience. As a rule, these contextual markers or meta-level anchors are words. We can include most evaluative terms, as well as terms describing classes and categories, complex equivalents, meta-frames of meanings, causal terms, meta-programs associated with individual levels of meta-processing, etc. containing meta-levels, suggest an auditory-digital representational 58 Part I. NLP Model. The source of the magical transformations of the system. (Perhaps many of these terms seem new and strange to you? They refer to aspects of the NLP model that we will describe later. ) Mechanisms of change How "magic" works ♦ How does the NLP model explain "change", transformation, pathology, renewal, etc.? ♦ How do technologies integrated into transformation patterns work? ♦ How do these technologies allow for change and transformation of personality? , we manipulate the world around us not directly, but indirectly - with the help of our territory maps. NLP combines all the best that is in cognitivism and behavioral psychology. We write the term cognitive-behavioral with a hyphen, which means that both factors - cognitive and behavioral - form an interactive system in the mind-body.The NLP model incorporates all the best from neuro-linguistics, a section of general semantics and a model of family systems used by MRI (Mental Research Institute, Institute for Psychical Research), which developed a model of effective short-term therapy.All theoretical postulates related to these areas yam, applicable to NLP. Consideration of the cognitive-behavioral model, we will begin with the postmodern concept of constructivism. According to the philosophy of constructivism, we create internal representations of the world around us and store the results of this mapping or structuring in our nervous system. Subjective experience involves the creation of internal representative maps of the territory. Chapter 2 NLP as a Model 59 In the process of processing, coding and constructing internal models of the world (cognitive-emotional schemas, paradigms or matrices), we gain experience, feel, communicate and behave in one way or another. Our sensations and experiences of reality come from reality maps. Thus, when we change these maps, we are changing "reality" itself. Of course, not objective, but our inner reality - the only one that we know. This is the essence of personality transformation. As a model of meta-psychology, NLP began with the study of how the "programming" of personality (i.e. skills, conditioning, experience) is encoded at neuro-psychic or neuro-linguistic levels. As a result, NLP formed a working pattern for the structure of human subjectivity. Kozybski noted that by summarizing the information received from the outside world, we draw up a map of reality. He owns the thesis that has become a classic: "A map is not a territory." As Kozybski argued, if our map is accurate (in the case of understanding truth as a correspondence) or useful in getting us where we want to go (in the case of a pragmatic understanding of truth), then we can use it effectively. If it does not meet any of these criteria, then it becomes a source of "problems" for us and needs to be changed, updated or erased. By integrating Chomsky's transformational or generative grammar, NLP formulates three "modeling processes" of the cartographic model. These include omission (erasure), generalization (generalization) and distortion; this means that by processing the billions of bits of information bombarding our nervous system every second, we erase or omit most of it, generalize a significant part, and distort everything else. These three processes form the paradigm of our ideas about reality. We model the world, and then, using our own nervous system and "mental" constructions, we develop life tactics and strategies. 60 Part I. The NLP Model. The Source of Magical Transformations This is how cognitive-behavioral mechanisms ultimately process our experience. We create our own reality through our modes of perception. A map of a territory can be radically different from the territory itself. And if our relationship with the world seems too complicated for us, then the reason lies in our paradigm, and not in the surrounding reality. It's not that the world around us is too limited and poor, but that our maps of the world are too poor. Neuro-linguistics describes the key mechanism that shapes our experiences. By changing the neuro-linguistic structure (how we use the language of consciousness and our own physiology), we thereby change our reality and life experience. Towards the Patterns of Humanitarian Technology or Magic Having understood how we use representational systems and their "submodalities", how they lead us into bodily-mental (neuro-linguistic) states, and how we all model the world through processes of deletion, generalization and distortion, we can trace the patterns that give rise to our individual experience. Such a "strategic" analysis allows us to work effectively with subjective experiences. Using various keys to human neuroprocessing of information - visual access signals, linguistic markers, non-verbal calibration, physiology, etc. - one can formulate an internal formula, program, or strategy of an individual that controls his experiences. This formula gives us access to the inner structure of his subjective pain and distress. NLP comes from the fact that non-humans are bad, but only their cards. We build on the same premises that have become the motto of storytelling therapy (narrative therapy) and "frame games": The problem is not with the individual; problem within a problem! Chapter 2 The NLP Model 61 Pathology is rooted in neuro-linguistic maps of territory. When our maps are poor and simplistic, we send pathological messages to our body, which ultimately leads to impoverished and limited living, thinking, feeling, relationships, behavior, etc. Ultimately, we ourselves suffer. The process of change requires the replacement of old patterns with new, more positive ones. Their step-by-step use leads to the achievement of transformation. However, enough explanations and theories - it's time to move on to patterns. Below are successively described patterns of effective work with individual cards. Each pattern is accompanied brief description concept underlying it, in some cases - additional clarifications, and sometimes additional information about the source. I have described each pattern as step by step process. Sometimes the descriptions are given in the form of a script. Why? Because I wanted to make my description as accessible as possible so that even those who are completely new to the pattern can immediately use it. I have tried to avoid a brief formulation of the pattern that involves only getting to know it and remembering it. It seemed to me that it was better to present them in the form of structured, multifaceted and actionable elements leading to change. The format of the structural description of patterns in this book I have divided "problems" (i.e., complex tasks, difficulties) into several categories. This classification is designed to ensure that you can easily choose certain NLP patterns and apply them in your work. It is also useful as an organizing structure for later chapters. So, we can divide the problems we face into the following categories: 62 Part I. The NLP Model. Source of Magical Transformations Parts When two or more "parts" are in conflict Identity When individual self-maps are malformed and create stress or limitations Conditions Experiencing problematic, non-resourceful and/or emotional states Language Experiencing cognitive errors when you are engaged in self-talk or speak negatively and non-constructively Styles Exposure to cognitive and perceptual distortions when using inadequate meta-programs Meanings Exposure to limiting beliefs or impoverished meanings Strategies Not knowing how to change behaviors This purely arbitrary system is nothing more than an attempt to classify and present material in a digestible way , which is given below. Of course, we can suffer from incongruity when part of our self wants to have fun in working time or work in your spare time. We can frame it as a conflict between our beliefs, consider its implications for our identity, analyze the states we fall into, etc. Since each category is an artificially constructed frame of reference, none of the hpix can be considered more "real" or more "true" than the others. At the same time, each can be more or less useful. These categories are not mutually exclusive. Each is simply one way of interpreting the difficulties that prevent us from realizing our full potential. Problems are classified in this way only to make it easier to apply various patterns from the technical arsenal of NLP to them. If a pattern doesn't work, just 2. NLP as a Model 63 move on to another category that allows you to structure the "problem" differently, and see if you succeed this time. The diagram (fig. 2.4) helps to structure the thinking about the "problem" in terms of the transition from the current state to the desired one. First we need to understand how we experience the "problem", what we think about it, how we feel about it, and what strategies and internal representations make it up. So we get an analysis of the current state. After that, we can move on to considering the state we want to achieve. After analyzing it Current state Description: how the problem is generated Desired state that solves the problem Specific description written in positive terminology Referring to the types of resources needed to move from the first state to the second Part When two or more "parts" are in conflict. Identity When the individual maps of our "I" are poorly formed and create stress or limitations. Conditions Experiencing problematic, non-resourceful, and/or emotional states. Language Experiencing cognitive errors when you engage in self-talk or speak in a negative and non-constructive way. Thinking styles Susceptibility to cognitive and perceptual distortions when using inadequate meta-programs. Meanings Exposure to limiting beliefs or impoverished meanings. Strategies Not knowing how to change behaviors. Il. 2.4. NLP Algorithm 64 Part I. NLP Model. The Source of Magical Transformations In a similar way, we get an analysis of the desired state. Making such an analysis raises questions about resources, questions about how we can move from one state to another and how we can build bridges between them. ♦ What resources do we need to get from the current state to the desired one? ♦ What technologies from the NLP model will help us make this transition? ♦ What internal representations, "submodalities", strategies, etc. will help us in this? And now - patterns. PART II NLP PATTERNS Spells for Transformation and Growth 3 Michael Hall Chapter 3 BASIC PATTERNS Patterns for managing other patterns Gaining mastery over the web that life weaves and unweaves can only be done without forgetting what you already have (about language) and the structure of spells growth... R. Bandler and J. Grinder Now that you're familiar with the NLP model, you have pretty much everything you need to use the transformation patterns that we'll describe in this book. Almost all, but not all. There are a couple more elements to add before you pull out your magic wand and start using this book as a collection of growth and change spells. On the previous pages, we introduced the concept of "logical levels". It follows that in the realm of human experience, content and process are fundamentally different. And since this difference plays such an important part in what follows, I will perhaps delay you a little longer to offer a few additional explanations. Content - this is what our experiences, details and sequence of events. Sometimes it concerns the juicy details of who did what, where and with whom. And sometimes - quite "boring" things. As a rule, the content is focused on the central, and sometimes the only element. This is what most aid models are based on. 68 Part P. NLP Patterns. Spells of transformation and growth In contrast to the content of the process - it's like a subjective inner life, its structure and form. As a model of models, NLP adds an entirely new dimension - it focuses primarily on the process of experience, how it flows, and on structural frames and contexts (other meta-states). In terms of content, people are usually interested in the smallest details of what makes up our experience. ♦ When did this terrible thing happen to you? ♦ Who did it? ♦ And how did you feel? ♦ What else? Followers of some areas of therapy even believe that if you play all the details of the traumatic event again, again and again in your mind, then in the end you can overcome the pain. Indeed, some people eventually become desensitized to difficult memories, and sometimes even become bored from repetition. But not all. Often the very process of replaying the situation again and again actually reinforces the generalizations that were originally derived from the experience, and repetition only exacerbates and exacerbates the problem. And then each visit to the therapist makes the abyss in which the patient finds himself deeper and deeper. This does not happen in NLP. We prefer not to think about experience in terms of specific details, but to work with experiences in terms of structure or process. Why do so many therapists continue to delve into the nightmarish details of human trauma? They, of course, proceed from the fact that the repressed material must be brought to the surface and met face to face. But perhaps, as Bandler jokingly remarked, "therapists are too curious—too curious." How can one discover the structure that constitutes the process of experience? You need to make a meta-transition to a higher level. Rising above experience and observing it from a meta-perspective, we can look at structure in terms of its representations, its cinematic characteristics (“submodal” qualities and distinctive features). Chapter 3

It would seem that sex and NLP are two different things. But this is only at first glance. In fact, every acquaintance is a break in patterns and a separation of reality, any touch is anchoring, separation is a break in rapport and the collapse of anchors. Of course, you can live without NLP. But then your sex will become boring and irregular. You can live without sex. But why do you want such a life? Here is a magical guide to seduction based on NLP techniques that are easy to apply, accessible and effective. It will teach you how to meet, flirt, seduce and turn sex into an unforgettable experience...

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“Damn, David Blaine! How did he do it?!" I thought about a simple street swindler who showed me real street magic. Although it was not magic at all, but just a manipulation with my mind, as a result of which I was left without the 1,000 rubles I earned an hour ago. Everything happened so quickly that I spent the whole day remembering and analyzing all his actions, which were based on the simplest NLP techniques. Of course, I knew about neurolinguistic programming of the brain, but in order to fall for the bait myself. It's even funny to think about it! Therefore, I would like to tell you more about NLP and give some cool techniques that will allow, so to speak, to influence people in the situation we need.

What is NLP?

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is a popular field of applied psychology that was founded in the 60s of the 20th century. The founders of NLP are professor of linguistics John Grinder and student Richard Bandler from the University of California. For a long time they studied many works of famous psychotherapists, held various seminars and communicated with their patients. As a result, they succeeded in separating neuro-linguistic programming from psychology and Gelstat therapy.

NLP it is a complex of psychotechnics, as well as verbal and non-verbal techniques that are capable of « bring in » certain information into the human brain in order to change his thinking and behavior. Neurolinguistic programming is based on working with the human mind.

And now I will tell you what NLP is capable of. Believe me, a lot, a lot!

NLP allows a person to completely control himself: his body, physical condition and health, his thoughts, emotions, feelings, fears and prejudices. A person is able to regulate his weight, pressure, body temperature, heartbeat, general well-being. With the help of NLP techniques, you can create a feeling of joy in yourself and easily get rid of any negative experiences.

NLP allows you to manipulate other people. Fall in love with yourself, fall in love. To win over anyone, to negotiate even with the most intractable person. Get the answer you need. Successfully negotiate, win the sympathy of the boss, and so on.

NLP gives a new perspective on problems, allowing not only to solve them in the easiest and fastest way, but also to get the maximum benefit from it.

NLP helps you achieve your goals in life faster, which is very important if you are developing yourself as a person. And it doesn't matter if you want to get rich, buy real estate abroad, get married or lose your excess weight. Any goal becomes closer and more accessible if NLP techniques are applied.

I think you already have an interest in Neuro Linguistic Programming! And even if you do not study psychology, you can still find a solution to its application to your personal issue that has been tormenting you for so long or a problem that you would like to solve once and for all.

Where Can NLP Techniques Be Used?

Initially, NLP was used to treat various phobias and mental disorders. The results of treatment of patients were positive in a large percentage of cases. When it became clear that NLP techniques are very effective, they began to apply them in a variety of areas.

Sales- almost all sales trainings have NLP techniques in their arsenal, when planning, when setting goals, when preparing psychologically for a visit and during a visit, NLP knowledge can be extremely useful.

Negotiation- knowledge of NLP is essential for negotiating, for understanding the client and better adjusting to him, for manipulation and counter-manipulation, for working with his condition, for identifying a strategy for making a decision by the client.

Communication, psychotherapy, goal setting, modeling- these are the constituent parts of NLP, part of this knowledge is concerned with communications and their effectiveness (rapport, adjustment, maintenance, calibration)

Psychotherapeutic part- this is a large arsenal of therapeutic techniques ("Swing", "Anchor Collapse", "Creation of a resource state", "Quick treatment of phobias", "Allergy treatment technique", "Six-step reframing", "Parts contract", "Re-imprinting" and more many other)

In goal setting and working with them, we are helped by such sections of NLP as Well-formed Result (HSR), TOTE, SCORE (in psychological counseling, understanding the client's goal and how to achieve it), neurological levels, time line, mission.

Modeling is the foundation of NLP. NLP grew out of modeling and all its knowledge came from modeling behavioral strategies brilliant people.

Public speaking- work with your condition. group calibration, controlled spontaneity, Chamomile technique, spatial anchoring, voice work, use of various predicates.

Acting- one of the basic presuppositions of NLP says: "mind and body are parts of one cybernetic system." And this means that when our thoughts change, our emotions change, and our body clearly reacts to these changes, and vice versa, changes in body position and posture change our emotions. Many acting schools are based on this.

Education Modeling is one way of learning. The use of successful strategies, beliefs, behavioral patterns, different approaches to achieving the goal, systems thinking, different perception filters, resource state increases the effectiveness of learning.

Sport- ideomotor skills widely used in sports, adopted from NLP, working with the state, coaching style training and much more.

coaching- almost all NLP tools are used in coaching (tuning, leading, calibrating, coaching position, goal setting, neurological levels, three positional perception, anchoring, timelines, all therapeutic techniques.)

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Recruitment- knowledge of the candidate’s meta-program filters allows you to understand what type of activity he is more inclined to, what motivates him better, how he will endure stress, is he a team player or a loner, how he makes decisions and what are his values ​​and much more.

Interpersonal relationships– understanding the basic presuppositions, they are the beliefs of brilliant people, gives us the opportunity to better understand other people, to understand that we are all different and each needs a special approach, that a person is a system and that two people, all the more so, a system, knowing the system laws it is easier to understand the system interaction.

seduction– all seduction trainers have completed NLP courses, all seduction techniques are based on NLP techniques. So why study the interpretation of the interpreted, when you can turn to the original source.

Army- collection of information, interrogations, work with one's condition, the "Drug of Choice" technique, used by the special forces of many countries of the world.

Customs- Information Gathering, Calibration Yes/No, True/False, Eye Access Signals

Intelligence service— collection of information, recruitment patterns, calibration, work with your state

Cinema- in many films, the characters use the techniques and skills of NLP or Ericksonian hypnosis, there are films that are directly devoted to NLP, even if NLP is not called there (“Lie to me”, “Manipulator”, “Wild Orchid” and many others).

Self-development- the formation of the necessary attitudes to achieve success in any where you consider it necessary to "pump" yourself.

WATCH A VIDEO! NLP in 10 minutes.

I will say this, NLP is not an easy "science" and requires a very serious approach. Even mastering the most basic techniques. But this still does not prevent Neuro Linguistic Programming from being one of the most exciting and interesting areas in psychology. Thanks to the Internet, today there are a large number of options for where you can get knowledge about NLP.

Firstly, these are various sites where a sufficiently large number of informative articles have already been written to begin to understand this topic. Secondly, various seminars, webinars, trainings and courses conducted by highly qualified specialists in this field. And thirdly, these are, of course, books that are the most convenient and popular way to start learning NLP.

There are a lot of books themselves. The eyes may diverge at first. There are both for beginners, where basic skills are considered, and for "advanced" ones, with consideration of the application of NLP in some already defined area. Of course, I have selected for you some of the best, most interesting and popular books on NLP that I have read myself. Even two are in my personal library.

I recommend the books that will be discussed now not only to those who are interested in NLP itself and its methods, but also to those who have decided to start their own path of self-development and are determined to improve their personal characteristics, improve understanding of themselves and those around them in life in general. So let's go.

Bob Bodenhamer, Michael Hall "NLP Practitioner"

This book must be read first. It is a collection of the most interesting materials on NLP. From this NLP book you will learn general information about Neuro Linguistic Programming with a description of the ways and methods used by this "science". I want to note a large number of examples and exercises that contribute to the effective assimilation of the material. Recommended if you don't know what NLP is.

Joseph O'Connor NLP. A Practical Guide to Achieving the Desired Results”

The author offers effective practical techniques for obtaining self-improvement and suggestion skills. You will gain knowledge that allows you to better understand people and delve into the laws of communication. The information contained in D. O'Connor's practical guide can be applied in education, law, management, business, sports, etc.

R. Bandler, D. Grinder "From frogs to princes"

Recording of an introductory lecture on NLP, finalized and adapted for reading. The materials of this three-day lecture, read by the authors in 1978, will help to form a general impression of the science of NLP, understand the basic mechanisms of influence, and teach you to gently and tactfully lead any person to the goal. NLP methods work even in cases where psychologists are powerless. The book is recommended to everyone who is interested in the issues of communication between people: psychologists, sociologists, psychotherapists, etc.

Manly Hall "The 77 Best NLP Techniques"

The book by specialist Michael Hall contains the most effective techniques NLP. The application of the proposed methods will help in personal development, the ability to communicate, and the disclosure of one's own potential. Knowledge of NLP techniques is applicable to activities in the field of business, education, psychology, sociology, and management. The book is intended for a wide range of readers and will be useful to every person striving for self-development. I highly recommend this book! She is just the bomb!

Anvar Bakirov "How to manage yourself and others with the help of NLP"

This is my desk book! Written in an innovative spirit large quantity jokes. Therefore, this book is not to be taken seriously. From this book you will learn how to inspire trust at first sight, manage your own and other people's emotions, benefit even from defeats, easily unravel the most neglected conflict situations, and lay all these "daily victories" in the foundation of one big building called LIFE SUCCESS. This book is well structured and easy to follow.

Sergey Gorin NLP. Bulk Techniques»

Collection of fragments of NLP seminars conducted by the author from 1993 to 1995. Examples of successful interaction between a psychotherapist and patients allow non-specialists to understand the subject of study. The only condition is the possession of the basic terms of NLP, without which the understanding of the text will be complicated. Many techniques from the arsenal of Valery Khmelevsky, one of the authorities of the Russian school of neurolinguistic programming, are described.

Harry Alder NLP: The Art of Getting What You Want

A topic worthy of attention is how the dream “works”. Someone calls it castles in the air, someone calls to dream as much as possible. One thing is clear - we love to do it. And the author of the book clearly shows the mechanism of the dream. We are all products of dreams. The quality of your dream determines the quality of your life.

Look also:

7 NLP Techniques for Manipulation and More

Most of us do not even realize that on a daily basis their consciousness is controlled by other stronger personalities, who are subject to many NLP techniques for manipulating people. Interestingly, each method of such hypnotic control is effective in itself, and it is difficult to imagine the power that arises when several techniques are combined at the same time. By the way, you need to know them not necessarily in order to control others, but in order to possibly counteract many criminal hypnotists, government officials, scammers, etc.

NLP Technique 1. JOIN
This is the first technique that any NLP practitioner starts with. When a stranger approaches, the human brain signals danger and tries to intuitively defend itself. It is unrealistic to suggest something to a wary person. To establish contact, you need to start copying your interlocutor in some way. Adjustment methods: postures, gestures, gait and breathing, voice, etc. The scammer who scammed my friend and I started by adjusting our walk on the street and followed us to the beat for several minutes.

NLP technique 2.RAPPORT

Behind the adjustment comes the building of trusting relationships. This is the rapport. If the adjustment went well, then the NLP-er with another person creates a certain system, a common trusting space. Do you remember the trouble-free phrase from Kipling's "Mowgli": "We are of the same blood: you and me!". It is this formula that operates in rapport. In this state, the threshold of criticality towards a person decreases, sympathy, unconscious trust arises. “It seems that we will find headphones there,” I said to Kostya, pointing to the store sign. “Guys, I am a salesman in this store, I can sell you headphones. What do you want? the swindler said.

NLP technique 3.3 YES

After the rapport is established, you can already begin to manipulate and first you need to send the person into a light trance. This is done with 3 questions, to which the person must answer a positive YES. This technique is based on the law of inertia, i.e. the movement of thought accelerates in a certain direction. After a series of questions from the scammer on the 4th time he said: “Guys, do you have a thousand rubles. Do I urgently need to exchange money and give it to a person? "Oh sure!" - I said and took out a bill.


A pattern break is an unexpected phrase or non-standard action performed in a normal situation. Breaking the pattern is easy. You choose the behavior you are going to change and act in the opposite or in some other unexpected way. As an example, I can give a very life situation. On one date, I told a girl that we would eat cake together at my place, but only without sex. For her, it was still that pattern break. I knew that she already wanted me. There was sex, of course. The fraudster also made a template break about his work. I don't remember literally.


The essence of this technique is simple. You transfer the person's attention to another topic with the help of a question or to another object of attention. Our brain or our vision can focus on one thing. With the rest of the area, you can do whatever you want. This technique is often used by illusionists, and con artists too! “Guys, be careful with your money, there are drug addicts on the corner, stay away from them,” he told us, pointing at the men 50 meters away from us, meanwhile changing bills.


When the basic NLP techniques have been worked out, then you can do whatever you want with a person. This is called "leading". Leading is impossible without trust. Guys, go get warm while in the store and look at the headphones. And while I'm going to give the money. And we went! Entering the store, we quickly came out of the trance. They looked at each other, realizing what had happened, and immediately rushed to the street. He disappeared, as did our newly earned money. I will remember this story all my life. And I know for sure that NLP techniques work quickly and effectively. How many such approaches do you need to do everything so masterfully. Probably a lot. That's why they are scammers.

NLP Technique 7. Reframing

One of my favorite techniques. It is very simple and gives a very cool result. This is not about manipulation, but about attitude to life. I use it when I realize that a negative situation is starting to "suck the energy out of me." Reframing is a technique that allows you to change the point of view, and therefore the perception of an event or object. When a bad situation happens, I say: "My world takes care of me." And I understand that this is the best option that can happen at the moment in my life. I took this technique from W. Zeeland's Reality Transurfing.

WATCH A VIDEO! NLP: the psychology of wealth. Money raising techniques.

So you got acquainted with 7 effective NLP techniques that can be applied every day. It will be better if you apply the techniques for yourself, to develop your effectiveness in life. Good luck to you!

Michael Hall - entrepreneur living in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado (USA). After many years of private psychotherapeutic practice, he was engaged in teaching and training: first communication training (assertiveness, negotiation, relationships), then NLP.

In the late 80's he studied Neuro-Linguistic Programming with one of the founders, Richard Bandler, and became an NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer. On behalf of Bandler, he wrote materials for trainings, which were subsequently published as a book, Time for Change.

A prolific writer, he has written and published over two dozen books, including such bestsellers as The Spirit of NLP, Taming Dragons, Meta States, Mind Lines, How to Calculate a Person, The Structure of Perfection, Frame games”, etc.

Books (8)

77 Best NLP Techniques

The book of one of the founders and modern masters of NLP, Michael Hall, offers 77 best Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques for achieving excellence, mastery, genius in all areas of human experience.

If you want to achieve a revolutionary change in the way you think, feel, behave and communicate, you will find in this book a wide variety of methods that allow you to create real magic.

Games played by business sharks. Game models of successful business

In the business world, unwillingness to learn is considered to be the mortal sin of a manager. And even the most labor-intensive training can be turned into an interesting and fruitful activity if you use the techniques role playing, which have long been used by psychologists to unload consciousness, resolve conflict situations and improve the psychological climate in the team.

Business games for people doing business today have become a real necessity. They help to update the view of the situation, teach a systematic vision, increase motivation, and contribute to the search for an extraordinary solution to problems.

Games that skinny people play. Get slim and healthy

To become slim, fit and energetic, it turns out that it is enough to discard the old ones and set new frames (frames) for your consciousness.

The author of the book, the developer of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), a popular field of practical psychology in the West, describes the key frames and frame games associated with controlling our weight. Considering them, he reveals the causes of such a complex symptom as "overweight".

The magic of communication

The book is devoted to the most interesting and complex problems of the structure and meaning of the language in the Metamodel paradigm - the most valuable thing that the practice of neurolinguistic programming can be proud of.

Dr. Hall demonstrates how to drastically change and improve our lives through the conscious use of the magic of communication through NLP - how to learn how to influence the mind-body system and use the creative potential of the brain to obtain positive life results.

Modeling the perfect personality. Fate Editing

Dr. Hall continues to walk you through the secrets of the wonders that Neuro Linguistic Programming can do. You are holding in your hands the second, revised edition of a book devoted to a new section of NLP - neurosemantics. His description is clear and understandable, and will certainly make you want to try out this advanced meta-state model and apply it to your daily life.

Are you interested in NLP? Do you want to learn how to control your brain? So you will love this book!

NLP training. Increasing the power of your abilities

The book by the leading contemporary NLP specialist Michael Hall will teach you to control your thinking and emotions, you will get access to control higher order: control of one's own consciousness at all its levels. This will enrich you by allowing you to achieve true excellence - to use your personal genius.

You will be able to apply the newly discovered abilities in your professional career and business, in relationships with people in any circumstances and situations, to maintain health and optimal physical and psychological shape.

At my command, at my will

Systemic NLP: psychotechnics of success.

Our consciousness has a unique ability to reason about itself, create higher logical levels and use them to structure life experience and attitude to the environment.

Dr. Hall will introduce you to the psychotechnology of drawing up correct, eco-friendly strategy models, and the most interesting thing is that everyone can join them, because in every person nature itself has that personal computer - which will calculate for you your special path to success, health and prosperity!

The NLP Path

The NLP way. Mode of action, meaning and criteria for mastering NLP.

This completely revised edition of The NLP Path lays out the very essence of Richard Bandler's brilliant NLP Master Training. In addition, it includes important additions from the work of other instructors such as Eric Robbie, Wyatt Woodsmol, Thad James, Christina Hall, and the late Will MacDonald. Offering an in-depth understanding of the true genius of the Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) co-developer, the book also includes examples of NLP neuroscience mastery and developmental work related to dexterity patterns (word manipulation).

Focusing methodically on areas such as programming, linguistics, and neuroscience, this book is ideal for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of NLP and bring it up to date, or who needs a fresh and engaging presentation of the subject.
