Kitchens 9 sq. With a balcony. Other modern styles

A large apartment gives designers the opportunity to improvise, to bring their most fantastic ideas to life. It will not be difficult for a true professional designer to develop a kitchen design with an area of ​​9 sq. meters. Moreover, in terms of its functionality, it will not yield to similar large-area kitchens. If a person has never been involved in construction, has not come across finishing materials, does not know anything about modern furniture and its capabilities, it will be difficult for him to do it on his own.

9 square meters breading and kitchen interior

Such work, which will take into account the ergonomics of the room and use every free centimeter, is best left to an experienced designer. With its help, it will be possible to make a kitchen with an area of ​​9 sq. meters very cozy and comfortable.

Unfortunately, everything described above is not always possible.

Ready-made kitchen project with furniture arrangement

Therefore, to expand the space, it is worth purchasing equipment with a glossy surface: the play of light will visually increase the space.

When the interior design of a similar kitchen with an area of ​​9 sq. meters, during the decoration of the walls, it is not allowed to use large drawings. The fact is that the use of horizontal stripes visually reduces the kitchen much, it takes on a narrowed appearance.

A wide window sill should be mounted near the window. It can be an extension of the kitchen set, combined with several high chairs designed for the bar counter. For the play of light, it is advisable to use steel surfaces.

The finish should not have a contrasting look; only light colors are suitable for a small area.

Planning stages

In order for the interior design to look impressive, it is necessary to correctly plan the premises. To do this, you need to properly organize the following zones:

  • passage;
  • dining room;
  • working area.

To create such zoning, a certain technological order must be observed:

  • Select the appropriate finishing materials, followed by installation;
  • Competently position the kitchen set;
  • Apply various accessories:
    • watch;
    • paintings;
    • shelves;
    • flowers in a vase.

Work zone

Food is prepared in this square, it is located here:

  • plate;
  • countertop;
  • washing;
  • fridge;
  • utensil;
  • trash box.

Planning and zoning of the studio kitchen 9 sq. m. from the living room

In some cases, open shelves are used instead of closed cabinets.


In this zone, install:

  • Table;
  • Chairs;
  • Lamps;
  • Decorating elements.


This area is small in size, on which people will move. If it has large clutters, households will feel discomfort while in the kitchen.

Layout options

When a preliminary is done, the best layout is determined. She may be:

  • U-shaped;
  • L-shaped;
  • island;
  • linear;
  • universal.

When it has a rectangular shape, it is best to mount the kitchen set near a short wall.

Original layout with the dimensions of a small kitchen

Thus, the passage will remain free, there will be more space around the dining table.

For the owners of Khrushchev, a kitchen even of 9 m2 will seem like real happiness, but in reality it is a rather small area, the interior of which is difficult to equip just the way you like.

It is necessary to find the optimal solution, which depends on various factors:

  • the location of the door;
  • the shape of the room;
  • the side of the world where the window goes;
  • the ability to move the dining area to another room;
  • ceiling height.

The interior design project and furniture placement should take into account all these nuances. At the same time, one should not forget about comfort, ergonomics and functionality.

The shape of the room and ways of organizing space

The choice of a headset, its geometry and ways of placing furniture depends on the shape of the kitchen.

  • A long and narrow room of 9 sq. meters forces to arrange interior items in parallel along two walls. A convenient option is the arrangement of a dining area by the window, if it is located at the end of the kitchen. The work surfaces are then ergonomically positioned parallel to each other. In such a room, a U-shaped headset is also appropriate. It is usually placed near a window when the window sill is part of the countertop. A more accurate plan can only be drawn up taking into account the location of the doors and windows.

In the photo - a kitchen with a U-shaped set.

  • The square kitchen defines a completely different approach to shaping a 9 m2 space. Here you can install an L-shaped set, which will cover the surface with a sink and a stove, as well as a blind adjacent or wall with a window. You can also limit yourself to linear furniture if the hostess rarely cooks or uses the dining table as an additional work surface. Then on 9 sq. meters, you can safely install both a bar counter and a refrigerator in front of the headset.

The photo shows the layout of a square kitchen.

  • An irregularly shaped kitchen is an excuse to dream up. The working area can be organized even against the shortest wall. It is only important to remember that there should be at least 30 cm between the stove and the sink. Of course, the refrigerator will have to be placed in any convenient place. And the dining room can take on a variety of different and non-standard forms.

In the photo - a kitchen with an unusual design for an apartment.

The choice of interior design and its palette

Since 9 sq. meters - a fairly small area, it is simply unreasonable to occupy it with lush reliefs and decor. Therefore, for such a kitchen, simple and concise furniture options are chosen.

  1. The most popular are modern styles of interior design. A functional headset in any apartment or house will be the most appropriate solution for a small room. Simple facades, a minimum of decorative details, a maximum of storage space, plain wallpaper are used here.
  2. Acceptable for 9 sq. meters and retro style. Here, ordinary household items, wallpaper with small patterns, utensils are used as decor, so choosing an interior with simple wooden surfaces, you can be sure that it will be comfortable, and its functionality depends on the chosen idea of ​​filling the furniture. The dining area can not be designed as a seating area - with wardrobes around and bookshelves.

In the photo - the design of a kitchen with an area of ​​9 sq. meters in loft style.

The kitchen palette of 9 squares should be light, but here you can vary the combinations depending on the location of the window and the cardinal direction. For example, in the southern room, you can choose a bright apron or colored facades.

The photo shows a bright interior for a room with an area of ​​9 sq. meters.

But for a northern room, it is necessary to prefer a white scale or shades of beige. But in any case, it is important to organize high-quality lighting here.

Lighting in any room plays a significant role, especially in a small and functional room. It is necessary to plan the placement of lamps in advance, as well as to think over the backlighting of the apron if necessary, built-in bulbs above the desktop, etc. If this is not done on time, the cost of subsequent repairs will increase significantly.

Recently, the location of the central chandelier above the table, and not in the center of the kitchen, has become an actual trend. The rest of the interior is illuminated by additional light sources.

The shade of the walls is usually chosen lighter than the facades. If you plan to stick wallpaper, then they can be with a pattern - small or striped. The eating area can be highlighted with richer wall colors or brighter furniture.

Ideas for the most comfortable kitchen interior decoration

Numerous projects of interiors of small and large kitchens confirm that any area can be organized ergonomically and functionally. The layout of a space of 9m2 is no exception. This area is enough to accommodate both a dining area and a working functional corner.

Different ideas can be used:

  • The optimal solution for finishing a small room would be to opt for materials that save space. That is, it is better to refuse excess plaster for leveling. Of course, self-leveling mixtures, light coatings are applicable here. Stretch ceilings (if the ceiling height is small), plasterboard leveling of walls are not recommended, since these structures take up space.
  • An effective way of organizing space is to opt for a headset that rests against the ceiling. Of course, this is not very convenient if the ceilings are very high, but it is functional in standard rooms. Thus, you can save valuable 9 sq. meters, reducing the area of ​​the headset itself.

In the photo - stretch ceilings with furniture for the entire height of the kitchen.

  • Corner set is the most ergonomic solution. A sink can be placed in the corner. To do this, choose a trapezoidal cabinet and a similar hinged box.
  • Kitchen appliances with an area of ​​9 sq. meters, it is reasonable to choose only built-in.
  • The best project would be to combine a room with a balcony or living room. Given the complexity of the official registration of documents for such changes in the layout, the designers recommend taking out only the door and window opening, equipping in a separate area either a place for a refrigerator or a dining group, if the area of ​​the balcony allows.

The photo shows examples of incomplete fusion of the kitchen with the balcony.

Of course, combining a kitchen with a balcony is almost impossible in a panel house, it all depends on the materials and construction of the walls. Such projects must be discussed in advance with the BTI, so as not to violate the integrity of other floors and partitions. Using an incomplete combination of rooms, you can organize here a semblance of a bar counter by expanding the window sill.

In a panel house, you can connect the kitchen with the living room in the same way. The enlarged opening easily turns into the same bar counter if you keep and refine the lower part of the wall or the arch, which will both visually separate the rooms and unite them.

  • Increase the visual space it is possible by choosing a sliding door or folding its modification, because ordinary door leaves take up space, in whatever direction they open.
  • Although according to fire safety rules, the doorway to the kitchen must be closed, quite often a room with an area of ​​9 m2 is not closed with doors at all... In this case, the kitchen space appears to be more significant.
    If there is nowhere to take out the dining furniture, you should choose compact models. It can be a folding table-book, a tabletop that can be removed along the wall. The semicircular dining furniture installed right next to the wall looks interesting. If the location of the window allows, you can enlarge the window sill and arrange it in the form of a table for eating or a bar. Of course, it is no longer possible to leave the kitchen sofa here, you will have to use stools. But the eating area will always be well lit or become a place for contemplating the view from the window.

In the photo - a project with the implementation of the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bdesigning a window sill as a dining table.

Bar counter? a unique way to organize a dining area for a small family. She saves the situation even if food is rarely eaten here and there are no children in the house.

  • Almost every sofa in the kitchen comes with a storage box. This is a convenient solution for 9 sq. meters. There is no need to choose a corner. You can organize a non-standard place to relax in such a kitchen - a bench with a similar box.

The following photos show interesting ideas for decorating a recreation area in a small kitchen.

Several interior details

To save space, you can use other design guidelines:

  • It is undesirable to close the window with curtains, it is enough to choose a light curtain or blinds.

The photo shows an example of the design of a kitchen window without curtains.
  • It is advisable to use luminaires as laconic and compact as possible, perhaps even built-in ones. This is convenient when stretch ceilings are installed.
  • Don't get carried away with wall decor. Better to use the free space to organize additional shelves. And where this is impossible, you can hang one or two paintings or photographs.

The use of lightweight decor and curtains visually makes the room more spacious. Then you can choose brighter colors for the facades, and more furniture filled with storage places. The ability to operate with effective techniques will help to organize any area as comfortably and ergonomically as possible.

The kitchen is the "heart" of the apartment. It is not only a place to prepare and consume food. All family members meet here and get-togethers with guests are held. Therefore, in addition to ergonomics, a modern kitchen must meet the requirements of aesthetics and comfort. 9 sq. m for the kitchen - a fairly large area, which opens up wide opportunities for design activities.

Indeed, with the correct layout of the kitchen, it is quite possible to place all the necessary household appliances in it, leave enough space for the work area and create a comfortable dining area.

The subtleties of the design solution for the kitchen area of ​​9 sq. m

Area 9 sq. m is ideal for equipping with all the convenience not only a working area, but also a dining area.

The first step is to decide on a set for the kitchen. He might be:

  • Linear (direct). This is the best option if you have a narrow kitchen or studio apartment.
  • In the shape of the letter "G". Corner kitchen 9 sq. m is the most popular. This headset allows full use of the corner, creating an ergonomic workspace.
  • In the form of the letter "P". It is preferable to choose such furniture for a kitchen-living room or in a situation where the kitchen area is combined with a loggia. It is also a good solution for a square room without windows.
  • Ostrovny. This is one of the novelties in kitchen design. It is important here that the headset is not bulky. The advantage of placing an island countertop is that it can play the role of a dining table, an additional work surface, a bar counter, and if drawers and shelves are built into it, then a sideboard.

The second step in the renovation of the kitchen 9 sq. m is a choice of colors. Despite the fact that the footage allows the use of bright colors, it is better to refrain from overly daring contrasts. For a harmonious setting, it will be enough to stop at 2 - 3 colors.

As you can see from the photo of the kitchen 9 sq. m, the most optimal colors for decorating a kitchen space are light green, orange, yellow and red. They go well with the achromatic scale - all tones of white, gray, black.

Remember, when arranging a small kitchen, it is advisable not to use cold shades of blue, purple, blue - they negatively affect the digestion process and give the room a certain resemblance to a bathroom.

If you prefer natural colors, then the warm beige and brown tones that are inherent in wood and natural stone are suitable for you. Are you a high-tech adherent? So, you will like the combination of chrome and black.

Ways to increase the area

In some situations, 9 sq. m may not be enough to create an ergonomic and comfortable space. Here are some tips from interior stylists to visually expand your kitchen space:

Give preference to light, neutral tones - they visually move the walls apart. For the ceiling, choose a snow-white shade - this will add a few centimeters to its height. On the other hand, the flooring can be chosen in a dark color, thereby playing on the contrast.

The lighting system is an indispensable tool in the struggle to increase space. The better the illumination, the more spacious the room will look:

  • choose curtains for windows made of translucent fabric that will not prevent the sun from illuminating the kitchen;
  • place pendant lights around the entire perimeter of the room, and not just in its central part;
  • highlight the dining area with a chandelier, and emphasize the working area with spot lighting;
  • use the built-in backlight - it will add volume and depth to the space.

Strive to keep the floor as free as possible. Choose a kitchen set with legs, a dining table with one leg. A mandatory requirement is the complete absence of carpets.

Be careful with patterns and ornaments. A large number of drawings can be tiresome. Replace painted images with bold, saturated colors for pastels. This applies not only to walls, but also to curtains. If you still want to use a print, then it is better to stop at a photo wallpaper with a large graphic pattern.

When it comes to wall and floor tiles, wide-format tiles are the preferred option. It is better to lay it out diagonally or in steps. It is advisable to refuse from the classical methods of styling.

Furnishings. Glass fronts and countertops make furniture visually smaller. Therefore, the more glass there will be in the interior of the kitchen 9 sq. m, the more spacious it will seem. Order furniture with built-in niches for household appliances. This will significantly save free space.

Glossy surfaces will help to add volume to the space, be it a ceiling, a tile or a furniture facade.

You can convert a square room to a rectangular one using accent contours. This can be a horizontal line lined with bright tiles or a striped furniture facade.

For a more efficient use of space, swap out the window sill for a multifunctional countertop into which you can integrate the sink. This way, you can wash the dishes while enjoying the view from the window.

Interesting photo panels with images of fields and forests will add originality. They can decorate not only walls, but also furniture. They will also look good on the door.

If you are not afraid of additional financial costs, then you can expand the kitchen space at the expense of an adjacent room or loggia. The door can be replaced with a beautiful semicircular arch. The feeling of spaciousness will add a similar kitchen decoration to the corridor.

Combining a room and a kitchen is the most time consuming way to add extra square meters to the latter. Its application is not always possible. But, if you nevertheless decided to take a radical step, then remember:

  • the attached room must be designed in the same style as the kitchen design of 9 sq. m;
  • you need to attend to a powerful hood.

Photo of the kitchen 9 sq. m.

A kitchen with an area of ​​9 square meters is the golden mean for most Russians living in apartment buildings. In apartments built in the last century, kitchen spaces with an area of ​​more than 6.5 square meters were rarely found. In modern dwellings with an improved layout, kitchens are increasingly more than 10 square meters. m. Designers have long proved that a kitchen with an average area can be not only multifunctional and practical, but also a beautiful, fashionable and stylish room. With such an area, you do not have to save every centimeter of usable space, but there is simply no room for error in planning the layout, choosing household appliances and organizing the working and dining area. After all, the kitchen is the most popular place in any home that needs a practical, ergonomic, functional and aesthetic design. We hope that our extensive selection of kitchen space design projects will help you create your dream interior and implement your own design ideas based on the proposed options.

Furniture ensemble layout options

Nine square meters of kitchen area can be distributed in different ways in the space of an apartment or house. The choice of how to arrange storage systems, appliances and work surfaces will depend on the following factors:

  • the shape of the room;
  • the number, size and location of window and door openings;
  • the location of the kitchen relative to other, adjacent rooms, the kitchen area can be part of the combined space, living room;
  • passage of communication systems (not in all cases it is possible to legally move one or another pipeline);
  • the need to equip a dining area within the kitchen;
  • the possibility of installing a washing machine in another room of the dwelling.

Obviously, the location of the kitchen unit largely determines not only the appearance of the room, but also its functionality, practicality and ergonomics. If you have to spend a lot of time on working kitchen processes, but they must proceed in a comfortable and safe environment.

Corner layout for a medium-sized kitchen

It is not for nothing that the corner layout is considered the most versatile and practical. At the lowest cost of usable kitchen space, it allows you to place a sufficient number of storage systems and work surfaces. The L-shaped layout is ergonomic (we place the sink and the stove on perpendicular sides), convenient from the point of view of the lowest traffic costs and visually attractive. Another advantage of the corner layout is that even in a small kitchen space, there is enough space to install a small dining group.

The corner layout is very compact. Therefore, it is often supplemented with a kitchen island - a free-standing unit that can serve as a storage system, a place for integrating household appliances and a sink. The lengthening of the island's table top makes it possible to organize a small dining area for short meals or as a permanent eating place for two or three people (depending on the size of the surface).

The peninsula differs from the kitchen island in that one of the sides is attached to the wall or kitchen unit. The peninsula becomes an excellent solution for small spaces that need additional furniture to keep the kitchen in order. It can also be used as a storage system, a base for placing appliances and a place for short meals (in some cases, as a permanent dining segment).

Layout in one row

Depending on the shape of the room and the location of the entrance and window, a single-row (linear) layout becomes an excellent option for arranging the working area of ​​the kitchen. This arrangement of the kitchen set is suitable for those families who are satisfied with a small number of storage systems and do not need to integrate a large number of household appliances or can be limited to a standard set of compact models. An obvious advantage of the arrangement of the furniture ensemble in one row is the free space of the kitchen for installing a spacious dining table or a comfortable kitchen corner.

In a linear layout, it is difficult to fulfill the conditions for an ergonomic arrangement of the "working triangle". Even if the refrigerator is placed separately from the kitchen unit, it still turns out that the sink and the stove (hob) are located in the same row. Therefore, the linear arrangement is often complemented by the installation of an island or peninsula. Most often, a hob is integrated into this module, sometimes a sink (it all depends on the possibilities of transferring communication systems).

U-shaped layout of the kitchen set

In some cases, a U-shaped layout is the best way to arrange a kitchen ensemble. If the room is very elongated and there is no need to install a dining table in it, but a large number of storage systems and household appliances are needed to maintain order, a U-shaped kitchen set will provide such an opportunity. In this arrangement, it is easy to follow the "working triangle" rule by placing the sink, refrigerator and stove (hob) on opposite sides of the furniture ensemble.

If the kitchen room is rectangular and even more strongly elongated, then after installing the U-shaped kitchen set, there will hardly be room to accommodate the dining group. But in rooms whose shape is close to a square, you can install a small island in the center (it can also serve as a place for short meals) or a modest-sized dining table with small stools that slide easily under the countertop.

Parallel layout

If your kitchen is a walk-through room, if it has an exit to a balcony or panoramic window, or is simply presented in the form of a strongly elongated rectangle, then a parallel layout of the furniture ensemble can be the only effective solution. The arrangement of storage systems, household appliances and work surfaces opposite each other, in two rows, will saturate the kitchen with the necessary interior items and preserve the ergonomics of the room. If the room is very elongated, then, most likely, it will not be possible to install a dining group in the center, even of a compact size. But in a room whose shape is close to a square, you can install a small stand, a portable dining table.

Organization of a dining area in the kitchen with an area of ​​9 square meters

The choice of how to organize the dining area in the kitchen space will depend on the following factors:

  • the number and age of family members (for a married couple, a bar counter or an extension of the kitchen island countertop will be enough; in families with elderly people and young children, a full-fledged dining table is needed);
  • lifestyle (someone prepares half a day for a large family, while someone eats mainly in public catering and uses the kitchen only for short meals);
  • the need for an additional furniture module to integrate a household appliance or sink (an island or peninsula can become an effective dining area for 2-3 people);
  • the amount and shape of the free space remaining after the installation of the kitchen unit.

It is not always possible to comfortably arrange a dining group for several people within the framework of a kitchen space with an area of ​​9 sq. M, not to the detriment of the rest of the environment. The room can be very elongated, have two windows (this is a plus in terms of illumination, but a minus from the side of wall cabinets and the subsequent lack of storage systems), the kitchen can be a walk-through room or have an irregular shape with niches and ledges.

The traditional option for organizing a dining segment is to set up a table with chairs for all family members. This option is possible with an angular or linear layout of the kitchen set. For a large family, in which there are elderly people, small children, a dining group is necessary. It is best to use a dining table with a round or oval group - this way you can place the maximum number of family members on the minimum number of square meters of the kitchen.

If the kitchen unit is not enough in terms of saturating the room with storage systems and places for building in household appliances, then using the island can help with this. It is logical that after the installation of the kitchen island, there is not enough space for the dining group. If the family consists of two or three people, then the dining area can be organized behind the countertop of the island, slightly extending it for a comfortable seating position.

Another option for creating a dining area within the kitchen space is to install a soft corner. Comfortable, practical, aesthetically pleasing and quite within the power of a small kitchen area with an area of ​​9 sq. m. It is on the design of the kitchen corner that designers most often focus on, if there is one in the interior of the kitchen - it can be bright upholstery and a table with an original design and its surroundings (chairs or stools)

Finishes and colors in a medium sized kitchen

The choice of finishing materials for such a peculiar room as a kitchen must be chosen based on the following features:

  • high humidity;
  • frequent temperature drops;
  • it is possible for fat droplets floating in the air to settle;
  • mechanical stress (mostly for flooring).

From this small but important list of criteria, we can conclude that the materials for finishing the kitchen space must not only withstand high humidity and temperature, but also be cleaned with chemicals and at the same time not lose their original appearance. With regard to the design of floors, the flooring must, among other things, withstand the fall of sharp and heavy objects.

If your kitchen area with an area of ​​9 square meters is part of a combined space, then finishing can serve as an element of zoning. Of course, the kitchen segment located in the living room will have a design that is accepted throughout the space, but you can highlight it using the level of the ceiling or floor, accent design of the kitchen apron. It all depends on the chosen style and the way the walls, ceiling and floors are decorated.

If we talk about current color schemes, then for a medium-sized kitchen, designers recommend using light shades for wall decoration. The classic version of the ceiling design is snow-white white. But for flooring, you can use dark, deep colors. This tone-on-tone layout will help to visually increase the height of the room. A kitchen set of any color will organically look on a light background.

White is always relevant, whether it is a choice of a background for a kitchen room or an option for the execution of kitchen facades. In some cases, you have to use white surfaces totally - the kitchen is located on the north side, the light from the window is blocked by plants or buildings, the irregular shape of the room with many niches and ledges, the attic space. White color will help not only smooth out architectural imperfections, visually expand the volume of the room, but also make the image light, airy.

Gray doesn't go out of style. A universal, practical, noble, easily combined tone can become not only an excellent background for a kitchen set, but also be used for the execution of cabinet fronts. A gray kitchen won't look boring if you add a couple of bright accents. This can be the decoration of a kitchen apron, bright dishes, a tablecloth on the dining table or colorful upholstery on chairs (bar stools).

Contrasting combinations are a popular trend in the design of kitchen spaces. A medium-sized kitchen can afford a combination of dark kitchen unit facades with light wall decoration. If you use a dark color for the design of the lower tier of the cabinets. And a light tone is for the upper one, then you can create a visual increase in the height of the room. Contrasts help not only to emphasize the geometry of the room, to highlight especially significant segments or interior items, but also to give the image of the room dynamism and even drama.

Designers recommend “diluting” contrasting combinations (alternation of dark and light surfaces) with an intermediate tone. Most often, interior items and wooden surfaces act as an intermediary between light and shadow. The natural warmth of wood not only raises the degree of character of the room design, but also makes it cozier and more comfortable.

In medium-sized rooms, experts admit the use of colorful natural shades. Olive and pistachio, menthol and turquoise, sand, gold, soft blue or complex navy blue can be used as a color scheme for an accent wall, a backsplash or a pattern of variegated porcelain stoneware flooring.

Kitchen with an area of ​​9 sq. m - current design 2018

Kitchen area 9 sq m gives much more options. Already in brezhnevkas, the quality and convenience of the premises, increased by 3-4 square meters, significantly increases. Such a kitchen area is also found in panel houses and in modern new buildings.

Despite the fact that the space here is already more comfortable than in Khrushchev, an average and large family of 5 or more people will still be cramped. It is problematic to organize with such an area at the same time a full-fledged working area with a full set of equipment and storage places, and a dining room that would accommodate all family members.

With the right approach, it is quite possible to achieve comfortable conditions.

Despite the small area, you can decorate a kitchen of 9 square meters not only in a modern, but also in a classic style. Although it cannot be said that a truly traditional interior with stucco moldings, frescoes and massive furniture is possible here. It will be a modern classic with elegant furniture of a laconic design without bulky textile design and restrained decor.

With a refrigerator in a niche. Apartment in a panel stalinka

Kitchen 9 sq. With access to the balcony

Thoughtful design based on a real example with tips:

Good design rules and ideas

1. Correctly selected headset

Here it is important to give up unnecessary items, if possible, purchase multifunctional equipment.

  • Furniture should be equipped with convenient and compact storage systems.
  • It is important to be correct. Depending on the shape of the room, L-shaped or linear can be installed.

The first is a universal option, it rationally uses the corner space.

Corner layout forms a perfect working triangle

Linear layout is not as convenient as it is, but it may be the only option for.

Linear set in the interior of the kitchen 9 sq.m

A U-shaped layout with such an area is possible if you use the window sill area or move the dining room outside the kitchen, for example, to an attached and insulated loggia or to the living room.

  • You can sacrifice spaciousness for the sake of visual space. Order a kitchen with a non-standard width - already by 10-15 cm. You can compensate for the trimmed part and functionality by installing a high top row of cabinets under the ceiling.

  • A kitchen without upper cabinets looks more spacious, but it may not be as spacious and inconvenient as it is. requires you to bend over more often than usual.

2. Color techniques and effects

In addition to the size and layout of the headset, you can achieve a visual increase in space using various effects and techniques.

  • Set in the color of the walls.

Invisible furniture is one of the main innovations and trends in the design of 2018-2019.

For a truly stunning effect, opt for the push-open version with smooth fronts without fittings.

  • Light finish.

The whiteness of Norman interiors is no longer so relevant. The background can be not only white, but any very light, pastel shade.

Choose a color depending on the level of illumination: a room with windows on the north side or in the shade needs warm, sunny colors - peach, yellow, sand, beige, etc.

With a window on the south, sunny side. Cool finish and white set create the right balance High tech
  • The apron is black.

If you make the contrasting finish of the apron in deep black, then the illusion of endless space will be created.

  • Accent wall with fine patterns. To highlight one of the walls, create a suitable background. The other three walls should perfectly match one of the colors in the drawing.

Curtains are also not suitable as a bright accent, because the specificity of their location and size visually narrow the space. It is better to choose them to match the walls or buy translucent ones.

How else you can experiment with color to create the desired effect can be found in the image below.

An example of a successful design with dark walls. One black wall creates the effect of lengthening the room.
Bright design with purple walls and yellow accents

3. Compact dining area

For a family of up to 2 people, you can make a stylish eating area in the form of a bar counter or a window sill table, with soft comfortable chairs.

For a family of up to 4 people, a table with a round table top will be convenient.

Lack of corners is another technique in organizing the space of a small kitchen of 9 sq.m.

Small stools or laconic chairs will not create the effect of a cluttered space.

The invisible furniture trend is also evident in the design of chairs. Transparent, made of highly durable plastic - an unusual option for a modern and eclectic design.

4. Expansion due to the addition of areas

Redevelopment is a troublesome and costly business.

To make changes to the layout of housing, you need to obtain a permit, the issue of which is not always possible.

In some panel houses, it is possible by demolishing a partition between the rooms, or at the expense of the living room, by combining them.

Kitchen with a sofa combined with a loggia

In modern panel houses, the partition between the kitchen and the corridor is not a supporting structure. There is also a chance to agree on the expansion of the area due to the transfer of borders.

  1. If the kitchen has an exit to the balcony, then for the decoration of the window block it is better to choose a simple, light tulle or refuse textiles altogether, leaving the window and exit open.

Kitchen in a panel house of 9 m2 with access to the balcony
  1. To visually enlarge the room, you can also use the following techniques:
  • install a mirror panel on one of the walls;
  • to glue the wallpaper with the illusion of infinite space. It is difficult to choose a good drawing here, so as not to get the opposite effect. Avoid multi-color, high-profile prints. It is better to choose something austere and discreet, as, for example, in the photo below.

  1. Don't make curbs. This will accurately outline the small size of the room.

Loft-style design with island and bar
  1. Don't forget to organize your lighting. In dim artificial light, the room will appear gloomy and cramped. Replace one large chandelier with spotlights or lighting in the work and dining areas.
  2. There should be no unnecessary items - trinkets that do not perform useful functions. Less decorations in the form of vases, candlesticks, photo frames, etc. A couple of decorative items are enough.
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