What kind of ceiling to make in the kitchen. Which ceiling is better to make in the kitchen: economy class finishing options. Fabric stretch ceiling

Which ceilings are better to make in the kitchen - suspended, plastered or suspended? What materials are preferable? We will analyze in detail the 6 most popular finishing materials and tell you about all their advantages and disadvantages.

When choosing which kitchen ceilings are better, you need to carefully weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of the materials.

Requirements for ceilings

Before deciding which kitchen ceiling is best, it is important to understand what quality criteria it must meet. Make sure your finish lasts long years, she must be:

  • Moisture resistant. You can argue as much as you like which ceiling is better for the kitchen, but you can’t disagree with one thing. It must be moisture resistant, since the humidity level in the kitchen is always high.
  • Easy to care for. To prevent periodic cleaning of the ceiling from becoming a nightmare, the material with which it is finished should be easy to maintain.

The ceiling covering should not only be moisture resistant, but also easy to clean

  • Wear-resistant. If you do not plan to change the ceiling finish every year, then make sure that it is durable.
  • Eco-friendly. Range modern materials makes it possible to choose a material that is harmless to human health and the environment.

Wear-resistant material can last for many years

  • With a “masking” effect. The finishing should successfully hide some imperfections in the ceiling, as well as various kitchen communications.
  • Decorative. Choosing which ceilings for the kitchen are better, in addition to them technical characteristics It is also necessary to pay attention to the decorative component. The material should organically fit into the interior created by yourself and be in harmony with it.
  • Inexpensive. Not every family budget involves ceiling expenses, the price of which is equal to several monthly salaries. So it is very important to find a coating that has the most suitable ratio of cost and quality.

The ceiling finish should be accessible in financially and hide surface defects

We have looked at the basic requirements for finishing materials, now it’s time to talk about which kitchen ceiling is best.

Review of the advantages and disadvantages of 6 finishing materials

In this section we will look in detail at the advantages and disadvantages various options finishing. After reading them, you can decide which ceiling for the kitchen is better to choose.


In Soviet times, whitewashing was considered almost the only option for decorating the top of a kitchen. Now it has a lot of competitors, but this cladding option still enjoys some popularity.

Whitewashing is the most cheap option finishing

Advantages: The main advantage of whitewashing is its low cost. Among other things, due to its porous structure, a bleached ceiling can provide the best possible air exchange. In addition, whitewashing is one of the types of finishing that is not difficult to carry out on your own.

Flaws: Upon closer examination, whitewash can easily fall out of the competition for “which ceiling is better in the kitchen.” It does not tolerate moisture and temperature changes well, needs regular renewal and begins to crumble and crack quite quickly.

Whitewashing does not react well to moisture and temperature changes, and also needs constant updating.


When thinking about which ceiling is best to make, it’s hard not to think about plasterboard covering. Thanks to it, you can implement several interesting design solutions, be it combined or multi-level designs that will become a decoration.

When choosing the best way to finish the ceiling, you should remember that high-quality plasterboard is moisture resistant and hides unevenness in the ceiling

Advantages: Moisture-resistant drywall options will help hide minor defects at the base, they also have high strength and a long service life. They are quite cheap and can be painted. And this will give you the opportunity to update the existing interior if you wish.

Flaws: Despite the moisture resistance of the material, flooding of neighbors from above will be disastrous for it. Constant temperature changes, which cannot be avoided in the kitchen, will cause unsightly gaps to appear between the sheets. Among other things, do not forget that the painted layer of drywall will need periodic updating.

High temperatures cause noticeable gaps to appear between sheets of drywall.


Painting surfaces is the same tradition as whitewashing. Therefore, in our review of popular ceiling finishing options, we cannot do without it. What is the best way to paint the surface? You can use water-based or acrylic paint, which have long earned recognition among consumers.

Paint can quickly and inexpensively update an interior

Advantages: The painted ceiling tolerates moisture well and is therefore easy to wet clean. Painting the surface yourself is not difficult, so you don’t have to spend money on the services of specialists.

Flaws: Paint, like whitewash, is not the most durable material; moreover, over time, the white color of the ceiling will become more and more faded. If the paint suddenly cracks in one place, then it will not be possible to quickly restore the area. You will have to delete old finishing, level the ceiling and only then proceed to new painting.

Like bleached, painted surfaces need regular updating.

Plastic lining

If you are in the process of thinking about how best to make a ceiling so that it is budget-friendly and durable, then you can opt for plastic lining. In this case, you should pay attention to special panels and a sealant intended for processing seams.

Plastic tolerates moisture well and is easy to clean

Advantages: Plastic materials are considered a very budget-friendly and practical way to finish the ceiling. Plastic tolerates moisture well, and if one panel is damaged, it will not be difficult to replace. It is easy to clean, but it must be done regularly, since a thick layer of soot and fat will be much more problematic to remove.

Flaws: Too much budget models PVC can hardly be called environmentally friendly. In addition, plastic is susceptible to ultraviolet radiation and will lose its original color over time.

Plastic begins to fade when exposed to the sun.


Someone may get tired of thinking about what is best to make the ceilings from, and decide on a very unusual option - gluing wallpaper to the surface. This solution looks very unusual, but it can become a real highlight in the interior.

Wallpaper on the ceiling (example in the photo) will become the center of your decor

Advantages: A relatively budget-friendly design option that does not require you to special effort in installation. In addition, high-quality wallpaper can be washed, and it can also hide minor defects on the surface.

Flaws: Gluing thick wallpaper can present certain difficulties. Due to hot air flows, the seams between the canvases will diverge and become deformed. In addition, this material will definitely not save you from being flooded by your neighbors.

Hot air can cause the fabrics to peel off

Stretch ceiling

A suspended ceiling in the kitchen has long ceased to be a sign of luxury: prices have dropped to 500 rubles per square meter, which, combined with the small kitchen area, makes the final cost of the project more than feasible even with a modest budget.

Stretch ceilings are one of the best options finishing

Advantages: This coating creates a perfectly smooth surface and is also easy to maintain. It has a wide design variability and can hide all ceiling defects.

Flaws: The instructions for installing tension structures are quite complex, so you won’t be able to do it without the help of specialists. It also takes a few centimeters off the ceiling height, which is bad for a small kitchen.

Install tension structure you can't do it on your own

Which suspended ceilings are better for the kitchen - fabric or PVC film? To decide which suspended ceiling more suitable for our purposes, let's take a look at their qualities.

  • Fabric. They differ much more mechanical strength. It is almost impossible to damage them accidentally. May be missed a small amount of moisture, but at the same time, different manufacturers talk about the ability of their fabric to hold from 60 to 150 liters of water per square meter.

Fabric ceilings are installed once and for all. Removing the ceiling means that you will have to stretch a new fabric over the old baguette.

Fabric models are quite durable, but they are much more difficult to replace.

  • PVC. PVC with harpoon mounting can be removed for drying and draining an unlimited number of times. In case of a flood, not only will it not be damaged, but it will also hold the water until you arrive, protecting your property. The water can then be drained through the holes for the lighting fixtures or the ceiling can be removed completely to dry. Easy to clean with a soft sponge and soap solution.

Don’t know which stretch ceilings are best? Choose the PVC option - it is moisture resistant and easy to clean

Which ceiling is better for the kitchen - we can say quite clearly. Made from polyvinyl chloride film with harpoon mount. Despite being less durable.


Another exciting topic is the location of lighting fixtures and their choice. What is the best lighting to install if you are doing repairs yourself? Here the author will allow himself to give very specific recommendations.

For the cooking area and dining area choose different lighting sources

It is better to place the main, central light source directly above dining table. It could be a chandelier or an LED panel - everything is in your hands.

Above work area, sink and stove there is local lighting. Which light sources are best depends on the presence or absence of cabinets, the type of ceiling and its height. You can embed spotlights into the suspended ceiling - halogen or LED. A tripod with rotating lights or an LED strip would fit perfectly under the cabinets.

Don't forget to light up the work area


We've looked at all the pros and cons various types coatings, the best way to make a ceiling in the kitchen is up to you to decide. Thanks to this material, your choice will become more balanced and thoughtful.

Haven't decided yet which ceiling is best for the kitchen? The video at the end of the article may help you make your choice. Enjoy watching and good luck with your kitchen renovation!

The ceiling in the kitchen, like the walls or floor, is the background and base for creating harmonious interior. If in Soviet times it was difficult to imagine another method of finishing besides whitewashing, now designers will offer options for any style, for every taste and budget.

What is important to consider when choosing a finishing method?

  1. Ceiling height and kitchen area. In small kitchens in Khrushchev-era buildings, for example, voluminous hanging structures are unlikely to be appropriate. Although already big square combined-kitchen living room in the same standard series houses allows you to make a two-level ceiling with a minimum profile distance from the original base.

A multi-level suspended ceiling can be made in a spacious kitchen with a height of more than 2.5 m

On a note! According to the new standards set out in SNiP, the ceiling height should not be less than 2.5 or 2.7 m (depending on the climatic region). In new comfort-class buildings this parameter is 2.7-2.8, in business-class houses and luxury housing it can reach up to 3.2 m.

  1. Microclimate of the room. Humidity level temperature regime will influence the choice of finishing materials.

Important! The installed ceiling structure should not interfere with ventilation and free air exchange in the room. If violated, it can change the microclimate in the room, which can lead to troubles such as the formation of fungus and mold.

Which ceiling is better? See this video in detail with an overview of all the advantages and disadvantages of different materials:

1. Whitewash

Long known traditional version, which will require minimal cash outlay. All you need is to dilute lime or chalk, water and other auxiliary elements in the required proportions.

Whitewashing is one of the most environmentally friendly finishing methods.

It is believed that whitewash, from its very name, implies white color. But the solution can be tinted by adding various pigments to it, for example, the usual blue (to give it a blue or blue color).

Despite its availability, such finishing is inferior to other, more optimal ones, both in terms of price-quality ratio and in terms of the effort expended. Whitewashing will not hide unevenness and defects. To get the desired result, you need to perform a series preparatory stages– cleaning of old coating, removal of dirt and dust. Crevices and other irregularities must be covered with putty solution before whitewashing.

Whitewashing is not practical in terms of service life. You cannot wash a whitewashed surface, and regular contamination with grease and food particles during cooking (which is inevitable) will force you to frequently renew the finish. Lime is also intolerant of moisture.

2. Painting

Compared to the previous option, this one is more durable. Water-based paint is sold in a convenient, finished form in plastic buckets. Can be matte or glossy.

The advantage of painting with water-based emulsion is that in most cases such a ceiling can be washed after finishing. Considering that in the kitchen from high humidity and frequent contamination, the finish will still quickly lose its attractive appearance; it needs to be updated regularly.

The texture is denser than that of lime or chalk mortar, which allows for a more even application without sagging or streaks, but before painting you still need to go through the same steps as for whitewashing - cover up cracks, level, sand off the old coating, remove dirt and dust, pre-selectively paint over complex, bright spots that may show through after painting the entire surface.

3. Styrofoam tiles (foam plastic)

One of the most common design options, which has been losing relevance lately, and sometimes borders on bad taste. Expanded polystyrene tiles often have a design that imitates antique-style stucco.

The desire to create a seemingly expensive and sophisticated interior using cheap materials and imitations rarely gives a positive result.

Although high-quality and expensive tiles may still be appropriate in country style.

Buyers may be attracted not only by the price, but also by the opportunity to save money on the work of a master and time on repairs. It is simply and quickly attached to the ceiling using special glue and hides bright spots that can show through paint or whitewash.

Attention! Styrofoam tiles can hide small defects in the form of cracks, but they will not disguise unevenness or protrusions, and the design of the material itself will only further emphasize the imperfections of the surface.

Another disadvantage of such tiles is that over time they absorb grease and dirt. Although it can be washed, it is difficult to clean the multiple seams and curves perfectly.

On a note! Fast way update the ceiling trimmed with foam tiles - paint or whitewash directly over the material.

4. Stretch ceiling

  • matte. A universal option for any design;
  • glossy. More suitable for interiors in art deco or high-tech style.

The latter is able to visually extend the kitchen space.

Matte stretch ceiling

Ceiling with glossy design

This is acceptable in small kitchens with low ceilings, because... can be installed as close to the base as possible – up to 5 cm.

This option has great design possibilities - you can choose a color, a pattern, make photo printing to order, and arrange lighting without any problems.

In a kitchen with low ceilings and small area it is necessary to use very narrow ceiling borders or do without them altogether.

The most important advantage of this method of finishing is obtaining a perfectly flat surface, masking even the most complex defects.

The most common and most cost-effective material option is PVC film. This ceiling can be washed. Fabric is used less frequently. The price also depends on the design.

5. Suspended ceiling

Attached to aluminum profiles(metal frame). Drywall is used as the main material. Plastic panels and lining can be used for cladding.

Ceiling decoration in a private house

This ceiling can be perfectly combined with other finishing options. For example, there are combinations with tension.

This design method is not limited in design possibilities.

With this design you can create original lighting. Its stepped nature can zone the kitchen-living room space.

You can not bring the lamps outside, but make a glass, stained glass ceiling with lighting.

A suspended structure cannot be installed in a very small kitchen, in a kitchen with low ceiling. The best place to install it is a spacious kitchen-living room.

The material is relatively easy to work with plasterboard, it is environmentally friendly and inexpensive. The finished structure can be painted or covered with wallpaper.

6. Rack and pinion

The materials used are wood, aluminum or plastic.

May be open or closed type. Must do for kitchen slatted ceiling with closed seams.

7. Made from plastic panels

Expensive PVC panels are non-toxic, durable and less susceptible to ultraviolet radiation, which means they will retain their attractive appearance longer. Can be matte or glossy. The first option is preferable for both practical and aesthetic reasons.

High-quality plastic can adequately imitate wood without looking tasteless and cheap.

8. Cassette

The prepared frame is sheathed with cassettes - square slabs of aluminum or galvanized metal, chipboard, glass with dimensions ranging from 300 to 300 mm.

Mirror looks beautiful cassette ceiling. But you need to be prepared for the fact that this design option is more troublesome to maintain.

9. Decorative plaster

The modern composition is excellent for finishing a kitchen space, because... resistant to moisture and protects the surface from fungus. Experienced master can create with the help of decorative plaster beautiful drawing. Using a master class from a video on the Internet, you can also create a simple pattern yourself.

Concrete plaster

10. Wallpaper

Considering that hot air and fumes will always accumulate in the kitchen from the stove, it is impossible to guarantee the long service life of this finishing option. But wallpaper is cheap and easy to apply. Among them big choice both in color and pattern, and in texture.

Better suited for the kitchen vinyl wallpapers that can be washed.

Comparison table for choosing the best option

The following table will help you make your choice.

Finishing method

Affordable price

Low ceiling

DIY finishing

Masking defects

Life time

Can be washed


Foam tiles



Decorative plaster

Do not forget also that the ceiling design should be in harmony stylistically and in color with general design interior A white or milky matte ceiling remains a universal and win-win option.

Which ceiling is best to make in the kitchen depends on the requirements of the interior, operating conditions of the room, and, of course, material capabilities. There are a lot of methods to suit every taste and budget.

The kitchen in most houses and apartments is a room with very difficult operating conditions. Cooking on a stove, even an induction one, creates noticeable temperature changes over a very small area. Water and evaporation provide high level humidity, which has a destructive effect on finishing materials. Specific contaminants - soot, grease, dyes - make cleaning difficult.

So the kitchen should be decorated not only modern and beautiful, but also practical, otherwise all the attractiveness ceiling decoration will quickly disappear.

The photo shows a two-level kitchen ceiling made of plasterboard.

To remain clean and aesthetically pleasing, finishing requires materials that meet the following requirements:

  • steam resistance and high humidity – steam, reaching cool ceiling surface, condenses and then slowly evaporates. Accordingly, a ceiling that is not resistant to moisture will not last long in such conditions;
  • salt resistance– having evaporated, the condensate leaves behind salts dissolved in water. And these substances easily corrode unstable materials;
  • In addition, in the kitchen the surface encounters other types of steam and volatile substances: grease and soot. So you need to install the ceiling from materials that do not absorb dirt and grease and are easy to clean;
  • Temperature changes have the least effect on the condition ceiling, but this factor still needs to be taken into account;
  • maintainability– due to the local action of various factors, the ceiling experiences an uneven load: overheating above the stove, excessive humidity above the sink, cooling near the window. Accordingly, the finish is also destroyed unevenly. It is recommended to make the ceiling in the kitchen such that it can be easily repaired, restored or replaced parts of the finish.

Finishing work

This category includes finishes that do not change the height of the room. Such materials are usually very affordable, but can be very decorative and interesting. Which ceiling is best for the kitchen is determined by the design and capabilities of the owner.

Whitewashing is the traditional and simplest finishing method. Used mortar or chalk solution.

Advantages of the method:

  • whitewashing has the most affordable cost;
  • the finishing ceiling layer is vapor-permeable, which eliminates the need for additional ventilation;
  • This type of repair is easy to do yourself.


  • whitewashing does not hide irregularities, cracks, rusts, and so on;
  • the finish does not withstand humidity and high temperatures, so it is not suitable for the kitchen;
  • The repairs made will not last long; in a year the next whitewashing will be needed.

Painting is an equally popular option. It is more attractive because, firstly, you can choose waterproof paints, and secondly, the color range of paints is much wider.

Finishing advantages:

  • the paint tolerates high humidity better;
  • not all, but some paint coatings noticeably more resistant to wear, which allows you to wash the ceiling;
  • You can not only paint the surface with one shade, but also create contrasting color transitions, ornaments, and a large image.

Disadvantages of the option:

  • the paint is more stable, but does not differ in durability - repairs will be required in 2-4 years;
  • the coating is not resistant to leaks from above;
  • paint can hide minor defects, but it cannot handle rust and cracks.

Plaster is included in almost all finishing works. However, there are also decorative plasters, which in themselves are aesthetic. The following photo offers an idea of ​​the attractiveness of this solution.

Advantages of plaster over other ceilings:

  • the material is resistant to high humidity and temperature changes;
  • making a kitchen ceiling with your own hands is no more difficult than painting it, and the durability of this option is noticeably higher;
  • the plaster layer is vapor permeable and perfectly absorbs excess moisture;
  • The material can be washed countless times.


  • alas, such a ceiling absorbs grease and dirt, so you have to wash the surface often;
  • the finish absorbs odor;
  • A leak from above will render the ceiling completely unusable.

Wallpapering. The option can be very interesting, thanks to the large selection of patterns and colors, but for the kitchen, in general, this is not the best option.


  • wallpaper hides minor surface defects;
  • affordable price even in case special types finishing;
  • partial repair is possible.


  • hot air acts not so much on the wallpaper as on the glue, softening the adhesive layer, so the wallpaper begins to peel off quite quickly;
  • when using washable vinyl wallpaper, you will have to take care of additional ventilation;
  • a leak will require replacing at least part of the trim.

False ceilings

In this case finishing material slightly changes the height of the room and in some cases requires the construction of an additional foundation.

The ceiling can be made of panels. For the kitchen, this is the most optimal budget solution, since plastic has many advantages. The panels can be mounted both on the ceiling surface and on the lathing.


  • plastic is resistant to moisture, steam, water, humidity and leakage from above do not affect the finish;
  • the material tolerates large temperature changes;
  • panels are available in a wide variety of widths, colors and even shapes. Plastic can be either plain or patterned;
  • plastic absorbs little grease, soot and colored dyes, so it’s easy to clean.


  • the material burns, and when high temperature deformed;
  • plastic is vapor-proof; additional ventilation will be required in the kitchen.

Drywall. It is better to make it and then finish it to your liking, as this material creates an ideal base. The greatest attractiveness of drywall is provided by its gigantic decorative possibilities. The ceiling in the kitchen can only be made of waterproof plasterboard.

Advantages of the solution:

  • plasterboard is non-flammable and does not support combustion;
  • the quality of the material allows you to create both single- and multi-level surfaces of any degree of complexity;
  • the plasterboard base is perfectly smooth and even, completely covering all imperfections of the base surface;
  • the material can be plastered, painted, covered with wallpaper, panels, tiles, and so on.


  • it is necessary to arrange the sheathing. How more complicated solution, the more complex the structure of the frame;
  • Drywall cannot be washed. A painted ceiling is possible if waterproof paint was used.

Suspension systems

The design of such ceilings is much more complex and involves the construction of a frame. Used for this purpose only metallic profile, since wood is less resistant to moisture and is not suitable for such a durable material. It’s much more difficult to do it yourself.

The structure of the frame is determined by the type of finish. So, for example, for a structure under plasterboard sheathing, you can do it yourself. But for a slatted frame, a very specific frame is required: the master making the ceiling must calculate the structure to specific dimensions.

The design for plasterboard - strictly speaking, is already suspended and has all the advantages listed above. Another plus is added to them: the suspension system effectively hides not only the imperfections of the ceiling surface, but also all communications: ventilation, pipes, lighting.

What kind of ceiling to make under very harsh operating conditions? Of course, from metal slats. This material is ideal for the kitchen.

The photo shows the finishing with metal slats.


  • Aluminum slats are absolutely insensitive to corrosion. Steel is protected by a layer of zinc and polymer coating. The material is absolutely resistant to water and steam;
  • metal does not burn, does not mold, does not rot, which is confirmed by expert reviews;
  • slats can have not only their typical metallic color and shine, but also any other shade and even reproduce a pattern;
  • metal absorbs absolutely nothing, so washing it is a pleasure;
  • this is the most durable option of all possible;
  • slats can accept and hold different shapes, so a multi-level design is quite accessible.


  • Apart from the relative high cost, no shortcomings were identified in the material.

– no less suitable option for kitchen. It’s even difficult to say which is better - rack or tension, since the first is very durable, and the second is extremely decorative.

Advantages of the material:

  • the frame for the system is much simpler. At the same time, a multi-level structure can also be created;
  • the decorative possibilities of the film literally have no limits: any color, any texture, any image, any volumetric effect;
  • the tension fabric is absolutely resistant to water, even a leak from above will not harm it;
  • the fabric can be partially removed several times and re-tensioned after a leak;
  • Maintenance is easy, since the film does not absorb dirt and grease.


  • the film is easily damaged mechanically, so be careful when washing;
  • Self-installation is not possible, since installation requires special equipment.

How to make a ceiling in the kitchen depends on the selected material, the configuration of the base ceiling surface and operating requirements. If durability and water resistance are important, for example, stretch fabric is also suitable. If you want the simplest option, you can paint the surface or sheathe it with panels.

Finishing the ceiling in the kitchen is quite a responsible task. And the question is not only that the ceiling harmonizes well with the rest of the interior. In the kitchen, unlike other rooms of a house or apartment, steam, soot and fumes are formed in fairly large quantities. All this, rising up, settles on the ceiling. Therefore, the ceiling in the kitchen will need to be washed and cleaned much more often than in other rooms. Naturally, in order for the ceiling to withstand such “aggressive care” and for a long time has retained its attractiveness, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of materials from which it will be made.

Modern construction market offers quite a lot of options for finishing the kitchen ceiling - from “banal” whitewash to “newfangled” stretch ceilings. Let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular materials that can be used to decorate the ceiling in the kitchen.

Whitewashing the ceiling

The “oldest and kindest” way to finish the ceiling in the house (and the kitchen is no exception) is chalk or lime whitewash. But given that we're talking about Specifically in the kitchen, it is better to immediately eliminate chalk whitewash, since chalk absorbs moisture quite strongly, which will certainly lead to the formation of cracks on the ceiling or even cause it to crumble. Therefore, it is recommended to use only lime whitewash in the kitchen.

Chalk whitewash on the ceiling is short-lived - chalk absorbs moisture too well

To give the whitewash increased strength, and in the kitchen this will obviously not be superfluous, we recommend using whitewash with the addition of glue.

The advantages of whitewashing include the fact that “classic” white ceiling never goes out of fashion and combines with almost any interior - from “classic” to “high-tech”. In addition, when whitewashing, only natural, environmentally friendly materials are used. clean materials, which is undoubtedly another a significant plus.

However, along with the advantages of whitewashing, it also has a number of quite noticeable disadvantages. Firstly, to create a smooth ceiling surface you will have to resort to a rather complex and labor-intensive process of putty, and in some cases, plastering. Secondly, the whitewashing process itself, and especially those preceding it preparatory work associated with the appearance of large amounts of dirt and debris. And finally, it is very problematic to properly care for a whitewashed ceiling - it is simply impossible to wash such a ceiling.

Painting the surface

In its technology, painting is in many ways similar to whitewashing. Before this, you will also need to level the ceiling as efficiently as possible using plaster and putty.

Before painting the ceiling, it must be carefully leveled.

Please note that even if you use colored paint, the ceiling must be thoroughly cleaned of all existing stains, since otherwise they will show through the main color, which will undoubtedly ruin the entire appearance the ceiling, and the kitchen in general.

But unlike whitewash, paint is a much more durable coating and a painted ceiling will be much easier to clean or even wash, especially if you use high-quality washable paint.

Wallpapering the ceiling

One of the most popular options for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen (as well as in other rooms) is to cover it with wallpaper. Here are the main advantages of this method:

Wallpaper on the ceiling - quite simple and economical way finishing

  • Wallpaper makes it possible to hide small cracks and stains, thereby saving on putty;
  • A large assortment of washable wallpaper allows you to provide complete care for the ceiling in the kitchen;
  • A wide range of colors and patterns allows you to choose wallpaper for any chosen design;
  • And finally, wallpapering is one of the most inexpensive and simple ways repair.

The disadvantages of wallpaper include the fact that if there are serious irregularities on the ceiling, it will not be possible to do without preliminary putty.

Plastic panels

This type of ceiling belongs to the class of suspended ceilings and is mounted using special metal brackets.

When choosing a hanging suspension system ceiling for the kitchen, it should be taken into account that its level will be at least 5 centimeters lower than the real ceiling. Therefore, in rooms with small height(for example, in Khrushchev buildings) it is not recommended to use such systems.

Suspended plastic ceilings have the following advantages:

Suspended ceilings will “steal” several centimeters of kitchen space

  • There is no need to level the ceiling with plaster or putty;
  • Possibility to hide under plastic panels electrical wiring and exhaust and ventilation systems;
  • Possibility of installing “spot lighting”;
  • Easy care of the ceiling - plastic panels can be washed using even “aggressive” detergents.

The disadvantages of this type of coating, in addition to the reduction in ceiling level mentioned above, include the rather high cost of the structure.

Plasterboard ceiling

Another variety suspended ceilings is a plasterboard ceiling. Just like the design made of plastic panels, it makes it possible to hide defects in the main ceiling covering, thereby significantly simplifying the preparatory work. In addition, under a plasterboard ceiling you can hide all kitchen communications, including the exhaust system, although in this case the ceiling level will noticeably decrease.

Drywall like ceiling covering allows you to give free rein to your imagination and come up with your own original design

Another significant “advantage” of plasterboard ceilings is the ability to create “multi-level surfaces”, which undoubtedly gives great scope for implementing a wide variety of kitchen designs.

The disadvantages of plasterboard ceilings are the need for additional finishing(painting or wallpapering) and enough a complex system installation that will require special skills and tools.

Since the kitchen is a room with increased level humidity, it is recommended to use only special moisture-resistant drywall.

Video about options for finishing the ceiling with plasterboard

Stretch ceiling

Stretch ceilings are a relatively “young” technology, so some people have a reasonable question: “Is it possible to install such ceilings in the kitchen?” Answering it, we can say an affirmative “Yes”, and some properties of suspended ceilings make their use even more desirable than the use of other materials. It is true that it is worth noting that not all types of suspended ceilings are suitable for use in the kitchen, but only those made of PVC film. A special feature of such ceilings is that they are waterproof, which not only simplifies their maintenance, but also sufficiently protects the kitchen from possible flooding by neighbors on the upper floor.

PVC stretch ceilings reliably protect against moisture

Please note that suspended ceilings are “afraid” of mechanical damage. Therefore, when caring for them, it is necessary to exercise some caution and not use objects with sharp edges.

There are several types of PVC suspended ceilings. Let's look at each of them in more detail:

  • Glossy. This type of ceiling has a “mirror” effect, making the room visually larger, which is especially important for small kitchens. Their only drawback is the visibility of the seams. But when installing multi-level systems, this problem disappears, since in this case the installation of the canvases is carried out from small pieces.
  • Matte. Such ceilings in appearance closely resemble “classic” whitewashing or painting. True, unlike them, a perfectly smooth and even surface of the ceiling is achieved without complex preliminary work. Another advantage of matte stretch ceilings is the almost complete invisibility of seams, which makes it possible to use them in large kitchens.
  • Satin. These ceilings are practically no different from matte ones, except that their surface is made in the form of a rough texture. Due to this, the light reflected from the ceiling is refracted in a special way and they always appear “dazzling white”.
  • Artistic. Since on PVC film You can apply any image using a wide-format printer; artistic stretch ceilings are quite popular among designers. The most popular are images of the sky, stars and other “upper spheres”.

Types of PVC suspended ceilings (photo gallery)


Of course, everyone is free to choose the type of suspended ceilings that suits their taste best, but most experts agree that for the kitchen (especially when it comes to small rooms) glossy stretch ceilings are best suited because of their ability to visually enlarge the space, as well as their ease of care.

The list of advantages of suspended ceilings made of PVC film is quite wide:

  • Before installing them, there is no need to carry out preparatory work to level the ceiling surface;
  • A wide range of colors, the ability to create multi-level structures, as well as the ability to apply any images to film provide “unlimited scope” for design solutions;
  • Stretch ceilings retain their attractive appearance for a long time, and caring for them does not cause any difficulties;
  • The ability of the film to hold a sufficiently large amount of water insures you against flooding by neighbors above. Moreover, after pumping out the water, the film straightens and takes on its previous appearance;
  • The material from which suspended ceilings are made does not ignite easily, which makes them fireproof;
  • The process of installing suspended ceilings is practically not associated with the generation of debris and dust and is a “waste-free production”.

The only one serious drawback suspended ceilings can be considered the fact that the work on their installation is almost impossible to do independently. In addition to certain skills, this will require special equipment, namely heat gun, the cost of which significantly exceeds the price of installing suspended ceilings.

How to care for stretch ceilings (video)

As you can see, modern construction technologies give enough wide choose options for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen. Which one to choose is up to you, based on your preferences and financial capabilities. Good luck with your renovation!

Options for beautiful and practical ceiling in the kitchen

Today, kitchen renovation is not too troublesome. Eat huge selection construction and finishing materials that help create original interiors.
The question of how to decorate the ceiling in the kitchen always raises a lot of controversy.

The most important quality that a finishing material for a kitchen ceiling should have is practicality. The kitchen area is a place where something is constantly being prepared, and fat accumulations settle on the ceiling.
That is, the material must withstand frequent cleaning and not lose its appearance.

Advice. The options for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen are very diverse, but you should give preference only to moisture-resistant materials.

There is a huge selection of materials for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen area. Each of them differs not only in its cost, but also in its properties.
Types of ceiling decoration in the kitchen:

  • wallpaper;
  • plastering and painting;
  • plastic;
  • expanded polystyrene panels;
  • suspended ceiling;
  • plasterboard ceiling;
  • MDF panels.

Until recently, the most common type of ceiling finishing in the kitchen was considered to be plaster and paint. The ceiling was plastered and leveled.
After this it was applied water-based paint. It has different colors.
The only disadvantage of such a ceiling covering is that over time the paint layer begins to turn yellow.. But all this can be fixed very quickly.
You just need to re-coat the ceiling with a layer of paint.
There are also advantages of this finish:

  • durability;
  • practicality;
  • aesthetic appearance.

Advice. Before covering the ceiling with another layer of paint, it must first be cleaned and the areas where yellowness appears must be covered. special means. Only after this can you begin to completely paint the ceiling covering.

Wallpapering the kitchen ceiling

Wallpaper is not very practical and durable material for finishing the kitchen ceiling. Even if they are moisture resistant, they will still accumulate body fat, which will be almost impossible to clean from the surface of such a finishing material.
That is, after a certain period of time it will be necessary to update the ceiling and re-glue the wallpaper.

Advice. For kitchen decoration, it is best to choose more neutral wallpaper colors. This will allow the fatty deposits on them to be less noticeable.

Wallpapering the ceiling in the kitchen is a simple process. You can do it yourself and spend a little time on it.
For this you will need:

  • wallpaper;
  • glue;
  • a rag to remove excess glue.

It is best to use vinyl wallpaper to decorate the ceiling in the kitchen area.. They are more practical and do not absorb moisture as much. They do not show stains and can be painted any shade over time.

Advice. Before pasting the ceiling, you should first level it using moisture-resistant plasterboard or plaster.

There is another type of wallpaper that has only now become in demand - liquid wallpaper. They are perfect for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen area and can be “reanimated” if damaged.
On the package liquid wallpaper There are instructions according to which they are diluted and turned into a mass with the consistency of liquid sour cream. They are applied to the surface using spatulas.
There is a huge selection of shades of this finishing material. There will be no visible plaque or yellowing on their surface.
The main disadvantage of using liquid wallpaper will be its price. This finishing material is quite expensive.

Advice. Before using such a finishing material, it is also worth leveling the surface, since the wallpaper will imitate the painting of the ceiling.

Finishing kitchen ceilings with polystyrene panels

There is a large selection of such finishing materials. They meet different sizes, so it won’t be difficult to choose best option.
Expanded polystyrene tiles are glued to the ceiling surface. As a rule, beige tones of finishing materials are used to decorate the kitchen.
Additional polystyrene boards can be embedded into the ceiling surface lighting . Only for this you need to first run electrical wiring along the ceiling.
The effect after these actions will be simply wonderful. The ceiling can look luxurious.

Advantages of polystyrene foam boards:

  • durability;
  • practicality;
  • ease of installation.

In order to secure the slabs to the ceiling, you need to use mounting adhesive.

Advice. Before installing polystyrene foam boards, you can level the surface of the ceiling, or you can not do this. Plates are able to smooth out slight surface irregularities and hide them.

This finishing method is considered a budget option, since the cost of the material is affordable and the work itself can be done with your own hands.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen area

How to finish the ceiling in the kitchen? Today, a very large number of people prefer stretch ceilings.
They have different structures and quite a few colors of this finishing material.
There are two types of stretch ceiling surfaces that are used in kitchen areas:

  • glossy;
  • matte.

The glossy surface provides a "mirror" appearance. A matte stretch ceiling is not luxurious if it is made in the same color scheme.
Advantages of a stretch ceiling:

  • practicality;
  • safety;
  • durability;
  • easy installation.

Advice. To decorate a kitchen ceiling, it is best to use matte stretch ceilings. Fat stains will not be so noticeable on them.

Installation of this ceiling covering is quite simple. The installation process will depend on what type of stretch ceiling is chosen.
A stretch ceiling can not only level the surface without additional building materials, but you can also use it to create exquisite interiors kitchen area. The photo shows an example of such a ceiling finish.

Plasterboard ceiling in the kitchen

Drywall is universal material, which is used in almost any finishing work. With its help, you can not only very quickly level the surface, but also create original ceiling structures.
The advantages of drywall are:

  • easy to install;
  • creates multi-level ceilings;
  • practical.

It cannot be said that such finishing material has an aesthetic appearance. Its surface must be additionally finished with plaster and paint.
Very common in the kitchen area two-level ceilings. A large number of lighting fixtures can be located on them and thus, with the help of light, the kitchen is divided into working and dining areas.

Advice. For painting drywall on kitchen ceiling best to use acrylic paint, and not a water-based emulsion. This will allow you to freely clean the ceiling using regular detergents.

With help plasterboard construction you can implement interesting design solutions

Drywall is attached to a special metal carcass from profiles. That is, before installation it is worth making the lathing.
The video shows this process. It can be done with my own hands and lack certain skills and experience.

Finishing the ceiling in the kitchen with plastic panels

To the question: what is the best way to decorate the ceiling in the kitchen?, many will answer that with plastic. This material has certain qualities and properties.
Advantages of plastic panels on the ceiling:

  • practicality;
  • durability;
  • easy to clean;
  • easy installation;
  • moisture resistant.

It is thanks to all the qualities of the material that finishing the ceiling with plastic panels in the kitchen is very popular. Decorative lighting fixtures are often installed in such a ceiling covering.
This ceiling looks very neat and original. You can use not only one color of plastic, but combine panels of different shades.
How to decorate the ceiling in the kitchen? Each person answers this question individually.
Plastic finishes are considered more practical. Budget option The ceiling decoration in the kitchen area will be covered with wallpaper or polystyrene foam boards.
A suspended ceiling is considered an expensive option, but if you make accurate calculations, you can see that its cost differs from the price of a plasterboard ceiling to a very small extent. The most important thing is that the material for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen must be moisture-resistant so that it can be easily cleaned.
