How to choose the color of the walls in the apartment. Bedroom wall color. White wall color

Whatever style the room is decorated in, the central color load is carried by the walls. In fact, the interior design begins with them. Walls are responsible for psychological comfort, the degree of illumination, and harmonious combination all interior elements. What is it, the right palette of paints for walls, what are its secrets and what should be taken into account so as not to make a mistake in choosing.

Wall paint: individual color features

The basis of the spectrum, which is familiar to human vision, is the rainbow, which is familiar to us. A delightful natural phenomenon consisting of seven starting sectors of color. The desire of any of them for lightness leads to the appearance of white, while going into darkness produces black. At each of these stages, new shades are born that are widely used by people in their homes. There is even a whole science, colorimetry, the study of color. But we will not dive into complex scientific research and consider the palette of colors more sublimely, using the practice of Feng Shui.

Since the rainbow is the spectral middle, their properties also apply to the shades of colors. Here are the explanations Feng Shui gives them:

  • Red(coral, burgundy) is the energy of life. It stimulates and excites, attracts the eye and enhances passion. Its positivity is rebirth, dynamism, creation and gratitude. Negativity is expressed in destruction, cruelty, violence, stubbornness and shamelessness. The interior is easily perceived by energetic people leading an active lifestyle.
  • Orange (tangerine, honey, amber) is the color of optimism, good nature, sociability and freedom. Positivity is expressed in mercy, tolerance, generosity. An excellent option for rooms where people often communicate. It promotes openness and goodwill.
  • Yellow(cream, fawn, lemon) - this is laughter, joy, rebirth and love. Has a positive effect on mental capacity helps a person to concentrate. Ideal for decorating a schoolchild's or student's room. The main thing is not to overdo it with saturation, otherwise negative signs will appear in the form of talkativeness, critical views, and absent-mindedness.
  • Green(mint, light green, pistachio) - this is absolute harmony. Symbolizes life, freshness, peace, balance. Universal for any room.
  • Blue(sea wave, azure, lavender) - associated with cold, but also brings peace, wisdom, balance. In the negative there is complacency and superstition. Indicated for the interior of bedrooms and lounges.
  • Blue(indigo, electric blue, aquamarine) – the color of independence, justice and devotion. Organic as color accents, when saturated it causes depressing feelings. Gives the interior seriousness and respectability.
  • Violet(purple, heliotrope, lilac) - this is the power that raises kindness, wisdom and love for them highest manifestations. We love people who are creative and prone to mysticism. Often used in the interior of bedrooms and personal offices.

The apartment or house in which a person lives is a separate small world, where there is its own character, a set of feelings and emotions, which together influence all spheres of life of their household. Therefore, it is very important in the process of planning future repair work determine a palette of colors and shades that will decorate all the walls of the home.

Colors in the interior work real miracles, because in addition to the fact that different shades have different effects on psycho-emotional state person, they can modify the proportions of rooms, divide them into functional areas, and simply create a certain feeling from visual perception.

Features of choice

To make it easier to decide what color to choose for the walls, you need to soberly evaluate all the features of the room. Here you need to take into account the size of the room with the height of the ceilings, the lighting, and the presence of any defects in the form of cracks, protruding beams, etc.

When choosing a color scheme for a room, you should know that there are 3 options for combining the color of the walls in the interior:

  • similar colors are combined, for example, blue and sky;
  • a combination of tones of different saturations of one a certain color, for example, turquoise and indigo blue;
  • contrasting duets.

There are also some tricks when working with the color wheel. So dark colors perfectly hide any defects and imperfections of surfaces, while simultaneously visually making the room smaller.

A light palette increases the area, filling the room with light and lightness. But multicolor can overload the space. Here it is important to choose one dominant shade, and the rest should be a harmonious complement to it.

As for the illumination of the room, for areas facing northern more dark side better to choose light colors. Whereas the colors of the walls in the interior of southern rooms can be chosen from a bright, intense palette of tones.

A very important note is that the same shade looks on different surfaces differently. On smooth textures the paint looks lighter, on rough textures it looks darker. On matte canvases the color appears warm, while on polished ones it appears cold.

If you have any doubts before covering the walls with paint, it is advisable to test paint a small area of ​​the surface to make sure that you have made the right choice.

Basic combinations

Charcoal is a universal color. It goes well with all shades. The best companions for black are traditionally snow-white, rich red, shades of green, lemon and orange.

Red is considered a shade of passion and activity. It harmonizes perfectly with snow-white, charcoal, yellow, gray and green.

Lemon – tones the body and strengthens nervous system. Goes well with sky, blue and lilac.

The color of greenery is fresh and inspiring. Combines with a golden brown background, run.

Blue is associated with infinity, the depths of the sea or the expanse of heaven. Helps increase concentration. Harmonizes with steel, yellow and purple.

Room decoration


The designers claim that it is the hallway that conveys the full impression to guests about the owners of the apartment. To decorate it, you can safely choose shades that inspire confidence, namely the color of dark cherry, copper, “mahogany”.

With the correct placement of accents, such a palette will not affect the visual perception of a small corridor space.

Saturated shades need to be diluted with light tones. Beige and snow-white details will combine so perfectly with the selected bright colors. Dark background, complemented large mirror strict forms will seem endless.

It is also important to arrange furniture correctly without cluttering narrow hallway. To do this, you should limit yourself to a stylish steel hanger.


To decorate wall surfaces in the bedroom, it is advisable to use halftones. Smoky, slightly blurred shades will help you set the mood for rest and relaxation. Here it is appropriate to use a snow-white background in combination with soft purple, lilac and heavenly shades.


This room should set the mood for awakening and activity, because this is where household members meet after waking up in the morning. Combinations with juicy lemon, rose and orange tones will completely drive away drowsiness.

Stylization and coloring

Stylization also influences the choice of wall color. Thus, minimalism is characterized by cold tones in the form of pale sea, snow-white. Very often used in minimalist interiors grey colour walls

Baroque is distinguished by its multi-layered nature, so the finishing palette can contain 3 shades at once. For walls, as a rule, noble red and golden colors, emerald and natural brown are chosen.

For antiquity, the characteristic tones are beige, azure, olive and snow-white. This calm palette is complemented by plaster decor in the form of frescoes and stucco.

Modern style gives you the right to choose any shade for decorating wall surfaces. Modern design walls in the interior is considered to be painting one contrasting wall with a different color from the general background.

The main thing here is to choose this combination wisely. For example, a coal wall can visually lengthen a room, while an orange surface, on the contrary, brings the distant part closer.

Smart selection color palette for painting walls will help to achieve complete comfort in the perception of the living space.

Photo of wall colors in the interior

What can you achieve with the right color? What shades are suitable small room? What color combinations to choose for different rooms? What's fashionable in 2018?

The color of the walls in the apartment: the secret of choosing the right one

Home is a place where a person spends his free time, relaxes, and stores up energy. When planning a renovation, you should prepare well, think about what result is needed, and how to achieve this result.

Why is it important?

How to create comfort and coziness in your home? Important detail to get the desired result - the right combination colors of the walls in the apartment. Moreover, this detail carries not only an aesthetic meaning: correctly selected tones can visually correct the apartment’s shortcomings. For example:

  • visually move the walls and ceiling closer or closer;
  • add volume to small rooms.

Thoughtful color scheme:

  • will do dark rooms lighter;
  • will dim excess light and give a feeling of freshness.

Well, everyone knows about the emotional and physical impact of color on a person; it can invigorate, cool, tone, and influence the functioning of the body. Psychologists successfully use these properties in their work.

How to choose color combinations in an apartment

When choosing, you need to consider the following criteria:

  1. Lighting.
  2. Personal preferences.
  3. Combination of shades.

Lighting can be natural (sunlight and diffused light from the sky), artificial ( lighting) and influences perception. sunlight enhances the color palette, makes it brighter and more saturated. A darker finish is suitable here; gray-blue tones are acceptable.

The closer the chosen color is to natural light, the brighter the room will look. It is better to paint poorly lit rooms in warm colors to avoid the feeling of cold.

Artificial lighting also matters. For example, in low light, shades darken and look grayish.

It is important to remember the right combination. Understand this complex issue will help color circle, you can purchase it at any hardware store.

Shades used:

  • contrasting or complementary, in a circle they are located opposite each other;
  • those adjacent to contrasting ones are separately complementary;
  • those next to each other.

The last option will present the most calm and elegant combination.

Other, no less important criterion, - personal preferences. You have to like the color. One way to determine your preferences is to look in your wardrobe. Or use the Internet to find suitable options interior and decide whether it is suitable or not. If yes, then you can download the image and feel free to take it to the store and choose a similar one.

To understand how comfortable the selected shade feels, you can use ready-made interiors, often offered by hardware stores.

Another design tip is to paint several sheets of paper in selected colors and hang them on the walls. By repeatedly passing by them during the day, a person understands what emotions they evoke in him and which one he likes best.

Combination options in the interior of a small apartment

A competent approach to creating an interior will help make even a small apartment cozy.

Some techniques will help to visually increase the area:

  1. Light color of the walls, cold shades make the walls move away.
  2. Light blue and green are visually removed.
  3. It is not recommended to use dark paints.
  4. If you paint the walls and ceiling the same color using different shades, then the eye will not cling to the boundaries, and the room will seem more spacious.
  5. It is better to avoid bright contrasting tones.

Ideas for a large apartment and house

The large space allows for creative scope; the entire palette can be used, of course, with an eye to the main criteria. Suitable here: bright colors, rich dark, bold contrasts or, on the contrary, black and white or gray interior. The basic rule is to take into account the purpose of the premises, lighting, the correct combination of shades and their distribution in the room.

Choosing different color palettes for different rooms of the house

There is no need to paint the entire apartment one color, even using its shades. This is due to several important points:

  1. Influence on the subconscious. Each color carries information that affects people on an emotional and physiological level. And in each room it will be perceived differently.
  2. Perception. Each person has an individual perception of color. It depends on mood, well-being, and other external factors and can change in any direction.
  3. Color assignment. Sometimes people want to be in a calm environment, to relax. Other times you need to cheer up and concentrate. The shades of the palette used in accordance with the purpose of the room will help you achieve the desired result.
  4. You may get bored or dislike the same background.

Proper use of a color palette will help make each room individual.

In the living room, hallway

The living room is a room with many functions. It is intended for spending free time, meeting with friends, and doing household chores. Accordingly, the color decoration of the walls should also be universal.

By general rule Warm shades are suitable for walls in rooms with dark lighting; colder and muted shades are suitable for light rooms.

You should choose paints based on the size of the room and the height of the flows: light colors will visually enlarge the room and the darker it is, the lighter the chosen shade will be. Gray-green, cream, light yellow are good options.

To visually adjust the shape of a room, you need to take into account the following qualities of colors:

  • bring closer - white, red, orange, brown, yellow, pink;
  • moving away - black, gray, blue, light blue, violet.

Favorite by many, green is neutral. The combination of green and brown is popular.

Design small space It is best to use a light color scheme for the corridor. White, beige, light tones of green are suitable. To visually shorten the length of the corridor, you can make the end opposite the entrance darker.

In the bedroom

In a room intended for relaxation, the use of bright or contrasting colors is not recommended. It is better to use shades of the same spectrum. It can be one main tone and two additional ones, or one color and one or two of its shades.

Green, golden beige, light yellow, white are good colors for decorating a bedroom.

In the nursery

Choosing the color of the walls for a child’s room should take into account the character and temperament of the child. No matter how much you want to decorate the nursery brightly, we must not forget about the psychological impact of color on the fragile child’s psyche. It is suitable to use the zoning method, since a child’s room is a bedroom, a living room, and game room. Or choose one of the soothing tones: green, blue, blue. Preference should be given to their light shades.

Exciting and exciting colors include: red, bright yellow, orange. If you really want to use any of them, it is better to choose muted tones. Or dilute it well, for example, with white.

What colors work in several small rooms

Decorating small rooms comes down to the desire to visually enlarge the space. You can choose your favorite color, but from this point of view, its light shades are more suitable, helping to create a similar optical effect. Saturated tones or contrasting spots will lead to the opposite result.

In 2018, designers recommend:

  1. Rich muted tones of blue and green.
  2. Powdery tones – powdery beige, pale pink. The combination with black looks impressive.
  3. Coffee.
  4. Bright floral.
  5. Pumpkin and yellow.
  6. Combination of orange and black.

Comfort and coziness is the area internal state a person, something that cannot be put into a framework, because people are individual. Design advice contains a lot useful information to create a harmonious space around and it must be used. However main secret in what a person should like.

When choosing paint for the walls in your apartment, it is better to pay attention to your favorite colors, and then adjust the shades to suit your needs. necessary conditions, use the entire spectrum, and then the result will definitely please you.

Useful video

A person spends approximately 1/3 of his life in the bedroom. It has long been known that color affects a person’s performance, activity and relaxation, so it is so important to choose suitable shade for this intimate room. The color of the walls in it is determined not only by the taste of the owner of the house or apartment, but also by the parameters of the room, the degree of its illumination, the shade of the furniture and some other aspects.

What room parameters should I focus on?

If the room is located on the sunny, south side of the apartment or house, then you should choose cool shades for the walls. Light muted tones will create artificial coolness in the room and will not take away daylight, the room will maintain a relaxing and favorable atmosphere for sleep and rest. There are other options:

  • Painting the walls in yellow in a sunlit room you will make it stuffy and hot.
  • For south side choose neutral white or gray, lavender, lemon, light blue, pistachio or sea green.

  • For a bedroom on the north side, on the contrary, will fit warm shades like milk and coffee, and the whole beige-brown range, especially if the room is dark or small.

To make the room cozy and bright, choose yellow, terracotta, gold and peach shades.


How smaller room, the lighter and paler the shade of its walls should be. The main color and correctly placed accents allow you to visually change the proportions of the bedroom: for narrow room choose vertical stripes on one of the walls, for the one with low ceilings– vertical lines.

A combination of two or three shades of the cold and warm spectrum will visually make the bedroom space wider: narrow wall painted in warm tone, and two wide ones - in the cold. Cool shades visually expand the walls and make the interior stylish, while warm shades make the interior cozy.

Number, size and location of windows

How more windows, the brighter the room, which means you can play with the shades of the walls and make them darker (gray, brown and even black). Designers advise painting 1-2 walls per dark color, if you really want it and natural light allows.

If the room has one tiny window, then the walls should be extremely light.


In a light bedroom, contrasting furniture looks good - dark, and in a dark one - vice versa. Today the trend is interiors in a single color schemedark walls in combination with the same dark furniture.

The influence of shades on the human condition

The opinion of psychologists about the color scheme for the bedroom:

  • ABOUT white color psychologists continue to argue about the walls in the bedroom: some consider it too cold and “sick”, others say that it is ideal for relaxation and setting the right accents in the room. Those who advocate snow-white walls in the bedroom mention that it is necessary to bring pleasant shades into the interior, which will create a holistic image of the apartment or house.
  • Light pastel shades such as beige, milky, cream, ivory and muted lilac, blue and pink are the most favorable for the bedroom. Psychologists recommend using them in room decoration and say that calm colors promote relaxation, relieve stress and fatigue in general. Being in such an environment, a person switches his attention to rest, his nervous system becomes less excited. Any muted shades have a positive effect on the human body and it is good if the most intimate room in the house is decorated in them. Colors can be in a single muted range or contrast against each other.

But don’t rush headlong into the pool and paint all 4 walls beige - make the bedroom cozy with the help of color accents. Psychologists advise combining milky and creamy shades with white or brown and, for example, paint several walls one color and one or two another.

  • Psychologists believe purple unfavorable for the bedroom: it literally drives you into depression and does not allow you to relax. It's about about rich or dark purple, while lavender, on the contrary, is supported by experts. They do not recommend decorating the bedroom in too dark and gloomy colors such as brown, black, marsala and others, especially if the bedroom is used not only for sleeping, but also for leisure and work.
  • Red color excites the nervous system and irritates the human psyche, so painting all 4 walls in the most passionate color is not worth it. But a red accent on the wall can exist in the form of a painting or decorative overlays at the head of the bed in order to give a signal in time and resume brain function.

  • Yellow psychologists associate it with creativity and say that it normalizes brain activity and promotes various creative activities. Yellow in a bedroom interior can be either basic or accent color. If we talk about orange, then it is suitable for a child’s bedroom or an adult’s, but then the shades of color should be soft (coral, peach).
  • Blue– the color is noble and expensive, it refreshes the interior well and has a beneficial effect on a person. Psychologists say that dark blue shades suitable for accent wall, but it is better to choose a stripe instead of a plain covering: it will visually expand the room or raise the ceilings and will not make the space too strict.
  • Green associated with freshness, relaxation and tranquility. For the bedroom this is perfect solution, especially if you choose its light and muted shades, which go well with white, brown, pink, gray and yellow.

Basic rules and nuances of choice

Psychologists give the main advantage to light shades of walls in the bedroom and advise using 2-3 colors to zone the room. White color, for example, favor relaxation and rest, green - mental work, yellow - creativity.

If the room has not only a bed, but also desk With bookshelves, then it is better to divide it into zones and paint each of the walls in its own shade, not forgetting about maintaining the overall style in the bedroom.

The colors in the bedroom should be harmonious, and this applies to the colors of the walls, furniture and textiles:

  • The color of the room is determined depending on its style: in the classics, beige tones look good, in Provence - white and muted faded shades, in Loft - natural colors like brown and gray, in Baroque, dark graphite, emerald, burgundy and gold predominate. Therefore, your choice must be based on the initial idea and your own preferences;

  • The shade of the walls depends on its area: in a tiny room with one window, cold gray or blue walls, and in a spacious room brown will be very useful;

The choice of colors and their shades is huge, and in order not to make a mistake, choose one favorite tone - blue, pink, light blue, green or any other and go from there;

Start from the purpose of the room: if it is created exclusively for sleeping, choose any calm shade, even dark - it will put you to sleep well. If the bedroom is also a living room and an office, then it should be made exclusively in light colors.

Popular combinations

Let's look at the main ones:

  • White color- like a canvas on which you can create a unique image of your bedroom. It goes with absolutely all colors and their shades. In general, all colors are combined with each other; whether this combination is successful is another matter.

Best color to decorate the room - beige. Its shades are identified with infinity and harmony, a cozy and relaxing atmosphere. B

  • Beige color looks harmonious with related brown or pastel shades like apricot and salmon. You can dilute it with contrasting colors: pink, green, gray, blue, yellow, orange, red, black.

  • Gray walls, like white, are combined with all basic and even complex shades: emerald, burgundy, pear, peach, but the most profitable and stylish combination it turns out gray + yellow.
  • The most capricious is the purple shade. It is important to correctly combine it with the style of the room and decoration - furniture, textiles. Purple walls can look good with gray, beige and their shades, contrasting orange, blue, terracotta, burgundy and lilac shades.

Black and dark gray walls look good with red, milky shades, blue and any powdery, faded colors. It is appropriate to combine a green tint on the walls with all the basic colors (gray, white, black, beige) and pink, brown, blue, lilac.

To learn how to determine the most advantageous color combination when decorating a bedroom interior, watch the following video.

As a base, choose light shades (white, beige) and any muted shades - peach, olive, sky blue, yellow. You can finish the walls in single color or add a contrasting shade.

In order to correctly select the color combination of walls, ceilings and floors, you must follow certain rules. Next, the secrets of the designers will be revealed and a table will be provided on the possibility of optically changing the internal volume using a play of colors.

For correct selection colors you can use the color wheel

In order to correctly and beautifully combine shades in the interior, you should adhere to certain rules

Laws for choosing floor colors - combination of house elements

The color of the floor in the interior plays a key role. Depending on the structure flooring, its pattern and color, further selection of colors is made for finishing walls and ceilings, as well as selecting doors and furniture.

There are 2 basic rules that must be followed.

  1. When purchasing flooring, baseboards, doors and furniture, you should use a maximum of 2 color schemes. To achieve a certain effect, you can use contrasting design. All interior elements should be in the same warm or cold palette.
  2. To avoid disharmony, when choosing wall colors, you must adhere to the trinity of shades. Namely, the surface coating should contain a maximum of 3 main colors.

To get a special effect, don’t be afraid of halftones. They contribute to the harmonious fusion of many different shades without harming the unity of style. IN modern design contrast is often used.

To get a special effect, don’t be afraid of halftones

To avoid disharmony when choosing wall colors, you must adhere to the trinity of shades

When purchasing flooring, baseboards, doors and furniture, you should use a maximum of 2 color schemes

Features of choosing flooring colors in the kitchen

As a rule, in the kitchen and in the corridors they try to lay moisture-resistant linoleum, glue porcelain tiles or lay moisture-resistant laminate. The variety of patterns allows you to vary when choosing the color of walls and furniture facades.

Usually when setting up living rooms the furnishings are selected closer to the color of the doors. In the kitchen, horizontal surfaces should be in harmony with each other. In such a fusion of the floor pattern and furniture, the decoration of the room will be cozy and comfortable.

Bright colors of tiles can be:

  • dilute with white tiles;
  • apply various types ornaments;
  • Repeat the patterns laid out on the floor on the apron set.

It is very important that the color of the floor is in harmony with the furniture and walls

Usually tiles or linoleum are laid in the kitchen

In the kitchen, the color of the floor should be in harmony with other elements

The wide variety of linoleum produced increases the variations in the choice of facades and other elements of kitchen furniture.

More strict natural coatings Laminates are usually used to create a classic style. The main thing when buying material is that the color of the floor and furniture match.

Decorating the kitchen Not large sizes It should be taken into account that a pattern of tiles or linoleum laid out diagonally visually expands the area.

You can see the selection of colors in the table below.

Color compatibility table

Color wheels for color selection

Color combination of walls, floor and ceiling

The apartment will become comfortable to live in if the color combination of the floor and walls in the interior is correctly selected.

Looking at the color chart, you will notice the following.

  1. Contrast of dark floor, bright wallpaper and white matte ceiling, can significantly change the height of the room. Furniture in such rooms is installed in pastel shades, in small quantity so as not to clutter the floor.
  2. Using the same color in different tones gives harmony and peace. Mostly cream colors are used. IN classic style this is the most common palette. It applies to any type of housing.
  3. Selecting for small hall The color of the floor is mahogany, wenge or chocolate, the remaining planes should be done in a light, almost white color. Soft colors will optically push back the walls and raise the ceiling. Absolutely white matte painting will make the surrounding volume faceless. It will completely lose its shape.
  4. Opposite surfaces attract, giving different sensations. Such tinting can be suitable for any room, depending on what result you want to get in the end. For a high apartment, a dark floor is ideal, the ceiling and cream walls match it. Low rooms will raise white glossy ceiling and a light floor with rich side planes.

The apartment will become comfortable to live in if the color combination of the floor and walls in the interior is correctly selected

The contrast of a dark floor, bright wallpaper and a white matte ceiling can significantly change the height of the room

Opposite surfaces attract, giving different sensations

Combination of floor and doors

An important role in the design is played by the color of the floor and the texture of the doors. It is a mistaken belief that they must be the same color. Conditioning design solution, these interior elements can be:

  • in one color;
  • in a contrasting solution;
  • white or painted doors and any floors.

Made in contrast, the doors are framed with a platband matching the color of the floor, or skirting boards are used to match their texture. The furnishings and decoration in such rooms are selected according to door leaves. It fits perfectly into the overall layout.

The room can be done in one color scheme

Some elements can be highlighted in color

How to visually change volume using flooring?

The selection of floor colors due to other surfaces significantly influences general form rooms. Having considered the combination of colors in the interior, you can create a table on how and what color to choose for the floor, ceiling, walls and furniture in order to significantly change the area.

Floor shade

Wall shade

Ceiling shade

Furniture shade

Change of space

Increases volume


increases the area, reduces the height of the room

Dark or neutral

raises the height of the room, narrows the space

feeling of a basement or well

One dark wall

the walls move apart relative to the dark wall

One dark wall

reduces the length of the room, increases space


compresses the area, creating a feeling of a cave

By choosing rich tones of all surfaces, you can get a closed cube, which is absolutely not comfortable to stay in for a long time. Such options are usually used when designing large halls using birch furniture and good lighting, as well as when decorating nightclubs and bars.

The selection of floor colors based on other surfaces significantly affects the overall appearance of the room.

Having considered the combination of colors in the interior, you can create a table on how and what color to choose the floor

A light floor raises the height of the room and narrows the space

Depending on the desired result, the color texture of the floor is selected:

  • tones of red - perfectly emphasize the contrast and prevail over other surfaces, clearly indicating the horizon;
  • blue colors - expand the layout, preferable for the sunny side;
  • shades of yellow – solar warmth and light;
  • tones of green - create comfort and peace, well suited for creating a relaxation area.

Based on the above, we can conclude that in order to bring any plane closer, it must be made darker. To increase volume - light.

The floor can be made in one color scheme

To bring any plane closer, it must be made darker

Selection of carpet and wallpaper

At one time, carpets went out of fashion and were rarely used in design projects. Today they are again an integral part of bedrooms, children's rooms and living rooms. The variety of patterns and pile heights allows you to use carpets and rugs in any room.

In order to achieve good result It is necessary to decide not only on the shape, but also on the shade of the carpet.

  1. A dim room in pale colors will be decorated with a bright product. In addition to it, you can use decorative pillows made in the same color scheme.
  2. The classic style can be supported by a carpet with a calm pattern. The main thing is to choose a suitable shade so that it does not get lost and at the same time is combined with other elements of the decor.
  3. For small rooms, as a rule, large-sized carpet is chosen in calm and soft colors, preferably monochromatic. They will optically increase the size of any room.
  4. In large halls and bedrooms, small rugs with a three-dimensional pattern are laid to highlight any area. A voluminous flower or animal face looks great in a large space and presents itself favorably. Saturated and warm colors used in spacious living rooms to highlight a specific area.

The design of the room is made in one color scheme

The room design is made in light colors

A certain role in decorating an apartment is assigned to the purchase of wallpaper.

A certain role in decorating an apartment is assigned to the purchase of wallpaper. The colors and patterns applied to the walls have great importance in visual perception:

  • horizontal stripes on the wallpaper reduce the height, make the room wide and low, if you make only one wall striped long corridor, then it will visually get closer;
  • vertical stripes lift low ceilings, the effect increases with the width of the strip;
  • a large drawing brings the walls closer, so small apartments It is not recommended to use wallpaper with such an ornament or to cover only one wall with it in an elongated room;
  • a small pattern expands the walls - cream wallpaper with a small pattern applied to it optically enlarges the space;
  • wallpaper with wide transverse stripes pasted onto the ceiling brings the opposite wall closer and pushes the side ones apart; this method is widely used when creating the interior of narrow halls and corridors.

Cool colors can visually increase the area of ​​a room

Light shades are preferable to use in large rooms

Based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn.

  1. Bright, rich warm and dark cool tones reduce the space, but at the same time make it original. They are unacceptable for small apartments.
  2. Pale pastel and light cool shades increase volume, expand walls and raise ceilings. They can be used in the design of any room.

Video: Color combination in the interior
