How to make a homemade underwater crossbow. The design and principle of operation of a crossbow for underwater hunting

  • materials:
  • steel wire;
  • round fishing (previously it was stubbornly called aircraft modeling) rubber band;
  • cambrics and heat shrink tubes various colors and sizes;
  • plate made of hard and lightweight material;
  • waterproof glue;
  • a whip from a winter fishing rod;
  • tools:
  • scissors;
  • pliers;
  • matches or lighter for heating heat shrink tubing;

Homemade crossbow for spearfishing

A homemade crossbow allows you to hunt any game, from small to large animals. The hunting crossbow has the following design:

  • The base to which the remaining elements with a guide bar will be attached. This bar determines the flight path of the bolt (arrow).
  • Shoulders, or bow: determines the strength of the shot.
  • The block that attaches the base to the bow.
  • Trigger mechanism.
  • Bowstring.

The base is carved from durable wood, but not heavy, so that your hands do not get tired of carrying a weapon. Ideal option The base materials are beech and walnut.

In conditions wildlife no time to cut beautiful base, but you need to try to make it as convenient as possible for yourself. The guide bar is a groove where the arrow will be placed.

It should not create friction when the bolt (arrow) moves, so after attaching it, you need to use sandpaper or a polishing wheel to polish its surface. You can make it separately using a metal tube cut in half, but when hiking conditions It’s easier to cut a deep groove at the base of the structure.

It is better if the stock and the guide are separated from each other.

The arms of a crossbow are an important structural part. A simple do-it-yourself crossbow has a classic bow design: the string is statically attached to the shoulders, transferring the force of the shot from them to the arrow.

To make a bow, you need to use flexible wood that will hold its shape without breaking from numerous bends: ash, maple, acacia. The shoulders are hewn out with a knife symmetrically and in such a way that their base has a larger diameter in girth than the edges.

At the edges you need to cut out fastenings for the bowstring. To attach the bow to the base, you need to make a block.

Usually the block for attaching the base and bow is made of metal. In hiking conditions there is no such possibility, so simplest model A hunting crossbow may have a wooden block. For this you need a strong tree, ideally oak. The block is attached to the base, then the bow is attached. Everything is connected into a single structure using self-tapping screws, nails, or strong rope.

For the bowstring you need to use a material that is strong but not too elastic. Suitable materials for this include: fabric, wire, fibrous plants, bark, horsehair, animal tendons or skin. Using these materials, you need to weave a bowstring using the braid method; hair, leather and tendons can be used in their original form. Once the bowstring is in place, the homemade crossbow for hunting is ready.

There is an opinion that what is often mistakenly called an “underwater crossbow” is rather a weapon that operates on the principle of a slingshot for underwater fishing. A crossbow is not suitable for underwater hunting, since the resistance of the water will not allow you to make a successful shot.

However, you can build a homemade crossbow for underwater hunting in the sense that you can use it to shoot fish from above, in shallow water, and underwater.

A homemade underwater crossbow is, essentially, a rubber shotgun. There are also pneumatic weapons, but assembling them yourself is difficult and requires special skills and abilities.

Underwater weapons consist of the following structural elements:

  • Lever
  • The basis
  • Trigger
  • Headband
  • Harpoon
  • Rubber bands and hook

The principle of operation of the device is that the projectile pushes the harpoon and returns it back through rubber bands. The trunk can be cylindrical or irregular in shape. Its task is not only to hold the guide, but also to resist the bending loads created by the rubber bands.

The underwater crossbow guide serves to stabilize the position of the harpoon. It is better to make it from aluminum pipe, divided into two parts.

One of them needs to be attached to the head of the gun, the second - at a distance of about 10 cm from it. The harpoon should pass through them without hindrance.

The headband can be open or closed type. In the first case, ring cords are attached, in the second - paired ones.

When using ring rubber bands, the acceleration of the harpoon will be greater than with pairs. Unbalanced power of the strands will either not create enough force to launch the harpoon, or will create excessive stress on the bending of the barrel.

The rods must be attached on each side to the coil holder, secured with clamps. The second end of the strands must be passed through a special ring; it will be more convenient to shoot with it.

Finished winter fishing rod with a nod on a rubber shock absorber

Materials and tools

First, from a piece of fairly stiff wire we make the base of the crossbow according to the approximate dimensions as in the picture.

Crossbow wire base

We attach the wire frame to the whip using a heat-shrinkable tube, so that there is an interval of 5-10 mm from the end of the whip to the arc of the crossbow.

Frame on a whip

To the place where the frame is attached and to the tip of the whip, we glue pieces of small cambric to pass the fishing line using waterproof glue based on cyanoacrylate.


We fold the elastic band in half and tie the ends together; the piece should be such a length that when putting it on the frame, it needs to be slightly (!) pulled.

We thread the elastic loop into a transparent silicone tube (I used the one included in the set with Chinese fireflies), it should be transparent for ease of further installation.

Rubber in a tube

We take a rigid light plate and glue a cambric to one of its ends to pass the fishing line. The plate should not bend under the weight of the jigs being used. I made it from a piece of an old fiberglass fishing rod.

We insert the resulting guard into the pre-drilled holes in silicone tube so that it ends up between the elastic veins. It turned out like a crossbow arrow.

Boom assembly

We attach the arrow with elastic bands to the shoulders wire frame. The crossbow is ready.

Crossbow for winter fishing rod assembled

We insert the structure into the prepared fishing rod and reel. We pass the fishing line through the throughput cambrics and hang a control weight. The tackle is adjusted by twisting the ends of the rubber band so that the crossbow arrow takes a horizontal position (while fishing you will still have to make slight adjustments due to the density of the water and the weight of the jig with the attachment).

Crossbow, side view

Crossbow, top view

A winter fishing rod, unlike a summer fishing rod, is short in length, compact and simple in design. Convenient models equipped with a nod (guard).

With such an element, you can count on the necessary play with bait and prompt signaling of a bite. It is attached to the whip using a small clamp, electrical tape or wire.

Homemade fishing rods with similar designs they are not inferior to branded ones. The main thing is to do everything during manufacturing as the professionals advise.

The “crossbow” nod for catching bream is the same small-sized winter fishing rod that has a rubber shock absorber. The idea of ​​using such a mechanism is not new.

The first such models appeared in the 70s. Models with a guard and a rubber shock absorber do not give everything away due to the time wasted on manufacturing, however, those who were not too lazy to design the device note high efficiency products.

The crossbow is based on a stainless steel frame with a diameter of 0.9 mm. The average length of the shoulders is 5 cm, the total width is 7 cm. A rubber ring serves as a shock absorber, which is put on, stretched tightly, over the horns. As for the cambrics, they are located on the six and gatehouse. The best option crossbow fishing rods - a model in which the reel does not lock quickly.

What is a crossbow like in action? Using it you can fish with one tackle and any bait. different ways: on maximum depth with a rise, to play, using the method of slowly lowering the bait. When casting a fishing rod, it is not recommended to lower the tip of the nod as much as possible above the water.

During the setup process, it would be good to install the element in a horizontal position. This way he will better detect the bite.

As for the gatehouse, it is already regulated on site. Adjustment for baits of a certain weight is carried out by increasing/decreasing the number of revolutions.

An additional sinker can be placed both on the fishing line and outside it. Due to the well-designed design, when pulling out a fish, it does not feel the weight of the jig and sinker during the lifting process.

Visualization of the nod of the bite on the rise and fall

Bite on the rise

Even a light bite on the rise will look very obvious, thanks to the elasticity of the elastic band. It should be noted that the arrow will not go down on its own, and therefore it will be possible to see the missed bite.

Lowering bite

When you bite down, the arrow will lower...

Example of a smooth running reel

A reel for a fishing rod with a crossbow for winter fishing you need to take one so that the fishing line comes out of it smoothly, without a locking mechanism, otherwise the tackle will be difficult to adjust. Nod - the homemade product is adjusted so that when installed above the hole, the jig with bait touches the bottom.

All the gear is presented in all its glory in the following photographs.

Homemade spring crossbow

A spring crossbow differs from a regular crossbow in that it is fired due to the elasticity of the bow. To make such a model, you can use available materials: spring mesh from old bed, a spring processed with a grinder, shock absorbers from bicycle wheels.

The spring of this type of crossbow can be located inside the stock; there can be two of them for each shoulder or one for both shoulders. The spring inside the stock is different small in size, such weapons are convenient to carry and use in the forest.

The spring can be used not only for tension, but also for compression, and by increasing the number of turns, you can adjust the tension force of the bowstring. A spring projectile can be built if you slightly re-equip your crossbow with a conventional device.

Pros and cons of the "crossbow"

Advantages of a crossbow:

  • excellent sensitivity of the gear;
  • good display of the most careful bite;
  • adjustment for any bait weight;
  • the fish does not feel the weight of the jig, the nozzle or the resistance of the nod.

“Crossbow” is a winning tackle option for catching bream in winter. It is intended for use in severe frost and wind. Many people take it for fishing in the current. All popular solutions are suitable as bait: plant foods, maggots and worms, modern designs– jerky. The device lasts for many years - 3-4 seasons exactly. Advantages:

  • clear display of even the most careful bite;
  • simple, quick adjustment of the mechanism for bait of any variety;
  • the fish does not feel the resistance of the nod, the weight of the hook, or the bait.

The disadvantages include the following nuances:

  • just smooth, slow play. With sharp, frequent movements, the nod rises;
  • The setting gets lost quickly. The bait immerses only smoothly.

There are two types of underwater guns: crossbows and pneumatics. What to choose, a crossbow or a pneumatic gun for underwater hunting?

Spearfishing crossbows work based on rubber rods, which give the arrow acceleration. An air gun operates using a piston that moves along a vacuum barrel, which is charged with air using a special pump.

Advantages of crossbow guns:

  • minimal toss of the gun when firing and, as a result,
    greater accuracy;
  • simple and reliable design;
  • relatively low cost;
  • does not require any special devices(pump at
    air guns);
  • noiselessness.


  • when hunting big fish the arrow often breaks;
  • large size (from 50 cm) makes hunting in difficult terrain
    places almost impossible;
  • there is no possibility to change tips without alteration;
  • you cannot change the combat strength in a charged state;
  • the combat power is less than that of pneumatics.

Video in which you can see underwater hunting with a crossbow. Enjoy watching.

Design and principle of operation

An underwater crossbow is no different in design from its land relative. Roughly speaking, this is a stick with tension rods. In the charged state, the rods are held by a harpoon, which is fixed by a trigger.

When you pull the trigger, the trigger releases the arrow, the rods accelerate the arrow, and the shot occurs.


Depending on the body of water and its specific areas, different crossbows are used. However, you can choose a crossbow that will be quite effective in most cases.

The main characteristic of the trunk is its length. The targeting range, lethal force and accuracy depend on it. Sighting range budget models equals 2 barrel lengths, for more advanced ones - 3.

The accuracy of the shot also depends on the longitudinal bending rigidity. An insufficiently rigid barrel bends downward under pressure and significantly reduces accuracy. To increase rigidity often increase the thickness of the trunk, but at the same time its weight also increases. To avoid this, some companies use carbon and fiberglass as materials.

But the use of these materials significantly increases the cost, so manufacturers have found alternative solution- irregular trunk shape.

The irregular shape of the barrel section provides the required rigidity without adding weight or using expensive materials. Thanks to its flattened shape, the barrel becomes more streamlined and encounters less resistance in the water.

Wooden barrels have excellent rigidity - an ideal choice for long-range shots.

Another solution to the rigidity problem is special chute on the barrel, guiding and stabilizing the shot. Usually present on models in the mid and higher price ranges.

Triggers are either regular or reversible. The latter increase the aiming range by 10 cm and are more often present in high-end models. All metal milled trigger – key condition a good and durable crossbow.

The line drop automatically overturns the line (cable) previously wound on it. It must be metal to withstand low temperatures, and also be located in the side field of the handle, so as not to create unnecessary windage and not interfere with the reel.

Cheap staples are used as hooks for thin rods and bows for thick ones. More advanced holds: compound articulated and silent dyneema.

The head part of the crossbow comes in 4 types:

  1. Open provides better visibility and more power.
    The harpoon is secured with ring rods - a wound line.
  2. The closed one stands out for its improved accuracy thanks to the paired
  3. With one rod provides more power at the expense of
  4. Mixed uses paired traction, working on the principle
    ring, which allows you to increase power without loss of accuracy. Better
    Suitable for hunting large fish.
  5. The hydroformed barrel completely covers the harpoon and
    creates a perfectly straight shot trajectory.

There are cravings different lengths and thicknesses. For small fish you need to use thin rods, for large fish - thick ones.

The cheapest rods are black. Amber latex ones are more effective and flexible, but they require careful care. The best option is amber rods in a black protective braid.

A reel is needed when catching large fish weighing more than 2 kg, when a reserve length of line is needed. In other cases, the reel only increases windage and reduces the accuracy of the shot.


Harpoons differ from each other in diameter and length, sharpening or tip, type of hook, steel grade and flag. But one parameter must remain unchanged - the stainless steel material.

Single-pronged harpoons have more penetrating power, but easily get stuck in crevices. With polytooths the opposite is true, which is why they are used for reef hunting.

Two flags secure the fish on the harpoon more reliably, but increase hydrodynamic resistance.

To hunt small and fast fish you need thin harpoons, for large ones - thick ones.

There are two types of hooks: traditional slot and shark fin. The first is used in simple and cheap harpoons; it breaks easily due to a weak point - the slot. The second is much stronger and allows the use of more powerful pulls, but is only suitable for crossbows with an open head.

Best crossbow

Ideal options for beginners– Seac sub sting and Omer Cayman. Among the advantages are the low price and active line discharges (the second one has a side one).

The second crossbow can be chosen in a higher price range: Demka Ami 2, Salvimar Voodoo, Cressi sub Comanche. Line drops and harpoons are stainless metal. The only disadvantage of Demka Ami 2 is the inability to use harpoons from other companies.

True spearfishing fans will love the Salvimar Voodoo rail, Omer Cayman G.I. and Seac sub Twin Thunder. All have a guide (the first one has rollers), so the accuracy is much greater.

Among the professional crossbows: Demka ALC with two rods, Seac sub X-fire with a ring and OmerHFCamo 3D. All are distinguished by their high combat power, and the last one has a hydroformed barrel.

The Omer Cayman E.T. with a non-standard hydroformed barrel was recognized as the best crossbow. The model is the most accurate yet, using a shark fin grip, an all-metal hammer and trigger, and elastic cords. This is a top class crossbow.

Spearfishing with a crossbow

Main The advantage of a crossbow is accuracy. Therefore, most often they go with a crossbow to catch small and fast fish. For example: mackerel, wakha. These fish are far from the reefs, at a distance of 5 meters from the surface.

At the same level are sailfish. Sailboats usually react weakly to the presence of a hunter, but after being hit by a crossbow they develop incredible speed. It will take a lot of stamina not to lose this fish from the harpoon.

Barracudas live in schools and quickly swim away after being shot by a hunter. So with barracuda you only get one chance.

A batch of six such underwater crossbows was tested with positive results by a group of underwater hunters in the Karabakh underwater sports camp. This article clarifies only certain technological details of the manufacture of a crossbow for spearfishing.
The stock of a speargun for underwater hunting consists of a barrel block 12 and a handle 3, made of straight-layered dry birch, which, along with strength, provides buoyancy to the underwater crossbow.
For ease of use, the butt of the crossbow should have rounded corners. The lower corners of the barrel block also need to be smoothed. The butt and barrel retain rectangular section only in the areas where they connect with the duralumin cheeks of the stock. To ensure that the holes for the rivets 11, which fasten the cheeks 9 with the barrel block and the butt, match, it is recommended to drill simultaneously (in the cheeks and wood).

The crossbow data for underwater hunting is as follows:
length - 980 mm;
weight (without harpoon) - 800 g;
underwater gun harpoon weight - 200 g;
killing distance - 3 m;
the flight range of an underwater gun harpoon under water is about 7 m;
The force required to pull the rubber sling is 25 kg.

The accuracy of the underwater crossbow is ensured with the help of an aluminum groove 7, laid on the barrel block in a groove cut along its entire length.

At the end of the barrel block, this groove is closed by a second groove 26, which is a barrel lining that protects the harpoon from falling out when the crossbow is turned over.

The barrel lining can be replaced with three brackets 12-15 mm wide, sawn off from the groove blank. The groove and the lining are attached with 2-mm 27 screws to the barrel block.

Making a groove: on a smooth straight board you need to lay a rod, which is intended for making a harpoon for an underwater gun. On both sides of the rod, close to it, nail two strips of 3 mm plywood.

Make a matrix from an oak block measuring 40x40x100 mm, cut a groove 4.5 mm deep and 5 mm radius at the end of the matrix with a round file. To make a groove, cut an aluminum strip measuring 0.5x35x800 mm, place it symmetrically relative to the middle of the harpoon and, hitting the matrix bar with a hammer, give the strip a grooved cross-section evenly along its entire length.

The most complex part of a crossbow for spearfishing is trigger 5. It is made of two steel parts: the hook itself and the pawl, which are welded.

Diagram of a wooden crossbow for spearfishing

1- rubber buffer (two strips 8x25x75 mm; nail a strip of hard rubber to the stock, glue it on top rubber glue a strip of soft spongy rubber); 2 - iron nails (6 pcs., ∅1.5x15 mm); 3 - stock (dry birch, straight-grained; paint with oil varnish); 4 - restrictive sleeve (steel ∅ 8x24 mm, through hole∅ 4.2 mm); 5 - trigger (steel, welded part); 6 - spring (steel wire ∅ 1 mm; outside diameter springs 9 mm, 15 turns, close); 7 - groove (sheet aluminum 0.5-0.6x35x800 mm); 8 - screws (3 pcs., steel, ∅ 3x12 mm); 9 - cheek (2 pcs., sheet duralumin, grade D16-T, thickness 2.5 - 3 mm); 10 - bracket (aluminum strip 2x16x160 mm); 11 - rivets (5 pcs., steel, from nails ∅4x35 mm; when riveting, form semicircular heads by crimping); 12 - barrel block (dry birch, straight-grained; paint with oil varnish); 13 -screw (steel, M5x34); 14 - nut (steel, M5); 15-washer (1 pc., steel, ∅ 5 mm, galvanized); 16 - bushings (2 pcs., duralumin ∅ 12 mm); 17 - stop (2 pcs., steel wire ∅ 3x40 mm); 18 - fuse (steel wire ∅ 4 mm); 19- aluminum sheet plate 2x16x85 mm); 20 - loop (OBC steel wire ∅ 2x180 mm; to make bending the ends easier, they should be loosened at a length of 10-12 mm); 21 - a bow to protect the rubber from friction against the edges of the groove (iron wire ∅ 4 mm; wrap tightly around the ends of the loop, part 20); 22 - cuff (thin part of type A nipple); 23 - rubber bandage (2 pcs., 1x16x200 mm); 24 - ball (2 pcs ∅8 mm); 25 - rubber sling (vacuum tube general purpose TU MHP104053r, 3x5; external ∅ 13 mm, hole. ∅ 3 mm; workpiece length 800 mm; specify the length during assembly, ensuring the tension force when loading the crossbow is 25 kg (for men); 26- lining (sheet aluminum 0.5-0.6x35x280 mm; when installing the lining on a crossbow, ensure the harpoon can move freely in the barrel with a gap of about 0.5 mm on the side); 27 - screws (10 pcs., steel, 2x10 mm); 28 - tube from of stainless steel(inner diameter 8 mm, wall thickness 0.5-0.7 mm, length 15 mm); 29 - eye (2 pcs., steel wire ∅ 1 mm; solder to part 28; 30 - harpoon (Z0KhGS steel, hot-rolled ∅7 or 6X900 mm), clean with sandpaper, lightly harden the tip); 31-latch (sheet steel 0.5-0.7 mm thick; when manufacturing and installing the latch, ensure its completely free rotation on the axis and stop in the tilted position at 90° relative to the harpoon); 32 - rivet (iron wire ∅1.5x15 mm).

Note. All steel parts, with the exception of those made of stainless steel, must be galvanized. Electroplating steel parts of the crossbow is very desirable, since sea ​​water The rusting process occurs extremely quickly. Galvanizing of parts can be successfully replaced by nickel plating.

Particular attention should be paid to matching the trigger and safety 18, which must be precisely fitted to the slot in the trigger. When the safety is engaged, the hook holding the harpoon should not fall and thus fire a shot.

In order to prevent the harpoon from bending upward under the action of a rubber sling, a steel restrictive sleeve 4 is placed above it on a through rivet, in which a semicircular groove 3 mm deep is cut, which does not allow the harpoon to also move away from the trigger tooth. When drilling for the trigger axis, you need to ensure that the center of the hole is exactly along the extension of the central axis of the harpoon. Displacement of the harpoon axis can cause an accident as a result of a spontaneous discharge.

To embed wire loop 20 into rubber 25, you need to anneal two balls with a diameter of 8 mm (from the ball bearing). Drill a through hole with a diameter of 2.2 mm through the center of each ball, after which each hole is drilled to half its depth with a drill with a diameter of 4.2 mm.

Bend a loop of wire with a diameter of 2 mm. Place the balls on the wire with the drilled ends facing out. Having bent the 10 mm ends of the wire 180 degrees, tuck them into the drilled holes in the balls and drive them tightly into the holes with a diameter of 4.2 mm with light blows of a hammer. Place two thin-walled rubber tubes 22 onto the wire (cutting them off from the thin part of the nipple).

Tuck the ends of the elastic bands under the last turn of the braid, then slide them onto the winding of the cuff, having previously lubricated the bandaged areas with rubber glue.

Unlike existing designs of underwater gun harpoons, the harpoon of this underwater crossbow does not have a thickened part and a sliding sleeve twice as large as the diameter of the harpoon.

Instead of this sleeve, a thin-walled steel tube 28 is put on the harpoon, which is tied with a piece of line to a hole drilled in the front part of the harpoon using wire ears 29 soldered to it. The length of this segment allows the tube to slide during a shot only to the notch of the harpoon. This design of the harpoon allows you to make it at home from a steel bar without the use of turning. Harpoon 30 has a pointed end and a hinged latch 31.

When making a crossbow for spearfishing for women, it is necessary to choose the length of the rubber sling so that the loading force is slightly less than 25 kg, i.e. feasible.

The harpoon line should be made from a nylon braided cord 3 m long and 2-2.5 mm in diameter or from a nylon core with a diameter of 1.5 mm, which is used for tennis racket nets.
Tie one end of the harpoon line to the ears of the bushing, and the other to the front end of the barrel block, threading the line through a hole with a diameter of 4 mm.

While the underwater hunter is moving in the water, the supply of line is tucked into the belt. Wherein right hand The hunter holding the crossbow should be bent at the elbow.

At the moment of approaching the fish, the underwater hunter, moving his hand forward, pulls out the line from his belt, and the line hangs in a free loop along the body of the swimming hunter.

Rules for using a homemade wooden crossbow for spearfishing

1. Wooden crossbow for spearfishing, it should be charged only in water, while pointing it towards the bottom of the reservoir.
2. After charging, the trigger must be immediately locked with safety. Turn off the fuse only before approaching the target.
3. Firing an underwater crossbow on land is completely unacceptable, as this can lead to an accident.
4. When loading and during underwater hunting, you must strictly ensure that the crossbow is not pointed at a person, since a spontaneous shot can lead to serious consequences.
5. After using the underwater crossbow in seawater, it must be washed in fresh water, wipe and dry.
6. If the paint layer on wooden parts or the coating on metal parts of the crossbow is damaged, it is necessary to wash the damaged areas, dry them and paint them with TsAPON varnish or BF-2 glue. If corrosion appears, clean the corroded areas and paint over them as indicated above.
7. You cannot store an underwater crossbow in a loaded state, as this will weaken the rubber sling and, over time, cause the wooden stock to bend, and may also cause a spontaneous shot.
8. It is necessary to monitor the straightness of the harpoon of the underwater gun, since even its slight curvature significantly reduces aiming.
9. It is necessary to remove rust from the harpoon, since a rusty harpoon becomes rough and, as a result, the lethal range of the crossbow is sharply reduced.

In sports underwater shooting, they are popular air guns. But many difficulties can be encountered in their production, so for novice hunters we can offer the structure of a simple-to-use underwater spring pistol.

To produce an underwater gun you will need some building materials:

  1. Metal wire for a spring, grade OVS, 65G or PC, the diameter of which will be 2 mm (13 - 17 meters);
  2. Duralumin pipe for pistol barrel, diameter internal space 12.5 – 13 mm;
  3. Two plates for the handle, about 12 mm thick (aluminum, oak or beech, vinyl plastic);
  4. A rod for a harpoon made of stainless steel or silver, the diameter of which is 6 - 8 mm.

How to make a gun for underwater fishing with your own hands?

Making a gun They start with one of the most complex parts - the spring mechanism. IN in this case it is necessary to use the help of professionals, since the spring must be curled on a special machine, and then exposed to high temperatures and anti-corrosion spraying applied. The dimensions of the spring are shown in the diagram, but its length should exceed the dimensions of the barrel.

The spring works to shorten and compress and its length should be 2.5 cm longer, so after the first shooting the spring is compressed by 20%. After such a reduction, the spring should exceed the length of the muzzle by 1 - 2 cm. The fact is that after firing the shot, the tendency of the spring at the end of the muzzle does not decrease to zero values, and, therefore, the harpoon-spear is not released early from the leading element, and it gains a lot of power. This action is achieved by pre-compressing the spring mechanism.

The second stage involves manufacturing and assembling the muzzle. For these purposes the best way A duralumin stick is suitable. It is recommended to make the muzzle size about 6.5 - 7 cm, since such dimensions are extremely comfortable when shooting. You need to cut threads on both sides of the tube, and then cut a recess of about 1.5 - 1.7 cm for the shutter release mechanism. This size of recess will allow you to adjust the force of the gun by moving the handle closer to the muzzle. Afterwards, holes are drilled in the barrel for easy passage of moisture. It is necessary to machine a muzzle recoil amplifier and a barrel plug from duralumin. You need to drill a hole in the muzzle plug through which a harpoon spear will be inserted into the muzzle. After completing the manufacture of the barrel, it is necessary to proceed to the production of the handle and trigger mechanism.

Underwater gun diagram

The weapon's handle consists of two identical plates. To produce it, the plates are fixed in a special carpentry device and holes are drilled into them to suit the size of the muzzle, after which the handle is cut out along the contour. Afterwards, on each plate it is necessary to make a recess with a depth of 3.5 mm under the trigger mechanism with a milling tool or a file. Another step in making a weapon is to drill holes for the axis of the trigger mechanism, the spring and the safety. The grip plates are connected at the muzzle and compressed with screws. To prevent the possibility of the handle sliding along the muzzle, a stop ring is attached in front of it with a special pressing screw. The final assembly of the handle ends after the production of individual parts of the trigger mechanism structure.

A hunting crossbow is an excellent weapon for catching food in the forest, as well as a means of survival in extreme conditions. It differs from a conventional bow in more accurate aiming, better striking power and ease of use due to the presence of a trigger mechanism. The advantage of such a weapon compared to others is that it can be made independently, you do not need to obtain a special permit for it, like for a gun, and the simplest crossbow can be made with your own hands in a matter of minutes, if time is pressing. Disadvantages include the time required to reload, as well as the short distance for sighting on the target.

A homemade crossbow allows you to hunt any game, from small to large animals. The hunting crossbow has the following design:

  • The base to which the remaining elements with a guide bar will be attached. This bar determines the flight path of the bolt (arrow).
  • Shoulders, or bow: determines the strength of the shot.
  • The block that attaches the base to the bow.
  • Trigger mechanism.
  • Bowstring.
Drawings of a hunting crossbow

The base is carved from durable wood, but not heavy, so that your hands do not get tired of carrying a weapon. The ideal base materials are beech and walnut. In the wild there is no time to cut out a beautiful base, but you need to try to make it as convenient as possible for yourself. The guide bar is a groove where the arrow will be placed. It should not create friction when the bolt (arrow) moves, so after attaching it, you need to use sandpaper or a polishing wheel to polish its surface. You can make it separately using a metal tube cut in half, but when traveling, it’s easier to cut a deep trench at the base of the structure. It is better if the stock and the guide are separated from each other.

The arms of a crossbow are an important structural part. A simple do-it-yourself crossbow has a classic bow design: the string is statically attached to the shoulders, transferring the force of the shot from them to the arrow. To make a bow, you need to use flexible wood that will hold its shape without breaking from numerous bends: ash, maple, acacia. The shoulders are hewn out with a knife symmetrically and in such a way that their base has a larger diameter in girth than the edges. At the edges you need to cut out fastenings for the bowstring. To attach the bow to the base, you need to make a block.

Usually the block for attaching the base and bow is made of metal. In field conditions there is no such possibility, so the simplest model of a hunting crossbow can have a wooden block. For this you need a strong tree, ideally oak. The block is attached to the base, then the bow is attached. Everything is connected into a single structure using self-tapping screws, nails, or strong rope.

To fire a shot, you need to make a trigger mechanism. In order to integrate the trigger, you need to make a vertical slot in the base. A retaining bar should be attached over this slot to prevent the bowstring from accidentally slipping off.

For the bowstring you need to use a material that is strong but not too elastic. Suitable materials for this include: fabric, wire, fibrous plants, bark, horsehair, animal tendons or skin. Using these materials, you need to weave a bowstring using the braid method; hair, leather and tendons can be used in their original form. Once the bowstring is in place, the homemade crossbow for hunting is ready.

Instead of arrows, like a bow, bolts are used here, which have greater lethality. They are made from durable and elastic material. The bolt must have a perfect shape, and the center of gravity should be in the first third of the shaft. All bolts must be the same length and weight, otherwise the results from the shots will always be different. Good bolts are made from fiberglass telescopic rods. The tip is made from metal sheet, cut out with metal scissors. The tip is lubricated with epoxy glue and inserted into the cut at the end of the shaft.

Homemade crossbow for spearfishing

There is an opinion that what is often mistakenly called an “underwater crossbow” is rather a weapon that operates on the principle of a slingshot for underwater fishing. A crossbow is not suitable for underwater hunting, since the resistance of the water will not allow you to make a successful shot. However, you can build a homemade crossbow for underwater hunting in the sense that you can use it to shoot fish from above, in shallow water, and underwater.

Homemade underwater crossbow (in the process of making)

A homemade underwater crossbow is, essentially, a rubber shotgun. There are also pneumatic weapons, but assembling them yourself is difficult and requires special skills and abilities.

Underwater weapons consist of the following structural elements:

  • Lever
  • The basis
  • Trigger
  • Headband
  • Rubber bands and hook

The principle of operation of the device is that the projectile pushes the harpoon and returns it back through rubber bands. The trunk can be cylindrical or irregular in shape. Its task is not only to hold the guide, but also to resist the bending loads created by the rubber bands.

The underwater crossbow guide serves to stabilize the position of the harpoon. It is better to make it from an aluminum pipe divided into two parts. One of them needs to be attached to the head of the gun, the second - at a distance of about 10 cm from it. The harpoon should pass through them without hindrance. The headband can be open or closed. In the first case, ring cords are attached, in the second - paired ones. When using ring rubber bands, the acceleration of the harpoon will be greater than with pairs. Unbalanced power of the strands will either not create enough force to launch the harpoon, or will create excessive stress on the bending of the barrel. The rods must be attached on each side to the coil holder, secured with clamps. The second end of the strands must be passed through a special ring; it will be more convenient to shoot with it.

Depending on the size and power of the weapon, the harpoon has different lengths and thickness. The hooks on it are of the cut or sharpfin type. The dihedral shape of the harpoon blunts less, while the trihedral shape has a higher penetrating ability. Handle structure homemade crossbow– it’s an individual matter, it may not exist. If you plan to hunt large fish, you must have a reel. It is most convenient to install the coil in the front end of the barrel.

A spring crossbow differs from a regular crossbow in that it is fired due to the elasticity of the bow. To make such a model, you can use available materials: a spring mesh from an old bed, a spring processed with a grinder, shock absorbers from bicycle wheels. The spring of this type of crossbow can be located inside the stock; there can be two of them for each shoulder or one for both shoulders. The spring inside the stock is small in size; such a weapon is convenient to carry and use in the forest. The spring can be used not only for tension, but also for compression, and by increasing the number of turns, you can adjust the tension force of the bowstring. A spring projectile can be built if you slightly re-equip your crossbow with a conventional device.
