Design of a dressing room under the stairs - ideas and options. Ways to design a staircase in a private house Reading corner under the stairs

November 2016

The staircase in a private house and its improvement pose a real problem. This is due to the fact that it occupies a relatively large space.

He practically takes it away from the property, leaving nothing in return. The dimensions of the stairs cannot be reduced. Because saving on steps affects the safety of residents. There is only one option left - to try to turn the problem into advantages. Your assistant will be ideas for using the space under the stairs in a private house.

Efficient use of space under the stairs

The space under flights of stairs can be used for almost any purpose. There would be a desire. But still, before starting work, you need to evaluate the actual dimensions and think about what is more necessary and convenient to place in this area.

So, as always, pick up a pencil and see what is there after all.

The room under the stairs: assessing the space

Of course, if the staircase is located right at the entrance, you cannot equip a bedroom here. Inspect the niche and pay attention to the following points:

  • Assess the size of the room. As far as the height allows you to place a shelf or cabinet. The depth of the niche is also important; everything that does not fit under the stairs will peek out from it.
  • Often communications from the second floor pass through the space under the stairs. In this case, they will need to be covered with a structure and sound insulation provided, otherwise the movement of water through the pipe will be heard throughout the house.
  • It is important to evaluate the quality and design of the niche ceiling before starting work.

Determine the size of the free space under the stairs

You know where the stairs are and the purpose of the room. This is considered the most important criterion when choosing an idea for using the space under the stairs in a private house.

Using the space under the stairs for utility rooms

Most often, the staircase is located in the hallway, somewhere at the entrance. Therefore, the space under flight of stairs usually used for utility or auxiliary premises.

Pantry equipment

A storage room refers to rooms most often located under a flight of stairs. This can be easily explained by its small volume. When arranging a storage room, you can consider the following options design:

  • Make a full-fledged storage room under the stairs. Cover with a beautifully decorated door. At the same time, ensure that the design of the door on the outside matches the style of the room. It did not stand out, but on the contrary, it was veiled, blended with the walls, or was decorated like other doors in the room.

Storage room in the free space under the stairs

  • If the pantry is located at the entrance, you can put household equipment in it. It is convenient to place scooters and strollers here. In the summer, it is good to provide sun loungers and portable umbrellas. In winter, use for sleds, skis and skates.

Bicycles can be stored under the stairs

  • There is no need to hide the pantry. You can do without a door. It is enough to close only small space flight of stairs. Place sports and household equipment in the resulting niche.

Open storage area under the stairs

  • A good solution is to place household appliances in the space under the stairs. It can be either mounted into an improvised wall or placed on a shelf. The freezer and washing machine located here will help relieve the space in the kitchen and bathroom.

Accommodation household appliances under the stairs

The main requirement when decorating a room is to provide the necessary temperature, humidity and provide ventilation. Another advantage of organizing a storage room under the stairs is that things that are often needed for relaxation will be stored together and close to the entrance.


Not big sizes The premises allow the space to be used as a wardrobe. A sloping ceiling will not interfere with the convenient placement of fasteners on which things will subsequently be hung. The shelves are suitable for storing umbrellas. Since the space under the stairs is deep, it can be used as a full-fledged wardrobe, into which it is customary to periodically go in and change clothes.

Using the space under the stairs as a dressing room

You can give the room as a hallway. There are several options for organizing a niche:

  • In the free space under the stairs, install a furniture set that matches the style of the main room. Use the free space near the furniture to store shoes and install a basket for umbrellas.

Furniture set under the stairs to match the style of the room

  • The entire room is divided into several shelves. Hang hangers for outerwear in free space. The lower shelves are used to store shoes. Pack the necessary little things into boxes and place them around the room. Close all this wealth with doors.

Wardrobe under the stairs

  • You can organize a closet under the stairs yourself or order a design from a craftsman. In this case, you can do without doors. The slanted ceiling allows for beautiful at different levels place fastenings for things. Below on the shelves you can put identical boxes intended for shoes, hang umbrellas and bags. Open design will not spoil the interior at all

Open storage system under the stairs

  • Large drawers throughout the entire space look beautiful and modern, which, when pulled out, become shelves. The unusual design looks great; the boxes can be used in a wide variety of ways.

Food storage space

Right off the bat, the idea of ​​storing food supplies under the stairs seems like a bad idea. But this place is perfect for storing supplies that usually spend the winter in the cellar. There are several reasons in favor of this choice:

  • There is no need to install heating devices under the stairs. In this case, the niche will not heat up, and after installing the door it will be slightly protected from the heat of the room. As a result, excellent conditions for storing winter food supplies will be created in this room.

Under the stairs you can organize a place to store food

  • You can not close the space, but try to arrange a real display case with food products, covered with transparent glass panels.

Open food display under the stairs

  • An interesting idea to turn extra space into a beautifully designed storage area for wine bottles. Of course, if you have something to fill this makeshift wine cellar or you are a fan of home winemaking.

Organizing a wine library under the stairs

  • An open bar is a wonderful unusual and stylish design option. A pair of armchairs located nearby will only decorate the atmosphere and make it more homely.

Outdoor bar under the stairs


A toilet or bathroom equipped under the stairs is a common option for using a niche. This is facilitated by the fact that a second bathroom can be installed on the second floor in the same place. Thus, service communications will remain common.

The following tips will help you equip your premises:

  • The space under the stairs will accommodate a small room with a toilet and sink. This will be convenient for when guests come. All the amenities they need will be located here. The main thing is that in the resulting room there is room to turn around. To do this, try to carve out a floor area measuring 2.3 by 1.2 for the bathroom. And try to create a height of 2.5 m, but not less than one and a half meters.

Dimensions of a comfortable bathroom

  • If there is a lot of space under the stairs, you can try placing a bathroom here. In this case, it is worth paying attention to such features of the room as high humidity and temperature changes. To prevent dampness and the appearance of fungus, it is necessary to provide good heating and provide the room with good ventilation. Worry about creating thermal insulation. Provide waterproofing of the room. As you can see, there are many requirements and problems that need to be solved.

If space allows, you can place a shower under the stairs

  • When placing a full bathroom, most often it will not be possible to install a real bathtub. Choose a shower stall.

Small bathroom under the stairs

  • When setting up a bathroom under the stairs, be prepared that the furniture sets available for sale will most likely not fit into the room. Furniture will have to be made to order.

Setting up an area under the stairs for utility rooms is a good idea, but not a new one. You won't surprise anyone with such a layout. It is much more interesting to try to turn this small place into a living space in which the residents of the house will spend most of their time.

A variant of this use of space was shown in classical cinema. The legendary Bublikov from “Office Romance” spent two whole episodes, instead of working, watching women's legs nimbly running up the stairs all day.

Idea for using the space under the stairs for an office

The space under the stairs is sometimes large, in which case it can be used as an office, or even provided with a door or sliding wall for partial soundproofing and privacy. But even small sizes Niches for an open-type office are suitable:

  • Fits in a small space computer desk, the computer itself, a cabinet, shelves or drawers for placing office equipment. If the table is slightly out of size, it will partially take up the space of the main room. Whether or not it is necessary to cover the space with a door is up to the owner of the office to decide. The closer you try to bring the design of a niche closer to a real office, the better the result will be.

Small workplace under the stairs

  • A full-fledged office office will be created from a large room. You will need furniture specially made for small apartments, but the result is worth it.

A full-fledged workplace in the free space under the stairs

The main problem you will have to face when similar option design is to worry about the availability of a sufficient number of light sources and connection points for office equipment.

Kitchen equipment

As a rule, the kitchen is rarely placed under flights of stairs. This is due to the characteristics of the room. But under the flight of stairs you can install household appliances: a refrigerator, dishwasher. Fits a desktop. Be sure to pay attention and foresee where the vapors will go, take care of waterproofing. Electricity must be supplied to each element of household appliances. For some equipment, provide water supply and drainage.

Kitchen in the space under the staircase

The kitchen, located under the stairs, is not locked into a closet or hidden behind a door. It organically forms a single whole with the main room. In this case, the design style of the rooms is the same. It is necessary to take into account the fact that it will not be possible to purchase furniture for a non-standard room in a retail chain. Will need to be made to order.

Kitchen furniture under the stairs is made to order

Arrangement of the bedroom

Using a small space to place a bed is an interesting idea that will make your home unique and unusual. Of course, you shouldn’t create a niche in a separate room and install a wall with a door. In this case, the room will simply turn into a closet.

Organization of a sleeping place in the space under the stairs

But it will turn out unusual and stylish if you deepen the bed due to the flight of stairs and create a cozy corner for daytime sleep, organize a small sleeping area for overnight guests. Furniture that is best suited for placement is transformable, which daytime will shrink in size and comfortably fit all the sleeping accessories inside. If this is not possible, install additional cabinets.

Children's sleeping place in the stairwell

Idea for arranging a place to relax

The most interesting and healthy idea is to organize a place under the stairwells for rest and recuperation. There are several arguments in favor of this decision:

  • This place will not be limited by walls and floors. You can rest at any time and from various labors: harvesting in the garden, caring for flower beds, cooking or cleaning the premises. Small, specially organized place will help restore strength in a short period of time.

Seating space under the stairs

  • If there is an opportunity to make a window under the flight of stairs, be sure to take advantage of it. In this cozy place you can lie for hours and admire the landscape.

Relaxation area with window under the stairs

  • The place under the flight of stairs does not bother anyone and does not in any way restrict the movement of family members. If you have small children who cannot yet move independently, sick family members with limited mobility, organize this place for them. A family member will be in the center family life despite health problems.

Children's playhouse under the stairs

All kinds of lighting, pillows, cabinets and chests of drawers will only add variety and decorate the interior. Feel free to try new ideas for using the space under the stairs in a private home.

Creating a small library

If books are read in the house and reading them is a popular activity, you can organize a library in a niche. This solution will allow you to avoid dedicating an entire room for books. But located on shelves and recessed into the wall, they will not disturb anyone, will fit beautifully into the interior and even decorate it. It is convenient when books are always at hand.

Placing a home library in the free space under the stairs

Near the library you can prudently place several comfortable armchairs and a table for magazines. All this will help create comfort and a nice family environment.

Children's room under the stairs

Most often, children are given separate rooms and they try to find an individual area for each child. But in the free space under the stairs you can place furniture for children and create a real children's room. A few tips will help you decide to bring your idea to life:

  • If the space under the stairs is of considerable height, it will fit well bunk bed for children.

Cozy bed for children in the space under the stairs

  • Another option for using space for a nursery. Place the child's bed on the second tier. At the bottom you can comfortably place a corner for games and drawers for things.
  • When placing a sleeping place for a child, you can try to rationally organize the space through the use of transformable beds.

The transformable sofa under the stairs turns into a full-fledged sleeping place

  • The niche can be equipped with game room for a child. Small sizes perfectly correspond to the baby’s ideas about comfort. The small space is perfect for his small house. A little comfort, a little lighting, your child will be satisfied and happy under your constant control.

Space under the stairs perfect place for a small summer house

Beautiful ideas for using the space under the stairs in a private house

It is not necessary to specially load the space under the stairs with furniture or close it with doors. You can try and do your best a nice place in the house, which will be close to the entrance and accessible to all family members and guests. Armchairs, chairs and sofas placed nearby will help the family unite and spend most of their time together. Here you can simply greet guests.

Space organization options:

  • If there are aquarium fish lovers in the house, this place is perfect for a hobby. The recessed design will help hide the aquarium from fast children's legs and bicycle wheels. But the results of labor will be worthy decoration spaces of the house.

Large panoramic aquarium under the stairs

  • Use the free space to grow flowers and plants. There's a lot of space flower pots will not disturb anyone. Greenery fits perfectly into the interior and decorates it. The flow of oxygen, which plants are generous with, will not be superfluous in the house.

You can place a small winter garden under the stairs

  • Just try to organize this space beautifully. Place low furniture. Hang pictures. Install shelves with decorative elements. Place a TV on the wall. All this will add charm to your home. Fill it with comfort.

It's beautiful organized space I want to live. They are happy to return here. Housing filled with coziness and comfort has a positive effect on health, soothes, and relaxes. Ideas for using the space under the stairs in a private house will give the house individuality and help it become the best home in the world for you.

Photo gallery - ideas for using the space under the stairs


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The staircase is very important element two-story building, but such a device always takes up a lot of space. Therefore, all owners of private houses are interested in the question of how to effectively and efficiently use the space under the stairs. In this article we propose a solution to this issue - a storage room under the stairs. The idea is quite common, since arranging a storage room under the stairs does not require a lot of money and effort, and even a novice builder can cope with it.

How to occupy the space under the stairs

The storage room under the stairs is perfect solution for practical use of the space that is formed under the stairs. You can use a closed niche to store things, for example, household appliances. You can also make shelves, racks and tables with your own hands for small-sized items needed in everyday life. However, you should know that in such a room it will be necessary to establish a certain temperature regime and an acceptable humidity level.

Equipment can be stored in this room

Features of the arrangement of niches under the stairs

Arranging the space under the stairs should begin with a competent and thorough design. You should definitely pay attention to the following points:

  • features of the device, that is, the shape of the structure, the presence of risers;
  • the size of the staircase, sometimes you can equip a full-fledged room under it, and in some cases you have to be content with small pieces of furniture;
  • purpose and position. When the structure is located in the corridor, then it is better to use the area under the stairs for a dressing room or closet, if in the living room - for a library, in the kitchen - a closet for conservation or dishes;
  • the presence of technical communications, that is, lighting, water supply, sewerage, etc., depending on what kind of room you want to equip.

It should also be taken into account that the design of the niche must match the interior of the entire room. When decorating a room under the stairs, it is necessary to comply with fire safety rules and take into account the number, age and needs of people living in the house.

In this video you will learn more about the storage room under the stairs:

Arrangement of the pantry

A storage room under the stairs is not an affordable luxury for every owner of a private home. In essence, a pantry is a small room in which you can store everything your heart desires: from small household items to books and groceries. However, not in every case the space under the stairs allows you to enter and turn around, so most often in such places it is customary to make cabinets, shelves and racks for storing things.

The main advantage of such a place is its versatility.

Let's consider the most popular ideas for arranging storage rooms and the degree of their convenience:

  1. If there is a kitchen next door. In this case, it is best to store canned food and other food supplies, as well as dishes, in the pantry. In this room you can make boxes for storing cans, shelves for bags of vegetables and root vegetables. The only obstacle to this may be the passage of heating pipes in the room, then you won’t be able to keep the vegetables particularly warm. You can also organize an additional bathroom under the stairs if there are a lot of people living in the house. In this case, pipes for water supply and sewerage should be connected to the storage room, and care should also be taken to provide adequate lighting. This use of space will be quite rational and will solve many of your problems.
  2. Adjacent to the living room. If the staircase structure is located next to a common room, be it a dining room or a living room, then you need to competently approach the arrangement of the interior; for this you can look for ideas in photos on the Internet or in magazines. In such a room you can do anything you want, even a wine cellar with glass doors, and place exquisite shelves for bottles and glasses on the walls. Also interesting ideas There will be retractable cabinets for storing various items for gatherings: tablecloths, festive dishes, candles, napkins. Such a building looks aesthetically pleasing and is easy to use when guests come to the house.
  3. Arrangement of a children's room. In such a room you can put extra toys, children's books and other infrequently used but necessary things. Another option for using a storage room is to build a children's house under the stairs, since kids love to build various structures, and why not make this task easier for parents.
  4. If there is a creative nature in the house. In this case, the pantry can be used as a workshop. You can store threads, knitting needles, yarn, fabric there if a craftswoman lives in the house. Or canvases, paper, paints, if there is a little artist growing up in the house. The area under the stairs can also be used to store the owner’s tools: screwdrivers, screws, nails, then in case of any breakdown in the house, everything you need will be at hand.

As you can see, the storage room amazes with its versatility; in such a room you can arrange any room, even an office, and this requires only desire and a little effort, and then just a flight of your imagination.

Wardrobe equipment

If there is a corridor next to the home staircase, in such a situation it is most logical to arrange a dressing room in the form of a wardrobe in the space under the stairs. It will perfectly fit winter clothes, outerwear, shoes, as well as various women's attributes: bags, belts, hats, gloves, scarves, etc. Such a structure will significantly relieve the hallway of bulky seasonal items and shoes that constantly get in the way, and to make the room seem larger visually, you can build it in large mirror, by the way, it will be very useful for fashionistas.

Bar equipment

If the house does not have a real cellar, then the space under staircase structure. Moreover, you can use this room with maximum benefit - in the lower part of the niche, organize a small cellar for storage alcoholic drinks, and in the upper part of the structure install a bar counter with cabinets for glasses and drinks that do not require storage at a certain temperature.

Can be done work area or bar

You can also take into account the specific purpose of the room and design the interior accordingly, for example, cover the walls with mirrored sparkling tiles of gold or silver color and decorate the room with appropriate attributes.

You can complement the entire structure with a small table and a sofa for relaxing. Why is this not a place for you to relax?

Arrangement of the closet

In every home there are always things that are a pity to throw away and have nowhere to store. In this case, the arrangement of the closet will be great solution this problem. When equipping a closet, it will be most convenient to carry out the design using small retractable cabinets, where you can conveniently place various household items: a vacuum cleaner, a mop, children bicycle etc. It is better to install doors in such a structure that are inconspicuous and will blend into the interior of the room.


With the help of shelves, you can create an entire storage system; such devices will never be empty, since there is always a whole bunch of different small and medium-sized items that have nowhere to put them. The shelves are made in various configurations; they are mainly mounted on the wall or the lower part of the flight.


A rack is a functional structure that is divided into cells. This principle of structure allows you to group different types of objects. The main requirements of the device are functionality and spaciousness. The external airiness and lightness of the shelving makes it possible to effectively use the space under the stairs, without creating a feeling of bulkiness.

Sliding doors and drawers are especially popular when arranging shelving; they make the device more functional.

Shelving is an important element of the pantry

Step-by-step process for furnishing a pantry

Step one. Preparatory work

You can equip the pantry in advance, even at the stage of finishing the house itself. In this case, you will not need to remove the facade. If it is not there, then you can safely move on to the second step, otherwise you need to carefully remove the plaster fabric.

  • putty;
  • level;
  • facades;
  • bars;
  • fastening material;
  • sanded boards;
  • roulette;
  • pencil.

Step two. Finishing work

For neatness, the pantry should be well plastered, painted, wallpapered or tiled.

Step three. Organization of space

It all depends on the purpose of the room and your imagination. As mentioned earlier, you can make special cabinets, shelves, racks, and drawers in the pantry.

Step four. Doors

It is necessary to hang doors on shelves or cabinets for a more aesthetic appearance. To do this, a small edging is made and the facades are hung.

You should also install doors to the room itself, unless you decide to use the pantry as a library. There are different doors: sliding, solid, glass, you need to choose the most suitable option specifically for your design. The doors can also be made invisible so that they blend into the interior of the room; this is necessary if you decide to use a storage room for a closet.


From all of the above, we can conclude that a storage room is a fairly universal structure that is perfect for arranging both an inconspicuous closet and furnishing a separate room. Such a room can be used as a bar, a playroom for children or a guest room, it all depends on your imagination.

When planning the construction of a second floor or attic in a house, the question always arises of how to optimally use the space under the stairs. We offer you the best modern options, which will help you practically design the space under the stairs. Which one should I use? It all depends on your technical (and financial) capabilities and the needs of your household. It also matters at what stage you start thinking about what to put under the stairs: as always, the earlier you plan, the more options you have.

Storing things: we use the space under the stairs.

The most common option for practical organization of space under the stairs is to use it for storing things. These could be cabinets, closets, dressing rooms, or simply open shelves.

  1. Under-stairs storage systems.

    The main problem with organizing storage under the stairs is the significant cost of the furniture, which must fit under the bevel of the flight of stairs. Therefore, this option using standard rectangular cabinets and chests of drawers will allow you to arrange the space under the stairs relatively painlessly. This technique works very well for a studio apartment, where maximum efficient use every centimeter of space with minimal costs.

    Another option for placing a cabinet under the stairs on a budget is to use standard cabinets, adding beveled fronts for doors. In this case, the additional fee will be only for the production of facades individual form.

    An open storage system is the most inexpensive. Using standard shelf profiles and inexpensive storage containers, you can organize the space under the stairs quickly and inexpensively.
  2. Hallway under the stairs.

    It is very convenient to use the space under the stairs as part of the hallway. Storage space can be at the top high part of the stairs - in a closet with a mirrored door.

    Or you can use the entire stairwell - tall cabinets for outerwear, low - for shoes.

    You don't have to hide all your outerwear in closets. Under the stairs you can easily arrange an open clothes hanger and place shelves for shoes.
  3. Wardrobe under the stairs.

    If the staircase in the house is located in a room, then you can arrange a wardrobe in the space under it. These can be simple open storage systems - with rails for clothes and sectional drawers.

    Or you can arrange a real one dressing room from the back of the stairwell. This storage option is every housewife's dream.

    If the location of the stairs does not allow for an entrance, then the traditional option with built-in wardrobes under the stairs is also quite practical.

  4. How to place a closet under the stairs.

    The staircase opening is not always located in a secluded corner of the house; if the staircase goes through one of the main rooms, then the organization of convenient storage of many things needed for the bedroom or dining room can be decorated using a beautiful mirrored wardrobe in combination with mirrored chests of drawers. This use of space under the stairs not only does not spoil the room, but also decorates it.

    Not required for stylish design Use special furniture for places under the stairs. You can always achieve a harmonious effect by complementing standard furniture with shelves. Such shelves visually more fully fill the space under the stairs without cluttering it.
    If the goal is not beauty, but the ability to place as many things as possible under the stairs, then using corner wardrobe will help solve this problem effectively.
  5. How to make shelves under the stairs.

    As we saw above, shelves in combination with standard rectangular furniture will help organize the space under the stairs neatly and practically. Properly selected finishing materials, fashionable accent wall- and you excellent result at low cost.

    To store things under the stairs, you can get by with just shelves. It is important to understand here that the depth of the shelf can rarely occupy all the available space, because... It will be inconvenient for you to look for things in the depths of the shelf in a half-bent state. But it’s quite possible to use some part of the stairs as shelves. practical option.

    If the style of decorating the space under the stairs is important to you, then such spectacular contrasting shelves, in harmony with the design of the stairs, are an effective and fashionable solution.
  6. How to make a storage room under the stairs.

    The main approach to arranging a storage room under the stairs is convenient access to the entire space. Therefore, it is convenient to do here double doors, so that it is convenient to work with the lower part of the pantry.

    Alternatively, you can make front drawers under the stairs. But this option is suitable for rarely used items, because... It has limited opportunities for storing things in size and such access to things can hardly be called comfortable.

It is better to make the canvases narrow so that they are in harmony with the steps of the stairs.

This door system lasts up to 50 years. Inner space The cabinet is equipped in different ways: shelves, sections with a rod, drawers. Behind the canvases there may be a wardrobe with clothes and shoes, shelves with preparations for the winter, places to store household items, etc.

For cabinet with swing doors You will need at least 50 cm of free space in front of the facade.

Wardrobe with hinged doorsSliding wardrobe

Another modification with a similar purpose is a wardrobe with sliding doors. The blades move frontally along the upper and lower guides. The advantages of sliding doors are saving space in front of the facade, beautiful and neat appearance.

There are more disadvantages:

  • complex installation due to the special geometry of the space;
  • short period of guaranteed operation;
  • noise when sliding doors;
  • high price due to complex work;
  • Not suitable for all flights of stairs.

Since asymmetrical doors move only in one direction, in any design, access to the outermost sector of the cabinet is limited.

It is not comfortable. A wardrobe under the stairs is rarely installed.

Sliding wardrobe under the stairs Pull-out wardrobes

Convenient and functional pull-out cabinets. It could just be boxes different sizes for storing household items, seasonal clothing, accessories and shoes. If the staircase design allows, drawers are also installed in the steps

An interesting and more functional option are retractable modules that move along ball guides. Retractable sections also come without handles - they can be opened with a light touch of the hand using the Push Open and Tip-On systems. Depending on the location of the closet, it contains a wardrobe, shoes, dishes or food.

Pull-out cabinetsOpen shelving

The simplest and most economical option for arranging the space under the stairs. You can handle the manufacture of the structure yourself. Essentially, here you need to make shelves and combine them with the span.

Open shelving under the stairsCombination wardrobe

In this embodiment, the design combines all or several of the modifications described above.

A combined wardrobe is functionality, originality and a beautiful aesthetic appearance.

In this case, the following rules are followed:

  • in the highest segments a wardrobe is placed, closed with hinged or sliding doors;
  • open shelves for books, dishes, decorative elements or a TV are placed in the center;
  • the lower tiers are reserved for drawers.

Combined wardrobeHow to choose materials for a wardrobe

When choosing a material, they are guided by the budget, performance characteristics stairs, purpose, future load and location of the structure. Therefore, they pay attention to strength, moisture resistance, environmental friendliness and compliance with the overall interior.

Solid wood cabinets are strong, beautiful and durable. Wooden furniture is rightly called elite, but it is expensive. Another disadvantage is heavy weight and the need for special care.

An alternative to solid wood is furniture panels.

These are vertical or horizontal bars of different breeds trees. The material has a characteristic checkerboard surface.

Furniture boardWood boards

Chipboard - sawdust and wood chips are pressed using formaldehyde resins. Disadvantages - low strength (crumbles) and moisture resistance. Not suitable for cutting shaped items. Pros - low price.

Chipboard for furniture

Chipboards come with different coating. The most popular are laminated chipboards.

MDF - small shavings and sawdust are pressed using natural substances. Pros: strength, moisture resistance, environmental friendliness, density and ductility. Can be done on slabs complex carving, easily attach fittings and create curved surfaces. Cons - the cost is more expensive than chipboard.

MDF boards are distinguished by their high density and are as durable as wood.


Wood boards come with coatings.

Modern design thought is extremely restless and inventive, and sometimes strives to use every piece of free space to place something necessary and functional there.

The staircase in the house is a wonderful field for creativity.

Under its span you can place a lot: shelves, a cabinet with doors, a sitting area, even equip a small office there.

The most functional option is to place shelves in the under-staircase space.

It is possible that you have already thought about this. Maybe you even asked the question: “How to make a cabinet under the stairs with your own hands?”

First you need to understand the advantages and disadvantages of cabinets under the stairs in the house.The advantages of such an interior element are obvious.

Just like every coin has two sides, installing a built-in wardrobe under the stairs in your home has its own stumbling blocks. These must be taken into account before starting work.Let's call them shortcomings:

Types and features

The main quality of a cabinet under the stairs is its convenience and practical location in space. This is what needs to be assessed first when choosing its external and internal appearance.Design options:

  • Shelves under the stairs;

    On the shelves you can store your favorite volumes and pleasant little things, notebooks with notes.

  • Glass showcase;

    A wine collection requires an appropriately thoughtful approach. You can display them behind transparent display cases - like in a museum.

  • Closet;

    If the size of the staircase allows, you can organize a mini-wardrobe under the steps, arranging places to store shoes and seasonal clothes there.

  • With regular hinged doors;

    Convenient lockers will make all things easily accessible and allow you to keep them clean and tidy.

  • With drawers;

    The design of drawers is suitable for storing documents, tools and other not too bulky things.

  • Set;

    A kitchen under the stairs is a great option to save space in your home.

  • Combined options.

    Under the stairs you can place a kitchen or dining area, and the area under the steps of the structure is perfect for building in numerous cabinets, which you cannot do without in the kitchen.

The most affordable option is to simply install shelving. So, you can easily make a cabinet under the stairs with your own hands. In some cases this is even preferable.

If, for example, the staircase leads from the basement, or you plan to use the under-staircase space in the house to store books, framed photographs and souvenirs.

Modern shelves under the stairs look beautiful. A display case will help hide them from excess dust.

Such a cabinet will look modern and will not overload the room with its volume.

The wardrobe built under the stairs will have sliding doors. This is a particularly good design in cases where access to the staircase is limited.

The scope of such doors will not take up extra space in the room, but you need to take into account the distance they roll to the sides.

Hinged doors are suitable for spacious rooms.

Reliable and practical design will serve you faithfully for a long time.

Filling a niche under the stairs with drawers is a great idea. You just need to “play” with their width and, possibly, shape. This option will be convenient if the stairs have a decent depth.

It would be original to place small hidden drawers under the steps.

Another option is to simply place a few hanging and floor-mounted cabinets at the bottom of the stairs. This option is convenient for forming a working and kitchen area, since they require space to place equipment and various accessories.

Pieces of furniture intended for stairs can be used ready-made, made by yourself or to order.

Combined options can combine the features of any of the above types of stairs with a built-in wardrobe and other interior items.

A sofa under the stairs and several shelves for your favorite books are an excellent option for a relaxation area.

Furniture under the stairs and interior

In this section we will answer complex issue: “How to make a closet under the stairs appropriate in a particular room and truly comfortable?” The first thing you need to look at is what room it will be in.A wardrobe under the stairs in a country house certainly has its own special characteristics, compared to the same piece of furniture in a two-level apartment.

In this case, it is easier to make a cabinet under the stairs with your own hands.

In general, the design depends on what is supposed to be stored in it. At the same dacha, not all things can be left for storage in outdoor buildings, so put in it what you would like to bring into the house after an active holiday in the garden. In a cottage, the stairs can be almost everywhere: variety modern layouts this allows.

Under the stairs with a built-in wardrobe in the living room, it makes sense to place especially valuable things.

So that you can show them off to guests, make several doors glass and equip them with lighting. Stairs to attic floor in the office, it will obviously require a working area with shelves for books and documents. And under the stairs in the hallway you need to have a wardrobe and shoe boxes.


In general, it is up to you to decide what size cabinet you need under your home stairs. Will it be clearly included in the march, less than it or more? Designers in their practice sometimes include one small part of a separate room in the space under the stairs: a dressing room or a bathroom.

Just provide a height so that you can stand up to your full height.

Also, small shelves may protrude slightly beyond the staircase.Keep in mind - the number of things in the house tends to increase, so do not skimp on shelves under the stairs to store them.

Materials, equipment, arrangement

Wood, metal, glass are materials that you should focus on.

Ladder-wardrobe to order

If you choose this option, be sure to call a measurer or craftsman to your home: do not provide the numbers yourself.

Actively collaborate with specialists at the design stage! Be sure to tell us how much space, what containers are needed for certain things, and indicate the dimensions. Together, using the catalog, select the style and color for the doors, handles, and compare them with other elements of the room.

Particular attention should be paid to materials and components. It is better not to skimp on the durability of the structure.

The most important thing is to remember that you have left your task to the professionals. So don't be too pushy. A good option is to choose a certain frequency and, in accordance with it, inquire about the progress of work.

VIDEO: How to use the space under the stairs. The best ideas for the home.

50 photo ideas on how to use the space under the stairs:

The presence of stairs in a house or apartment often raises the issue of under-staircase space. Many solve it simply - the stairs are sheathed, and the area under it is not used. But there are a large number of different options for how to use the area under the stairs.

This can be not only practical, but also convenient. Proper management of additional meters is quite possible to implement into an aesthetic corner in the house, which will decorate the interior.

The area occupied by a staircase structure in a house can be quite large. Accordingly, there will be more than one under it square meter free space. But there is also a useful place under the small stairs.

To use it as profitably as possible, you need to take into account a number of requirements:

  • It is worth choosing an option for arranging the under-staircase area taking into account the size and configuration of the staircase structure.
  • The functional purpose of the room or furniture that will be placed under the stairs must correspond to the room where the stairs are installed.
  • It is advisable to finish the under-staircase area in the same style as the interior of the surrounding space.
  • The arrangement of the area under the stairs should not reduce the safety of its operation.

The most suitable structure to install something under it is marching staircase. But other options for staircase structures can be used rationally or simply in a non-standard way.

Depending on the type and size of the staircase structure, the space under the stairs can be arranged in several basic ways:

  • Open shelves or racks;
  • Closed cabinets and pull-out modular systems;
  • Storerooms or dressing rooms;
  • Small children's or playrooms;
  • Work areas;
  • Recreation areas;
  • Kitchens;
  • Bathrooms.

Solutions can be very diverse, from installing furniture to non-standard arrangement options, for example, placing a fireplace or an aquarium.

To place furniture or arrange rooms, closed staircase structures are most often used. This is more practical, since dust and debris from the steps of an open staircase will inevitably end up below.

The area under a staircase made of wood, brick or concrete is ideal for such a solution, if it closed type with risers. Also used metal stairs with sheathing.

The space under glass staircases is rarely loaded with anything, so as not to disturb the airiness and transparency of the structure.

Arranging the space under the stairs allows you to avoid installing large stationary furniture in the room. The large dimensions of the stairs can be successfully used to create small rooms for various purposes.

Shelves and racks in the space under the stairs

The most simple option The use of space under the staircase structure is to place regular shelves or racks there. They are perfect for storing a wide variety of items. Don't have a separate place for a library?

It can be placed under the stairs. Some memorabilia, such as photographs, sports awards or travel souvenirs, will look great on shelves under the stairs.

If the width of the stairs is small, then this design will be the most in a suitable way occupy unused under-staircase space.

Such designs are quite easy to make with your own hands. You can select ready-made products. In their self-assembly The manufacturer's instructions will help you.

Cabinets and drawer systems under stairs

How to organize the space under the stairs more practically? An excellent option would be to install furniture there to store things.

It can be:

  • Drawer systems- the simplest device for additional space where you can place small-sized items. They are very convenient to install under complex staircase structures. By varying the shape and size of such boxes, the area under the stairs can be used as profitably as possible.
  • Withdrawable modules– a fairly new idea for use under stairs. Vertical drawers can be of different shapes and sizes. They slide out using wheels and are easy to use. It is good to store both large and small things in such modules. This option is perfect for wide stairs. Deep retractable modules will provide convenient access to all items located in them.
  • Simple hinged cabinets They are usually installed under a staircase structure where doors can be opened unhindered. They are not suitable for narrow and cramped spaces.
  • Wardrobes- a very common type of arrangement of the under-staircase space. A wardrobe under the stairs is most often made in combination with other types of cabinets or shelving. The slope of the stairs does not allow using the entire area for this type of furniture. Sliding wardrobes under the stairs can be used to save space near the flight of stairs.
  • Combination various types cabinets, shelves, racks and drawers will help to use the entire area under the stairs with maximum benefit. If the staircase structure is located in the hall of the house, next to the entrance, then the wardrobe under the flight of stairs will be very convenient. In addition to the open part, in which you can equip hangers for outerwear, it would be practical to install closed drawers for shoes.

Closed versions of cabinets, drawers, pull-out modules are the most common type of filling the space under the stairs. By combining different options it is possible to achieve the use of the entire useful area under the stairs.

Storage room in the house under the flight of stairs

Some staircase designs allow storage rooms to be located underneath them.

They can be used to store many items:

  • Seasonal items– clothes, shoes, sports equipment.
  • Homemade preparations– this is often relevant if the house does not have a basement. IN this option special temperature conditions are required. A ventilation device may also be needed.
  • Infrequently used items, which are still necessary.

This method of storing things allows you to significantly unload the main furniture in the house.

Relaxation area in the space under the staircase structure

Creating a relaxation area in the house is simply necessary. And using the “useless” space under the stairs for this is generally an ideal solution in some situations.

A small country house, where every meter counts, intended for relaxation from everyday work, should definitely have such a place. A house where a person lives permanently also needs a recreation area.

This option allows you to arrange under the stairs:

  • Extra bed – guests of the house can be accommodated there for the night.
  • A place for relaxing meetings with friends.
  • Place a home theater or library.

In such a place it will be convenient to gather with the whole family in the evening, or to retire for reading.

Placing a bathroom in the area under the stairs

Installing a bathroom under the stairs is very convenient if the size and configuration of the structure allows it.

There are various possible solutions for this:

  • The main bathroom - in a small house it can be placed in the area under the stairs.
  • A guest or additional bathroom can be equipped using a minimum set of compact plumbing fixtures. A small sink and toilet, a shower stall, would be ideally located under the stairs next to the bedroom.
  • Bathroom or shower room - depending on the size of the stairs, you can install a small shower stall or a full bath. If the space of the room allows, then a washbasin is also placed there, dressing table and other furniture.
  • Toilet - its installation is the most common option for installing a sanitary room under the stairs.

To install a bathroom under the stairs, it is necessary to have utilities in this area.

In addition, the use of the under-staircase area in this capacity implies:

  • Possibility of flooding of the premises;
  • Constant high humidity;
  • Temperature fluctuations.

Do you have a multi-level apartment or a two-story cottage? This means that the layout could not have done without a staircase. Of course, if this is a spiral structure, then there is simply no space under the stairs, but if these are flight stairs (both with closed and open steps), then the entire area under them can be used to good effect.

How exactly to do this depends on the type of staircase, the height of the flight, and even on the room in which the “free space” is located.

Under-stairs storage systems

How to use the space under the stairs in different rooms

If the staircase is located in the living room, then under it you can install:

  • home cinema;
  • TV;
  • home library;
  • aquarium;
  • fireplace;
  • cozy reading chair;
  • sofa;
  • piano or other large musical instrument.

If the staircase is in the bedroom, then the free space can be turned into an office, or extra bed for relax.

Advice. In the case where the under-staircase areas are located in the kitchen, they can be converted or all large household appliances or a sink can be moved here. However, in the latter case, it will be necessary to lay all the necessary communications (water, electricity) and, of course, ventilation systems.

If we talk about the under-staircase space in general, without reference to a specific room, then we can immediately identify eight interesting ideas:

  1. Library— you won’t need a separate room to store your book collection if you arrange spacious shelving under the stairs. Or you can put it here bookshelf and an armchair with a floor lamp - an excellent reading corner away from the hustle and bustle.
  2. Additional seating area- a sofa or lounger, made in accordance with the dimensions of the available space. It will be as cozy as a canopy bed protected from prying eyes. Can not found best option for an afternoon relaxation or reading than such a cozy corner.
  3. Cozy place to relax

  4. Home office. As a rule, the layout of typical houses does not provide for an office. But you can improve the area under the stairs - put a table, a chair, the necessary shelves here and you will get a full-fledged workplace for creativity, sewing, drawing or working at the computer.
  5. Full-fledged workplace

    Computer desk and cabinet under the stairs

    Lesson place for schoolchildren

  6. Bar counter, bar. A full-fledged bar under the stairs is a real salvation for owners small kitchens. It's functional and very practical solution, the implementation of which will require built-in cabinets and high bar stools.
  7. Retractable bar hides under the ladder

  8. Exhibition. Embroidery self made, a collection of dolls, artistic canvases or designer sculptures, sports cups - best place for collection than separate room, can not found.
  9. Place for paintings or collections of things

  10. Home greenhouse. Your favorite flowers will help you create a cozy green corner under the stairs. Just don’t forget to use special phytolamps here, because this area cannot boast of good natural lighting. You can also install open shelving here for varietal plants grown for sale - you don’t have to look for a place in the house or deal with insulating the extension.
  11. Living plants are located in a place equipped for them

  12. Artificial pond- a fountain or waterfall, an aquarium or even a decorative pool. The area under the stairs will create a corner with a calming water feature, and you will not have to worry about expensive decoration in the living room, which often does not tolerate high humidity.
  13. Aquarium with live fish and turtles

  14. Play area, additional children's area. The best home for children is under the stairs. It's cozy, safe and so mysterious here. And you don't have to invent a tree house or buy expensive imitation toys. All you need is a soft floor and a place for toys.
  15. Place for children to play

    How to arrange a toilet or kitchen under the stairs

    If your house has a flight of stairs, then the space available under it will be quite enough to accommodate an additional bathroom. Use a small washstand and a compact toilet here - in order to place these plumbing accessories comfortably for a person, a staircase of 8-10 steps will be enough.

    From an ergonomic point of view, the ceiling height in such a space can be between 2-2.7 meters, the length should be 2 meters or more, and the width should be more than 1.2 meters. This bathroom will be convenient for people of different heights.

    Small toilet in the space under the stairs

    Important. The bathroom must have all the necessary communications, as well as high-quality ventilation, otherwise mold will very quickly appear in the room.

    Nuances of the arrangement of kitchen elements

    You will need more for the kitchen large quantity communications than for a bathroom - this is electricity (many sockets for connecting household appliances and lighting), water supply, drain Wastewater, ventilation. The kitchen under the stairs can have different dimensions, depending on the size of the flight of stairs and its configuration.

    Sometimes only a portion of the necessary items are placed here, and sometimes a full room is placed here, especially if the rest of the rooms in the house are very compact.

    The cooking area in the kitchen is located under the stairs

    How to arrange storage systems

    In a small niche under the stairs you can create many with different functional purposes:

    1. Chest of drawers or drawers for storing things not used in a certain season. You can hang mirrors on the cabinets. It is clear that such furniture is made to order, because part of its facades will be beveled, but this is one of the most ergonomic solutions.
    2. Drawers under the stairs will not be superfluous

    3. Library. Books are placed on closed or open shelving. All the free space under the stairs can be filled with books - just provide a stable small stepladder if the shelves will extend all the way to the ceiling.
    4. Bookshelves located under the stairs

    5. Shelving- you can hang two modest shelves here or create a full-fledged storage system. It all depends on your needs, and on the size of the space under the stairs, as well as on how well this area will be viewed from different positions relative to the rest of the interior.
    6. Open shelving

    7. Closet or pantry for those things that need to be kept out of sight. Mops, buckets, a vacuum cleaner or ironing board, tools - for everything that does not find a better place in the house, a closed storage room under the stairs is suitable.

    8. Stylish pantry hidden indoors under the stairs

    9. Home garage. Bicycles, strollers, children's scooters or cars - they are used frequently and using a garage for their permanent storage is not entirely convenient. This solution is especially justified if the staircase goes directly to front door. Modern systems The mounts allow you to hang bicycles directly on a ladder or on a wall - very convenient, since it doesn’t take up space on the floor, and it looks unusual.
    10. Good place to store bicycles and strollers

    11. Wine Vault. Installing a storage facility for wine in the house can be the optimal solution for houses on problematic soils, where a standard basement structure cannot be implemented. The interior with such an addition will look especially stylish.
    12. And under the stairs to the ground floor you can place a wine collection

    13. A place to store household supplies. Again, if your home doesn't have a basement, you can create one under the stairs. Then it’s worth providing some kind of doors to hide all your edible treasures. But it's very convenient solution, because you don’t have to leave the house every time you need another product.
    14. Retractable consoles for storing preparations for the winter

    15. Space for a washing machine and a clothes dryer. May contain drawers for storing washing powders.
    16. The washing machine is hidden in a niche under the stairs

    Use the space under the stairs correctly - you can be sure that the design of your home will only benefit from it.
