Reinforced concrete wall panels (RC panels). Elevator shafts Three-layer reinforced concrete wall panels with effective insulation

Three-layer Wall panels used in the construction of multi-storey buildings residential buildings, cottages and industrial facilities.

They are manufactured in a factory from three plates, which are connected to each other by a reinforcement cage.

Heat-saving material is placed in the free space. The release of such panels made it possible to speed up and optimize the construction process.

Let's consider the types of reinforced concrete slabs and their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, regulatory requirements to production.

Features of panels

Depending on the design features reinforced concrete wall panels are divided into types:

1 Single layerThey are made of concrete with porous aggregates: foam concrete, aerated concrete, ash gravel. Expanded clay, slag, etc. serve as fillers. The outer side is covered with a facing layer 2-4 mm thick to protect the panel from moisture and other atmospheric influences. The inside is plastered.
2 Double layerThey are made from two layers: outer and insulating. On the inside of the slab is fixed insulation material, cover it cement mortar. Install the structure with the heat-saving side facing inward.
3 Three-layerThey are made in the form of a sandwich of two outer plates and insulation between them. They have increased properties to retain heat and block out street noise.

Depending on their design features, the panels accept and distribute the loads falling on them in different ways.

Depending on resistance to loads, they are divided into:

Type depending on load resistanceCharacteristicsManufacturing materials
BearersReceive and distribute loads from their mass, floors, and finishing materials.Blocks from small to large. Internal panels are made hollow, solid, often ribbed or with ribs located along the contour of the slab.
Self-supportingThey take the loads of their weight and wind influences and transfer them to the frame part of the building.Large panels.
MountedThey can withstand wind loads and their own gravity within one floor.Multilayer lightweight energy efficient materials. Serves as an enclosing structure.

Mineral wool, fiberglass and other fireproof materials are used as insulation.

The outer layer is made depending on the requirements for operational, protective, and decorative properties.

It can be finished with concrete, tiles, natural stone, sprinkled with decorative crushed stone or painted with facade paint.

For the installation of walls and in heated housing construction, multilayer wall panels are used, the design of which includes: external protective and finishing, heat-saving and load-bearing layers.

Requirements for wall panels

Wall panels undergo strict quality control and compliance with requirements

Wall panels used in construction must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents:

  • strict compliance of sizes and geometric shapes;
  • high rates of heat saving and noise insulation;
  • high strength, small specific gravity;
  • fire resistance;
  • high-quality reinforcement, all intersections of the reinforcement must be fastened together by welding;
  • quality of connecting connections;
  • resistance to atmospheric and mechanical influences;
  • efficiency.

High stability of reinforced concrete wall panels is ensured when they are connected to each other and to the floors. The concrete panels themselves are not stable enough due to their shape: large length, width and small thickness.


The disadvantages of reinforced concrete slabs include the fact that due to their large weight and size, it is necessary to use special equipment when transporting and installing the blocks.

How to distinguish high-quality concrete products

Without special equipment, it is impossible to determine the quality of concrete used in the production. But there are several secrets on how to visually try to establish the quality of a wall panel.

The grade of concrete can be determined by color:

If, upon external inspection, defects and thin reinforcement are visible, then most likely the slab is of poor quality

The surface of the slab must be free of cracks, chips, and other defects. The reinforcement should not protrude from the concrete slab.

According to GOST, hinges are made of metal with a thickness of more than 10 mm.

If you see that the hinges are made of thin metal, you can assume that they also saved on internal reinforcement.

If, during inspection, at least one of the described shortcomings is revealed, it is better not to buy such wall panels. By saving on material, you will lose in the fact that the building will last much less and will need frequent repairs.

Panel marking

Each wall panel is marked, which allows you to find out its characteristics

Precast concrete products must be marked with letters and numbers separated by a dash.

The first group of symbols indicates the purpose and overall dimensions of the structure. An example of marking PST 700-350-25, where length is 700 cm, width is 350 cm, thickness is 25 cm.

The last part of the marking indicates additional parameters:

  • resistance to seismic ground vibrations greater than 7 points is designated by the letter C;
  • possibility of operation at temperatures lower than 40 degrees, letter M;
  • permeability: normal - N, reduced - P, very low - O.

The marking also indicates the following parameters:

  1. Shape, configuration of the end sides.
  2. Location and dimensions of door and window openings.
  3. Type and location.
  4. The presence and shape of grooves at the junctions of adjacent elements.

For construction, you need to purchase reinforced concrete slabs manufactured in accordance with all standard requirements. In this case, house construction will be reliable and warm. More information about three-layer installation reinforced concrete structures watch in this video:

Most the best option for energy-efficient construction is the use of three-layer reinforced concrete panels.

External concrete and reinforced concrete wall panels have found the widest application in the construction of houses, as well as industrial and public facilities. Their appearance more than 50 years ago was a real breakthrough in construction and made it possible to reduce the construction period of buildings several times.

Types of reinforced concrete panels

Reinforced concrete is a monolith made of steel reinforcement and concrete. The interaction of these materials is very effective. The concrete stone adheres reliably to the metal, protecting it well from rusting. These components complement each other in terms of resistance to different loads.

The resulting structures have significant strength, and only high-tech tools can help in their processing. Recently, diamond drilling of holes in concrete has become in demand.

The volume of reinforced concrete products is mainly occupied by cheap raw materials - gravel, crushed stone, sand.
Therefore, their price is relatively low.

What types of them exist?

Based on reinforcement, reinforced concrete products are divided into:

  • prestressed products;
  • analogues reinforced using the usual method.

By density (specific gravity) and grade of concrete:

  • extra heavy ones from 2.5 t/m³;
  • heavy analogues, with a density of 1.8/2.5 t/m³;
  • light, their specific gravity is up to 1.8 t/m³;
  • ultra-light products, their density is 0.7 t/m³.

According to their structure, reinforced concrete wall panels are divided into:

  • monolithic;
  • hollow;
  • made from one type of solution;
  • made from different types mixtures.

Precast concrete products may be intended for:

  • for residential and public buildings;
  • for production facilities;
  • for engineering structures.

Production methods

The production of panels is carried out at factories of reinforced concrete products using different methods.

  1. Bench technology is intended for the production of large-sized products. The solution is poured into stationary molds. Special units: concrete layers and vibrators, take turns approaching the stands and performing technological steps.
  2. The cassette method is a modification of the previous method. The panels are produced in fixed cassettes, which consist of several steel compartments. A frame made of reinforcement is placed in the mold, then it is filled with concrete. Heat treatment is carried out by contact, through the walls of the cassettes.

After heating, the walls of the molds are removed, and the panels are removed by an overhead crane. This method produces flat products: wall structures and analogues for floors.

  1. With flow-aggregate technology, molds for products move along a chain from one mechanism to the next. Wet and heat treatment is carried out continuously.
  2. With the vibratory rolling method, the entire production cycle occurs on a single installation of the flow principle of operation (vibratory rolling mill). It is a conveyor consisting of rubber-protected steel.

Its tape moves through the technological posts. They are used for: installation of a frame made of reinforcement, pouring of concrete, its compaction by vibration and heat treatment. The instructions recommend using this method to produce partition and ceiling panels, as well as external wall slabs from lightweight concrete.

Technical requirements

To wall slabs state standards have the most stringent requirements.

  1. Accuracy of standard dimensions, as well as geometric shape.
  2. Optimal design of connections and assemblies.
  3. The exact location of the mortgages.
  4. Compliance of the standard size and weight of concrete products with the capabilities of transport and lifting machines.

A house made of reinforced concrete panels must be constructed from products whose dimensions are within the limits of deviations and tolerances.
They are determined by GOST No. 130/15.4/84.

  1. The dimensions of the mortgages in them must correspond to standard values, the error should not exceed 0.5 cm.
  2. The permissible axial displacement of the embedded parts is no more than 1 cm.
  3. These elements should be located flush with the plane of the panels or above it - no more than 0.3 cm.

More about wall slabs

Large wall slabs were developed to speed up the pace of construction. For example, a cottage made of reinforced concrete panels can be built in just 2 weeks.

Advantages of reinforced concrete products

The popularity of reinforced concrete panels in mass construction, in addition to the high pace of work, can be explained by their other advantages:

  • high strength;
  • good load-bearing capacity;
  • acceptable level of thermal insulation;
  • 100% fire resistant;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • durability of use.

Types of panel construction

Panel construction can be framed or frameless.

This depends on what kind of wall slabs are used: enclosing and load-bearing or only enclosing.

  1. In frameless buildings, the load of the floors is carried by the wall panels themselves.
  2. In frame analogues, the load-bearing functions are performed by the frames. Wall slabs are used for zoning, fencing, sound and heat insulation.

Factories produce panels for both external and internal walls.

  1. External slabs are divided into three categories according to their structure: single-layer, made from cellular or lightweight concrete and consisting of two or three layers. The latter are made of heavy types of concrete and thermal insulation.
  2. The outside of the structure is covered with façade ceramic tiles, decorative mortar, weather-resistant paints, etc. Inner side The slabs are trimmed and prepared for finishing.
  3. The height of the reinforced concrete wall panels is equal to the height of one floor. Their width extends to 1/2 of the room (300/720 cm), thickness can be 20/50 cm. The dimensions of reinforced concrete wall panels for partitions correspond to the dimensions of the rooms. Their thickness is 3/16 cm.

Classification of wall slabs

There are different divisions of panels into categories, based on the underlying principle: typical features, purpose, structure, composition of the material.

Slab design

Produced panels are divided into monolithic and composite analogues.

In turn, layered products can be solid or have layers of air.

  1. Single-layer analogues are made from homogeneous concrete, which has low thermal conductivity. The thickness of their outer part is 2/4 cm. The inside of the slab is decorated with cladding.
  2. Two-layer slabs have a continuous structure. Their supporting layer is made of reinforced concrete mortar. This inner part panel, which additionally plays the role of vapor barrier. The outer heat-protective layer is covered with cement-sand mortar.
  3. Reinforced concrete three-layer panels are made of two slabs connected to each other by a welded frame made of reinforcement. Insulation is laid between them.

By bearing capacity wall slabs are divided into:

  • self-supporting products;
  • load-bearing analogues.
  • hanging panels.

Partition panels

  1. These large-sized slabs have a floor height and a length of up to 600 cm. They are intended for the construction of fully prefabricated buildings.

For the production of partition panels, high-strength ordinary or gypsum concrete should be used.
The material must have good water resistance and frost resistance.

  1. Such plates are reinforced with iron wire mesh or rods made of thermally and mechanically stable steel, class A/III, AT/IIIC. All steel parts of the product must be coated with anti-corrosion primer.

Single layer boards

  1. For the production of single-layer wall panels, concrete is used, which has a homogeneous structure and high level thermal insulation. Most often it is a light (cellular) material.
  2. The outer side of the slabs is covered with a layer of cladding, 2/4 cm thick, to protect them from atmospheric influences.
  3. Various plaster, tiles, etc. are used to decorate the interior.

Double-layer panels

  1. The two-layer type of slabs, as a rule, has a solid structure. The first load-bearing layer is made of dense reinforced concrete. The other layer is heat insulating.
  2. It is located with outside and covered with cement-sand mortar.
  3. The load-bearing layer is located indoors and at the same time serves as a vapor barrier.

Three-layer type of products

Reinforced concrete three-layer wall panels are most in demand now.

  1. The basis of the three-layer slab is the outer load-bearing side, and the inner panel is attached to it with reinforcement. Thanks to the gap between them, heat losses in the structure are reduced.
  2. The thermal insulator in such products can be mineral wool, cement-based fiberboard, foam silicate, or polyurethane.
  3. Three-layer boards have standard sizes and vary in thickness. It is selected by designers based on the climate conditions of the area and the thermal parameters of the building.
  4. This type of panels is made from a mixture of either heavy types of concrete with a class of at least B-12.5.
  5. Reinforce products welded mesh or volumetric steel frames. All metal parts of the plates are protected with anti-corrosion primers.
  6. The characteristics of three-layer panels for walls are determined by the standards of State Standard No. 31310/2005 and State Standard No. 13015/2003.
  7. If it is necessary to process the slabs during their installation, reinforced concrete is cut with diamond wheels.

Product sizes

  1. The main criterion for choosing wall slabs with your own hands is their size. They must be indicated in the building design, taking into account its design diagrams and floor plans.
  2. Dimensions and thickness, size and number of openings, specifications panels are determined based on the project.
  3. Typical dimensions of slabs for residential buildings: height equal to one floor, width equal to one or two rooms. External panels have door and window openings. Partition slabs are solid or have doorways.
  4. Panels for industrial facilities have a length of 6 meters, 9 and 12.

The thickness of wall slabs should be selected based on the climate conditions in your region.
Also have great importance thermal properties of the building materials used.
Manufacturers produce products with a thickness of 20/50 centimeters

Product labeling

Panels are marked with letters and numbers separated by a dash.

  1. The first group indicates the type of slab and its dimensions: length, height (in decimeters), thickness (in centimeters).
  2. The following fragment determines the class and type of concrete: L - light, T - heavy, I - cellular.
  3. The third part reports on additional product qualities.

For example:

  • seismic resistance more than 7 points - C;
  • frost resistance below -40 degrees - M;
  • permeability: especially low - O, reduced - P, normal - N.

This brand group includes indications of the design properties of products:

  • their shape;
  • end configuration;
  • type and location of openings, if any;
  • the shape of the grooves (if they are present) at the junctions of adjacent elements;
  • type and location of releases of reinforcement and embeds;
  • the presence of a reinforcing structure to reduce loads due to uneven deformations of the foundation.

Let's give an example of marking: PST 598-300-20.

  • PST – three-layer wall panel;

598 cm – its length;

300 cm – its height;

20 cm is its width.


Reinforced concrete panels for fences, walls and ceilings are an integral part of modern mass construction. The use of new technologies, materials and design solutions in their manufacture makes it possible to optimize the construction of buildings.

If you watch the video in this article, you will get a lot more useful information.

Fully complying with the requirements of standards, technology and GOST for multi-storey buildings, we have added a number of improvements regarding more open layouts, increased heat efficiency, appearance, quality of production and installation of panels, so that your home has best characteristics modern private house.


Reinforced concrete panels for building a house (External three-layer reinforced concrete wall panels) are manufactured according to individual design drawings, in accordance with the requirements of the current GOST 31310-2015 “Three-layer reinforced concrete wall panels with effective insulation.” High-rise multi-storey panel buildings are built from the same panels.

A three-layer reinforced concrete panel consists of three layers:

External protective and decorative reinforced concrete layer 70 mm thick.

A middle layer of effective insulation with a thickness of 200-400 mm.

Internal load-bearing reinforced concrete layer 120 mm thick.

The internal and external reinforced concrete layers are made of heavy concrete of class B25 on granite crushed stone and steel reinforcement of class A500C. Depending on the design calculations, a double mesh of reinforcement is laid in inner layer and single in the outside.

The outer and inner reinforced concrete layers are connected to each other using rigid diagonal connections made of of stainless steel PD and PPA of the Finnish manufacturer Peikko Group.

The thickness of the middle layer of insulation is determined thermotechnical calculation and can be up to 400 mm. In the basic configuration of houses from the INPANCE company, the insulation in the panels has a thickness of 200 mm. With an EPS insulation thickness of 200 mm, the coefficient of resistance to heat transfer of the wall is 5.97 (m².˚C)/W, which is 2 times higher than Russian requirements for heat conservation and meets more stringent European standards.

As insulation, we use materials that have appropriate certificates confirming their safety and service life in three-layer reinforced concrete panels for at least 50 years:

Extruded polystyrene foam (EPS). This insulation has one of the lowest thermal conductivity values ​​among other similar products. It is characterized by chemical resistance, high compressive strength, water and vapor resistance, and resistance to mold and mildew. Thus, extruded polystyrene foam not only provides thermal insulation, but also effectively prevents the effects of a number of other destructive and negative factors.

Stone wool. For three-layer reinforced concrete panels, we use specially developed high-strength stone wool with vertical and horizontal grooves, forming ventilation gap for ventilation of insulation and removal of condensate formed. Stone wool is non-flammable material, and the thermal conductivity index stone wool 20% lower than XPS.

*By agreement with the Customer, other types of insulation can be used.

Three-layer construction reinforced concrete wall, any insulation is reliably protected by an outer reinforced concrete layer from possible negative effects on it from environment(UV radiation, precipitation, and others), and the inner reinforced concrete layer prevents the constituent substances of the insulation from penetrating inside your home. In addition, the inner reinforced concrete layer will protect the insulation from the consequences of a possible fire.


The production of wall reinforced concrete panels for the construction of a private house, as well as for multi-storey buildings, requires modern, expensive equipment, which is available only at large reinforced concrete factories. Since 2014, the INPANS company has been successfully cooperating with the SiB-Centre reinforced concrete plant, located near St. Petersburg, which is one of the most modernly equipped enterprises in its industry, producing over 250 types of prefabricated reinforced concrete products and structures for industrial and civil construction . Also, we have agreements on the production of wall panels with factories located in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Kostroma, Novocheboksarsk.

The SiB-Centre reinforced concrete plant, in particular, has at its disposal six molding tables/pallets measuring 4.25 x 16.5 m with vibration compaction and lifting systems at an angle of up to 80 degrees, equipped with magnetic beading equipment, which are the basis for the production of three-layer and single-layer wall panels .

Equipment for the production of wall panels makes it possible to produce wall panels with any individual characteristics (external dimensions, thickness, dimensions of window and door openings) up to 16 meters long and up to 4 meters high, however, delivering such oversized cargo to the construction site is usually very expensive, and often it is not possible at all. Therefore, to meet the requirements for standard cargo transportation, we produce panels maximum height 3.32 m (floor height 3.1 m) and maximum length 7.8 m.

In most cases such maximum sizes enough to implement any home project and minimize the amount interpanel seams, and make panel joints in alignment with load-bearing internal walls and/or partitions.

Window and door openings are laid based on the project, their sizes can be of almost any width and height, in addition, it is possible to make arched openings, round or any other shape.

For installation of windows and doors in window and doorways installed between reinforced concrete layers wooden plank 50 mm thick over the entire width of the insulation; with the help of fasteners, the board is securely monolid.

Also in the outer reinforced concrete layer in window openings so-called “quarters” are formed for better installation of windows.


Taking into account all the results of accumulated many years of experience in the design, construction and operation of large-panel multi-storey buildings, as well as the possibility of using modern materials and approaches to the production of wall panels, the INPANS company has tested and is ready to offer you a number of reliable and low-cost solutions to give the facade of your home expressiveness and individuality:

Forming the outer surface. Before pouring concrete mixture Special matrix sheets imitating various façade materials are placed on the molding table. After pouring and hardening of the concrete mixture, an imprint remains on the outer surface of the panel that exactly repeats not only the contour, but also the texture, for example, of brick, stone, wooden beam. Matrix sheets can be produced for almost any material. The concrete surface formed in this way will not be erased over time and will always remain unchanged.

To create this texture during the production process, it is applied to the outer surface of the panel. special composition, preventing the hardening of a small layer of concrete 3-5 mm deep. After the bulk of the concrete has hardened and the panel has been lifted to a vertical position, the uncured layer is washed away by the pressure of water and present in the concrete mixture granite crushed stone, appears on the surface. The façade appears to be sprinkled with small granite pebbles. This solution does not require painting.

Scratched concrete. This texture is created by running special hard brushes over the surface of just set concrete. Brushes leave marks-grooves on the concrete surface, creating the effect of “scratched concrete”. Grooves can be drawn both vertically and horizontally.

Finishing with facade materials. At your request, the outer surface can also be lined with any other façade materials ( clinker brick, wooden planks, fiber cement siding, etc.).

Using these textures separately or combining them, you can implement almost any design solution on the facade of your home.

Most façade solutions are implemented in the process of manufacturing wall panels; panels arrive at the site with a finished finish.


Internal load-bearing reinforced concrete wall panels are produced on the same equipment as three-layer external panels. They consist of one layer of heavy concrete class B25 and steel reinforcement. Thickness of internal load-bearing panels, depending on design solutions, ranges from 120 to 180 mm.

Openings in internal load-bearing walls, as well as in external ones, can be made rectangular, arched or other shapes.

The quality of the internal surface of the external and internal panels is smooth and does not require leveling plaster; it is enough to apply finishing putty, or, for example, in a bathroom, immediately glue the tiles. Tolerances for differences across the entire plane of the panel are no more than 3-5 mm.

Moreover, unlike walls made of block materials, such as brick, gas silicate and other blocks, the inner surface of reinforced concrete panels does not have technological seams and is homogeneous. It is impossible for cracks to form on them, and the use of reinforcing mesh is not required when finishing walls.

The joints between panels inside the house (interpanel seams) are sealed with concrete during their installation. Corner interpanel seams are only 80-120 mm wide and are made in the plane of the walls. And we design and make interpanel seams of linear panels in the alignment of load-bearing walls or partitions in order to hide them.

When manufacturing external and internal reinforced concrete panels, you can put grooves in them for wiring and other technological holes according to your project. This greatly simplifies and speeds up the process of laying utility lines.

To be able to diversify planning solutions, the designers of the INPANS company try to make a minimum number of internal load-bearing walls, and in some solutions you can do without them altogether. The main task of internal load-bearing walls is to serve as support for floor slabs.


As interfloor ceilings we use proven and reliable hollow core slabs ceilings of PB and PC grades. Thanks to modern equipment, PB slabs can be manufactured to any length, while floor slabs with a thickness of 220 mm can cover a span of up to 7 meters, and slabs with a thickness of 265 mm can cover a span of up to 10 meters. The standard width of the floor slab is 1.2 m.

In addition to the standard width, PB slabs can be cut lengthwise into additional slabs (sizes 290, 470, 650, 830, 1010 mm). In addition, PB slabs can be cut diagonally without loss of load-bearing capacity.

If necessary, do balcony slab, a slab with cantilever support or with non-standard openings (for example, for large-diameter chimneys), such slabs are made completely monolithic, similar to internal load-bearing walls, according to the relevant drawings with the reinforcement necessary for each specific case.

To create large openings in the ceiling of hollow core slabs (for example, for a staircase opening or installation of ventilation shafts), we use standard PETRA® steel brackets from the Finnish manufacturer Peikko Group, which allow opening an opening up to 2.4 meters wide (the width of 2 standard floor slabs) .

The variability of modern floor slabs allows you to implement any space-planning solution for the structure of your home, and their installation takes only a few hours.


Wall panels are delivered from the factory by panel trucks; a standard panel truck can bring panels with a total length of 2x7.8 meters and a total weight of no more than 20 tons. Typically, wall panels for two-story house 10x10 meters are delivered by 10 flights of standard panel trucks. As a rule, delivery and installation of wall panels are carried out on the same day.

Important! It is necessary to have or install an access road for panel trucks and a platform for a truck crane at the construction site.

The installation of wall panels on the foundation is carried out by a truck crane, which is located between the foundation and the panel carriers. The truck crane removes the wall panels from the panel truck and immediately installs them in the design position on the foundation. The installation process of one panel takes on average 15-20 minutes. And all wall panels on one floor are installed within one to two days, depending on their quantity.

Important! The choice of truck crane is made based on the weight of the wall panels and the distance over which the panel needs to be moved. In our practice, we used cranes with a lifting capacity from 25 to 120 tons.

Wall panels are mounted in the design position, previously marked on the foundation, on the underlying layer of mortar and secured to temporary supports (struts):

Immediately after installing the wall panels, floor slabs are laid on them, the gaps between the floor slabs are reinforced:

The connection of wall panels to each other is made by embedding the joints of the internal load-bearing layer with heavy concrete. To connect the wall panels to each other, steel cable loops from the Finnish manufacturer Peikko Group are laid at the horizontal ends of the load-bearing layer in increments of 400-500 mm. When installing wall panels side by side, the cable loops of adjacent panels intersect, forming a node into which the reinforcement is inserted.

With this technology of joining the internal reinforced concrete layer of wall panels, the interpanel seam becomes airtight, it does not let in either wind or moisture from the street.

After the concrete has set monolithic areas, temporary supports (struts) are removed and you can begin installing the panels of the next floor.

This technology for installing wall panels is also used in the construction of modern multi-story buildings. panel houses, and is rightfully considered the most advanced in the industry.

Wall panels practically do not shrink, and interior decoration You can start immediately after completion of construction and installation work.


After embedding, the internal load-bearing reinforced concrete layer completely eliminates the penetration of moisture and wind into the house from the street; a strip of mineral wool or this space is being filled polyurethane foam. Then, a bundle of foamed polyethylene is inserted into the outer reinforced concrete layer and a sealant for interpanel seams is applied on top, which can be painted in the color of the facade. Unlike multi-storey buildings, for our houses we make joints only 20-25 mm wide.

To hide the interpanel seams on the outside of the house, you can simply paint them the same color as the facade, or cover them, for example, with corner clinker or fiber cement tiles, or use other materials.


Not load-bearing interior walls(partitions) can be made of any materials at your request. The INPANS company offers to manufacture partitions from moisture-resistant solid tongue-and-groove slabs (GGP). The partitions can be made of single-layer PGP with a thickness of 80 or 100 mm, as well as multi-layer with the inclusion of a layer of mineral wool between two partitions to increase sound insulation between rooms.

Installation time internal partitions is 1-2 weeks, and is carried out simultaneously with the installation of the attic floor and roof.


If there is a cold attic in your home, the attic ceiling is carried out according to wooden beams with a pitch of 600 mm, between which a layer of insulation (mineral wool) 200 mm thick is laid, then another layer of mineral wool 100 mm thick is laid crosswise on top of the ceiling.

Thus, the total thickness of the insulation is 300 mm; such insulation is included in the basic equipment of our houses.

The ceiling is hemmed from below vapor barrier film to prevent moisture from entering the insulation from inside the room.


The pitched roof is built on wooden rafters, then a wind-moisture-proof membrane, sheathing and counter-lattice are attached. Depending on your wishes and architectural solutions, the finishing coating is arranged. The most common are metal tiles or soft bitumen shingles.

When choosing materials finishing coating roofs, we recommend using only quality materials with a confirmed manufacturer's warranty.


Device flat roof produced according to reinforced concrete slabs floors, with the installation of reinforced concrete parapets along the entire perimeter of the house. The ceiling is insulated with extruded polystyrene foam, a slope is made, a lower layer of waterproofing and a double layer of upper waterproofing are made. They also arrange drainage funnels, ventilation and chimney ducts.

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Modern three-layer wall panels with PIR insulation, produced under the KROHN brand, are also intended for the construction of walls at facilities for various purposes. Due to the presence of high-quality insulation inside the panel, this building material has excellent thermal insulation characteristics. But not less important advantage is the ease of assembling an object from sandwich panels.

Three-layer wall panels with PIR insulation

The KRON group of companies sells PIR wall sandwich panels in Moscow. They can be of different thicknesses (from 30 to 220 mm), have different type profile (crimped, striped, micro-profiled, without fins) and any color according to the RAL scale.

To ensure ideal butt joints when installing three-layer wall panels with insulation, we use secure lock"tenon-groove" or labyrinthine connection "double tongue-groove". Due to this, the stability of the structure is increased and the possibility of the formation of “cold bridges” is eliminated.

Advantages of sandwich panel construction

Technical characteristics of KROHN PIR sandwich panels:

The elevator shaft is equipped with embedded elements for subsequent assembly of the structure located along the entire height of the building. In some cases, mortgages are not included in the structure, then the blocks are mounted on spacer dowels. The use of tubing makes it possible to use the in-line method of installing elevators in any standard construction.
Since the installation of elevator shaft blocks can be carried out in buildings with different ceiling heights, structures of different standard sizes, as well as additional elements, are produced.
The task of reinforced concrete products is to ensure safe, comfortable movement of people inside the building, therefore special attention is paid to the quality of materials, accuracy of compliance with design requirements and professional installation. In order for elevator cabins to move freely inside the shaft, the following parameters must be observed during the manufacturing process of reinforced concrete products:

Precise geometry;
- absence of visible defects – cracks, cavities;
- absence of reinforcement parts not covered with a layer of concrete of the required thickness.

Features of elevator shafts

The products are designed taking into account the location of the elevator counterweight - behind or to the side of the elevator cabin. The main characteristics of reinforced concrete elevator shafts are:

High strength characteristics;
- wear resistance and durability - the service life of the shaft is several decades and is comparable to the service life of the main load-bearing structures building;
- fire resistance. Fire resistance limit - 1 hour or more;
- simple installation and high maintainability;
- resistance to moisture.

The installation of elevator shafts helps strengthen the main structures of the building and increase its stability.

Elevator shaft markings

Like any mass-market reinforced concrete products, the product is subject to mandatory labeling. Alphanumeric designations are printed on inner surface block located behind the elevator car.
The designations ШЛ stand for elevator shafts. Next letter characterizes the type of lift. L – passenger elevator; G-freight elevator.
The numbers after the letters indicate the dimensions of the block. The labeling may also indicate the presence of additional structural elements and mortgages.

Delivery of elevator shafts

Delivery of elevator shafts is carried out by our own transport in Moscow, Moscow, Oryol, Ryazan, Kaluga and other regions of Russia! Delivery estimates can be ordered in the Delivery section.

When delivering elevator shafts, precautions must be taken. According to GOST, heavy cargo can be transported only in a horizontal position in special vehicles. When loading/unloading, it is prohibited to move several pieces at a time. Exception: rigging work special devices, where lifting several products at the same time is allowed.

When storing at open ground a gasket with a thickness of at least 10 cm is placed at the base of the stack; a drain for water is required.

Elevator shafts price in Moscow

Elevator shafts price per piece. The price depends on their size, thickness, presence/absence of strengthening additives, reinforcement. In order not to overpay for the goods, it is advisable to order elevator shafts directly from the manufacturer PSK Perspektiva LLC plant. This way you will receive certified reinforced concrete products with a laboratory report and at the best cost.

Our company can offer you the optimal balance between quality and cost.

You can request our price list and place an order in the section of the site that interests you.

Come check out the prices and make sure that cooperation with us will be beneficial for you.

Our plant PSK Perspektiva LLC has been operating since October 2003.

Buy elevator shafts at the concrete products plant

It is profitable to buy elevator shafts without intermediaries at the Perspektiva reinforced concrete products plant. New elevator shafts are always available in our warehouses. We are now increasing production capacity and looking for new reliable partners.

If you are serious about cooperation, contact us at the numbers listed in the “Contacts” tab.
