DIY steps for the porch made of concrete. Do-it-yourself concrete porch: the beginning of construction work. Materials for making concrete steps

It is quite difficult to imagine the facade of a private housing construction without a porch. As a rule, it is erected simultaneously with the building. But from time to time situations arise when it is necessary to make a porch with steps after the completion of the main stage of construction. Often in this case they resort to constructing a structure made of concrete. We will tell you in detail what you need to know about the stages of construction with your own hands.


Any construction begins with a sketch. Only after carefully drawing out all the details of the project can we proceed to the main stage of work.

Shape Definition

Traditionally, the main entrance with steps is located on the facade of the building. In addition to its direct purpose - to provide ease of movement, entry group must fit harmoniously into the overall architectural style of the building. Therefore, along with the choice of material for making steps, it is important to correctly determine the shape that will become original element design. The front part of the house can be decorated with semicircular or trapezoidal concrete steps.

If the building is compact and the goal is not to amaze those present with elegance, you can make a classic porch rectangular or square shape. The same applies to spacious houses, where it would be a good idea to equip your own emergency exit with compact concrete steps.

Size calculation

The starting point for DIY construction is the dimensions of the concrete steps for the porch. It is very important to correctly determine the dimensions of the structure so that it meets the requirements of SNiP, is durable and comfortable. The following recommendations for choosing parameters will help you competently design concrete steps:

  • To determine overall height porch, you need to measure the distance from the soil to the bottom of the threshold. The upper platform of the structure is arranged 5 cm below the end of the door for its unhindered opening.
  • If the steps are located in the immediate vicinity of the entrance, their minimum width should exceed the size of the doorway by 15 cm. In order to ensure free passage for two people, the width of the top step should be more than 1 m.
  • The height of one step varies between 12-20 cm, the choice depends on the population for which the concrete porch is intended. For children and the elderly, it is better to make the height of the structure 12-15 cm; adults feel comfortable even with a 20-centimeter rise.
  • It is optimal to plan the tread width from 27 cm.
  • To determine the number of steps, it is enough to divide the height of the porch by the size of one level. To obtain an integer value, adjust the height of the steps.
  • The staircase must be made with an angle of inclination within 26-45 degrees.
  • The minimum side of the porch area is 1 m.

After drawing up a plan, taking into account the recommendations outlined, they move on to the material support of the construction process.

Handy tools and building materials

It is necessary to calculate the need for materials for concrete steps based on the prepared project. If the mixture for the solution is purchased ready-made, you need to determine its volume. If you want to prepare a composition for concreting with your own hands, start from the following indicators of material consumption for the production of 1 m 3 of concrete:

  • sand - 1.02 m 3;
  • cement - 340 kg;
  • crushed stone - 0.86 m3.

Attention ! The presence of reinforcement in concrete steps will increase the strength of the porch.

To build concrete steps with your own hands, you will need to stock up on the following materials:

  • formwork is formed from plywood sheets and boards more than 2 cm thick, it is better to choose the width within 20 cm;
  • the function of stiffeners will be performed by 40x40 mm bars;
  • fasteners for formwork boards in the form of nails;
  • metal rods for frame reinforcement Ø 6.5-12 mm;
  • material for waterproofing;
  • ready-mix for concreting or its components;
  • finishing materials.

The tools you should have on hand include:

  • concrete mixer;
  • perforator and vibrator for compacting concrete mortar;
  • electric saw;
  • bayonet and shovel shovels;
  • spatula, tape measure, level.

Site preparation

When arranging a porch made of concrete at the stage of general construction of a house, preparation of the site comes down to clearing the site of construction waste. In a situation where DIY replacement is required old design, which does not have a foundation, to new concrete steps, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • A foundation pit is being prepared for the porch foundation. The depth must be 20-30 cm below the soil freezing line. This figure varies for different regions; the minimum recess for compact concrete steps is 50 cm. Each side of the pit must exceed the dimensions of the concrete porch area by 25 cm.
  • Recesses are prepared in the foundation of the house for mutual reinforcement of concrete steps with the building.
  • At the bottom of the pit under the concrete porch you need to make a “cushion”. First, wet sand is distributed, the layer thickness is 15 cm, then a layer of crushed stone 20 cm high is compacted tightly, and finally the sand is again distributed to a height of 10 cm. Everything is covered with water. This layer will reliably protect the porch steps from destruction by groundwater.
  • As a waterproofing layer concrete structure roofing material appears.
  • Next, you need to make a reinforcing mesh with your own hands, the side of the cells is 10x10 cm.
  • Finally, the porch area is covered with concrete mortar, which must be pierced with a metal rod to remove air bubbles in several places.

Note! In order for the base of the concrete porch to become stronger, it is necessary to take a break from work for several days.

Installation of formwork

After arranging the cushions, they begin to form the formwork for the steps with their own hands. The frame of the structure must be made reliable so that it can withstand the weight of the poured concrete. The outline of the frame corresponds to the dimensions of the future steps for the porch; it is made of boards and plywood sheets. The preparation procedure includes the following steps:

  • Marking the porch on a sheet of plywood starts from the bottom step.
  • Treads and risers are drawn at right angles.
  • Next, you need to mark the platform and the upper tread. To ensure precipitation drainage, a slope of 6 mm is provided for every 30 cm of length.
  • All contours are cut using a grinder.

In order for the frame of the steps for the porch to withstand the poured mass of concrete, it is necessary to strengthen the sides of the formwork with your own hands. The timber acts as stiffening ribs. Using boards that follow the shape and dimensions of the risers, the panels are connected with nails. It is recommended to make the lower edge of the planks at a slope to form a flat surface of the poured concrete.

The formed structure for the future porch is arranged near the foundation of the house with an interval of 1 cm. For fixation, spacers are used, the movement of which is limited by stakes. They are buried into the soil by at least 25 cm, the distance between the stakes and the panels of the frame of the steps for the porch is about 45-50 cm. The entire 10 cm gap is filled with soil and thoroughly compacted.

Attention ! Plywood formwork should exceed the height of the concrete porch by 30 cm.

Pouring the foundation

Before pouring concrete, you must:

  • cover the base of the steps for the porch with a layer of vapor barrier;
  • protect the foundation of the house with roofing felt and then apply sealant.
  • Treat the formwork of the porch steps with a special lubricant from the inside, this will prevent the concrete from sticking to the plywood or boards.

Reinforcement will increase the strength of the concrete porch and extend its service life. To do this, cut metal rods required sizes and connected to each other with wire. Their length should be 4-5 cm less than the width of the steps, layers of reinforcement are formed at intervals of 15 cm. Broken bricks or stones laid between layers of reinforcement will help save concrete consumption and increase its strength.

Advice ! At this stage of the work, embedded elements are left for the subsequent installation of a canopy or railing, if such parts are provided for in the project.

The use of a concrete mixer will significantly speed up the process of constructing steps for the porch. Pouring concrete begins from the bottom step. It is recommended to lay the solution immediately after mixing, this will preserve its strength characteristics. Each layer of concrete poured is compacted to remove voids. If the actions are carried out poorly, the remaining air bubbles will provoke rapid destruction of the concrete steps. The protruding bricks are pressed inward with a shovel or trowel. After pouring and compacting, the quality of each stage of work on the construction of steps for the porch is checked using a level.

The next layer of concrete is filled into the formwork after the previous one has completely dried. Work with the solution ends at the top step. The porch formwork is not removed for a week. When working in hot weather, the concrete is regularly wetted to prevent it from cracking. The porch formwork is removed carefully by tapping the boards with a hammer. If necessary, the surface of the concrete porch is polished.

Finishing work

The finishing of concrete steps begins a month after the formwork is removed. During this time, the solution gains standard power. There may be several design options:

  • The simplest solution is to cover the porch with paint intended for exterior use.
  • The steps on which a pattern of pebbles is laid out look elegant (this work is done with your own hands at the stage of pouring concrete).
  • The most common option is the use of clinker tiles or porcelain stoneware.

It is important that the chosen design of the porch steps is combined with general finishing building. We hope that the material presented will help build reliable porch which will last for a long period. The proposed video will once again describe in detail all stages of the work.

There are many materials for making a porch. Among them are wood, metal, stone. However, the strongest and most durable is a concrete porch. The procedure for making it has certain difficulties and requires a lot of time, but the result is worth it. Let's look at how to make a concrete porch below.

Concrete porch: advantages and characteristics

The porch is the calling card of every home; the process of its construction should be carried out during the construction of the house itself. Although sometimes, the porch is built later.

At self-construction When installing a porch, you must strictly follow all technologies and recommendations, since an incorrectly made porch can destroy the foundation, lead to deformation or cracking of the walls, and subsidence of the house.

Choosing concrete as the main material for constructing a porch has the following advantages:

  • long service life, which far exceeds products made of metal, stone or wood;
  • concrete is not subject to corrosion, does not rot and does not lose its physical characteristics under the influence of atmospheric precipitation;
  • the use of reinforcement can significantly improve the strength characteristics of the porch;
  • the concrete porch is resistant to mechanical stress, abrasion, and ultraviolet radiation;
  • fantasy, in the making concrete porch unlimited, it is possible to construct wavy steps, arched protrusions, etc.;
  • to make this kind of porch you will need sand, crushed stone, cement and water, these materials are absolutely accessible and inexpensive;
  • fire safety is also very important advantage a concrete porch, because unlike a wooden one, such a porch is not prone to burning and the spread of fire;
  • It is possible to finish the concrete porch with tiles, natural or piece stone, which will significantly improve the attractiveness of its appearance.

Construction of a concrete porch: types of porch

In relation to the shape of the steps, a concrete porch can be:

  • trapezoidal;
  • round;
  • square;
  • rectangular.

The shape of the porch directly depends on its type, size, shape of the house and other individual characteristics. In relation to the structural components, the porch can be:

  • veranda-shaped;
  • open;
  • closed.

In addition, railings are installed on the porch, which make it appearance more complete and aesthetically attractive.

The final appearance of the porch directly depends on the individual characteristics of the building, the preferences of its owners, as well as financial investments. First stage Making a porch involves designing it, which we’ll talk about later.

How to make a concrete porch with your own hands: designing a porch

Before purchasing the materials and tools that will be needed for the work, you should first decide on the type and shape of the porch being made. The steps for a concrete porch should be of such a size that it is comfortable to stand on them. In addition, the stairs should not be too narrow, since people go down and up the porch every day.

When making a concrete porch, the following parameters should be taken into account:

  • the minimum width of a staircase opening is 85 cm, so one person will be able to move comfortably along it if the opening allows the construction of a staircase bigger size, then take advantage of this opportunity;
  • the maximum angle of inclination of the stairs is forty-five degrees; if it is exceeded, the stairs will be too steep to descend, and there is a risk of injury during its operation;
  • try to choose odd number steps;
  • the optimal height of one step is 18 cm;
  • the overhang of the steps over each other should not be more than three centimeters;
  • the difference between the upper platform and the door should not be more than five centimeters;
  • the size of the area in front of the entrance to the house should be such as to ensure optimal opening front door.

Building a concrete porch: choosing materials and tools

The procedure for making concrete for pouring a porch can be carried out in two ways:

The first option is more expensive, but it has certain advantages. Factory-prepared concrete has better adhesion to the surface, there are no air bubbles, and after hardening it has higher strength and good performance characteristics. However, the cost of this solution is an order of magnitude higher than that of a composition prepared by hand.

Using a concrete mixer, you can prepare a solution of good quality, which will also have good technical characteristics. When making factory-mixed concrete, it is enough to purchase cement of grade 100 or 200, and when using a concrete mixer, it is necessary to use cement of grade no lower than 400.

In order to construct a concrete porch, you will need:

  • purchased concrete or cement grade no lower than 400 for preparing concrete;
  • sand and gravel for concrete mortar, in case of it self-cooking;
  • reinforcing bars, the diameter of which is about 65 mm;
  • wires for tying reinforcement;
  • boards from which it is necessary to construct formwork;
  • beams, on which the frame part of the formwork will be based;
  • nails;
  • roofing felt

The following tools should be prepared to perform the work:

  • perforator;
  • grinder for cutting reinforcement;
  • a hand vibrator that will be used to compact concrete;
  • shovel;
  • concrete mixer, in case of independent preparation of concrete solution;
  • bucket;
  • container in which the mixture will be mixed;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • board for leveling concrete.

DIY concrete porch: start of construction work

In the process of making a concrete porch, you must adhere to three basic principles:

  • the height of the porch foundation should be identical to the height of the foundation of the building near which it is being built;
  • mutual reinforcement will help connect the building with the porch into a single integral structure;
  • To increase the service life of the porch, it should be carefully waterproofed at the base.

Work on the porch should begin with its design. To do this, you should use a ready-made project, develop it yourself, or ask for help from specialists. Each of these options has certain disadvantages and advantages. Using a ready-made project will reduce the cost of hiring a specialist; the porch will turn out to be of high quality and well planned. However, in finished project The individual characteristics of the structure are not taken into account.

Independent design of the porch allows you to build a structure that will meet all the individual preferences of the owners. However, completing the project requires enormous experience and the ability to carry out calculations. If there are the slightest errors, there is a risk of damage to the entire structure, not only the porch, but also the house.

Contacting specialists is the most optimal, but at the same time expensive option. Such a porch will be clearly designed to suit your individual preferences and features of the house. In addition, specialists will accurately carry out all calculations and help you achieve results in obtaining a high-quality and aesthetically attractive porch. The choice of one option or another remains up to the owners of the house.

After design, the process of calculating the required amount of materials with which the porch will be built follows. To calculate the amount of concrete solution, you need to know the area of ​​the foundation. Measure its width, height and length, multiply the resulting values, the resulting number will be the volume of concrete that will be required for pouring. The same should be done with the stairs, calculate the volume of one step and multiply it by the number of steps.

When choosing reinforcement, you should take into account that the standard length is 12 m. Calculate the total length of the reinforcing rods that will be laid on the porch and divide the resulting value by 12. The result will be the number of rods required to complete the reinforcement. Tip: The porch design should also indicate the location of the reinforcement, thus simplifying the procedure for calculating the reinforcement and its installation.

To arrange a cushion of crushed stone, you should measure the length and width of the base on which it will be arranged. Next, the obtained value is multiplied by 0.05 m, the resulting result will be the volume of crushed stone needed to construct the cushion. The same procedure is carried out with sand, however, 10 cm of sand will be required, that is, it must be multiplied by 0.1 m.

Advice: All obtained values ​​must be multiplied by 10, 15% to compensate for unplanned costs.

Concrete porch photo:

Once the project has been developed, the actual preparation of the foundation for the porch should begin. If you have an old porch, you should take care to destroy it and remove all the debris that remains as a result of this process. In addition, there should be no vegetation on the site.

The next stage involves digging a foundation pit for the porch. The foundation must be as deep as the foundation of the building itself. A cushion of sand and gravel is installed in the pit. The sand layer should be gradually moistened with water and compacted well using special equipment.

After this, you should build formwork from boards and timber, make sure that the entire structure is even, since the shape of the porch will depend on it. In addition, poorly installed formwork will lead to destruction of the integrity of the entire structure. To fix the boards together, use self-tapping screws and anchor bolts.

The next stage of manufacturing the porch involves its reinforcement. In order to reinforce the surface, you will need reinforcing rods with a diameter of about 6-8 cm. To connect the rods to each other, wire is needed. Please note that holes are also made in the wall of the building, with the help of which the porch fittings are connected to the house, so the structure will be complete and unified.

The interval between the wires is about 100 mm, the reinforcement should rise above the foundation by 200 mm. After the reinforcement is completed, the process of pouring the porch with concrete follows. We'll talk about this further.

How to pour a concrete porch: technology

A layer of waterproofing is laid on top of the foundation; it is best to use roofing material or a special one for these purposes. PVC film. Before this, the porch is filled with a previously prepared solution based on cement and sand, in a ratio of 1:4. In addition, you must use a vibrator when working. This device will help improve the adhesion of the concrete solution to the surface and relieve the mixture of air bubbles that deteriorate its quality.

Depending on the drawing, formwork should be installed to fill the steps. There are certain subtleties in this process:

  • to arrange treads and steps, the formwork is installed strictly at a right angle;
  • Please note that formwork requires stiffening ribs;
  • the slope for the treads is about 0.6 cm, thus it will be possible to provide a drain for water during rain;
  • formwork for a semicircular porch made of concrete should be made of plywood, the minimum thickness of which is 3 cm;
  • Roofing felt waterproofing should be installed at the bottom of the formwork.

After installing the formwork and installing the waterproofing, the process of reinforcing the steps is carried out. The reinforcement of the steps must also be connected to the house in order for the structure to be as complete as possible.

Advice: Optimal value The size of the step is width - 25 cm, height - 20 cm.

How to build a concrete porch: processing the finished porch

You have already learned how to make a concrete porch with your own hands, however, in order to improve the attractiveness of the appearance of this structure, you should also work hard.

To finish a concrete porch, materials are used in the form of:

  • piece stone;
  • natural stone;
  • clinker tiles;
  • porcelain stoneware

The choice of one type of material or another depends on the individual preferences of the home owners. In addition, it should be remembered that the porch should be in harmony with the overall style of the building.

After finishing the porch, railings are installed on it, if the number of steps on it is more than three. To prevent precipitation from entering the front door, it is recommended to install a canopy. There are a lot of options for its construction - brick, piece stone, metal, wood, polycarbonate.

Flowers, figurines, and additional accessories are installed on the porch to increase its aesthetic appeal and delight guests who come to the house.

The porch of a house is its face, an element that determines the overall style and architectural direction in exterior design. A concrete porch not only protects inner space home from negative influence weather conditions, street noise, but also a small area that provides convenient access to the doors. It is important to note that it is the concrete porch that takes on a large share external loads, therefore, it is very important when constructing it to clearly understand the sequence of all stages of work. This information will be especially useful for those who want to know how to make a concrete porch with their own hands.

Functional purpose of a concrete porch

Very often during construction country houses With high base, a problem arises that concerns the construction of the porch. It must correspond to the general style of the house, and since this building is located at a minimum distance from the front door, the choice of a concrete porch must be approached with the utmost seriousness and responsibility. A concrete porch should become not just a beautiful veranda, but a stylish extension of the facade of the house.

Advice! Carefully control the quality of work. An incorrectly filled porch can greatly spoil the impression of the entire appearance of the house.

It is very important when building a concrete entrance veranda to choose the right material. So, for example, if a building is built of brick, then the porch should be built of the same material.

Types of concrete porches

Depending on the shape of the steps, the porch can be:

  • rectangular shape;
  • square shape;
  • trapezoidal format.

The shape of a concrete porch is influenced by many factors: the size, configuration and architectural features of the building.

In combination with other building elements, a concrete porch can be:

  • closed type;
  • open;
  • veranda-shaped.

Also, railings are often installed on concrete verandas, making appearance The whole structure is complete and very attractive.

The final result of the construction of a concrete porch directly depends on architectural features building, the wishes of the home owners, and, importantly, the size of the construction budget.

In addition to the types of concrete porches discussed above, concrete porches with a secret niche have recently gained particular popularity. We will learn how to properly build such a porch in the next video.

Designing a concrete porch

The first thing you need to do when planning the construction of a concrete porch is to create a design project that will contain the exact parameters of the future structure. It is also important to indicate the size and number of steps. They should be such that the stairs are easy for people of all ages to go up and down.

Advice! The staircase of the entrance veranda made of concrete should be wide enough so that the active movement of a large number of people does not create difficulties.

When developing a porch construction plan, you need to consider some very important factors:

  1. The width of the stairs should be more than 0.9 m. This will help several people easily move along it at the same time. If possible, the stairs should be made as wide as possible.
  2. Tilt angle flight of stairs should be no more than 5°C. If you exceed this figure, the descent from the stairs will be very steep and therefore unsafe.
  3. The number of steps must be odd.
  4. The height of one step should not exceed 18 cm.
  5. The distance between steps should be a maximum of 3 cm.
  6. The distance between the door and the veranda platform should be a maximum of 5 cm.
  7. The area of ​​the upper platform of the veranda must be sufficiently wide for the door to open freely.

It is very important, when starting construction work, to create a sketch from which a plan-drawing is developed, indicating the main parameters and some nuances of the future concrete structure. It should also reflect the foundation of the future porch.

What mistakes should not be made when designing and building a porch made of concrete, we will find out in the next video

Concrete porch construction technology

Construction of a concrete porch without the involvement of third parties is a very difficult, physically difficult job. Technological process quite understandable, and the financial investment will be quite modest, due to the fact that a certain part of the building materials is waste from previous construction projects. So, for a small amount of money or for nothing you can get wooden boards and timber for installing formwork, broken bricks for building a foundation, sand.

We calculate and prepare materials

In order to avoid unnecessary purchases, you should focus on the following indicators: per square meter pouring requires about 400 kg of cement, 1 m³ of sand and 0.9 m³ of crushed stone. The total volume of the future concrete structure can be easily calculated based on the main parameters indicated in the drawing.

To make the calculations simpler and more understandable, the design can be divided into several blocks, the volume of each of them can be calculated and all the indicators can be added together. Mathematical formula calculation: L (length) * W (width) * H (height).

How to calculate the material for reinforcing a concrete porch? The layout of reinforced rods inside a concrete structure can be different. The best option- this is an intersection of vertical and horizontal rods, at least 0.15 cm thick. The resulting cells should have dimensions of no more than 20 cm. It is difficult to indicate the exact number of rods for the construction of a porch, but as practice shows, on average about 170 m of reinforced rod is consumed.

How to make formwork correctly? There is no need to buy building materials for this stage of work. For these purposes, scraps of wooden boards that match the parameters are quite suitable. Bricks or pieces of timber are used as supports.

You only need to purchase a mixture of sand and gravel, concrete and reinforcement. You will also need fasteners, wire, insulating material, and some sand and crushed stone for the foundation.

Digging a hole for the foundation

Marking the location of the foundation begins from the middle of the front door. From this point all markings on the ground are carried out. In the corners it is necessary to dig pegs along which the cord is pulled. In a fenced area, it is necessary to dig a hole for the foundation with a depth of about 0.5 m. Along the border of the pit it is necessary to make another step from the earth, 0.2 m deep. Pour gravel and sand into the bottom of the pit. The embankment should be of such a height that there is about 0.2 m left to the edge of the pit. If there is no sand and gravel mixture, brick fighting is good. It is very important to compact everything thoroughly and lay a layer of insulating material. It is also laid overlapping on the wall to which the concrete porch structure is adjacent.

Formwork assembly and reinforcement tying

If the wooden boards are not wide enough, they are assembled into panels, the height of which should correspond to the height of one step. The length of the shield is equal to the length of the side of the future veranda. Then the panels are mounted along the edges of the foundation pit, leveled and secured with timber stakes. Be sure to control the height of the shields.

Then we proceed to knitting the reinforcement cage. The reinforcement belt for each level of the future porch should be double. The lower grille should be raised 5 cm above the insulating material, and the upper one should be fixed so that it becomes recessed 5 cm into the concrete. Knitting the reinforcement cage begins with assembling the first level of formwork and knitting the first reinforcing belt. After this, the second level of formwork and the second reinforcing belt are assembled. The next levels are assembled similarly to the previous two. It is important to check whether the structure is securely fixed and, if necessary, secure it additionally. After this, you can pour the prepared mixture of sand and gravel.

If you plan to build a concrete porch with a complex configuration, then you can use flexible durable material, tin or plywood, to form the foundation.

Filling the formwork with concrete

For a more reliable result, pouring the formwork should be done at one time. Calculate in advance required amount mixtures, and think about the easiest way to pour concrete into the formwork in one go. For these purposes, a homemade gutter is best suited, through which concrete will be fed into Right place. After pouring the concrete solution into the formwork is completed, you must wait until it dries completely. As a rule, after forty-eight hours the concrete hardens completely, but dismantle the formwork and begin further decoration the porch can be done no earlier than in a month. It is during this time that concrete gains full strength. It is important to provide protection from precipitation during the entire drying period of the concrete.

Porch finishing

When the concrete has completely dried, the formwork can be dismantled and then the final decoration of the structure can begin. For this purpose, a wide variety of Construction Materials: stone, porcelain tiles, clinker tiles.

The choice of finishing depends entirely on the taste and financial capabilities of the owner of the house. It is important to choose the finish so that it does not stand out against the general background. external walls buildings and completely matched the architectural style.

Learn more about how to properly veneer a concrete porch with clinker tiles in the next video


A concrete porch is a decoration for a private home. It protects the building from the harmful effects of the atmosphere. Having become familiar with the basic processes of constructing a porch made of concrete, all work can be carried out on your own, quickly and efficiently.

Basically, buildings are erected in different areas (lowland, hill or plain). Sometimes it is necessary to add a porch to an erected structure, but sometimes the addition of a porch is the developer’s idea.

Before installing the porch, you need to consider some nuances:

  • The porch must be built thoroughly and adapted to negative weather conditions;
  • Look harmonious against the background of the house;
  • The height of the climb and the size should be calculated clearly, otherwise climbing it will be difficult.

But it is not always possible to comply with these points; before installation, it is still worth considering some nuances.

Before planning the size, we recommend that you initially measure the height from the ground to the height - this will be the height of the porch. Taking this measurement you will calculate required quantity steps. Optimal height The limit for steps is 12-18 cm and the width of the top step will be 15-20 cm wider than the front door.

For a comfortable exit, the top step of the porch should be about 1 meter wide.

To properly make risers and treads, you need to draw them at an angle of 90 degrees.

The treads are approximately 30 cm wide; this must be done for safe ascent and descent.

Then we install a shield prepared for fixing inside the box and fix it to the size of the step height. We do it on all marked treads.

Before pouring the porch, it is necessary to make reinforcement to prevent cracks from occurring; to do this, you need to purchase a reinforcing rod with a diameter of 12 mm and make a strapping. To perform reinforcement correctly, it is necessary to install the reinforcement on wooden blocks up to 5 cm thick and place them at the bottom of the box. This is necessary to fill the entire formwork with concrete, forming a layer of concrete under the rods and this will prevent corrosion from damaging it.

Select the size of the reinforcement so that at the top point of the porch it is 5 cm lower.

Be sure to open the box with boards and pegs after finishing the reinforcement. Don't forget to make the final tie using screws or nails.

Having calculated all the dimensions, you need to make a calculation and determine how much money you will need for materials. You will need:

  • Cement 400 or 500;
  • Quarry sand, washed;
  • Crushed stone fraction 5-20mm;
  • Fittings;
  • To assemble the formwork you will need lumber.

Having collected all the data, you will determine the full cost of the porch, but without finishing. If you hire specialists to install the porch, its price will become slightly higher.

Preparing the mixture for making a porch

There are several options for pouring a porch. The first and most expensive way is to use the services of special companies. The second and more profitable way is to make the porch yourself. Making a concrete porch yourself will of course be a labor-intensive task, since you will mix all the dosages and ingredients yourself. When mixing ingredients, you can use.

The steps must be poured from the very bottom; the process must be interrupted, as the concrete must harden.

To prepare the concrete mixture you need: pour sand into the container in the required proportion, crushed stone and. Mix everything manually or using a concrete mixer, while adding water. Already ready solution The output should look like thick sour cream.

When mixing ingredients to obtain the required brand of concrete, it is worth paying attention to the feature. On a bag of cement, the manufacturer indicates the quantities of all components for obtaining concrete grades. Such indicators may differ, be careful and follow all recommendations. If you follow this calculation method, you will receive a high-quality solution.

After pouring the concrete, you will need to wait time for it to harden. After the solution has hardened, it must be removed and further work carried out. Finishing work the concrete porch will be faced decorative materials. For this purpose, porcelain stoneware tiles are used, fake diamond or a natural stone. For cladding the porch, it is better to use tiles with a rough surface.

Living in a private house opens up many more opportunities in terms of construction and arrangement than an apartment. Every now and then I want to improve my home, make it more interesting, more practical, more convenient. Some people dream of leaving the house, standing on beautiful porch and enjoy the surrounding view. To do this you need to build a porch. The easiest way is to make a porch from concrete.

Let's figure out exactly how to accomplish the task and what points should be especially taken into account in such buildings.

What to consider?

Construction is completed successfully and correctly only when you approach the planning issue competently. After all, there are a number of points that should definitely be taken into account. In order not to miss anything important, you need to draw up an appropriate project.

Project considerations include:

  1. Is the veranda being built along with the house, or is it an extension to the finished structure?
  2. The height is determined from the ground to the lower edge of the threshold of the house.
  3. The width is determined depending on how many people can walk up the stairs at the same time, as well as whether large items will need to be brought into the house. So, for one person an opening of at least 80 cm is required. To pass through for two people, at least 100 cm is required.
  4. Steps. An odd number of steps are made, which makes it more convenient to go up and down. Optimal sizes- height from 12 to 20 cm and width 25 cm.
  5. The porch should be approximately 5 cm below the level of the threshold of the front door. This will allow the extension not to interfere with the opening and closing of the doors.

Taking into account all these parameters, you can create a project. Based on the drawings, it will be much easier to carry out the work step by step, comply with established standards, and avoid mistakes.

You should definitely take into account the material, the condition of the soil, and the load that the extension will exert. In some cases, reinforcement will be required.

For the main mistakes when planning the construction of a porch, see the following video.


A work plan involves drawing up a clear sequence of your actions. If you make a plan in advance, you will not get confused in the stages and will be able to correctly distribute own time. After all, after some work you need to let the material dry and harden. To do this, by the way, it is recommended to determine the properties of a particular material in advance.

When building a concrete porch, the sequence of steps is as follows:

  1. Clearing the site for an extension and preparing the area;
  2. Determination of the dimensions of the structure;
  3. Construction and installation of the frame;
  4. Pouring with concrete mixture.

Now let’s talk about each step of the plan in detail.

Soil preparation

Preparing land area for future construction plays an extremely important role. Here you need to not just remove all the garbage and remove the layer of accumulated grass. Plants have enormous strength and are able to break through even a thick layer of concrete. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that plants do not begin to make their way under the foundation after the relevant work has been completed.

The main task is to remove all plantings, uproot trees and shrubs. It is recommended not to simply remove them at the root, but to use special chemicals. They prevent any further growth and development of plantings. Therefore, there will be no need to fear their destructive capabilities a couple of years after the construction of the porch.

Once the ground preparations are completed, you can begin laying the ground.


Of course, construction will require certain financial costs for materials. It is important for you to determine how much they will cost.

Having decided on the size of the building, take into account:

  • porch height,
  • porch width,
  • number of steps.

This will allow you to correctly calculate the amount of concrete. You can see how much cement is needed per cube of concrete in another article. It is concrete that is the basis of construction and the material that requires the greatest amount of funds.

Make a drawing and carry out calculations based on it. If you are going to use ready-mixed concrete, then it is enough to calculate the volume of the structure.

To prepare a concrete mixture for pouring a porch using M500 cement, take sand and crushed stone in the following proportion: 1 part cement to 2.2 parts sand and 3.7 parts crushed stone. This porch will withstand a pressure of 300 kg/cm².

You also need to decide on the fittings and waterproofing materials. For example, for reinforcement, two reinforcement rods should be used for each step.


Materials and tools

It makes no sense to start work without the appropriate tools and materials. You simply won't be able to even start it.

Before construction, prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Sand
  • Cement;
  • Crushed stone;
  • Sheets of plywood;
  • Boards;
  • Shovel;
  • Fittings;
  • Nails on wide hats;
  • Concrete mixer;
  • Measuring tools (level, tape measure, etc.);
  • Putty knife;
  • Metal wire;
  • Broken bricks.


  1. The foundation will require a pit, and its depth should be approximately 30 cm. The width of the pit should be 2.5 cm wider than the width of the planned extension. For a porch made of concrete, it is necessary to create an appropriate shallow foundation. Its parameters must meet certain requirements. The depth should be 20-30 cm lower than the soil freezing level.
  2. A substrate is placed at the bottom of the pit. It is made from crushed stone and sand. First, a sand layer of 10 cm is compacted, and then a layer of crushed stone is about 5 cm. The substrate is designed to protect the foundation from groundwater and strengthen the foundation. The substrate should extend beyond the foundation by approximately 10 cm.
  3. If there are groundwater, it is imperative to organize measures to remove them.

Reinforcement, frame creation

Once you've completed the cushions, it's time to start building the porch.

The porch definitely needs a frame:

  1. The frame is a reliable base that can easily support the weight concrete pouring, with which it will be filled. Essentially, formwork is a structure made of boards, plywood and brick elements that replicates the appearance of your future porch, made of concrete.
  2. Boards should be strong, but not too dry, as they may crack. Their thickness is at least 2 cm, and their width is from 20 cm.
  3. The height of the formwork created should be approximately 30 cm higher than the planned porch itself, since the lower part will go into the ground. It is necessary to install side elements that make up parts of the steps of the required height and width. The frame elements are assembled into a single whole using spacers. Due to this, the required strength is achieved.
  4. The sidewalls are reinforced with stiffening ribs, and they can be supplemented with reinforcement. The reinforcement is laid in increments of 20 cm, taking into account the pre-drawn drawing.
  5. Spacers should be installed between the frame and the ribs. All this is covered with soil to a depth of about 10 cm and compacted. Having completed the construction of the formwork, pouring begins.


The issue of steps should be looked at in more detail. After all, they represent the most important element the entire structure. Having correctly calculated and completed them, you will be able to comfortably get up and down the porch. Having made a mistake, you may wish about the decision to make a porch.

The number of steps directly depends on the height from the floor at the front door to the ground. The width of the steps should be large enough so that the foot fits completely on the element. This will provide additional security.

Consider one more the most important moment- if you need to build more than three steps, based on the calculations carried out, it is advisable to provide for the installation of railings.

The angle of inclination of the stairs is allowed from 27° to 45°.

When planning the height of the steps, consider whether the porch will be used by children and the elderly. In this case, the height should be made smaller.

Step width, cm. Step height, cm. March inclination angle
40 10 14°
38 11 16°
36 12 18°
34 13 21°
32 14 23°
30 15 25°
28 16 29°
26 17 33°
24 18 37°
22 19 40°
20 20 45°

Pouring concrete

  1. The structure will be stronger and more reliable if the use of reinforcement is provided. It is advisable to pre-cut it into necessary elements. They are connected by metal wire. Installation of stones and broken bricks on layers of pouring is also allowed. Due to this, it will be necessary to use less concrete without compromising the reliability of the structure.
  2. When mixing the solution, a concrete mixer is useful. Concrete laying begins only after its mixing is completed, which will allow maximum preservation of properties and characteristics.
  3. Filling is carried out from the bottom step.
  4. Each new poured layer is carefully compacted. By leaving voids, you risk reducing the durability and strength of the structure. If the fill is higher than the required level, remove the excess solution and compact it. The construction level determines the correctness of the laying.
  5. After pouring the first layer, wait and let the mixture harden properly. Only after this can you proceed to the next layer. The filling is completed with the last step.
  6. The constructed formwork is not removed immediately after pouring the last stage. You need to wait about 7 days before dismantling it.
