Roof composition - roof elements. Types of flat roof Systems of layered rafters with struts

The roof consists of rafters, lathing and fencing, that is, the roof. Sloped surfaces are slopes and edges. Horizontal parts: ridge, valley and valley. To organize the flow at the lower edge of the slope, gutters are sometimes used. The lower part of the slope between the groove and the edge is called "descent".

The wooden roof frame consists of the following structural elements: mauerlats, rafters and lathing - (basic and mandatory), tightening, pillar and struts (auxiliary) (Fig. 33).

Rice. 33. Structural elements of the roof frame: 1 - Mauerlat; 2 - rafter leg; 3 - tightening; 4 - rack; 5 - brace; 6 - lathing.

Mauerlat (popular name "uterus, mother") is a bar with a cross section of at least 10 x 10 cm or a log hewn from the bottom side. The purpose of the Mauerlat is to support the rafters and evenly distribute the load on the outer walls. In chopped and cobbled buildings, the upper crown of the log house usually plays the role of the mauerlat, and the clamps are nailed to the second crown from the top.

On walls made of lightweight masonry, lightweight concrete, frame and panel walls, a continuous Mauerlat must be laid along their entire length. If the walls are massive (made of brick or stone), then a piece of log or timber 0.5 m long must be placed under each rafter leg. In this case, the ends of the clamps are attached to metal hooks, which are sealed in 2-3 rows of bricks when laying the walls.

Rafters - supporting roof frame

The base of the roof is rafters made of wooden beams, boards, bars.

Rafters are a supporting structure that takes on the weight of the roof, snow and wind pressure; therefore, the wood from which the rafters are made should not have any flaws: rot, wormholes, loose knots, cracks in the connection zones, cracks outside the connection zones with a depth of more than 0.25 of the bar thickness and a length of more than 0.25 of its length.

For the manufacture of rafters, coniferous boards with a thickness of 40-60 mm or beams are required. The lumber should be well dried, free from defects, with a minimum number of knots. Logs can be used, but they are much heavier.

Plank rafters are easy to assemble. In this case, all connections are made on nails with or without liners and inserts. The cuts, which weaken the log and timber structures, are used here only to connect the racks with the girder and lie in the inclined rafters.

The cross section of the rafters depends on the following factors:

- the load caused by the weight of the roof and snow;

- span size;

- step of rafters;

- roof slope.

The size of the cross-section of the rafters is selected depending on their length and the distance between them (Table 2).

Table 2. The relationship between the length of the rafters, the thickness and the distance between them

The rafters can be fixed directly on the Mauerlat, but if you need to block a large span, some of the basic elements of the frame will not be enough, here a tightening, a stand and struts come to the rescue (both individually and together).

However, in any roof structure there are two main components: the enclosing (roof) and the load-bearing (rafters), which are divided into layered and hanging.

Fortified rafters are beams that resemble floor elements, but installed not horizontally, but obliquely on supports of different heights. They are supported by two outer walls - at a gable roof, or the outer and inner walls - at a gable. One more feature should be noted: the rafter legs of opposite roof slopes are not necessarily fixed in the same plane - they can be based on the ridge girder alternately (Fig. 34).

Rice. 34. Inclined rafters: 1 - rafter leg; 2 - crossbar; 3 - attic floor.

Inclined rafters with their ends abut against the walls of the building, and in the middle part against intermediate supports. Slab rafters are arranged if the distance between the supports does not exceed 6.5 m.The presence of an additional support allows you to increase the width covered by the slab rafters up to 12 m, and two supports - up to 15 m.

Hanging rafters rest only with their ends on the walls of the building (Fig. 35).

Rice. 35. Hanging rafters: 1 - Mauerlat; 2 - rafter leg; 3 - tightening; 4 - grandmother; 5 - brace.

Unlike the layered ones, they transmit only vertical pressure to the Mauerlat. Hanging rafters are used when the roof span is 7–12 m and there are no additional supports. Hanging rafters are usually found in buildings with light walls, as well as in buildings where there are no internal load-bearing walls.

The main elements of the hanging rafters are the rafter legs and the tightening of the lower belt.

In the case of choosing a roof structure with hanging rafters, all elements are rigidly connected, since they represent a single structure - a rafter truss resting on two extreme supports. The rafter legs, due to the lack of an average support, abut each other in the ridge. The consequence of this is a significant horizontal pressure created, called thrust. If the roof is not properly constructed, the walls may even topple over. The task of damping horizontal pressure is performed by the lower belt of the truss truss - tightening.

The choice of roof structure depends on the specific conditions. Figure 36 shows the different truss structures depending on the size of the spans to be covered.

Rice. 36. Various constructions of rafter slabs: a - with a span of up to 5 m; b, d - up to 8 m; c, e - up to 10 m; d - up to 6 m; 1 - rafter leg; 2 - Mauerlat; 3 - ridge run; 4 - bed; 5 - rack; 6 - overlap; 7 - tightening; 8 - crossbar; 9 - grandmother.

Inclined rafters are simple in design and do not require the use of lifting mechanisms during installation. Farms with hanging rafters can be assembled on the ground, but then the problem arises of lifting them onto the structure under construction. Although it is possible to mount the trusses directly on the house, using a boardwalk and auxiliary braces, joining from boards.

In wooden cobbled or chopped buildings, the rafter legs rest on the upper crowns (Fig. 37), in frame ones - on the upper strapping (Fig. 38).

Rice. 37. Support of layered rafters in wooden cobbled or chopped buildings: 1 - thorn; 2 - rafter leg.

Rice. 38. Support of layered rafters in timber frame buildings: 1 - floor beam; 2 - rafter leg.

In stone houses, a mauerlat is used as a support for the rafter legs - beams 140–160 mm thick (Fig. 39).

Rice. 39. Support of layered rafters in stone buildings: 1 -mauerlat; 2 - rafter leg; 3 - tightening; 4 - attic floor.

Mauerlat can be located along the entire length of the building or be placed only under the rafter leg.

In the event that the rafter legs in cross-section have a small width, they can sag over time. To avoid this, it is necessary to use a special lattice consisting of a rack, struts and a crossbar.

For the manufacture of racks and struts, boards with a width of 150 mm and a thickness of 25 mm or wooden plates obtained from a log, the diameter of which must be at least 130 mm, are used.

A tightening is applied to secure the rafter leg. When sliding along the pull, the rafter end may compromise its integrity. To prevent slipping, it is recommended to cut the rafter leg into the tightening with a tooth, a thorn, or both at the same time (Fig. 40).

Rice. 40. Connection of rafters with a tooth and a thorn: 1 - rafter leg; 2 - tightening; 3 - thorn.

In addition, it is advisable to install the rafters at a distance of about 300-400 mm from the edge. In the process of cutting the leg into the end of the tightening, it is required to move the tooth as far as possible.

In the event that a reinforced fastening of the rafters is required, it is advisable to use a double tooth (Fig. 41).

Rice. 41. The connection of the rafters with a double tooth: 1 - rafter leg; 2 - tightening.

Most often, teeth of different sizes are used: the height of one tooth is 0.2 of the puff thickness, and the height of the other is 0.3. Previously, on the tightening, it is necessary to make an emphasis and a spike, and on the rafter - an eyelet (for the first tooth). For the second tooth, one stop is sufficient.

For additional fastening of the rafters, clamps and bolts are used in the ties (Fig. 42).

Rice. 42. Connection of rafters with a bolt and a clamp: 1 - rafter leg; 2 - tightening; 3 - bolt; 4 - clamp.

Bolts are used less often, as they weaken the cross-section of the rafter legs and puffs.

The installation is completed with the construction of the ridge of the roof frame (Fig. 43), sheathing of the cornices (the free part of the rafters protruding beyond the wall level - usually by 40-50 cm), the erection of gable walls and the fastening of the sheathing made of boards or bars.

Rice. 43. Ridge knot: a - simplified; b - difficult: 1 - rafter leg; 2 - rack; 3 - brace; 4 - tightening; 5 - bracket, 6 - bolt; 7 - screed; 8 - kerchief.

To the Mauerlat and the girder, which make up the ridge knot, clamps of steel strip are attached with large nails or twists are made of wire with a diameter of 5–6 mm.

In order to connect the strut with the rack in a complex ridge knot, you need to hollow out the nest in the rack, and cut a spike in the brace. To make the connection stronger, it is additionally strengthened with bolts and clamps.

The rafter legs are connected to the crossbar by cutting a frying pan in half a tree. For the connection to be strong, it is necessary to secure it with a bolt, dowel or bracket (fig. 44).

Rice. 44. The connection of the crossbar and rafter leg: 1 - rafter leg; 2 - crossbar; 3 - bracket.

The roof must protect the walls of the building from the harmful effects of rain and snow, so the eaves must have a length of at least 550 mm (Fig. 45).

Rice. 45. Roof slope: 1 - rafter leg; 2 - tightening; 3 - bracket.

The ends of the rafter legs are attached to the wall as follows: a tie-harness is put on the rafter-tightening assembly, which is tightened with the second end either on the attic floor beam, or on a crutch driven into brick or masonry at a distance of about 30 cm from the upper edge of the wall.

A cable tie is also called a twist, which is a piece of thick wire, better galvanized. In wooden chopped houses, instead of twisting, it is advisable to use an iron bracket. It is designed to connect the rafters with the second crown of the log house.

The reinforced concrete rafter legs of the layered rafters are attached to the outer wall of the building with one end, and to the precast reinforced concrete girder with the other. The run is supported by bricks.

Base under the roof

The base for the roof can be made in the form of lathing or solid flooring. It serves for laying and maintaining the roof. The lathing can be solid, but more often - with a certain step, the size of which depends on the roofing material. In the manufacture of the base, it is necessary to comply with 2 basic requirements: all its elements must be tightly fixed on the supporting structures, and their joints above the rafters must be staggered.

It is advisable to use a continuous flooring in cases where flat asbestos-cement tiles or roll material are supposed to be used as a covering. Under the tiles, the flooring is made of boards, the distance between which should not exceed 10 mm. The boards are laid out in one layer. Roll roofing is arranged on a flat two-layer base, which consists of carefully fitted dry boards. A special lining made of RPP-300 or RPP-350 roofing material is placed between the decks, which is necessary for protection from the wind.

Lathing with some pitch is used in cases where the covering is made of shingles, sheet steel, wood or corrugated asbestos-cement sheets. In this case, the crate is made of 50 x 50 mm bars. The distance between the bars should not exceed 200 mm.

The specified distance between planks or bars - purlins - must be strictly observed over the entire surface of the base. The widest ones must be placed under the joints of the roofing material, as well as at the ridge and the cornice, and the thickest ones (15–35 mm thicker than the others) - at the cornice. The width of the base under the gutter should be at least 750-800 mm, and under the eaves overhang with wall gutters - equal to the width of the overhang. In the ridge and on the edges of the roof, wooden blocks are installed on the edge.

Roof structure

Roof - the topmost roof covering that protects all structural elements of the building from precipitation and drains water to the ground. Therefore, the main requirement for a roof is water tightness.

The roof can be made of various building materials: steel and asbestos-cement sheets, industrial rolls and local building materials (clay-straw, clay-stone, etc.).

The roof (roof covering) consists of:

- inclined planes - slopes;

- inclined ribs;

- horizontal ribs - ridge.

The intersections of the slopes at the incoming angle are called " valleys " and " gutters ", and the edges of the roof extending beyond the building horizontally or obliquely - cornice and gable overhangs respectively.

Atmospheric water from the slopes is collected in wall gutters from which comes to water intake funnels then in downpipes and finally in storm sewer.

Roof elements can be laid both longitudinally and transversely, connecting them to the castle(roofing sheets) or overlapping(all other types of coatings).

By the construction of the roof there are:

single layer- from steel sheets, asbestos-cement tiles and sheets (VO, VU), from stamped seam tape;

multilayer- from roll materials, flat tape shingles, planks, shingles, shavings and shingles.

The number of layers in multi-layer roofs ranges from 2 to 5, depending on the selected material, they are more labor intensive and less economical.

If in multi-layer roofs, each subsequent layer is laid in the transverse direction, then it must overlap the joint of the elements of the underlying layer. If it is laid in the longitudinal direction, then it completely covers the underlying layer with the overlap established by GOST.

Roof slope

The slope of the roof helps to remove precipitation from the roof. It is expressed in degrees or percentages. As a rule, during the construction of buildings, their roofs are made flat with the same slope of the slopes.

The choice of material for the coating and the method of removing atmospheric water from the roof of the building depend on the selected roof slope - drainage which can be organized (outdoor or indoor) or disorganized (outdoor).

External organized drainage system consists of gutters and external gutters. It is recommended to use it in those climatic zones where the water in the external drainpipes practically does not freeze.

Internal organized drainage consists of a water intake funnel, a riser, a branch pipe and an outlet. It can be used in all climatic zones.

At unorganized drain water drains along the entire length of the lower edge of the slope without any additional devices. This type of drain is allowed in climatic zones with little rainfall.

You can choose the right material for the coating and the type of drainage in accordance with the slope of the roof using a special schedule (Fig. 46).

Rice. 46. ​​Schedule of the choice of roofing material depending on the slope of the roof.

Straight arrows on the graph show the angle of inclination of the roof above the horizon line: on a semicircular scale, it is determined in degrees, and on a vertical scale, as a percentage. Arcuate arrows indicate the types of material that can be used at a given slope.

When installing a roof, you can use table 3.

Table 3. Roof slope and relative value for each slope

Roof insulation

An attic is a space that is located between the roof and the upper (attic) floor of a building. As a rule, it is used for installing water tanks, laying heating pipes and placing collection ducts and ventilation chambers. Moisture accumulating in the attic penetrates from the lower floors and is removed using ventilation devices. We can say that the attic is an intermediate zone between the living quarters and the street.

In the event that it is used as a living space, there is no intermediate zone. Then the moisture from breathing, bathing and cooking takes the form of invisible steam.

Due to the pressure difference between the interior and exterior, steam is generated and tends to escape through the roof elements. The amount of steam in the indoor air is directly proportional to the air temperature in it. In other words, warm air contains much more vapor than cold air. When the room temperature drops, the air loses the ability to retain moisture, which settles in the form of water. This happens when water vapor from the inside penetrates into the lower layers of the roof, on which moisture settles.

To avoid this, it is necessary to close up the places where the roof does not fit tightly to the base, through which moisture from the room penetrates into the roof and contributes to its destruction. What can happen due to insufficient tightness of the steam and waterproofing layers.

To prevent this from happening, their device should be carried out in compliance with all the rules.

For roofs with slopes, the following types of insulation are provided:

- between the rafters;

- on the rafters;

- under the rafters.

Most often, the first method of isolation is chosen (Fig. 47), due to its relative simplicity.

Rice. 47. Insulation between the rafters: a - with crimping tape; b - with wood sheathing and a protective layer; 1 - slip tape; 2 - counter-bars; 3 - lathing; 4 - thermal insulation; 5 - waterproofing; 6 - tiles; 7 - ventilation ridge; 8 - wood sheathing; 9 - protective layer.

With this method, not a single section of the roof remains without insulation. The joints of roofs with walls, with window frames, with a chimney, etc. are protected.

The ventilation space between the upper part of the thermal insulation and the waterproofing must be at least 2 cm. When pulling the waterproofing layer, make sure that it does not sag. Sagging areas of this layer will create an obstacle to the implementation of normal air ventilation. Mineral fiber can be used as a waterproofing layer, which tends to increase the volume when laid by 10–30%. Therefore, when installing insulation, it is required to reduce its consumption by the same amount. If the depth of the rafters is insufficient for laying the insulation and does not allow leaving room for ventilation, you can build them up with boards and beams.

Another way to free up the ventilation space is to split the insulation layer in two. One half is laid between the rafters, and the other is above them.

One of the latest advances in science is insulation systems with a diffusion cushion tape. As a result of their application, the need to create a space between thermal insulation and waterproofing is eliminated.

Insulation on rafters (fig. 48) has a number of advantages.

Rice. 48. Insulation on the rafters: 1 - sheathing; 2 - protective layer; 3 - counter-bars; 4 - thermal insulation.

First, it is not itself a heat conductor. The insulating shell is located above the load-bearing part of the roof and protects it from the effects of atmospheric agents. In addition, with this type of insulation, the rafters in the room remain in sight, which gives the attic space a rustic coziness.

Insulation under the rafters (fig. 49) has the following advantage: it is made continuous, no space for ventilation is required. For this type of insulation, mineral fiber panels are used. Its disadvantage is the reduction in the cubic capacity of the attic.

Rice. 49. Insulation under the rafters: a - with crimping tape; b - with cladding and a protective layer.

In the event that the equipment of the attic space is carried out in a house that was built a long time ago, the condition of all elements of the roof should be checked.

Old rafters can be attacked by insects. Moreover, at first glance, wooden rafters do not give the impression of being damaged. However, when sawing off a piece of wood, insect moves may appear.

Heavily damaged roof elements must be replaced, the rest must be scanned with special compounds made on the basis of artificial resins. These measures will help to ensure high-quality hydro and thermal insulation of the roof.

The roof is a priority in the functional purpose of the building. It is not for nothing that the people say: "there would be a roof over your head." Indeed, without it, even the strongest walls will not stand for a long time - they will be destroyed by water, wind and sun. What structural elements the roof consists of, what role the roof plays in its composition and how to properly maintain this structure, will be discussed below.

What is a roof and what does it consist of

Often the words roof and roof are used synonymously. Meanwhile, in strict terminology, these are different, albeit interrelated concepts.

A roof is a structure crowning the structure, which serves as protection from adverse weather conditions. The main purpose of the roof is to protect the building from precipitation: rain, snow, melt water. In addition, it performs heat-insulating functions, prevents warm air from escaping from the room and overheating of the interior space under the influence of solar radiation.

The roof is an integral part of the roof and is an external waterproofing coating that prevents moisture from penetrating inside. The main purpose of the roof is to drain water from the roof surface. In order for the water to drain in the right direction, the roof is positioned at an angle to the horizontal axis. Even flat roofs have a certain angle of inclination (up to 12 °), due to which atmospheric moisture enters the drainage gutters.

The roof is the outer part of the roof that is in direct contact with the atmosphere.

Roofing device

The roof is structurally subdivided into several elements.

  1. Carrier layer. Consists of lathing, screed or solid flooring. The type of support lining is determined by the type of roofing and the technology of roof installation.

    For light sheet coverings on pitched roofs, the base is usually a sparse lathing made of wooden slats or metal profiles

  2. Insulation layer. Distinguish:
  3. Roof covering. The topmost layer that is in direct contact with the external environment. The main characteristics of the coating are durability, strength and weight.

Different designs can combine one or more layers of insulating materials.

When choosing roofing coverings, the following properties are taken into account:

  • resistance to solar radiation;
  • waterproofness;
  • elasticity;
  • resistance to temperature extremes.

Roof types

There are many materials from which roofing materials are made. They can be divided into two large groups. One of them includes roofs made of natural components - these are metal, stone, sand, asbestos, as well as straw, reeds, reeds and even moss. Another group, which has arisen not so long ago, includes polymer and synthetic types of roofing - bituminous, ceramic tiles, roofing felt, etc. The raw materials for the manufacture are refined products in combination with paper, fiberglass, ceramic chips and other components. Recently, polymer additives have become widespread, which are introduced into the composition of the roofing material. Plasticizers prevent cracking and corrosion of the outer coating and significantly increase the life of the roof.

Below is a list of the most commonly used roofing materials.

  1. Slate. The group of roofing coatings made of cement and asbestos, which have undergone molding and heat treatment under pressure, is in great demand, and their production is growing every year. This is due to the low price and high quality of the products.

    Slate is one of the most popular roofing materials

  2. Roofing material. Roofing roll material with high waterproofing properties. It is made by impregnating building board with bitumen, followed by coating with a refractory compound and anti-sticking dusting (sand, talcum or asbestos).

    Roofing material is usually laid in several layers, changing direction so that the last row is located vertically

  3. Decking. Profiled steel sheet treated with zinc, polymer powder paint or other water-repellent compound.

    To cover the roof, only special roofing types of corrugated board can be used, which are distinguished by an increased bearing capacity and a large wave height

  4. Roofing made of zinc-titanium alloy (or D-zinc). It looks like tinned copper in appearance and has a lifespan of up to 140 years. Modern metallurgical technologies have reached a level where titanium-zinc alloy is cheaper for the manufacturer than pure copper roofing. Therefore, D-zinc has good prospects as a roofing coating.
  5. Corrugated bituminous sheets (ondulin). They consist of building board 1.5–3 mm thick impregnated with light bitumen fraction.

    In appearance, ondulin is very similar to slate, but in composition these roofing materials are very different.

  6. ... Another name is shale shingle. It is made from certain rocks by splitting into flat plates. It has an almost unlimited service life.

    Shale tolerates weather anomalies well and is poorly susceptible to mechanical damage

  7. ... The raw material is wood. Dried blanks cover the roof in the manner of shingles.

    Wooden shingle is an environmentally friendly covering that lasts 50 years or more

  8. Zinc plated sheet steel. It is used in standing seam roofs. Joining of sheets and plates (seam) is made by folding the edges into a single surface.

    Steel sheets are connected using a folded lock, which ensures a high tightness of the connection

  9. Copper sheet roofing. One of the traditional types of coating in the Middle Ages to the present day. Differs in resistance to mechanical damage and adverse weather conditions. A layer of copper oxide forms on the surface, which prevents corrosion. Layer thickness - from 0.5 to 1 mm.

    Copper roofing is one of the most durable roofing materials that last up to 150 years.

  10. Aluminum roofing material. A very promising type of coating. Unlike copper, which has a high cost and a decent weight, aluminum does not increase the load on the building structure. The minimum service life is from 100 years. Coating with special polymer dyes provides the desired color scheme and durability of the roof.

    Installation of aluminum sheets is carried out according to the principle of a seam roof

  11. Roofing paper. Product of impregnation of building board with tar made from coal or oil shale. The surface is spilled with mineral powders, which protect the rolls from sticking.

    Roofing paper has a short service life, so they are usually covered with the roofs of outbuildings

  12. Glassine. It is used as an auxiliary material for the arrangement of lining layers and is a cardboard impregnated with a soft fraction of bitumen.
  13. Keramoplastic roofing. It is made of clay mixed with polyaffines (synthetic plasticizers), which are characterized by high reinforcing properties. During the production process, a persistent dye is added to the composition.

    The shape of the ceramoplastic roof imitates the slate shingle

  14. Roof tiles. One of the most archaic building materials known since ancient Rome. Originally made from baked clay. Differs in a variety of shapes and durability. This material has a large number of modern modifications:
    • ceramic tiles are the closest analogue of the old roofing material. Despite the large weight and laboriousness of installation, it is popular, as it is a natural product;

      The assembly of ceramic tiles is carried out according to the lathing, laid with a step equal to the size of the tile

    • metal tile - imitation of a ceramic coating, made of sheet steel by stamping. It favorably differs in its low weight, but is inferior in terms of thermal conductivity and noise absorption. Requires mandatory grounding;

      The generally recognized disadvantage of metal tiles is the high conductivity of sound

    • bitumen shingles. Other names are soft or flexible shingles. It is produced by applying a layer of petroleum bitumen on a fiberglass canvas. Due to its ease of manufacture, it has a variety of colors, shapes and sizes. Ease of assembly, good dielectric characteristics and sound insulation performance - all this contributes to the growth of popularity among consumers;

      Soft tiles can be used to create intricate patterns on the roof surface

    • ... Replica of a ceramic tile made of cement and sand. Its properties are comparable to the original, but it is much cheaper;

      The relatively low price contributes to the popularity of sand and cement tiles

    • ... Consists of sand bound by a polymer composition with a dye. Durable, flexible material, not subject to cracking under thermal and mechanical stress;

      Distinctive features of polymer-sand tiles are strength and lightness

    • composite tile. Piece products, which are made of steel sheet coated on both sides with an anti-corrosion alloy. The outer layer is crumbled with fine stone granules and covered with a matte glass-like glaze. With a low weight, it has a very effective appearance and a long service life.

      Composite tiles are available in a wide variety of colors, you can choose the desired shade according to a special catalog

  15. Straw, reeds, turf. The material for knitting roofing mats are natural plant components harvested in natural conditions. Despite the simplicity and availability of raw materials, these technologies have not been developed on an industrial scale. And to this day, like thousands of years ago, the procurement is painstaking manual labor. The exception is sod coverings, which are grown on specialized farms in pre-spread canvases. After reaching a layer thickness of more than 3 cm, the mats are rolled up and transported to the installation site. The disadvantage of reed, reed and thatched roofs is their flammability.... With the arrival of electricity in every house, the risk of fire from a minor circuit in the network pushed folk methods into the background. Safer materials have been replaced.

    Thatched roof has very high thermal insulation properties, but requires painstaking manual labor and is highly flammable

  16. Liquid types of roofing. These include solutions that harden in the open air. Most often, such materials are used in industrial construction, since spraying them onto the surface of the slopes requires serious equipment. An example is polyurea, which forms a waterproof layer within 10-15 minutes after application to a substrate. In private construction, various types of mastics are better known, mainly on a bitumen basis. They are rarely used as an independent coating; mastic often serves as an auxiliary tool for roof repairs.

    Spraying polyurea requires special equipment and certain operator qualifications

  17. Polycarbonate roof. Appeared in the arsenal of roofers not so long ago. Polycarbonate is transparent and UV-resistant. It is used for greenhouses, greenhouses, conservatories and indoor swimming pools. Polycarbonate roofs can often be found at bus stops in major cities. Visors over the entrance doors made of this material are popular.

    Polycarbonate is commonly used to cover greenhouses, gazebos and canopies over building entrances

Roof installation

Depending on the laying technology, roofing materials are divided into:

  • type-setting (all types of tiles);
  • sheet (slate, metal sheet materials);
  • (roofing felt, roofing felt);
  • mastic ("liquid rubber", polyurea);
  • membrane (polyethylene films and membranes).

To avoid confusion and misconceptions, the consumer needs to remember that profiled metal materials such as copper, corrugated board, aluminum, etc., are produced not only in the form of sheets, but also in the form of rolls. Flexible roofing also has various packaging - piece, roll, large membrane-type canvases and mastic. The choice of size and shape depends on the transportation conditions and the type of installation.

Laying a piece roof is a more time consuming process. Nevertheless, this material is preferred for construction in the private sector. Large-sized membrane panels are used exclusively for the construction of large facilities with large roofs. This is due to the fact that during the installation process the piece material is less prone to deformation and does not create longitudinal stresses along the lathing.

The stacked tile laying is laborious, but the result is a beautiful coating with a minimum amount of waste, which does not exert longitudinal loads on the sheathing.

The support on which the roof is installed is a rafter system for pitched roofs, and ceiling (or attic) ceilings for flat roofs. Before installing the outer covering on the roof, the sheathing is assembled, which is rarefied or solid.

Depending on the type of roofing material used, a solid or sparse lathing is used for its fastening.

The thickness of the lathing depends mainly on the type and weight of the roofing:

  • for laying roofing material, it is enough to lay a crate of boards up to 20–25 mm thick. At the same time, for a slate sheet, which weighs from 23 to 35 kg, boards with a transverse size of 32 mm are needed. The overlap between the rolls of roofing material should be 10-15 cm, between the sheets of slate - one wave;
  • installation of ceramic tiles is carried out on lathing from a bar with a thickness of 40 mm. In this case, first the top row at the ridge is completely laid out, then the row along the cornice, and after that the remaining rows are mounted in the direction from bottom to top. The elements of the covering are attached to the lathing with nails, and to each other - with the help of special grooves along the edges of each shingle;
  • soft tiles require a continuous coating underneath, but the thickness does not matter much, since the total mass of the petals is small. Therefore, sometimes moisture-resistant plywood from 8 mm in diameter is sufficient. Bituminous canvases should overlap each other so that the upper element covers the place where the lower one is attached to the crate (it is done with galvanized nails with a wide head);
  • polycarbonate is mounted on a wooden or metal frame with a pitch of 40-60 cm, depending on the roof structure. Since the material is mainly produced in large sheets (6 mx 2.1 m) and has exceptional flexibility, it is used to create extraordinary architectural forms. Fastening to the frame is done using self-tapping screws with large flat caps;
  • seam roofing is assembled from panels by rolling the edges of adjacent sheets. To do this, each of them has sides that are bent with a special tool. The crate is a metal or wooden frame. Due to the high thermal conductivity of the material, the composition of the roofing cake necessarily includes insulation and vapor barrier, which prevents the formation of condensation on the inner surface.

When installing a seam roof, a special tool is required to connect the sheets

Sheets of corrugated board are located with an overlap of at least 20-25 cm and a gradual horizontal displacement. The most critical elements of the roof, such as the ridge and the valley, are additionally waterproofed with roll or mastic material.

Lateral overlap of profiled steel sheets must be at least one wave

As you can see from the examples given, the device of each type of roof has its own characteristics. However, the general principle remains. Fixation of the roofing material to the roof is carried out on the lathing, which serves as a link between the rafter system and the roof.

The strength and durability of the entire structure depends on the quality with which the lathing is made.

Video: do-it-yourself metal profile installation

Dismantling and replacing the roof

When asked when a roof replacement is needed, the most convincing answer is a wet spot on the ceiling of the dwelling. Especially when water drips from him with stubborn persistence.

It is not worth taking to such extremes, it is better to regularly conduct an annual inspection of the roof and carry out preventive work in a timely manner. However, if the leak is an unfortunate surprise, a strategic decision must be made. This requires an inspection of the roof and supporting structure.

Roof restoration work has three possible solutions.

  1. When the damage only touched the roof, cracks, chips, foci of corrosion, a violation of the tightness of the joints, etc. were formed on the roof surface, repairs are needed only for the coating itself. The volume is determined by the area of ​​the lesion. If 40% of the area or more is out of order, patching such a roof is impractical.... Better and cheaper to replace the entire coating. For example, change the slate coating to metal tiles.

    Over time, cracks and through holes form on the slate, which require replacement of damaged sheets or the entire coating

  2. If the wooden elements of the lathing have been damaged, fungus or mold is found on the surface of the boards or panels, blackening or the appearance of salts, the frame of the lathing will have to be replaced along with the roof. Otherwise, the renewed roof will not stand for a long time, and the money will be wasted.
  3. And the last, worst scenario of the development of events - violations affected the rafter system, the geometry of the attic or mansard room was changed. The rafter legs rotted, the supporting or auxiliary structural elements (crossbars, puffs) sagged. In this case, the rafters need to be repaired, which means that the complete dismantling of the roof cannot be avoided.

    If the load-bearing elements of the roof have become wet and rotted as a result of leaks, it is necessary to completely dismantle the roofing pie and repair the rafter system

Dismantling is carried out in the reverse order of installation. For example, the slate is disassembled with a hammer and nail clipper. It is more convenient to disassemble such a roof together - one knocks in the nails from the side of the attic, and the other pulls them out from the outside. Further, the released sheet is lowered from a height to the ground and stored.

To remove the slate covering, it is necessary to remove all fasteners, and carefully lower the released sheets to the ground.

When rebuilding the roof, for example, from slate to metal, it is necessary to correct the shape of the lathing, because the slate is attached to one row, and the metal tile - to two. The second frame serves to enhance the natural ventilation of the roof space. If the covering changes from soft tiles to corrugated board, the crate does not need to be altered. If on the contrary, you will have to cover the slopes with a continuous coating of OSB or plywood.

Under the shingles, it is necessary to make a continuous crate, along which the underlay carpet will be mounted

Dismantling must be carried out by a brigade or with an assistant. You cannot do this alone, safety precautions when performing high-altitude work prohibits being on the roof without a helmet and insurance.

If the roof was fastened with screws (corrugated board, polycarbonate, etc.), then its disassembly is carried out using a screwdriver. The installer consistently unscrews the fasteners and removes the sheets from the roof slopes.

Sheets of corrugated board, connected to the crate with screws, are unscrewed when dismantling with a screwdriver

The most time consuming is the dismantling of a flat roof covered with several layers of roofing material (up to 5 or more)... Heating in the sun, the roofing material eventually bakes into a monolithic carpet, which is very difficult to remove. In this case, a roofing ax is used, with the help of which the coating is cut into small islands and disposed of. On large areas, specialized organizations use a curtain cutter - a mechanized tool that cuts the roof into pieces. There are electric or petrol driven chasers. They can only be used if the layer depth is at least 30 mm.

The wall chaser is designed for a flat roof with a thickness of 30 mm

Replacing the roof involves carrying out certain calculations. If the weight of the new coating exceeds the weight of the old (removed), it is necessary to correctly assess the ability of the rafter system to withstand the increased loads. Sometimes you have to strengthen the rafters by building up additional support elements. It is not recommended to use old-fashioned methods in this matter. It is advisable that the calculations are carried out by a competent engineer who is familiar with the specifics of the industry.

When replacing heavy types of coverage with lightweight, it is enough to calculate the weight of the roof per square meter. For example, when replacing slate with corrugated board, this can be done as follows.

  1. It is known that a sheet of eight-wave slate weighs about 30 kg and has an area of ​​1.5 m 2. Thus, for 1 m 2 there are 30 / 1.5 = 20 kg.
  2. A sheet of corrugated board has dimensions of 1.2x1.2 m. We consider its area: 1.2 ∙ 1.2 = 1.44 m 2.
  3. The weight of the sheet (depending on the thickness of the metal) is from 7 to 9 kg, so the relative load from it can vary from 4.9 (7 / 1.44) to 6.3 (9 / 1.44) kg / m 2.

This means that the replacement can be made without additional building of rafters, since the pressure will decrease by almost 4 times.

Video: dismantling and installation of the roof (slate - metal)

Roof maintenance

Checking the condition of the roofing is an important preventive measure. The more regular maintenance is done, the more likely the roof will last for a long time.

Upon completion of the assembly, all objects are removed from the surface: cuttings of roofing sheets, screws, fasteners and other loose objects. A clean roof surface is a prerequisite for the proper functioning of the roof. The same requirements apply to the drainage system. The gutters should be free of foreign objects, debris, accumulation of leaves, etc. The drainage system serves to automatically remove moisture from the roof surface, therefore monitoring its functioning is also a preventive measure for roof maintenance.

Visual inspection of roofing

Inspection of roofing sheets is carried out at least once a year... For this, it is not enough to assess the condition of the roof from the ground. You need to climb to the roof and inspect the entire surface from a close distance. Particular attention is paid to the places where the slopes adjoin vertical walls, a chimney and other objects located on the roof. If any problems are found, they are eliminated as soon as possible.

Checking the health of the roof components

The components include structural elements of the roof. It:

The general work and durability of the entire roof depends on the normal functioning of these elements, so you need to carefully monitor their safety. If the ridge is ventilated, check the air intake openings for free air passage. In the valleys, it is undesirable to arrange the accumulation of water or snow. Drippers and eaves are sometimes ripped off by water and wind. It is necessary to monitor the firm fixation, return them to their original place in case of violation of the fasteners.

Monitoring the condition of the coating

Checking the condition of colored and polymer roofing coatings is one of the most important tasks. The process of corrosion and destruction begins with small and unobtrusive damage, scratches and chips. If you eliminate them on time, you can count on the roof to last a long time. Blisters, discoloration and mechanical damage are considered the most common signs of a damaged coating. Their appearance indicates that it is time to repair the roof.

Gutter system

The gutter system located along the roof slopes prevents the accumulation of atmospheric water on it. If the drainage systems do not function effectively enough, destructive consequences for the roof as a whole are inevitable. Lingering on the edge of the slope, water freezes or falls on the inner surface of the roof. This leads to wetting of the wood from which the rafters and lathing are mounted. The consequence is rot, fungus and mold, which very soon destroy the wood structure and render the roof unusable. Checking the operation of the gutters is a prerequisite for revising the roof. If the channels are clogged with debris, leaves, etc., they must be cleaned and brought back into service. It is best to do such work after flying leaves from trees, but before the onset of cold weather.

Before the start of the winter season, gutters and pipes must be completely cleaned of all foreign objects.

Roof cleaning

Experts recommend washing the roof with water and a foaming detergent every two years. Removal of debris and dirt is carried out with a soft brush with a long bristle. It is possible to use pumps supplying water under pressure. Exposure to a powerful jet of liquid removes stubborn dirt, sand and earth deposits. It is advisable to carry out work in the warm season, when the roof dries quickly under the influence of the sun and warm air masses.

You can use a special high pressure water supply technique to wash the roof.

Video: cleaning the roof


An effective means of combating roof corrosion is the use of dyes with water-repellent properties. Typically, paint is used for outdoor use, matched to the existing color of the roofing.

The paint is applied with a brush or roller. If the damage has not affected the primer, one coat of paint is sufficient. If corrosion has penetrated to the metal, it is necessary to carefully paint over not only the affected area, but also the roof within a radius of 15–20 cm. The operation is carried out in dry weather, the paint is applied in two layers with a time interval until the first layer is completely dry.

Sometimes the roof is completely painted. This allows you to create additional protection for the roof from the adverse effects of the atmosphere. As practice has shown, the best paint - ship paint - withstands up to 7 climatic cycles (years) on a metal roof. After this time, it is advisable to repeat the procedure. However, much depends on the region. In warm areas, where severe frosts are rare, the paint can last from 10 to 20 years.

A roof made of stamped and wavy materials is easier to paint with a brush

The above applies to metal and asbestos-cement types of roofing. Roofs made of polycarbonate, roofing felt or soft tiles cannot be painted.

Video: painting a metal roof

Rules for the operation of the roof in winter

In the cold season, when the air temperature drops below the water freezing threshold, seasonal factors must be taken into account.

Snow removal

With a properly planned and installed roof, snow problems should not arise. This largely depends on the angle of inclination of the roof and the condition of the roof. It is necessary to strive to ensure that zones with different textures do not form on the roof surface.... For example, seam roofing needs to be painted periodically, since the paint cracks and crumbles sooner or later under the influence of the sun and the cycles of expansion and contraction of the metal. At the same time, the sliding of the snow mass slows down, the snow clings to the remnants of the paint and stays on the roof. Naturally, in this state of affairs, the owner of the house needs to monitor the condition of the roofing. The sooner you react to damage, the less losses they will cost. But if the snow still accumulates in a layer of more than 10-15 cm, you need to clean the roof. The same applies to ice build-up on eaves and slope edges. If huge icicles hang from the roof, this indicates that the rate of water rolling off the roof is insufficient, therefore, the water, not having time to move down, freezes in the frost and turns into ice. A second possible cause is clogged and icy gutters.

Taking on the restoration of the roof on your own is not always wise. The roof is a very responsible and vulnerable part of the building; you cannot treat it lightly. Moreover, if not only the roof needs repair, but also the trusses. Turning to professionals, you will receive qualified advice and guarantees for the work performed.

Thanks to modern materials, new methods of arranging their own homes are opening up for developers. For example, until recently, a flat roof was some kind of incomprehensible and impractical object of private construction, but after manufacturers of roofing materials began to produce better products, this opinion changed dramatically. Today, some types of flat roofs are able to place a workshop, a garden or even a pool on their plane.

Flat roof characteristics

The whole idea with a flat roof came to Russia from Western countries, but the designers could not even think that the inhabitants of the CIS countries would accept the innovation with hostility. The overwhelming majority of people are just accustomed to seeing gable roofs as protection from the weather, because this type has already been tested for millennia and why create something new? The plant owners were in solidarity with this outrage and also did not want to accept the novelty. Everything would have remained in its original places, if not for advertising. It was thanks to her that people began to look closely at the flat roof as a more profitable alternative. Indeed, its construction requires much less money and time, and the result is the same.

Of course, with a lack of finance, your home will have excessive simplicity, but using design services, the appearance of the building will be simply stunning.

The composition of a flat roof includes quite a few materials:

  • Base. It can be either reinforced concrete or a metal profiled sheet
  • Bituminous roll materials are used as a vapor barrier material
  • Thermal insulation of a flat roof must differ in its rigidity. These requirements are met by mineral plates or polystyrene, expanded clay, screed
  • The waterproofing layer can be created from bituminous roll materials, polyvinyl chloride membranes and various mastics.

The layers described above can be interchanged in places, this will depend on the need to use a base. I will write about this below.

Slope on a flat roof

Despite the fact that the roof is called flat, it must have a certain slope, which is taken from the range of 1-5 degrees. By creating a certain slope, you do not have to climb on the roof every time after rain and remove water from the surface, it will be removed naturally. In addition, the accumulation of moisture on the roof surface multiplies the risk of its leakage, and metal elements will corrode.

Regardless of the coating used, it will quickly collapse if the water remaining on the surface will repeatedly change its state of aggregation. Deviating is the only acceptable solution to this problem. For its organization, it is necessary to select materials that correspond to the roofing structure.

The most appropriate product for the slope device is considered to be a concrete mixture in conjunction with polystyrene. This method is very easy, therefore, even a person far from construction can give a slope to the roof. It is worth noting that concrete is far from being an easy product and before laying it on the roof, you need to check the calculations.

If for some reason you cannot purchase polystyrene foam, then as an alternative option, most developers advise using a concrete mixture mixed with perlite or expanded clay. The combination of these materials will create an even greater load on the roof than previous products, but at a cost they are much more profitable.

Another option for creating a slope is the use of monolithic thermal insulation. To bring the method to life, you first need to prepare the surface. Then insulation boards are laid on it and sit on dowels and glue.

Considering the above-described methods of deflector device, it is safe to say that the use of bulk materials will be the most laborious process. But if you want to create a high-quality and durable coating, then you have to use it.

Functional load

The future tenants of private houses can be divided into two categories. The first of them is pursued by economic benefits and such people are looking for a less expensive solution to create their own housing. As for the second, in addition to saving money, they want to create optimal conditions for a comfortable stay. Flat roofs are suitable for both categories, but the exploited and unexploited surface will distinguish between them.

Unexploited roof

An unexploited surface is the most common a kind of flat roofs. Looking at such a sectional roof, you can clearly see the minimum set of materials. Each of them has a specific function and is responsible for the maximum possible load. The most prominent feature of this design is its low price, followed by ease of installation.

A few decades ago, the most suitable coating for an unexploited roof was fusion materials, in particular roofing felt, but modern materials have replaced it over time. Today, more and more preference is given to PVC membranes, because the work on its installation can take place in any weather conditions. The strips of the membrane product are welded by heat welding, which fits the description of safe work.

Of course, if you want to save as much as possible on a flat roof device, then the base can also be covered with simple mastic, the main thing is to carefully distribute it. The desired result can be achieved by installing a reinforcing mesh. It will not only strengthen the coating layer, but also help to distribute it as evenly as possible.

If you do not rush to extremes, then the best option is still the same fused waterproofing. For example, an old roofing material could serve as a coating for only 5 years, but today's bitumen roll materials can last for 20 years without change. Moreover, the price for such products is quite reasonable. In addition to the coating itself, you can carry out the installation on your own, which eliminates the need to hire a team of roofers.

Operated roof

This method of arranging the roofing surface is a costly business, but thanks to the change of places of some layers, great opportunities open up. Arrangement of the operated roof can take a long time, so it is better to work with a partner.

An interesting fact is that most of the residents move from unexploited roofs to exploited ones. This is due to the need to increase the usable area of ​​the land, and they very much regret not knowing this in the past. Do not make their mistakes when planning to build a house from scratch, soberly assess all the nuances. For example, if you have a large number of friends, then for sure someday you will want to invite them to your place and if there is not enough space for rest, you can move to the roof. This practice has long been used in Western countries, but the inhabitants of Russia still have a negative attitude towards it.

Flat roof types

So, when you are familiar with some of the nuances of flat roofs, you can begin to study their types. The roofs under consideration are divided according to their functional load and design features, therefore, two main categories can be distinguished: exploited and unexploited.

For design reasons, flat roofs can be:

  • With traditional roofing cake
  • With inversion
  • Breathable
  • Green

Now, let's understand everything in more detail.

Traditional roofing

Such a roof implies a standard placement of all layers of the roofing cake. Typically, special attention is paid to the placement of the waterproofing layer. For usual reasons, it is placed on top of thermal insulation. This installation method can be found on almost any modern flat roof. By the way, roofing material has not been used for a long time as a waterproofing layer; PVC membranes are preferred.

IMPORTANT: Traditional roofing cake cannot withstand even light loads, so this installation method is only suitable for unexploited surfaces.

The advantages of this roof:

  • Simple and straightforward structure
  • The installation process is very fast
  • Low cost
  • The ability to create a roof yourself

The biggest drawback is that when servicing the roof, it is necessary to construct special bridges and ladders in order for the material to move safely over the surface.

Installation technology

I have already said that the installation of a traditional roof is very simple, so you do not need to sit and study the construction business before work, but for the speed of the process it will not be superfluous to get an experienced partner.

  • Any construction business should begin with preparatory work. Therefore, at this stage it is necessary to create a good, solid foundation. As a rule, these are reinforced concrete slabs. If it has already been laid in advance, then clean the surface of debris and dust.
  • Next, we proceed with the installation of the vapor barrier layer. For this, film, polypropylene, bitumen and other polymer products are suitable. If it is necessary to choose between materials, it is best to give preference to the welded materials. The fact is that they create a high-quality monolithic carpet, which has much better waterproofing qualities.
  • The next layer will be thermal insulation. Nuances, for example, the region of your residence, will help you choose which material to use. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the functional purpose of the building. If it is a bathhouse, then several layers will have to be laid to maintain heat in the room, and if it is a residential building, then one can do. By the way, mineral wool is the most popular thermal insulation material.
  • Next, we proceed to the construction of the lower layer of waterproofing. Any good roll material is suitable for a high-quality roof. All strips are welded to each other using an open flame or by heat welding
  • The roofing cake is completed by an upper waterproofing layer. When choosing a material for this, it should be understood that this layer will be affected by an aggressive external environment, so it must have appropriate protection.

There are two ways to fix the insulation boards. First glue method, and second - mechanical(using dowels). For reliability, you can use them together.

Inversion roof

A lot of developers using traditional styling regret it after several years. An inverted roof is very versatile. On it you can set up a workshop, create a gorgeous garden, or just relax with friends. In addition to these additional features, the concrete screed is a good protection, thanks to which your roof will last much longer than usual.

If you look at the section of a flat inverted roof, it becomes clear why it is called that. It's all about the location of the waterproofing layer. It is located at the bottom of the insulation, thereby protecting it from condensation coming from below. It is worth noting that it is very easy to convert a traditional roof into an inversion one. You just need to remove the top coat and lay the layers again, but in a different sequence.

When creating an inverted roof, it is necessary to take into account the degree of possible loads.

  1. Minimum load. The structure of such a roof will include very few materials: a standard cake and a light topcoat of bitumen roll product. The roof surface can be equipped for a summer terrace, but no more
  2. Medium loads are meant to be located on the surface of a rooftop, workshop, green garden, or nightlife area. When studying the structure of the roof, it can be noted that more durable materials are used in the layers with the possibility of their reinforcement. It is best to use paving slabs or any other suitable alternative as a topcoat.
  3. High loads can only be created by massive objects, for example, restaurants, parking lots, swimming pools, etc. The structure of this roof is very different from the previous ones. The most durable materials are used here, and reinforcements are arranged between the layers. The finishing layer is an ordinary reinforced concrete slab

If you cannot make a choice in any way, then I will advise you the following. If you do not plan to arrange any parking lots and the like on your roof, then medium loads are suitable for you. So you don't need to rebuild the building in case you need to have a good rest with friends.

Breathable roof

At all times of construction, no matter what modern materials were used, condensate has always been and will be an urgent problem for developers. In some regions of the country, perhaps, this does not bother anyone, but if you look at the service life of roofs in the central latitude of Russia, you immediately see that the problem must be solved. The increased humidity in the room can provoke the spread of harmful, poisonous fungi, which destroy everything in their path at a fast speed.

Condensation has a negative effect not only on the external roofing, but also destroys it from the inside. For example, with a large accumulation of humid air in the attic, it will begin to change its state of aggregation and turn into water droplets, which will be the main reason for the detachment of the roofing from the base.

If we consider pitched roofs, then natural ventilation is provided on them. It works due to the temperature and pressure difference, and through specially made holes the air changes. As for flat structures, this will not work on them. Artificial ventilation is a good alternative to solve this problem. It is created by installing special aerators and deflectors. Their number is taken from the ratio 1 piece per 25 square meters. It is worth noting that it makes no sense to install 1 aerator, so there should be at least 2 of them on the roof surface.

The following points can be recorded in the advantages of this roof:

  • It is very easy to install aerators and deflectors, for this you do not even have to dismantle the cover
  • Arranging artificial ventilation, you will pay for it in several years
  • Ventilated air will help you achieve the longest possible operating life for the roof as a whole.

For you to understand the principle of operation of this system, it is better to explain about it in more detail.

The principle of operation of aerators

Excessive moisture build-up can erode building materials in as little as a couple of years, so if you choose to install aerators on a flat roof, you will increase its lifespan. Special devices called aerators are fans mounted on pipes of various sizes. By the way, the material for creating these very pipes can be metal or plastic. A protective cap in the form of an umbrella is mandatory installed on top of the aerator in order to exclude the possibility of moisture from outside.

The principle of operation of this device is very simple, all the work is done by pressure. The lower collides with the higher, and thanks to this, the fans are driven.

As a rule, aerators on flat roofs of simple configuration are distributed evenly. Installation is carried out exclusively at the highest points so that it falls on the joint of thermal insulation boards. As you already understood, devices for artificial ventilation can be mounted already on the finished roof, but taking care of this in advance can avoid high costs.

In European countries, when creating a breathable roof, elements are actively used to remove smoke in a natural way. Interestingly, during a fire through them, you can leave the building and thereby remain safe.

Green roof

I consider the last method of constructing a flat roof to be the most beautiful and interesting. The fact is that after laying all the necessary layers, the surface is more like a natural natural site, and not like a roof. This type of roofing came to us from all the same Europe. Residents of western cities are very actively involved in greening the entire planet, so this type of housing seems to them the most acceptable. As you know, time passes, and fashion has reached our latitudes, so everyone who wants to match this trend and create something similar on the roof of their house, read this paragraph very carefully.

Indisputable advantages of roof gardening:

  • Separate recreation area. Surely, after working a difficult week, you will want to take a break from the bustle of the city by going to nature. Therefore, what could be better than your own roof garden?
  • You plan your recreation area yourself, so you can make it as comfortable as possible
  • Landscaping helps natural resources restore clean air
  • Fertile soil on the roof of the building provides excellent protection from heat and cold all year round
  • Very strong sound insulation

IMPORTANT: If you have a desire to apply even a few centimeters of soil to your roof, think about whether it can withstand such a load. There is no room for doubts in construction, so contact a specialist to determine the maximum permissible load.

According to its characteristics, a green roof is divided into two types:

  1. Intense. This name suggests that the soil layer can reach solid dimensions, as a rule, the limit for such roofs is considered to be a value of 60 centimeters. This amount of land creates a serious load, so only small shrubs or lawn grass can be grown in such soil. Often, such surfaces have several levels in order to create an interesting design and save space on a private plot.
  2. Extensive. The maximum soil layer can be 15 centimeters. The cultivated plants can be a lawn or individual trees placed in special pots. Watering the land can only be done at the stage of lawn growth. This type of green roof will help create a comfortable resting area, and it will not be burdensome to care for it.

I draw your attention to the importance of making calculations. During the laying of the soil on the surface, it is loose and dry, but after the first rain it will be compacted and multiply in mass. Calculating the maximum permissible load is a difficult task that includes a lot of nuances. To achieve the most accurate indicators, contact the appropriate specialists.

The principle of green roof construction

The principle of laying green roof elements is not much different from creating a standard flat surface. The whole essence of the work is as follows:

  • Cleaning the base from various debris and foreign objects
  • A waterproofing material is laid on the prepared surface
  • In the next step, a large amount of extruded foam is poured onto the waterproofing. This material will serve as a good protection from the cold.
  • After uniform distribution of the previous layer, the geotextile is laid, pressing it with bulk material in the form of gravel or gravel. Small stones will have a drainage function
  • When the leveling of bulk materials is completed, the plane is covered with a second layer of geo-test.
  • At the final stage, the required amount of soil is poured and any plants are planted

With the right use of a green roof, you can create a lavish garden or fruitful vegetable garden in the midst of the bustle of the city. This corner will always calm you down and restore the left forces. It is worth noting that a green roof changes for the better not only the owner, but also the environment as a whole. Indeed, thanks to growing plants, carbon dioxide is processed.

For example, in Japan, even a small section of the roof is used for landscaping. If you are not indifferent to this problem, then you should think about creating the same roof. Today it is as easy as shelling pears, the main thing is to do everything right.

Before starting the construction of the roof, it is necessary to design it, and after that, start installation work.

Roof area

Roof area is extremely important in construction. The roof area is calculated using geometry. The roof area is divided into geometric fragments, using the following geometric shapes:

  • triangles;
  • trapezoid;
  • rectangles;
  • parallelepipeds.

The roof area will be calculated using the appropriate formulas. When calculating, it makes sense to take into account the angle of inclination of the roof. Each roof element is multiplied by the cosine of the roof angle, and after adding up the results, you get the roof area.

Roof overhang

The calculation of the roof should be done not along the edges, but along the eaves. Any roofing material is overlapped, for this reason it is necessary to take into account the increase in the area of ​​the roofing material. Usually, the area of ​​the roofing material increases by 10 - 15%, but under certain circumstances, there is a possibility of its increase by 15 - 20%.

Roof composition

Be sure to include in your project all the constituent parts of the roofing you are using. I will give an example of what is usually included in the composition of the roof:

  • rafter system;
  • lathing system;
  • hydro, thermal and noise insulation system;
  • roof covering;
  • drain system;
  • additional elements.

Create not only an accurate roof design, but also specify exactly each roof element.

Roof angle

I consider it necessary to warn you that the calculation of the roof is not the simplest procedure and without fail requires a thorough, professional approach.

Above we talked about how to correctly calculate the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe roof with a slope. You need to know exactly the angle of inclination, then multiply its cosine by the area of ​​the roof and add them together, so you will calculate the angle of inclination. Also, do not forget to take into account the material of which your roof will be composed.

Our company specializes in the calculation, installation and repair of the roof. Highly qualified specialists of our company, efficiently and on time, will perform roof calculations of any complexity.

Soft roofing is a technological roofing made on the basis of fiberglass impregnated with petroleum bitumen. Visually, bitumen shingles imitate a shingle covering made of wood chunks, which are rarely used in modern construction practice. Even the high cost of a roof made of flexible tiles does not cool the interest in it, since the durability, attractive appearance and reliability of the soft roof pays for all the costs of roofing. In this article, we will tell you about the pros and cons, the composition and installation method of this new, but already popular roofing material.

Soft roofs are tiles and fiberglass, impregnated with modified bitumen with armor dressing from stone chips and a figured edge, which are overlapped on the roof slope to obtain an airtight coating.

Products are manufactured in various shapes - oval, semicircular, pentagonal, rectangular. The color scheme of bituminous shingles is distinguished by an enviable variety, so you can choose a roofing material to match the color of the walls or, on the contrary, contrasting. performed by 2 methods:

  • With a self-adhesive bitumen layer located on the underside of the shingles... After removing the protective film, low-melting bitumen under the influence of air temperature softens and sticks to the base of the roof. Roofing work with such a material is performed only at a temperature of + 5 / + 15 degrees and low humidity, since in cold weather the bitumen layer will have to be forcibly heated with special equipment, which increases the cost of installation.
  • With wide head galvanized roofing nails... This method of laying soft tiles does not depend on weather conditions, so you can use it at any time of the year. However, with inept installation, shingles are often damaged, which causes roof leaks. SNiP do not recommend fastening bituminous shingles to the base with nails if the slope is less than 20 degrees.

Important! According to SNiP, flexible shingles are suitable for a roof if the angle of inclination of the slopes is within 15-25 degrees. The higher the slope, the better the water is removed from the roof surface, and accordingly, the risk of leaks is reduced.


A soft roof is a large group of roofing materials that include all coatings that have a flexible, elastic structure. They differ in composition, release form and installation method. I will make the following types of soft roofing:


Flexible roll roofing is represented by numerous types of roofing felt, roofing felt and modern membrane materials. Roofing works for laying roll materials take less time, but they do not look as impressive as shingles.

The cost of 1 square meter of such a roof, taking into account the lining layer, starts from 500 rubles. According to SNiP, it is recommended to use roll materials with a roof slope of at least 12 degrees.


Shingle or piece bitumen shingles are individual tiles 1 m long and 30-45 cm wide, which are overlapped. Roofing work on the installation of a piece of soft roofing takes more time, however, due to the presence of a self-adhesive layer, they are carried out without the help of heating equipment.

The cost of bituminous shingles is much higher, especially if you take into account the costs of preparing a solid foundation, on which, according to SNiP, it is laid.

Important! All types of soft roofs are considered bituminous materials, but they are produced on a different basis. Roofing material, made from dense roofing cardboard, survives temperature changes worse, cracks in the cold, but it costs much less. Roofing coatings based on fiberglass are much more resistant to temperature extremes, their cost justifies high quality, as well as a long service life.


Soft roofing is a modern, technologically advanced material based on durable polymers. The flexible elastic structure gives this practical roof covering additional advantages when installing complex, multi-slope structures. According to the SNiP definition, flexible shingles are a multilayer material, which includes:

  1. Fiberglass... Soft tiles have a durable non-woven backing made of compressed, randomly spaced fiberglass. Flexible, elastic fiberglass gives the material resistance to temperature and cracking. Products, the cost of which belongs to the highest price category, are additionally reinforced with polyester, which makes the coating even more durable.
  2. Modified bitumen... During the production process, the fiberglass base is impregnated with petroleum bitumen enriched with polyester resins and synthetic rubber. Due to the impregnation with this composition, the soft roof becomes highly resistant to moisture and the effects of mold and putrefactive microorganisms.
  3. Armor sprinkle... From above, the flexible tile is sprinkled with colored mineral granules, which impart color and rough texture to the material. As a dressing that protects the bituminous coating from mechanical damage and prevents overheating of the roof, granite, marble or basalt chips are used.

Important! The bitumen shingles made according to SNiP have high performance qualities, effectively protect against moisture, wind and cold penetration. As a rule, the cost of the material indicates the quality of the product and its components.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each coating, including a soft roof, has its own pros and cons, which affect the possibilities of using and operating the roof. The cost of bituminous shingles is in an optimal ratio to the qualities of this material, therefore it is actively used in private housing construction. Flexible shingles have the following advantages:

  • Durability... The soft roof has a solid service life exceeding 70 years, which makes it a kind of record holder for the damage of roofing materials.
  • Maintainability... If damage appears on the flexible tile during operation, it can be easily eliminated by replacing only 1 tile, which significantly reduces the cost of roofing.
  • Weather resistance... Bituminous shingles are highly resistant to atmospheric moisture, temperature extremes and the effects of microorganisms, therefore, they retain their original appearance and strength throughout the entire service life.
  • Easy to install... Installation of a soft roof can be done even with your own hands, since the shingles are fixed using a self-adhesive bitumen layer.
  • Low noise... The bituminous tile roof effectively absorbs sound, so there is no loud noise during rain and hail.

Please note that shingles are flammable roofing materials, therefore, according to SNiP requirements, it is not recommended to install them on structures with a high risk of fires.

Analyzing the pros and cons, we can say that flexible shingles are a practical and durable roof covering that completely pays for the rather big cost.

Installation features

The quality of the bituminous tile roofing depends on the observance of the technology for preparing the base and fixing the material. Therefore, during installation, the following recommendations must be taken into account:

  1. SNiP prescribe to lay bitumen shingles on a solid crate made of chipboard or sheets of moisture-resistant plywood. The base must be smooth, even, without knots or chips, so as not to damage the roofing.
  2. The soft roof is suitable for roofs with a slope of 15-25 degrees. It has a rough surface that traps snow, therefore, does not require the installation of snow guards.
  3. Installation of a soft roof is carried out on a lining pie. If the slope of the roof is more than 20 degrees, then only places that are especially vulnerable to moisture (valleys, gutters, joints between the slope and the wall) are protected with a lining.
  4. The material is laid at a temperature of + 5 / + 10 degrees in dry weather.

Experienced craftsmen note that compliance with SNiP, the manufacturer's recommendations when arranging a roof made of flexible tiles, guarantees the strength, durability and durability of the structure.

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