Entertainment script for World Children's Day “Childhood Holiday. Scenario for the holiday “Country of Childhood”, dedicated to the celebration of Children’s Day Scenario for Children’s Day on May 19

Elena Chenchenko

November 19 in our kindergarten, as part of Kindness Week and before An action was held on World Children's Day"Territory of Good Deeds". On this day, teachers taught children lessons about kindness, made gifts for children, bird feeders, and read works about kindness. Parents also did not stand aside. They spent this day for children « Holiday of Childhood»

Progress of the event:

Children gather in the hall to cheerful music.

Ved: Hello guys! Today is a wonderful day, bright and joyful! And why? Yes, because children always celebrate November 20th holiday. What is this holiday?

Yes it World Children's Day. Everyone on Earth wants our children to grow up happy, to study, play, be healthy, smart, the most wonderful children! And today we begin our « Childhood holiday» .

Today is a wonderful day,

We know everything about that.

And we congratulate everyone

Have a wonderful day!

We dance merrily

And let's sing in harmony!

May you be happy today

Children's eyes sparkle!

A song is being performed "Smile"

Leading: Oh, guys, what's that noise? I think we have guests.

(Baba Yaga runs in)

Baba Yaga: Hello, babies!

Oh, my legs are tired,

I've been going to see you for a long time,

And she dressed up beautifully.

Scraped off the dirt

I put on my best dress,

I scratched my hair with a fork,

I picked my teeth with a match.

There were no scissors in the house,

I had to bite my nails.

Here, on holiday I'm here,

You recognize me, friends!

Yes, Baba Yaga is me!

(shakes hands on everyone)

Baba Yaga. Do you want to play? Then repeat after me.

A game "Repeat"

How are you living? - Like this! (children exhibit thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (children walk in place)

How are you swimming? - Like this! (children imitate swimming)

How are you running? - Like this! (running in place)

How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)

Are you naughty? - Like this! (make faces)

Are you threatening? - Like this! (they shake their fingers at each other)

Baba Yaga: Oh, what is that sound coming from my purse). This is my cheerful tambourine, he cannot resist if there are a lot of children nearby. Will you play with him?

Children: Yes!

Baba Yaga: Then listen to the rules!

Dance game "Merry tambourine"

While the music is playing, you need to pass the tambourine from hand to hand, to each other.

The music will stop, and the one who has a tambourine in his hands will dance to the cheerful music with a tambourine in his hands, like this (shows). It's clear?

Baba Yaga: How fun I am! And you?

Children: Yes!

Baba Yaga: Well, this is too much! After all, I’m Baba Yaga, and I don’t like it when it’s a lot of fun. We need to ruin your mood! I love to grumble, it's mine favorite hobby. Now I will grumble at you, and you will have to answer!

Game - grumble “It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!”

Baba Yaga: Answer loudly together: “this is me, this is me, these are all my friends”.

Answer loudly, but

there is one condition:

In some places you will remain silent,

And where necessary, shout there!

Tell me which one of you, children, whole year dreamed of summer?

Which one of you is dying of boredom here now?

Who likes to play in the open air in the forest, on the river, in the field?

In the summer, who surprises everyone by lying down in bed and resting?

Who, I want to know from you, loves to sing and dance?

Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?

Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?

Baba Yaga: Wow, they grumbled so well, it even made me feel better. Actually, I had fun with you guys! I decided that I would no longer be mischievous, I would have fun. Promise that you will always be friendly and cheerful.

Carlson flies into the hall to the music.

Carlson. Hello guys, did you call me? Aren't you bored, you probably want to have some fun? Let's play this game with you. It's called "Trousers" Here are bloomers for each team, choose who will wear them. And here is a basket with balls, now on command we begin to fill your friend’s pants with balls, and when the command sounds "End" We'll count how many balls are in our pants, which team has the most and wins!

A game is being played - an attraction "Trousers".


“Carry a balloon on a spatula”

"Jumping on hops".

"Blind Man's Bluff with a Bell".

A song is being performed "Inseparable Friends"

Carlson: Shine your smiles, warmed by the sun!

Peace and happiness to you, children of the planet!

Let us all grow up to be not frail, active children!

And become nice, good children!

Goodbye friends! See you again! (runs away).

Leading: We sang and danced songs, but now it’s time to stay awake!

It's time for us all to draw!

Now take some markers and draw on a poster what you need to be happy.

Let your drawings contain: happiness, sun, friendship!

On this wonderful day, I invite everyone: draw with us!

To the accompaniment of cheerful music, children draw with felt-tip pens and blow soap bubbles.

Leading: Our the holiday ends, but we won’t be sad.

May the sky be peaceful for the joy of good people,

Let the children on the planet live without worries,

To the delight of dads and moms, growing up soon!

Dance of little ducks (together).

Publications on the topic:

(scenario summer holiday, dedicated to the Day child protection) Presenter: - Hello, guys! How many bright smiles we see on yours.

Entertainment script “Home of Happy Childhood!”“House of Happy Childhood” “Grandma doesn’t jump, grandpa doesn’t jump. This means nothing for the Convention. A child is supposed to grow, make noise,...

Entertainment script “Games of our childhood” Joint entertainment with parents during the week of games and toys. "Games of our childhood" Dear parents, we are glad to welcome you to our.

Abstract - entertainment “Hello, childhood holiday!” Structural unit of the state budgetary secondary educational institution secondary school No. 6 Otradny.

Entertainment scenario “Tea Festival” 1st buffoon: We ask, we ask, we invite, Come in, honest people! We treat you to delicious tea, a hot samovar is waiting! 2nd buffoon: Attention! Attention.

Game program " Childhood is ME and YOU! »

The song “Small Country” is playing.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon everyone!
Radiant smiles to everyone and Have a good mood!

Presenter 2: Childhood is a golden time
And magical dreams.
Childhood is you and me,
Childhood is me and you!

The song “Childhood is ME and YOU” plays

Leading: Today such beautiful boys and girls have gathered in this hall. In one word - Children!


1. Child:

When a baby is born
He needs it so much warm house
With a stroller, with a pile of diapers
To have toys in it.

2. Need candy as a reward
Balloon and bed.
Swing in the kindergarten yard
Pencils for drawing

3. There are many more different animals
Forests, meadow,. your village.
And autumn with a wet road
And with a Christmas tree, Santa Claus in winter

4. A ship is needed in the blue sea
There is an airplane in the high sky.
The bike is so beautiful
I'm looking forward to summer.

5. And a strong dad is very necessary
And a smart mother's gentle look
And bread and butter for everyone's dinner
And a bedtime story for the guys.

Who do all the dads and moms in the world have?

All: beloved children!

6. Blue-eyed. With freckles. Swirls
And curly tops,
Calm, fidgety
There are many of us, and we are all so different

7. We are born
In any season
In the spring. in winter
And into the snow. And in the heat
Autumn weather.

8. And I was born during summer
And grandma noted
Which has already grown more noticeably
And they tell mom that children
Under the age of eighteen are minors!

9. And my dad said,
That one day in some Europe
Very important uncles and aunties gathered
I don't know where this country is yet
Oh! I know, I know!
All our children's rights were announced there!

Leading: These, guys, are the rules and they are needed so that you always have a good life. And all of us, your family and friends, must fulfill them.

Dance – game “Boogie-woogie”
Two clowns run in to cheerful music.

Chups: Hello! Here we are!
Chupa: Hello bike!
Chups: Fireworks, parachute!
Chupa: Let's get acquainted, our names are Chupa and Chups. Do you remember? I am Chupa!
Chups: And I am Chups!
Chupa: Chupa! (bows)
Chups: Chups!
Together: Chupa Chups!
Chupa: And what is your name - you say in unison.
Chups: Say your name - one, two, three (answers)
Chupa: All clear! All the boys today are called "boo-boo-boo"
Chups: And all the girls “sweet-sweet-sweet”
Chupa: How are you? I can not hear! Let's do this: I ask you, and in response you stomp, clap, whistle. It's clear? So. get ready! Let's start! How are you?
Chups: Your mood is simply super, top class.
Chupa: This means we can start our game program.

Chups: Well, shall we play, sing, dance? I'm asking you?
The song "Smile" is playing
By the way, since we decided to have fun today, we will do the opposite.

Game "On the contrary"
We say “sweet”, and you... .
Chups: Bitterly!
Chupa: We say “okay”, and you...
Chups: Badly.
Examples: (kind, clean, dry, cheerful, summer, many, dark, day, quiet, cold, etc.)
Chupa: Are you tired of answering?
Chups: We allow you to remain silent.
Chupa: Are you guys obedient? (Yes)
Chups: Then let's play!

Chupa: Do you want to have a good laugh? Then we invite you to play one fun game. (Before you start, you need to prepare cards with expected answers; the more cards you have, the longer you can play. The rules of the game are as follows: the presenter distributes cards to the participants face down. After which he begins to ask everyone any questions , whatever comes to mind. You can write questions in advance, but it’s more interesting if they become impromptu. Participants must give the answers to the questions that are written on their cards. As a rule, they do not correspond in meaning to the questions, they can be completely ridiculous, which causes laughter and wild fun. We offer you several ready-made questions and answers).

Game "Funny answers and questions"


1. Do you like to sleep?

2. What did you do last Wednesday?

3. Do we know each other?

4. Have you read at least one book?

5. What would you do if your husband snored?

6. Can I kiss you?

7. How do trees grow?

8. Shall we sing?

9. Do you mind if your neighbor eats from your plate?

10. Why are you so upset?

11. How much did you buy the suit?

12. Where is the nophelet?

13. Can you eat a kilogram of ice cream and not wince?

14. Is it easy for you to be shouted down?

15. Grandma, why do you have such teeth?

16. Well, here we are! And who are you?

17. Why are you looking at me like that?

18. I saw that you secretly ate my candy!

19. Are you easy to deceive?

20. You don’t know where the crocodiles flew?


1. No way!

2. Why not?

3. If I could, I would definitely be able to!

4. What do you care!

5. Your question is inappropriate in polite society!

6. Life is so complicated...

7. Go away, old woman, I’m sad!

8. I'll think about your question!

9. How do you know?

10. I’ve dreamed about this all my life!

11. Unfortunately, this is exactly what happened to me last week!

12. Apparently, someone reported on me!

13. Complete nonsense!

14. If I answer “yes”, will you tell anyone about it?

15. Hey, don't come close! I am a tiger cub, not a pussy!

16. Why would this suddenly happen?

17. Of course!

18. I just love it!

19. If this were really so, I still wouldn’t admit it!

20. For the hundredth time I answer: no!!!

Leading: Today is a sensation! Here and now. Impromptu fairy tale “Bull, Gray Barrel”
Chups: Chupa, do you know what a rhyme is?
Chupa: Ha! Who doesn't know? It needs to be fun, and most importantly, fun.
For example:
Uncle Fyodor ate the bear;
Stepan - cockroach
Masha - curdled milk
Tatyana - sour cream.
Chups: Enough, enough! I understand! It's as simple as two and two. Now attention! A game! We'll start - you continue. Answer in unison, and we will help you.
Chupa: Of course, wreaths are made from dandelions (girls)
Chups: You will find bolts, screws, gears in (the boy’s) pocket.
Chupa: We chatted for an hour without a break,
In colorful dresses (Irishki)
Chups: Cowards are afraid of the dark
Everyone is one and the same.
Chupa: Boys!
Children: No no! These girls are panties!
Chupa : Oh oh! so attentive! We couldn't even deceive you!
Chups: Do you know how to dance? (Yes)

Dance “If life is fun”... Chupa: And now the fun continues
Chups: The competition begins!
Game "Pencils"

Leading: Our children are on the asphalt
They love to draw
Multi-colored crayons
They love to scatter paint...
We invite children to participate in the “Draw a Picture” competition (5 participants)

Riddles are asked.

    What kind of ceiling is this?

Sometimes he is low, sometimes he is high,

Sometimes he is gray, sometimes he is whitish,

It's a little bluish.

And sometimes so beautiful

Lace and dark blue. (Sky)

    It’s not fire, but it burns painfully,

Not a lantern, but shining brightly,

And not a baker, but a baker? (Sun)

    Who went flying

There is a twig in the cranberry. (Bird)

    Little fidgets

They jump like bunnies

Candies eat sweets,

Laughing loudly and shouting! (Children)

    Who is the most sensitive in the world?

She cannot find better glory,

The kindest, the wisest?

Well of course...this is (Mom)

    Who is not joking, but seriously
    Will a nail teach us to hammer?
    Who will teach you to be brave?
    If you fall off your bike, don’t whine,
    And scratched my knee,
    Don't cry? Of course...(Dad)

    Headon the leg, in the head there are peas (Flowers)

Chups: Here are the finished paintings!!! Well done boys!

Chupa: Shine, smiles, warmed by the sun
Peace and happiness to you, our children!

The song “Sunny Circle” plays. Chups: The fun holiday was a great success.

Chupa: I think everyone liked it?

Presenter 1:
Childhood is a golden time
And magical dreams.
Childhood is you and me,
Childhood is me and you!
Presenter 2: Today such beautiful, mature young men and women have gathered in this hall. You are leaving the fairyland of childhood and entering a big life.
Presenter 1: Happy, irrevocable time of childhood! How can we not love the memories of her?
Presenter 2:
We will remember more than once
That good planet
Where with the rays of the eyes
There are dawns,
Presenter 1:
Where miracles live
Wizards and fairies
Where brighter world around
And the bird trills are louder.
Presenter 2: What a pity that the days of happy childhood will not return! And each of us wants to be there, at least for a moment, in this small country called “Childhood”!
Presenter 1: Delve into the sandbox and, as a sign of great friendship, hit Yulka on the head with a shovel.
Presenter 2: Arrange a fight with Seryozhka over a tricycle or soar under the clouds on a swing.
Presenter 1: Truly believe in Santa Claus and Baba Yaga, turn into pirates...
Presenter 2: But childhood is gone forever. Now, if only I knew where?
Presenter 1: Perhaps this question will be answered by our vocal group, which will perform the song “Where does childhood go?” (The song is either performed by a real school vocal group, or it is simply played on a tape recorder).
Presenter 2:
Here today my friends,
We gathered for a reason.
We hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Girls and boys!
Presenter 1:
May the angel always protect you
From life's losses
And childhood, at least sometimes
The door opens for you!
Presenter 2: We invite you to the microphone... (either the head of the State Educational Institution or the school director is invited to the microphone).
Presenter 1:
The ship of childhood sails to childhood.
The large white pipes are sloping backwards.
Let me see, let me see goodbye,
Let me hear how they hum!
Presenter 2:
The breeze on the deck touched someone's hair,
A naughty tear suddenly flashed on her cheek.
How madly I want it, believe me, I really want it
Time is fleeting and turn back!
Presenter 1: Let's today, on Children's Day, try to perform a miracle and turn back time. Let's remember our golden childhood!
Presenter 2: Now you and I will write an essay about this cloudless time in our lives. I only need adjectives from you. I will write them down in the blank, and in a few minutes the essay on the topic “Remember our golden childhood” will be ready.

Game-story “Remember our golden childhood”

The spoken adjectives are entered into the blank text, and the story is ready.

How good it is to be a child! No worries or problems for you. ... in the morning... your mother wakes you up, feeds you... breakfast and takes you to... kindergarten. And there... teachers,... friends,... toys and very... life are waiting for you. ... holidays, ... activities, ... walks - there is never a dull moment! And at home... grandma will treat you... to a pie,... dad will let you knock... with a hammer on the table,... mom will tell you a bedtime story... a fairy tale. Everyone loves you, cherishes you, takes care of you, pampers you... with gifts. And I want... childhood to never end!

Presenter 1: It turned out to be a wonderful essay. And your childhood was very fun. That's why you are so cheerful and joyful today. And also because the guests of our holiday came to congratulate you. (Guests are invited to the microphone, if any).
Presenter 2: So, attention! The journey to the land of childhood begins! Let's remember the time when you were very, very small and had not yet gone to kindergarten. All children love gifts very much. I invite two teams of six people who want to receive holiday prizes the most.

Competition "Skins"

Team captains are given a large vessel with a drink (compote, juice, water), and each participant is given a long straw. Team members stand around the vessel, simultaneously lower their straws into it and begin to drink the drink. The team that empties the vessel first wins. Prizes for winners and incentive prizes must be prepared in advance and do not forget to present them at the end of each competition.

Presenter 1: Now, children, sit on the chairs and carefully watch the dance (or listen to the song). Either a choreographic or vocal group performs.
Presenter 2: At home, under my mother’s warm wing, of course, it’s good. But the day comes when the baby goes out into the world for the first time. And it begins big life usually from kindergarten.
Presenter 1: Perhaps the most important thing in kindergarten is friends. If there good company, then even tasteless porridge, an angry teacher and old toys recede into the background.
Presenter 2:
Many, many days in a row,
In summer and winter,
We went to kindergarten
To my native kindergarten.
Presenter 1:
We were always in a hurry here,
We loved him very much.
All the guys say:
“Let's not forget kindergarten!”
Presenter 2: With such a rosy mood, two friends are going to kindergarten. It will be you (two young men are invited).
Presenter 1: Their mothers, hurrying to work, try to dress them quickly. Here we have “mothers” (two girls are invited).
Presenter 2: So, the clothes are already prepared, but suddenly the lights go out!

Competition “Dress your baby for kindergarten”

The girls are blindfolded and asked to dress the boys. Clothes are prepared in advance and hung on a chair (sweater, hat, scarf, jacket, large trousers). Whoever can do it faster and more accurately wins.

Presenter 1: And now there’s a music or dance break.

A song is performed or a dance is danced.

Presenter 2:
There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world,
And we cannot live in the world without them.
Presenter 1:
Let the heroes of fairy tales give you warmth,
May good triumph over evil forever.
Presenter 2: Far, far away lies the kingdom of Fairy Tales, Miracles and Magic. And whoever has been there at least once will remain a prisoner forever.
Presenter 1: Because the trees there are the most bizarre, the towers are the most painted, the princesses are the most beautiful, and the monsters are the most terrible.
Presenter 2: And also because from childhood we learn kindness, ingenuity, mutual assistance, and courage from fairy tales. Let's remember Russian folk tale“Turnip” and we will show a performance based on it.

Fairytale game "Turnip"

Participants are called to play the roles: Turnip, Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse.
When the presenter reads the text of a fairy tale, each hero must, upon hearing the name of his character, say the words assigned to him and make a gesture:
Turnip - “Oh, yes I am!” and shows with his hands how big she is.
Grandfather - “Oh, sciatica!” and, bent over, holds his lower back.
Grandma - “Fathers of Light!” and at the same time throws up his hands.
Granddaughter - “Well, here’s another!” and puts his hands on his hips.
Bug - “Woof! Will you give me a bone?” while resting his hands on his bent knees and wagging his “tail.”
Cat - “They don’t let me sleep! Meow!" and stretches, arching his back.
Mouse - “Well, where would you go without me!” and shows off strong biceps.
Overall, this staging of “Turnip” looks very funny.

Presenter 1: According to the daily routine in kindergarten, after games and lunch there is a break - a “quiet hour”.
Presenter 2: Our “quiet hour” will be a dance break. And at the same time, we’ll check how obedient your kids are.

Dance game “Do as I do”

I think everyone remembers and knows this dance game well. When the presenter makes some movements to the beat of cheerful and fiery music, and everyone present, standing in a circle, repeats these movements after him. A very energetic and fun workout.

Presenter 1: Impressions from early childhood often remain in memory for a lifetime. And the holidays give them a special brightness.
Presenter 2: Joyful excitement, decorated rooms, guests, gifts, festive table- it will be remembered for a long time. And what opportunities for the flight of children's imagination!
Presenter 1: And the fantasy of adults usually comes down to one thing: mothers and fathers love to show off their beloved, smart and obedient child to guests.
Presenter 2: “Daughter, baby, stand on a chair and tell the guests a poem.” I think many of you complied with this request so as not to upset your parents.
Presenter 1: We invite the guys who still have a love for poetry to decorate our holiday.

Children's poetry competition

Everyone comes out and reads children's poems. Prizes are awarded for artistry and originality.

Presenter 2: We continue the conversation about dolls, bears and airplanes. Each of us had a favorite toy as a child. Perhaps someone still keeps it.
Presenter 1: Can you remember your favorite toy now? What was it - a doll, a bunny, a ball? Several guys remember and name their favorite toys.
Presenter 2: As it should be, girls are more attracted to dolls and Stuffed Toys, and boys - cars. We ask the most avid car enthusiasts to come and join us.
Presenter 1: You organize two convoys of 4 people each: “Truck” and “Fireman”.

Relay "Drivers"

The first two young men are given children's cars on strings. The participants’ task is to “go” the distance, going around the pins placed on the floor, and not knocking them down. The team that does this faster and more accurately wins.

Presenter 2: The winners of auto racing are given a musical (dance) gift.
A song is played or a dance is danced.

Presenter 1: Everyone knows that children and animals are the most great friends. A little man just needs someone to yap, meow, chirp or croak next to him.
Presenter 2: Children love to take care of our little brothers: they treat the cat with candy, save fish from the aquarium so they don’t drown, and share toys with the dogs.
The cat says to me quietly:
- Have pity on me a little!
Presenter 1:
I don't understand this cat:
I poke candy in her mouth
I hugged her neck:
- That's how I feel sorry for you!
Well, what do you want, cat?
Presenter 2:
She says:
- A little, at least a little regret -
Let me go quickly!

During the text, the presenters hand out notes to the children with the names of the animals.

Presenter 1: Attention! Now our little brothers will appear in this hall! I ask everyone who has received notes to come to me. The cats stand on the left, the piglets on the right, and the horses in the center.
Presenter 2: Have you forgotten how these little animals “speak”? Shall we rehearse?

Competition "Animal Concert"

Teams are introduced to the song they will perform:
Cats - "Two Cheerful Geese"
Piglets - “Grasshopper”
Horses - “I’m lying in the sun”
Songs must be sung by making sounds appropriate to the animals. From the outside it looks very funny.

Presenter 1: Ah, kindergarten! Ah, kindergarten! First friends, first love... Yes, yes, it is in kindergarten that this feeling comes.
Presenter 2: I really want to know which of our young men was a Don Juan in kindergarten. I ask two confident guys to come out.
Presenter 1: We announce a dance break, and during the first dance the guys must collect autographs from the girls. Who will have more fans?

Autograph competition

Two participants are given sheets of paper and markers. The participants’ task is to collect as many autographs as possible from the female half of the hall in 1-2 minutes. The one with the most signatures on the piece of paper wins.

Musical or dance break.

Presenter 2: It was good in kindergarten! There we were loved, raised, fed and taught to be real people.
But parting comes
We'll have to go to school soon,
And today, goodbye
We speak from the heart:
Presenter 1:
“Goodbye, kindergarten! -
All the guys say -
We will never forget
Our favorite kindergarten!
Presenter 2: And now we are no longer just children, but students. At the threshold of the school, the first teacher greets us with a smile.
Presenter 1:
Who will show the letter "A"?
Multiply twice two?
Will he write the sticks in the notebook?
Will you give it a “5” for the first time?
Presenter 2:
Our very first teacher,
Guardian of the light of wisdom.
Presenter 1: The first teacher is kind, strict, sensitive, patient, the first guide to the land of Knowledge.
Presenter 2: We invite two teams of five people, for whom the memories of their first teacher are still dear.
Presenter 1: Your mentors will be pleased to receive their portrait as a souvenir. And you will draw it.

Relay race “Portrait of the first teacher”

Two teams, at speed, blindfolded, draw a portrait of the teacher on sheets of whatman paper. The first participant draws the oval of the face, the second - eyes and eyebrows, the third - the nose, the fourth - lips, the fifth - hair. The team whose drawing is the most artistic wins.

Presenter 2: And along with the portraits, we give this song to teachers...

A song is sung or played on a tape recorder.

Presenter 1:
School is over,
You have moved to the senior class.
Lie in the sun
The sea invites us.
Presenter 2: Vacations, holidays, fun time! Sea, sun, soft sand and, of course, beach volleyball. We invite you to take part in volleyball competitions - to prepare for the beach season.

Air Volleyball Competition

All team members inflate two each balloon. And then the game of volleyball with balloons begins.

Presenter 1: After such a successful game, you need to rest.

Presenter 2: Your school years have flown by, all your victories and failures, “twos” and “fives” are in the past...
Presenter 1: Just yesterday you were the hosts at school, but now you can only be guests.
Presenter 2: Just yesterday you were schoolchildren, children, and today you are already adults, independent.
Presenter 1:
School flew by like an hour
School is the first grade of life,
School is the arithmetic of fate,
School - these years cannot be forgotten.
Presenter 2: When you say goodbye to school, you also say goodbye to your teachers. They taught you to comprehend science and understand the world. Vanya experienced failures with you and shared the joy of victories. In your teacher’s big, warm heart there was enough room for each of you.
Presenter 1: Today your teachers will light up for their own, already former students, a light that will become a guiding star on the road to adult life. And along with this light, the mentor will give you his parting words.
Presenter 2: Let this candle pass from hand to hand, and let each of you say wishes and warm words to each other.

A candle is lit and the process of passing it from hand to hand and with wishes goes through.

Presenter 1:
Childhood is fading, so why be surprised?
It leaves everyone somehow.
And I want to cry and laugh,
And I don’t want to part with anyone,
But childhood still leaves us.
Presenter 2: It’s a pity that we begin to understand all the charm of childhood when we become adults.
We go into our youth along rainbow paths,
Through the snow and thick grass.
We are leaving for youth, we are rushing time,
And we ourselves are sad about our childhood.
Presenter 1: But don’t be so sad. First of all, today is a holiday. And secondly, whether childhood stays with you or goes away forever depends only on you. And even after many, many years, you can sometimes look at least for a minute into childhood and take a break from adult life there.
Presenter 2:
Now the moment of farewell has come.
Our speech will be brief:
We say to you: goodbye!
And childhood memories
Try to save!
Presenter 1: We congratulate you on the holiday and invite you to the disco!

Buffoons Max and Andryushka appear on stage.

- Let's start, let's start
We invite you to the holiday

- Both girls and boys
All the quiet ones and naughty ones!

- It’s forbidden to be sad today
The fun holiday begins!

(There is a musical number on stage).

- Everyone, everyone, everyone, attention!
We continue our noisy celebration.

- Those guys are nicer to us,
Who laughs more merrily

Who is not waiting for an invitation?
He dances and sings himself!

- My friends, it seems to me that you forgot something.

- We haven't forgotten anything.

- And what?

- And didn’t you forget to say hello to the guys?

Max, Andryushka:
- Oh…

(they run down to the hall and begin to greet the guys separately)

- No, you just need to say hello to everyone!

“Then my hand will definitely fall off.”

“Then we’ll have to say hello all day long, and then the holiday will end!”

- No, come here, I’ll show you how you can say hello to everyone at the same time.

- Well, teach.

Andryushka: (grumpily)
- All they can do is teach!

- You just need to stand up to all the guys and say: Hello! All.

Andryushka, Max:
- Hello! All.

- No need to say “everything”. Max, Andryusha, let’s go, I’ll explain to you how to greet the guys correctly, while our viewers listen to a wonderful composition performed by Masha Sinelnik.

- Hello!

- Good afternoon, dear adults and dear children!
Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday of childhood, which traditionally coincides with the end of the school year. For some, this academic year was the first, for some - the second. And some guys can rightfully consider themselves old-timers of our school.

(There is a cheerful entertaining number on stage).

- Childhood is great time When the sun seems big, the stars shine brighter. The song flows, the heart beats, dreams come true.

(There is a musical composition on stage).

- Andryusha, you seem somewhat absent-minded today. Something happened?

“I don’t understand why I forget everything today, why I confuse everything?”

- Because
The rooks have arrived
The streams rang
How many of you know
When does this happen?

(children answer)

- That's right, it's spring. I even wrote some amazing poems about this, listen.

(Reads comic poems about spring).

- Maxim, it seems to me that you are playing pranks again!
Better announce the next number.

- Now the guys will perform for you "Spooncari" .

- But I also have many talents. I am a famous master in various types sports On skis, on skates, on slingshots, on snowballs. Dear viewers! Does anyone want to fight me? Push each other, show strength!

- Let’s answer in advance, we don’t need such competitions.
Our guys can compete differently. They just recently returned from a city competition, where, thanks to their talents, they won the hearts of many spectators.

(A children's dance group performs on stage.)

- Alexander Valerievich, do you like magic tricks?
I can do one trick! Look!

(Takes a toy out of his pocket). Now I’ll cover the toy with a hat, and in the meantime, think about how I’ll be able to get it out of there without touching the hat? (covers the toy with a hat and “whispers” to the presenter). I'll tell you a secret. The toy under the hat has been gone for a long time. Why don't you believe? Well, look!

- Okay, now we'll check you.

(removes his hat, and Andryushka snatches the toy)

- Are you sure? I took out the toy without touching the hat!

-Are you playing tricks again? There's a booth here! All you need is a balalaika.

- Not for him, but for us. After all, the next number of our program is called “Balalaika”.

- Now the time has come to say goodbye. Dear friends! Rest well and gain strength so that in three months you can tell us: Hello! We have returned!
We would like to thank our cheerful presenters Andrei and Maxim, who helped me spend this wonderful evening.

Goodbye friends! See you again!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“General developmental kindergarten No. 27”

Holiday scenario

“Childhood is you and me, Childhood is Me and You!”

in the preparatory group


Shibirova Svetlana Anatolyevna


Target: Formation of love and respect for the cultural values ​​and traditions of the Russian people; nurturing interest in events cultural-historical calendar


Consolidate with children knowledge about the holiday “Children’s Day!”;

Develop attention, perception, memory, thinking, vocal-choral, artistic, creative abilities;

Create a festive mood in children, a friendly attitude towards each other, and receive joy from joint events.

Presenter: First day of colorful summer

He brought us together, friends.

A holiday of childhood, songs, light,

A holiday of peace and goodness!

We dedicate this holiday to the most beautiful, loved ones on Earth - you, dear children!

We celebrate the summer holiday

Festival of the sun, festival of light!

So that cheerful laughter rings out,

The kids didn't cry

The sun is shining for everyone,

It shines the same.

1. Child: Childhood is a golden time

And magical dreams.

Childhood is you and me,

Childhood is Me and You!

2.Child: With nice mood

We're going to kindergarten

And we congratulate everyone

Happy wonderful summer day!

Presenter: Give each other warmth and smiles!

Forgive insults and other people's mistakes.

A smile is worth the reward

Just a smile and you will be welcome!

And for a cheerful mood, let's sing a song together "Smile"


Presenter: On June day, the first day,

Let's drive laziness out of sight,

Let's say “no” to boredom!

We will jump and gallop,

Play different games!

(Ruffnut rides out on a scooter).

Bully: Hello, here I am! Hello everyone, friends!

Presenter: Who are you? What are you doing here?

Bully: I, the Bully, have come to you for the holiday! Oh, what am I doing? Yes, I will disturb you, make noise and shout.

Presenter: Today there is no need to make noise, shout, we need to celebrate the summer, celebrate the red sun!

Bully: I've never heard of such a holiday: New Year I know, I know September 1st, I know my birthday, but I don’t know the summer holiday.

Presenter: June 1 is the first day of summer and it is celebrated all over the planet; it is also called International Children’s Day!

Bully:(interrupting) Ah, now it’s clear, so get ready guys, now we’ll defend ourselves! Take sticks, bricks, bring everything here!

Presenter: You're all confusing us, Bully. On this June day, the guys talk about their desires, dreams, how they know how to be friends!

Bully: Can you tell me about your desires and dreams?

Presenter: Guys, let's hear what Ruffnut dreams about!

Bully: I dream of one thing, where and with whom to fight, and who to call names. What about you guys? I know that the guys here are fighters and bullies, all of them are gathered together! (Teases, shows faces).

Presenter: It’s a shame you’re making up such tall tales about us. So the guys and I will show you how cheerful and friendly we are and we will dance the “Friendship” dance for you.

Dance "Friendship"(middle group)

Playing with children of nursery, middle, senior group"We are the friendliest"

Bully: Just think, but you definitely don’t know how to dance. I know such a wonderful dance, you definitely won’t be able to dance it.

Presenter: Let's check it out! Repeat after us, and hurry up!

Dance “I draw a river”(senior group).

The bully sits in the corner and cries loudly.

Bully: Oh oh oh! I could not get! Now you guys are definitely not going to be friends with me, you know how to do everything and you’re so friendly, but I have no friends, I’m alone in the world!

Presenter: Bully, why do you think so? That you and I will not be friends!

Bully: Don't know? No one has ever been friends with me!

Presenter: Guys, will we become friends with Ruffnut?

Children: YES!

Presenter: Bully, we only have one condition for you!

Bully: Which?

Presenter: You should become kind, cheerful, and the guys will help you.

Bully: Well, I'll try. I even know a lot of games and fun that help you become friendly and strong. Well, where did she go? (Searching). I remember lying here, and now she’s gone. Yes, here she is! (takes out a cheat sheet from his pocket). Yes, she’s my favorite! Hooray! For you guys, I have riddles, but they are not simple, but with answers. You need to listen to the answers carefully, because there may be errors in them.

1. In the thicket, with its head raised, howling from hunger... a giraffe (Wolf)

2. From the palm tree - down, onto the palm tree again deftly jumps... a cow (Monkey)

3. The fastest person to rush out of fear is... the tortoise (Hare)

4. Who knows a lot about raspberries? Clubfoot brown... wolf (Bear)

5. In his warm puddle, Barmaley (Frog) croaked loudly

6. Daughters and sons are taught to grunt... by the nightingale (Pig). Well done!

Presenter: Bully, for you we have a perky, cheerful dance “Macarena”. Repeat after us.

Dance "Macarena" (girls - preparatory group)

Bully: Guys, will you be my friends?

Children: YES!

Bully: You and I will never, never quarrel?

Children: No!


1. Child: Today is a holiday for the guys.

Kindergarten welcomes summer.

What is summer? – This is a sea of ​​light!

2. Child: This field, this forest, these are thousands of miracles!

These are clouds in the sky, this is a fast river,

This is a thousand roads for children's feet!

3. Child: We had a lot of fun

We became very close friends,

We danced, played,

Everyone around became friends.

4. Child: Summer is a glorious time.

Kids love summer.

Jump, run, grow up,

Have fun and dream.

5. Child: Smile and joke

And be kinder to each other.

“What kind of holiday, they ask us,”

Are we celebrating now?

Defense Day, All Children!

Presenter: We also have a dance for you, look how friendly and cheerful we are! Hey beautiful girls! Who do we have here from the Amazon? Come out quickly and dance more fun!

Dance “Chimbi-Rimbi” (senior group)


1. Child: We celebrate the summer holiday,

Festival of the sun, festival of light

Sun, sun, warm up hotter,

The holiday will be more fun.

2. Child: First day of summer, become even brighter!

The first of June is celebrated everywhere.

After all, this is the Day of Protection of All Children,

It’s not for nothing that people celebrate it!

3. Child: We will always be friends

From childhood, treasure friendship.

You know, and I know -

You can't live without friends!

Presenter: Children from palms,

The sun was folded

To be sure

People were all friends

Sun from palms,

Best in the world

Look people

These are our children!

Song "Sunny Circle"

Bully: I like it with you, I stay with you - I want to live in peace and harmony with everyone! Guys, let’s play the game “If your life is fun, do it like this!”

Game “If you have fun, do it!”

.Presenter: Peace on Earth, on the entire planet!

Peace to all adults and all children!

Dance “I, you, you, he, she” (preparatory group)


1. Child: Since childhood we love

Play and laugh.

From childhood we learn

Be kind.

If only they were like this

Always stay

To smile

And be strong friends!

2.Child: What do children dream about?

We have one dream:

Let it be on the planet

The world is kind as spring!

3. Child: Peace in every home

In every country

The world is the sun

On our Earth!

Dance “With Flags. Rebuilding" (senior group boys)

Presenter: Today is your holiday, guys.

All the children of the vast Earth

They rush to each other with congratulations

Wishing you health and love

And we, dear ones, wish you

Grow and make us happy

May your wishes come true

And the world will be kind to you!

Dance “What Our World Is Made Of” (senior group girls)

Presenter: Our holiday is ending, but we will not be sad

May the sky be peaceful, to the joy of good people

Bully: Let the children on the planet live without knowing

To the delight of dads and moms, growing up soon!

Dance “Let’s Give the Earthly Ball to the Children”

Bully: We were born

To live joyfully

To play together

To be friends together!

So let's have a big round dance!

(Everyone goes out into a round dance, in the center of the Globe)
