Self-guided Turkish language lessons. Learning Turkish from scratch

In Soviet times, the Turkish language was taught at three universities in the country - Moscow, Leningrad and Tbilisi. Even under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade there were “Higher Language Courses”, which, along with Western Europe, gave listeners a good knowledge of the basics.

Indeed, the Turkish language has a number of features that are not found in other languages. In his many Arabic and Persian words. Most of them are now pronounced in the Turkish way, but have not lost their original meaning.

  • For example, verbal names with Arabic roots are quite difficult to unambiguously translate into Turkish, and it is almost impossible to continue translating them into Russian. Such words do not have an exact analogue and can only be translated in a general sense. Here the translator’s intellect, knowledge of life and vocabulary come to the aid native language.

It should be noted that in the 30s of the last century, Turkish linguists carried out enormous and not unsuccessful work on the mass eradication from their native language foreign words and replacing them with “new Turkish” ones (for example, the Arabic word “tayare” - airplane - was replaced by the word “uçak” from the Turkish verb uçmak - to fly). This has led to the fact that the old generation sometimes cannot understand what the younger generation is saying.

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Other important feature Turkish language is in a way. To the base or root of a word, special words are added one after another, strictly in a certain sequence. grammatical forms, called affixes. This allows you to very simply and economically create many vocabulary combinations, and even new words and concepts.

As an example, let's take the following Turkish expression: “Evinizdekilere selam”. It consists of 2 words and 19 letters. Let's break it down into its components.

  • Ev is a noun meaning house, i — service particle, niz — affix of belonging, corresponding to the possessive pronoun your, de - locative case affix (denotes the location of an object, answers the question “where, in what?”), ki - substantivization affix possessive pronoun, ler - affix plural, e - dative case affix, selam - noun, translated as Hello.

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Let's try to translate these two words into Russian. We start from the end of the phrase. We get something like this: “Greetings to those in your house.” However, taking into account Turkish customs and mentality, it would be more correct to translate as follows: “Greetings to all your loved ones who are in your home.” As you can see, the translation into Russian turned out to be 2 times longer than the original.

In Turkish, sentences can be quite long. In old books, from the time of the Ottoman sultans, you can find one sentence for several pages, and only at the end of it will there be a predicate.

A good translator must master not only the grammar and vocabulary of the language with which he works, but also know its nuances and features. Without this, a literary translation of a famous work will turn out to be superficial.

Let's imagine that a certain university graduate intends to translate a historical novel from Turkish into Russian. Will he be able to cope with this task, not knowing Ottoman history and the basics of the language of those times? Apparently, he will translate the long sentences of the original source in parts, without going into details, and thereby turn the Russian reader from the main line of the novel to a secondary one.

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A little history. Turkish is part of the linguistic family of Turkic languages, which, in addition to Turkey, are spoken in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, as well as part of the population in Bulgaria, the former Yugoslavia, Albania, Romania, Moldova, Iran, Afghanistan, China and Mongolia. In Russia, the Karachais, Kumyks, Balkars, Tatars, Chuvashs, Bashkirs, Yakuts, Nogais, Tuvans, Mountain Altaians and Khakass consider the Turkic language to be their native language. In total, more than 120 million people speak Turkic languages.

Anyone who, not considering himself a linguist, has finally reached the end of this article will decide for himself whether he would like to speak Turkish or not.

Many people wonder if learning Turkish is worth it. Active relations between Turkish and Russian states, the opening of mixed companies and the holidays of many Russians in Turkey indicate the popularity of the Turkish language. Many people sign up for specialized courses to learn Turkish for beginners, but there are also many who do it on their own.

The main thing when learning Turkish is to understand and learn the strict rules of the language, as well as to have great motivation and perseverance. Many words in Turkish are heard and written the same, and there are no complicated cases or genders.

Is it difficult to learn Turkish?

All beginners, just starting to learn the language, have many questions: is it difficult to learn Turkish, how long will it take, but this is all individual. Each person has different linguistic abilities, perseverance, motivation, availability of free time and the desired degree of Turkish language proficiency. For vacationing tourists, a small vocabulary is enough, but for those who have their own business in Turkey, it is necessary in-depth study language with all the subtleties of business communication.

How to learn Turkish on your own

Self-studying the Turkish language involves purchasing the necessary educational literature or having daily Internet access to use online resources. The manual must be written in clear language, accessible, and all information should be presented in portions. You need to decide required quantity hours a day that will be spent on language classes.

When the initial course of learning the Turkish language has been completed, you need to start practicing, otherwise, why learn Turkish. The simplest option is when the student has friends who are native speakers of Turkish or who speak it perfectly.

Communication should start with correspondence on social networks; friends will be able to point out mistakes and correct shortcomings. During correspondence, the skills of memorizing a new language are honed - the student thinks about each phrase and tries to write correctly.

But not everyone can boast of having Turkish nationals as friends. Then you need to find an interlocutor via the Internet who speaks Turkish, who in turn trains his Russian, and together begin to improve each other’s languages. Online study is becoming quite a popular way to learn Turkish and other languages.

Additional ways to learn Turkish

All Turkish language teachers advise students to watch films in Turkish with Russian subtitles or television programs, as well as listen to Turkish music. Listening to Turkish speech every day helps you quickly get used to the language, its features and pronunciation. At first, even without understanding the meaning of what you heard, you just need to get used to the intonation of Turkish speech and the stresses. When learning any language, it is very important to immerse yourself in a new language environment.

Self-studying the Turkish language has many advantages over other methods, the main one being the absence of payment for the acquired knowledge. It is very important when studying at home to have good motivation and perseverance, which will allow you to get the necessary high level knowledge of the Turkish language.

Cost of Turkish language courses

The cost is calculated for a month of training (16 academic hours). Classes are held in Moscow. The teacher can visit your home.

Cost of corporate training in Turkish

Turkish language You can quickly learn from scratch thanks to Turkish language lessons for beginners. To realize your potential in different areas(travel, business, education, etc.) in the wonderful country of Turkey, you just need to learn the Turkish language, which has attracted people from all over the world since ancient times. Nowadays, millions already communicate fluently in Turkish, which is in the forefront in terms of the number of speakers among other Turkic languages.

Learning Turkish from scratch

Today it is easy to learn Turkish from scratch in any convenient place with the help of latest technologies presented on the Internet and on mobile devices. Distance learning has advantages, providing a chance to gain knowledge anywhere in the world, with different social status and employment at work.

Turkish language for beginners - these are educational special materials that help you get comfortable with Turkish pronunciation and facilitate communication in everyday situations (hotel, airport, store, restaurant, etc.). On various sites you can find online materials for learning Turkish from scratch.

How to learn Turkish from scratch

To comprehend this difficult language, you need to learn the basics of grammar, grammatical structures and understand exactly how to practice typing “your” lexicon. Exclusive materials will not only help you learn a language and not lose interest in this process, but will also encourage you to comprehend other languages ​​in the future. And speaking practice will become a real exam and the final practical result of learning.

There are many Turkish language tutorials for beginners. For example, the tutorial by Sidorin N.P. for beginners from scratch without a tutor, it will allow you to check your acquired knowledge using various tasks, testing yourself with the answers. By using educational materials(films, audio books, dictionaries, television, voice engines (speech synthesizers, speech synthesizer programs), computer programs) you can not only expand your vocabulary, but also learn a lot about Turkish culture, morals and customs.

Learn Turkish for beginners using audio

It is very productive to learn Turkish using audio recordings (audio tutorials, audio literature, audio classes, audio courses), when there is an excellent understanding and assimilation of letter combinations and correct pronunciation. All you need is a player and headphones. Despite the simplicity of the lessons provided, Turkish is a very difficult language to master. Let's not put it on the back burner. Let's learn Turkish from scratch and set out to realize our plans and possibilities! Good luck!

But if a person has other priorities, if he wants to communicate with those who interest him, then no one will expect someone to learn Russian in order to allow him to communicate with him.

This is where motivation comes in, the main engine of successful learning. Those who are going to Turkey to work, for permanent residence or simply to cooperate with one of the Turkish companies do not need to be convinced. They want it themselves. And this is one of the most powerful motivations.

No less important is motivation – self-development. Chekhov's expression that a person is as many times a person as the number of languages ​​he knows reveals its meaning very well. Convincing, isn't it? Each language represents a country with its traditions, worldview, culture and rules. Realizing and studying this, a person touches the past of another country, making his present spiritually richer and brighter.

What is important is that a person learning another language trains his memory, increases brain activity, slows down his aging, and increases his intelligence. But where to start learning Turkish for someone who, for various reasons, cannot study it with a tutor or in courses? The tips below will help you get started.

The earlier the better. Many of those who are going to travel/work/permanent residence in Turkey think that they will be able to master the language on the spot. This is the deepest misconception: none of the local residents will explain the rules of grammar, teach how to use words and many other subtleties of the language.

Therefore, it is best to start learning the language at home, before your trip. In 2-4 months you can learn about half a thousand phrases, which are the most common. So it’s best not to waste time now, because later you will still need to learn the language and no one knows what circumstances a person may find himself in who does not understand at all what his interlocutors are talking about.

As the Turks themselves say, fill your ears. But you can use not only ears, but also eyes, memory, consciousness. This means that you need to surround yourself with Turkish as much as possible. Books, audio and video recordings, films, songs - these are the things that are best viewed/listened to in Turkish. At first, of course, it is advisable to only watch films with subtitles and songs by your favorite singers. But as some words and phrases become clear, you can add audio recordings.

Reading, listening, communication - the three main components of successful learning not only Turkish, but also any other language foreign language. Writing and reading alone is not enough. It is necessary to speak this language. The best way is to find a native Turkish speaker on the Internet and start communicating with him.

Experts also recommend doing the following: print out the text of any audio recording you like and, when playing it, pronounce the text along with the speaker. In this case, you need to monitor what is written on the printout and with what intonation the announcer pronounces each word. Then, after several listenings, you can already recite the text with the speaker. This is how pronunciation is developed, and also words/phrases are better remembered, since visual and auditory memory is involved.

Translation. As strange as it may sound, even a beginner can do translation. You just need to choose the book (story, fairy tale) that you like. Then the translation will be easier and more interesting than a text you don’t like. Of course, you shouldn’t translate the entire book at once - it won’t work right away, and it will be burdensome. But 15 minutes every day, but only every day, you definitely need to do it.

No one can explain this phenomenon, but words are remembered best when translated. This technique will also help you understand how successful you are in learning the language. To do this, you need to translate the translated text back into the original language (you shouldn’t look at it) and then compare both texts. Of course, at first you shouldn’t expect the texts to match, but as you learn the language, there will be fewer and fewer discrepancies.

Mastering a foreign language is a rather complex and time-consuming task. Studying one of the most common languages ​​in the Arab world, Turkish, was no exception. Today it is spoken not only in Turkey: you can hear this rich language in Northern Cyprus, Macedonia and Bulgaria, Greece and Iran. Those who have ever visited Turkey are fascinated by the rich culture, ancient traditions, hospitality of the residents and the melodious sound of local speech. I would like to learn as much as possible about this wonderful country, and getting to know the language is The best way get to know Turkey.

Learn Turkish in a short time

Many people think that Turkish is an unusually difficult language to master, because most words are extremely difficult to hear. How to quickly learn Turkish? It is important to choose the right type of training and persistently pursue the goal.

  • Master the basics of the language - learn the alphabet and basic rules. The letters of the Turkish language are written in the Latin alphabet and will not cause difficulties for those who are familiar with English. However, there are several specific letters that you should pay special attention to memorizing.
  • Good language courses will help you. You can choose either a general training program or individual uniform. The efficiency of the latter is an order of magnitude higher. C language courses Dialogue is profitable and convenient, and a conversation club will help you consolidate your knowledge.
  • Speak Turkish out loud from day one. You should not be afraid that phrases are constructed incorrectly and words are distorted. With a little practice, your level of language proficiency will improve every day.

Sign up for a free Turkish language lesson

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Tips to help you quickly master the basics of the Turkish language

So, how to learn Turkish on your own?

  • Install the Turkish language on your gadgets - new words will be an excellent exercise on the way to your goal.
  • Watching films and TV series in Turkish will help you quickly learn Turkish at home. At first, it is better to choose films with Russian subtitles, and after gaining experience, move on to films with subtitles in Turkish. With a little practice, most of the dialogue will be understood by ear, and there will be no need for subtitles. In addition, Turkish TV series are not only useful, but also very interesting.
  • Listen to songs in Turkish. Another way to help you master the basics of the language at home. Listening to the same song over and over again will improve your pronunciation and memorize phrases. You can find translations of your favorite compositions on the Internet, which will make it easier to learn grammatical structures.
  • Read books in Turkish. You can start with children's books, and, developing your level, move on to more complex reading. If at first you need a translation of literally every word, then after a month or two of daily lessons from scratch, you will turn to the dictionary much less often.
  • More communication. It's great if you have a trip to Turkey planned - you can practice your pronunciation.

You can meet a native speaker at social network or chat in our conversation club. Do not forget that Speaking may differ from the language of films and television programs. In addition, there is a whole mosaic of adverbs and dialects even within Istanbul itself - do not panic if you do not immediately begin to understand what the interlocutor is telling you, over time your hearing will adapt and any dialect will become intelligible.
