Plants in state symbols on the coats of arms of countries around the world. Research work "animals and plants on the coats of arms of countries of the world" Coats of arms of countries with plants description meaning

Elena Vasilatiy
Plants in state symbols on the coats of arms of countries around the world

TARGET: developing the ability to integrate knowledge from biology, geography and history to explain meaning and meaning plants in the coats of arms of countries.


summarize knowledge about biological features plants presented in state symbols, geographical features countries with these symbols;

intensify interest in studying the biology of relevant species plants;

develop the ability to classify coats of arms of countries by meaning and meaning plants, shown in state symbols.

Progress of the event:

Good afternoon, experts and lovers of the most interesting science of geography! Each the state has soya symbols: coat of arms, anthem, flag. But have we often thought about why coat of arms or a flag we see exactly this image, what semantic meaning does it carry, what are the historical background of its appearance?

We will try to answer these and a number of other questions on the topic that interests us today together in this lesson.

I. Science of coats of arms and emblems

We will devote our today's lesson to heraldry. Heraldry is the science of coats of arms and emblems. (slide 2)

Basic figures that are used in drawing up coats of arms, are divided into natural, artificial and fantastic. Natural figures in heraldry are those images that reflect the phenomena and manifestations of everything diverse natural world. Natural figures are divided into three main ones groups: – space objects, planets and elements, natural phenomena;



The third group of natural figures includes all types plants. We propose to focus our attention on this group.

As you work on learning new material, I ask you to remember the information that you will need during the practical consolidation of the topic.

Plants on coats of arms talk honestly about nature country or its economy, about political and spiritual values states. Eat plants, the image of which is present on only one coat of arms of a state, but there are some plants, whose image can be found on coats of arms of several countries of the world at once. Each the plant definitely symbolizes something.

What are the ways of depicting plants are found on symbolism? Let's investigate. (slide 3)

The most common types are: plants, having a special image in state symbols of individual countries:

Trees (slide 4) are usually depicted with obvious signs of their breed. Particularly common are oak, pine, spruce, linden, birch, palm, olive, laurel, less common are apple, pear, Cherry tree, yew, maple, cedar, baobab and some others.

Trees can be depicted entirely, that is, from roots to top, or in parts. Each of these types of images has its own meaning.

Leaves (slide 5) In emblems, tree leaves depicted separately, in isolation, are of great importance, since even better than a whole tree, they can specifically indicate its species, and, therefore, more clearly reveal the meaning of the emblem. Widest spreading in classical and modern emblems they have oak, linden, spruce and pine needles, as well as stylized images of yew needles, maple leaves, and palm leaves.

Flowers (slide 6)- the oldest group vegetable images in heraldry, but it continues to be replenished with new types to this day. Due to their antiquity, flowers in heraldry do not have natural, but emphatically heraldic, stylized and conventional images. This applies primarily to chrysanthemum, rose, lily, and lotus. Of other flowers, the most commonly used are burdock, carnation, narcissus, bell, chamomile, ranunculus, poppy, tulip, lily of the valley and edelweiss, and among those newly introduced into heraldry by young tropical states noteworthy are orchids and “Victoria Regia” (a giant water lily, now part of the coat of arms of Guyana.

Fruit (slide 7) in emblems they can be depicted as a group, for example, in "cornucopia", or woven into a wreath, and can also be represented by any one specific type. From the classics "heraldic" The most common fruits are grapes, oranges, nuts, pomegranates, apples, pears, as well as acorns, spruce and pine cones, raspberries and corn on the cob, which in emblems belong to the category of fruits.

ears (slide 8) in a row vegetable emblems stand out in special group due to its special important, especially states that arose in the 20th century. Cereals are usually depicted as rye, wheat, millet and rice. Ears of corn can be depicted separately, or in wreaths, or combined and alternated with each other ( different types cereals, or in sheaves.

Now let's look at some coat of arms different countries .

II. Coats of arms of countries

Coat of arms of Japan(slide 9)

The national flower of Japan is the chrysanthemum. According to legend, the origin is connected with her countries. The Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huang once learned that on the eastern islands growing a magical golden chrysanthemum that helps you gain immortality. He sent 300 boys and 300 girls in search of the flower. They did not find the chrysanthemum and were afraid to return to the formidable emperor, but remained on the islands and became the ancestors of the Japanese. Since then chrysanthemum (kiku) remains symbol of the country and its only coat of arms. According to another legend, chrysanthemum - sun symbol, from which the Japanese people descended. For a long time death threatened anyone, except the emperor, who dared to wear clothes made of fabric decorated with images of the sacred flower. In September, Japan celebrates the autumn flowering of chrysanthemums.

National emblem of Canada (slide 10)- a sugar maple leaf, which is depicted on both the flag and coat of arms of Canada. This beautiful tree- one of the tallest broadleaf trees in the world (up to 40 m in height) - growing only in southeastern Canada. Image of sugar maple leaves, growing from one branch represent the development of a new nation from many peoples.

IN coat of arms of Italy(slide 11) includes olive and oak branches.

Olive symbolizes the peacefulness of the nation, meaning the desire for internal agreement in country and international brotherhood beyond its borders.

The oak branch speaks of the strength and dignity of the Italian people.

At the same time, both of these branches represent the two most typical types of Italian vegetation.

Coat of arms of Lebanon(slide 12) consists of a red shield with a white bend, in which a cedar tree is placed. Cedar - traditional symbol of Lebanon, connected, as it is not surprising, not with Islam but with Christianity, “The righteous blooms like a palm tree and stands tall like a cedar tree in Lebanon.”. Cedar is also symbol of immortality.

Coat of arms of Mexico(slide 13) Elnopal, cactus family - sacred plant for Indians. The red flowers of this plants The Aztecs associated them with the human heart, which was intended for the sun, the only thing that supports life in the sun and makes it move, giving life. Oak branch - represents power, physical and spiritual strength. Laurel branch - symbolized victory, achieved triumph.

Coat of arms of Jamaica(slide 14) The pineapples placed on the shield did not and do not play a major role in the economy and are grown in small quantities. They symbolize tropical vegetation and agriculture in general. A basket of fruits and fruits in the hands of an Indian woman and a bow in the hands of an Indian remind of their main activities - farming and hunting.

Coat of arms of Tajikistan(slide 15) is an image of a stylized crown and a semicircle of seven stars on it in the rays of the sun rising from behind mountains covered with snow and framed by a crown made up of ears of wheat on the right, and cotton branches with open bolls on the left. The crown is intertwined with a three-strip ribbon on top, and a book on a stand is placed in the lower sector.

Red color symbolizes the unity of the Tajik people and their friendliness towards the peoples of all peace. The white stripe is the color of the main wealth of the republic - cotton, as well as the color of snow and ice in high mountains. On the white stripe there is a gold "Bactrian Crown".

Coat of arms of Cuba(slide 15) consists of a shield under a Phrygian cap, framed by an oak branch on one side and a laurel branch on the other. Palm trees and mountain peaks - symbols of patriotism, freedom and independence of Cuba.

Coat of arms of Vietnam(slide 17) Inside coat of arms Vietnam - gear and crops that represent the union Agriculture and industrial work force in the general communist model. At the top is a yellow five-pointed star.

Coat of arms of the Republic of Cyprus(slide 18) It is a copper-yellow shield framed by olive branches. The shield depicts a white dove carrying an olive branch - a well-known a symbol of peace, and below is the number "1960"- the year when Cyprus gained independence from Britain.

Coat of arms of Belarus(slide 19) decorate "useful in the household" plants» - blue flax flowers and pink clover. In heraldry they play a role not symbolic, but informational, since they report on the main wealth countries.

National emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (slide 20) is an image of a crossed hammer and sickle, symbolizing unity of workers and peasants, in the rays of the sun rising over the Dniester, framed around the circumference by a garland of ears and cobs of corn, fruits, grapes and vines, leaves, entwined with a red ribbon with inscriptions on the sash official languages (Moldovan, Russian and Ukrainian):

a) on the left side – "Transnistrian Moldavian Republic";

b) on right side"Pridnistrovian Moldavian Republic";

c) on the middle part – "Republic of Moldovenasca Nistreane".

In the upper part, between the converging ends of the garland, there is a five-pointed red star with golden edges. Images of the hammer and sickle, the sun and its rays are golden in color, the ears are dark orange, the ears of corn are light orange, and its leaves are dark yellow. Fruits orange color with a pink tint, the middle bunch of grapes is blue, and the side ones are amber. Stylized ribbon Dniesterblue color with a white wavy line in the middle along its entire length.

Coat of arms of Chobruchi(slide 21)

Grape (vine, bunch, leaves)- one of the oldest characters fertility and abundance, as well as vitality and cheerfulness, used by the ancient peoples states Mediterranean and Middle East.

Cereals – symbol prosperity and hard work.

III. Conclusion

So what is the meaning plants on coats of arms? (slide 22) Characterize nature countries, characterize the economy countries, reflect political values countries, reflect spiritual values countries.

Undoubtedly, heraldry (slide 23)- an interesting science, by studying which you can learn a lot about the multifaceted features of this or that countries. I dare to hope that this topic has interested many people, and that lovers of the most interesting science of geography have discovered a lot of new things.

check yourself (slide 24)

1. What does heraldry study? (Heraldry is the science of coats of arms and emblems) .

2. What plants are used in the coats of arms of countries around the world? (trees, leaves, flowers, fruits, ears of corn)

3. What trees are depicted on coats of arms of the world? (oak, pine, spruce, linden, birch, palm, olive, laurel, less common are apple, pear, yew, cherry tree, maple, cedar, baobab)

4. Which tree leaves are shown on coat of arms? (oak, linden leaves, spruce and pine needles, as well as stylized images of yew needles, maple leaves, palm leaves)

5. Which plants are depicted on the coat of arms of the PMR? (wheat ears, corn cobs, fruits, grape bunches and vines, grape leaves)

6. And on the coat of arms of our village has plants? Which? (wheat ears, corn cobs, fruits, grape bunches and vines, grape leaves)

(slide 25) What number is it located under? coat of arms of the PMR? (4)

Homework. (slide 26)

Complete a project of your own coat of arms.

It could be family coat of arms, class coat of arms, your school's coat of arms.

By doing independent work images must be used vegetation in the coat of arms. And also write a short message about your coat of arms(what does it refer to, what does it mean).


1. Velibokov G., Medvedev M. Heraldic album. // Around the World, 1990, No. 2, 4,7.

2. Sokolov A.V. Symbols of state sovereignty. – M.: "Planet", 1969.

3. Countries of the world: a brief political and economic reference book. – M.: Publishing house. Political literature, 1999.

4. Encyclopedia for children. T. 2. – M.: "Avanta", 1994, p. 217–307.


7. K. Mochenov, Yu. Korzhik,


Note: Photos are attached to the work, under the name "Vasilaty EA" photo of the author of the event, photos of himself are also attached Events: 1) 01 Progress of the event; 2) 02 Participants; 3) 03 Coat of arms of Chobruchi; 4) 04 Exhibition of works; 5) 05 Awarding.

Presentation is also attached: « Plants in state symbols» .

Flowers in the emblems of different countries For all peoples of the world, the symbols of a country play an important role. It reflects the history of the state, the thinking of its ancestors, national traditions that will always be sacred. Coat of arms hallmark countries, depicted on coins, flags and shields. The choice of thousands of emblems and images that existed in the Middle Ages was not random in each of the states. In most countries, these symbols are understood as national and unifying. But besides traditional symbols Each country also has a number of others, which indicate a history, culture and way of life specific to each power. The most ancient emblem decorations include flowers and plants. Today, images of flowers can be found on the coats of arms of many countries. Initially, the list of plants allowed to be depicted was limited, and each of them had a clearly defined meaning. Thus, the lily, being the royal symbol of France, meant purity and light. Beautiful flower Roses, the royal symbol of England, gave hope and joy. Ancient heraldic symbols were laurel and olive branches, as symbols of triumph, victory and peace. To this day, they remain the most frequently depicted plants on the state emblems of the vast majority of countries in the world and, as a rule, are depicted together. In second place in popularity White Rose, which symbolizes love and faith. Found on royal coats of arms European countries and today it is the official flower and symbol of Finland. The Finnish coat of arms depicts nine roses at once, corresponding to the number of administrative units of the country.

Coat of arms of the Bahamas. Palm. Palm tree signifies sunny beginnings, rejoicing, honesty, glory. Since the palm tree always grows straight, it means a blessing, a triumph, a victory. Never shedding its leaves, the palm tree is constantly decorated with the same greenery. People consider this strength of this tree to be acceptable and suitable for depicting victory.

Coat of arms of Japan. Chrysanthemum. The national emblem of Japan is the sixteen-petalled chrysanthemum. Back at the end of the 8th century AD. this flower became the national emblem of the state and highest award countries of the Order of the Chrysanthemum. This plant in Japan is surrounded by love and care. Thanks to its long flowering period, chrysanthemum represents happiness and longevity.

Khoperskaya Oksana, Chalyan Lusine.

This presentation presents the state symbols of the countries in which the plants are present. Plants have great importance in state symbols, as they characterize nature and economy. political and spiritual values ​​of the country. Undoubtedly, heraldry is an interesting science, by studying which you can learn a lot about the multifaceted features of a particular country.



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Plants in state symbols

Objectives of the work: to study the symbolism of states where plants are present. Tasks: 1. Give brief description state symbols containing plants. 2. Find out what meaning plants have in these symbols.

Heraldry is the science of coats of arms and emblems. The main figures that are used in drawing up coats of arms are divided into natural, artificial and fantastic. Natural figures in heraldry are those images that reflect the phenomena and manifestations of the entire diverse natural world. Natural figures are divided into three main groups: – cosmic objects, planets and elements, natural phenomena; - animals; – plants In this work we will consider only plants that are present in state symbols.

Trees. Trees are usually depicted with obvious signs of their species. Particularly common are oak, pine, spruce, linden, birch, palm, olive, and laurel. Less common are apple, pear, cherry, yew, maple, cedar, baobab and some others, especially in the symbolism of “third world” countries. Trees can be depicted entirely, in such cases they are called “torn out”, or in parts. Each of these types of images has its own meaning.

The coat of arms of Lebanon is designed in the style of the flag of Lebanon. The red color is a symbol of the blood shed in the fight against various colonialists, the white color is the purity of the snow of the Lebanese mountains, the purity of the thoughts of the Lebanese people. Tree - Lebanese cedar - a symbol of holiness and immortality (eternity). Lebanon

Coat of arms of the colony of Brazil 1500-1816 The coat of arms depicts the coffee tree, which was the main agricultural crop in these years. It was coffee that brought profit to the Brazilians. Brazil

The coat of arms consists of a central emblem framed by branches coffee tree on the left side and tobacco on the right, these are important crops. coat of arms from 1822 to 1889 from 1889

In the center of the coat of arms is a Haitian palm tree (an agricultural crop of Haiti), considered on the island a symbol of the freedom of the people, crowned with another of its symbols - the Phrygian cap. The palm tree is a significant symbol of victory, glory, supremacy, peace, longevity, resurrection and immortality. Haiti Haiti

The base of the central emblem is the image of a mountain range turning into a plateau - a typical Honduran landscape. Forested mountains and hills occupy about two-thirds of its territory. Three pines and three evergreen oaks, the most characteristic trees of the central part of the country, symbolize the forest resources of Honduras. In addition, pine trees symbolize the sublime aspirations of the human soul, and oak trees symbolize courage. Honduras

Leaves. The leaves of trees, depicted separately, are of great importance in emblems, since they, even better than a whole tree, can specifically indicate its species, and therefore more clearly reveal the meaning of the emblem. The most widespread in classical and modern emblems are oak, linden, spruce and pine needles, as well as stylized images of yew needles, maple leaves, and palm leaves.

The coat of arms of Italy includes olive and oak branches. Olive symbolizes the peacefulness of the nation, meaning the desire for internal harmony in the country and international brotherhood beyond its borders. The oak branch speaks of the strength and dignity of the Italian people. At the same time, both of these branches represent the two most typical types of Italian vegetation. Italy

The flowering cactus is famous for the fact that cochineal aphids breed on it in huge numbers, from the dried specimens of which an excellent scarlet dye for fabrics and food coloring is obtained. The branch of the evergreen holm oak symbolizes the republic, and the laurel branch symbolizes the glory and immortality of its heroes. The branches are tied with a ribbon of national colors. Mexico

The upper part of the coat of arms of the Bahamas is surrounded by branches of the royal palm, which grows on the islands as a symbol of fertility. The palm branch is the main symbol of victory, triumph and longevity. Bahamas

Canada's national emblem is the sugar maple leaf, which appears on both the flag and coat of arms of Canada. This beautiful tree is one of the tallest broadleaf trees in the world (up to 40 m in height) and grows only in southeastern Canada. The image of sugar maple leaves growing from one branch represents the development of a new nation of many peoples.

Herbs. Herbs include all plants that are usually depicted as entirely the same green. Herbs are depicted either in the form of a bunch or as a separate stem if they have well-defined generic characteristics. For example, heather, sedge, clover, flax, celery, thistle (burdock), leek, as well as tobacco and sugar cane, which have recently appeared in the coats of arms of a number of new countries, are depicted.

The shamrock is a symbol of Ireland and registered trademark Republic of Ireland, is a graphic representation of a three-leaf white clover leaf. White clover has been known since ancient times for its medicinal properties, and in the Victorian era it became a very popular motif in ornaments. Ireland

Fruit. Fruits can be depicted in a group or woven into a wreath, and can also be represented by any one specific type. Among the classic fruits, noteworthy are grapes, oranges, nuts, pomegranates, apples, pears, as well as acorns, spruce and pine cones, raspberries and corn on the cob, which in emblems belong to the category of fruits. Of the fruits introduced into heraldry recently, noteworthy are the orange, lemon, pineapple, coconut, banana, and nutmeg, depicted on the coats of arms of a number of tropical island states.

The pineapples placed on the shield did not and do not play a major role in the economy and are grown in small quantities. They symbolize tropical vegetation and agriculture in general. A basket of fruits and fruits in the hands of Indian women and a bow in the hands of an Indian remind of their main activities - farming and hunting. Jamaica

The coat of arms of the Armenian SSR depicts a grape bush with vines and leaves, and ears of wheat. Grapes clearly symbolized and reflected one of the sectors of the republic's economy, and in a broader sense served as an emblem of fertility. Armenian SSR

The coat of arms was approved as a national symbol on May 9, 1834, shortly after liberation from Spanish colonialism. At that time, the republic bore the name of New Granada, as is recalled by the open pomegranate at the top of the coat of arms; on its sides there are two golden horns, symbolizing the wealth of the country, gold pours from one, and all kinds of fruits of the earth from the other. Colombia

Ears of ears. Among plant emblems, ears of corn stand out as a special group due to their special importance, especially among states that arose in the 20th century. Images of ears of grain, as a rule, are stylized and given conditionally. Cereals are usually depicted as rye, wheat, millet and rice. Ears of corn can be depicted separately, or grouped into wreaths, or combined and alternated with each other, or depicted in sheaves.

The gear and crops on the Vietnamese coat of arms represent the union of agriculture and industrial labor in the overall communist model. Vietnam

View of a hydroelectric power station, the waters of which irrigate rice fields, with rice inflorescences on the sides, forming the oval structure of the coat of arms. As you can see, rice is the main wealth of the country. Democratic Kampuchea 1975-1979

Below is a wreath of wheat ears and oak branches. A wreath of ears symbolizes wealth and fertility. The oak branches symbolize the antiquity of the country. Azerbaijan

In the center of the coat of arms is an oval depicting Mount Potosi. Behind her, on the left side, the sun rises. In front of her is an alpaca, which is the national animal of this country, as well as a sheaf of wheat and breadfruit. The last two objects represent the resources of Bolivia. Bolivia

Flowers. Flowers are the oldest group of plant images in heraldry, but it continues to be replenished with new species. Due to their antiquity, flowers in heraldry usually do not have natural, but emphatically heraldic, stylized and conventional images. This applies primarily to chrysanthemum, rose, lily, and lotus. Other flowers include burdock, carnation, narcissus, bellflower, chamomile, ranunculus, poppy, tulip, lily of the valley and edelweiss, and among those newly introduced into heraldry by young states, orchids and Victoria regia should be noted.

In the center of the coat of arms is the emblem of a water lily, framed by ears of rice. Above the water lily are four stars and a jute trefoil. The water lily is the national flower of Bangladesh and is found throughout the country. Rice represents that Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Bangladesh

The coat of arms of Belarus is decorated with “plants useful for farming” - blue flax flowers and pink clover. In heraldry, they play not a symbolic role, but an informational one, since they report on the main wealth of the country. Belarus

The Imperial Seal of Japan is a symbol in the form of a yellow or orange 16-petal chrysanthemum. Considered the emblem of Japanese emperors and members of the Japanese imperial family. The imperial seal is sometimes used as a national emblem, although there is no official national emblem in Japan. The image of the imperial seal consists of a central circle surrounded by sixteen petals, with a second row of petals surrounding them outside. Japan

On the coat of arms of Nepal you can see red rhododendron flowers. This is the country's national flower. Dark red is also considered the national color of Nepal. Nepal

Conclusion: Plants are of great importance in state symbols: 1. Characterize the nature of the country 2. Characterize the economy of the country 3. Reflect the political values ​​of the country 4. Reflect the spiritual values ​​of the country. Undoubtedly, heraldry is an interesting science, by studying which you can learn a lot about the multifaceted features of a particular country.

Flowers in the emblems of different countries

  • For all peoples of the world, the symbols of the country play an important role. It reflects the history of the state, the thinking of its ancestors, national traditions that will always be sacred. The coat of arms is a distinctive feature of the country, depicted on coins, flags and shields. The choice of thousands of emblems and images that existed in the Middle Ages was not random in each of the states. In most countries, these symbols are understood as national and unifying. But in addition to traditional symbols, each country also has a number of others that indicate the history, culture and way of life specific to each power.
  • The most ancient emblem decorations include flowers and plants. Today, images of flowers can be found on the coats of arms of many countries. Initially, the list of plants allowed to be depicted was limited, and each of them had a clearly defined meaning. Thus, the lily, being the royal symbol of France, meant purity and light. The beautiful rose flower - the royal symbol of England - gave hope and joy.
  • Ancient heraldic symbols were laurel and olive branches, as symbols of triumph, victory and peace. To this day, they remain the most frequently depicted plants on the state emblems of the vast majority of countries in the world and, as a rule, are depicted together.
  • In second place in popularity is the white rose, which symbolizes love and faith. It is found on the royal coats of arms of European countries and today is the official flower and symbol of Finland. The Finnish coat of arms depicts nine roses at once, corresponding to the number of administrative units of the country.

  • Ras..." target="_blank"> 3. Coat of arms of Great Britain. Rose, clover and thistle.
    • Plant symbols of the countries of the United Kingdom:
    • The rose is the symbol of England, the thistle is Scotland, the clover is the shamrock of Northern Ireland and the leek is Wales.
  • Olive and oak are the most popular..." target="_blank"> 4. Coat of arms of Italy. Olive. Oak.
    • Olive and oak are the most common trees in Italy. Olive points to southern territories countries, and oak - to the northern ones.
    • The oak branch is a symbol of the strength and dignity of the people of the country
  • The coat of arms consists of..." target="_blank"> 5. Coat of arms of Brazil. Coffee tree, tobacco
    • The coat of arms consists of a central emblem flanked by branches of a coffee tree on the left side and tobacco on the right, both important agricultural crops in Brazil.
  • The coat of arms depicts a dream..." target="_blank"> 6. Coat of arms of Bolivia. Breadfruit.
    • The coat of arms depicts a sheaf of wheat and a breadfruit tree. These two objects represent Bolivia's resources.
    • The coat of arms also features a laurel wreath.
  • Palm tree means with..." target="_blank"> 7. Coat of arms of the Bahamas. Palm tree.
    • Palm tree signifies sunny beginnings, rejoicing, honesty, glory. Since the palm tree always grows straight, it means a blessing, a triumph, a victory. Never shedding its leaves, the palm tree is constantly decorated with the same greenery. People consider this strength of this tree to be acceptable and suitable for depicting victory.
  • On the lower, white field of the coat of arms of Caen..." target="_blank"> 8. Coat of arms of Canada. Maple.
    • The lower, white field of the Canadian coat of arms depicts three red leaves of a sugar maple growing from a single branch and representing the development of a new nation of many peoples.
  • State emblem of Japan..." target="_blank"> 9. Coat of arms of Japan. Chrysanthemum.
    • The national emblem of Japan is the sixteen-petalled chrysanthemum. Back at the end of the 8th century AD. this flower became the national emblem of the state and the country's highest award - the Order of the Chrysanthemum. This plant in Japan is surrounded by love and care. Thanks to its long flowering period, chrysanthemum represents happiness and longevity.
  • Olive branches on the coat of arms of France..." target="_blank"> 10. Coat of arms of France. Olive, oak.
    • The olive branches on the coat of arms of France symbolize peace, the oak branches symbolize wisdom.
  • Coat of arms of the Republic of Bulgaria from..." target="_blank"> 11. Coat of arms of Bulgaria. Oak.
    • The coat of arms of the Republic of Bulgaria is depicted on the shield. At the foot there are crossed oak branches with acorns. IN in this case oak symbolizes strength and nobility. Oak also denotes strength and power,
  • What is a symbol? Translated from Greek language this word means a sign, a sign inherent in something specific. But not everything that surrounds a person has symbolic meaning. Falling snow is a sign of winter, and dripping from roofs means spring is approaching. But these phenomena are not symbols. The latter carry a deeper, philosophical meaning.

    We all know very well that a dove is a symbol of peace, and a pair of white swans symbolizes love and fidelity. Various countries They also have their own signs and omens. They are official and unofficial. Official symbols include state symbols: coat of arms, flag and anthem. When did they first appear? What do they mean?

    What plants are symbols of the countries of the world? What were the first flags made of and what was depicted on the first Russian coat of arms? Next, we will consider the most interesting and unusual symbols of countries and cities of the world. But first, a short excursion into history.

    Distant past

    One of the important symbols emphasizing the uniqueness of the country is the coat of arms. It appeared as the very first of the other official signs. Slavs who lived in the VI-VIII centuries. AD, with the help of various ornaments, individual territories were distinguished. The prototype of the oldest coat of arms can be considered a seal with the image of a falcon. These belonged to the great Russian princes. Any documents were certified with a seal so that any person, even an uneducated one, could appreciate the importance of such paper.

    The first Russian coat of arms was a coin with the image of St. George the Victorious. In the middle of the 15th century, the double-headed eagle appeared. His image was present on the royal seal and on the coin.

    Pole, banners, banners, flags

    At all times, people communicated with the help of symbols; thanks to them, membership in a certain clan or tribe was indicated. Roman legionaries, going on campaigns, carried with them a pole with a pennant. Images of gods and various symbols could be applied to them. With their help, warriors during a battle could determine where the enemy army was located.

    The first flags appeared in China and Egypt, their history thus goes back about 3000 years. They became armies, territories, and then states. They were called differently: standard, banner, manipulus, banner. Performance of troops, military battles, military parade, oath - all these events cannot be imagined without the use of such symbols. Banners could be decorated with fringe, ribbons, and tassels. They could contain various inscriptions and mottos. Carrying the banner in battle was considered very honorable, and losing it meant saying goodbye to honor and your life.

    Types of Russian flags

    In Rus', the first banners appeared in the 10th century. The Savior Not Made by Hands was most often depicted on the panel.

    The national flag appeared at the end of the 17th century, during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. On a huge panel of fabric there were three stripes of white, red and of blue color, and in the middle is an image of a double-headed eagle. Subsequently, commercial ships begin to sail under this flag, and trade with foreign countries is conducted.

    St. Andrew's flag. There is a blue cross on the white fabric. Ships sailed under this banner. It appeared at the end of the 17th century and began to be considered the flag of the Russian fleet. Later, panels of three colors appeared. White belonged to the admiral's ships, blue belonged to the vice admiral, and red belonged to the rear admiral. In 1992, the St. Andrew's flag was returned to its status, and now the banner white with a blue cross represents the strength and power of the Russian fleet.

    In 1858, the royal standard appeared. A black eagle was depicted on a yellow background. It was raised in the places where the king was located.

    After October revolution The Red Banner of the RSFSR appeared. It depicted a sickle, a hammer, and a red star.

    Since 1993, the Russian flag has become the way we all know it. Three identical stripes different colors: white, blue, red.

    Flags of the world

    There are about 250 of them in total. Each of them is unique. Having information about the color symbolism of the flag can tell you a lot about the country. In ancient times, the most popular colors were white, black and red. What do some flag colors say?

    • White - purity of thoughts, innocence, truthfulness.
    • Black - sadness, wisdom, modesty.
    • Red - courage, strength, revolutionism.
    • Blue - sea, calm, greatness.
    • Green - in Muslim countries is considered the color of Islam.

    Symbols from different countries around the world may have different meanings.

    National symbols of countries around the world are sometimes very unusual. Let's take flags for example. All of them have the shape of a rectangle on which symbols of different countries of the world are depicted. But there are exceptions. We bring to your attention the most interesting of them in form and content.

    • The shape of the flag of the state of Nepal is pentagonal. But many people call it a “half-tree”. At the top of the flag there is a drawing of the sun, and at the bottom - the moon. The combination of these symbols suggests that the country will live and prosper forever, just as these heavenly bodies are eternal.
    • The flag of Switzerland is shaped like a square. There is a large white cross painted on the red fabric. The flag of the International Committee of the Red Cross is its descendant, only in this case the cross is red and the fabric is white.
    • The Vatican flag is also square. The base is two identical stripes of yellow and white, the last one depicts the country’s coat of arms - two keys to Paradise and Rome, and above them -
    • The flag of Portugal features an astronomical instrument. It is a symbol of the country's geographical discoveries.
    • The Angkor Wat temple is depicted on This is also a kind of sign of uniqueness, because usually the symbols of the countries of the world do not contain images of religious buildings.
    • Russia's modern weapon, the Kalashnikov assault rifle, adorns the flag of Mozambique. There are no such paintings anywhere else.
    • Coat of arms with image chessboard distinguishes Croatia. On the red, white and blue stripes of the flag we can see the favorite symbol of chess players from all over the world.
    • The outline of Cyprus can be seen not only on geographical maps, but also on the white flag of the state of the same name.
    • A beautiful spectacle of the starry sky appears before our eyes on the flag of Brazil. All of it, of course, did not fit, only a part: 27 stars, according to the number of states in the country.
    • At first glance, there is nothing unusual about the Norwegian flag. But this is a misleading impression. Part of this flag was painted by... a child.
    • does not use any signs on its cloth. The green flag represents the state religion of the country - Islam.

    History of the creation of the coat of arms

    Symbols of countries of the world have rich history, rooted in ancient times. The tradition of creating a coat of arms begins with totems. This word means "kind". The Indians were the first to use totems. Each tribe chose an animal or plant, the image of which was applied to fabric, personal items, and sometimes even to the human body. By these signs it was possible to determine belonging to a particular tribe.

    Crusades and knightly fights in Western Europe contributed to the widespread dissemination of coats of arms. They acted primarily as identification marks. In one of the poems by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak there are the following lines:

    This was the ancient custom -
    So that from state emblems
    The animal face threatened the neighbors
    Bare all your teeth.

    The first coat of arms of Russia also depicted a bird of prey - a double-headed eagle. This image is still present on it.

    Animals on the coats of arms of the world

    Since ancient times, people have treated them with great respect. Animals were idolized and worshiped. The images were present on dishes, clothes, and weapons. They were believed to bring good luck and prosperity.

    Animal symbols of the countries of the world are quite diverse:

    • Lion is one of the oldest and most popular images. Represents strength, fearlessness, agility. The symbol can be found on the coats of arms of Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Spain, Bulgaria, India and others.
    • Kangaroo - lives in Australia, therefore it occupies an honorable place on the coat of arms of this country. Symbolizes forward movement, since these animals do not jump back.
    • The image of a cow is on the coat of arms of Andorra.
    • The leopard symbolizes perseverance, courage, courage. Can be seen on the coat of arms. Here you can read the motto of this country: "Brotherhood. Justice. Labor."
    • The antelope is present on the coat of arms of the state of Zimbabwe.

    Symbols of countries around the world can be expressed not only with the help of animals. Some coats of arms contain images of plants, objects, natural phenomena, and fruits.

    Flowers-symbols of countries of the world

    The world of plants is amazing and wonderful. Each country, as a rule, has its own flower. His image is even present on some coats of arms:

    • Great Britain - rose, clover and thistle.
    • Mexico, Malta - cactus.
    • Guyana - water lily.
    • Antigua and Barbuda - red hibiscus.

    Similar symbols of countries around the world (plants and trees) can also be found on coats of arms.

    • Peru - laurel branch.
    • Bahamas Cuba, Dominican Republic and many other countries - palm tree.
    • Australia - eucalyptus.
    • Jamaica, Antigua, Barbuda - pineapple.
    • Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Turkmenistan - grapes.

    The most exotic coat of arms of the world

    The state of Dominica is located on an island in the Caribbean Sea. The coat of arms of this country is called the most exotic. Judge for yourself. The blue and yellow shield is held by two sisseru parrots. Above them is an image of a roaring lion. The shield is divided into four parts.

    Each of them contains a specific symbol.

    • Boat with a sail - indicates a position in the Caribbean Sea.
    • Banana is one of the main agricultural crops of the country.
    • A coconut tree on an island symbolizes highest point- extinct volcano Diabloten, 1447 m).
    • The Dominican mountain frog is an endemic animal found only on the islands of Dominica and Montserrat.

    At the bottom of the coat of arms there is a ribbon with the country’s motto: “After God (the main thing) is the earth.”

    1. Main solemn song Russian Empire"God Save the Tsar!" and "God Save the Queen!" Britain were very similar. The fact is that the words of the Russian anthem were set to British music. Only more than ten years later another version was written. This time the music was by a Russian composer.
    2. The longest anthem in the world is Greek. Officially it only consists of two verses, but when it was written there were over a hundred verses. A short version is played at the opening and closing of the Olympic Games.
    3. The Armenian anthem is based on the poem "Song of an Italian Girl".
    4. At one of the international tournaments, an athlete from Kazakhstan took first place. During the award ceremony, instead of the anthem, a song from the film was played, since it was the song that appeared in the search engine next to the real anthem of Kazakhstan.
    5. During the Great Patriotic War In Norway, Nazis burst into the Philharmonic hall. They were going to capture one of the violinists, who was of Jewish origin. The musicians began to play the Norwegian anthem, and this gave him the opportunity to escape.

    Unofficial symbols representing different countries

    In addition to official symbols, each state has its own distinctive signs and signs. Among them are artistic symbols of countries around the world. Let's remember the most famous:

    • In Russia - samovar, birch, Red Square, Kremlin.
    • In the United States of America - the Statue of Liberty.
    • In Great Britain - Big Ben.
    • In France - the Eiffel Tower.
    • In Japan - sakura.
    • In Egypt there are pyramids.

    In addition, there are animal symbols of the countries of the world. Some of them:

    • Australia - kangaroo.
    • Great Britain is a lion.
    • Russia is a brown bear.
    • Holland is a cow.
    • India is a tiger.
    • China - panda.
    • Canada - beaver.
    • Mongolia is a horse.
    • Thailand is an elephant.
    • New Zealand - kiwi bird.
    • Germany is an eagle.

    State symbols of the countries of the world and other signs emphasize the uniqueness of each state. While respecting the traditions and customs of other peoples, it is necessary to know their symbolism.
