Why is it customary to give an odd number of flowers. Why you can't give an even number of flowers

A bouquet is a spectacular and pleasant gift. Loved by women, roses or delicate lilies will express feelings. The beautiful floor and small and solid flower arrangements will delight. Is it possible to give even number colors? Disputes about even and dishonest bouquets have been sharpening for more than a year: some predict death to the owner of such a bouquet, while others ignore any signs with a bad meaning.

The symbolism of the presented bouquet

Each flower has its own meaning. Beautiful and meaningful buds allow you to express hidden feelings. In ancient Russia, paired numbers in kitchen utensils, objects and gifts were associated with a bad prediction. In those days, they did not give paired gifts - they carried negative, destroying energy. To bring such a present meant to curse a person.

The meaning of the gift

In the Land of the Rising Sun, the number of roses given is always paired: this is a sign of special respect and reverence. It is not customary to make unpaired compositions, because such a gesture predicts a lonely life for its owner. The meaning of paired buds is pure love and harmony in relationships. In the land of the rising sun, unmatched flowers given to a young woman are a sign of disdain. The value of paired flower arrangements in European countries:

  • a sign of great mutual happiness;
  • prosperity symbol;
  • a sign of respect and gratitude;
  • a good sign for single people, promising a fateful meeting.

The general meaning of roses in a pair as a gift is a family idyll. For the Slavic peoples, the symbols of paired compositions are different: bad associations come from the tradition of giving two flowers to the deceased.

Mourning, death, grief are symbols of the pairing of roses or tulips in the composition, on such days you can give two buds. If you make such a gift close person- to give it a difficult fate in the future. Such a gesture is regarded as a purposeful induction of trouble. An even number of flowers is not given to living people.

Why you can't give an even number of flowers

The belief that you cannot give an even number of flowers has existed for decades. From an energetic point of view, such a gift blocks the right flows in the house.

Are an even number of buds given with good intentions? No, there are simply no good intentions in such a gift. If you give a pair composition to a young lady, she will not be able to realize herself as a faithful wife and good mother. For a man, paired gifts lead to money problems and professional troubles: that is why it is customary to give an odd number of flowers.

The habit of giving odd bouquets

In most cases, the refusal to give a flower couple comes from a subconscious desire not to offend the other person. Superstition is a huge part of Slavic culture, which not everyone understands, but they try to honor. A traditional bouquet for living people combines non-paired flowers, including even small buds.

Who can give an odd number of flowers, and on what day is such a gift justified? This bouquet is perfect for any occasion. It represents good intentions and wishes. In flower shops and markets, sellers adhere to superstitions and traditions, so the paired number of flowers in the composition symbolizes the proverb that trouble does not go alone. Therefore, a sign when you have to give paired bouquets promises a lot of trouble.

Bouquet with an even number of flowers

Traditionally, paired compositions are carried to the feet of the deceased. Bringing paired flowers to a dead person means expressing your respect. The number 2 is associated with the completion of the cycle. Most vital processes have an even number of stages: inhalation and exhalation, birth and death.

The pairing of flowers suggests that the path of a person has come to a logical conclusion and his soul has nothing to worry about. Relatives release the soul of the deceased without unfinished business: an even number of flowers in a bouquet symbolizes completeness - this is evidenced by the number of flowers at the feet of the dead.

What threatens such a gift

People say: "An even number of flowers in a bouquet means trouble." Whoever accepts the gift will take on endless troubles. If you presented a paired bouquet - wait for protracted illnesses and losses.

Do an even number of buds give a living person? If a person does not care about superstition, you can give absolutely any gift without fear of consequences.

What to do with a gift

You can not put the received gift at home, and even holding it in your hands for a long time is not worth it. If you gave an even number of flowers by chance, you must:

  • divide the bouquet into 2-3 vases, how many so that unpaired numbers come out, and put the flowers that did not find a pair separately;
  • put a gift in the kitchen or in the office, you can not leave it in the bedroom;
  • throw a few cubes of sugar into a vase of flowers and cross it three times;
  • add a few drops of holy water to the vase and say: "what comes from me does not concern me."

It is important which composition to give preference. The total number of colors determines the value of the sign. It is also important which flowers are chosen for the bouquet. Danger can be avoided if you do not focus on the possible danger.

In order not to be even, the composition can be diluted with other flowers, which were also presented for the holiday.

How to choose a composition

The evenness of flowers symbolizes a couple: if a person reinforces a gift negative energy, he sends twice as many troubles. It is pleasant and useful to give symbolic gifts: they represent devotion and loyalty, if it is not divided in half.

The number of flowers will express feelings:

  • 1 flower represents love, naive sincere feelings;
  • 2 speaks of grief, of the problems of the soul and body;
  • 3 speaks of devotion;
  • 5 is a symbol of prosperity;
  • 11 indicates mutual love;
  • 37 symbolizes warm feelings and affection;
  • 101 roses are a sign of strong love.

No matter how much a guy gives a girl flowers, it is important how he presents the gift. The intention determines the message of the gift.

Which bouquet is better to choose? Unpaired chrysanthemums will tell about quivering feelings, and lilies will reveal serious intentions. Give the girl red flowers for a passionate romance, and pink ones for tenderness. The color of the petals represents passion or frayed feelings.

Folk omens

A bouquet of an even number of flowers is a traditional gift expressing the feelings of lovers and devoted friends. In many cultures, numbers that can be equally divided carry the energy of destruction. They work equally well in bouquets for a gift to a stranger or a loved one. Signs are dangerous when the wrong gifts are given to young children.

Signs and children

You can’t give a pair of flowers to children if there is an even number of flowers in a gift for christening or for discharge from the hospital - the baby will often get sick. Give paired bouquets to a pregnant woman, for the birth of a healthy baby. You should not be afraid of the birth of a future mother.

If they gave a light flower arrangement on the eve of childbirth, and they stay at home for a long time, the baby will not get sick.

You need to be especially demanding with flower gifts for discharge, if the wrong bouquet was brought to young parents, you should not take it home. To wish the baby health, you need to give odd bunches of wild flowers and rose buds.

Here are the Bouquets You Should Never Give and Why!

Why is it not customary to give an even number of flowers.

Why is it customary to give an odd number of flowers and what will happen if you give an even one?!

household signs

To give an even number of flowers in a bouquet on the day of the anniversary is a waste that will not harm the budget. A floral gift for a family celebration should be chosen from neutral colors: they represent good wishes. For well-being choose not big bouquet hic with roses or lilies (white).

What will be the life of the newlyweds together, will tell donated the day before flower composition. If there are many wild flowers in it, there is a lot of joy ahead, a gift weighted with ferns promises difficulties, and daisies promise a lot of tenderness next year. An odd number in an engagement bouquet promises joy and harmony: there will be no squabbles in a couple if the flowers are without thorns. Good gift- composition with different flowers, it promises prosperity to adults and children.

Many people wonder why an even number of flowers are placed on the grave and where did this tradition come from? There are several opinions on this matter:

  1. Also in Ancient Russia the dead soldiers who defended their homeland from enemy invasion, put two flowers on the grave.
  2. According to pagan belief, an even number is a symbol of evil and death. No wonder they say "trouble does not come alone." Perhaps this was the origin of the custom of giving the living an odd number of flowers, and the dead an even number.
  3. Many ancient cultures associated even numbers with completeness and completeness. In the case of a funeral, this may indicate the end life path. All odd numbers except 13 symbolized happiness, joy, movement and life.
  4. The ancient Pythagoreans considered odd numbers to be the personification of goodness, light and life, and unpaired numbers - death, grief, disappointment.
  5. Two flowers are placed on the grave: one is for the deceased, and the second is for God or the guardian angel.
  6. Some believe that an odd number of flowers is given to the living “up to a couple”, and since a person has died and thus becomes “married” to death, an odd number is presented to him.

Not in all countries it is customary to give people an unpaired number of flowers for their birthday or any other holiday. For example, in the USA, Europe and some eastern countries, a birthday or hero of the day is presented with a bouquet with an odd number of flowers in the bouquet, not considering this to be something strange and frightening.

If there are more than ten flowers in the bouquet, then no attention is paid to their number (even or not).

Many people, going to a funeral, do not know which flowers are better to buy: live or artificial. Different things are also placed on the grave. It all depends on the personal preferences of the person. Of the fresh flowers, mourning are:

  1. White chrysanthemums often brought to dead friends. This flower symbolizes openness, sincerity and friendship.
  2. White lilies symbolize purity. They are often placed on the graves of girls and young women.
  3. Red carnations are appropriate on the grave of a person who enjoyed great respect among his entourage. These can be mentors, teachers and leaders. These flowers express their respect. They are also placed on monuments dedicated to military operations.
  4. Dark red roses are a symbol of sorrow and living blood. They are placed on the grave of tragically dead people.

There should be an even number of flowers in the bouquet. You need to put them with buds to the head of the deceased.

Much more popular are not live, but artificial flowers. All because they for a long time retain their original appearance, and the living on the second day already wither and dry out, after which they look very untidy on the grave.

And in general, artificial flowers are traditionally considered mourning. You can decorate the grave with them at any time of the year. Today you can buy both a wreath and just a bouquet. It is worth remembering that wreaths are mainly laid on the day of the funeral; it is not customary to bring them on the anniversary and birthday of the deceased.

What to plant in a cemetery?

    with even and odd confusion - therefore, it is necessary to give so much - so as not to count

    The rule to give living people an even number of flowers does not exist in all countries. For example, in Europe, the USA and some countries of the East, there is a belief that an even number of flowers brings happiness.

    According to Russian traditions, an even number of flowers is brought to a funeral, and it is customary for a living person to give flowers only in an odd number.

    There are several versions about the origin of this tradition.

    Pagan beliefs interpret even numbers as symbols of death and evil. Remember the saying trouble never comes alone? It was from following this tradition that the custom came to give living people only an even number of flowers.

    By many ancient cultures, paired numbers were associated with completeness, completion, in this case life path. An odd number, (except 13), on the contrary, is a symbol of happiness, success, luck. Odd numbers are unstable, they symbolize movement, life, laughter. Even symbols of peace and tranquility.

    For the ancient Pythagoreans, odd numbers were the personification of goodness, life, light, and they also symbolized the right side (the side of luck). Unlucky left side, and with it death, evil, darkness were symbolized by even numbers. Isn’t it from here that the famous stand on the left foot, symbolizing the unsuccessful start of the day, went?

    In Japanese culture, the numbers 1,3,5 denote the masculine yang and speak of life, strength, and movement. Numbers 2,4,6 are the feminine yin, peace, passivity. In Japan, it is not customary to give living people four flowers, because the number 4 symbolizes death.

    The Israelis, on the contrary, give an even number of flowers, but they don’t bring flowers to funerals. In Georgia, they believe that everything related to family values ​​​​brings happiness, so two flowers (pair) good combination, and an odd number of flowers are carried to the cemetery so that the deceased does not take the couple with them

    In Russia, an even number of flowers is usually bought to lay on the grave (as far as I know), that is, to commemorate the deceased. It is customary to give an odd number of flowers to a living person. As to why this is so, I don't know for sure. Although, if the bouquet is large (more than 10 flowers), an even number is also acceptable.

    But this tradition does not work in all countries.

    I heard that you can give an even number of flowers if their number is more than ten. But common superstitions do not allow me to do what I think is right. In general, it is easier to buy, for example, 31 flowers for the anniversary of the 30th anniversary, and not 30, than to prove to everyone around you your understanding of this issue.

    Yes, there is such a belief that it is impossible to give an even number of flowers to a living person.

    An even number of flowers is usually brought to a person's grave.

    Of course, it is up to each person to decide for himself how many flowers to give.

    I would not, as I am a superstitious person.

    Such a sign dates back to pre-Christian times, when an even number of flowers meant a symbol of evil and death. AT modern rules It is generally accepted in floristry that the number of flowers from 10 or more can be any, including even numbers.

    Of course, you can give an even number of flowers, but ... if it is a bouquet of daisies, daisies, snowdrops, no one counts them, whether their number is even or not. But if the flowers are large, then you should not give an even number, this is bad form. Even the number of flowers they bring to the deceased at the funeral. But in my opinion, this is only our tradition, in other countries it doesn’t matter how many flowers are in a bouquet.

    in general, it all depends on the traditions and the country in which they give flowers. in bourgeois countries, just an odd number of flowers are laid on the grave. so if you decide to give flowers to some German Frau, then she will not appreciate a bouquet of 5 roses and will be very offended. it is still better for us to give an even amount, especially if the person is superstitious. I do not belong to such. and when individual flowers from a bouquet begin to dry up, I throw them away, and an even number of flowers often remains in the vase.

    and in general, if you do not focus attention, in a large bouquet the number of individual flowers is difficult to calculate. so I think you can give an even amount

    AT different countries traditions of giving an even or odd number of flowers vary. In many European countries, it is customary to give just an even number of flowers.

    As you know, in Russia before Christianity there was paganism. In paganism, even numbers are the numbers of evil and death, the numbers of a certain completeness of the path. That is why a couple of flowers are placed on the grave.

    But now there is a rule that you can give an odd number of flowers up to a dozen. And if there are more than a dozen flowers, then it doesn’t matter whether this number is paired or not.

    But at mourning ceremonies it is customary to bring an even number of flowers up to 10 pieces. If there are 12 flowers in a bouquet, then, in principle, this does not carry any semantic load.

    In general, he believes that it is impossible, in the CIS countries it is so for sure. An even number of flowers are usually brought to graves. In other countries, I don't know how they treat it. Although many of my friends believe that this is a simple superstition and prejudice. But personally, I will never give an even number of flowers to a living person !!

    I also had to ask myself this question. Asked it to the flower seller, she said that it is not advisable to give an even number of flowers, regardless of whether there are many of them or not.

    It is customary for a living person to present a bouquet of an odd number of flowers, an even number only for a funeral. Some people do not pay attention to it, but still many adhere. In some countries even gifts are given, everyone has different traditions.

    I think that in any case it is not necessary to give a living person an even number of flowers with good good intentions! It is customary to give the odd! And it doesn't matter if the bouquet is big or not! It's just some stupid hint, I guess! Like, here are flowers for you - this is a sign of attention, but the fact that there is an even number is my deep respect for you?!?

In Georgia, an odd number of flowers is placed only on the graves of the dead, and an even number is given to the living. And in Germany, men present bouquets of eight flowers to their lovers. However, in Russia, eight or any other number of flowers divisible by 2 are taken with them exclusively to the cemetery, but an odd number is supposed to be healthy.

The secret meaning of numbers

The tradition of giving alive bouquets, consisting only of an odd number of flowers, has its roots in the distant past, when paganism still dominated Russia. Then the numbers were given very great importance. Moreover, all even numbers symbolized the end of life, a certain completeness, a dead end, and odd numbers, on the contrary, suggested the continuation of the cycle, moving forward.

For example, the number 2 had a clear negative connotation. In this regard, the birth of twins in Russia was considered a great misfortune. It was also not customary to eat eggs with two yolks and light 2 candles at the same time. In ancient times, two flowers were also carried to the graves of soldiers who died in battles: one - to the deceased, the other - to his guide to the other world.

But the odd number 3 in Russia symbolized the spiritual principle. Unsurprisingly, in many pagan rites had to perform one or another action three times. Yes, in Russian folk tales the triple appears constantly: three desires, three heads at Gorynych, a crossroads of three roads, a distant kingdom, and so on.

According to Klyuchnikov, only one odd number 13 was considered unlucky, which was called nothing more than "famously one-eyed."

Odd numbers have taken a certain place in Christianity. Examples of this are the holy trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; 5 loaves that fed 5,000 people; 7 deadly sins, 9 angelic ranks. But the even number 666 personifies evil and is called the "number of the beast."

There are still beliefs among the people that an even number of flowers presented to a living person is fraught with misfortunes or even death for the one to whom these flowers are intended. It is customary to say about an even number of flowers "gift up to a pair." That is, the deceased person finds his mate in the image of death, becoming her husband or wife.

And if you gave an even number

Few people know that the number of flowers is relevant only in small bouquets. Florists even have an "odd to a dozen" rule. That is, if there are more than 12 flowers in a bouquet, then their number no longer matters, and it is quite possible to give a living person 20, 30, and a million roses.

However, if you are still worried about the “wrong” number of flowers in the bouquet, then simply divide the bouquet into two or more parts at your discretion, so that each part contains an odd number of stems.

Women love flowers. A bouquet of daisies can cause them such delight that is difficult to explain. There are superstitions and signs about such a pleasant tradition. Men need to remember that a bouquet should always contain an odd number of flowers. If an even number is given, then a sign or superstition says that such a gift will bring misfortune and misfortune to the owner of the bouquet.

A bouquet of an even number of flowers can scare and even terrify the person you wanted to please.

The origins of signs

It has long been considered in Russia bad omen give the girl an even number of flowers. The explanation for why it was impossible to give was this: an even number of flowers was intended for dead man, as a gift for the farewell to last way. But a similar tradition existed for a long time in the Slavic countries. At present, the situation may change radically. Therefore, there is no single answer to the question of whether it is possible to give an even number of flowers.

In ancient times, it was believed in Russia that an even number of flowers carries negative energy, which brings a person closer to death and illness. They were associated in people with incompleteness. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to give two roses to a living person.

In the East, superstitions and signs have a completely different interpretation. An even number of flowers is not only possible, but also necessary to give.

Especially for single girls. Such a gift symbolizes the wishes of the donor, so that the donee will quickly find his soul mate and successfully marry or get married. Such a gift in Japan is welcome, and the recipient of the bouquet is always very happy.

AT European countries also believe that giving an even number of flowers is good omen. Europeans believe that such a bouquet will bring them happiness and good luck. If you presented four roses in a bouquet, this would mean expressing your well-being wishes.

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Reasons for donation

It has traditionally developed in Slavic countries that if there is an even number of inflorescences in the bouquet, then in this case it should be carried to the funeral. If the number of inflorescences is divided by two, then in such a bouquet there is energy that attracts mourning, despair, fear, death and funeral to the house. Therefore, only for such events you can collect so many carnations or roses in a bouquet.

To date, there are still many people who follow this sign. Whether such superstition really brings grief is up to each person to decide for himself. But if it's time to give roses in a bouquet, then, despite all personal preferences, it is best to give an odd number of flowers. If you pick the flowers correctly, you can avoid obsessive questions about why exactly the even-numbered collection is in the bouquet.

If you don’t know what flowers your loved one loves, refer to the feelings you want to express

What to do with an unpleasant gift.

Not everyone will be pleased to receive as a gift a bouquet with flowers dividing into two without a trace. After all, knowing superstition, one can subconsciously wonder why the giver wishes evil and makes the wrong gifts. But since this has happened, there are ways to prevent the negative aura from entering the house. For these purposes, you can divide all the flowers in the bouquet into two parts. The result should be two bouquets with an odd number of flowers. The main thing is that in each of the vases there should be an odd number of flowers.

Also, much depends on how the donee can set himself up. With proper self-hypnosis, you can convince yourself that such a bouquet attracts a soul mate.

Another way to eliminate negative signs will be a conspiracy for angels. It sounds like this:

In heaven, everything is calculated. The Lord counted his apostles, but my flowers were not counted. Whoever counts against my words will attract an even number. Lock tongue. Amen.

The meaning of the numbers in the bouquet

Numerology in floristry carries a very great meaning and explanation of many events. That is why in ancient times people resorted to messages in the form of bouquets of flowers. Here, for example, are the most popular color numerology values:

  • Number 1- means falling in love and love in which it is still difficult for a person to confess out loud.
  • Number 2- means not only the number of funerals. If two flowers were presented, then this means a quick wedding.
  • Number 3- means the readiness of a lover to fully confess to everyone his love for a woman.
  • Number 5- the donor wishes well-being and all the best.
  • Number 10- an expression of feelings of admiration for your soulmate.
  • Number 11- such a bouquet is given only by spouses to each other and expresses mutual love.
  • Number 12- a bouquet of so many roses acts as great gift for an anniversary or any other holiday. But this is only according to the numerology of flowers. In fact, it is best to give an odd number of inflorescences.
  • Number 16- an expression of respect for close relatives.
  • Number 29- means strong devotion and only love.
  • Number 37- a warm wish for well-being.
  • Number 101- if such a bouquet is presented, then this will definitely testify to unearthly love.

Reason for a gift

If everything is clear with the number of flowers in a bouquet, then this is the best occasion to collect a gift, this is what modern men are most interested in. There are also questions about which flowers are best to give and in what quantity. For some reason, men are very upset when they cannot please their ladies in a gift. Every girl or woman has her own taste and preferences. Not everyone likes a big bouquet Red roses, some will be delighted with a small bouquet of daisies. Therefore, it is best for the guys themselves to unobtrusively ask about what flowers his girlfriend prefers. As far as giving is concerned, flowers can be given for absolutely no reason. This is a sign of attention and it is this act that is important. But it is worth remembering that the number of inflorescences must necessarily be odd, because this is the only way to be sure that the gift will be completely to your liking.
