Peychev Nikolay multidimensional model of a person. Energy-informational causes of diseases. Muladhara – root chakra

Multidimensional model person. Energy-informational causes of diseases Peychev Nikolay

Multidimensional human model

Multidimensional human model

Man is also a multidimensional entity that reflects the principle of the multidimensional pyramid of the Universe and consists of seven bodies of different vibration frequencies.

Our physical body is the base of the pyramid.

The etheric body or etheric double of a person repeats the shape of the physical body. This is the densest energy shell.

The etheric body forms the so-called energy matrix of the human body, to which the organs of our physical body correspond.

The main task of the etheric body is to be a conductor of vital (bio) energy for the physical body.

People whose subtle inner vision has opened see it protruding several centimeters beyond the physical body.

Every person can try to see the etheric body. To do this, in a state of relaxation, without fixing your gaze, look at your hands and after a certain time you will see a kind of haze around your fingers.

In the same body there are various energy flows, including those same “wonderful meridians” that are affected by acupuncture and acupressure.

The next one, the astral body (or body of emotions), consists of more subtle matter than etheric matter.

The astral body is the body of desires, feelings, experiences. It has the shape of an egg, penetrating through the physical and etheric bodies, surrounding a person with a cloud of light.

When a person falls asleep, the astral body leaves him and returns in the morning. Under the influence of anesthesia, the astral body is separated from the physical body, and the person does not feel pain.

During sleep, the astral body moves in the astral world and is sometimes capable of receiving impressions, visions and prophetic dreams.

Under the influence of passions and desires, the astral body changes.

The third human body is called the mental body. This is the body of human thoughts and knowledge.

It consists of even more subtle energy - the energy of the mental plane.

The mental body also contains clots of energy that reflect our beliefs and stable thoughts. These clots are called thought forms.

The following bodies of a person belong to his immortal component and pass from life to life of a person in the course of his reincarnations.

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Bo(g)-Le(chit)-Know(aniem)b. The inconsistency of man with the image and likeness of God is the one and only cause of all diseases!!! Illness is a measure of ignorance, they say in the East. There is Divine consciousness and there is human consciousness. There is a Divine picture of the world, and there is a human picture of worldview. There is a Divine plan, a plan, and there is ours, personal - human. And how far we have deviated from the Divine in our individual consciousness, we will be forced to pay through the humiliation of the body (disease). A person is a cell of a huge Universal Organism (body), and if this cell works for the benefit of the whole organism, then it receives everything necessary for its happy and healthy existence, and if it turns into a “cancerous” one and begins to work only for itself, it causes harm to others, then it must be destroyed, eliminated, the tumor cut out, the disease given to rethink your way of thinking and behavior. Violation in organs and tissues is a consequence. The causes of diseases lie in the subtle bodies, and the subtle bodies reflect a person’s worldview: his thoughts, feelings, desires. It follows that voluntarily bringing your worldview and attitude in accordance with the Creator’s plan is the fastest way to get rid of all diseases. In this case, a very rapid restoration of the subtle bodies occurs, and the disease is deprived of its informational cause, but, because Since the physical body is material, it will take more time to restore the tissues and organs of our body, depending on the degree of damage, but this is the only true and fastest way to recovery.

Multidimensional human model

Man is also a multidimensional entity that reflects the principle of the multidimensional pyramid of the Universe and consists of seven bodies of different vibration frequencies. Our physical body is the base of the pyramid. etheric body or the etheric double of a person, repeats the shape of the physical body. This is the densest energy shell. The etheric body forms the so-called energy matrix of the human body, to which the organs of our physical body correspond. The main task of the etheric body is to be a conductor of vital (bio) energy for the physical body. People whose subtle inner vision has opened see it protruding several centimeters beyond the physical body. Every person can try to see the etheric body. To do this, in a state of relaxation, without fixing your gaze, look at your hands, and after a certain time you will see a kind of haze around your fingers. In the same body there are various energy flows, including those same “wonderful meridians” that are affected by acupuncture and acupressure.

Following, astral body (or body of emotions), consists of more subtle matter than etheric matter. The astral body is the body of desires, feelings, experiences. It has the shape of an egg, penetrating through the physical and etheric bodies, surrounding a person with a cloud of light. When a person falls asleep, the astral body leaves him and returns in the morning. Under the influence of anesthesia, the astral body is separated from the physical body, and the person does not feel pain. During sleep, the astral body moves in the astral world and is sometimes capable of receiving impressions, visions and prophetic dreams. Under the influence of passions and desires, the astral body changes.

The third human body is called mentalbody. This is the body of human thoughts and knowledge. It consists of even more subtle energy - the energy of the mental plane. The mental body also contains clots of energy that reflect our beliefs and stable thoughts. These clots are called thought forms.

The following bodies of a person belong to his immortal component and pass from life to life of a person in the course of his reincarnations.

✓ Who created you and why?

✓ Who created this Universe and why?

✓ What laws connect you with the people around you and the world around you?

✓ Why are you sick?

✓ What is SICK?

✓ How to make sure you never get sick at all?

✓ What is absolute health and how to achieve it in order to live a long and happy life?

These and many other questions have worried me since early childhood. To say that I was often sick as a child is an understatement. I literally lived in the hospital. Many times I was on the verge of life and death, when the temperature rose to forty degrees and the blood began to clot. The doctors miraculously managed to save me, but how? large quantity I took more medications, the worse my health became.

But one day, my mother was recommended to go with me to a clairvoyant, traditional healer. After several sessions with this woman, I simply stopped getting sick. The knowledge that I received from her turned my life upside down.

At the age of ten, I read all the books that this healer had. But I didn’t stop there: magic, esotericism, religion, philosophy, psychology, parapsychology, occult sciences, Eastern philosophy - I began to absorb all this with great speed, feed my brain, develop my consciousness and my abilities.

I realized, even as a child, that the only thing valuable in this world is knowledge, practical knowledge, which turns a person into a wizard. When everything you want comes true quickly.

I know for sure from my own experience that when you receive true practical knowledge, you simply stop getting sick. You begin to understand the laws of this world, live by them, stop breaking the “rules” traffic", and all troubles and misfortunes disappear from your life forever.

Bioenergetics, clairvoyance, esotericism, parapsychology and practical healing are what I have been drawn to since childhood, but since I had no practical experience in these areas, I set myself the goal of mastering all these sciences perfectly and develop psychic abilities.

The goal was very clear and specific - to find practical system rapid and complete restoration of health, having learned which, a person should never get sick at all.

I traveled a lot, studied with the best esoteric practitioners, clairvoyants, and traditional healers. Lived in India, studied Ayurveda, Eastern philosophy, and practiced mystical yoga. Then I returned to my homeland and began hosting receptions, conducting seminars and classes.

To date, my healing system has been tested on a large number of people. It allows a person to very quickly get rid of almost all diseases, including those incurable by modern medicine. At the same time, the rate of recovery of patients is simply amazing, which has been repeatedly confirmed not only by their excellent health, but also by the opinions of various doctors.


This book is a practical guide for helping yourself and those around you. Here we collect only practical developments in the field of energy-information therapy, after reading which you will take a fresh look at the causes of various diseases and will be able to solve your health problems in a short time, as well as help your loved ones.

The book is based on expanding our understanding of the world around us, studying the mechanisms of the occurrence of diseases, research activities in the study of human biofield structures, philosophical understanding of the world, as well as my practical developments in the field of energy-informational diagnostics and therapy.

This book has a powerful healing effect in contact with the human body, with water, as well as with other objects. This amazing property was revealed during studies using various diagnostic devices: the Kirlian apparatus, various bioresonance diagnostics, hemoscanning, etc.

It is enough to apply the book to the body for a few minutes, and immediately the human biofield begins to quickly increase in size, open energy centers and channels, strength and flexibility appear in the body, the process of restoration of the body is activated.

If you place a glass of water on a book for 1–2 minutes, and then give this water to the patient to drink, then within 10–15 minutes his blood becomes liquid, saturated with oxygen, blood cells, red blood cells, unstick and begin to flow freely, delivering oxygen and nutrients to all cells of the body.

Explained unique properties books are simple - this book has a very powerful biofield. Take a pendulum or frame and use radiesthesia to check it yourself.

Every object in space carries information and also emits energy. Reading any book, you come into contact with the author at the information level, and an energy-information exchange begins. Just by reading this book, you are already beginning to recover and receive a huge boost of energy.

If you take the time to conduct a full examination of your health before and after reading this book, you will be very surprised at how much your health indicators have improved.

But the most important thing is to put the contents of this book in your head, accept the information at the level of consciousness, and not just constantly carry this book in your inner jacket pocket.

Problems of modern medicine or why doctors live 15–20 years less?

When dealing with issues of restoring human health and searching for the causes of diseases, I always look for the causes of their occurrence.

In order for the mechanism not to fail, it is necessary to at least know its structure and operating rules. Well, if a breakdown occurs, you need to contact an experienced specialist who will quickly fix it, explain the reasons for the breakdown and explain how to avoid similar situations in the future.

In our case, the mechanism is our body, and the specialist is the doctor, who must have the skills to short term rid a person of all his “malfunctions” and explain to the patient the rules of operation of the mechanism called the human body.

But the deeper medicine and science penetrate into human body, the more diagnoses appear and medicines, which not only do not relieve a person from his illness, but also cause new, so-called “medicinal diseases”.

All over the world, doctors live 15-20 years less than those they treat - the population of the planet, which, in their opinion, leads an unhealthy lifestyle.

With their advice they lead to horror, fear, torment and suffering, from which they themselves die prematurely.

The people whom the government has entrusted with protecting the health of citizens, by the way, is called their main governing body - the Ministry of Health - in fact, they cannot do anything, first of all, for themselves. But they receive the right and license to treat other people.

Here, for example, is an excerpt from a medical journal: “Russia ranks among the first in the world in terms of the number of cancer diseases per capita. According to some data, there are more than 2.5 million cancer patients in the country. A third of cancer patients could be saved from death by identifying the disease at its earliest stages. early stage. But high-tech diagnostic methods are not yet available to most Russians.” Further, the article talks about modern diagnostic equipment, its parameters and cost. Not a word about cancer prevention.

We see that scientific medicine looks at any cause of aging as a way to make money, no matter what words are used to cover it up.

I realized as a child that the only thing valuable in this world is knowledge, this is practical knowledge that turns a person into a wizard. When everything you want comes true quickly.

I know for sure from my own experience that when you receive true, practical knowledge, you simply stop getting sick. You begin to understand the laws of this world, live by them, stop breaking the “traffic rules” and all troubles and misfortunes disappear from your life forever.

Bioenergetics, clairvoyance, esotericism, parapsychology and practical healing - this is what I have been drawn to since childhood, but because... Since I did not have practical experience in these areas, I set myself the goal of mastering all these sciences perfectly and developing psychic abilities.

An accessible version of the book “Multidimensional model of man. Energy-informational causes of diseases” can be downloaded from the link below or read online. It's free.

it is read that the Left hemisphere of the brain and the Human Consciousness are called upon to serve the processes of our life, while the Right hemisphere of the brain and the Subconscious are part of the planetary mechanism. It's - as it were - nerve cells planetary organism.

Since the times of Freud and Jung, modern man I’m used to the concepts of Consciousness and Subconsciousness, although, most likely, it will be difficult to explain what it is.
Esoteric science has brought to us a model of the energy-information structure of a person - personality or soul, which includes Consciousness and Subconsciousness.
At the same time, Consciousness is the work of the Mental Plane, the frequency of the Sahasrara Chakra. While the Subconscious is the work of the mental plane, the frequency of the Ajna Chakra.
To communicate with the physical body, the Consciousness and Subconsciousness use the cerebral hemispheres. The Conscious Mind uses the Left Hemisphere, and the Subconscious Mind uses the Right Hemisphere.
Energy-Information multidimensional structures, built in the space of the Mental body during human thinking, activate neurons in the cerebral cortex and thus “transfer” of energy information to the physical plane occurs. Next, hormonal and nervous system and the “multistage” amplifier begins to work, which turns thought into action.

It is believed that the Left hemisphere of the brain and the Human Consciousness are called upon to serve the processes of our life, while the Right hemisphere of the brain and the Subconscious are part of the planetary mechanism. These are, as it were, the nerve cells of a planetary organism.

It is commonly said that the Left hemisphere is Logical, and the Right Hemisphere is Heuristic. With the left hemisphere, a person thinks logically and makes plans, and with the help of the Right hemisphere, he looks into the future (Intuition) and receives direct knowledge (Insight).
This fits well with the Esoteric model. Intuition (perception, reading of future events) and Insight (perception, reading of system information) are produced by the Right Hemisphere from the database of the planetary system (energy-information field of the planet).

Just as any of us makes plans for the near future and can say with a certain probability where he will be and what he will do in 10 minutes, in an hour or in a day, the consciousness of the planet also builds its future, of which we are a part. we are with you.
If you and I know how to make plans for the future and periodically return to them, then this only means that there is a memory cell in our Consciousness where this information is stored, and there is a way to encode and store this information. When modern science If he studies all these mechanisms, then there will be no difficulty in reading from the consciousness of any person all the information stored there, just as we today easily read information from a computer disk.

Psychics and Telepaths who are able to tune into the consciousness of another person are able to read the information stored there.
A similar thing happens with planetary consciousness. All people are included in it with their Right Hemisphere of the brain, and some of them are able to read planetary information. This is what we call Intuition and Insight.

Planetary information is stored and processed in the consciousness of the planet at a certain frequency. The Tree of Sephiroth displays to us a diagram of planetary consciousness. According to this scheme, the “database” of the system operates at the frequency of planetary Channel 2. Those individuals who are able to tune their consciousness to the work of this Channel gain access to planetary information. We call them Geniuses (from the concept of the Genius of the Earth - planetary consciousness). Conscious inclusion in the 2nd planetary Channel requires a very high position of the Assemblage Point. However, sometimes unauthorized inclusion in the Channel occurs due to some life situations, and even hanging in it.
Everyone is familiar with the images Brilliant people, who were “worse than children” in ordinary life... This is the result of “hanging” in the high-frequency 2nd Channel, and not the result of the development of consciousness. A person with developed consciousness will behave adequately in any situation and, if desired, tune into the planetary database.

Our entire modern social life is built on the development and work of Consciousness and the Left, logical hemisphere of the brain. People with a developed right hemisphere, who have good intuition and, in a way that is incomprehensible to others, know what and how to do, in modern society may have problems if they do not take a high position in time... where their abilities will bring real benefits, without any -or explanation - where they got it from...
At a certain stage of development, both the Consciousness and the Subconscious are activated in a person and this is expressed in a more balanced work of both hemispheres of the brain
In the esoteric model, Consciousness is an energy-information structure that is constantly developed throughout life, and becomes more complex as we gain experience, which controls our conscious behavior.
When a person finds himself in a situation where there is no behavior algorithm in his Consciousness, or in a situation of stress or fear, then the Consciousness turns to the Subconscious for help...
In addition, intuitive (read from the system, future) information about danger constantly enters the Consciousness from the Subconscious. Many have encountered a situation when a person walking along the side of the road suddenly jumps to the side, and a car rushes past the place where he was walking earlier. Or, in the forest, we “instinctively” evade the branch that is bent and let go of our face by those in front...

A person’s intuitive capabilities directly depend on the performance of his right hemisphere, the connecting link between the Subconscious and other systems of the body.
The Subconsciousness itself is considered in the Esoteric model as a set of all the structures of consciousness that a given person was in his past incarnations.
Thus, the structure of Consciousness developed during a specific incarnation does not disappear anywhere after death, but is added to similar structures accumulated during previous incarnations, and is constantly present in the Subconscious of a living person.

Each individual personality structure from our Subconscious is a “complete analogue” of a currently living personality. “Completed” in the sense that if the living personality continues to develop, then the personality in the Subconscious no longer develops anywhere and does not become more complicated.
Personalities in the Subconscious “reside” at the frequency of the Ajna Chakra, lower than the united Consciousness (“Super-Ego”), with which a person is included in the Egregor (and which he is not aware of until a certain stage of development) and working at the frequency of the Sahasrara Chakra, but more higher than the personal Consciousness “I”, working at the frequency of the Vishuddha chakra.

Understanding these mechanisms, it is possible to tune the Consciousness to a specific person from the Subconscious (by lowering the frequency of the Sahasrara Chakra, through which the perception of the world comes and tuning it with the level of the Subconscious - the “not-I” Consciousness. At the same time, our personal Consciousness interacts not with the egregor, but with Subconscious) and pump energy into this personality. At the same time, the energy background between the currently living person and the person in the Subconscious is leveled, and energy begins to flow between them.
Sometimes it happens spontaneously...
The flow of energy is perceived (interpreted) by our Consciousness as a dialogue. We begin to hear voices, see images, experience sensations...

Depending on the energy-informational processes occurring between the Consciousness and the Personality from the Subconscious, called the “Ally,” and also depending on the position of the person’s Assemblage Point, such relationships can take various forms.
A huge number of supposedly “Divine” instructions and advice heard, seen or otherwise perceived by people occur due to contact with their own Ally.

In particular, a large number of clients of psychiatric clinics are there simply because of contact with their own Subconscious.

There are cases when, after any shocks, injuries, clinical death and other disasters, a person acquires new, sometimes unusual abilities.
People suddenly begin to speak ancient languages, draw strange pictures, and so on. All this happens due to the activation of the Ally and the establishment of contact - Consciousness - Ally.

If an “ancient” Ally who lived in Ancient Rome, then he will speak accordingly in Latin.

Some people who have experienced Clinical death, they talk about how their whole life passed in a moment before their inner gaze... This is the process of rewriting the current Consciousness into the Subconscious zone (the formation of the next Ally). Usually, after such an experience, a person’s personality changes, since his contact with the Subconscious, with his past incarnations, is activated.

Allies interact with completely different Channels of planetary consciousness than the Consciousness of a living personality. Therefore, they have information inaccessible to human consciousness. In addition, being themselves deceased individuals, they reside in the world of Spirits and freely contact with deceased people in Limbo.
Being at the frequency of the human Subconscious, Allies can influence the Subconscious of other people.
And above all, the Allies, who lived in interesting historical eras, or in ancient civilizations, carry the knowledge and technology of these civilizations.

In view of all the above possibilities, the work of activating and actively using the Allies is considered a high priority in Esoterics.

If you remember the dialogues of Plato and other ancient thinkers, then they conducted them with their Allies... who lived in even more distant times... perhaps in previous civilizations...

Esoteric knowledge about the structure of Consciousness and Subconsciousness allows us to understand and explain many of the phenomena that are inexplicable today.

As the Personality develops and the personal Consciousness of the “I” develops, its frequency increases and it becomes engaged with the higher-frequency Consciousness of the “not-I”. This happens when the vehicle approaches the Vishuddha chakra. It is at this stage that the “penetration” of the personal Consciousness of the “I” into the systemic Consciousness of the “not-I” occurs, which leads to the appearance of Magical capabilities in the Adept.

The process of the first Magical Initiation - the unification of two consciousnesses into a single egregorial Consciousness of the “super-I”, also occurs at this stage of development.
