Treatment of wooden doors indoors. Choosing paint and varnish for interior doors. How to coat a wooden door: instructions for working with paint

An important element Every home is the front door. It performs the main protective function and also decorates the exterior. This is a kind of business card, because by its appearance you can find out about the status and tastes of the owners. Therefore, when choosing a door, you must avoid low-quality materials and its damage: chips, scratches, dents, abrasions and other defects that spoil appearance.

Doors made from strong, high-quality solid wood are in no way inferior to metal ones. Wooden models are very popular among owners country houses. For their production, the wood used is oak, ash, beech, pine, spruce, ebony, meranti, teak, nyato and other types of mahogany.

Advantages of wooden entrance doors:

  • High level of resistance to burglary - a solid door array is a very durable material;
  • Durability - natural wood lasts for decades, and treatment with antiseptics and paints and varnishes further increases the service life;
  • Low thermal conductivity - even in frosty conditions the door remains warm;
  • Good sound insulation- wooden canvas does not allow noise from outside and outside;
  • Environmental friendliness - wood is natural material, which does not emit toxic substances and harmful fumes, moreover, its bioenergetic characteristics cleanse and harmonize the atmosphere in the house;
  • Aesthetics and originality - wide range of colors different types timber and artistic wood cutting makes it possible to choose the desired shade, shape and decor of the door;
  • Easy to recycle;
  • To be restored.

Preparatory work before installation

To protect the front door from fungus, mold and rot, discoloration of wood, and cracks, careful treatment with special protective compounds is important. This action will significantly extend the service life solid wood. You can preserve the natural color or hide the texture pattern. Depending on this, the market for paint and varnish products is represented by: wide choose materials for painting wood: from opaque enamels to tinted varnishes, impregnations, stains.

Processing new wooden doors and those who have already served for a certain period of time are different. In the first case, it will be reduced to a minimum, while in the second it will be necessary to properly prepare the canvas. Do not neglect safety precautions while working. You must first put on a respiratory mask and rubber gloves.

The technology for processing wooden door arrays and slopes consists of several stages:

  1. Grinding. Initially, the wood is sanded using coarse sandpaper or a sander to remove burrs, roughness, old paint.
  2. Antiseptic coating. Antibacterial mixture applied thin layer, protects against mold, rot, fungi and other microorganisms. For comfortable and high-quality processing It is better to use a brush on the corner parts of the door and frame, and a roller on a large flat surface. Professionals use spray guns, which makes the job much easier. After the first layer of the composition has dried, which is at least two days in a warm room without a draft, apply the antiseptic again. This action will provide the wood with reliable protection.

  1. Puttying. Next, if necessary, cracks, scratches and other damage are repaired. To do this, use wood putty. After the putty has completely dried, the wood is treated with fine-grained sanding paper until the surface is as smooth as possible.
  2. Padding. A special solution is applied to the door array in two or even three layers, which are layered separately and left to dry for a day each in a closed, warm place. Be sure to use a primer exclusively for wooden surfaces.
  3. Finishing . If you plan to paint the door, then it is advisable to prefer drying oil to a primer. Today, wood is rarely painted, but is increasingly covered with stain and varnished. Staining solutions have a tone natural wood, but differs in shades. Color saturation is controlled by the number of layers applied. The stain dries within half a day. When the surface is completely dry, the door leaf, frame, and slopes are varnished. If desired, varnishing is carried out in several layers with a difference of 36-40 hours.

After drying finishing coating, canvas, box and other parts can be mounted in place. If you follow the rules for servicing your front door, its service life will be significantly extended. Thanks to natural wood, the interior and exterior of the house looks prestigious.

An old wooden door that has lost its attractiveness can be easily restored by painting. To really give the canvas the new kind, you need to choose the right paint and perform preparatory work. Painting compositions based on aggressive solvents are a thing of the past. Excellent choice for painting the door block is odorless enamel, stain or varnish on water based.

Deciding to independent restoration interior wooden doors, you need to learn important rule: For interior works The paint is odorless, and all other enamels and varnishes are for external use.

When choosing enamel for windows and doors, take into account the characteristics of the canvas:

  • The door block is made from different breeds wood and waste from the wood processing industry. From density The amount of paint absorption before it dries depends on the material. An extra layer is an additional cost. When choosing an expensive paint and varnish material, it is wise to use drying oil. After impregnation, loose wood will be covered with a film, and paint absorption will decrease.
  • The consumption of varnish or enamel for doors depends on the surface. Smooth It is enough to go through two thin layers of paint. Rough material requires application more layers.
  • When restoring door blocks, it will not be possible to completely remove the previous coating. New paint and varnish material should not contain aggressive substances, corroding old paint. During the reaction, swelling and peeling will appear on the canvas.

Additionally, when choosing a paint and varnish material, take into account intensity of use door block, as well as the level humidity And temperature environment.

Choice colors– this is a personal preference. The new canvas looks beautiful under clear varnish or with the addition of stain. old door After cleaning, it is better to coat it with enamel, choosing the desired color.

Frequent changes to the interior are not complete without repainting the door block. To avoid difficulties in the future, choose a paint material that easy to remove from the surface.

How to treat a wooden door?

Wood has a big disadvantage - it absorbs moisture. An expanded sash cannot be closed or opened normally. To prevent a wooden door from swelling due to dampness, it must be treated before painting. protective impregnation and carry out preparatory activities.

A wooden entrance door needs to be treated especially well, since outdoors the door is constantly exposed to moisture and temperature changes.

How to paint a wooden door?

Paint for door leaf must meet high operational characteristics and be safe for human health. Conditionally paints and varnishes are divided into two groups:

  • Transparent It is better to use varnishes and impregnations to paint new wooden interior or entrance doors. The applied layer is a decorative glaze that does not hide surface defects. A transparent coating can highlight the interesting structure of new wood.

  • Opaque paints or enamels for windows and doors are made from solvents with added pigments. Under a new layer it is easy to hide wood defects, uncleaned areas of old paint, or simply give the door block a new original look.

Most often, when restoring a wooden door, preference is given to opaque paints.

From a wide variety of interior work, it is best to choose safe water-based paint or varnish. From the street, a wooden canvas can even be coated with nitro paint.

Alkyd paint

It is advisable to use alkyd paint during overhaul when no one lives in the apartment. During this period, all toxic odors will have time to disappear. The dried surface can be matte or glossy, but in any case it repels moisture well.

Alkyd quick-drying enamel is characterized by the presence strong smell. Its popularity is justified by the variety of colors, low cost, and resistance to aggressive environmental influences.

Alkyd varnish

Due to their transparent structure, it is better to cover a new wooden interior or entrance door. The disadvantage is Strong smell and long drying time. A shiny transparent glaze will highlight the beauty of natural wood.

Acrylic paint

The best choice to paint interior wooden doors indoors. Advantage coloring composition is the absence of a toxic odor, as well as the ability to preserve the wood texture. A thin layer allows the wood to “breathe”.

Acrylic enamels dry quickly, and after painting there is no toxic odor indoors. Another advantage is big choice colors. The disadvantage is the high cost. After drying, the surface becomes matte. Additional autopsy acrylic varnish further increases the cost of painting a wooden structure.

Acrylic lacquer

Acrylic varnish is perfect for covering a new, unfinished interior door. The non-flammable composition, harmless to human health, will preserve the color and texture of the wood. The wooden door leaf on the street side is not coated with acrylic varnish.

Thermal enamel

It is unreasonable to use it for an interior door block. The paint is expensive and its main purpose is to protect the painted surface from low and high temperatures. If desired, you can paint a wooden or metal door at the entrance to the house. Thermal enamels differ in their scope of application. Suitable for wooden canvas spray paint Bosny, which, depending on the brand, can withstand heating up to temperatures of +200°C or +650°C.


The most durable and durable paint for wooden doors it is nitro varnish or nitro enamel, but it is better not to use it for interior door blocks. They are highly toxic and can only be handled in well-ventilated areas. Nitro paint is suitable for the front door. If it needs to be removed in the future, it will not be easy to do.

Polyurethane paint

Gaining popularity polyurethane paints, characterized by good adhesion to wood. At proper preparation wooden surface You don’t have to worry about the appearance of blisters on the door. The dried layer of paint is completely harmless to humans and preserves bright color for a long period of use and is also resistant to scratches. The main advantage of the polyurethane layer is elasticity. If the wood is slightly deformed, cracks will not appear in the paint.

Advantages of stain and varnish

For wood, stain and varnish not only give a beautiful appearance, but also additionally protect the natural material from aging. A combined coating of two components is often used. The stain penetrates deep into the wood, where, together with tannins, it forms a protective barrier against moisture and preserves the natural color of the wood from fading. The varnish creates a decorative shine on the door and also additionally protects it from moisture.

Painting veneered fabric

A wooden door covered with veneer cannot be painted with compounds based on aggressive solvents. First of all, this applies to nitro paint. From chemical exposure Matt spots will appear on the veneer. It is better to choose water-based, glyphthalic or polyurethane-based tinted varnishes.

To paint a varnished veneered wooden door, the surface is cleaned using a special floor solution. After removing the old varnish, the veneer is primed, and when dry, it is painted.

Renew all wooden door block necessary in case of damage to the coating on large area. Minor scratches easier .

Before installing an entrance door made of wood, it must be treated with a special protective compound. This will extend the service life, prevent the appearance of fungus, rotting and damage, and also, importantly, protect the wood from darkening. Processing and application of special compounds must be carried out in several stages.

To do this you will need:

primer, putty;
— special antiseptic solution;
- stain;
- drying oil or wood varnish;
- spray gun, brush or roller

So, let's start processing the wooden door:

1. Before applying protective compounds, the surface of the door needs to be sanded fine (zero) sandpaper, and for better and less labor-intensive processing, you can use a grinding machine.

2. After sanding, it is necessary to saturate the door with an antiseptic composition as best as possible. for protection against fungus and mold. The composition can be applied using a brush, roller or spray gun. Then, for at least 48 hours, the door treated with an antiseptic must be dried in a warm room and re-treated. This contributes to more deep penetration composition into wood fibers and protects it from putrefactive bacteria for many years.

3. After the antiseptic has completely dried, the wooden entrance door can be putty; for this, special putties for wooden surfaces are used, which even out even small gaps and cracks. But if the surface is fairly smooth, without flaws, then there is no need for puttying, you can immediately proceed to priming. Priming must be done twice, with each layer drying for 24 hours.

4. If you plan to paint the doors with paint on oil based, what in modern world is used less and less, you can use drying oil instead of a primer, this will save on paint consumption and achieve a beautiful, even coating.

5. To preserve the natural texture of wood, stain is usually used, followed by varnish. The stain has various shades reminiscent of the natural color of wood. To obtain the desired color saturation, you can apply the stain several times, allowing each subsequent layer to dry.

6. IN final stage When processing a wooden entrance door, surface varnishing is used. At least two layers of varnish are applied. Each subsequent layer of varnish must be dried for 36 hours.

Now that last layer the varnish has dried well, you can mount the wooden entrance door on permanent place. If everything is done well, it will serve you faithfully for many years.

As a rule, old doors have a high-strength panel and a high-quality frame, but the appearance deteriorates over time due to the thick coating. As one of the budget update methods, it is used regular paint for wooden doors. In this material you will learn how to paint wooden doors and get acquainted with other in modern ways renovation of the coating at home.

Rice. 1. Door before and after painting

Selection of paints and varnishes

Paintwork materials are classified according to the following criteria:

  • By composition (water and organic based);
  • By protective effect (against organic and chemical substances, mechanical influences, changes in humidity and temperature);
  • By method of use (internal, external, combined);
  • By type (impregnations, paints, stains, varnishes).

1. Paints. Can be used to process new and old doors. There are no difficulties in choosing, but due to incompetence people choose the wrong material. Paint and varnish compositions can be transparent or opaque. The first compositions include certain pigments that exhibit the woody structure. But opaque coatings consisting of organic solvents (oil, alkyd and other types) are often used.

The most popular is alkyd enamel, the cost of which is affordable. This coating is highly durable and has a wide range of shades.. But the enamel smells bad, it bad smell There are 2 days left, so they work with it outside, first removing the canvas from its hinges or vacating the room. Alternative solution is acrylic enamel, which also has a lot of flowers, but lacks the toxic smell. Dried paint does not have much strength, so it is additionally treated with acrylic varnish to protect it from mechanical stress.

Rice. 2. Paint on wood

A more durable coating for wood doors is nitro paint, which has optimal strength. The composition is toxic and sometimes leads to allergic reactions, so you need to wear protective equipment when working with it. If treated with nitro paint old surface, preparation and sanding of the panel to a light shade is carried out in advance.

2. Varnishes. They are traditional coatings that add shine to wood and protect its surface. Typically, varnish is used to coat doors in rooms with high humidity(baths and saunas).

There are many different varnishes:

  • Acrylic. The material is resistant to negative influences, humidity and ultraviolet radiation. There are matte and glossy finishes without a toxic odor.
  • Nitrocellulose. Wooden doors can be treated with varnish. The coating is not suitable for treating bathrooms and saunas, as it has insufficient strength and cracks quickly.
  • Water based varnish. It has no unpleasant odor. Due to different additives, the properties of the material may differ.
  • Polyurethane. The varnish has high strength and adhesion to wood, and comes in matte, semi-gloss and glossy. In addition to wood, polyurethane varnishes Can be applied to parquet, veneer, countertops.
  • Oil varnish. There is no pungent odor. The composition contains a lot of fatty resins, so the old coating is removed from the door in advance. It is better to apply with a brush due to its thick consistency.
  • Polyester. The composition has a pungent odor, is highly durable, but is toxic, so it is suitable for treating street doors.

It is better to paint interior doors with acrylic or polyurethane coating, and for external works or rooms with high humidity, resistant materials are suitable.

Rice. 3. Varnish on wood

3. Stains. The purpose of such compositions is to tint the wood and provide temporary protection from negative influences. But it requires constant updating of the layer that emphasizes the wood structure.

There are several options:

  • With a varnish base (azure). The composition reduces the duration of work, but aesthetics are difficult to achieve, so a single-color surface can be obtained by spraying with a spray gun;
  • With oils. Must be diluted with solvent before use;
  • With water. It takes longer to dry, but there is no toxic odor. The composition penetrates deeply, giving a more saturated shade and a clear pattern that looks beautiful;
  • Alcohol based. It dries quickly, but is more expensive and has a strong odor.

Fig.4. Wood stain for a wooden door

To protect wood from fungus, moisture and dirt, oil wax is used, which penetrates deeply into the surface. The coating adds strength and shine.

If you are choosing what to stain the surface of the door with, then you need to take into account the drying time and the resulting effect.

Preparing the canvas for painting

First, the door is removed from its hinges and placed on a flat surface. Before use alkyd paint It is better to place the canvas outside or in a well-ventilated area. The door is then locked so that all elements are accessible. The fittings are also removed or wrapped in foil, and the locks are sealed with tape.

Cleaning the door

Preliminary cleaning and removal of old enamel or paint. For such purposes it is better to use grinder, and in its absence, you can peel off the layer with medium-grain sandpaper. Any bubbles that appear are eliminated with a hairdryer, which heats up the paint layer to remove it with a spatula. Expensive and in a simple way surface cleaning is done using washing compounds.

Rice. 5. Cleaning and grinding the surface

Old paint layers can be removed abrasive attachment to the drill. Pieces of dust and paint are swept away from the panel, the surface is sanded so that there are no scratches, unevenness or roughness. The surface is inspected from both sides, the density of the joints is analyzed, and the frame can be strengthened with fasteners and metal corners.

Puttying and sanding

Existing cracks and gouges are filled with new putty.. For alkyd paint, a composition of any color is suitable, and before applying oil impregnation, varnish or wax, the tone of the putty must match the panel. Dried areas of the door are sanded with fine-grained sandpaper. At this stage, any defects are eliminated.

Rice. 6. Door putty

Antiseptic coating

When applying paint, the surface is pre-treated with a fire retardant and antiseptic impregnation(for example, biotex) when the door is installed in a steam room. It is advisable to choose products from the same company, which will improve interaction and quality of coverage.

Rice. 7. Antiseptic for wood

After this, the door needs to be primed, and then a layer of putty must be applied. All areas of the door need to be treated, as well as cracks in decorative parts, between the jamb and the lintel. After the putty has dried, the surface is puttied again.

Dyeing technology

If you are painting a new canvas, you should protect it from swelling. First lay it on a flat surface and sand it with sandpaper or a sander. Then the panel is primed, the recesses are processed and flat areas. After the surface has dried, secondary treatment is carried out.

Rice. 8. Directions for painting the canvas

An old house door needs to be painted with high quality so that there are no stains or smudges on its surface. It is unlikely that you need to buy a spray bottle to paint one or two canvases, so you can use a paneled brush or roller.

After you have chosen what you can use to paint a wooden door, you should familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of the work:

  • fluff the brush, removing poorly fixed hairs;
  • paint correctly panel door you need to do it in 3 stages, using a roller, from the upper left corner you need to move to the right, covering the entire canvas. After drying, the door must be processed in the longitudinal direction. Then you need to paint the canvas from the upper right corner;
  • When processing paneled fabric, you need to use a brush and treat the surface carefully, avoiding excess coating.

Rice. 9. Sequence of web processing

Painting with alkyd enamel

To coat doors with alkyd enamel, the following steps should be followed:

  • remove the panel from the hinges so that paint drips do not appear on the surface. Then use a spatula and sandpaper to remove abrasions and the old layer, thoroughly rinse the surface and inspect for defects. Chips and cracks are puttied, the surface is dried and sanded. On last stage priming is carried out;
  • the finished canvas lies on a horizontal surface of the floor, table or workbench, covered with polyethylene. The existing glass is sealed with tape. For a paneled door, first paint the panels with a brush, and then the protrusions. Subsequently, the entire panel is painted with a roller. With a two-layer application of alkyd enamel, the result will be a consumption of 40-80 g/m2;
  • Additionally, you can tint the canvas under wenge by impregnating it special composition. The basis of this paint includes natural oils. After a coat of paint has been applied, you need to run over it rubber spatula or sponge about 10 times;
  • you can take liquid soap with paint. First, the panel is covered with paint and liquid soap. You need to apply another layer of coating to the soap.

Rice. 10. Alkyd enamel for processing wooden surfaces

Stain treatment

When choosing a stain, no primer is used. The product penetrates into the deep layers of pine or oak wood, coloring its fibers and increasing its protective properties. There are several ways to apply the composition: rubbing, spraying, simple application and staining with a brush. Usually simple application is used.

Rice. 11. Processing the canvas with stain

Since the stain will adhere better to a damp canvas, it needs to be slightly moistened. First, coloring is carried out along the fibers, and then across them. We perform the next layer in the direction of the fibers. We process the panel with jambs from below so as not to disturb the design of the structure.

After the water-based stain has been applied, the surface should be sanded using sandpaper (due to raised fibers), remove dust and apply the next layer of coating. If an alcohol stain is used, the fibers will not lift and no sanding is required. But aqueous formulations do not have an unpleasant odor or toxicity.

Oil or wax impregnations

There are nuances to processing canvas with oil impregnation. First, the Pinotex composition is mixed well. If applied incorrectly, darkened areas and streaks may appear. For work, use a brush, sprayer, roller or foam sponge. Depending on the porosity of the material, the number of layers will be calculated.

Rice. 12. Application of wax impregnation

First, collect a little composition, distributing it evenly across the width of the panel. Then the impregnation is rolled out with a roller or rubbed with a brush without sagging. Drying time is 8-12 hours. No later than a day later, another layer is applied.

Wood imitation

To paint interior doors under the tree with your own hands was done correctly, follow the instructions:

  • apply light paint (beige, white, gray or yellow) to the building material;
  • treat the dried surface with liquid soap;
  • cover with dark paint, remove liquid soap.

The wood structure can be created on veneered material by treating the fibers with a special brush (an antique effect is obtained). Then you need to apply one or more to the surface paint coatings and polish it.

How to paint laminated doors

Compared to doors made of natural wood, laminated products look aesthetically pleasing, are easy to use and are affordable. To process laminated doors you will need a roller or brush, wood putty with a spatula, sandpaper, rags, solvent and special enamel.

The surface is completely sanded, cleaned of dust with a rag and puttyed with a thin layer. After the putty has dried, it is treated with sandpaper, applied a second time and sanded again after drying. Before painting, the composition is diluted with a solvent. The paint is applied carefully, paying attention to hard-to-reach areas. After 3 layers, the result is secured with varnish.

Rice. 13. Varnishing wood surface

If there are no defects, you can update laminated coating. A tinted varnish or stain is suitable, which is applied after sanding and tinting.

The color of the panel is selected based on your wishes. The main recommendations include:

  • drying the surface before applying alkyd enamel;
  • combination of shade of canvas with furniture;
  • choosing a solid wood door coated with oil impregnation for a wooden home;
  • combination of an aged door with antique items;
  • choosing a dark-tinted door for lacquered furniture;
  • use of water-based paints.

During the process of painting a door, you need to follow proper techniques and safety measures.

The difference in temperature and air humidity negatively affects the condition of wooden doors in the house. What happens to them and is it possible to prevent this process?

How does moisture form in doors?

Entrance doors suffer the most. In winter, the difference between thermometer readings inside and outside the house can reach 40 °C. To reduce harmful effects temperature differences on the door, fillers are used that provide thermal resistance to heat transfer. They dampen the temperature difference inside the door leaf.

But the fillers do not protect the entire door - the edge of the leaf experiences the full temperature load. What does this lead to?

  1. Moisture accumulates inside the door leaf.
  2. On particularly cold days it freezes and destroys the structure of the wood. Sometimes you can even hear the door cracking.

But it’s not just the frost that’s harmful. And wet autumn weather negatively affects the condition of the door. Under the influence of temperature differences, moisture moves and accumulates in the warm zone of the door leaf. During one autumn day, multiple temperature changes occur. As a result, drop by drop, water will accumulate in the door and it will begin to rot.

Method of protection

To prevent moisture from damaging the door, you need to prevent it from getting inside. For this purpose, the door is painted. A layer of coloring matter during polymerization forms protective film. For better protection you need to apply two layers of paint. Now moisture will not penetrate inside.

But the process of moisture penetration will resume when the protective layer of paint or varnish cracks. And this happens quite quickly, because the doors experience dynamic load during operation: in other words, they are opened and closed several times a day and not always lightly.

Many manufacturers are trying to use elastic coatings. They change their geometry along with changes that occur under dynamic loads. In addition to oil and varnish coatings, they began to use oil processing of products. This method of moisture protection works as follows:

  • the oil penetrates into the wood, closes its pores, making it impossible for moisture to enter them;
  • in the connections of individual parts, a single solid structure is formed from a polymerized oil coating. The joints are filled, all existing cracks are closed.

Wooden doors have been protected in this way for a long time. The oil has proven its effectiveness in increasing the service life of wooden doors.

Types of oils for coating wood products

Linseed oil the best way performs its protective function. But its production volumes are small and the cost is high. Therefore, mineral oils obtained from petroleum refining are widely used. The disadvantage is the long polymerization time.

The export of palm oil is significant; dry mixtures with a high degree of fat content (up to 80–85%) are made from it. This product began to be used to create mastics. It turns out to be a kind of wax, which is diluted with a solvent or liquid vegetable oil is used.

Method No. 1. White spirit solvent and mastic.

  1. When liquefying, add white spirit - 10-15% of the volume and mix until smooth.
  2. The resulting solution is stored in a container with a tight lid - as the solvent evaporates, the mass thickens.
  3. The product prepared for processing is covered with a solution. Use different ways application. At industrial production wooden products the solution is sprayed using a spray gun (sometimes you have to add a solvent to reduce the viscosity).
  4. Dry in dryers for 1.5–2.5 hours at a temperature of 45–55 °C.

As a result of accelerated tests carried out by independent experts on special stands, where the doors were forcibly opened and closed, no changes occurred after 100,000 cycles. The tightness of the door leaf has not changed.

Cold tests after completion of the “clapping” test showed that moisture saturation does not occur with a temperature difference of 60 ° C and a humidity of 80% on the cold side.

Method No. 2. Use mastic and cottonseed oil.

  1. Palm oil mastic is heated in a water bath.
  2. When liquefied, add cottonseed oil - 5-10% of the volume and mix until smooth. The solution does not evaporate quickly, but it is not stored for a long time. Typically used within 8–10 hours.
  3. The product prepared for processing is covered with a solution. Mostly painted with a brush or roller. The solution is quite thick.
  4. Dry in dryers for 4–6 hours at a temperature of 45–55 °C.

As a result of the tests, even after 500,000 cycles of opening and closing the door, no changes occurred. The door was like new.

The use of thick mastics with solvents allows you to obtain oil coatings high strength. The input and interior doors will last for several decades.
