What is morality? Problems of morality in the modern world. A short dictionary of moral concepts What concepts relate to the categories of morality comfort

A short dictionary of moral concepts to help parents.

Altruism - the ability to selflessly sacrifice one's own interests in favor of the interests of another; indifference, caring for one's neighbor, mercy, self-denial, self-sacrifice. The opposite of selfishness.

Thanks - a feeling of gratitude for the attention provided, for selfless help; willingness to respond with a mutual benefit, "to repay good for good."

Poverty- lack of wealth. The opposite of wealth, prosperity.

Idleness - idle pastime, lack of interest in useful and regular work, activities; bum, lazy, white-handed, idle, lazy.

Soullessness - about a person devoid of sensitivity, responsiveness, capable of being cruel; who are not moved by the sorrows and joys of others. The opposite of sensitivity, responsiveness, participation, attention.

Ruthlessness - inability to compassion and pity; heartless, merciless, merciless; "Stone heart".

Carelessness- about a person who does not bother himself with worries, does not think about the consequences of his actions, actions; careless, frivolous; "Wind in the head."

Shamelessness - when a person openly and sometimes grossly neglects generally accepted norms, the interests of others; unceremonious, arrogant.

Defenseless - about those who cannot defend themselves on their own, do not have the means of self-defense; unarmed, powerless, powerless, weak; "You can take it with your bare hands."

Indifference - a state of complete indifference, disinterest, indifference to what is happening or to a person; coldness, insensibility. The opposite of participation, interest.

Recklessness- about actions and behavior that are not consistent with the requirements of common sense; crazy, crazy.

Uncomplaining- about who accepts, without grumbling, without resistance, difficult conditions, an unfair attitude towards himself; meek, humble.

Beloruchka - someone who avoids hard or dirty work is not used to serious work; master.

Selfless- a kind deed by someone who does not seek personal gain and is able to take care of others more than about himself; when there is no desire to acquire rewards for good deeds; unmercenary.

Unmercenary - distributing his property and helping people without demanding anything for it.

Fearlessness - a positive character trait, expressed not so much in the absence of fear as in the ability to overcome it; courage, courage.

Tactlessness - a negative character trait, manifested in the absence of sensitivity, cordiality, a sense of proportion in relation to the people around. The opposite of tact, correctness.

Boon - manifests itself in care and compassion aimed at the good of people; benevolence and generosity, understanding of the problems of another person and participation in his fate.

Benevolence- benevolence, benevolence, benevolence, friendliness, sympathy, friendliness.

Nobility - the ability to rise above selfish motives and act selflessly in the interests of other people; generosity (greatness of the soul), selflessness, high morality, honesty, chivalry.

Wealth - prosperity, large personal property, prosperity in the family, household, significant funds that provide the necessary comfort in abundance. Opposite to poverty, scarcity, misery.

Talkativeness- talkativeness, long-windedness, talkativeness, talkativeness, idle talk, joke. The opposite of silence.

Vandalism- barbarity; senseless and cruel destruction, desecration of anything, including historical monuments and cultural values. The word vandalism comes from the name of an ancient Germanic tribe that destroyed Rome and destroyed its cultural values.

To be important - it is important to hold on, trying to show your importance, to give yourself more importance than you should. Razg .: puff, pout, arrogance, turn up your nose.

Politeness - showing courtesy and respect in dealing with people; attentiveness, friendliness, willingness to provide a service to everyone who needs it, delicacy, tact. The opposite of rudeness, rudeness, arrogance and disdain.

Generosity - nobility, when humanity exceeds the measure of generally accepted norms; self-sacrifice for the sake of the interests of others; rejection of the requirement to punish the person who committed the act or caused the damage; humane attitude towards the vanquished.

Fidelity - steadfastness in relationships and performance of their duties, duty, invariability in feelings. The faithful love their loved ones, are devoted and reliable in the family.

Perfidy - betrayal, treason, when a person grossly violates his obligations, established relationship or oath.

Cheerful - cheerful, causing joy. Cheerful person, cheerful mood, cheerful character. Opposite: sad, sad, dull, sad, dull.

Materialism - an increased interest in things, in their possession at the expense of spiritual interests.

Mutual assistance - mutual assistance, support provided to each other, and relationships based on common interests and goals.

Understanding- agreement, mutual understanding, understanding, close contact. Those who understand each other have unanimity in their opinions and actions.

Wines- guilt, the moral state of a person, due to the violation of his moral duty. Awareness of guilt is expressed in a sense of shame, pangs of conscience, repentance.

Imperious- power-hungry, autocratic, inclined to command - about a person and his character.

Appearance - external appearance, which is not always a reflection of the internal spiritual content.

Mindfulness - indifference, courtesy; the host's attentiveness to the guests, a caring attitude towards loved ones and the people around them.

Will - one of the basic mental abilities of a person, which consists in the conscious regulation of their behavior, in the management of their actions. Opposite to bondage, dependence, dependence, subordination.

Upbringing - assistance in consolidating those hereditary rules of behavior that children received from their parents, as well as the spiritual and moral development of the younger generation, active participation in learning, mental and physical improvement of children.

Delight - the highest degree of manifestation of joy, delight, satisfaction, charm.

Excerpt - the ability to control oneself, the ability to control one's behavior and impulsive actions, subjecting them to the existing norms and rules of behavior.

Endurance - the ability to endure difficulties, hardships; show persistence; endure, having undergone suffering, deprivation.

Arrogance- an exaggerated high opinion of oneself and a disdainful attitude towards others; arrogance, arrogance, arrogance, selfishness, arrogance, pride.

Harmony- harmonious combination, mutual correspondence of parts of the whole, qualities, phenomena, objects; consonance, agreement.

Anger- a state of extreme indignation and discontent; passion, directed most often against a neighbor, darkening and devastating the soul; a common sin that leads to irreparable trouble and terrible crimes.

Pride - too high a person's assessment of his or others' achievements and merits; self-affirmation, self-conceit, self-confidence, arrogance, arrogance, pride - excessive pride.

Hospitality - cordiality, hospitality; readiness and desire to receive guests, a friendly welcome; bread and salt.

Coarseness- disrespectful attitude towards people; outright ill will; inability to contain irritation; insulting the dignity of others, swagger, foul language, the use of derogatory nicknames and nicknames.

To be sad - to grieve, yearn, despondent, upset.

Gourmet- lover and connoisseur of especially delicate, exquisite dishes; glutton.

To give- give free of charge, donate, donate, give, reward, do not forget.

Delicacy- tact, courtesy, gentleness, spiritual subtlety, sensitivity, politeness, courtesy, courtesy.

Share - to donate from their property or from their knowledge; communicate something with empathy and shared experience.

Business-like - organization and clarity in work, the ability to find the most rational ways to solve emerging practical problems, persistence and consistency in overcoming difficulties and achieving the goal.

Audacity- manifests itself in unworthy, unrestrained actions of a person, his rude, harsh words, expressing disregard for the accepted norms of relations between people, offending the dignity of others.

Despot - an autocratic ruler, a tyrant - a person who cruelly tramples the will and desires of others.

Diplomatic -political, distinguished by subtlety, dexterity, prudence.

Discipline - a certain order of behavior obligatory for all; school, labor discipline; the ability to restrain one's impulses when control over one's actions is carried out by a strong-willed internal effort.

Virtue - doing good, positive moral qualities of a person; love for one's neighbor, wisdom, chastity, hard work, patience, bearing sorrows, meekness and a number of other good qualities. The opposite is vice.

Good nature- benevolence, kindness, complacency, gentleness, emotional disposition towards people, towards everything around.

Benevolence- desire for good to others, disposition, participation, benevolence; manifests itself in a friendly disposition, participation, in sympathetic words, in a friendly manner of communication.

Kindness- a kind heart, responsiveness, inclination of good will to the good and good of people; d hearty will be distinguished by a sympathetic attitude towards the fate of others.

Kindness - the desire to do good; solicitude, consideration, the ability to empathize, without which kindness is inconceivable.

Debt- duty, vocation, for example, maternal duty, civic duty; the ability of a person, out of a sense of duty to his family, his country, for real deeds.

Dear - the one who is sweet, loved, close to the heart, desired, respected.

Fight -quarrel, skirmish, hand-to-hand combat, struggle; “Even pour water”; intemperance, inability to respect the dignity of another person.

Friend - a person who is close in spirit, in convictions, on whom you can rely in everything; comrade, close in the line of activity, occupation; a friend with whom you have a good, but not very close relationship.

friendship - disinterested relationships, which are based on mutual disposition and trust, on respect and love, on common views and interests; friends are always ready to help.

Soulfulness - responsiveness, sincerity, kind-heartedness, compassion, kindness; people with these qualities are spiritually generous, merciful, know how to feel someone else's pain and are always ready to help.

Greed - the sister of envy and self-love; gluttony, greed, stinginess; manifestation of an irrepressible desire to receive something in more than necessary quantity.

Complaint- a feeling of mercy to those who are in trouble, who have grief, understanding of their problems; cordial attitude, mental pain at the sight of other people's suffering.

To complain - cry, complain, often with reproaches and reproaches; express grief, resentment, discontent, regret and grief about something.

Cruel - heartless, cruel, ruthless, merciless; the actions of a person who does not know pity, does not show compassion, condescension.

Cheerful - cheerful, cheerful, loving life, not giving in to adversity.

Care - attention, support, assistance, protection; care and beneficence in relation to the sick, the weak and the elderly.

Envy - a feeling of hostility towards another person in relation to his happiness, well-being, success, moral, cultural level or material superiority; based on selfishness, selfishness.

Propitiating - cajoling with flattery, favors, gifts.

Ask - to be proud, to be proud, to think of oneself; “Spread the peacock's tail”.

Cocky - splinter, bullying , inclined to bully someone, provoke an argument or quarrel, a fight.

Get big - behave arrogantly, arrogantly, dismissive of others, be proud, exalted, think highly of oneself.

Arrogance - bombast, pride, egotism; "Star fever", "megalomania".

Shy- one who is easily embarrassed, lost, experiencing confusion and indecision; timid, shy, bashful, embarrassed.

Protect - to protect, to guard; to take under their protection, under the protection, to intercede; to defend their Motherland, to bravely fight for the Fatherland and for the truth. The opposite: to attack, as well as to allow, to be indifferent.

Crime - deception, violence, mockery; a crime against morality, an encroachment on spiritual and material values. The opposite of a good deed.

Gloat - delight in someone else's grief, misfortune, trouble.

Slander - slanderousness, slanderousness; negative judgments, gossip, gossip, slander; tendency to sarcastically evaluate people.

Apology- regret, remorse; condescension to guilt, misconduct, forgiveness, pardon.

Bullying -harassment, mockery; a person's tendency to treat someone extremely offensive, subjecting them to humiliation and rude ridicule.

Treason -betrayal, violation of loyalty to a common cause, comradeship, love, Motherland.

Individuality - the unique originality of an individual, a unique embodiment in his personality of hereditary and acquired during life; a set of inherent thoughts, feelings, interests, habits, moods, abilities, intelligence.

Intelligence - personal qualities of a person; a combination of the nobility of the soul and the ability to work of the mind, intelligence and tolerance of character, the reliability of words and the truthfulness of actions; a set of interest in art and literature, respect for culture and moral integrity.

Interest- the cognitive focus of a person on objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, associated with a positive emotional experience.

Intuition - conclusion without consistent reasoning, flair, guess; direct understanding based on innate knowledge and acquired experience.

Sincerity - openness, straightforwardness, honesty, genuineness, sincerity, straightforwardness, truthfulness; a sincere person does not pretend and does not hide his true attitude towards others.

Caprice- whim, absurd, unreasonable desire, demand.

Flaunt, swagger- to show their superiority in front of others and to be emphatically arrogant.

Slander- an agreement to defame someone, a false accusation; libel, insinuations - slanderous fabrications mainly in the press, in official statements.

Greed - striving for profit and enrichment; greed, commercialism, the desire to derive material benefit from everything.

Eloquence- ability to speak easily, possession of the gift of eloquence; sweet-tongued - able to speak beautifully, captivatingly; eloquent - loving to talk a lot and pompous.

Meekness- good nature, peacefulness, humility, humility, patience; a meek person is compliant, modest, obedient, reliable and kind.

Culture- the level of achievements of human society in a certain era of any people, class; cultural - civilized, developed.

Idol- the subject of enthusiastic admiration, adoration, admiration; one whom people make an idol for themselves to worship.

Weasel - this is a manifestation of a kind-hearted attitude in the form of tenderness, warmth, friendliness, gentleness.

Liar -lover to compose, invent, deceive, lie.

Laziness - inaction, idleness, inertia, lack of desire to work, work. The opposite of vigorous activity.

Hypocrisy- insincerity, duplicity, double-mindedness, pharisaism; hypocritical - resorting to pretense, deception in order to hide his true thoughts, intentions.

Love - the highest feeling of heartfelt affection, the purest feeling that gives rise to the desire to do good, to be merciful.

Curiosity - a personality trait characterized by an active cognitive attitude to reality; inquisitive, inquisitive - striving to acquire new and diverse knowledge.

Behavior - a complex that includes external forms of dealing with other people, used expressions, tone, intonation, gestures, manner of dress; culture of behavior.

Master- artisan, virtuoso, specialist; a person who has achieved high perfection in any business.

Dream- a kind of imagination, fantasy, creation of images of the desired future.

Mercy - active participation in the fate of another; willingness to selflessly help those in need; mercy, compassionate love.

Alms - alms to the beggar, the needy.

Peaceful - not inclined to enmity and quarrels, full of peacefulness; reconcile - stop quarreling, enmity, reconcile; peacefulness - striving for the preservation of peace, friendliness.

Worldview- outlook, outlook; system of views, views on nature and society.

Verbose - voluminous , who has a habit of expressing his thoughts excessively.

Morality - a system of norms that define the responsibilities of a person in relation to society and other people; morality, ethics.

Wisdom - a deep mind, based on life experience, knowledge gained.

Courage - a combination of courage, endurance, perseverance and determination in a person; the embodiment of firmness of character, loyalty to the ideal and to oneself in the face of danger, injustice.

Observation- the ability to most fully notice the properties and characteristics of objects and phenomena, to notice details that are eluding others; sharpness.

Impudence - refers to someone who behaves not only arrogantly, but also rudely, extremely arrogantly, impudently, shamelessly, unceremoniously.

Reward- gratitude, retribution, reward for merits.

Hope - expectation of something desired, associated with confidence in its implementation ; hope, hope.

Reliable- one that inspires confidence, on which you can rely; right.

Bothersome - the one who causes irritation by his frequent appeal, attention to himself; annoying, annoying, affectionate.

Enjoy- to experience great pleasure, bliss; feeling of delight, admiration.

Mock - make someone the subject of ridicule, offensive remarks; laugh, make fun, mock evil and offensive.

Persistence - a positive volitional personality trait, character, manifested in the persistent achievement of the goal. It is different from stubbornness - the result of weak will.

To head off - to sneak, complain, and financially; secretly report someone's fault, deed to elders, to the person on whom the one whom they complain about depends.

Nationalism - the idea of \u200b\u200bnational exclusivity, the superiority of the values \u200b\u200bof one's own people and their belittling among other peoples. In practice, it leads to national enmity.

Negligence - without effort and thoroughness; somehow, somehow, as necessary, "carelessly".

Carelessness - without showing due attention to others; admission of mistakes, negligence, negligence.

Bad manners - inability to behave; bad manners.

Bad faith - attitude to their affairs, duties without due diligence, attention; negligence.

Tenderness - warmth and softness, subtlety and fragility in a relationship. Actions expressing tender feelings, affectionate words.

Untidiness - disorder in clothes, premises, lack of cleanliness; sloppiness, slovenliness.

Naughty- one who does not obey, does not obey; loving to act contrary to; rebellious, obstinate.

Indifference - care, interest, attention, responsiveness.

Uncertainty- uncertainty, indecision in voice, movements, gait; inner doubts, timidity.

Offend - to hurt, hurt, trouble.

Take offense- to be offended, to feel offended. The strong and arrogant know how to hurt painfully, to oppress, but how important it is not to be bitter, but to forget the insults and forgive the offenders.

Cheating - what is deliberately misleading; lie, untruth, distortion of truth, cunning. Contrary to truth, truth.

Sociability - the need and ability of a person to communicate, contact with other people, establish mutual understanding with them; striving for initiative.

Common man- a person with a limited outlook, living with small, personal interests; tradesman.

Duty - the duty of a person, the task assigned to him.

Optimism - cheerful and joyful attitude; joie de vivre, cheerfulness, life affirmation.

Neatness - cleanliness, selection, neatness, cleanliness.

Condemnation - a kind of pride; to condemn - to recognize something reprehensible, express disapproval, judge, condemn, despise, humiliate a neighbor.

Responsibility - the ability of the individual to understand the compliance of the results of his actions with the goals set, the norms accepted in society.

Responsiveness - cordiality, kindness, sympathy, compassion, compassion, sensitivity; a sympathetic person, sincere, kind-hearted, attentive, humane.

Passivity - inertia, inactivity; lack of interest; inability or unwillingness to act, take part in any activity.

Patriotism- a feeling of love for your Fatherland; willingness to subordinate their personal interests to the interests of the country; faithfully serve and protect her.

Pessimism- hopelessness, lack of faith in the future.

Surface- one who does not differ in depth, thoroughness of knowledge, thoughtful approach to life.

Suck up- by flattery, servility to seek someone's favor.

Imitation- following an example, which is manifested in the repetition by one person of any actions and characteristics of another person.

Donation- a gift, a contribution in favor of a person, institution.

Donate myself - to voluntarily refuse something to the detriment of oneself, one's interests, sacrifice oneself.

Cognition - interest in knowledge, the need for self-study, the study of the surrounding world.

Patronage - support, beneficence, protection rendered to the powerful and the strong to the weak.

Useful - beneficial, necessary for a specific purpose, fruitful.

Help - support, assistance, heartfelt sympathy, beneficence and beneficence. Many people are always ready to lend a helping hand to someone who needs it.

Understanding - comprehension and awareness of someone else's problem.

Decency- honesty, incapacity for low deeds.

Obedient- submissive, diligent, meek, willingly obeying, devoted, humble, reliable.

Deed - decisive, active action in difficult circumstances, feat.

Truthfulness - the quality of a person to speak the truth, not to hide the actual state of affairs from people and himself.

Right - loyalty, truthfulness, the correct way of acting and thinking.

Idle talk - verbosity, idle talk, gossip.

Idle - spending time in idleness, idleness.

Devotion - loyalty, immutability, commitment, immutability, ideology. The opposite of infidelity, betrayal, betrayal.

Betrayal - perfidy, treason, desertion, deceit. The opposite of loyalty, dedication.

Prejudice - manifestations of habitual, erroneous judgments about the connections of some phenomena, superstition.

The crime- an act, an action that is a violation of the existing legal order and entails punishment.

Vocation- interest and ability for certain activities, the desire to perform it; professional self-determination of personality.

Decently - in accordance with the accepted rules of conduct, relations; decent, decent.

Example - instructive event or deed that serves as a model of behavior. This can be an example of selfless love for the Fatherland, courage, love, loyalty.

Misdemeanor - an act that violates any norms, rules of conduct, offense, sin .

Profession - a kind of labor activity, which is usually a source of livelihood and requires certain knowledge, skills, abilities.

Forgiveness - pardon, apology. To forgive is not to remember the wrongs inflicted, to forgive someone, not to blame him for mistakes.

Indifference - lack of participation, interest in the environment, what is happening, indifference, indifference, indifference.

Joy - a feeling of great pleasure and spiritual satisfaction, good, festive mood, fun, cheerfulness.

Cordiality - cordial attitude combined with hospitality, willingness to help, provide a service, friendliness, hospitality, warm welcome.

Cheeky - about behavior, manners: emphatically free and careless, familiar, familiar.

Talkative - loving to talk; talkative, talkative, talkative ; speaking too much, in vain; weak on the tongue.

Divide - to be in solidarity, to share difficulties, to experience any feeling together with another.

Annoy - to be nervous; lead to a state of nervous excitement, cause discontent, anger, annoyance.

Repentance - feeling of guilt for a committed wrong or bad deed and a desire to atone for it; conviction of erroneousness, immorality or criminality of the actions committed, feelings of guilt and remorse.

Licentiousness - intemperance, self-will; the one who does not adhere to order, discipline, behaves willfully, unrestrained.

Determination - in intention, decision: distinguished by firmness, steadfastness.

Timidity - lack of self-confidence, in their abilities, retreat in front of difficulties, in front of danger.

Homeland - the country in which a person was born and lives, Fatherland, Fatherland, native side, native land; history of the country, its culture, language.

Native- related, for example, parents and children, brothers and sisters, grandparents; people who are close in spirit and interests.

Vanity- exaggerated selfishness, combined with vanity, ambition; narcissism, selfishness, ambition; self-esteem (usually combined with increased attention to the opinions of others).

Self-justification - justification of oneself, one's behavior, actions.

Selflessly- selflessly, selflessly, forgetting about oneself, not sparing strength and life, sacrificing one's own interests, oneself for the good of others.

Independence - independence, self-sufficiency; freedom from external influences, coercion, from outside support, help.

Grumpiness- tendency to quarrels, quarrels; absurdity, quarrels over trifles.

Willfulness - the tendency to act, to act according to their own will, whim, regardless of others.

A family- this is a common home, and joint affairs, and warm good relations between relatives.

Cordiality- a kind heart, sincerity, sincerity, compassion, responsiveness, cordiality, attentiveness.

Be angry- feel a sense of irritation, indignation, anger; be in irritation, in anger.

Foul language - the use of abusive and rude words in conversation.

Modesty- ease of handling, critical attitude towards oneself, respect for others, unwillingness to emphasize their merits. It manifests itself in all human behavior, in his dress, manners, speech, and lifestyle.

Boredom - lack of interesting incentives. Boredom is unusual for individuals with a rich inner world.

Weakness - lack of stamina, hardness in character; weakness, spinelessness, faintheartedness, softness.

Courage - the ability of a person to overcome the feeling of fear, uncertainty in success, fear of difficulties and adverse consequences for him.

Humility- this word means life with peace of mind. A humble person treats everything peacefully, does not consider himself better than others, realizes his shortcomings, humbles his pride. In relations with people, he shows humility, meekness.

Condescension - a gentle and tolerant attitude towards mistakes, mistakes of others; tolerance, tolerance.

Conscience - innate moral sense; consciousness and sense of responsibility of a person for their behavior, prompting a person to truth and good, turning him away from evil and lies.

Intimate- one that is kept in the depths of the soul, is not expressed to anyone; cherished, reserved.

Compassion- a feeling of pity, caused by someone's misfortune, a difficult fate. This is, for example, suffering for orphans. Next to compassion are such concepts as mercy, sympathy, compassion, pity, regret. .

Sympathy- understanding the feelings of another person; indifference, condolences; the ability to relate with participation, compassion for someone's experience, trouble; share someone else's grief.

Save - to help, serve as protection, help out, protect, preserve, protect, preserve; go to the rescue, rescue.

To gossip- spread rumors, talk about someone, based on false information, speculation. Gossip - in all the little things to discuss someone's behavior, actions. To gossip is sarcastic and evil to gossip about someone. To ring - to spread gossip widely.

Calm - characterized by a balanced character, not causing anxiety. Meek - incapable of causing harm, concern. Humble.

Abilities- individual inclinations (musical, artistic, mathematical, constructive consideration, observation, etc.). They are given by nature, but their development is important.

Justice - compliance of human relations, laws, orders with moral and ethical, legal norms and requirements.

Love of money - greed for money, greed: a property that leads to many grave crimes.

Quarrel - a state of mutual enmity, the presence of hostile, hostile relations. A feud is a long quarrel with sharp, ongoing disagreements. A spat is a small and short-lived quarrel. Swara is a long petty quarrel with mutual grievances.

Diligence - diligence in work, diligence, diligence, hard work, thoroughness.

Fear - a feeling of strong anxiety, anxiety, mental confusion in front of some kind of danger; horror, fear, awe.

Ashamed- ashamed, shameful; uncomfortable, shameful; about a feeling of shame, awkwardness.

Superstition - manifests itself in the belief in omens, fortune-telling, prophetic dreams, conspiracies, astrological predictions.

Vanity - hasty, erratic movement, running around, chores; turmoil.

Tact - compliance with the measure in communication and the accepted rules of politeness; exclusion of actions and words that may be unpleasant to the interlocutor; showing attention to people around you; correctness.

Patience - patience, as opposed to fervor, the ability to maintain self-control and self-control.

Hard work- a necessary condition for any work activity; diligence, diligence and diligence.

Cowardice - caution, timidity; defensive reaction - in early childhood; excessive fearfulness at an older age will go along with cowardice, suspiciousness, indecision, cowardice.

Parasite - one who lives on someone else's expense, someone else's labor; parasite, drone.

Vanity - popularity, ambition, pride; striving for glory, for veneration.

Respect- a feeling based on the recognition of someone's merits, merits; reverence - deep respect, usually for a person who is older in age, position, knowledge; piety - the highest degree of respect, reverence.

Treat- regale, hospitably offer food, drink, showing attention, respect. Bring, serve, exhibit, feast on.

Astonishing - causing surprise by its uniqueness, incomprehensibility; amazing, amazing, stunning.

Smile- facial expressions expressing greeting, pleasure, joy; a wide smile, a gentle smile, a sly smile.

Mind - thinking ability, reason, reason, insight, mentality, peculiarity of the world outlook, common sense. In Latin, this concept corresponds to intelligence.

Stubbornness- willfulness, assertiveness, perseverance; perseverance, endurance, willpower, iron will; uncompromising, steadfastness.

Snatch - to receive, to acquire something in a not entirely honest way or deftly, with practical skill; grab, grab.

Service- an action that benefits another, a blessing, good.

Compliance- meekness; compliance, complaisance; softness, humility, compliance, softness, easygoingness, flexibility.

Care- to take care, provide assistance, services, create favorable conditions; to care for the sick, raise, love and undead children.

Happiness- a kind character trait, first of all, responsiveness, compassion. A person with such spiritual qualities is attentive to people, warm and kind. He takes an active part in the fate of orphans, has compassion for the sick and the weak.

Cosiness - Convenience at home, warmth, comfort, order, well-arranged life.

Surname - hereditary family name added to a personal name and passed from father to children. A series of generations descending from the same ancestor.

Dreamer - a person inclined to fantasize, make any plans that are far from reality, a fantasy writer, a dreamer; utopian - a person indulging in unrealizable dreams.

Dandy - smartly, fashionably dressed person; dandy, fashionista - dressing in the latest fashion; dude - paying too much attention to his clothes, appearance.

Hypocrite- a person pretending to be highly moral and hypocritically condemning the shortcomings, vices of people; hypocrite, Pharisee.

Character - individual characteristics of a person. One is kind and peaceful, warm-hearted and compassionate, while the other is indifferent to other people's problems, arrogant, quick-tempered and stubborn.

To praise- to express approval, praise to someone, someone's merits, merits; to praise, to exalt - to enthusiastically praise, glorify, sing praises.

Boasting - praising their own, often imaginary, merits; bragging, pride.

Trick- show cunning, slyness; dissemble, be wise, cheat.

Bravery - a character trait, manifested in the ability of the individual to overcome the feeling of fear in a situation of danger and risk himself in order to achieve the goal

Philanthropy - love, mercy, kindness, friendliness.

Man-pleasing - servility to people; hypocrisy, flattery.

Honest- about activities, work, behavior: not tainted by anything reprehensible; blameless.

Honesty- truthfulness, straightforwardness, nobility, frankness, sincerity, decency, clarity, purity, decency, integrity.

Ambitious- striving to achieve a high position, gain fame, glory; vain - striving for glory, for honors for their own sake.

Honour- dignity, reputation; honor, respect; signs of attention shown to someone.

Gluttony - pleasing the stomach: gluttony, addiction to sweets, delicious food.

Sensitive - able to be easily moved, to be moved; sentimental.

Feel - to perceive something by intuition; feel.

Feelings- the ability to experience, respond to life experiences, sympathize; emotions, "movement of the soul"; feelings of joy and sadness, love and hate; horror, shame, fear, delight, compassion; despair and bliss.

Sensitive - showing attention, compassion to others, ready to help; responsive.

Sensitivity - the ability to be sensitive to others; sincerity, responsiveness, participation, attention, cordiality; delicacy, subtlety.

Generosity - lack of stinginess, material donation, charity, assistance; generosity, spiritual generosity, a desire to disinterestedly share ideas, happily pass on to others their creative, scientific and other achievements.

Selfishness- a personality trait, a character trait that manifests itself in self-love, preference for their personal interests to the interests of other people. Based on the motives of selfishness and self-interest.

Erudition - a manifestation of the breadth of mind, based on a large amount of knowledge on this issue and provided by memory.

Acrimony - evil mockery, the desire to prick, hurt; sting, malice, poisonousness.

Bright- about appearance, about the person himself; drawing attention to itself, striking; catchy, dazzling; someone who tries to stand out in the crowd with something bright, but inside he is often an empty vessel.

Perhaps it is difficult to name the problems that have also been worrying humanity for a long time, as problems of morality. There is a wide circle of people showing interest (scientific, business, philistine) in the regulation of human relationships. If we take, for example, the treatise of the ancient Roman physician Galen "The Hygiene of Passions, or Moral Hygiene", the studies of the famous economist A. Smith on the theory of moral feelings, the most entertaining presentation of the foundations of morality presented by the Russian physiologist I.I. Mechnikov in "Studies on the Nature of Man", one can see how historically long-lasting and tuned interest in morality is among people of various professions and hobbies.

I.I. Mechnikov wrote that “solving the problems of human life must inevitably lead to a more precise definition of the foundations of morality. The latter should not have immediate pleasure, but the completion of the normal cycle of existence. In order to achieve this result, people must help each other much more than they do now. "

So, the essence of morality as a real social phenomenon, the existence of which is associated with the first efforts of people to live and act together, first spontaneously, and then deliberately uniting, is that it is a vital condition for the survival of people, ordering their social way of life. This alternative gave rise to a number of theoretical grounds according to which a moral person is strictly adapted to the conditions of the external environment (English philosopher Spencer), and nature can be called the first teacher of the moral principle for a person (P.A.Kropotkin). G. Selye, the author of the generally accepted theory of stress, believes that it is biologically useful, and therefore moral standards should be based on biological laws, on the laws of human self-preservation.

One cannot but agree with this position. In fact, the creation of living conditions for a person, in the presence of which his psychosomatic characteristics are improved, acts, for example, as one of the most important requirements of morality. However, G. Selye is categorical, and therefore makes the role of biological laws in constitution the decisive word behind the social image of people's life. It is no accident that morality is generally recognized as a social phenomenon.

Morality as a social phenomenon is theoretically divided into at least two levels - relations and consciousness. Morality can be understood as the orientation of an individual's relationship to people, to material and spiritual values, to the nature surrounding it, to the entire living world. Morality expresses the measure of a person's awareness of his responsibility to society for his behavior, for the performance of his duties and the realization of rights.

A characteristic trend in the development of socialist society is the growth of the moral principle in it. In this regard, it is possible to fix a number of regularities in the general process of development of morality as an expression of the objective needs of socialist construction.

The scientific base of modern management is widely represented by various theoretical and applied branches of knowledge. Among them, ethics as a special scientific and theoretical discipline and as a normative and applied area of \u200b\u200bknowledge, professionally equipping the organizers of production, is called upon to take the right place.

Morality - in a broad sense - is a special form of social consciousness and a type of social relations.

Morality - in the narrow sense - is a set of principles and norms of people's behavior in relation to each other and society.

Morality is a value structure of consciousness, a socially necessary way of regulating human actions in all spheres of life, including work, everyday life and attitude to the environment.

First, about the words. The words "morality", "morality", "ethics" are close in meaning. But they arose in three different languages. The word "ethics" comes from the Greek. ethos - disposition, character, custom. It was introduced into use 2300 years ago by Aristotle, who called "ethical" the virtues or dignities of a person manifested in his behavior - such qualities as courage, prudence, honesty, and "ethics" - the science of these qualities. The word "morality" is of Latin origin. It is derived from lat. mos (plural mores), which meant roughly the same as ethos in Greek - disposition. custom. Cicero, following the example of Aristotle, formed from him the words moralis - moral and moralitas - morality, which became the Latin equivalent of the Greek words ethical and ethics. And "morality" is a Russian word that is taking place by rooting out "temper". It first entered the dictionary of the Russian language in the 18th century and began to be used along with the words "ethics" and "morality" as their synonym. This is how three words appeared in the Russian language with approximately the same meaning. Over time, they acquired some semantic shades that distinguish them from each other. But in the practice of word usage, these words are practically interchangeable (and their semantic shades can almost always be caught in the context).

Moral culture, like all social culture, has two main aspects: 1) values \u200b\u200band 2) regulators.

Moral (moral) values \u200b\u200bare what the ancient Greeks called "ethical virtues". Ancient sages considered prudence, benevolence, courage, and justice to be the main of these virtues. In Judaism, Christianity, Islam, the highest moral values \u200b\u200bare associated with faith in God and zealous reverence for him. Honesty, loyalty, respect for elders, diligence, patriotism are revered as moral values \u200b\u200bamong all peoples. And although in life people do not always show such qualities, they are highly valued by people, and those who possess them are respected. These values, presented in their flawless, absolutely complete and perfect expression, act as ethical ideals.

Moral (moral) regulations are the rules of behavior focused on the specified values. Moral regulations are diverse. Each individual chooses (consciously or unconsciously) in the cultural space those of them that are most suitable for him. Among them there may be those who are not approved by others. But in every more or less stable culture there is a certain system of generally recognized moral regulations, which are traditionally considered obligatory for everyone. Such regulations are moral norms. The Old Testament lists 10 such norms - the "commandments of God" written on the tablets, which were given by God to the prophet Moses when he climbed Mount Sinai ("Thou shalt not kill," "Thou shalt not steal," "Thou shalt not commit adultery," etc.). The norms of truly Christian behavior are the 7 commandments that Jesus Christ pointed out in the Sermon on the Mount: "Resist not an evil one"; “Give to him who asks from you, and don’t turn away from him who wants to borrow from you”; “Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who offend you and persecute you,” etc.

It is clear that moral values \u200b\u200band ideals, on the one hand, and moral regulations and norms, on the other, are inextricably linked. Any moral value presupposes the presence of appropriate regulations for the behavior aimed at it. And any moral regulation implies the existence of a value to which it is directed. If honesty is a moral value, then the following regulation follows: "Be honest." And vice versa, if a person, by virtue of his inner conviction, follows the regulation: “Be honest,” then for him honesty is a moral value. Such interconnection of moral values \u200b\u200band regulations in many cases makes it unnecessary to consider them separately. When talking about honesty, they often mean both honesty as a value and a regulation that requires being honest. When it comes to characteristics that are equally related to both moral values \u200b\u200band ideals and moral regulations and norms, they are usually called the principles of morality (morality, ethics).

The most important feature of morality is the finality of moral values \u200b\u200band the imperativeness of moral regulations. This means that the principles of morality are valuable in themselves. That is, to questions like: "Why do we need them?", "Why should we strive for moral values?", "Why should we observe the norms of morality?" - there is no other answer than to admit that the goal for which we follow moral principles is to follow them. There is no tautology here: simply following moral principles is an end in itself, that is, the highest, final goal ”and there are no other goals that we would like to achieve by following them. They are not a means to any outside of their underlying purpose.

Acting as a sphere of labor communication, the collective has a significant impact on the expansion of the moral experience of people, on the acquisition of new practical knowledge and skills. The labor collective cannot but reckon with the factor that people who have come to production already have their own moral experience.

At the same time, in the work collective, thanks to the active involvement of people in socially useful activities and communication, as well as under the influence of ideological and educational work, the process of correcting the moral stereotypes of people, their expectations and aspirations is under way. Collective traditions are formed in it. Thus, the moral experience of the collective is clearly manifested in the form of the system of moral relations that has developed here, in the manner of moral behavior of its members characteristic of the collective.

The components of collective moral experience are moral stereotypes, expectations-claims, traditions, skills and habits.

Moral stereotypes. Stereotypes are views, points of view, which are firmly established in people's minds. Stereotypes can be more than individual. In a work collective where people work together and communicate for a long time, group stereotypes are formed. They express some stable point of view and assessment of the team on various issues of labor activity, relationships in the team.

Collective stereotypes reflect primarily the experience of joint work activities of people. They play a very significant role as spiritual values \u200b\u200bthat people are guided by, in accordance with which they determine their point of view, moral position. If the stereotype of a conscientious attitude to work has been established in the team, then here many educational problems are removed from the agenda. If a negative moral stereotype has become established, then the stability of its manifestation through people's behavior causes a lot of difficulties.

Such negative moral stereotypes as the position of the "little man" and non-interference, fear of conflicts, irresponsibility, priority of personal well-being, etc., are constraining factors in the development of personality consciousness. Sociological studies, recording the prevalence of embezzlement of socialist property in labor collectives, indicate that today "thugs" in a number of labor collectives are perceived as inevitable, and irresponsibility has become a characteristic feature of the official behavior of a number of workers.

Moral expectations-claims. In the structure of collective consciousness lies the desire of people to meet various needs and interests, distant and immediate goals. Collective expectations-claims can be moral or immoral in terms of both their content and the way they are realized. Depending on this, the prayers of the collective's behavior and the nature of its real actions are determined.

The labor collective has significant opportunities in the formation of positive expectations and claims of people. With the scientific and technical renewal of production, the development of full cost accounting, with the development of the social, cultural and recreational base of production, conditions are created for satisfying the various expectations and claims of the work collective. All this, undoubtedly, will contribute to the collective integration of healthy moral expectations and claims of people, and therefore the corresponding practical actions for their implementation.

Moral traditions. In work collectives, the presence of a variety of traditions is due to the diversity of spheres of their social life. Acting as steadily repeating, established social relations of people, traditions are a specific social mechanism of the collective functioning. Widespread in labor collectives, revolutionary, militant, labor, international traditions reflect all the best, including the moral, that is in the social experience of various generations of people. Their role is also enormous in the moral formation of the work collective. Traditions are a kind of steps in the spiritual development of the team. The constancy of their observance gives the moral life of the collective a high civic tone.

The moral traditions of the work collective include the holding of various meetings, disputes, "round tables", etc., where such moral issues as duty, honor, dignity, effective methods of combating injustice, heartlessness, disregard for work, incorrect communication in a team. Many labor collectives have such an interesting moral tradition as the development and observance of the Laws of the struggle for the honor and dignity of the collective, for the moral image of the Soviet worker, the Moral Code of the Labor Collective, the Code of Social Norms of the Collective, Instruction on the ethics and etiquette of the leader's behavior. Such documents are evidence not only of the active moral creativity of labor collectives, but also of their interest in introducing moral traditions into the daily life of the collective. The role of socialist competition in the development of moral norms is great. Traditions such as the enrollment of heroically perished soldiers in the brigade and the performance of additional tasks in connection with this, anniversary watches in honor of the holidays, gratuitous work on the days of all-Union subbotniks, and charity events have a high moral meaning.

Moral skills and habits. These components of moral experience significantly determine the moral behavior of team members. The reliability of the observance of moral principles and norms of communication is largely determined by those moral skills and habits that are in the team. the need to comply with the basic rules of human life becomes a habit over time. The process of freeing a person from old negative habits in general, and moral ones in particular, is complex and lengthy.

The formation of moral skills and habits presupposes a preliminary serious educational work on the establishment of healthy moral stereotypes and expectations, aspirations, values \u200b\u200bof the orientation of its members in the collective. Practical training of all team members in specific moral skills is of great importance in establishing moral skills and habits. For example, how to properly build your relationships with people in the process of work, during informal communication. Various types of team development are very valuable, which contribute to the development of such moral experiences as companionable mutual assistance, a fair assessment of the achievements of others, and managing their emotions when listening to criticism or any unpleasant words.

The moral sphere of the work collective will be based, figuratively speaking, on three pillars: moral values, mechanisms of moral self-regulation, and moral experience. We have identified the most significant moral principles of the work collective for the practical activity of management. Let us emphasize that it was not about the collective in general, but about its moral sphere, where the decisive role belongs to the moral relations and states that form and function in the social life of the collective. A leader who knows about these foundations of the moral sphere of the work collective. A leader who is aware of these foundations of the moral sphere of the labor collective will be able to more meaningfully maneuver them in educational work.

A business executive with developed business merits may nevertheless be unable to lead a team if he lacks moral and psychological qualities. But we must admit that we come to such an unambiguous understanding of the absolute necessity of such qualities for the implementation of management activities with a considerable delay. When a person was promoted to a leading position, it was customary to talk about his efficiency and ideological and political outlook. Of course, without having these qualities, it is impossible to lead, but the trouble is that moral and psychological qualities, such as honesty, incorruptibility, modesty, etc., were relegated to the second or even the third plan and shrank to a faceless, official-round formulas: "morally stable".

As a result, moral undemandingness naturally led to sad consequences, giving way to immoral people to leadership positions. "And it is no coincidence that today we are so acutely faced with negative phenomena in the moral and ethical sphere."

In any work collective, everything related to the moral and psychological qualities of a leader is perceived, for quite understandable reasons, especially acutely. These qualities are necessary to create a climate in the team that is conducive to the development of healthy interpersonal relationships, conscious discipline of labor relations, and the consolidation of a sense of job satisfaction in people.

Moral and psychological qualities are distinguished by exceptional diversity, since the psychological structure of the personality itself is complex. Let's consider some of these qualities - those that seem to us the most characteristic.

The ability to attract people. Another leader seems to have everything necessary to become respected in his team: intelligence and knowledge, organizational skills and hard work, breadth of horizons and a correct understanding of the problems of the system, but respect has not been won. With such a leader, in the words of Ferdowsi, "great dignity and fame are waning from bad temper." The inability to establish normal, business relationships with subordinates based on an understanding of their psychology, the unwillingness to catch their moods and respond to them often nullify the efforts of the leader, generate undesirable socio-psychological climate and work style in the system. The roots of many miscalculations in management should be sought precisely in the failure of its moral qualities. Therefore, in managerial activity, moral and psychological qualities are the same professional trait as political maturity, professional competence, organizational skills. Business qualities, not ennobled by morality, may not justify themselves.

Let us recall that leadership is always the leadership of people, their daily upbringing, moreover, first of all, not by circulars, not by instructions, not by harassment, but by high organization, adherence to principles, justice, one's own example, and one's own moral character. People are impressed by a leader who is inclined to collective decision-making, encouraging criticism and self-criticism, suppressing tendencies of bureaucracy and sycophancy, who trusts employees and fairly evaluates the results of their work, and prefers methods of persuasion to methods of coercion.

Of great importance is the manager's ability to select assistants for himself, to clearly distribute the functions, duties and responsibilities of each of them, to provide them with the opportunity to independently resolve issues arising in the course of production, while maintaining operational control of the work of the links. In all circumstances, the manager is called upon to be a strong leader.

Leader - a person who ensures the integration of group activities, uniting and directing the actions of the entire group. Leadership characterizes relationships based on trust, recognition of a high level of qualifications, readiness to support in all endeavors, personal sympathies, and the desire to adopt positive experiences. Trust in a leader is determined by his human qualities, special authority, responsible attitude to work and people. Leadership relationships ideally coincide with the formal authority of the manager.

The current stage of restructuring management in Russia is revolutionary, since changes are, first of all, the psychology of the manager, the style of his economic behavior, managers re-evaluate their place and role in the management system. In the era of intense competition and global changes, it is no longer enough for a leader to be just a manager, no matter how high his qualifications. According to the currently prevailing point of view, the activities of the manager are more technical in nature (planning, working with the budget, organization, control). The sphere of action of the manager-leader is much broader. Instead of consistent, gradual development of such activities, the manager strives for fundamental changes and renewal.

The leader foresees opportunities in the future that others do not see.

He expresses his attitude in a concept, in a simple and clear picture, which, in fact, is a dream that reveals what the organization should become or in what direction it needs to develop. The manager achieves understanding of this concept by explaining that it is feasible, but that its implementation depends on the contribution of each employee. By example, leadership, honoring people for their success, making them proud of their work, he inspires employees to bring the vision to life.

The following main features of a modern leader can be distinguished:

Accessible to every employee, the tone of discussion of any problems is invariably friendly;

He is deeply involved in the personnel management process, constantly pays attention to incentive systems, personally knows a significant part of employees, devotes a lot of time to finding suitable personnel and their training;

Does not tolerate the armchair management style, prefers to appear among ordinary workers and discuss problems on the ground, knows how to listen and hear, decisive and persistent, willingly takes responsibility and often takes risks;

We tolerate the expression of open disagreement, delegates authority to performers, builds relationships on trust;

He takes the blame for failures, without wasting time searching for the culprits, for him the most important thing is to overcome the mistake;

Encourages the independence of subordinates, and the measure of this independence exactly corresponds to the abilities and professionalism of the employee;

He does not interfere in the work of subordinates without the need, but controls only the final result and sets new tasks;

Confident in himself and his own strengths, perceives failure as a temporary phenomenon;

He constantly reorganizes its work, seeks and implements new things, therefore the organization he heads turns out to be more mobile and stable in crisis situations, functions effectively and intensively develops.

The features of his behavior and work style are closely related to these traits of a manager-leader. In the conditions of market relations, the authoritarian style exhausts its possibilities. Democracy in management significantly increases the interest of the team in the end result of work, mobilizes the energy of people, and creates a favorable psychological atmosphere. How is this style manifested? First, orders and orders give way to persuasion, strict control to trust.

This reflects the transition from intra-organizational relations of the "boss-subordinate" type to relations of cooperation, cooperation of partners who are equally interested in the success of the business. Second, innovative managers strive to develop collective forms of work as a single "team", which dramatically increases the mutual exchange of information between members of working groups. Third, innovative managers are always open to any new ideas - from colleagues, subordinates, customers. Moreover, the behavior, priorities, and values \u200b\u200bof these managers create an environment for those around them in which free expression of ideas and exchange of opinions becomes a natural form of working relationship. Fourthly, the innovative leader strives in every way to create and maintain a good psychological climate in the team, he tries not to infringe on the interests of some employees at the expense of others, readily, and most importantly, publicly recognizes the merits of employees.

Let's summarize some of the results. What is a moral leader?

The following conclusion follows from the above: the moral leader of the work collective needs to know well the mood of people; promptly eliminate everything that prevents them from working and earning; skillfully communicate with informal leaders and leaders of your team, find a common language with them, involve them in social activities, not be afraid to de-ligate authority (managerial) powers to them, enlist their support in the moral education of the team. In case of negative behavior of informal leaders and leaders, it is necessary to take a set of measures to neutralize them, reorient, and in extreme cases - to publicly debunk them.

The labor collective influences morally on people as long as it itself is constantly morally improving. V.A. Sukhomlinsky warned that one should be afraid of a stop in the moral development of people, be afraid of their moral surroundings. The same can be said about the work collective. Constant moral improvement of the team is necessary.

The efforts of economic, party and public organizers of production should contribute to the achievement of this.

In order for subordinates to follow their leader, he must understand his followers, and they must understand the world around them and the situation in which they find themselves. Since both people and situations are constantly changing, the leader must be flexible enough to accommodate the ongoing change. Understanding the situation and knowing how to manage human resources are essential components of effective leadership. All this indicates that managerial work is one of those types of human activity that require specific personal qualities that make a particular person professionally fit for managerial activity.

1. Sukhomlinsky V. A. "On education" - Moscow: Political literature, 1982 - p. 270

2. Karmin A.S. Culturology: The culture of social relations. - SPb .: Lan, 2000.

3. Tatarkevich V, On the happiness and perfection of man., M. 1981. - P. 26-335

4. Freud Z. Beyond the pleasure principle // Psychology of the unconscious. - M., 1989. - S. 382-484

5.http: //psylist.net/uprav/kahruk2.htm

Considering the general theoretical issues of crimes against morality in the criminal law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, first of all, one should dwell on the very concept of morality. This issue is important not only from cognitive points, but also from the standpoint of lawmaking and law enforcement practice. The fundamental position from which one should approach the assessment of the content and essence of crimes of the considered category depends on one or another approach to solving this problem. Depending on how the conceptual approaches to solving problems will be formulated, both theoretical and applied aspects of the regulation of crimes against morality will be solved accordingly.

It should be noted that for many years there have been disputes about the understanding of the category of morality. Although in literature, both scientific and unscientific, very often they turn to the problems of morality, morality and spirituality.

The issue of understanding morality in a legal context in the scientific literature is still ambiguous.

Philosophers, like lawyers, express different views on the range of social relations that make up the essence of morality, and therefore each of them defines this objectively existing social phenomenon in his own way.

Morality cannot be viewed in isolation from the concepts of morality and spirituality. Nevertheless, the question of their identity is among the controversial ones, as well as whether these categories should be distinguished at all. In literature, morality and ethics are often interpreted as phenomena of the same order.

If we turn to the existing definitions, then most often the norms of morality are interpreted as rules of a general nature based on people's ideas about good and evil, dignity, honor, justice, etc., serving as a regulator and yardstick for assessing the activities of individuals, social groups, organizations.

In the sphere of ethical relations, morality acts as an internal self-regulator of the individual's behavior, his conscious, internally motivated way of participating in social life and social relations. For example, V.S. Nersesyants asserts: “the distinctive feature of morality is that it expresses the internal position of individuals, their free and self-conscious decision of what is good and evil, duty and conscience in human actions, relationships and deeds” ...

Moral norms act as external regulators of behavior. Thus, where the individual has accepted, assimilated and transformed into his internal attitude collective moral ideas, values, norms and was guided by them in his behavior, according to philosophers, there is a combination and coordinated action of both regulators - moral and moral. ; In principle, there are always two aspects in ethical phenomena: a personal (internal freedom of the individual and self-conscious motivation by him of the rules of moral behavior and moral assessments) and an objective, impersonal aspect (moral views, values, morals, forms, etc.) that have developed in a given culture, social group, community. norms of human relations). If we proceed from this rule, then the first of the noted points relates to the characteristics of morality, the second - to morality. Therefore, a certain message follows, according to which, when they talk about the morality of social groups, communities and society as a whole, we are essentially talking about morality, more precisely, about group and social mores, values, views, relationships, norms and institutions. This statement is perhaps the most common and frequently used in legal literature and dissertation research. ;

At the same time, being a special form of social consciousness and a type of social relations, morality is one of the ways of normative regulation of human behavior. Moral responsibility is spiritual, ideal, or idealized. Meaning the condemnation or approval of certain actions, moral responsibility appears in the form of moral assessments that a person must realize, internally accept and, in accordance with this, correct their actions and behavior.

In turn, experts in the field of legal ethics also differentiate the concepts of "morality", "morality" and "moral consciousness". For example, according to A.S. Koblikov, moral consciousness is one of the elements of morality, representing its subjective side.

Researcher M.S. Strogovich, opposing the identification of morality and moral consciousness, wrote: “Moral consciousness is views, beliefs, ideas about good and evil, about worthy and unworthy behavior, and morality is the social norms operating in society that regulate the actions, behavior of people, their relationship ".

There are various approaches to understanding the nature and specifics of morality. Methodologically, two basic concepts can be distinguished: historical-genetic and historical-system.

The historical genetic method is one of the most common in social research. It developed based on evolutionary ideas, and its essence consists in the consistent discovery of the properties, functions and changes of the studied reality in the process of its historical movement. In this case, the history of ethics is considered as the cyclogenesis of ethical systems, where at each stage of their development, the qualitative characteristics of these systems are distinguished.

In our case, the second approach, the historical-system approach, is of greater interest. Morality here appears as a kind of spiritual and practical production of man as a social and moral being. Such an idea of \u200b\u200bmorality leads a line on its recognition as a side of human life, a cross-cutting element of all (including legal) social practice. With this approach, it is emphasized that a whole series of schisms in the normative system is associated with different conditions of spiritual and practical “production” - between official and unofficial morality, between expediency and morality, between public opinion and conscience.

Such discrepancies give rise to numerous contradictions between different regulatory systems, including those that are the subject of our research. For example, between a personal perception of morality and the official obligation of legal requirements, between a sense of moral duty and the rationality of a legal norm, etc. The individual finds himself simultaneously, as it were, in several "axiological worlds", embodying in each of them different, sometimes incompatible, assessments and aspirations.

In general, the historical-systemic model for explaining morality comes from the philosophical tradition, which presents morality as a side of human activity, based on the dichotomy of good and evil. At the same time, it does not take into account the regulatory nature of morality as an essential moment of its relationship with law.

In the same vein, the outstanding Russian philosopher B.C. Soloviev: “The very moral principle prescribes that we care about the common good, because without this, cares about personal morality become selfish, that is, immoral. The commandment of moral perfection, - argued the philosopher, - is given to us ... so that we do something for implementation in the environment in which we live, that is, in other words, the moral principle must certainly be embodied in social activity. "

Meanwhile, as it follows from the above definitions, morality, like morality, is always social in its content and is closely related to the norms of law. For example, S.A. Komarov believes that public morality rests on a system of norms and rules, ideas, customs and traditions that prevail in society and reflect the views, ideas and rules that arise as a direct reflection of the conditions of social life in the minds of people in the form of a category of good and evil, commendable and shameful, encouraged and condemned by society, honor, conscience, duty, dignity, etc.

Morality in the Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, edited by S.A. Kuznetsova is understood as the inner (spiritual and mental) qualities of a person, based on the ideals of good, duty, honor, etc., which are manifested in relation to people or nature. Human spirituality is an integral part of morality. Very often the concept of spirituality is equated with religion. This is most likely due to the fact that we are talking about the soul of a person, his subordination to some higher forces. Let's leave this teaching to theologians. Let us state the fact that spirituality is woven into the fabric of morality and is inseparable from it.

The spirituality of a person, personality, individual is revealed through the self-knowledge of one's own being, one's own behavior, one's own feelings and one's own desires. A highly spiritual person is incapable of actions that do not correspond to his inner sensation, are not consistent with his mind. The spiritual life of a person is associated with the knowledge of the world, the purpose and meaning of life. With a misunderstanding of these categories, and more often the loss of the meaning of life, the loss of one's own “I”, crises of a person's spiritual health may occur. And this, in turn, requires treatment, which is what modern psychology does, i.e. healing the soul. Let's leave this topic to psychologists and return to the concepts of morality and ethics.

Based on the foregoing, it should be noted that morality and morality of the category are not identical. Morality should be viewed in conjunction with spirituality.

A fairly clear position on this issue is set out in the work of S. Harutyunyan "Identity: from theory to practice". Exploring the cultural interpretation of the identity crisis, she tried to compare morality and ethics. At the same time, he finds them completely different, non-identical concepts. In her opinion:

1) morality is always a social-group phenomenon: the moral of the family, the formed social group, class morality, etc.

Morality is always universal, there is no morality of a group, class, or party;

2) morality is a set of norms and prescriptions of a social group imposed from the outside. Morality "grows" from within and has nothing to do with norms and standards;

3) morality is a means of regulating social behavior and is created primarily for management. Morality, "growing" from within, is primarily directed at oneself. If morality is directed outward, then morality is directed inward;

4) a moral deed is evaluated from the outside and can be either encouraged or punished. A moral deed is outside of punishment-reward, that is, there is always self-attitude and self-esteem.

The experiences associated with an immoral act are always outwardly oriented and have nothing to do with deep personal experiences. An act associated with moral experiences always has an intrapersonal basis. It is difficult to disagree with this opinion. Of course, morality and ethics are not some static indicators of a person's life. They are subject to constant movement and development. An individual during his life must choose and build his actions in accordance with the rules and norms of behavior prevailing in society, taking into account the existing (or forming) his own spiritual and moral outlook. Therefore, spiritual and moral development plays an important role in the process of human life. Perhaps this is a somewhat simplified formula for the process of human self-realization. But within the framework of this study, we made an attempt to determine the concepts and categories of the phenomenon under study, the mechanisms of their implementation in conditions of socio-cultural instability and a crisis of morality.

The process of interaction of morality and morality in the course of personal growth is in a state of conflict if a person has developed morality. “The absence of conflict,” writes S. Harutyunyan, “testifies to the fact that personal growth does not take place, the difficulty of resolving this conflict is presented as the difficulty of personal growth. The normal organic personal attitude in these conflicts is the primacy of morality over morality. Ultimately, the relationship between morality and morality is the central and most complex problem of personality formation, which must be resolved on the basis of practical psychology, philosophy, and pedagogy. At the same time, the lack of spirituality is an obstacle to the development of personality.

Summing up the above, we can come to the following conclusions.

1. Morality and morality categories are not identical. Morality as a universal human category always has an intra-personal basis. Morality acts as a set of instructions for society.

2. Spiritual and moral development of a person ensures his mental health and should be considered in the context of the object of encroachment in criminal legislation in the group of crimes against morality.


Part 1

A1... What distinguishes a person from an animal?

A3... Are the following judgments about the global problems of modern society correct?

A. Global problems threaten the existence of humanity as a biological species.

B. Global problems cannot be solved in individual countries, regions of the world.

A4... What belongs to the exact sciences?

A5... He went to the instrument, and enchanting music poured into the hall. The listeners experienced a flurry of various emotions. This is an example of activities in the field

A6... Are the following judgments about spiritual culture true?

A. Works of spiritual culture are the result of the creativity of individuals, society as a whole.

B. Works of spiritual culture are preserved and passed on to future generations.

A7... In market conditions, prices for goods

A8... Which of the following refers to the factors (sources) of production?

A9... In Germany in the 1920s, café-goers often had to pay twice the price indicated on the menu for lunch. This fact serves as a direct manifestation

A10... Are the following judgments about forms of ownership correct?

A. One of the ways to increase the share of state property is nationalization.

B. Competitive struggle of producers is possible only in conditions of private property.

A11... Siberians, Urals are

A12... On average, there are 67 men per 100 women in the age group over 65 in the world. This indicator reflects

A13... Are the following judgments about social conflict correct?

A. Mismatch of interests of social groups can lead to social conflict.

B. Interethnic conflict is a kind of social.

A14... The sign of any state is

A15... In the United States, in the mid-19th century, all white men received voting rights, then ex-slaves, and in 1920, women. This is a movement towards suffrage

A16... Are the following judgments about forms of government correct?

A. All modern democracies are republics.

B. The transfer of power to the head of state by inheritance is inherent in monarchies.

A17... Which branch of law regulates parenting?

A19... An initiative group of citizens opposed the construction of a residential area on the site of the park planned by the local authorities. Citizens went to court to protect their rights. This fact indicates

1) the presence of civil society

2) the activities of local governments

3) violation of environmental legislation

4) the federal structure of the state

A20... Are the following judgments about child rights correct?

A. The rights of the child are protected by a special convention.

B. The right to live and be raised in a family is one of the main rights of the child.

Part 2

IN 1... The above list shows the similarities between religion and morality and the differences between religion and morality.

Select and write down the ordinal numbers of the similarities in the first column of the table, and the ordinal numbers of the differences in the second column.

1) is based on belief in the supernatural

2) is an area of \u200b\u200bspiritual culture

3) affects the norms of human behavior

4) uses cults and rituals

IN 2... Find the expenditure items of the state budget in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the answer line.

Answer: ___________

IN 3... Establish a correspondence between forms of democracy and examples: for each item given in the first column, select the corresponding item from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table.

AT 4... A number of terms are listed below. All of them, with the exception of one, belong to the concept of "administrative offense".

1) an offense, 2) an action, 3) a violation of public order,

4) arrest, 5) criminal record.

Find and write down the number of the term that falls out of this row.


Part 3

Read the text and complete tasks C1 - C6

Family Code of the Russian Federation

Chapter 8. Contractual regime of property of spouses.

Article 41.

1. A marriage contract can be concluded both before the state registration of the marriage, and at any time during the Marriage Period. A marriage contract concluded prior to the state registration of marriage shall enter into force from the date of state registration of the marriage.

2. The marriage contract is concluded in writing and is subject to notarization.

Article 42.

1. By a marriage contract, spouses have the right to change the regime of joint ownership established by law (Article 34 of this Code), establish a regime of joint, shared or separate ownership of all property of the spouses, its separate types or the property of each of the spouses.

2. A marriage contract can be concluded both in relation to the existing and in relation to the future property of the spouses.

The spouses have the right to define in the marriage contract their rights and obligations for mutual maintenance, ways of participating in each other's income, the procedure for each of them to bear family expenses; determine the property that will be transferred to each of the spouses in the event of divorce, and also include in the marriage contract any other provisions concerning the property relations of the spouses ...<...>

3. A marriage contract cannot limit the legal capacity or capacity of the spouses, their right to go to court to protect their rights; regulate personal non-property relations between spouses, the rights and obligations of spouses in relation to children; include provisions limiting the right of a disabled needy spouse to receive maintenance; contain other conditions that put one of the spouses in an extremely disadvantageous position or contradict the basic principles of family law.




C4. Write out from the text of the document any two conditions that cannot be included in the marriage contract, and illustrate each of them with an example.



Keys Option 8

Job No.

Job No.

Job No.

C1... Highlight the main semantic parts of the text. Title each of them (make a plan for the text). Answer:

The following semantic parts can be distinguished:

1) the conditions for concluding a marriage contract;

2) requirements for the content of the marriage contract.

Other formulations are possible that do not distort the essence of the text fragments, and the selection of additional semantic blocks.

The main semantic parts of the text are highlighted, their names (plan points) correspond to the content. The number of allocated parts can be different

Not all the main parts of the text are highlighted, their names (points of the plan) correspond to the main ideas of the highlighted fragments, OR not all highlighted parts of the text correspond to the meaningful and logically complete components of the text, OR not all the names of the highlighted parts correspond to their content

The answer is incorrect or missing

Maximum score

C2... When can a marriage contract be concluded? Answer:

C3... Find in the text and write down three conditions, without which the prenuptial agreement has no legal force. Answer:

C4... Write out from the text of the document any two conditions that cannot be included in the prenuptial agreement, and illustrate each of them with an example.


The correct answer must contain conditions and examples, for example.

1) restriction of the legal capacity or legal capacity of spouses (for example, a marriage contract restricts the right of one of the spouses to freedom of movement, including travel abroad);

2) restriction of the spouses' right to go to court to protect their rights (for example, one of the parties undertakes not to go to court in case of infringement of their rights);

3) regulation of personal non-property relations between spouses (for example, the contract regulates issues of childbirth);

4) the rights and obligations of spouses in relation to children (for example, the contract specifies the place of residence of the children in the event of a divorce).

Other conditions may be specified, other examples are given.

Two conditions are indicated, each of them is illustrated by an example

One or two conditions are indicated, we will give one. example

Two conditions are specified without examples

One condition without an example is specified, OR the example (s) are given without specifying conditions, OR the answer is incorrect or missing

Maximum score

C5... When discussing the terms of the marriage contract, a dispute arose. One party argued that the contract must include all the property of the spouses, the other side - that only part of the property could be negotiated. How do you think this dispute can be resolved? Provide a piece of text that helps answer this question. Answer:

C6... In our society, there is both a positive and a negative attitude towards the marriage contract. What point of view on the necessity of concluding a marriage contract do you adhere to? Relying on the text and social science knowledge, give two arguments (explanations) in defense of your position.


The correct answer should contain the following elements:

1) the student's opinion is expressed: consent or disagreement with the need to conclude a marriage contract;

2) there are two arguments (explanations), for example:

when consent it can be indicated that

A marriage contract allows you to protect yourself from marriage swindlers;

The marriage contract makes the process of divorce and division of property more civilized;

when disagreements it can be indicated that

Many people consider it unworthy to negotiate the terms of divorce on the eve of the wedding;

Many people getting married do not have property that would need to be specifically protected by a marriage contract.

Other arguments (explanations) may be given.

The student's opinion is expressed, two arguments are given

The student's opinion is expressed One argument is given OR the student's opinion is not expressed, but clear from the context, two arguments are given

The student's opinion is expressed, no arguments are given, OR the student's opinion is not expressed, but it is clear from the context, one argument is given, OR the answer is incorrect or missing

Maximum score

Every person in his life has come across the concept of morality more than once. However, not everyone knows its true meaning. The problem of morality is very acute in the modern world. After all, many people lead the wrong and dishonest way of life. What is human morality? How is it related to concepts such as ethics and morality? What behavior can be considered moral and why?

What does the concept of "morality" mean?

Morality is often identified with morality and ethics. However, these concepts are not entirely similar. Morality is a set of norms and values \u200b\u200bof a particular person. It includes the individual's ideas about good and evil, about how one should and should not behave in various situations.

Each person has his own moral criteria. What seems completely normal to one person is completely unacceptable to another. So, for example, some people have a positive attitude towards civil marriage and do not see anything bad in it. Others consider such cohabitation immoral and strongly condemn premarital relationships.

Principles of moral conduct

Despite the fact that morality is a purely individual concept, there are still common principles in modern society. First of all, these include the equality of rights of all people. This means that in relation to a person there should be no discrimination based on gender, race or any other basis. All people are equal before the law and court, all have the same rights and freedoms.

The second principle of morality is based on the fact that a person is allowed to do everything that does not contradict the rights of other people and does not infringe on their interests. This can include not only issues regulated by law, but also moral and ethical standards. For example, cheating on a loved one is not a crime. However, from the point of view of morality, the one who deceives inflicts suffering on the individual, and therefore infringes upon his interests and acts immorally.

The meaning of morality

Some people believe that morality is just a prerequisite for going to heaven after death. During life, it absolutely does not affect the success of a person and does not bring any benefit. Thus, the meaning of morality is to cleanse our souls from sin.

In fact, this opinion is erroneous. Morality is necessary in our life not only for a specific person, but also for society as a whole. Without it, arbitrariness will ensue in the world, and people will destroy themselves. As soon as the eternal values \u200b\u200bdisappear in a society and habitual norms of behavior are forgotten, its gradual degradation begins. Theft, debauchery, impunity flourish. And if immoral people come to power, the situation is aggravated even more.

Thus, the quality of human life directly depends on how moral it is. Only in a society where basic moral principles are respected and upheld can people feel safe and happy.

Morality and morality

Traditionally, the concept of "morality" is identified with morality. In many cases, these words are used interchangeably, and most people do not see a fundamental difference between them.

Morality represents certain principles and standards of human behavior in various situations, developed by society. In other words, it is a social point of view. If a person follows the established rules, he can be called moral, but if he ignores, his behavior is immoral.

What is morality? The definition of this word differs from morality in that it does not refer to society as a whole, but to each individual person. Morality is a rather subjective concept. What is normal for some is unacceptable for others. A person can be called moral or immoral, based only on his personal opinion.

Modern morality and religion

Everyone knows that any religion calls a person to virtue and respect for basic moral values. However, modern society puts at the head of all freedom and human rights. In this regard, some of God's commandments have lost their relevance. So, for example, few people can devote one day a week to serving the Lord because of the busy schedule and fast pace of life. And the commandment "do not commit adultery" for many is a restriction of the freedom to build personal relationships.

The classic moral principles concerning the value of human life and property, help and compassion to others, condemnation of lies and envy remain in force. Moreover, now some of them are regulated by law and can no longer be justified by supposedly good intentions, for example, by fighting the infidels.

Modern society also has its own moral values, which are not indicated in traditional religions. These include the need for constant self-development and self-improvement, dedication and energy, the desire to achieve success and live in abundance. Modern people condemn violence in all its forms, intolerance and cruelty. They respect human rights and their desire to live as they see fit. Modern morality focuses on human self-improvement, transformation and development of society as a whole.

The problem of youth morality

Many people say that modern society has already begun to decay. Indeed, crime, alcoholism and drug addiction are flourishing in our country. Young people do not think about what morality is. The definition of this word is completely foreign to them.

Very often, modern people put at the head of everything such values \u200b\u200bas having pleasure, an idle life and fun. At the same time, they completely forget about morality, being guided only by their selfish needs.

Modern youth has completely lost such personality traits as patriotism and spirituality. For them, morality is something that can hinder freedom, limit it. Often people are ready to commit any act in order to achieve their goals, completely without thinking about the consequences for others.

Thus, today in our country the problem of youth morality is very acute. To solve it, it will take more than one decade and a lot of efforts on the part of the government.

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