Installation of decking boards: installation and operation. DIY technology for installing decking boards Installing decking on a metal frame

Laying WPC decking boards

What is known about the characteristics of composite boards?

  1. Materials, tools for installation
  2. Recommendations for preparation
  3. Installation steps
  4. Common mistakes in the process

One of the best materials, which can be used to finish terraces, is WPC board. It is a composite, namely a combination of wood flour with a polymer, which allows it to be comparable in appearance and performance characteristics to wood, and in some ways even superior. Laying WPC decking boards with your own hands with details.

What is good about composite material?

The appearance of products is determined by the content of wood flour in their composition, and due to polymers they are provided with functionality. Wood-polymer composite is in many ways superior to natural wood or PVC. One of the most important features is that the lamellas do not lose their original color, shape, and their appearance is assessed as resistant to external factors, for example, atmospheric conditions. The material is also not attractive to various types of bugs that like wood, and to rodents. Durability is a characteristic feature of the products, but this is not the entire list of their positive properties.

Other advantages include:

  • flexibility - WPC products can bend into different shapes depending on conditions. When heated, the physical connection between the constituent elements is broken, and when the material cools, it is restored. This characteristic allows the boards to be used for covering stair steps, reliefs, and, of course, for constructing flooring;
  • strength - the lamellas can easily withstand a load of 1000 kg per 1 m2, all this thanks to the presence of modifying additives in the composition. Positive properties are not lost even when the air temperature decreases/increases between minus 50 and plus 70 degrees Celsius;
  • resistance to various types of damage and staining.

Over many years of practice in using the material, it was possible to conclude that it is easy to install and maintain, and is resistant to moisture. And most importantly, the products are offered in various colors, which allows you to easily implement any design idea by choosing the best option.

As for the shortcomings, it was not without them. To be more precise, decking has only one, and this is its cost. She is on high level, if you compare it with ordinary wooden planks, then WPC is 4-6 times more expensive.

Laying WPC decking boards: what will be needed for installation?

Laying WPC decking boards

The key to successful installation of WPC decking boards is competent preparation. From Supplies you will need , in the selection process, pay attention to the ratio of components; the performance properties depend on this parameter. For use in our country, taking into account the climate, it is recommended that the ratio of wood and polymer in the material composition is approximately 50% to 50%.

Always take boards with a reserve, because some may turn out to be defective or damaged during installation. You can quickly repair and, if necessary, replace the element.

The work cannot be done without composite logs; they are used to construct sheathing. These can be used for home installation, where the loads on the flooring are not planned to be the highest. These elements are assessed as resistant to negative external factors and are quite durable for private use.

Logs can be used from different material, but the deck structure will last much longer if it is constructed from elements of similar composition. The reason for this is various indicators thermal expansion of wood and composites.

You also cannot do without fastening elements; clamps are used for these purposes, and if it is necessary to ensure a minimum gap, you should use metal clips, they are made from of stainless steel. If the size of the gap is not important for you, it is better to give preference to plastic fasteners, this will improve the underfloor ventilation of the terraces open type. The fasteners are fixed using stainless steel self-tapping screws. Elements that are used at the stage decorative finishing, are end strips, finishing corners.

As for working tools, everyone will probably have what they need for the job. For example, to rip boards, you will need an electric saw. You also cannot do without a drill, screwdriver, level, , carpenter's hammer with a rubber head. To make the tool convenient to use, make sure you have an extension cord.

Laying WPC decking boards: preparing for installation correctly

Installation of decking boards

Experienced specialists recommend that before starting work, make sure that the surface on which you plan to lay the material is even. The best option are transverse boards in contact with the decking elements along the entire length. It is not recommended to allow the surface of products to come into contact with construction waste. If you do not have the slightest experience in such work, it is better to entrust it to professionals.

Particularly important is the adaptation, preparation and inspection of decking. He needs to be allowed to adapt to the environment, which happens within 1-2 days. To do this, the material is pre-delivered to the installation site. Installation work is carried out by at least two people; the air temperature should not be below 0 degrees Celsius. Remember that terrace products cannot be the only supports or the basis for balconies/staircases.

We must not forget about the need

Laying WPC decking boards ensures complete ventilation for complete drying of the space under the decking. In the products of all manufacturers there are slight differences in color of elements. This is due to the presence of wood components in the composition.

To make the finished coating look good, try to use boards from the same batch. It is a natural process for the color characteristics to change during the first weeks. This occurs under the influence of moisture and ultraviolet radiation, and the changes disappear over time.

As you can see in the photo of laying WPC decking boards, expansion gaps are always striking, namely the longitudinal seams. They are made so that water quickly drains from the surface and is also convenient to care for. The same can be said about the fact that slight thermal contraction/expansion is ensured under conditions of temperature fluctuations.

You can use one of two installation methods: seamed and seamless. To form seams you will need stainless steel clamps/plastic clips. Closed method relevant if surface finishing is carried out indoors. The appearance of the finished flooring will be more attractive, and clogging of the internal space will be avoided.

Installation of WPC decking boards: main steps

  1. The first step is to install a structure made of logs; their recommended length is 3 m, and the interval is 28-40 cm. At the ends you need to make a small gap within 20 mm. Please note that lags themselves are not supporting structure, they must be installed on a solid foundation. Their grooved side should be on the bottom, and the groove on top; this part ensures the central installation of the screw and clips. From walls and fences you need to leave a free space of at least 10 mm. And between the lags themselves the gap is at least 20 mm. Rigid fixation in in this case not required.
  2. Next we move on to the actual assembly of the terrace. To fasten screws, you must first make holes for them; a drill is used with a diameter smaller than the fastening element itself. The most dense, uniform fixation is ensured using a mallet; it taps the entire length. At the junctions of elements, it is better to use support logs in two rows so that each end has its own support. At the end of the row, where it is impossible to fix the product with a clip, a self-tapping screw is screwed in and a nail is driven in from the side of the profile. You need to retreat 2-3 mm from the edge. At the end of the described process, edging is done using special corners; these can also be end strips installed around the perimeter. It is better to use self-tapping screws for fastening.

The main mistakes that should not be made

The cost of laying WPC decking boards cannot be called low, so if you decide to save cash and do everything with your own hands, you must learn some rules so as not to spoil the expensive material and avoid the need to quickly replace the flooring.

  1. If you prepare the surface incorrectly, it may not be preserved. ideal level coverings. Over time, unevenness may appear, and over time they will become more noticeable.
  2. Use not recommended wooden logs, even if your goal is to save money. If you neglect this rule, then in a year or two you will have to spend money on dismantling the covering, purchasing composite products, and replacing deformed elements of the terrace.
  3. A serious mistake is also failure to observe the distance between the base elements recommended by experts. By pushing them far apart from each other, you increase the load on finishing coat, this inevitably leads to sagging and deformation.
  4. You also need to be able to properly fix the fasteners. The fact is that if it is not tightened, then over time the fastening will weaken, which will lead to loosening. Is not positive thing and too strong fixation, because the point load increases, as a result, cracks may appear during the installation phase or during operation.

Always try to follow the installation technology, and your terrace will turn out not only beautiful, but also durable.

The appearance of decking boards on the modern building materials market has made it possible to assemble a base indoors and outdoors that, in terms of its characteristics, is not inferior to any known floor covering. Despite its apparent simplicity, installing decking boards is not the easiest process. Although if you understand the installation technology and understand all the nuances of the processes being carried out, then even a beginner can handle it. Therefore, in this article we will consider the types of this building material and the technology for its installation.

Terrace boards, also known as deck boards, also known as decking, are planks of certain sizes. They are made from two raw materials.

Solid wood

For this purpose, different types of wood are used: traditional and exotic. There are two types of board processing: smooth (called planken), corrugated (called corduroy). The sizes of decking boards are wide variety, where the length varies between 1.5-4 m, width 100-200 mm, thickness 20-30 mm.

Wooden decking board

Before use, wooden panels must be treated with antiseptics and fire retardants: the first - bioprotection, the second - fire protection. Please note that solid wood decking must have a certain moisture content: classic species - 12%, exotic - 15%. This indicator can be measured directly in the store using a hygrometer.

The advantages of wood decking include:

  • naturalness of the raw material;
  • the ability to change the texture of the floor covering by applying varnish, paint, wax and others;
  • good resistance to various types of loads: abrasion, shock, temperature changes;
  • it is a frost-resistant material;
  • wooden planks do not slip either dry or wet;
  • laying of deck boards is carried out using fasteners offered by manufacturers (staples, clamps) or ordinary wood screws.


  • high humidity and direct contact with water causes warping of the boards, their rotting and cracking;
  • will have to be constantly treated with protective compounds.

Wood-polymer composite

The raw material is WPC - a mixture of polymer (polypropylene, polyethylene and others) with wood flour. The latter is 30% of the total volume. Pigments and various fillers are added to the composition.

Today, manufacturers offer two types of WPC decking: solid and hollow. Based on their strength, they are divided into two groups: household and commercial. The former are much cheaper than the latter. Color design– 40 shades, which makes it possible to choose the material in accordance with the design landscape design or the interior of the room.

Hollow WPC strip

The standard size of the material is quite wide: length up to 6 m, width up to 160 mm, thickness up to 28 mm. It is necessary to understand that modern market filled not only with slats from responsible manufacturers. There are many cheap, low-quality products available, so it is important to choose a material with good appearance and accurate dimensions.

Advantages of WPC:

  • presentable appearance;
  • variety in texture design: smooth, aged, matte, varnished;
  • 100% water resistant;
  • excellent biostability;
  • the surface does not slip;
  • withstands loads up to 500 kg/m²;
  • operating temperature: from -20C to +40C;
  • service life – up to 15 years;
  • practicality - can be cleaned with any household detergents.


  • Under the influence sun rays the coating gradually fades;
  • under the influence of shock loads, chips and cracks may form;
  • not the easiest installation process.

Terrace board installation technology

We proceed directly to the analysis of the installation of decking boards. Like all construction processes, it is divided into two main stages: preparation and laying of material with fastening to the base.


Preparation includes the construction of a reliable and level base. There are several options, but more often the decking boards are laid on a concrete base. It should not only be smooth and durable, but also dry. If the construction of the flooring is carried out on the ground, then in this case it is also necessary to take care of the strength of the base under the laid logs. For this you can use concrete products: paving slabs, blocks, etc., laid under the terrace.

Regarding the preparation of tools. To install the decking board you will need:

  • screwdriver,
  • saw or jigsaw;
  • mallet and hammer;
  • tape measure, iron ruler, pencil,
  • building level.

Attention! If a structure made from decking boards is assembled on outdoors, care must be taken that the concrete base has slight slope for withdrawal atmospheric precipitation. If the assembly is carried out on the ground, then several grooves 3 cm wide and 2 cm deep should be made under the flooring.

Project development

An important stage on which the appearance of the flooring and its reliability depend. What you need to pay attention to:

  1. Distance between joists: 40 cm for hollow boards, 50 cm for solid boards.
  2. Gap between floor covering parts: 1-3 mm for internal use, 4 mm for external.
  3. If the terrace boards are laid diagonally, then the distance between the logs is reduced: at an installation angle of 45° within 25-30 cm, at an angle of 30° - 15-20 cm.

We proceed directly to the construction of decking on the terrace from decking boards. Let's consider the installation of WPC planks, because this process requires certain skills and the use of special fasteners.

Technology for installing WPC boards

Laying lags

WPC lining logs are used as support for the decking board. They are not load-bearing structures; they serve as leveling elements. They should not be buried in concrete mortar, fasten together. The lags can be laid in height or width. The distance between the logs is no more than 40 cm.

Attaching the log

The lags are fastened to the concrete base using metal dowels. To do this, you should drill a hole in the joist itself (the diameter is 2 mm larger than the diameter of the dowel), and through it the hole and into concrete structure. A dowel is inserted inside and secures the joist to the concrete base.

Starter brackets

At one end of the lag you need to install special starting brackets made of metal, which are attached to the lags with self-tapping screws (3.5x30 mm). The bracket should protrude slightly beyond the end of the joist so that the decking board fits exactly in the same plane with the end.

Laying the boards

Laying is done so that the upper edges of the metal brackets fit into its groove. This will be the fastening on the end side.

Mounting clips

Various fasteners are used to connect the boards together. One option is a plastic mounting clip. They are attached to the joists with 3.5x30 mm self-tapping screws. The fasteners are inserted with one side inside the already fixed decking board. The fastening is carried out in such a way that the clip can move slightly in vertical plane. In this case, the head of the screw should protrude on the mounting surface of the clip by 2-3 mm.

Continuing the installation process

The next panel is installed next to the panel fixed to the joists. It is important to dock them so that the mounting clips fit tightly into the groove of the second floor element.

Tightening screws

After laying the deck boards, you need to tighten all the screws that were used to secure the mounting clips until they stop. The work requires accuracy.

This is what the dowel looks like

If the installation of terrace boards is carried out inside heated rooms, where the humidity difference is insignificant, then the assembly of the boards can be carried out in a gap-free manner. For this purpose, special plastic fasteners are used - dowels. They are secured into the groove of the material with self-tapping screws. The place where the dowel is attached is the middle of the distance between the lags.

Terrace boards are attached to the joists with self-tapping screws (3.5x30 mm) through a groove. It is not worth putting effort into this type of work. This may cause the flooring material to crack. In addition, tight screwing reduces tensile strength.

Fastening with self-tapping screws

The latter is attached to the joists with a starting bracket.

Securing the last board in the decking

To create an aesthetic appearance of the external contours of the flooring, special plastic plugs are used.

Decorative plugs

The plugs are installed from the end and secured with blows of a mallet. The work is not difficult, the main thing is not to score too much.

Installation of plugs

For decorative finishing, you can use an aluminum corner coated with an anti-slip compound.

Decorative corner

The corner is attached to terrace covering self-tapping screws for which holes are pre-made.

Corner installation

As you can see, the technology for laying decking boards is simple. It should be noted that there are many ways to attach the lag to the base. There is not only a direct connection through dowels, you can use mounting angles or clamps. The photo below shows one of these methods.

Attaching the log to the base using a special mounting angle

Watch the video on how to lay a wooden decking board using special fasteners.

WPC parquet assembly technology

The technology for assembling deck boards with your own hands differs from installing WPC parquet. Because the latter is assembled using the puzzle assembly method.

This is what it looks like parquet board from KDP.

This is what it looks like back side parquet flooring.

This flooring material consists of a base and parquet. The latter are easily detached from the base, and they are just as easily connected to it. Type of fastening - insertion of tenons into grooves.

Shield assembly

The shield has two adjacent edges with mounting lugs with holes. The other two adjacent edges have round section thorns.

The essence of connecting two parquet panels is that the tenons of one element must fit into the mounting grooves of the second. Therefore, it is important to accurately orient the panels relative to the fasteners.

Installation process

If you need to trim parquet or make a cutout in a panel, you can use a regular saw.

Trimming panels with a saw

WPC parquet makes an aesthetic flooring base, non-slip, with excellent performance characteristics. There is no need to attach the flooring material to the base.

Finishing summary

Facade finishing

Terrace boards can also be used for finishing facades. Only such material is called façade board. It is practically no different from the floor one, and the installation technology is identical. Only the logs are installed vertically in the plane of the facade wall.

Various fasteners are used to attach the façade board to the sheathing. One of them is a metal L-shaped product with a spike.

First bottom bar They are attached to the sheathing with self-tapping screws directly along the outer plane. After which the fastening element is installed at the end of the plank so that its second bent plane rests against the side plane of the sheathing strip.

Using a nail, the fastening element is attached to the end of the façade plank.

The second nail is driven into the sheathing.

The second board is laid on top of the first, pressing it against the sheathing.

The upper bar is driven into the tenon of the fastener. For this, a mallet and a wooden block are used. The blows should be carried out closer to the locations of the frame slats.

This is what the façade wall should look like after finishing:

Typically, finishing in this way is a subtype of ventilated facades. Between facing material and the wall remains the space from which moist air vapors penetrating from interior spaces buildings are raised up without settling on the surface wood cladding. Often thermal insulation is laid under the façade cladding.

Photo review of finished floor coverings

So, it’s not difficult to lay a decking board with your own hands. Here are some photos showing where this material can be used.

Finishing the floor of an open terrace

Deck slats laid around the pool

An original scheme for laying boards on a pedestal in the form of an open area for recreation

Finishing the local area with the installation of lighting in the form of spotlights built into the floor

Outdoor recreation area of ​​a country house, covered with a terrace board

WPC floor in a restaurant

Terrace flooring between two hotel buildings

Relaxation area in a hotel, covered with terraced flooring with tables arranged in the same material

An original solution for an outdoor dining area in a suburban area

Larch decking for finishing a large area

Choosing flooring for a terrace, pool area, recreation area fresh air- a responsible matter. First of all, the coating must be durable and resistant to temperature changes, precipitation, snow cover in winter. Decorative qualities are also important; you want the site or terrace to harmonize with the surrounding landscape and decorate it. In principle, these requirements are met ceramic tile, but it can be easy to slip on, especially when the floors are wet, for example, by the pool or on the playground during the rain. In addition, the tiles are usually cold; walking barefoot, much less sitting on them, is not very pleasant. Wooden floors are free from such disadvantages, however, if they are made from ordinary boards, they will not last long; precipitation has a destructive effect on them. Meanwhile, there is a material that combines all the advantages of tiles and wood - this is terrace decking. It is a specially treated decking board, characterized by strength, durability and excellent appearance.

Types of terrace decking

There are three groups of decking boards; they differ in the materials from which they are made, surface texture, installation method and some other characteristics.

Solid wood board

To produce this type of decking they use different breeds trees: the usual pine, oak, larch, cedar, as well as rare species growing in the forests of South America, Africa, and Asia. There are types of wood from which decking is made with a service life of up to 80 years. For example, massaranduba mahogany, due to its high content of rubber resins, has increased moisture resistance and wear resistance; mold fungi do not affect it. Australian kekatong walnut perfectly withstands the aggressive effects of sea water and is often used in shipbuilding, so a coating made from such wood will last a long time in the open air.

A decking board made of solid wood will suit fans of 100% natural materials. But in order for the flooring to last long years, requires regular care.

The price for decking made from rare tree species is quite high - a square meter costs from 5,000 to 13,000 rubles. A terrace board made of oak, cedar, larch will cost less - from 500 to 1000 rubles. per square meter.

Treated wood decking

To protect against rapid wear and tear, wood is treated in one of two ways:

Impregnation - vacuum impregnation chemicals using special technology. After treatment, the material becomes resistant to rotting and fungal growth; such a board will last 15–20 years without additional care.

To ensure the quality of the board treated with the impregnation method, you just need to scrape upper layer- material that has undergone vacuum impregnation has the same shade of all layers of wood. If the inner layers are different in color, it means protective covering applied only to the surface of the decking board.

Heat treatment - wood is heated at a temperature of about 200 °C. After this, it becomes lighter, denser and repels water without using special means. In addition, wood treated with high temperature is not susceptible to rotting. However, as the strength of the material increases, its fragility also increases - dents, cracks and chips can form from impacts and falling heavy objects.

The price for products processed by one of the methods ranges from 700–1700 rubles. per square meter.

Wood-polymer composite (plastic decking)

To make it, wood flour is mixed with polymer materials. WPC flooring is not at all afraid of moisture, is not subject to rotting, and can withstand high mechanical loads. Disadvantages include the appearance, which differs from natural wood and the susceptibility of the material to fatigue deformation.

WPC boards can be sanded or unsanded. Outwardly, they are almost identical, but manufacturers claim that the surface of the polished board is not slippery at all. As practice shows, the differences are minimal and after a month of operation the sliding characteristics are identical.

Unscrupulous manufacturers use sanding to hide board defects resulting from the use of low-quality raw materials. If the top layer of polymer is damaged during sanding, wood particles come into contact with the environment, which leads to rapid destruction.

The price of wood-polymer decking, depending on the country of origin, is 1000–1500 rubles. per square meter.

Dimensions of decking boards

The width of the product ranges from 90 to 250 mm, the standard length is 3–6 meters. Based on thickness they are divided into three types:

  • thick board - 42–48 mm;
  • middle board - 25–30 mm;
  • thin board - 18–22 mm.

There is also tile decking made from WPC. It is suitable for covering a small area of ​​flooring, and also if for some reason it is undesirable to use a long board. The size of the tiles varies - from small products of 25 x 25 cm to the maximum possible 50 x 50 cm.

Manufacturers of decking

Today the corporation is becoming the leader in the production of decking boards from rare and valuable wood species JUNGLWOOD. Its factories, located in Indonesia and Portugal, produce boards from an array of rare varieties of wood. Thanks to the use latest technologies wood processing, its natural characteristics are preserved in the finished product.

No less famous manufacturer - Italian company Ital Parchetti. Raw materials are delivered to the wood processing factory from South America and Africa in the form of unprocessed logs. Here the wood is sawn and further processed. Production is under strict control at all stages. Thanks to this, the products produced at the factory are classified as class “A”.

The production of composite decking boards is more widespread. The market offers products from both domestic and foreign manufacturers. The products of each brand have their own characteristics that need to be taken into account when choosing.

Firm TREX, a market-leading manufacturer from the USA, produces solid boards with a 25-year quality guarantee. Our own developments in wood processing have made it possible to achieve high wear resistance of the produced material.

Wood decking is the most popular

WOOZEN- brand of the Korean company LG, famous manufacturer electronics and household appliances. One of the factories produces high-quality hollow boards. Its surface imitates unpolished wood. Product warranty from the manufacturer is 10 years.

Brand ECODEK- products from large domestic manufacturer DPK Engineering. Cost of decking boards Russian production lower due to the use of local wood, the absence of customs duties on the import of products and intermediary markups. Thanks to special staff The raw material of the board has excellent resistance to adverse weather conditions, quality guarantee is given for 7 years.

HOLZDORF- the German-Ukrainian enterprise uses Italian and German equipment and raw materials from Europe for production. The boards are hollow, with a locking joint (tongue and groove), thanks to which the flooring is continuous, without gaps and cracks. The company guarantees quality for 7 years of operation.

Additional materials for installation and subsequent maintenance

Before installing any type of decking board, load-bearing supporting elements (joists) are installed on the leveled area. They are made from various materials:

  1. Composite logs - used in difficult climatic conditions, but with low operational load (for example, in the courtyard of a private house). Before laying between the ground or concrete base and lay thick rubber with lags. The width of the lag laying step is 30–40 cm.
  2. Wooden logs are made from dry wood (less than 25% humidity) and treated with special wood preservatives before installation. Depending on the cross-section of the timber, laying is carried out at a distance of 60–100 cm from each other.
  3. Aluminum logs are the most expensive option. Used in areas subject to constant heavy loads. Mounted in increments of about 100 cm.

To install solid wood decking, screws are used, no additional elements not required. WPC boards need to be framed with end elements. They use junction strips between the building wall and the flooring, edging strips, and profiles of various configurations. The edging protects the open cuts of composite boards from atmospheric influences and improves the appearance of the coating.

A significant expense item during the operation of a coating made of solid board- purchase protective equipment for impregnation of wood. The first time the treatment is carried out before installation (the board is treated on both sides), then repeated every 24 months. With the help of azure oil, the surface is protected from the destructive effects of sunlight and decay. Anti-slip oils are used near bodies of water - on piers, by the pool.

The cost of such drugs is quite high - to cover only forty square meters boards you will need a can of protective oil costing about 5,000 rubles.

Photos of decking in different colors

Photos of decking of different textures and colors Photos of decking of different textures and colors Photos of decking of different textures and colors Photos of decking of different textures and colors Photos of decking of different textures and colors Photos of decking of different textures and colors Photos of decking of different textures and colors Photos of decking of different textures and colors Photos of decking of different textures and colors Photos of decking of different textures and colors Photos of decking of different textures and colors Photos of decking of different textures and colors Photos of decking of different textures and colors Photos of decking of different textures and colors Photos of decking of different textures and colors Photos of decking of different textures and colors Photos of decking of different textures and colors Photos of decking of different textures and colors

Photos of interiors with terrace boards

DIY decking

  • For decking installation, only a flat surface is suitable - concrete screed, wooden structures, logs supported on screw piles or polypropylene adjustable supports. Laying the coating on a sand or gravel bed; soil is not recommended.
  • Adjustable propylene supports allow you to compensate for the height and slope of the terrain, withstand heavy loads, high humidity and temperature changes.
  • If the space between the soil and the flooring on supports is waterproofed and provided good ventilation, in the resulting gap, various communications can be carried out.
  • When arranging open areas and terraces on difficult terrain, where it is impossible to make traditional types of foundation, screw piles are used. Great strength and load bearing capacity Such a foundation will ensure the reliability of structures with the highest operating loads.
  • Each manufacturer gives recommendations for the installation of decking manufactured at its factories. The board can be mounted in two ways: maintaining a gap of 4-6 mm between the elements or seamlessly. Linear expansion is also taken into account - 4-5 mm per linear meter. It is impossible to lay it close to a wall or fence; you should move at least 1.5-2 cm away from it.
  • The flooring is installed at a slope of 2-2.5% (2-2.5 cm for each meter of terrace length) to drain rainwater. If the terrace is adjacent to the house, the slope is directed in the direction opposite to the wall. To maintain good ventilation under the flooring, the spaces between the joists are left unfilled.

Installation rules

The pitch between the logs when installing any type of decking board is on average 40–45 cm. The boards are attached in both hidden and open ways.

At open method fastening elements are visible, which spoils the attractive appearance of the coating; in addition, soil movements and loads during operation weaken the screwed elements and their heads can protrude above the surface.

In boards made from rare tree species, a hole is drilled before screwing in the screw - this prevents possible cracking at the fastening point. Boards made of larch, cedar, pine are fastened without preliminary preparation. After installation, the screw heads are painted to match the color of the board or covered with special caps.

Hidden installation is carried out using special hidden fasteners, which the manufacturer offers along with the boards. Fasteners from different companies may vary significantly. The flooring fixed in this way can be continuous or with seams between the boards.

A few rules for installing any type of decking:

  • the ends and joints of the boards should be located on the joists;
  • Before installation, a starting profile is installed; at the end, all open ends are covered with a finishing strip;
  • screws, connecting clips or other fasteners are installed at each intersection of boards with joists;
  • Some types of logs have special grooves for rubber terminals; they are used when installing structures in places with large temperature differences.

All manufacturers of terrace decking include with the material they sell detailed instructions on installation with photographs and step by step description process. If possible self-installation is in doubt, you can always turn to professionals, they will do the job quickly and efficiently.

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Terrace board (decking) made of wood-polymer composite - beautiful and durable flooring for terraces, gazebos, porches, pool areas, paths personal plot. It is unpretentious in care and operation. The service life of a decking board can reach half a century or more. But for this it is important to follow all the rules and nuances of installation.

Basic rules for laying decking boards

  • The surface on which the decking is laid must be level, hard and durable (for example, screed, beams, concrete slabs).
  • Do not: lay logs directly into the ground. And, of course, they should not be constantly in the water.
  • Drainage or drainage must be provided under the decking.
  • The flooring must have a slope in the direction of drainage of at least 1%, that is, 1 cm per linear meter.
  • Free air circulation must be ensured under the flooring to remove moisture. This will help prevent mold and mildew from forming.
  • The screws used for decking installation must be resistant to corrosion.
  • At the end of installation, the coating must be thoroughly rinsed twice with high pressure water.

Tools and materials that will be required for laying decking boards:

  • terrace board;
  • support beams;
  • initial and intermediate staples (clasps);
  • screws;
  • end strips;
  • plugs;
  • corners;
  • level;
  • saw;
  • tape measure and pencil;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill.

How to lay deck boards?

It is better to lay decking boards in dry weather, when the air temperature is above zero. It is advisable to first unpack the boards themselves and let them lie in the air for a day or two in the place where they will be laid.

Each board must be secured to special supports - logs. This can be done in one of two ways:

  • perpendicular (boards are laid perpendicular to the joists);
  • diagonally (boards are installed diagonally to the joists).

The process itself is simple, but has a number of nuances that need to be taken into account. Let's look at each stage of installation in detail.

Stage 1. Preparing the base for installation

The following can be used as a base for laying decking boards:

  • solid, level concrete screed with a pre-laid rubber cushion;
  • concrete slabs or support beams;
  • adjustable screw supports;
  • metal or wooden frame with a profile section of 100x100 mm and a distance between frame profiles of no more than 500 mm (if the logs are made of WPC).

Stage 2. Laying lags

The logs are installed at a distance of no more than 400 mm from each other. At diagonal laying the distance should be reduced to 300-350 mm.

It is important to maintain a compensation gap between the joists and the wall or any other obstacles - at least 10 mm. Otherwise, the boards may become deformed due to thermal expansion.

The logs must be aligned with each other and be in the same horizontal plane.

Stage 3. Installation of decking boards

Laying the board itself is done as follows.

  • Using self-tapping screws, the clamps are attached to the joists. Moreover, the first clamp is screwed onto the edge of the joist.
  • The decking board is laid in such a way that it fits into the clamp.
  • The second clamp is installed on the opposite side. The installed board is secured.
  • In the same way, clamps are installed on all joists.

Advice: Clasps must be installed on all joists. Otherwise, the decking board may sag.

  • The remaining boards are installed in the same way.

Advice: The clamps must fit into the grooves of the decking board. This ensures a strong fastening, as well as the necessary gap between the boards.

  • After installing all the boards, their ends are leveled and hidden with decorative caps.
  • After completing the work, you need to thoroughly wash the surface of the decking board with running water.

Technology for laying decking boards: typical mistakes

In most cases, problems with decking that arise during operation are associated with errors made during its installation. Here are some of them.

  • The distances between the logs are not maintained.
  • The fasteners are overtightened.
  • There is no or improperly arranged water drainage.
  • The boards were laid without compensating gaps.
  • Drainage is incorrect or lacking.

If you have not figured out how to properly lay a WPC deck board, or are not sure that you can handle this work yourself, order professional installation of the coating by specialized installation teams. Thus, certified Alta-Profile specialists have been trained by our experts and will perform all work in compliance with technological standards and manufacturer’s recommendations. Quality is guaranteed by Alta-Profile.

Operation of decking boards

The lifespan of decking primarily depends on the quality of installation. And secondly, it depends on how it is used.

In conclusion, here are some tips that will help extend the life of the decking board to 50 years or more.

  • Do not allow the terrace to be flooded for more than 4 days.
  • Do not use metal sponges, scrapers or spatulas for cleaning. It's better to use a regular cotton or microfiber cloth.
  • Remove any defects (for example, a cigarette mark) using sandpaper.
  • For washing use running water or non-abrasive, non-acid detergents.

And a stylish and solid coating will decorate your terrace, walkway, or porch for many decades!

Our construction teams perform installation work at a high level and with a guarantee. We offer the following types of services:

  • installation of terrace boards;
  • installation of fences, steps;
  • installation of a finishing floor on the porch, veranda;
  • installation of façade boards;
  • installation of decorative lighting, etc.

Advantages of installation work at GOODECK

We know all the nuances of GOODECK products, which is the key High Quality operation and reliability of the finished structure.

We use recommended materials and components, we use professional tools and take into account climatic conditions. Our specialists have extensive experience in laying decking boards and carrying out other installation work. All this guarantees excellent results and long term operation of structures.

We have affordable prices for installation of decking boards and other services. In the estimate, we indicate everything as transparently as possible necessary work with their cost and volume, we must sign an agreement indicating the terms and procedure for payment for services.

As a rule, the work begins with our specialist visiting to measure and discuss the details of the planned structure (terrace, veranda, house facade). Based on the measurements, a commercial proposal is prepared, and if necessary, a design project (visualization) of the object can be prepared.

The cost of installing decking boards and other services is presented in the table below.


Unit change Service price per unit. change


Installation of decking boards (direct laying) m2 900 rub.
Installation of decking boards (diagonal laying) m2 950 rub.
Installation of decking boards (herringbone laying) m2 1000 rub.
Installation of molding elements (corners, end boards, slopes, etc. Width up to 60 cm) m 350 rub.
Installation of a frame made of logs with leveling m2 450 rub.
Organization of end curved surfaces m 450 rub.

Foundation, foundations

Production of SGS (sand-gravel mixture) pillows with a tamper m2 550 rub.
Substrate device - geotextile m2 20 rub.
Spin screw pile manually up to 2 m PC 2000 rub.
Laying supports (blocks) under the logs PC 150 rub.
Manufacturing of a metal frame (base) m2 2000 rub.


Installation of facade boards on vertical surfaces m2 900 rub.
Installation of façade ceiling boards m2 1000 rub.
Installation of a frame for facade installation m2 420 rub.


Installation of steps up to 350 mm wide m 1500 rub.
Manufacturing a metal frame (base) for the steps. m 1200 rub.
Installation of fences m from 3000 rub.
Decorative lighting
Installation of 1 lamp PC 500 rub.
Departure of a specialist for consultation/measurement up to 100 km from the Moscow Ring Road 5000 rub.*

* upon conclusion of the contract, it is deducted from the cost of installation services.

You can get advice and call a surveyor by calling +7 495 729-44-46 | +7 495 640-88-6

Examples of completed work can be viewed on our website in the “Gallery” section

Installation of decking boards

Wood-polymer composite decking is a popular material that is often used to create floors on verandas, gazebos, piers and other areas where you need to get a durable floor covering that is resistant to mechanical damage and moisture. Installation of canvases is a multi-stage process and requires the involvement of experienced specialists. You will see this for yourself by reading the material on the features of decking installation.

Preparation for laying WPC decking

The initial stage is the preparation of material and tools that will be used in the work. The decking must be placed where the installation will take place for two days. This time will be enough to equalize the temperature of the environment and the deck boards themselves. It is desirable that the indicators be above 5°C; if the indicators are negative, you should refuse to complete the assigned tasks altogether.

As for the tools, for installation you will need a drill, drills, screwdriver, saw, tape measure, pencil and level. Installation is carried out using plugs, corners, end strips, self-tapping screws, staples, joists.

Please note that the mount can be open or closed. In the first case, you need to use fasteners that have an anti-corrosion coating. In the second, special clips are used that will not be noticeable (consumption of 15-20 pieces per 1 m2).

You also need to decide on the method of laying the decking. The most popular solutions are the following:

  • diagonal (at an angle to the walls);
  • deck method (parallel to the walls).

The choice depends on your wishes appearance surface and configuration features of the area where the work is being carried out.

Creating a base for laying WPC decking boards

A prerequisite for trouble-free operation of a coating created from decking is drainage. It is important to prepare a water drainage system in advance.

The base for installation can be:

  • cement screed treated with a special waterproofing material;
  • wooden logs;
  • metal beams.

In order for the water to flow away by gravity, it is necessary to provide a slight slope of the base, which will not be noticeable visually (1-2 degrees will be enough). This will avoid the appearance of puddles both under the coating and on its surface.

The logs are mounted on the prepared base; the distance between the two parts should not exceed 40 cm. It is necessary to leave a compensation gap between the material and the vertical surface (wall, threshold) for the free expansion of the logs as the temperature rises.

Please note that the DPC cannot perform the function load-bearing structure, so despite the strength of the material, preparation of the base is mandatory.

Decking installation

In the process of laying decking boards on a prepared base and frame, you must adhere to a number of rules:

  • Installation begins from fixed structures, for example, from a wall. The first board is fixed with self-tapping screws, positioned at an angle of 45 degrees to the joists. The last panel is secured in the same way. Holes for fasteners are marked in advance.
  • The remaining boards can be fastened using special clips; installation is carried out sequentially at each support point.
  • Between the ends of the canvases it is necessary to leave gaps of 8 mm. To ensure the same distances, you can take special wedges.
  • After laying all the boards, the expansion gaps left between the floor and vertical surfaces can be leveled using a saw.

Finishing operations

At the last stage of installation work on laying wood-polymer composite decking, the open ends of the boards are processed. After this, the sections are covered with special decorative strips (attached with screws). The edges of the flooring can also be covered with skirting boards, corners made of aluminum or WPC.
