Make your own bathroom furniture. DIY bathroom furniture: material, assembly, finishing. Storage under the bath

Despite the current variety of bathroom furniture offered by stores, it is not always possible to find an option that could fully satisfy the requirements of customers. In such cases, a reasonable solution is to make bathroom furniture yourself. By selecting the right approach, you will significantly save your budget and get an impressive bathroom interior.

What is suitable for furnishing a bathroom - popular solutions

First of all, you should find out exactly what pieces of furniture you would like to see in your bathroom.

In this situation, the following furniture is most often used:
Washbasin cabinet.
It is practical because it is very easy to install a sink into it, at the same time inner space Great for storing care products and household chemicals, especially in large, economical packages. This furniture will also hide conspicuous siphons and water pipes.

They are mounted at the top of the wall, fixation is ensured by brackets. Although the hanging cabinet looks small from the outside, it is very convenient to store hand-me-down cosmetics.

It is rational to use this piece of furniture if any corner of the bathroom is empty. It is recommended to make the cabinet in such a way that it has two compartments. The large one will be used for storing laundry, and the small one can accommodate various bathroom accessories.

In addition, an integral attribute of the bathroom is a mirror. Quite often, a bathroom is arranged in such a way that there is enough free space for large mirror simply no. In this situation, it is recommended to place mirrored doors on the hanging cabinet.

How to choose material for making furniture

The next step is to select the materials from which you will assemble the furniture for the bathroom. Here you need to first of all remember that the bathroom is a room with high humidity. Accordingly, the material for furniture must be moisture resistant.

This category includes the following materials:
Waterproof fiberboard (MDF) and particle board (chipboard).
The first type of material has a variety of color solutions, allowing you to choose the option that suits you best. Chipboards are found in less rich colors, but they can be processed independently without any problems. Chipboard also has better water resistance, unlike MDF. An excellent option is to use the first material for the facade of the furniture, and the second for its body.
This option combines many advantages. It is very light in weight, the plastic is available in a wide variety of colors, and it is completely resistant to moisture. However, when choosing a plastic, you need to pay attention to its type - some polymers are brittle, some are very strong. The processing of plastic can also be a problem, and it can also look quite “cold” in the bathroom.
Stone and glass.
Today, these materials are very popular among those who prefer unusual interiors. Stone makes excellent countertops and shelves. But the material has a big drawback - it is very difficult to work with at home. Glass is usually used for cabinet shelves and furniture facades.

Quite often, home craftsmen tend to use aluminum and stainless steel for furniture items. These metals are both aesthetic and moisture resistant. But at the same time, they are difficult to process, and there is a risk, as with plastic, of making the interior of the room “cold.”

If you would like to make luxury furniture yourself, you should try using natural wood. The important thing to remember here is to choose wood species that are suitable for wet areas. And such material is quite expensive.

For those who need to order the production of equipment and furniture for beauty salons, we suggest turning to professionals.

The process of creating bathroom furniture

After you decide on the type of furniture and the material for its manufacture, you can begin to take measurements of the bathroom. When the height, length, width of the room are measured, start creating drawings homemade furniture. You should take a ruler and a pencil, draw pieces of furniture, and figure out where they will be located. Specialized websites with programs that help you design furniture yourself can make this task easier. Make a detailed design of the furniture, indicate the number of all elements.

It is better to buy parts with a reserve - you always risk damaging some part of the furniture during processing. It’s better to immediately buy fastenings and fittings. You should not spend money on these plastic products, as they quickly lose their appearance and simply break. The right decision there will be fittings made from materials such as chrome-plated metal alloys or stainless steel. The same goes for fastenings.

Dowels are very good decision, including in terms of price. They are suitable for those cases when you want to install furniture once and for all. You can only assemble non-separable furniture from dowels.

At the same time, you can use such a popular solution today as Euro-ties. Such furniture is easy to assemble and disassemble. Furniture items can also be made from confirmed mat, although it does not have the best appearance.

At the next stage of furniture manufacturing, you should cut the purchased materials according to required sizes. Experienced craftsmen can cope with this task on their own. But for those who are not confident in their abilities, it is better to turn to the services of workshops. When all the parts are ready, start assembling the furniture.

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DIY bathroom furniture: material, assembly, finishing

For some time I was faced with the task of making something for the bathroom. attic floor cabinet under storage tank for water. Looking ahead, the problem was successfully solved with minimal costs time and money; The cabinet performs its direct functions for almost three years without losing its original appearance or being damaged by contact with water. In this article I am going to talk about what and how it is made.

The photo shows a cabinet for a water tank in my attic.


In my case, the following requirements were imposed on the cabinet:

  • Maximum strength. She had to hold a tank with a hundred liters of water at a height of just over a meter;

Captain Obviousness suggests: raising the tank was necessary in order to provide water pressure sufficient for the operation of the water tap and filling cistern toilet on the attic floor.

  • Easy to assemble (if possible without the use of furniture fittings). The fact is that the cabinet was made in the midst of finishing the attic, and it was irrational to spend significant time on it;
  • Resistant to the inevitable splashes of water near the bathtub. As you know, any wood-based materials are hygroscopic and tend to swell in a humid environment.

What are bathroom furniture made from taking these requirements into account?

I chose FC plywood 15 mm thick. It has much greater strength than laminated chipboard or MDF, and can be connected end-to-end with self-tapping screws. From furniture board plywood was favorably priced (at the time of purchase - about 600 rubles per sheet measuring 1525x1525 mm).

To protect against moisture, it was supposed to apply a protective waterproof coating to the cabinet, which I will talk about a little later.


Cutting parts

If you wish, it’s easy to find drawings of bathroom furniture with your own hands on the Internet; in my case, the details of a structurally simple cabinet were marked directly on a sheet of plywood.

To cut them out it turned out to be convenient to use:

  • On straight cuts of considerable length - circular saw . It is carried out along the cutting line with minimum speed— in this case the cut is the most even, without raised chips;
  • When cutting curved parts or on short straight cuts, use a jigsaw. On curved lines it is better to visually control the position relative to the cutting line not marks on the sole of the jigsaw, but the files themselves. The cutting line will still not be perfectly smooth, but at least it will not have significant deviations from the markings.

To cut thick plywood, use wood saws with teeth pointing upward. In this case, the working stroke of the saw presses plywood sheet to the jigsaw sole. A fine file with teeth pointing down causes the jigsaw to bounce off the sheet in an unpredictable direction.

After cutting, the edges and planes of the parts are ground. On edges (especially rounded ones) it is better to use a coarse wood file. To sand the planes of plywood parts, I use an inexpensive oscillating sander with a No. 100 - No. 120 sanding mesh. The surface is prepared for painting or varnishing sandpaper- zero.

If you have a disc sander, even better.


Making bathroom furniture from plywood parts is not difficult: they are joined end-to-end with phosphated or galvanized 4x45 mm self-tapping screws.

The connection of two parts at an angle of 90 degrees looks like this:

  1. In the part that is attached flat to the edge of the second, holes with a diameter of 4 mm are drilled along the edge at a distance of 7 mm from it (half the thickness of the plywood sheet). The step between the attachment points is 15 - 20 cm;
  2. Each hole is countersunk to fit the screw head. I used an 8mm drill bit for the countersink;

  1. The parts are pressed against each other, aligned, after which holes with a diameter of 3 mm are drilled through the previously made holes in the edge of the second part strictly at right angles to it. The instructions are related to the structure of the plywood: if you do not drill holes for the screws, they can cause delamination of the sheet;
  2. A strip of PVA glue is applied to the edge, liquid nails or silicone sealant. Gluing will provide the connection with maximum strength;

The sealant should not protrude beyond the seam. Paints and varnishes do not adhere to it, and blemishes will then have to be removed by sanding.

  1. The parts are tightened with self-tapping screws with moderate force.


There will inevitably be small gaps at the joints between the parts; screw heads and defects of the plywood itself (fallen out knots of the top layer of veneer, cracks, etc.) also need puttying. How to level the surface of the product?

For painting I used acrylic wood putty. It is applied to the defects with a narrow (10-12 cm) spatula at least twice with intermediate drying and sanding. Repeated puttying is necessary because, contrary to the assurances of the manufacturers, the putty, when dried, gives noticeable shrinkage.

Under the varnish, you can choose the same acrylic putty, but not white, but colored. However, its color is quite easy to miss. Here is a simple solution that will allow you to repair defects exactly to match the tone of the plywood surface:

  • Collect sawdust generated when cutting plywood into a clean container. Do not sweep them off the floor, collect only from the surface of the sheet - otherwise dust and dirt will change the color of the improvised putty;
  • Mix sawdust with PVA glue until the consistency of very thick sour cream. After drying, the glue will become transparent, and the color of the putty will exactly match the sawdust.

This composition gives significant shrinkage. In this case, you will have to putty seams, screw heads and plywood defects at least twice.

After the putty has dried, the assembled furniture is sanded again along the planes with a sanding mesh and scratch paper.


How to make the surface of a manufactured cabinet or other piece of furniture waterproof and waterproof?

I used rubber water-dispersion paint based on acrylic latex. The name is “Rezel+”, the manufacturer is the Sevastopol LLC “Accent”, the price is about 120 rubles per kilogram.

What attracted her?

  • Wear resistance. The coating can be cleaned with any detergents, except abrasive ones;
  • Absolutely waterproof. Suffice it to say that this paint is recommended by the manufacturer as a roof sealant;
  • No odors (composition: water-based acrylic latex);
  • Dries one layer in just one hour.

To apply the paint I used a regular soft brush. The painting was done in four layers, with each layer applied perpendicular to the previous one.

If you use a roller or sprayer, the coating will be smoother.

Waterproofing paint is not the only coating that can withstand splashes and high humidity. For another project (my daughter's changing table) I used alkyd urethane yacht varnish. It emphasizes the texture of the top layer of veneer, which has a very pleasant effect on the appearance of the product.

There are several subtleties to applying varnish.

  • After applying the first (priming) layer with a brush or roller and drying it completely, all furniture surfaces are sanded again. The varnish lifts wood fibers on the surface of the veneer and makes it rough to the touch. Sanding will allow you to get a smooth finish without applying dozens of layers of varnish;

  • Subsequent varnishing is performed in one go. The varnish is not applied with a brush or roller, but is poured onto a horizontal plane and spread evenly over it with a wide steel spatula. This method of varnishing will allow you to obtain the coveted smooth glassy surface with a minimum number of flaws;

  • The next surface of the cabinet or other product is varnished in the same way after drying the previous wall. Drying at room temperature takes at least two days, so you should be patient.


I hope that my experience will be useful to the dear reader. The video in this article will help you learn more about how to make bathroom furniture with your own hands. Feel free to share in the comments own experience. Good luck, comrades!

September 1, 2016

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Unfortunately, many people have to face this problem when standard furniture is not suitable for the bathroom. The fact is that not every standard bathroom is like that. Sometimes you just aren’t happy with the headset models, and custom-made ones are expensive.

Therefore, it is much easier and more profitable to make bathroom furniture with your own hands. In this case, you can take into account the features of the room, the location of the pipes and the plumbing itself.

As a rule, the kit includes:

  • A cabinet that is located under the sink;
  • Shelves;
  • Cabinet for storing household chemicals.

What parts are required for furniture

  1. Sheets of fiberboard or chipboard, at least 15 mm thick;
  2. Glass for shelves, 6 mm thick;
  3. Hinges and fittings for fastening doors and shelves;
  4. A set of screws and “plugs” for them made of plastic;
  5. Furniture varnish, paint and putty.

Before you start work, you need to draw a sketch of the future furniture. Decide on the size. If your furniture set will include a vanity unit, then you need to choose a countertop with holes. The distance between furniture and plumbing should not exceed 15-20 mm. In this case, you still need to make recesses for siphons and pipes.

Now you need to make parts according to the sketch. Sand the edges. Use a large drill to make recesses for the screws. Drill holes in the places where future cabinet shelves are attached. Now let's start assembling the cabinet. Needs to be attached to the bottom side walls. The last step is to install the top wall and countertop. Shelf and door parts are made individually.

The finished furniture is installed in the bathroom in place. Be sure to check the stability of the finished structure. Rear wall They don’t do it because there are pipes and a siphon in the bathroom. In order for the cabinet to be stable, it is attached to the wall using metal corners. Two or four are enough.

In order for furniture made by yourself to retain its beauty for a long time, it must be treated with putty. If the material is boards or chipboards that have a plastic coating, then only the edges and joints of parts are processed. You can decorate finished furniture with a decorative pattern, which is applied to wet putty. Before painting, it must be treated with a primer.

Any plumbing unit, be it a separate bathroom or combined with a toilet, must be equipped with at least a minimum amount of furniture. The most popular furniture products that are used in rooms of this type are considered to be a cabinet, in which a washbasin is often mounted, hanging cabinets or shelves, as well as a closet for storing linen. The range of choice of bath sets in specialized stores and markets is very large, however, creating an interior with your own hands has a number of advantages over buying a ready-made item.

White bathroom furniture in Scandinavian style

Among positive aspects Making bathroom furniture with your own hands can highlight the following aspects:

  • Saving money. As you know, prices for materials account for at least half the cost of the product. Independent production furniture will help save a significant amount of money.
  • Uniqueness of the product. Personal creation of an interior element will allow you to get a piece that can become the highlight of the design work.
  • Flight of fancy. There are no restrictions in the appearance and functionality of furniture.
  • Possibility to make furniture for non-standard room sizes.

Selection of furniture design and design

To determine the optimal set of bathroom furniture, as well as its design and construction, it is necessary to build on several factors, including the size of the room, its general style and financial capabilities. home handyman.

  • Cabinet. For convenient storage detergents and other household small items for daily storage, a nightstand is perfect. Depending on the area of ​​the plumbing unit, it is possible to install a separate cabinet or combine it with a washbasin. In the first case, the furniture has a large capacity, and in the second it hides the sink siphon and other plumbing communications.

    Bathroom cabinets – a good place for storing necessary items

  • Shelves and hanging cabinets. These interior elements can be either an alternative to a bedside table in the bathroom or become “neighbors” in the room. It all depends on the size of the room and the needs of the users. If you choose one of the two, then hanging furniture elements look more rational, because free place It's much easier to find on the wall. Hanging cabinets can be equipped with mirrored doors, thus obtaining two useful interior elements in one.

    Open shelves and racks for the bathroom allow you to quickly find everything you need, but require orderliness and beautiful decor

  • Closet. In most standard plumbing installations, it is quite difficult to find adequate space for a linen closet. The solution could be small sizes a floor-mounted corner cabinet that will not take up much space, and at the same time will allow you to place a fairly large number of items on its shelves.

    A green cabinet for the bathroom can accommodate necessary things, hygiene items and household chemicals.

  • How more design and the more complex its desired functionality, the more skill is required from the master when making bathroom furniture with his own hands. Therefore, if the item will be manufactured for the first time, you should not take on complex modular sets.

    Required materials and tools

    The main requirement for bathroom furniture is resistance to moisture. Today, three main types of materials are most popular.

    • Waterproof fibreboards and particle boards (fibreboard and chipboard). Fiberboard looks more beautiful and has a wide range of patterns. Chipboard is more resistant to water and easier to process machining. An option with a combination of these materials is possible (body made of chipboard, facades made of fiberboard).

      Bathroom furniture set with a body made of laminated chipboard and facades made of moisture-resistant MDF

    • Plastic. Plastic products absolutely not afraid of water and chemical detergents. Lightweight material and inexpensive, however, it is quite fragile, so it is not suitable for all furniture options. It will make an excellent hanging cabinet, but due to the large weight of the washbasin, the bedside table may simply break.

      Plastic is aesthetically pleasing, easy to clean, and completely resistant to moisture.

    • Stone and glass. Products made from these materials are of high quality, beautiful and durable, but working with them at home is quite difficult. For high-quality processing glass (and especially stone), a home craftsman’s arsenal of tools should include a lot of special equipment.

      Glass is perfect for a bathroom; it is practical, moisture-resistant, and incredibly attractive.

    • Natural wood. Beautiful, but expensive and impractical material. Wooden furniture looks stylish and impressive, but poor resistance to moisture greatly reduces the service life of the finished product;

      Wooden bathroom furniture looks beautiful and suits most styles, but is not very practical

    • Metal. Metal furniture options (usually steel or aluminum) are possible, but quite rare. Their unpopularity is due to the difficulty of processing metal at home, as well as the fact that such furniture is always cold.

      Metal bathroom rack

    In addition to the selected material, to make bathroom furniture at home with your own hands, you will need a variety of consumables (screws, corners), fittings (handles, hinges, closers, etc.), as well as a basic set of tools.

    Necessary materials, fastenings and fittings

    Basic tools include a drill or screwdriver, a jigsaw, a tape measure or ruler for measurements, and a knife. If, after manufacturing, the finished furniture is planned to be painted, you will additionally need a set of necessary paints and tools (roller, brush or spray).

    Detailed installation diagram of the sink cabinet

    Manufacturing procedure

    DIY project for making a washbasin cabinet

    Cutting chart for the parts of the washbasin cabinet

    Drawing of a homemade bathroom cabinet

    The first stage of making furniture with your own hands is designing the future set. To do this, you need to take measurements of the room itself and decide on the installation location of the finished product.

    Ready-made homemade cabinet in the bathroom interior

    Having decided on the dimensions and material, it is necessary to make parts for assembly.

    DIY laundry box and cabinet made of spruce planks in the bathroom

    The cutting of blanks is carried out strictly according to the drawings, since even the slightest deviation during cutting will lead to a poor appearance of the furniture and will largely spoil the functionality.

    A homemade version of a table-cabinet for an overhead sink, which was made of wood and placed on additional legs

    The next stage is assembling the parts into a single structure. Modern fastenings (confirmat, euro-ties and dowels) are the most rational option. Then the fittings are installed.

    Option for making a cabinet for two built-in sinks with your own hands

    There is no need to skimp on the choice of handles and hinges, so the option with plastic parts It’s better to immediately put them aside (they will become unusable very quickly). The ideal choice is chrome-plated metal fittings, which will not only please the eye with its appearance, but will also serve its users for quite a long time. The final stage of production is cladding and decoration.

    Step-by-step photo instructions for assembling a sink cabinet with a countertop

    Decoration and decor

    Homemade convenient and functional bathroom cabinet made of waterproof plywood

    The final appearance of the finished furniture depends on the imagination of the home craftsman. The simplest option is to cover the products with polyvinyl chloride film.

    Self-adhesive film for decorating wood-look furniture

    The range of such self-adhesives is very large, so there will be no problems with the choice of color and design. Another positive quality– resistance of PVC films to moisture, which is important for the conditions of a plumbing unit.

    Decorating bathroom furniture using self-adhesive film

    If desired, the set can be decorated with handmade items. The main thing is that they do not become sour from moisture over time. Interesting option with the installation of a backlit mirror, which can be placed on the cabinet door to save space.

    Decorating a bathroom shelf using decoupage technique


    DIY bathroom furniture: shelves, vanity unit and mirror

    beautiful and functional furniture It’s not difficult to make one for the bathroom yourself. Handmade will not only save an impressive amount of money, but also create a unique creation that will become a real highlight of the interior. The main thing is to have desire, ideas, some construction skills and a standard set of tools. Don’t jump into manufacturing right away modular furniture, it is better to start with simple shelves, improving your skills over time and moving on to more complex designs.

    Handmade wooden vanity unit with side shelves

    And it’s even worse when I saw a picture online or in a magazine and just fell in love. In order not to buy rickety furniture on the market and forget about dreams ideal image from the magazine, you just need to gather your strength and make bathroom furniture with your own hands.

    If you decide to work with your own hands, you will not waste time looking for exactly “just such” furniture, but will make it yourself.

    If you have a clear picture and sequence of work in your mind, that’s great, however, you need to think through a few more nuances before the work process.

    Bathroom sink countertop

    Choosing the type of future furniture

    Depending on the layout of the bathroom, available space and your wishes, you need to choose the type of furniture. There are many options on this list: bedside tables, shelves, cabinets, etc.

    Modern experts share the following options for DIY work:

    • cabinet under the sink: the bowl can stand on the cabinet, the washbasin can crash into the structure; in any case, this technique is quite practical and attractive: you will have enough space for personal cosmetics, you will hide unsightly views with a siphon, thereby rationally using the “dead” space that is so often empty;
    • hanging cabinets or shelves: often bare bathroom walls can be used quite effectively; mounted on hanging brackets in the upper part of the room, the cabinets seem small, but at the same time very spacious; at this point we will clarify why it is not recommended to choose floor cabinets: they take up a lot of space and become an obstacle when moving around the room;
    • mirrors: if there is no significant space in the bathroom to place a glass panel, consider making a wall cabinet with a mirror door; designers note that an excellent technique for increasing the space of a bathroom is to install a large rectangular canvas in the form of a window, that is, with partitions like a window frame;
    • linen closet: perhaps a corner of the bathroom is empty and allows you to place in it a small floor cabinet with a small compartment for small cosmetics and a large one for dirty linen and preferably detergents.

    We have presented you with the most common furniture options for small bathrooms. Remember, even if you have free funds, you should not overload so much small room extra furniture.

    You can make your own bathroom shelves

    Let's determine the material for making cabinets

    Let's consider the most accessible and simple material - plastic. The bathroom will look beautiful, working with the material is quite easy, and finding desired color even simpler.

    But it is very important to remember that the material is fragile and can be damaged quite easily. If the plastic is loaded, pressed or hit, a crack or chip will immediately appear.

    This option will not withstand the weight of many jars and bottles, not to mention a bulky sink.

    Famous woody chipboard material– good, has waterproof properties. However, there is not such a wide choice of color solutions on the market.

    MDF is a material of slightly worse quality than chipboard. Therefore, these materials are often used in pairs: inner part made of MDF, and the external one (external protection from water) is made of chipboard. If water gets on the fiberboard, it will soon swell and lose its properties.

    It is also possible to use various metals: steel, stainless steel or aluminum alloys. The furniture is attractive and practical, however, working with such materials yourself is quite difficult. Consider the fact that metals are cold and any touch to the furniture may be unpleasant.

    Cabinet in the bathroom

    Stone or glass

    Glass is often used to make cabinet fronts or countertops. The material is not difficult to work with, but you need to take care of it.

    Stone also makes great countertops or shelves. But the material is difficult to process with your own hands at home. You will have to take the help of specialists with professional equipment.

    Natural wood

    This option can be defined as the most successful, but not ideal. When in direct contact with water, the material changes color and shape. But with appropriate treatment with varnishes and moisture-resistant agents, wooden furniture will be an excellent and reliable choice.

    If you use durable types of wood, you will need professional equipment, which you probably do not have. Therefore, doing it yourself will be somewhat more complicated.

    Furniture colors that determine the design

    The ideal combination is the same color of furniture and doorway, the door itself. However, if the door is dark in color, it is better to choose light-colored bathroom furniture so that it makes the room appear larger.

    Combine colors with the decoration of the walls and floors of the room.

    We'll take measurements

    To purchase correctly required amount materials and correct parameters, you need to take measurements before going to the construction hypermarket.

    When purchasing, it is very important to pay attention separately to the evenness of the surfaces of each sheet of material. Remember, you won’t be able to make even and perfectly smooth cabinets with your own hands, so try to select initially even materials.

    You can also add a mirror to the shelves

    Preparation of materials

    According to the dimensional data, cut the pieces of material you need. Of course, you can complete this task with your own hands, however, a specialist in a workshop can do the task better.

    Try to cut the strips economically so that at least 80% of the purchased material is used for the job.

    Keep in mind that cutting with a jigsaw yourself does not promise to give you beautiful and even parts.

    Selection of components

    At this stage you have to select fasteners, fittings, handles, etc.

    Types of fastenings:

    • dowels: the final appearance of the furniture will be attractive, but the structure will not be dismountable;
    • Confermat: practical, but not very beautiful;
    • euro screeds: unique and best option, which looks beautiful and allows you to disassemble the furniture at any time.

    As you can see, the choice is obvious. Modern fastenings are the most profitable option.

    As for fittings, give preference to products made of chrome and stainless steel. On plastic handles don’t even look, in two or three months the paint will be erased, and the rich gilding will be lying on the floor.

    DIY linen closet

    Preparing material for assembly

    The almost final stage of making furniture with your own hands involves painting the material you have chosen.

    Experts note that professional services are quite expensive. Painting it yourself is a hassle, the smell is unpleasant and you need a separate place. However, there is a more or less reasonable solution - wax.

    It is not difficult to apply it to future furniture, it is not too expensive, and the design will be magnificent.

    Assembly: final stage

    Assemble future furniture according to your instructions. If you used dowels as fastenings, try to glue them only after creating counter holes.

    After putting the furniture in place, start preparing the place for the sink. Use a jigsaw to make a neat hole.

    DIY sink cabinet

    DIY furniture is real and affordable. Don't reject this idea. Carefully consider every detail and take careful measurements. In this case, your furniture will be unique and high quality, it’s handmade!
