How to install window slopes. Ideal plastic slopes - how to install panels without gaps in two hours. Manufacturing technology for plastic slopes

Owners of apartments or houses who have installed new windows quite rightly want to tidy up the surfaces around them. Very often this simply needs to be done because when installing new window systems, the old slopes are severely damaged and cannot be “restored”, or they come close to the window sash canopies, and this makes it difficult to open. In addition, slopes are finished in order to enhance sound and thermal insulation window openings, closing polyurethane foam, which fills the gaps between the wall and the window unit when installing it. Very often, for this purpose, a layer of insulation is laid between the finishing material and the wall.

Slopes on windows with your own hands can be made neat and functional in several ways and using various finishing, insulating or combined materials that combine both qualities. To figure out which option will be easier to install and more suitable for a particular case, you need to consider the most popular of them.

What materials are most often used for installing slopes?

There are three most commonly used methods giving aesthetically pleasing slopes, each of them is good in its own way and can be used in combination with insulating material. So on window slopes PVC panels can be installed, plasterboard can be glued or fixed to the sheathing, or the surface can be leveled with a plaster and putty mixture.

Slopes made of PVC panels

For finishing using this technology, plastic lining and auxiliary fittings are used. They help to hide the edges of the panels at the junctions of horizontal and vertical surfaces, as well as at the lines where they join the window frame and at the outer corners of the slopes.

In addition to the usual PVC lining, sandwich panels specially manufactured for this purpose are used for cladding, which consist of layers of plastic and foamed polystyrene. This material will facilitate installation, since it does not have to separately adjust and install insulating material. In addition, this approach also often allows you to do without some elements of fittings.

Like regular lining, sandwich panels are great for decorating slopes around plastic windows, especially since, if desired, you can choose desired color PVC, which will be in full harmony with the shade of the window frame.

It is quite possible to install plastic slopes yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists - you just need to study the installation instructions and scrupulously follow them during work.

Plastered slopes

This finishing method can be called traditional. High-quality surfaces will last a long time without losing their neat appearance. However, it should be noted that without a layer of insulating material, plaster cannot become an effective barrier to the cold coming from the window opening. The disadvantages of this method include the labor intensity and duration of arrangement, since the solution is applied in several layers, each of which must dry well. Besides, plastering work require some experience in their implementation, and without it, it is quite possible to ruin the surface, wasting time and money.

The process of finishing slopes with plaster mixtures is quite “dirty”, and since it takes a lot of time (sometimes it takes from one and a half to two weeks), in a room where work is being carried out, it will be necessary to carry out cleaning daily or not use the room at all.

Prices for popular types of plaster


Plasterboard slopes

Often, apartment and house owners prefer to decorate window slopes with plasterboard. This material is easy to install, it can be used together with insulation, the sheathing is quite durable and perfectly levels surfaces. In essence, it is dry plaster, but its installation is much faster than the “wet” version. This method does not cause large contamination in the room during work and does not require great experience to carry them out. It is enough to follow the already tested instructions to carry out the finishing carefully and correctly.

Today, several types of drywall are produced, and one of them (GKLV, greenish in color) can withstand high humidity - it should be given preference for the design of slopes. Difficulties during the installation process may be caused not by the installation of the material itself, but by its subsequent finishing for application. decorative covering- This is a primer and putty. Without these works, “dry plaster” can quickly become unusable, since it has a rather fragile structural structure and can be used for a long time only when covering the cuts and finishing the surfaces.

Do you want to make window slopes from plasterboard?

The installation process is described in detail in the article on our portal “,” which can be easily accessed by following the link. There, in the publication, questions about the varieties and performance qualities of this material are well covered.

Tools and materials for installing slopes

For work on putting the slopes in order, depending on the chosen option, you will need various materials. The list of tools varies slightly - they will be needed not only for installation work, but also for preparatory activities.

Tools for work

To install any of the selected materials, construction tools are required.

A. If plastering work is ahead, you need to prepare:

  • Spatulas for applying and leveling solutions.
  • Plaster Trowel or Trowel – These are also used to apply plaster or putty mortar to the wall.
  • Corner aligner - it will help you quickly and accurately correct the internal and external corners, which always cause the most difficulty in aligning.
  • Grater - used for leveling and smoothing plastered or puttied surfaces.
  • Falcon - it is convenient to use for bringing the solution to the surfaces to be finished during work.
  • Plaster trowel - this one professional tool Designed for applying and leveling mixtures.
  • An electric drill with a mixer attachment is required for mixing solutions.
  • Mixing container.
  • A metal profile or wooden strip is necessary to create guides.

B. To install PVC panels, you need to have on hand:

  • Sharp construction knife.
  • Angle, ruler and tape measure for measuring and adjusting panel blanks.
  • A construction syringe for working with sealant or a gun for polyurethane foam.

IN. Some tools are needed to install any of the materials listed above:

  • Wide brush for applying primer.
  • A building level that will help control the alignment of surfaces ideally in vertical and horizontal planes.
  • Metal scissors for cutting reinforcing corners or profiles.

Separately, it is necessary to say about the tools intended for preliminary preparation of slope surfaces:

A hatchet or a special chisel attachment for a hammer drill - these tools will be required in cases where the slopes are made carelessly or are located in such a way that they do not allow the window sash to be opened completely, and they will simply have to be beaten off.

A construction hairdryer - if you can limit yourself to removing the old paint coating.

A spatula is required if you only need to clean the surface of the slopes from old plaster, paint or wallpaper.

Necessary materials

A. If you select for installation plastic slopes, materials you will need to purchase:

  • Plastic panels (or lining), the number of which is calculated according to the parameters of the slope. The panels will be needed for installation on the sides and ceiling of the window opening, which means that in order to find out the exact amount of material, you need to measure the height, width of the slopes and thickness of the walls. Typically panels are purchased with a 10÷15% reserve.
  • Starting plastic rail, U-shaped.

  • A rail having an F-shape (F-profile).

  • Thermal insulation material - polystyrene foam or mineral wool required thickness and size. If already insulated sandwich panels are used, then you can do without additional thermal insulation.
  • Wooden or plywood slats with a thickness of 100 ÷ 120 mm.
  • Self-tapping screws of the required length.
  • White silicone for sealing gaps between panels.
  • Polyurethane foam - it is better to use “professional” foam in tubes, rather than cheap ones in aerosol cans..
  • Staples.
  • Primer composition.

To install PVC sandwich panels, you will need the same materials, except for the U-shaped and corner strips. An F-shaped strip may be required to decorate the outer corner, but you can do without it by using a putty mixture to decorate it. Which corner finishing option to choose depends entirely on the preferences of the homeowner.

B. To finish slopes with plaster you will need the following materials:

  • Putty-plaster mixture.

  • Finishing putty.
  • Primer antifungal composition.
  • Perforated masking profile for strengthening external corners.

Prices for popular types of antiseptics


Preparation of slope surfaces

After everything you need has been purchased and prepared, you can proceed to preparing surfaces for installing finishing materials. This process can be carried out in different ways.

  • If the window is installed in such a way that there is enough space around it on the slopes for installing finishing with insulation, then it is often enough just to remove old paint, whitewash or wallpaper from these surfaces.

Whitewash or wallpaper from the walls around the window can be easily removed if you first soak them by soaking them several times with water.

Oil-based or organic-based paint is usually removed with a spatula by heating the surface with a hair dryer.

Cleaned slopes must be primed to avoid the appearance of mold stains under the finishing, which can not only ruin the walls and finishing, but also introduce them into living quarters bad smell and a very unhealthy atmosphere. The fact is that the fungus can be dangerous to the health of residents, so this stage of work should not be neglected.

The application of primer is most often carried out in several layers, each time after the previous one has completely dried. Not only smooth surfaces are processed, but also hard-to-reach corners - for this you need to use a narrow brush.

  • To another, more difficult option preparation includes the complete dismantling of the plaster layer applied to the slopes.

This method is used in cases where a very small distance is left between the window frame and the slope, which does not allow the window to be fully opened. Another situation where this drastic measure cannot be avoided is the impossibility of installing slope insulation or even ordinary plastic panels.

To quickly remove a layer of plaster, a hammer drill with a special attachment called a chisel-scapula is used. It lifts well all the layers applied to the wall, and they are removed in fairly large pieces.

Next, you need to sweep away dust and particles of wall and plaster from the cleaned slopes - this process is carried out using a soft brush or wide brush. Well, after this the wall must be primed with the same antifungal compound.

Slope finishing

To make it easy to install a particular material on slopes, it is necessary to consider each option step by step.

Finishing work begins after the primer applied to the wall is well absorbed and completely dry.

Finishing slopes with plaster without insulation

The process of plastering surfaces around the window is as follows:

The first step is to install guides from the window around the window niche. metal profile or wooden slats.
It should be noted that a metal guide is preferable, as it has lower adhesion than wood - it will be easier to remove.
The guides are aligned to the building level and secured to the wall using dowels. The profile should protrude beyond the corner of the window opening to the thickness of the future plaster layer.
Another guide from a perforated corner is positioned about window frame. It is oriented towards the profile installed around the opening, since the sketched plaster will be aligned along the plane specified by these two guides.
The corner is installed on gypsum-based putty, as it dries quite quickly.
The next step is to pour the plaster mixture onto the wall. Sometimes it is replaced with regular cement mortar, which is mixed from cement and well-sifted sand, that is, in no case should it be interspersed with small pebbles.
The task of this stage is to make the outer corner smooth and create the necessary plaster layer.
The same work is carried out on the ceiling part of the slope.
After the mortar is thrown onto the slope, it needs to be leveled using a rule, a trowel or a level lath.
This layer is leveled, so to speak, roughly, the main thing is that the solution fills all the voids and the edge of the slope, approximately forming an even angle.
Leveling should be carried out after the solution has set. The process is carried out from below, from the window sill. The rule is installed on the guides and carefully rises up, leveling the scattered solution, the excess of which is immediately removed.
Having completed this work, the slopes are left to dry completely.
Next, the external guides are removed from the dried slopes, and perforated painting corners are installed on the formed corners using gypsum putty, which will reliably strengthen the edges of the slopes.
Having installed them along the entire height and width of the opening, you need to wait until the gypsum composition dries completely - this process will take about half an hour.
When the putty dries and the corner is securely attached to the wall and slope, another layer of plaster is applied to their surface, which should be the same height as the installed painting corner.
It is leveled in the same way, starting from the window sill, using a rule that goes up to the ceiling plane. WITH outside, the edge of the corner is compared with the wall with a solution that is applied with a spatula.
Internal corners are formed with a corner spatula, which grasps two planes and the joint between them at once.
The leveled slopes are left until completely dry and then primed.
The last layer consists of finishing putty, and is applied with a thickness of no more than 1-1.5 mm.
The work is carried out with a wide spatula, with light pressure on it, movements from the window frame towards the room.
If marks from the edges of the tool remain on the surface, they must be carefully smoothed out.
The last stage is the final smoothing of the surface using grout. The process is carried out in a circular motion counterclockwise.
After such sanding, before painting, it is recommended to prime the slopes again. The primer will not allow the paint to be absorbed into the putty, so the painting will be even.

For clarity - detailed Video instruction for plastering window slopes.

Video: how to properly plaster window slopes

Finishing slopes with plaster with insulation

In this finishing option, some stages are similar to the first method, but it also has its own characteristics, so it is worth considering separately.

IllustrationBrief description of the operation performed
The insulation is mounted on a primed, flat surface. Therefore, if, after chipping the old plaster, chips and potholes are found, they will need to be leveled with putty or plaster mixture using a wide spatula.
After the repair layer and primer have dried, they proceed to gluing polystyrene foam panels, which should have a thickness of no more than 15 mm.
The material is fixed to polyurethane foam, which is best applied directly to the insulation, or to assembly adhesive type " liquid nails" The part coated with strips of glue is pressed tightly against the slopes.
Installation of foam plastic is first carried out on side walls, and then onto the ceiling part of the slopes.
If necessary, the joints between the foam sheets are additionally filled with foam.
If the slopes are wide enough, then the insulating panels are additionally fixed to the wall using “fungi” fasteners.
To do this, using a hammer drill, holes are drilled in the wall directly through polystyrene foam, into which dowels called “fungi” are inserted. Then special expansion nails are installed and driven into them.
Using this fastening, you need to take into account the thickness of the insulation, since the fungus should be recessed into the wall by 50 ÷ 60 mm, and its cap should be level with the surface of the foam or be slightly recessed into it, by 1 - 1.5 mm.
Having glued the foam, which will level the surfaces and corners, we proceed to reinforcing its surface - only in this case will the finish last a long time.
On external corners corners with reinforcing material are mounted on glue or gypsum-based putty fiberglass mesh. The glue is applied with a spatula to the edge of the slope, then the corner is pressed onto it, and the excess that protrudes through the holes adhesive composition is immediately deleted.
WITH outside the corner is also glued with glue or putty. You can also use cement-based glue, but if you need the surface to be treated to dry quickly, it is recommended to use a gypsum composition.
The mesh is pressed into the applied composition using a spatula, and its excess is leveled or removed.
Next, the mesh is attached to all foam surfaces. It can be glued to an already applied thin layer of putty or attached to buttons, and the solution can then be applied on top of the mesh, leveling it.
This layer will become a preparatory layer for the finishing putty, which is applied to the dried surface.
The final leveling layer and other work are performed in the same way as in the first option.
Video: how to level plastered slopes with putty

Find out a few available ways how to do it from our new article.

Installation of plastic slopes

PVC panels can be divided into two types - regular and sandwich panels, which have insulation in their multilayer structure. Their installation is most often identical and is carried out using fittings, however, sandwich panels can sometimes be joined using sealant, and glued to the walls using polyurethane foam or “liquid nails”.

IllustrationBrief description of the operation performed
Finishing slopes with plastic panels begins with fixing a wooden strip around the perimeter inside the window opening, on the slopes, excluding the window sill. This element will strengthen the corner and allow you to easily install fitting profiles on it.
If the window opening is wider than the frames being installed, then a wooden beam can also be fixed between the frame and the slope. It is usually installed during foaming of the gaps between the wall and the frame during installation of the frame itself. window system. In this case, the thickness of the slats fixed along the outer edge is selected depending on the cross-sectional size of the first beam.
Next, the installation location of the starting profile is determined. If a wooden beam is installed between the frame and the wall, then the profile is pressed against the frame and secured with a stapler and staples to wooden beam. This is the operation shown in the photo.
If the beam was not installed, then the profile is attached directly to the frame, along a line determined using a building level, resting on an external rail. The profile is fixed on the side and top edges of the frame.
At the junction of the walls and ceiling of the slope, an angular profile is installed, in which there are two gaps for installing plastic panels in them.
The fixed starting and corner profiles are clearly visible in the photo.
The next step is to attach an F-shaped profile along the outer side of the slopes, reaching the surface of the wall, which will serve not only as a panel holder, but also as a platband.
The profile is fixed to a wooden strip installed along the outer edge of the slopes.
At the corners, the F-profile is cut at an angle of 45 degrees and connected at a right angle.
In order for the cut to be perfect and the profile not to be damaged, it is necessary to use a miter box when cutting blanks.
Next, measurements are taken from the slopes, and parts are cut out of plastic panels the right size. After this, they are installed in the grooves of the profile - to do this, they can be bent a little.
In some cases, after bending the profile shelves, their edges “do not want” to completely return to their original place, and gaps form. To restore them to their original condition, you can apply silicone sealant in these places and then temporarily fix the assembly masking tape, which is glued to the surface of the plastic panel.

Another option for installing conventional PVC panels on slopes can be a method using insulation, which is laid between the slope wall and the finishing material.

Installation is carried out in the same way as described above, but in in this case a certain space is left for insulation.

1 - attaching the starting U-shaped rail to the window frame or wooden beam;

2 - installation of a wooden batten on the outer edge of the slope;

3 - attaching the J-profile to a wooden batten - this profile will serve to secure the platband at the completion of the work;

4 - installation of insulating material between the wall and the PVC panel;

5 - installation of a regular or sandwich panel in the starting profile;

6 - installation of the CL profile, which snaps onto the protruding part of the J profile. Additionally, it can be glued to the wall and panel using white silicone or sealant.

It should be noted that if sandwich panels are used in this option, then instead of insulating material, polyurethane foam can be used to fill the cavities between the finishing and the wall.

Video: installation of plastic window slopes

Sandwich panels can be installed on the surface of slopes in another way without the use of fitting profiles, but using polyurethane foam, sealant or liquid nails. The gaps between the planes, in this case, are sealed with white silicone.

Installation of sandwich panels directly on slope walls is quite simple, but an important condition it requires a more or less flat surface, so before installing the finishing material, it needs to be leveled and dried.

  • Dimensions are taken from the slopes and sandwich panels are cut along them.

  • Then one of the selected adhesives is applied to them, and the panel is pressed against the surface of the slope.

If polyurethane foam is used for installation, the ceiling panel of the window opening is glued first.

The ceiling plane is sprayed with water from a spray bottle - this will increase the adhesion of the surfaces.

Then the foam is applied along the perimeter of the glued part in a thin strip, since it tends to expand quite strongly, and with a large amount of it, the foam can squeeze the finishing material from the wall.

  • Having pressed the material to the surface, you need to hold it for 5 ÷ 7 minutes, and then install supports and leave until it dries completely and the foam expands. The support can be made from a planed board, which is pressed against the panel, which is supported with bars, placing them on the window sill.
  • After this, they are mounted in the same way side panels slopes.

  • Then, if there are unfilled gaps between the slope wall and the finishing, they are additionally foamed. When the foam dries and expands, its protruding excess is cut off with a sharp stationery knife.

  • Next, the joints between the wall and the finishing material should be closed with a special profile, which is called a platband. It is made in the form of a corner and can have different widths, which allows them to cover the unsightliness of a joint even of large width. The casing is glued to the “liquid nails” and held in place while they dry using masking tape.
  • If for some reason small gaps have formed between the panels, they are carefully filled with white silicone, which after drying will be almost invisible.

It should be noted that there are other ways of performing work on finishing slopes, which are somewhat different from those described above, but the principle of their implementation is unchanged.

— First, you need to decide in advance on the choice of material, whether it will be insulated initially or this process will be carried out during the installation process.

— Secondly, choose the material for insulation and for fixing all the parts.

— Third, decide which installation method will be preferable: with or without the use of fitting profiles.

Having decided on all the criteria, you can take measurements and purchase everything you need for work.

Making slopes on windows yourself is not so difficult if you approach this process with extreme care, take accurate measurements, and select all the necessary components correctly.

Is it possible to install a plastic window with double-glazed windows yourself?

Installation of slopes is the final stage of installing a window system. In order for the windows to be truly insulated according to all the rules, it is necessary to take into account many nuances even during the installation of the frames.

– in the corresponding publication of our portal.

No window will look complete if it does not have slopes. Therefore, before home owners when changing window design or installing a new one, the question invariably arises of how to finish window slopes with plastic, and why this material is better than others.

What are the advantages of plastic finishing

Undoubtedly, plastic is not the only material used to produce. Can be used ordinary plaster followed by puttying and painting with various compounds, or drywall, which also requires further work on applying putty and painting. In a relationship plaster slopes we can say that not everyone can make them on their own. This also requires professional skill and skill.

But the plastic used is good because it combines a perfectly flat surface, like drywall, and the absence of painting or pasting work. In addition, slopes finished with plastic once do not require further repairs or periodic painting. All care involves wiping with a damp cloth. Therefore, recently finishing window slopes with plastic has gained wide popularity.

In just one day you can cover all the slopes in the house, which is much faster if you plaster them or finish them with plasterboard. In addition, the use of plastic panels makes it possible to insulate slopes if a layer of heat-insulating material is laid under them. A wide choose panels by color palette and texture will help to harmoniously fit them into the existing interior of the room. And for the cost plastic products accessible to almost all segments of the population. With careful use, their lifespan can be more than tens of years.

Technical characteristics of PVC panels and sandwich panels

To carry out such work, PVC panels or plastic sandwich panels are used. Both of them can be used for cladding window slopes inside the house. Their difference is that ordinary PVC panels have stiffening ribs inside that are not filled with anything, while a sandwich panel is three-layer construction, where a layer of insulation is located between two layers of plastic. Polyurethane foam is often used as the material that best meets all the requirements - safety, heat preservation and environmental friendliness.

If you don’t know how to trim window slopes with plastic and at the same time provide insulation, then you should use PVC sandwich panels.

Plastic products create a perfectly flat and smooth surface. They are produced in panels with lengths ranging from 2700 mm to 6000 mm. The width of standard products varies from 100 mm to 370 mm. However, now panels of greater width have appeared on sale, reaching up to 50 cm. Similar plastic panels have sufficient strength, which is provided by stiffening ribs located vertically in relation to the front sides of the product. The resulting air channels create reliable protection from the cold and noise.

The plastic used in the production of these panels can withstand temperature changes with a difference of ± 20℃. But there are also products for which this limit reaches ±50℃. The upper, front side of the panel is decorated with various patterns (using offset or thermal printing, lamination) and covered protective film made of special varnish that is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, wear, static electricity and other negative influences.

How to trim window slopes with plastic - preparatory work

Before you start installing, you need to clear the work site of construction debris and cut off the mounds of polyurethane foam. After this, it is necessary to carry out work to prevent the formation of mold and mildew under the plastic panels by special means, which coat all elements that fall under the plastic - walls, frame elements, window sill.

After this, we proceed to constructing a frame for attaching future plastic panels. The frame, of course, is said loudly; our design will be a wooden slatted frame along the outer perimeter of the window opening. The lath should be chosen with a thickness of 8–10 mm and a width of 25–30 mm.

When choosing, you need to carefully look at the quality of the slats and wood themselves. It should be dry, not damaged by insects, and the product should be even along its entire length, without crimps or bluish spots, which indicate the beginning of the rotting process. To attach the slats to the structures framing the window, you will need dowels and wood screws.

Plastic panels are a fairly rigid material and cannot close all the smallest cracks at the window-wall joints, through which cold air will subsequently penetrate. To prevent this from happening, finishing window slopes with plastic involves laying insulating materials between the wall and the finishing material. This could be: a thin layer mineral wool, isolon, polystyrene foam or any other insulation. This gasket will reliably protect inner space houses from drafts and street noise. It is important that the thickness of the insulation is not greater than the thickness of the frame rail. To attach it, any adhesive is used; it is important for us to fix the insulation in a vertical position until it is pressed against the plastic panel.

Do-it-yourself finishing of slopes with plastic

After checking the level of correctness of the installed wooden slats relative to the vertical and horizontal, we proceed to installing the starting profile. This is a special U-shaped element into which a plastic panel is inserted. The profile along the inner perimeter of the window opening is attached directly to the window frame with small self-tapping screws (bugs), which are screwed into the inner lower part of the profile. Horizontal elements are attached to the window sill. The upper horizontal sections of the U-shaped profile are sewn to a wooden batten with one edge, and inserted into the other vertical element. Special care is required when joining all the elements so that everything looks smooth and beautiful.. In this case, the insulation layer remains between the profile and the wall with a minimum gap.

An F-shaped profile is installed along the outer edge of the window opening, so that its wide shelf extends onto the wall (like a corner). Now you just need to insert the plastic panels into the profiles, inside of which you should first apply a certain amount of acrylic sealant, and then glue the outer framing element to the wall using liquid nails. You need to carefully bend the shelf, insert the spout of the glue can and carefully apply the compound along the entire length of the slope, then firmly press the previously bent F-shaped shelf and hold it in this state until the glue sets.

If the width of the plastic panels is greater than the width of the vertical slope, the panel is reduced using the usual stationery knife. The connection between the vertical panels and the horizontal upper part is closed with a special plastic corner of the same color as the main finishing material. For greater reliability, the corners are glued liquid plastic. You can camouflage the wooden slats at the top of the window opening by gluing a plastic trim on the outside.

It often happens that after installing windows, the opening does not look the best in the best possible way and needs renovation. AND the best option To get rid of protruding foam, pieces of plaster and other defects, you will install slopes on plastic windows yourself. Properly designed slopes will give the windows a complete aesthetic appearance.

Reasons for installation

Plastic windows can be considered correctly installed only if the slopes are installed correctly and in compliance with the rules. They carry a certain part of the thermal insulation load, thus preventing fogging of the assembly seams. If improperly finished or due to temperature changes, the structure may collapse building materials. Therefore, it is important to install slopes in compliance with technology.

Plaster finishing

This option is now considered quite outdated because it has more disadvantages than advantages. But you can still consider this possibility.

There are two main advantages of this type of finishing:

  • Low installation cost.
  • If the windows were installed close to the walls, then this is the only possible option.

Unfortunately, there are many more disadvantages in this method, so you should consider Negative consequences its application.

Among the disadvantages are the following:

If, after weighing all the pros and cons, you come to the conclusion that you can’t do without plaster, feel free to get down to business.

Using drywall

This material has been very popular lately. A lot of structures are made from it, including slopes for walls. When installing it, you may encounter difficulties, but they are much less than when finishing with plaster.

The undeniable advantages of using this material are:

But, like any other material, drywall also has its disadvantages:

  • During installation, a large number of tools and materials are used.
  • He is very sensitive to high humidity, so it is better not to use it in an aggressive environment.
  • Insulation is required.

Now you can proceed directly to installing the slopes. Tools and materials required for installation:

Now that necessary tools close, you can start working. First we fasten wooden blocks along the entire perimeter of the window flush with the wall. The bars are fastened with dowels. Then, using a utility knife, a sheet of foam and drywall is cut. The insulation is laid between the bars and pressed using the finished slope segment. Drywall is screwed into wooden blocks in increments of approximately 20 cm around the perimeter.

After all the slopes are fixed, we proceed to puttying. The putty mixture is applied to the sheet thin layer and covers irregularities and screw heads.

The next stage is painting. Can be painted in the usual way, the task is not to dirty the windows. Once the paint has dried, you can begin decorating the corners. To do this, cut to the required length plastic corners and are attached with glue to the surface.

Plastic materials

Plastic slopes have huge advantages compared to plaster:

When replacing old windows, the window opening can be severely damaged, so it is important to fill the resulting voids. In some cases, the cracks are not visible, but it still comes through from the window. This indicates that the seams were depressurized after installation work.

Thermal insulation methods

If you install slopes according to all the rules, then they need to be properly insulated. Thermal insulation is achieved simply: you need to install insulation under a layer of plastic.

Insulation can be done in 2 ways:

  1. Insulate the space with polystyrene foam or mineral wool on the inside of the window.
  2. Fill the cracks at the junction of the window opening and the PVC frame with foam.

Gap within 50 mm at smooth surface It is advisable to insulate with Izover, sheet foam or polystyrene foam. If the wall is uneven, it is better to use mineral wool. From the outside, the gaps can be filled with foam.

Well-insulated multilayer walls themselves perfectly protect the window opening from external factors, so it is not necessary to insulate the slopes; it is enough to apply polyurethane foam along all the gaps from the outside.

Installation of plastic slopes

Now let's look at how to make slopes on windows out of plastic. Required tools:

  • Sheet plastic 8 mm, enough for 6 meters.
  • The starting strip is U-shaped and F-shaped.
  • Hammer or drill.
  • Building level.
  • Metal scissors.
  • Square.
  • Pencil.
  • Sealant and screws.

As in the case of drywall, you need to install plastic slopes with your own hands from blocks and foam plastic. Then we attach the starting profile to the window frame using glue; you can fix the profile to the block with construction staples for greater reliability.

The next step is to attach the F-profile to the block that runs along the wall.

Now comes the most difficult stage - installing the panels. Since the profiles that were previously fixed are made of plastic, they bend easily, this will help to bring them into the F-profile. But before that, you need to insert one edge of the slope into the starting element and push it until it stops.

Then you need gently press the inner edges F - profile and bring the panel inside. If the work is done correctly, the profile should return to its original position and securely fix the panel.

Installation of external slopes

There are several options for installing and preparing external slopes. The most common methods for installing slopes:

  1. Made from plasterboard covered with plastic.
  2. Made from sandwich panels.
  3. Made from foam plastic.

Sandwich panels or plastic panels are cut using a power saw or metal scissors. Then the starting profile is mounted with dowels into the window opening during window installation. Next, the slopes are attached to this base. For installation work, galvanized brackets and mounting tape. The brackets are attached using self-tapping screws, and on their base, the slopes are firmly pressed to the window sill. The corners are lubricated with sealant.

Plasterboard slopes with PVC cladding sheets are mounted with “liquid nails”. It is necessary to ensure that no traces of deformation remain on the surface of the plastic.

One of the options - this is the use of foam PVC. By cutting, it can be bent to required form. Otherwise, PVC has general technology installation with sandwich panels.

Replacing old frames with modern plastic windows is half the task. The next stage, which is often forgotten, is the installation of window slopes. Proper execution and the finishing of slopes plays no less important role in insulating an apartment than. You can invite a craftsman to carry out the work or save a little on builders and make the slopes yourself.

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Types of slopes

The complexity of finishing the slopes depends on the quality of the walls, the accuracy of the craftsmen when working with windows and the chosen material for finishing. There are only three basic methods:

  • followed by decoration (painting or wallpapering);
  • plastic framing;
  • covering .

Slopes are also made of wood - coniferous (most often pine) or valuable species(beech, oak, mahogany). This is a rather labor-intensive method that requires professional work with wood. Wooden slopes look stylish in expensive interiors, where the rest of the furnishings are also made using wood. You can complete the repair yourself if you choose a simpler material for the slopes of plastic windows.

Plastic slopes

Plastering and painting slopes

This method of processing slopes is the most economical and simple. The finished dry mixture, which is based on gypsum or cement, is mixed with water in the proportion specified by the manufacturer, after which the material is ready for use.


Before applying plaster, the surface around the window is cleaned of dust, dirt, sagging or foam.

The seams of corners and slopes are widened so that the plaster adheres better to the base - brick wall. The wall is plastered first, and only then the slopes are started.

Installation of slopes

Sealing cracks

When making slopes, additionally check the tightness of the joints of the wall and window. The detected cracks are sealed with polyurethane foam, or you can use tow or felt. Fabric materials treated with gypsum solution and fixed around the perimeter of the frame.

There should be 2-3 cm left to the side parts of the window opening - this gap will be filled with plaster. When the material has dried, work can continue. It may not be very quick to do window slopes with your own hands, but you can be sure of the quality of each stage of the work.

Plastering slopes - the final stage

A little solution is placed in the groove of the slope, leveled, wait until it dries and move on to the next layer. In one go, you can apply 5-7 mm of the solution, then you need to wait for the material to dry completely. Level the layers from bottom to top.

Before applying the plaster, the upper part of the slope is fixed with a horizontal plank of wood - its edge must be perfectly smooth. Fix the lath to the plaster or with nails, aligning the guide along.

Slopes on the windows

Advantages of plastic slopes

Installing plastic slopes will take much less time than working with plaster. This option for finishing windows will not cost much more, but there will be less dust and dirt after completing the slopes, and the process will go faster.

Plastic panels are made of the same material as the window frames. When temperature changes, slopes and frames expand equally, no excess stress is created. There is no need to paint or additionally prepare PVC panels for installation. To eliminate the “consequences” of repairs will be enough damp cloth, and the entire installation process will take no more than 2 hours.

For slopes, plastics that are not susceptible to harmful effects solar radiation and quite durable, resistant to scratches and impacts. Sandwich panels with top layer made of plastic, intermediate made of insulating material and bottom made of moisture-resistant PVC.

How to make slopes on windows with your own hands video:

Installation of plastic slopes

First, fragments are cut out of the panels according to the size of the slopes. The panels are fixed to the cleaned surface using “liquid nails”. A rail with a snap-on corner secures the plastic in the selected position. Instead of this design, you can use simple wooden slats, fixing them at the top and sides of the window opening. The panels are secured to the guides with a stapler.

The joints of the walls and slopes are decorated with plastic corners. Their purpose is to keep the wallpaper on the walls adjacent to the window intact. These are the parts that are most often damaged by children and pets.

When making slopes on windows with your own hands, you should follow technological nuances. It is better to select plastic panels to match the shade of the window, since they do not have to be painted. Before using the panels, the mounting tenon is cut off from them. Panels should be cut special knife or a jigsaw.

Polyurethane foam may become deformed when it hardens. To prevent this from happening and to ensure that the slopes remain level, foam with a minimum expansion coefficient is selected. The slopes need to be fixed for an additional 5-10 minutes until the foam “sets”.

Drywall slopes

Do-it-yourself slopes for plastic windows are quite easy to make from plasterboard. For work, choose a moisture-resistant material that will not be damaged by random drops of rain and condensation accumulating on the glass. Alternative option- the use of ordinary drywall, which will additionally be coated with several layers of primer or a special protective composition.

When making plasterboard slopes, they sometimes put window unit with profiles on the sides - it will be the basis of the entire structure. Before installing the block, the profile must be fixed in the window grooves. Then the system will be more reliable and rigid, and installation will be easier.

Installation of plasterboard slopes without a window block

You can do without ready-made frames by doing everything preparatory work on one's own. In this case, you will need a profile in the shape of the letter “L” and fix it along the edges of the frame, creating a base for attaching sheets of drywall. The material is cut exactly to size; inconsistencies can later be masked and corrected with plaster. Sealant is applied to the profile acrylic base, then insert a sheet of drywall. The distance between the window and the slope is laid with a layer of mineral wool, a layer of glue is applied to the near edges, and using a level, the sheet of drywall is carefully pressed against the wall.

Alternative methods for installing plasterboard slopes

It is not necessary to use a profile when designing slopes. You can secure drywall:

  • on polyurethane foam;
  • on glue.

Use metal frames convenient in cases where the surface under the slopes was severely damaged during the installation of windows. Fastening plasterboard panels with glue or foam is similar to fastening to a profile. In this case, the sheets are installed end-to-end or behind the frame, the seams are filled with sealant. After completing the work, the surface is primed, covered with putty and two layers of paint.


The corners of the slopes can be covered with decorative corners.

Drywall slopes are not only profitable and easy to install. The surface of the material can be further decorated, which allows you to decorate the windows in the style of the entire room. The slopes will not contrast with the design of the room and spoil the impression of the interior.

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Installation of plastic windows is always associated with the need for a number of additional finishing works both inside the apartment and from the facade. As for the latter, not only compliance with the general architectural style is required, but also high-quality heat and moisture insulation. The finishing of internal slopes should not only be beautiful, neat and harmonious in relation to the existing interior design, but also as reliable, practical and durable as possible.

How to make slopes of plastic windows with your own hands?

Interior decoration window opening It is not particularly difficult, but it requires a certain skill and excellent knowledge of the properties of finishing materials. But it is likely that there is no need to call a specialist for this work - if you did the repairs in the house yourself, then you will certainly be able to handle the slopes perfectly. All that is needed for this is the tool, material and time necessary to prepare for and carry out repair activities.

The most popular materials for finishing window slopes:

  • tree;
  • cement-lime mortar;
  • plastic;
  • MDF (fibreboard);
  • finishing sandwich panels;
  • drywall.

Wood makes the interior lively and colorful, but requires special care and is expensive. MFD is a relatively new finishing material that has earned many positive feedback. However, buying high-quality fiberboard is not so easy, and it costs a fair amount. However, like the increasingly popular sandwich panels, which provide much higher reliability and durability of the finish than the latter.

Most buyers prefer materials such as drywall, plastic and plaster. As for the first, its low cost, ease of installation, practicality and reliability in operation speak for themselves. Plastic provides an excellent opportunity to create something truly beautiful and original. interior solution at the cost of relatively little effort and resources. The most reliable, but also the most labor-intensive option is cement mortar. You will have to tinker with it quite a bit, but it is worth it: high-quality slopes will last for decades.

Where should you start finishing?

Slope finishing is the most final stage installation of plastic windows. Before this, it is necessary to install the window sill. Well, if you are doing general repairs, then in addition to installing the latter, it is very advisable to complete the finishing of the ceiling and walls. Otherwise you risk ruining appearance new slopes or, even worse, damage their structure.

In order to finish the slopes yourself, you will need a tool. Feel free to add to the list of what you need:

  • building level;
  • tape measure, square and pencil;
  • assembly knife and/or scissors
  • hammer and pliers;
  • a set of screwdrivers (flat and Phillips);
  • hammer drill and screwdriver;
  • construction stapler;
  • hand saw, Circular Saw and/or jigsaw;
  • set of spatulas;
  • several containers.

How to make slopes on windows using plaster?

Slopes should be carefully prepared for plastering. Both the result itself and its reliability and durability directly depend on this. It is necessary to provide free access to windows, clean basic designs from construction debris, dust, easily peeling materials and foam residues, as well as expand the seams. After this, the base for the plaster must be primed - this will ensure normal adhesion and prevent the development of harmful microorganisms.

The primary task when plastering with cement mortar is to ensure high-quality adhesion of the latter to the surfaces of the window opening. And for this you need to spray. The solution must be brought to a liquid consistency, after which it is taken in small portions onto a trowel and thrown forcefully onto the finishing surface. After the entire slope area has been treated, the spray, which can be done using a spray bottle, must be allowed to dry. After this, you can proceed directly to plastering.

The next move is to install rules along the outer perimeter of the slopes, that is, on the plane of the wall. You can make them yourself: for this you will need even wooden blocks or strips of plywood. To prevent displacement, they are securely fixed with dowels or with a plaster mixture. The rules also act as beacons, so their installation should be treated with special attention and care.

When installing the rules, you should ensure equal openings of the side and top slopes: if their angles are different, this will negatively affect the light transmittance of the window and the general aesthetics interior

Plastering: highlights

In order to evenly apply and level the solution, you will need a device such as a spoon. Make it as easy as shelling pears:

  1. A smooth wooden batten is made with a length exceeding the depth of the slope by approximately the thickness of the rule. The mulch must ensure that the solution is applied to the base of the window frame by at least 5 mm.
  2. A nail is driven into the center of the end of the lath, and its head is cut off so that about 5 mm of metal remains above the end. The cut area is carefully smoothed and covered with a plastic cap to prevent damage to the frame. Another option is to make a small cutout at the end of the hammer, thanks to which it, as in the case of a nail, is able to move along the frame, acting as a rule.
  3. In the middle of the fry, a handle is attached to one of the edges. During operation, the end of the screed protruding beyond the slope rule will act as a stop.

To apply plaster, the mortar is installed in the lower (side) corner of the slope, after which a thick solution is poured onto the wall. A few centimeters in height or to the side, and the little one moves, cutting off excess plaster and leveling the plane.

In order to ensure the coveted 90° slope angles and a perfectly smooth edge, a perforated corner with plastic mesh along the length, which is mounted strictly according to the level and is ultimately hidden under the plaster. It must be attached as securely as possible in order to prevent displacement and deflection during the application of plaster. The second option is to use a corner without a frame - it only allows you to check the corner, and after the latter is completed, it is removed.

Upon completion of leveling the solution, the latter must be allowed to dry, after which it is grouted.

Installation of plasterboard slopes on windows

GKL boards must be moisture resistant to prevent the destruction of the constituent components of the material under the influence of temperature changes and condensation. If wall plasterboard is used, it must be coated with several layers of primer or a special moisture-resistant compound.

The first step is to decide how exactly you will install the drywall - with profiles or with glue. If the distance from the edge window box the slope to the base is too large, it is best to use wooden blocks beveled in accordance with the accepted clearance angle. If there is a small gap between the plane of the future slope and the wall, an adhesive mixture is a more suitable option. Installation of profiles or bars is carried out on dowels. The space between the gypsum board slope and the wall should not be filled with air - this will negatively affect the thermal insulation of the opening. Therefore, it must be filled with mineral wool or foam rubber. In some cases, polyurethane foam is used to fill narrow cracks and gaps, but it must be handled carefully - when it dries, it expands in volume and can break drywall.

Next, you need to fix an L or F-shaped profile around the perimeter of the window frame. In the first case, it will be applied with the upper horizontal bar, in the second - vertical, and the remaining part of it will be installed inside the slope for additional support. All that remains is to cut out the necessary pieces of drywall and fix them in the opening.

If you are going to install gypsum plasterboard with glue, the solution must be prepared in such a way that it sets as quickly as possible. In this case, it is necessary to control the sunrises. The plasterboard cut along the edges of the joints, which will become the corners between the side and top slopes, must be made at an angle of 45 degrees. This will ensure high-quality joining of the plates. Installation of gypsum boards on profiles or bars is carried out using self-tapping screws. Finally, after finishing the corners of the slopes, the gypsum board is primed, followed by finishing plaster and painting or wallpapering.

As you can see, traditional ways finishing window slopes is quite possible for anyone home handyman. When working, you should not forget about cleanliness and safety precautions, and then the appearance of your finished windows will bring only joy and satisfaction.

Finishing window slopes with your own hands, video
