How to divide a room into two: recommendations, photos, explanations. Zoning a room into a bedroom and living room: design and functional content Zoning a living room 18 sq m

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Zoning a room into a bedroom and a living room of 18 sq.m is a fashionable design technique that allows you to rationally divide the space. Rooms of this size allow you to create any design and can also be decorated in any style. A harmonious tandem of a guest area and a place to relax will be a good solution for the interior of modern apartments.

Beautiful bedroom-living room in eclectic style

Where to begin

IN small apartment in one room you often have to combine several functions at once and rationally use every square meter of space. A small bedroom-living room combines a public area and a place to sleep, so you should approach the design with particular care.

What are the advantages of small rooms:

Any renovation begins with drawing up a detailed project plan for an apartment and a separate room, which will take into account the arrangement of furniture, surface finishing features, lighting and individual functional areas.

Living room combined with bedroom, in Art Deco style

When choosing decoration for the bedroom-living room, you should be especially careful, because not everything will look impressive on an area of ​​18 square meters. m. What is better to choose for zoning:

The video shows examples of successful zoning of a room into a bedroom and an area of ​​18 square meters with a selection of real photos.

Secrets of zoning the bedroom-living room

The best way to arrange everything you want in a room is to divide the space into several functional zones. Then you will be able to place all the necessary pieces of furniture, decor and accessories.

What are the advantages of the zoning idea:

  • the ability to isolate the sleeping area from the general area;
  • creation of an original interior;
  • creative and non-standard approach to design;
  • all things are at hand, the ability to install convenient built-in storage systems;
  • use of different textures and materials.

Designers today use zoning as the main technique for dividing space, using various arches, shelving, original furniture, finishing and decorative elements.

Glass coffee table will help make the interior more spacious

Tools for successful zoning of the room into the living room and bedroom:

  • screens and partitions;
  • doors and arches;
  • pieces of furniture;
  • fireplace or aquarium;
  • curtains, drapes and canopies;
  • multi-level structures and podiums;
  • lighting.

If a calm atmosphere should reign in the bedroom area, conducive to sleep and peace, then in the living room the atmosphere should be comfortable for receiving guests or active recreation. The tricks of using different materials and room zoning techniques will help you combine two in one.

A TV stand as a separator between the sleeping area and the reception area

Screens and curtains

Zoning ideas:

Bunk bed in the interior of the bedroom-living room, separated by a light curtain


Each room has furniture, so this zoning method is very popular. With a little ingenuity, you can arrange the furniture so as to divide the room into a living room and a bedroom:

Most often, furniture is purchased to order, since this way you can choose a model according to individual parameters and design style.

Luxurious bed in the interior of the bedroom-living room


Such structures can be permanent, made of glass, textiles or plasterboard. This is the most common method of zoning, since it can be used to build a secluded corner where no one will disturb.

How to use a partition as a divider:

The structures can be either continuous or partial. They can be supplemented with portable screens, lighting and niches.

Partition in pastel colors in the bedroom-living room

Multi-level structures

Differences in floor or ceiling heights can add a special twist to the interior. different zones. These can be small podiums and even a bed on the upper floors:

It is better to place the bedroom area in the far part of the room so that you can always relax, read a book or watch a movie.

A bed on the second tier is an excellent solution for vertical zoning of a small bedroom-living room

Using a balcony or loggia

A room with a balcony is a real find for designers. The loggia can become a separate room and be converted into a dressing room, office, bedroom or children's area.

How to properly organize space:

The apartment can be made not only cozy, but also comfortable for living. The bedroom-living room can be arranged using any zoning method, including creating a secluded corner on a converted balcony space.

Cozy sleeping place on the balcony

First, it is important to determine what the main function of the room will be. This can be a full-fledged living room with a small sleeping area or a bedroom with a designated area for guests, as well as, for example, a mini-wardrobe and dressing table. Designers recommend following several rules for profitable zoning of space:

Tips for choosing a design color:

There are many ways to zone a room into a bedroom and a living room with an area of ​​18 sq.m: these are options with a partition (as in the photo selection in the video), transformable furniture or various podiums. It all depends on the imagination of the household, because the main thing is to create a cozy home environment, comfortable for everyone.

Modernity is a time of big cities and tiny apartments. A modest living space now does not at all indicate the owner’s poverty, but compact interior does not indicate a lack of comfort. On the contrary, an increasing number of people are in favor of compact and functional spaces, A combination of bedroom and living room on an area of ​​about 18 square meters. m. has become one of the most popular planning solutions.

First of all, you need to set priorities: what will be more important in the new space? In first place is cozy bedroom, in which guests will appear only occasionally or, on the contrary, general leisure is more important, and the sleeping place will have to be content with only a temporary “night position”, and it may be extremely important to combine both zones without damage. It is the prioritization that will determine whether the sleeping area will be a traditional folding sofa “in front of the TV” or whether the room will have to be allocated space for a full bed. Both are quite possible, but it’s better to decide this even before the walls are demolished and the furniture is ordered.

Select examples of interiors with similar solutions: colors, furniture style, finishes. With this set it will be much easier to find mutual language both with third-party specialists (designer, architect, builders), and simply with other family members.

Determine your budget which you can actually spend on remodeling, and set priority boundaries for its use. For example: in some cases, you can purchase budget furniture, but the walls and floors will be finished only from high-quality and expensive materials, or vice versa. Such compromise decisions, made before the start of work, will become a convenient guide and will help save a lot of nerves for all participants in the process.


When starting planning, it is necessary to keep in mind both the above-mentioned priorities and compromises, as well as the features of a particular space: the number of windows, doors, ceiling heights and the very shape of the room are of particular importance, which will set the main constants in planning.

For example, the bed is usually placed closer to the window so that the sleeper is closer to access fresh air However, if the owners, for example, are annoyed by the bright sun that hits their eyes in the morning, this option is clearly no longer suitable and it would be better to move the “bed” to the wall. If the apartment has high ceilings, it is possible to consider the option of a bed on a built-in second tier or on a dedicated podium. A natural niche or wall recess will be an organic way of zoning. And an overly elongated and rectangular room is accepted different ways divided into squares, since it is generally accepted that this form is much more pleasant for life.

In small spaces, experts recommend not relying only on paper when planning, since in such a situation there is a risk of leaving too small passages between the furniture.

It is better to draw the planned furniture diagram in real size in space, for example, masking tape by gender and “try on” how convenient all this will be, taking into account the specific people who will live in the room, their height and manner of movement.


Zoning is extremely important for a room that combines two functional tasks. Typically, zoning is created in several ways:

  • Capital. It is created using non-movable partitions, for example, from plasterboard, double-glazed windows, thin brickwork, multi-level floors or a bar counter;
  • Mobile. Appears as needed, for example, curtains, blinds, folding screens or racks on wheels or rails;
  • Zoning with furniture. As a rule, this is done with the help of a sofa, table, small chest of drawers, chest, cabinet or rack;

Zoning can be indicated simply by finishing materials or decor.

Creation of a design project

Creating a design project begins with defining the exact technical specifications, because abstract “functional and beautiful” will not do here. The project must take into account the daily routine of all future residents of this room and their individual characteristics. For example, the tall stature of the father of the family is a reason to order a longer bed or sofa. And the night work schedule will add thick curtains to the windows and directional lighting above the desk.

Let's move on to the planning decision - a drawing indicating the location of furniture and other structures in the interior. At this stage, the budget for the upcoming project becomes more tangible. When planning, it is always worth remembering that non-standard sizes of furniture usually significantly increase its cost. Sometimes an extra 10 cm can raise the cost by up to 40%.

3D visualization– most often it is this that gives a real idea of ​​the future interior and allows you to assess how comfortable it will be. If the work is carried out by a designer, he will definitely create an image in the most photorealistic format, often with samples of real furniture that will be ordered for the room. However, there are now many programs, including free ones, that allow you to independently create a 3D visualization of a project.

The final task of the design project is turn an idea about a future interior into working documentation for the repair team. Ideally, at the end of the work, you should have as much as possible on your hands. detailed project with drawings of all components, layouts of all walls and tables with calculations of all necessary materials.

Finish options

When choosing finishing materials, of course, it is always better to give preference to natural ones. For example, a solid wood floor or natural parquet much safer and more durable than laminate or linoleum, just like acrylic paints and classic paper wallpaper more environmentally friendly than vinyl coverings. It is important to understand that even a small budget does not mean giving up effective solutions. Most often, the highlight of the interior is created by the space itself: interesting brickwork, the remaining historical stucco or, for example, a pleasant view from the window, which can only be emphasized with color and lighting.

But even a room that does not have unique features can get a special mood if you use several finishing techniques:

  • The simplest option is an accent wall. Wallpaper with an active pattern most often raises concerns due to its excessiveness in general design rooms, but are great for creating the mood of only one of the walls, especially one near which there is almost no furniture or there is only one large object: a TV, cushioned furniture or desktop;
  • A popular way to create texture is finishing with wooden panels of varying thickness and color, but a less hackneyed and painstaking method of finishing is panels made of felt or fabric. They can be either narrow and flat or airy with cutting and volume, made in any color, and their additional advantage (sound insulation) will be an important bonus in an apartment with thin walls.

Color solutions

Color perception is an extremely individual thing, each shade carries personal associations, so there can be no single advice here. However, in the decoration of bedroom interiors there is most often a clear bias towards natural shades and textures.

Managed to become mega-popular " Scandinavian style"with its white and ash-gray walls is gradually beginning to lose ground, giving way to the same light, but warmer and freer in shades mid-century style. And experts in color psychology argue that even if you love everything bright, it is better to create a place to sleep in light and unobtrusive colors. What especially suits small rooms, because what lighter than the wall, the more light and visually more space for the eyes.

This means that sand, beige, gray and white, beloved by many, rule the roost in the interiors, setting the main background for the decor. And in combination with them there are active ones: brown, sky blue, golden and copper, plum and avocado color.

Selecting and arranging furniture

Large folding sofa and several armchairs around coffee table– a standard solution for a bedroom-living room. However, you still shouldn’t deny yourself the pleasure of putting a full bed in the room, and transfer the guest function to a small sofa or ottomans. Sometimes it can even be more economical. It is necessary to provide space for storing things. The standard solution - a wardrobe or chest of drawers - is now increasingly being replaced by designers with a small dressing room located next to the bed, closed with curtains or separated by a screen, which is especially convenient when the owners need to change their outfit in the presence of guests.


Lighting studio apartment– an extremely important thing for multifunctional rooms. Multi-tiered directional light can change the image of a room with one click, for example, darkening the bed or highlighting the living room area. Therefore, in most modern interiors, sets of spotlights have been collected for each zone: a cozy floor lamp next to the sofa, soft sconces by the bed, several bright LEDs, filling the entire space if necessary. While the usual crystal chandelier, shining with light from the middle small room, has almost sunk into oblivion.

Decorate with curtains and decor

As mentioned above, in small space curtains are used not only as protection from the sun and prying eyes, they are also doors, partitions and simply design elements. However, when choosing curtains for small rooms, you need to remember the main thing - plain colors and natural fabrics always look better than large patterns and iridescent lurex. In addition, it is worth positioning the curtains so that they occupy almost the entire height from the ceiling to the floor; this visually stretches the space and raises the ceilings, which is especially important for a small room.

In general, in such a functional room as a bedroom-living room there is usually not enough space left for decor, especially large ones, but you can always allocate a couple of narrow open shelves above the bed/sofa for a few cute things or use the window sill area not only for flowers, but and for storing things dear to the heart.

In today's article, GD-Home has prepared 14 ready-made projects, as well as several tips on how to design a bedroom-living room, which will tell you what and how to design.

Bedroom-living room: sofa or bed

Modern apartments cannot always please their owners with a large area and freedom in implementing decisions during renovation. The choice of the main functions that each room will perform is determined by many factors, and the number of rooms is not the last on the list. Try to combine the future design of the living room-bedroom with the features of your own lifestyle. This will allow you to get the most out of your time in this room and help make your stay truly enjoyable.

There are two options for designing such a space. Moreover, the choice, as a rule, depends on the area of ​​the room. In very small one-room apartments you have to combine a bedroom and a living room by purchasing a folding sofa. If necessary, you can always fold it, but few people enjoy doing this every morning. In the spacious rooms you can arrange a living room with soft sofa, and a bedroom with a full bed.

Design by A Studio

Design of a bedroom combined with a living room: what to choose

When deciding on the design and arrangement of the space in which you want to sleep and welcome guests, you must remember that the main activity in it is relaxation. Only in different parts of it will it be different, and directly depends on your style and lifestyle. The future living room-bedroom should be decorated in the same style; you should not design its two parts in stylistically different solutions. Otherwise, you will inevitably encounter disharmony in the interior.

The first and decisive question is the location of each zone. Where will the bedroom be located? Where would you like to place the bed - towards the window or, conversely, away from the natural light source? Will the living room be larger or smaller than the bedroom?

If you are used to waking up with the first rays of the sun and like to see after waking up not a picture on the wall, but a landscape outside the window, then the choice is obvious and the bed should be placed as close to the window as possible, creating a full-fledged sleeping area there.

It is desirable that the sleeping area be impenetrable and protected from accidental entry by strangers. The intimacy of personal space is the goal of all your efforts in this work. If the living room-bedroom is 18 sq. m, then it is necessary to foresee in advance which of the zones will be allocated more space, and, consequently, attention when decorating the interior.

Determine whether there should be a TV and related equipment here - additional sound equipment, satellite equipment, Internet router, etc. For all this, it is necessary to provide compact locations for the most convenient access and operation.

Work by Juicy-Hall studio

Design of a bedroom-living room in one room

Limited space is a drawback that can be hidden behind comfort and functionality. Once you've decided on a location for your bedroom, you can focus on arranging your living room with stylish and functional furniture, appliances, and accessories that can create a comfortable atmosphere.
Don't get carried away with buying furniture that you may have long dreamed of. After all, not every sofa will be appropriate in a small room. The interior of the living room-bedroom will be optimally decorated and complemented by a pair of soft armchairs or a small sofa in combination with a coffee table. This required part with almost any design of a recreation area. Take a closer look at a small sofa with a folding mechanism.

Project by designer Anastasia Barkhatova

Pay attention to the variety of racks and shelves that may come in handy. If you want to equip the living room workplace and you need a desk, then it is better to choose the option with a small amount built-in shelves.

Books, flowers, various figurines or accessories that are significant to you (awards, cups, photos, paintings, etc.) can also fit perfectly into the interior of the living room if you prefer a partition with niches and shelves on which all this can be placed.

Try not to use contrasting shades in the design of the walls and floors of the bedroom and living room. This will visually reduce the space and will force your perception to concentrate on unnecessary details. Choosing similar shades will advantageously smooth out all the sharp edges and possible disadvantages, will help you perceive the space as one whole - the bedroom design will complement the living room interior and vice versa.

For help color scheme Lighting will always come - both natural and artificial in its various variations. Spotlights on the border of two zones, a floor lamp next to the sofa in the living room, a lamp on the bedside table, basic lighting, separate in the living room and bedroom - and your stay will definitely become pleasant and comfortable.

The interior is the work of Marina Sargsyan

Compact bedroom-living room in a one-room apartment

We have already briefly mentioned the situation when in a bedroom combined with a living room, you can also place a workplace in the form of a desk with drawers. In the conditions of a one-room apartment, this option becomes a necessary necessity and the optimal placement of each of the zones has to be approached with particular scrupulousness.

If your living room-bedroom is 17 sq. m, then you can combine in it everything you need that should be in a modern home, both for small family, and for one person.

Remember about color combination: light colors and shades will visually enlarge the space and make it easier to perceive, while bright and dark colors, accordingly, will reduce the already modest space. It is better to take calm and neutral tones as a basis, and add bright notes with the help of accessories and details.

Designer Elena Koroleva

If you really want to have in the interior easy chair, then you will have to give up the corner sofa and opt for a small folding sofa. Creating a separate space for working desk, take care of additional lighting for this area. A table lamp or additional built-in lighting will not be superfluous.

If the room is deprived natural light in sufficient volume, then partitions separating the bedroom from the living room can worsen the situation and only add pressure and heaviness to the image. Then it is better to choose a softer option for functional separation in the form of a curtain. If you really want to use the partition as a design element, then pay attention to glass version. This way you won't steal something so valuable. usable area and achieve the effect of zone delimitation.

The rules for choosing furniture in a one-room apartment are more strict: avoid chests of drawers and additional elements, endowed with low functionality. Take a closer look at corner sofas and wardrobes. The latter combine the functionality of a chest of drawers, are much more spacious and save space due to the door mechanism.

Zoning of the bedroom-living room: two rooms in one

It is possible to achieve functional completeness of the room in which you will relax - alone or with friends - by zoning the space. It is most effective to divide one space into several semantic zones. This is possible if your living room-bedroom is 20 square meters. m.

It is possible to emphasize the living area and separate it from the bedroom using:
- textures
- furniture used as space limiters
- partition walls
- curtains, screens and various removable partitions

The first option involves the use of different textures in the design of the walls.
in two zones of one room. Should not be used different wallpapers, it will be enough, for example, wood panel above the sofa or textile wallpaper behind the head of the bed.

A combination of different lighting levels will help enhance the effect. For example, in the living room you can play with brighter light, while in the sleeping area you can prefer bedside lamps and dim lighting to help you get ready for bed.

Design by Ekaterina Nechaeva and Irina Markman

Sliding wardrobes and racks with shelves for various small items can also serve as a partition between two zones. Using such furniture, you achieve the goal of delineating functionally different spaces and get additional niches to accommodate all kinds of useful little things. For example, a bookcase can be placed facing the living room, and a closet can be placed with the door towards the sleeping area, since you are more likely to change clothes and choose an outfit in the bedroom, and it will be more pleasant to read a book on a cozy winter evening with a cup of hot cocoa in an armchair or on the sofa.

The most thorough distinction can be made using a partition made of plasterboard. By leaving space for niches and using materials of different textures in the design of this structure, you can achieve not only a zoning effect, but also introduce additional functionality. A bio-fireplace or false fireplace can become part of such a partition.

When using this technology, it is worth remembering that it cannot simply be dismantled or moved to another location. Having decided to install an additional wall, you must be sure that this is the place where you want to see it every morning and evening, that you will not change your mind in a month and will not want to swap the bedroom and living room.

For such cases, removable partitions or screens are ideal, a great variety of which are on the market today. They can be selected according to stylistic decisions and mood.

Moreover, such screens can be changed with the changing seasons, thereby changing the mood in the design. Light white fabrics are suitable for summer, and thick dark curtains for winter. In addition, this option is less expensive financially and, as a rule, does not require special skills in installation and operation.

The interior was designed by Alena Ponkratova

Curtains fixed to the ceiling around the perimeter of the sleeping area can become like independent decision, and an attribute of other zoning options. The use of textile materials in decoration will help bring harmony and some sophistication to the interior.

Small rooms with an area of ​​18 square meters are found in most apartments of the old type of layout. It is difficult to call such a room large, but such dimensions are quite enough for the design of a room of 18 square meters, a bedroom, a living room, to be very cozy and at the same time functional.

It is known that tiny apartments have a detrimental effect on the human psyche, while spacious and bright rooms have a beneficial effect. In addition, if it is poorly designed small room she will seem uncomfortable. When thinking about the design of a room of 18 sq. m - a living room bedroom, you should use the rule of the “golden mean” - you should not unnecessarily overload the space with unnecessary details, otherwise you will end up with a cluttered room.

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

Of course you saw perfect lawn in the cinema, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor’s lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that it is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about the innovative product - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

General comfort requirements

In order for the living room and bedroom to meet all comfort requirements, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • A room acquires a more expressive appearance when bright or lighter colors are used in the design. And light shades help to visually increase the area;
  • If possible, it is better to provide a small room with spacious window openings, this will fill it with light, creating the illusion of spaciousness;
  • A lot of furniture items will lead to cluttering the interior of a living room bedroom of 18 square meters, so it is advisable to place a transforming sofa bed here, which will save several precious meters;
  • It is worth abandoning bulky models of chandeliers; it is better to replace them with small copies of lighting items;
  • It is better to prefer open shelves to large closed cabinets: they have the same benefits, but the organic appearance of placed photo frames, books and other decorative elements fits perfectly into the design of the guest bedroom;

  • To increase the height of the ceilings, you should use simple design techniques: cover the ceiling space with glossy canvases, decorate the wall planes with vertical stripes.

Zoning options

Although sleeping and living room merged into common room, it is necessary to delimit these functional areas. Zoning begins with choosing a location for the bedroom. It is quite clear that it cannot be made a passable place, since for a person to have a good quality rest, peace and tranquility are needed. Therefore, it is advisable to place the sleeping area away from doorway, that is, near the window. There are also Alternative option– place the bed in the corner, creating a cozy secluded place.

When combining a pair of functional zones, one of them is considered dominant. This is usually the guest part.

To visually differentiate the two sites, various design techniques are used:

  • Partitions constructed from plasterboard sheets are easy to construct, the material is environmentally friendly, and its cost is affordable. The design of such a partition begins with the construction of a frame made of metal profiles, which is then covered with plasterboard. Finishing the material can be completely different, ranging from ordinary wallpapering to the application of decorative plaster;

  • Transparent glass or plastic partitions– these structures are good because natural solar flows from the neighboring room will freely penetrate through them, filling the second room with light. The design of partitions made of glass material can be the most unimaginable, colorful. Stained glass canvases are very popular today, and matte surfaces fit organically into the interior compositions of modern stylistic trends;
  • Curtains and drapes are the simplest and cheap option fence off areas. For this kind of construction, it is enough just to pull the rope and hang the selected textile fabric on it, which should serve as a partition. To give such fences dynamism and uniqueness, you can decorate them with beads or sequin tracks.

Any partitions in the design of an 18 sq. m bedroom - living room - carry only a visual load so that they can visually delimit the territories. Big mistake is the design of one room bright colors, often a guest room, and the second - a bedroom - quiet. It is not recommended to make such contrasting color accents or use different style directions. It is better to decorate these two rooms in a single thematic concept.

Furniture equipment

Furniture in a small room is the most important aspect on which comfortable living depends. If there are small square meters worth thinking about as much as possible functional placement furniture items.

The most the best solution is transformable furniture. So, a sofa bed in daytime will serve as a seating area for all guests and family members, while at night it turns into a comfortable full-fledged sleeping place. It is better to install a closet for storing things in the guest area. By combining a closed cabinet with open shelves, you can organize a place to place photos, favorite books and other cute little things.

In order not to overload the space with a TV stand, you can arrange a shelf built into the wall. It is advisable to replace a large armchair with a stylish compact ottoman. Don't forget about the little one With a piece for magazines, which can be easily moved if necessary.

If you have a sufficient budget, you can place a sofa on a podium, which has a built-in full bed. At night it simply moves out, and in the morning it hides back.

Color palette of a room 18 square meters

A typical living space of 18 square meters does not have high ceilings, therefore, so that the ceiling planes do not “press” on people, they are decorated in light shades. It is better to choose a material that reflects light. The best option– suspended ceiling sheets. At the same time, the walls are also finished with light colors, but still a little darker ceiling covering. The main thing is not to create a strong contrast, otherwise you will end up with a “box”.

Color games will help to visually change the boundaries of space. Stripes painted on the walls in a vertical direction will “raise” the ceilings. Horizontally applied stripes will help expand the boundaries.

It is also better to select furniture items in light colors. If dark accents are needed, these can be pillows, photo frames, vases and other decorative details.

Lighting for a small room

When selecting lighting systems and devices, it is necessary to take into account the location of the room. If the living space is located on the side where the solar luminous flux falls, then during the day this is enough; all that remains is to think about the night lighting. In this case, you should select the most natural light, then the human eye will be comfortable.

The best option is if the design of the living room and bedroom of 18 square meters is complemented by multi-level lighting. Such designs allow you to regulate the flow of light by choosing suitable option for a specific time of day. Designers recommend creating lighting around the perimeter of the territory.

A great idea is to place floor lamps. Spot lights built into furniture or mirrors look stylish.

Window and door openings

Large, spacious window openings help increase light flow, and accordingly, the room will seem larger. If the windows are small, then repairs will expand them. Window openings that span the entire wall look impressive and stylish. You should also decorate them with curtains made of airy, weightless materials.

Doors that open into the room will “eat up” a lot of precious space. And even if you change direction, the situation will not change too much, because there is rarely any standard apartment features wide corridors. An alternative is roller doors. The cost of such structures is considerable, but the living room and bedroom will become much more modern.

When choosing a style for decorating a small room of 18 m², it is better to give preference to the minimalist direction, high-tech or modern. Distinctive features These stylistics are:

  • minimum number of decorative items;
  • glossy, glass planes;
  • monochrome color palette, silvery cold shades;
  • functional household and furniture groups.

When arranging a small living space, it is very important to maintain a balance between two concepts: functionality and style. These two components must necessarily coexist peacefully in unified concept, then you get a really cozy finished design.

Regardless of the reasons why the owners of an apartment or house have to connect the living room with the bedroom, this room can be complete in each of its functional areas. Traditionally, sleeping areas are equipped with a folding sofa, which also serves as a bed. But it will still be healthier to rest on a quality mattress, rather than on a folding sofa. That is why the living room-bedroom in one room should be fully functional, that is, on 18 square meters you need and, of course, can place both a sofa and a bed, even if you need a double bed.

Designers offer many interesting ideas to create such a space. Considering that for a bedroom in in full Not much space is needed, but the living room will be spacious and quite free. True, this will require giving up bulky furniture and detailed decor.

In the photo - the design of a living room-bedroom of 18 square meters. m in a modern style.

Any room can be made visually more spacious, and it can be divided into several functional zones without compromising freedom and ergonomics. Simple design techniques will help with this.

What you need to think about before starting repairs

Before starting to renovate any room, it is worth considering the details of design and finishing. If you can arrange it in any palette and style, then when you include an additional zone in the interior, you should make sure that the furnishings are light and the room is spacious.

A thoughtful color palette, an optimal stylistic solution and a couple more secrets from designers will help with this.

  1. A living room-bedroom of 18 meters will be lighter and more spacious if you choose a light color scheme for its decoration. In this case, the ideal color is white, which in its achromatic essence simply reflects any rays, due to which it remains invisible. If you paint voluminous furniture in the room in the same tone, it will also visually not take up space, especially if it matches the color of the decoration.
  2. Expansion possible window openings it's worth increasing them: The more natural light that enters the living room and bedroom, the more spacious they will appear.
  3. It is worth giving up bulky cabinet furniture. If there is a need for it, it is better to prefer the most capacious models, transformable products or built-in wardrobes. Any body elements can be open or closed. In the first case, you should not fill them with various small objects, and in the second, it is advisable to choose smooth facades without fittings or glossy surfaces with backlight.
  4. For lighting, you should choose laconic ones: volumetric chandeliers take up space not only actually, but also visually. Of course, a central lamp is needed in each zone, but it can also consist of many small light bulbs or reflective elements located in the same plane in order to be compactly placed parallel to the ceiling.
  5. If it is technically and financially possible, combine not only a bedroom, but also a balcony with the living room. Increasing the actual area will expand the design possibilities. In this case, there is no need to completely demolish the walls - you can leave their upper and lower parts for zoning and arranging work points - places for decoration, study or games.

A living room-bedroom of 18 square meters can be exactly what you would like: just imagine what you really need and cut off everything unnecessary. By decorating it in a light color scheme that is pleasing to your eye, you can achieve at least visual space and freedom.

Finishing the floor, walls and ceiling in the bedroom-living room

The choice of finishing materials largely depends on who will do the repairs: when ordering the work of craftsmen, you can choose different coatings varying degrees of complexity, but self-finishing room determines the choice more simple solutions. In any case, before you start arranging the bedroom and living room, you should identify the main parameters - style, color, zoning tools.

Bedroom-living room of 18 sq. m cannot be too delicate, as pompous details take up space. Therefore, designers recommend choosing minimalist, technologically advanced styles that use simple and laconic forms. At the same time, the content of such an interior will be capacious, because small area it is necessary to achieve maximum functionality.

To decorate the living room in an apartment, it is recommended to choose effective reflective surfaces. Of course, this does not mean that you need to decorate all the walls and ceiling with mirrors. Enough glossy coatings on furniture facades, glass inserts, polished parts.

Another nuance when choosing a finish is the shape of the room. Rectangular room - perfect option, since here the bedroom will take less space than in a square living room. To decorate the latter, you can use stripes in wall decoration - to increase both the height and the length/width of the room.

Many owners wonder whether zoning is necessary in a room of 18 square meters. m. Designers are confident that a clear separation of zones helps make each of them more comfortable, even if the sleeping area takes up only 4 square meters of the entire area. By drawing boundaries, it is possible to achieve impeccable comfort.


One of the current solutions is glossy, which helps to visually increase the height of the room. But a continuous reflective coating is not universally welcomed by people who want to get the feeling of home in the walls of their apartment. The gloss is applicable to the multi-level design, which will also help define the living area. Above the bedroom it is better to use matte - satin canvases. Moreover, the color of these can be different - it is comfortable for you.

Along the contour of the living room combined with the bedroom, spotlights are installed in the same style as the central chandelier. To maintain a harmonious composition, you can devote a little space and effort to decor and creating a design in accordance with it. To do this, you can choose an elegant floor lamp and/or a pair.


Wall decoration will, of course, be more varied than ceiling covering. To do this, you can choose paint, plaster, wallpaper, and panels. The last option is of little use for a small room, because to install them you need to “subtract” a few centimeters from the perimeter to attach the guides.

As a rule, for finishing a small living room, 18 sq. m in the understanding of designers is not a lot at all; they choose a light palette, which can be realized using any finishing material. To save space, it is also recommended to abandon patterns - both large and small. To make a modest room comfortable and free, you should use a minimum of objects and surfaces that attract attention. In a similar way, you can implement the interior of the bedroom, then this area will be invisible, giving the main role to the living room. However, this is how it should be: the guest area is intended for spending time together and receiving guests, but the sleeping place is an exclusively personal space for one or a couple.

Among the harmonious design options:

  • Functional areas can be decorated in different shades, but in one organic range. In the area of ​​the sofa in the guest area they are installing accent trim- behind him or behind the TV. If there is a wall around the TV, it is better to make the surface behind the sofa an accent wall. To do this, choose coatings with a pattern or a color different from the main one. For low room It is optimal to choose wallpaper with vertical stripes. Suitable for a square room are large flowers, sunny skies, abstraction, etc.
  • Open horizontal shelves with lighting can become accents on any background.. Color radiation will create a special atmosphere, changing the shade of the finish.
  • For comfortable bedroom you can choose a rich dark color. If it is in a gray palette, it will be possible to create the effect of a play of light and shadow, so that even during the day it will be cozy and comfortable enough to relax.
  • If the windows are located in the living room and not on the bedroom side, then you should take care of light finishing in this area. The surface behind the bed can be made in deep color, but around it is worth painting the surface in a neutral tone and providing high-quality lighting.


The floor in the combined living room-bedroom will be the same. Flooring is rarely used here for zoning, since it should be comfortable and warm throughout the room. Is it just highlighting with color when choosing identical material for the entire room.

In a combined space, there is no need to invent something new and special for the floor: here it is important to ensure harmony and comfort, as well as take care of practicality so that the surface is wear-resistant and easy to clean.

Choosing the color of the bedroom-living room interior

The color palette is one of those nuances that you can endlessly argue about, not so much with the designer as with your family. But it is important to understand that the interior of the living room, like the design of the bedroom, largely depends on the shade of the walls, furniture, and ceiling. Clean white design Many people do not like it because it is soiled, excessive external sterility and monotony. But it is this color that can make any room visually more spacious and illuminated. White seems to glow when the rays of the sun or light from lamps hit it. Sparkling surfaces allow you to expand the room, fill it with living light, and make it elegant.

Refusing white, you can choose other light shades and harmonious companion tones:

  • Instead of snow color, you can choose cool gray. In light shades, such a palette performs the same function as white, but plays the role of a shadow. In this range, intense asphalt looks beautiful, which can be chosen for accent surfaces. Textiles used in gray will also be harmonious - knitted blankets, fluffy carpets, knitted upholstery of poufs. Design of a bedroom-living room of 18 square meters. m at the same time it will turn out to be quite cozy. Of course, with glossy surfaces and an abundance of glass, steel will also be cold. Therefore, the combination of techniques should be carefully considered.
  • – a warm and elegant palette that is widely used in interiors. This range contains ultra-light and fairly saturated shades, so well-composed compositions will be monochromatic and not boring. But the effect when designing with sand will not be the same as when choosing a white color, so here it is worth considering additional light sources. For example, useful techniques include lighting using sconces aimed at the ceiling. At the same time, the room will appear higher and there will be visually more space.
  • Pastel colors of green, blue, and yellow will provide positive mood in design. These shades look good with white, gray and beige. At the same time, the style actually doesn’t matter: in any ultra-technological direction, such tones will be cheerful and fresh, and in a more restrained design, close to the classics, a bedroom-living room of 18 m will be more emotional than in a white or beige design.

The photo shows a living room with a bedroom, separated by a chest of drawers.

Color design directly affects the mood in the interior. It can be a restrained setting - in gray or white tones, a more emotional positive - in yellow tones, elegant with good taste - in beige shades. But it’s still worth thinking about successful combinations for indoors different shapes. For example, design square room 18 m for the bedroom and living room will require thinking about the layout and the least cumbersome zoning. Spatial and color illusions will help here, they will hide the sleeping area from view and allow you to comfortably spend time in any functional area.

We correctly place furniture on 18 square meters. meters

The interior of a living room is traditionally formed by a sofa, a TV, a wall or a couple of wardrobes. If you include a bedroom in it, you will also need to put in a table for cosmetics. Although instead of it, a place can be organized for study and work, and even an additional chair with a green area where you can relax, think, read, and engage in your hobbies. Combination in one room of 18 sq. m several functional areas does not mean that there will be no room for comfort. It is only important to choose the optimal furniture – proportional to the room and your needs.

Choosing multifunctionality in a small living room means cutting out the excess. You should not get carried away with living room sets - they take up quite a lot of space, sometimes causing an oppressive feeling of cluttering the space. Such sets are being replaced by compact shelves, hanging shelves, and similar cabinets. Furniture that does not rest on the floor is perceived as a light, almost weightless structure. In addition, it is important to choose smooth, perhaps even glossy facades. If they are equipped with lighting, then eighteen square meters will seem like a more significant area.

Living room design for 18 square meters. with a place to work, study or relax will require additional furniture, and therefore the space that will have to be occupied by a table and chair. It is worth considering transforming models that will allow you to fold items and hide them out of sight so that they do not interfere with your rest at other times.

Often used for zoning. Such furniture in the living room-bedroom with an area of ​​18 square meters. m should be quite compact. The lower compartments are used as cabinets and covered with sliding facades, and the upper ones are used as shelves for books, photographs, and fresh flowers.

Zoning the room into the living room and bedroom

It is difficult to imagine a room with several functional components, in which all the furniture stands as if it had just been delivered and installed. In order for everyone to feel comfortable here, it is necessary to create an interior in which each area would be independent while visually unifying the room into a single whole. This is precisely why zoning a room into a bedroom and a living room is used, when the space of the zones remains common, but at the same time divided into comfortable parts.

The layout of the room is adjusted to the needs of the owners. Of course, in most cases, a sofa also performs the sleeping function, but still, sleeping on a full-fledged bed with orthopedic effect. That is why designers recommend dividing the space in the most convenient way and zoning the room so that it can be truly separated from the rest of the room.

Among the simplest and most popular solutions is dividing the living room with curtains. Cornices can be used to mark the outline of the sleeping part of the room or just a bed, then, if necessary, you can easily move apart and move the canvases. It turns out an alcove - cozy for sleeping, but not the most comfortable for the guest part, especially in a square room.

Zoning with curtains is appropriate when the bedroom is completely separated from the living room from wall to wall. Then it seems that the window is located immediately behind the canvases, and thus it is possible to hide the bed for night rest from view.

But there are always other options: zoning the bedroom and living room in any area is most often realized with the help of partitions.

Partition as a divider

To separate the living room and bedroom, the most often used are sliding, stationary, transparent and matte, shelving and screens. The design of these depends largely on the chosen style, color palette and other nuances, but you always need to evaluate the need to choose functional designs. For example, you can choose block modular systems, when some of them remain open - on one or both sides to ensure visual unification of functional areas. Other parts of the racks are covered with smooth facades. As a rule, such modules do not have fittings, so the furniture looks as if it is a wall with niches for decoration.

Sliding partitions are equivalent to curtains, but the latter are easier to perceive, as they allow air to pass through and hint at the fact that there is a window or balcony behind them.

You can choose openwork decorative partitions - in the form of forged metal structures or carved wooden ones. Such details occupy part of the opening between functional areas, leaving the passage free.

Vertical zoning

A non-standard solution today is to vertically divide a room into two or even more zones. Of course, this is only available with high ceilings, because it is difficult to imagine that in an ordinary living room something would hang from the ceiling - then there would not be enough space above and below.

For the bedroom, it is quite possible to allocate not the full height of the room - it is possible not to full height get to the bed. But for the living room, it’s worth leaving a full 2.5 meters or even more in order to feel comfortable here. However, modern manufacturers and designers offer another unusual solution - a bed with a lifting mechanism. This option has its advantages - the bed will be located under the ceiling during the day, and a lamp and other functional points can be installed under it, but in fact, all the nuances are calculated based on the features of the lifting mechanism.

Of course, if you have really high ceilings, you can choose just such zoning. You can’t get by with just one shelving unit – you’ll need both a ladder and 1 of the most convenient options arrangement of the area under the bed. Although this could be a living room sofa, a work area, or just a place to store things.

Color and textures

Zoning with color or texture in the case of separating the bedroom from the guest room is appropriate, but not very effective. In fact, one shade is not enough to make even a small area cozy, so such techniques can be additional, but not basic.

As a rule, the room is covered with one flooring material - the one that determines the interior design. Most often this is parquet or laminate. To separate zones, you can use coatings of different colors.

Wall decoration works in the same way, but still more effective options more “tangible” means remain. Choosing different shades to decorate individual zones is quite appropriate, but then the colors should be harmonious. For example, a chocolate bedroom will be combined with a beige living room, and a slate seating area will be combined with a white living room.

Combining a living room of 18 sq. m and bedrooms involves the arrangement of two separate and independent zones. That is why in this case color and texture are ineffective.

Attaching a balcony

One option for expanding the space is to combine a room with a balcony. This is a complex decision that will require resolution technical issues, and sometimes problems. Nevertheless, it is worth considering this possibility, especially for a room of 18 square meters. m in Khrushchev. By the way, when combining a room with a loggia, you can leave part of the wall and make it decorative partition– for flowers, lamps, books.

Photo gallery: 65 photos of bedroom-living room interiors

If you need to arrange a living room and bedroom in one room, it is quite difficult to find a truly effective and at the same time stylish, comfortable solution. Pictures of the most will help with this different interiors: every project here is an example of ergonomics, comfort and functionality.

The photo shows the design of a living room with a bedroom with a total area of ​​18 square meters. m.

When looking for ideas for zoning a room into a bedroom and living room, you should pay attention to the work of leading designers. Here you will find interesting tips on how to design simple interiors, highlight their functionality and your individuality, so that you can feel that this is exactly your home!
