Home school thinking is the fun part about blogging. Book: Wenger Leonid Abramovich, Wenger Alexander Leonidovich “Home school of thinking

Best books for the best mothers. Homeschool thinking.

Every child is talented! And every mother wants to help her child discover all his talents! Introducing one of the best books for parents on development mental abilities children from three to six years old - “Home School of Thinking”.

The books are addressed to parents and are written so captivatingly that they read like a novel! After reading these books, you will undoubtedly have many new ones. creative ideas on the development of your baby. But, most importantly, from the “Home School of Thinking” you will learn:

    what are the main tasks of developing mental abilities,

    how mental abilities manifest themselves in children 3-6 years old,

    what to pay attention to Special attention at every age!

In the books you will find a whole collection of entertaining educational and educational games for children:

You will learn how to teach a child to draw, sculpt, design, count,

How to introduce kids to the world around them, with words and sounds.

You will teach your children to use models, drawings and diagrams, sketch plans, read symbols, retell and write fairy tales.

You will receive a whole system of games for the development of a child’s thinking, perception, and imagination. Moreover, the authors give all recommendations based on their vast experience in the development and education of children and communication with them.

About the author of the book

The author of the book is the most famous child psychologist Leonid Abramovich Wenger and his son Alexander Leonidovich Wenger. L.A. Wenger all his professional activity dedicated to studying the problem of diagnostics and development of mental abilities in children preschool age. He is the author of many articles and books on cognitive development children. Based on the results of his research, two remarkable programs were created preschool education and education - the “Development” program and the “Gifted Child” program. But the book “Home School of Thinking” by L.A. Wenger addresses not psychologists and teachers, but mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers, and gives surprisingly necessary, useful, practical and interesting advice on the development of children.

Every child is talented! And every mother wants to help her child discover all his talents! Today I want to introduce one of the best books for parents on the development of mental abilities of children from three to six years old - “Home school of thinking.”

The book was published in the 80s of the last century and since that time has not been reprinted for a long time, becoming a bibliographic rarity. It could only be obtained in libraries, and even then not in all libraries. And every family with preschool children needs to have such a book at home!

Fortunately, The publishing house "Drofa" has finally published a reissue of this book, and the book again became available to any family.

How and where to order the book “Home School of Thinking”:

Contents of the book “Home School of Thinking”

The book is addressed to parents and is written so captivatingly that it reads like a novel! After reading this book, you will undoubtedly have many new creative ideas for the development of your baby. But, most importantly, from their “Home School of Thinking” you will learn:

  • what are the main tasks of developing mental abilities,
  • how mental abilities manifest themselves in children 3-6 years old,
  • what you need to pay special attention to at every age!

In the book you will find a whole a collection of entertaining educational and educational games for children:

— learn how to teach a child to draw, sculpt, design, count,

— how to introduce kids to the world around them, with words and sounds.

— You will teach your children to use models, drawings and diagrams, sketch plans, read symbols, retell and compose fairy tales.

— You will receive a whole system of games for the development of a child’s thinking, perception, and imagination. Moreover, the authors give all recommendations based on their vast experience in the development and education of children and communication with them.

About the author of the book

book author- the famous child psychologist Leonid Abramovich Venger and his son Alexander Leonidovich Wenger. L.A. Wenger devoted his entire professional career to studying the problem of diagnosis and development of mental abilities in preschool children. He is the author of many articles and books on children's cognitive development. Based on the results of his research, two wonderful preschool education and training programs were created - the Development program and the Gifted Child program. But the book “Home School of Thinking” by L.A. Wenger addresses not psychologists and teachers, but mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers, and gives surprisingly necessary, useful, practical and interesting advice on the development of children.

The book has three parts:

1. For parents of three-year-old children.

2. For parents of four-year-old children.

3. For parents of five to six year old children.

Each part contains several chapters. The chapters reveal the characteristics of a child’s mental development in a given age period and provide detailed recommendations for guiding the mental development of a child in the family. Playing, learning and developing is the motto of this book.

There is no doubt that I would recommend this book to all parents of preschool children. This is a reference book for every family! That’s why I included it in the “Best Books for the Best Moms” section!

Regular readers of my site know that I recommend only those books that I use myself and recommend from the bottom of my heart and from the position of a professional in the field preschool pedagogy. This book will undoubtedly become for you an excellent guide to the world of playing with a child and developing his talents and abilities.

Wenger, Leonid Abramovich

Russian psychologist.

Having graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University in 1951, V. began scientific work under the leadership of A.V. Zaporozhets, making the center of his research activities studying mental development preschool children. In 1955 he defended his candidate's dissertation, and in 1969 his doctoral dissertation. Head of the laboratory for developing the abilities of preschool children at the Institute of Preschool Education (since 1968), professor (1970). Author of numerous works on problems intellectual development children, diagnosing the level of their cognitive development, abilities, as well as benefits for the sensory and cognitive education of preschool children, including " Perception and learning" (1969), "Genesis of sensory abilities" (1976), "Development cognitive abilities in the process of preschool education" (1986).

V. many patterns of development of perception in the first years of children’s lives have been discovered. He identified and described the main types of sensory standards (pre-standards, subject, sensory) and the stages of their development (identification, assignment, modeling). The works of V. and his colleagues reveal the role of various aspects of perception in the formation of higher forms of cognitive activity in children, as well as the main activities that stimulate the development of perception at different age periods (locomotion, object-based activity, productive activity - design, drawing). V. has proven the leading role of perception in the cognitive development of preschool children, its connection with thinking, memory and other mental processes. The methods he developed for studying the mental development of children demonstrated fundamentally new approaches to diagnostics, making it possible to analyze both current knowledge and the potential capabilities of children and their abilities.

A significant discovery both for the theoretical understanding of the characteristics of mental development in preschool age and for the formation of developmental educational programs was the idea put forward by V. about new form indirect thinking, characteristic of children of older preschool age - schematic or model thinking. This work develops traditions of both domestic psychological school Vygotsky, whose follower was V., and the achievements foreign psychology, primarily Gestalt psychology (research by Koffka, Volkelt), and the works of Bühler. Based on the concept of model mediation of V., new educational programs were developed, as well as approaches to studying the mental abilities of children. These works led V. to the problem of mental talent, which he studied in last years life, developing special educational programs for gifted children, as well as methods for diagnosing giftedness in preschoolers, which he considered a dynamic characteristic. Under his leadership, a developmental education program was developed, including a program for teaching gifted children. These programs have passed experimental study and testing in preschool institutions in Moscow and other cities. V. is the creator of a scientific school; a number of doctoral dissertations were completed in line with his concept, and under his direct supervision about 50 candidate dissertations were defended.

Other books on similar topics:

See also in other dictionaries:

    WENGER- Leonid Abramovich (1925 1992) Russian psychologist, researcher of the mental development of preschool children. D r psychological sciences(1968), professor (1973). Having been demobilized from the army after the Second World War, he graduated from the psychological department of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

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    Medicine- I Medicine Medicine system scientific knowledge And practical activities, the goals of which are to strengthen and preserve health, prolong the lives of people, prevent and treat human diseases. To accomplish these tasks, M. studies the structure and... ... Medical encyclopedia

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    German music- The roots of N. m. go back to ancient times. Archaeological data research indicates the existence of other Germans. tribes of various kinds of spirit. instruments (lurs), the manufacture of which dates back to the Bronze Age. Lit. and historical... ... Music Encyclopedia

Wenger, Leonid Abramovich

Russian psychologist.

Having graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University in 1951, V., while still a student, began scientific work under the guidance of A.V. Zaporozhets, making the center of his research activity the study of the mental development of preschool children. In 1955 he defended his candidate's dissertation, and in 1969 his doctoral dissertation. Head of the laboratory for developing the abilities of preschool children at the Institute of Preschool Education (since 1968), professor (1970). Author of numerous works on the problems of intellectual development of children, diagnostics of the level of their cognitive development, abilities, as well as manuals on sensory and cognitive education of preschool children, including " Perception and learning" (1969), "Genesis of sensory abilities" (1976), "Development of cognitive abilities in the process of preschool education" (1986).

V. many patterns of development of perception in the first years of children’s lives have been discovered. He identified and described the main types of sensory standards (pre-standards, subject, sensory) and the stages of their development (identification, assignment, modeling). The works of V. and his colleagues reveal the role of various aspects of perception in the formation of higher forms of cognitive activity in children, as well as the main activities that stimulate the development of perception at different age periods (locomotion, object-based activity, productive activity - design, drawing). V. has proven the leading role of perception in the cognitive development of preschool children, its connection with thinking, memory and other mental processes. The methods he developed for studying the mental development of children demonstrated fundamentally new approaches to diagnostics, making it possible to analyze both current knowledge and the potential capabilities of children and their abilities.

A significant discovery both for the theoretical understanding of the characteristics of mental development in preschool age and for the formation of developmental training programs was the idea put forward by V. about a new form of indirect thinking characteristic of children of senior preschool age - schematic or model thinking. This work develops the traditions of both the Russian psychological school of Vygotsky, whose follower was V., and the achievements of foreign psychology, primarily Gestalt psychology (research by Koffka, Volkelt), and the works of Bühler. Based on the concept of model mediation of V., new educational programs were developed, as well as approaches to studying the mental abilities of children. These works led V. to the problem of mental giftedness, which he dealt with in the last years of his life, developing special educational programs for gifted children, as well as methods for diagnosing giftedness in preschoolers, which he considered a dynamic characteristic. Under his leadership, a developmental education program was developed, including a program for teaching gifted children. These programs have undergone experimental research and testing in preschool institutions in Moscow and other cities. V. is the creator of a scientific school; a number of doctoral dissertations were completed in line with his concept, and under his direct supervision about 50 candidate dissertations were defended.

Other books on similar topics:

See also in other dictionaries:

    WENGER- Leonid Abramovich (1925 1992) Russian psychologist, researcher of the mental development of preschool children. Doctor of Psychological Sciences (1968), professor (1973). Having been demobilized from the army after the Second World War, he graduated from the psychological department of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    The period from birth to 11-12 years, during which the child not only grows and develops physically, but also his character is formed. The very existence of children during this period depends on parents or adults playing the role of parents, and the experience of this... Collier's Encyclopedia

    I Medicine Medicine is a system of scientific knowledge and practical activities, the goals of which are to strengthen and preserve health, prolong the life of people, prevent and treat human diseases. To accomplish these tasks, M. studies the structure and... ... Medical encyclopedia

    I. INTRODUCTION II. RUSSIAN ORAL POETRY A. Periodization of the history of oral poetry B. Development of ancient oral poetry 1. The most ancient origins of oral poetry. Oral poetic creativity of ancient Rus' from the 10th to the mid-16th century. 2.Oral poetry from the middle of the 16th century to the end... ... Literary encyclopedia

    For the convenience of viewing the main phenomena of its development, the history of Russian literature can be divided into three periods: I from the first monuments to the Tatar yoke; II until the end of the 17th century; III to our time. In reality, these periods are not sharply... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    - - was born on May 30, 1811 in Sveaborg, recently annexed to Russia, where his father, Grigory Nikiforovich, served as a junior doctor for the naval crew. Grigory Nikiforovich received his last name upon entering the seminary from his educational... ...

    Asia- (Asia) Description of Asia, countries, states of Asia, history and peoples of Asia Information about Asian states, history and peoples of Asia, cities and geography of Asia Contents Asia is the largest part of the world, together with the continent it forms Eurasia... Investor Encyclopedia

    - - born on May 26, 1799 in Moscow, on Nemetskaya Street in Skvortsov’s house; died January 29, 1837 in St. Petersburg. On his father’s side, Pushkin belonged to an old noble family, descended, according to genealogies, from a descendant “from ... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    The request for "Dogs" is redirected here; for the genus "Canis" see Wolves. The request for "Dog" is redirected here; for the dog sign, see @. Dog ... Wikipedia

    - (Československo) Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, Czechoslovakia (Československa socialisticka republika, ČSSR). I. General information Czechoslovakia is a socialist state in Central Europe. Located on the Danube watershed… Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    The roots of N. m. go back to ancient times. Archaeological data research indicates the existence of other Germans. tribes of various kinds of spirit. instruments (lurs), the manufacture of which dates back to the Bronze Age. Lit. and historical... ... Music Encyclopedia

The best books for the best mothers. Homeschool thinking.

Every child is talented! And every mother wants to help her child discover all his talents! We present one of the best books for parents on developing the mental abilities of children from three to six years old - “Home School of Thinking”.

The books are addressed to parents and are written so captivatingly that they read like a novel! After reading these books, you will undoubtedly have many new creative ideas for the development of your baby. But, most importantly, from the “Home School of Thinking” you will learn:

    what are the main tasks of developing mental abilities,

    how mental abilities manifest themselves in children 3-6 years old,

    what you need to pay special attention to at every age!

In the books you will find a whole collection of entertaining educational and educational games for children:

You will learn how to teach a child to draw, sculpt, design, count,

How to introduce kids to the world around them, with words and sounds.

You will teach your children to use models, drawings and diagrams, sketch plans, read symbols, retell and write fairy tales.

You will receive a whole system of games for the development of a child’s thinking, perception, and imagination. Moreover, the authors give all recommendations based on their vast experience in the development and education of children and communication with them.

About the author of the book

The author of the book is the famous child psychologist Leonid Abramovich Venger and his son Alexander Leonidovich Venger. L.A. Wenger devoted his entire professional career to studying the problem of diagnosis and development of mental abilities in preschool children. He is the author of many articles and books on children's cognitive development. Based on the results of his research, two wonderful preschool education and training programs were created - the Development program and the Gifted Child program. But the book “Home School of Thinking” by L.A. Wenger addresses not psychologists and teachers, but mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers, and gives surprisingly necessary, useful, practical and interesting advice on the development of children.

Authors: L. A. Wenger, A. L. Wenger

Year: 1983
Number of pages: 96
Format: DjVu
This book is the second in a three-book series aimed at four-year-olds. The book discusses issues of organizing games and other activities, using fiction, learning the beginning of mathematics and literacy. In all sections of education, only those aspects that are aimed at developing the child’s mental abilities are highlighted.

This is the third book in the “Home School of Thinking” series. Its addressee is parents of five-year-old children. Five years is the beginning of senior preschool age. At this age, the child is already capable of conscious reasoning; he can identify the main thing in phenomena, making generalizations based on essential features (of course, on the simplest material). At the same time, the possibilities of analysis and highlighting the diverse unique features of an individual object or phenomenon increase. The purpose of this book is to help parents create conditions conducive to the intensive development of the cognitive abilities of five-year-old children, primarily a generalized, but at the same time differentiated perception and understanding of reality.

For parents, students and teachers of public universities.

Authors: L. A. Wenger, A. L. Wenger
Title: Home School Thinking
Series: People's University. Faculty of Education
Publisher: “Znanie”, Moscow
Year: 1985
Number of pages: 80
Format: DjVu
This book is the fourth and last in the “Home School of Thinking” series. It is designed for parents of six-year-old children. At this age, the main task of mental education becomes preparing the child for schooling. The book contains advice on organizing such training to identify the level of readiness for school. Advice is given on raising children with “difficult characters.”

Title: Home School
Author: L.A. Wenger., A.L. Wenger
Publisher: Knowledge
Year: 1994
Pages: 246
Format: PDF
The book is intended for parents of three-, four-, and five-year-old children. It contains tasks aimed at the mental education of the child: at the development of his perception, thinking, and imagination. The tasks are given in a playful way that is attractive to children of this age. For children with whom their parents have not previously worked, introductory tasks are given.
