Do-it-yourself panel door. Do-it-yourself wooden door manufacturing technology. Wooden door manufacturing technology

Strength of character lies not in the ability to break through walls, but in the ability to find doors. And even better, not only be able to find them, but also be able to create these doors. This article will talk about how to realize your power in everyday life and how to make a door with your own hands.

How to prepare

It would seem that the modern market is so wide that you can find a door of any shape, size and quality. But this is not always the case. Especially when it comes to something exclusive, a special type of wood, spectacular stained glass, or an extraordinary shape. Buying a standard factory design is boring and mediocre. And making a door with your own hands is not a difficult task at all, especially if you have a suitable canvas, a pair skillful hands and some time.

However, in order to produce a beautiful and quality door yourself, you need to first study the subtleties and nuances of the material, evaluate the complexity of the technology and calculations, and identify pitfalls during its installation.

First you need to prepare all the materials and tools that you will need for the job. After all, the final result is influenced not only by the quality of the raw materials themselves, but also by the quality and reliability of the auxiliary tools and materials that were used during the assembly and installation of the door. And for this you will need:

  • milling machine with manual mechanism. It is used to process wooden product, give it shape, grind the groove elements;
  • a circular saw with manual mechanism;
  • Bulgarian. In this case it will be used to sand wood;
  • screwdriver for door installation;
  • building level and tape measure;
  • hammer;
  • pencil or marker.

Regardless of what type of product needs to be made, be it interior doors, entrance doors, or doors for a country shed, the same technology is used for all. Therefore, after studying this article, you can easily make homemade doors for any needs. In addition to the tools, you will also need the material itself. As a rule, they choose an array of different types of wood: oak, ash, birch, larch, pine.

Some prefer exotic species: mahogany, wenge, beech. The choice depends on personal preferences, the type of room and the overall concept of the interior.

When making a structure with your own hands, you need to take into account that the wooden canvas will require pre-treatment, especially for hard wood. When choosing a wooden panel, you need to focus on ensuring that the wood is even and smooth. There should be no cracks or holes from knots. The selected board is first dried in a well-ventilated area at a temperature of about 25 ° C.

You can dry it outside, but only in dry weather, preferably in summer time middle zone Russia. Depending on the type of wood and its initial condition, drying the canvas can take up to ten days.

Popular models

Before you start making doors, you need to think about what type they will be (hinged or sliding), decide on the shape and design. The most important characteristics of all doors are functionality and appearance , because they will become an integral element of the interior.

Let us characterize the main models:

  • Very popular today sliding doors. A door of the “compartment” type can be either single-leaf or with two leaves. Sliding doors on rollers - an alternative usual options with swing doors, especially if the issue of saving space is acute. There are two types of sliding doors: with bottom tracks and with top tracks. Thus, using a mechanical system with lower guides, the door “walks” on built-in rollers, reducing the load on the walls.

This sliding door fastening system is beneficial for thin partitions in apartments.

  • Among compartment doors designs with a hinged mechanism are especially popular. Hinged sliding doors are usually made of glass, due to its lighter weight compared to solid wooden counterparts. In addition to the fact that this type of door also takes up little space in the apartment, another advantage is that its glass surface perfectly transmits light into the room. This option is very appropriate if you plan major renovation“Khrushchev” in order to free the already small area of ​​​​the apartment from unnecessary structures.

  • Book door, like a sliding door, helps to preserve useful space in the apartment. Its folding design consists of two separate panels, interconnected so that when opened, one part fits onto another of the same kind, without cluttering the interior. They are often placed in dressing rooms and in bedroom bathrooms.

  • Accordion door- another option for small apartments. Compared to swing doors, such doors can save up to two meters of space. This type of product can be used in any interior. The design of accordion doors is varied. There are even interesting options with intricate stained glass windows.

  • Everyone knows paneled doors remain popular to this day due to their aesthetic characteristics. The design of a paneled door differs from a regular one in that additional thinner panels are inserted inside the door frame. Thus, even the most boring door can be made very original using inserts with textured patterns or carvings. The area of ​​use of these doors is not only office rooms, but also residential buildings and apartments.


Standard hinged door consists of several parts:

  • door frame;
  • door leaves;
  • fasteners;
  • castle;
  • frames in the form of platbands.

If the product canvas is not a monolithic solid board, but has several components, it is necessary to clarify what they will be made of and what their functional purpose. The frame of the structure is the frame. It determines the main dimensions of the product, gives it rigidity and shape. The outer visible part of the canvas is represented by the covering. In this capacity they can serve not only wooden panels, but also plastic profiles or stained glass windows.

If the task is to make an entrance door, then you need to take care of the insulation, which is placed inside, under the casing.

This article will provide information on how to independently make a door of the simplest design with a hinged fastening mechanism, without insulation and complex cladding options such as glass decorative elements and carved panels.


Seven times measure cut once. This proverb will be more relevant than ever when making a door yourself. Indeed, the final result will depend on how correctly the measurements are taken. And there is no need to figure out which parts need to be measured. All the main parameters have long been known; you just need to write them down on a piece of paper and measure them using a regular construction tape.

It is imperative to measure:

  • door width (distance from the left to the right edge of the door);
  • door height (distance from the floor to the top point);
  • width of the doorway;
  • thickness of the doorway;
  • opening slope (if there are distortions);
  • evenness (identify elements whose size differs from the main one).

When determining the width of the product, it is recommended to measure the distance between the side parts of the opening in the area of ​​the floor, in the center of the opening and at the upper border of the opening and find average value. If necessary, if these values ​​differ, the opening can be trimmed.

For an interior door, the width is usually 80-90 cm, for an entrance door - 90-120 cm. The height of the door is determined by the height of the opening and is approximately 200-210 cm. Measurements are taken with the same tape measure from the floor to the top point of the doorway.

You should take into account the fact if the apartment does not yet have flooring, then the measured height will not be entirely accurate, so First, it is recommended to finish the floor work so that all parameters of the future door are taken into account correctly. When determining the height of the door, measurements are also taken at three points (far left, center and far right).

The thickness of the doorway is measured similar to the width of the door. You just need to take into account that the width of the frame will be slightly larger, since it is necessary to leave a distance between the door and the frame for the door to move freely. And yet, when forming the box, you should remember that its width should be several centimeters less than the measured width of the opening, since during installation it is necessary to leave technological voids.

The thickness of the doorway is measured at six points (thickness at the bottom, middle, top for the left edge and the same positions for the right edge). This parameter will depend on the thickness of the wall into which the door will be mounted. For the entrance it is usually larger than for the interior, but there are exceptions. Here you should also pay attention to the presence of non-standard dimensions of the opening thickness. In this case, it is necessary to provide extras that will compensate for this moment.

In order to simplify the installation of the structure, it is necessary to first determine the evenness of the opening. Using a building level, check the vertical of the opening (at three points) and the diagonal. Using a tape measure, measure the distance inside the opening diagonally, from the top corner to the bottom, for each side. Both values ​​should be approximately equal. In case of strong deviations, not only the appearance of the structure will deteriorate, but the reliability of the fastening system will also be called into question.

After the basic parameters have been measured, they move on to correcting unevenness and distortions. To do this, these places are plastered or the excess is cut off using a grinder. An ideal option would be to level the opening using plasterboard sheets.

Elimination of deficiencies identified during the measurement of product dimensions will certainly have an impact positive influence for further work and will eliminate many unpleasant moments during installation.


Modern market oversaturated with various door options made from a variety of materials. However, wood remains traditional. Due to its high quality indicators, as well as the property of being perfectly combined with wooden furniture And parquet board, wooden doors have become more in demand, especially in the interiors of apartments and country houses.

In addition to their aesthetic characteristics, wooden products have a number of other advantages: strength of the material, ease of processing, ability to retain heat, good sound insulation, and environmental friendliness.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that if the choice fell on a wooden door, then all other parts should also be made of wood (frame, trim, extensions).

The disadvantages of wood include easy flammability, the ability to absorb moisture and expand, and, of course, high cost.

The most popular, but not the easiest to manufacture, are paneled doors. It is better to use ready-made cutters as internal inserts, since cutting them yourself is labor-intensive work. On the construction market you can purchase a set of routers for a future door. To save on material, The door leaf can be made from boards, instead of a wide monolithic leaf.

If you need to make a door to a country shed or a bathhouse, you can use even cheaper materials. A good alternative to solid wood would be a plywood door. This is a fairly durable material; during its manufacture, sheets of peeled veneer are glued together so that the fibers of one sheet are perpendicular to the fibers of the other. The outer layers of plywood are covered with veneer made from aspen, pine or larch (these types of veneer have good strength and aesthetic appearance).

Products made from lining - also inexpensive option. The advantage of this material is that in order to make a door, it is not necessary to use factory lining; you can make separate profiles from scrap materials.

In addition to natural materials, synthetic polycarbonates are widely used. Choice of this material It is advantageous to make a door when it is expected that the structure will be influenced by unfavorable weather(humidity, temperature). But if earlier polycarbonate was used for the manufacture of greenhouses, now it is easily used for entrance doors, the main thing is to provide solid foundation and insulation.

If desired, you can build a structure from other polymers. Often they make an aluminum frame with plexiglass inserts. It looks quite stylish, but these materials are quite expensive.

How to make a door frame?

Before you start assembling the door frame, you need to study its structure. So, the door frame consists of four main parts: two pillars (its longest parts), a threshold and a top crossbar (short parts). First, measure the length of the racks. In the case of using a threshold, it is equal to the length of the door plus 2-3 centimeters for the gap on each side. If there is no threshold, then instead of a gap at the bottom, add 15-20 centimeters. This will ensure the door moves freely from the floor.

The measured values ​​are drawn on the canvas and each stand is cut out with a special knife.

The crossbar and threshold are identical components. Their length consists of the width of the door, the same two gaps and the thickness of the frame. The measured dimensions are transferred to a wooden canvas and one or two elements are cut out, depending on the need for the threshold. Grooves are cut out in the top crossbar of the box, marking the lines where the posts intersect with the top crossbar, and these areas are carefully cut out with a jigsaw on each side.

Once all the grooves have been cut, the posts and crossbar are aligned on the floor to ensure they fit together. After this, the cut parts are thoroughly sanded with sandpaper, eliminating all irregularities and rough roughness. When all the elements of the box are ready, you can start assembling.

In order to assemble the structure, you will need a drill or screwdriver. A 2-3 millimeter drill is inserted into the screwdriver and holes are drilled in the aligned corners of the future box. These holes will keep the material intact when screwing screws into them. Use a Phillips drill to drive screws into each hole. The door frame is almost ready.

To make sure that the frame is made correctly, you need to place it on the floor and put the selected door leaf inside, assessing the presence of gaps between them. It is worth noting that if the task is to make a sliding structure yourself, then you need to take into account its distinctive mechanism. When opened, such a door will move to the side, like a pencil case (to drive into the wall or lie on it), therefore, when forming the box, you should provide a groove for the door in one of the racks.

How to make the door itself: step-by-step instructions

Now let's look at how to make the door itself. For outbuildings, the door will be a simple shield made of separate boards fastened together with wooden straps. Interior wooden doors should have a more aesthetic appearance; simple frames are not applicable here.

The work should be carried out on a carpentry stand or on a table that will allow the product to be completely placed on it.

To form door leaf use tongue-and-groove boards with grooves (you can also cut the grooves yourself). The thickness of the boards should be from 2.5 to 4 centimeters, depending on whether it will be an interior door or an entrance door. The prepared boards are placed in a shield. If tongue and groove boards are taken, then the grooves on the outer boards are removed using a circular saw.

The boards are glued together with wood glue, and the pattern of the annual rings must be observed (they must lie in the same direction so that the finished product does not show an imbalance). The door blank is placed in a vice to align the elements more tightly, and the glue is allowed to dry. After that, the entire surface of the canvas is passed through a milling machine, paying special attention to joints and uneven fragments.

If the thickness of the boards is not sufficient to use the door as an entrance, then you can glue the boards in two layers. Such a door will be quite massive and heavy.

Next we move on to designing the finished shield. Using a stencil, transfer the design onto a wooden canvas, first with a pencil. Using a router with a manual mechanism, the design is carefully cut out, changing cutters. The finished drawing and the canvas itself should be treated with sandpaper, then blotted with a special antiseptic solution. If the door is an entrance door, then it must be treated with moisture-resistant agents and flame retardants. This way it will last much longer.

How to insert?

The places where the hinges will be located are marked on the door frame. Marks are also made on the door leaf in appropriate places. To do this, place it in a vertical position, with the top facing the side where the hinges are attached. WITH reverse side mark the location of the castle. First, the door is placed in the frame, the markings are checked, the location of the lock tongue on the frame is marked, then the hinges are inserted, then they are applied to the door and to the frame, and drilled with a drill. The tongue is carefully cut out with a jigsaw.

To install correctly door lock, it is first applied to the installation site on the product, circled, and all necessary technological holes are marked with dots. After the installation depth of the lock has been determined, it is placed in the marked place and screwed. Now that all the parts are ready, you need to install them correctly.

First we insert the door frame into the opening. We level it and secure it with wedges. You can adjust a box already mounted in the wall by hitting the wedges with a hammer. Then dowels and screws are inserted into the holes drilled in the wall and frame. And lastly, the most important thing is the assembly of the door and frame.

It is better to perform this operation together in order to avoid injuries, since the door leaf is a heavy structure. Holding the door suspended, we secure the hinges with self-tapping screws.

After the assembly of the main parts is completed, you can move on to the platbands. It’s easier to buy ready-made ones in the store or make them yourself using wooden blanks 1-1.5 cm thick and a simple jigsaw. Each edge of the casing is cut at an angle of 45 degrees and adjusted to length. Finished products are secured at the level of the box using wood glue or small nails.

In general, the work of installing a door, with a competent approach and high-quality materials, will take no more than two days. And the recommendations described above can be used to make doors from other materials, changing only some tools.


Finishing will help give the finished product a finished look. You can also do it yourself; it’s more enjoyable and less hard work than installation and assembly of the door itself. Door finishing can be done as follows:

  • painting the door;
  • varnish coating;
  • wallpapering or decorative film;
  • decoupage;
  • insertion of mirrors and colored glass;
  • fabric lining;
  • application of techniques for aging wood.

The door market is huge and natural wood still remains an unfading classic. But not every door can be made by a beginner, so further you will learn which canvases an amateur can take on, and which ones are better to order from a workshop. After which we will analyze in detail how to make a door at home, in 2 options and with all the subtleties.

Not every door can be made by a beginner

Making wooden doors yourself is not a problem, but first you need to figure out where you intend to place this panel and what requirements are imposed on its aesthetic and operational characteristics. After all, you must admit, it’s one thing to have a storage room in the backyard and quite another to make doors with your own hands for rooms or your favorite bathhouse.

Massive canvases

In this case, the term “massive doors” does not refer in any way to the size or weight of the door leaf. This means that the doors are completely made of wood and there are no technological voids inside. Plus, this canvas is assembled from solid boards and does not have any windows or other inserts.

Massive doors belong to an elite product

In stores, the price for such a product is one of the highest, and at the same time, making solid solid doors with your own hands is quite possible for any home craftsman. The strength of such fabric is the highest, stronger only than massive ones. iron doors and that’s not all, if you compare it with Chinese goods, it’s better to make the door yourself from a tongue-and-groove board.

Making doors with your own hands from a solid board is quite possible for a beginner

Of course, you shouldn’t immediately take on a solid canvas, shining with exquisite polishing, but we’ll tell you how to make doors with your own hands, for example, for a bathhouse, in all the details, but a little later.

Paneled canvases

To put it simply, the term “panel doors” means prefabricated doors. That is, first a frame of some kind is made, and then panels (inserts) are inserted in certain places of this frame.

In classic paneled canvases, such inserts are made of wood. In interior paneled doors, glass can be used instead of wood. The design turns out to be light and beautiful, plus it requires less material.

But we do not advise novice craftsmen to take on this type of door. Firstly, to correctly join the frame slats and insert panels into them, you need skill, and secondly, to make such panels you need a lot of good things, including professional tools.

Inserts in interior panel doors can be made from different materials

Panel and frame panels

From the point of view of the average person, panel boards and frame doors little different. It is believed that a panel door consists of a rectangular frame, which is covered on both sides with solid sheets of fiberboard or plywood. At the same time, its frame sister is made from the same box, only stiffening ribs made of wooden blocks are installed inside.

Professionals divide these doors according to other criteria; they distinguish between solid, hollow and small-hollow doors.

  • Solid canvases are the highest quality in this niche. The inside of the box is filled with wooden slats, which greatly increases the strength of the structure. True, the quality of the slats is not the highest; waste often goes there. In part, this design resembles a solid mass, only it uses high-quality tongue-and-groove boards, and here it is production waste;
  • Fine-hollow doors differ from solid doors in that the inside of the door is filled fragmentarily. Roughly speaking, when they want to save money or don’t have enough wooden slats for continuous filling, these slats are attached with gaps, one at a time;

On the left (A) there is a solid filling, and on the right (B) there is a fine-hollow filling of the canvas

In panel boards, technology and existing GOSTs allow the use of chipboard, MDF, foam plastic and even honeycomb cardboard as a filler in addition to wooden slats.

  • Hollow canvases are the simplest and cheap option doors. Here, sheets of plywood or fiberboard are simply stuffed on both sides of the box. To make the empty box less noisy, filler is installed there. The cheapest filler option is honeycomb cardboard, and the best is polystyrene foam.

It is clear that simple doors It’s easier to do it yourself, so we’ll leave paneled structures alone and focus on massive and panel boards.

Two door leaf assembly options

We have decided on the types of structures, but before we make a door with our own hands, let’s briefly go through the minimum set of tools and choose wood for our future work of carpentry.

What tool is needed

You can never have too many tools, and at the same time, it’s not always possible to buy a complete set, but since you can’t make a door yourself without tools, we’ll go over the main items.

Carpentry tools for making doors

  • Wood hacksaw;
  • Electric drill;
  • Square;
  • Roulette;
  • A set of screwdrivers or a screwdriver;
  • Plane;
  • Set of chisels;
  • Level;
  • Minimum 2 – 3 clamps;
  • Metal hammer;
  • Mallet (wooden or rubber hammer);
  • Pliers;
  • Awl;
  • Emery or sander.

If you want to make a really beautiful door with your own hands, you will have to fork out for a quality one hand cutter with a jig (guide frame for the movement of the cutter). You won't be able to make curly parts without it.

You can't make a beautiful door without a good cutter

Choosing wood

When choosing a wood species, it is advisable to take into account several recommendations. So, for a dry room, you can take any wood, but since we are making the door with our own hands, it is better to avoid strong species such as oak or acacia; they are difficult to process.

In damp rooms, for example, in a bathhouse, it is better to take larch, aspen or pine; they are less susceptible to rotting. But at the same time, only hardwood is used for the steam room; at high temperatures, resin will flow from coniferous wood. The most affordable option is linden.

For the doors you need the so-called “business wood”. Unlike usual, there are fewer knots, and most importantly, it is well dried. The moisture content of working wood should not exceed 15%.

Some companies offer timber impregnated protective compounds in autoclaves, it costs a third more, but then you won’t be fooled with antiseptics, plus industrial impregnation is much better quality.

Under no circumstances buy crooked boards, especially “propeller” ones, no matter what they tell you, it is no longer possible to straighten a crooked board.

Option No. 1. Solid wood doors

Making a door with your own hands begins with selecting a board. The fact is that the basis of the canvas is a shield made from tongue-and-groove or simply planed boards. If you are making doors to a utility room, then you can take a regular board, it is cheaper. If the door is in a visible place, then it is better to buy a tongue and groove board.

The minimum thickness of the board for doors is 25 mm, but such a board is inconvenient to work with, so if you have a single-layer panel, it is better to use a board with a thickness of 40 mm or more.

A panel made from tongue-and-groove boards is much better quality

First, take the boards and connect them together on a completely flat table. The tongue-and-groove board is joined using the tongue-and-groove principle, so it can be difficult to assemble the board “dry” the first time. At this stage, your task is to clean off all the burrs so that the shield connects normally.

When the shield is assembled, you number the boards with a pencil and disassemble the structure. Now, one by one, place wood glue in the groove of each plank and reconnect the shield into a single structure. This time, the first plank rests against some hard ledge, and all subsequent boards are tightly tapped with a mallet when joining.

To prevent the board slats from coming apart during drying, they need to be tightened in 2-3 places with clamps from the sides, plus 2 even boards are placed on top and bottom and also tightened with clamps. With this approach, the planks will no longer lead anywhere.

The shield is tightened with clamps in 2 - 3 places

After a day, some of the clamps can be removed and installation of the main retaining stiffeners can begin. Stiffening ribs are the simplest option for assembling massive doors; they can be positioned in any way, the main thing is that they reliably hold the vertical panels of the panel and provide rigidity to the door leaf.

The connection will be much stronger if you embed the stiffeners into the solid fabric, but here you will have to choose grooves for the stiffeners. Theoretically, such grooves can be selected using a hacksaw and a chisel, but only a master can do this; for an amateur, it is better to take a milling cutter for such work or even refuse to insert the planks and simply nail them on top.

But there is another alternative option in which overhead stiffeners are not used. For this case, it is advisable for you to have a cutter. The scheme is approximately this: you assemble a shield, after which you cut a groove along the upper and lower ends of the shield and glue a tongue-and-groove board into it. Additionally, the connection is fixed with self-tapping screws.

Decor of massive doors from natural wood This is a separate big topic and it is best covered.

Option No. 2. Panel door assembly

If you have figured out how to make doors yourself from solid wood, then assembling panel hollow doors will not be difficult for you. In this case, the most important thing is to assemble a strong frame. Often, a board with a thickness of 20 mm or more is taken for these purposes.

An option for joining the corners is shown in the diagram below, but if you don’t want to bother with cutting out the grooves, then you can do it easier, take metal furniture corners and, using a chisel, select small recesses for them, tighten the body with the corners. In any case, then all connections will be covered with a shield.

The most affordable option for covering the box is fiberboard or plywood, but the appearance will not be the best. If the appearance of the doors is important to you, then it is better to buy ready-made laminated MDF board, among professionals such plates are called door cards.

Usually the MDF card is simply placed on good wood glue, but if you doubt the strength of the structure, you can add a few self-tapping screws. Only in this case, the screw caps will have to be covered somehow, for example, with stickers or plastic chips.

We do not recommend making a completely hollow door; there should be several stiffening ribs inside. And so that the empty box does not “ring”, the remaining space can be filled with polystyrene foam or mineral wool.

For insulation and sound absorption, it is advisable to fill the panel door with foam plastic or mineral wool

Now all you have to do is select and cut in the hinges and then install your new doors. You can learn about the intricacies of choosing and inserting hinges, and the door installation technique is shown.


As you can see, making a door with your own hands is not so difficult, in any case, a person who is not afraid of a hacksaw and a hammer can handle such a task. In the video in this article, the craftsmen reveal their subtleties and give recommendations for arranging doors, so study our instructions, watch the video and don’t be afraid, everything will work out for you.

The modern market offers doors from various materials, but wooden ones are still the most in demand. They are installed in residential premises and outbuildings. There are various options, differing in complexity and manufacturing method. For bathhouses and sheds, ordinary panel panels are suitable, but entrance panels are made with panels.

Homemade doors are available for execution at home. You should have quality material and necessary tools. They make simple drawings and get to work. The process takes place step by step, with instructions to help beginners.

Features of products of different types

Wooden door does not lose its popularity due to the warmth of the material, environmentally friendly cleanliness and amazing natural beauty. Elite specimens and the simplest ones are made from boards, but of varying quality and purity of processing. Each type of wood also has certain properties.

When starting production, it is determined where the product will be installed. Door leaves have different types of construction, each of which is most suitable for specific purposes. You should familiarize yourself with what each type is.

Made from solid wood

The material is thick tongue-and-groove or planed boards, which are connected in one plane, forming a flat surface. The result is a shield, the individual elements of which are fastened together by horizontal or inclined jumpers, making the structure more rigid.

Use wood of uniform quality, taking into account the installation location. For the front door to the house, choose a dense one with a beautiful textured pattern.

It has these qualities:

  1. 1. Oak – it produces the strongest, heaviest and most durable products. The material is difficult to process, but is little affected by changes in humidity and temperature.
  2. 2. Walnut is an inexpensive wood with a beautiful, unique structure that can be given any shade. It polishes beautifully in a way that no other breed can match.
  3. 3. Ash – has a wide range of shades. It is as strong as oak and very elastic.
  4. 4. Cherry – much softer and easy to process. The beautiful pinkish-brown color darkens over time.

For interior doors, boards from the same species, as well as less valuable ones, are used. Operating conditions are much easier, so pine is often used. It is affordable, but very sensitive to changes in humidity and temperature. Products made from it often dry out or swell, but in a stable microclimate it is a completely acceptable material.

Alder has excellent qualities. It is resistant to water, but this is not all its advantages - the wood contains many tannins that have a beneficial effect on human health, and there are no resins at all. This has long been appreciated; doors made from it are excellent for baths and in all places where there is high humidity. In addition to the listed breeds, others are also used, but the properties and conditions are always taken into account in order to produce high-quality products.

Paneled models

To make a door with your own hands, use boards or timber, but in modern conditions The material obtained by gluing lamellas is often used. After finishing with veneer, it acquires the texture of natural wood. It is quite difficult to visually distinguish it from an array if it is of high quality.

The structure has a rigid frame made of laminated veneer lumber or thick floorboards. Individual elements are fastened with spikes, but now dowels are used more often. When creating a door, take into account important points:

  • the strength of the canvas depends on the number of transverse parts;
  • panels that are two-thirds thinner are installed in the frames;
  • the materials are boards, plastic, MDF, plywood, glass;
  • secured with natural or veneered glazing beads, which gives the product a finished aesthetic appearance.

The ways to design paneled doors are practically unlimited. Their designs are very diverse and can decorate any apartment. The main part of the canvas is thin, so the most rational use is installation between rooms.

Durable materials are used for manufacturing; products last no less than those made from solid wood. Of particular value are specimens made from the same natural wood or decorated with the same veneer.

Panel structures

This is a budget option with a low price, which is due to the use of low-value wood, fiberboard, and laminate. If made with high quality, the products have a completely acceptable appearance, which depends to a large extent on the cladding. There are three types of design:

  • solid ones are completely filled with timber, which are fastened together;
  • hollow ones consist of a frame, crossbars, sheathed sheet material;
  • low-hollow - an intermediate option between the previous two.

The appearance is dramatically improved by the use of linden or alder plywood for covering. Two layers of 24 mm are required. This good basis for decorative finishing that does not deform. The cladding is complemented with profile overlays.

The ends are made neat and continuous, using smooth, well-processed timber, the color and texture of which matches the external design. If natural veneer is used, its layers are laid perpendicular to each other. The fibers of decorative plywood are also arranged in a similar way.

Depending on the quality of finish panel doors installed as interior rooms, in wardrobe, bathroom, utility room. They are easily hacked, so they can only be used temporarily as input.

Preparation for work - materials, tools

At the first stage, choose suitable wood.It must meet the requirements:

  • have no knots at all or very few;
  • be well dried, with a residual moisture content of 12–15%;
  • flat surface - check the tightness of the sidewalls;
  • the optimal thickness is 50 mm for an entrance door, from 25 for an interior door.

The boards are sanded before use. Deciduous and coniferous species are suitable. For front doors they use hard ones - oak, beech, walnut, in other cases - mostly soft ones.

Surface finishing is carried out in various ways: natural, artificial materials, varnishes and paints are used.

Tools you will need:

  • Manual frezer. They give a profile look to the elements and make groove connections.
  • Portable circular saw. It is used to cut the bars into pieces of the required size.
  • Grinder with grinding wheel. You can use a drill with an attachment for this purpose, but the processing will be of less quality.
  • Screwdriver for assembling the door leaf.
  • Carpenter's hand tools - measuring tools, mallet, hammer, chisel, square, etc.

Making a door from solid wood

At the heart of any model is a shield made of boards, correctly assembled so that it does not move. Use different kinds harnesses: Z- or X-shaped, double, triple. The scope of application is different: entrance door, interior door, for utility rooms. If it is intended for an apartment, use tongue-and-groove boards to achieve a perfectly flat and smooth surface. A design is applied to the canvas, and the relief is cut out with a milling cutter. For the bathhouse and the barn, simply adjust the elements, and attach the crossbars in the back in the form of the letter Z.

When starting work, mark the material and cut the pieces to the required length. Then they are placed in a shield, placed so that the annual rings are directed in one direction. For tongue-and-groove boards, the tenon in the end element is cut off and the end is processed. Connect using wood glue and a lock. The assembled product is clamped with clamps and left to dry. After a few days, sand to a perfectly smooth surface.

If desired, the door is made of several layers of boards, gluing each next one perpendicular to the previous one. In this way, a massive structure is obtained, suitable for the entrance to the house. The thickness allows you to choose a deep relief pattern with a cutter that will decorate the product.

Next you need to fasten the shield with strapping. The simplest type is three crossbars. Cut bars equal in length to the width of the door. On the back side of the canvas, mark the places for the grooves - apply finished parts and outline with a pencil. Mark the depth, which is chosen at ½ or ⅟3 of the thickness of the board. Using the marks, grooves are selected using a router. It makes them perfectly even, the bars will fit into place easily but tightly. They push it in, tapping it with a mallet. Glue is pre-applied.

The front side can be decorated with a relief design if desired. It is applied with a pencil, you can use templates. Knives of various configurations are used, which are alternately installed on the tool, slowly choosing a pattern.

The door leaf is treated with antiseptic agents. If it is installed outdoors, it is additionally used with a water-repellent effect. When it is necessary to change the color or artificially age it, use stain. It is applied to the wood until the desired darkening appears. Additionally coated with transparent varnish.

The finished product is hung on hinges. It's heavy, and you'll need outside help. When installed in a doorway, gaps are left as shown in the figure. The parameters apply to any type of canvas.

Products with panels - an affordable way

These are the most complex designs, but if you use ready-made insert panels made of laminated chipboard, the process will be simplified. It is easy to make such doors with your own hands step by step, following the recommendations. But first, drawings of individual elements are prepared indicating the exact dimensions. Using them, there will be no problems with assembling individual parts into a single whole.

Such models are most suitable as interior ones. They buy boards with a thickness of 25 mm or more, high-quality ones, but the species is not necessarily expensive. Budget pine will serve well indoors, because the climate here is constant.

  1. 1. Arm yourself with a grinder with a grinding wheel and carefully polish the material. Only a wide surface is processed; the sidewalls will subsequently be formed by a milling cutter. It is used to cut off the sharp edges of corners, but only slightly, giving a beautiful look.
  2. 2. Change the knife and select a groove along the entire length of the board on one side. Its width is equal to the thickness of the chipboard, usually 16 mm. Strictly adhere to the dimensions and center of the end. The optimal depth is 15–20 mm.
  3. 3. Manual circular saw cut the ends at 45° on all four boards. You should be very careful about two things: strictly adhere to the dimensions and cutting angle. The standard side posts of the frame have a height of 200 cm, and the upper and lower crossbars correspond to the width of the canvas.
  4. 4. Cut out the laminated chipboard for the panel. Its dimensions are calculated based on the internal size of the opening, to which double the depth of the groove is added. If desired, intermediate partitions are installed, in which recesses along the entire length are also selected, and small spikes are made at the ends.
  5. 5. Assembly is very simple: boards are hammered onto the stove with a mallet, no glue is used. Make sure that everything is in place, there are no gaps, deviations from the parameters, or distortions. Holes are drilled and confirmations are installed - a special metal fastener, which is placed below and above.

The door with panels is ready, you can start finishing. But all the fittings are installed in front of it - locks, handles, hinges, so as not to damage the decorative coating later.

Panel version for various applications

The most simple design can be done by almost anyone who has the necessary materials and good tool. The scope of work depends on the chosen model and purpose. If it is a sliding compartment door, special attention is paid to the quality of finishing and material. Work begins with the frame, then fill inner space– all or partly. For the frame, blanks are cut from 30x120 mm boards. Their sizes correspond to the future canvas.

To connect, use the simple “half-tree” method. On the edges on each side, mark the width of the parts, make hand hacksaw cuts to half thickness. Using a chisel, carefully select the wood. The work is carried out on a flat surface, checking the corners. The grooves are coated with glue and connected, leaving them without moving. After drying, they are fastened with dowels, drilling 8 mm holes.

One side is covered with sheet material. Cheap fiberboard is suitable for the first layer. The frame is laid on it, marked and cut. Remove the frame, apply glue to the panel, press both parts together and leave to dry. For strength, you can insert additional partitions. After drying inner part filled with various waste - pieces of wood, MDF and the like. Everything is glued together, a second sheet is installed on the back side.

Decorative finishing is applied taking into account where the door will be used. If it is interior, decorate it with veneer, laminate or use other available options. The cladding cut to size is glued onto the fiberboard. It is advisable to lay a press on top, for example, sandbags or tiles. Sliding structures they are made hollow so as not to weigh them down. To install them you will need special fittings.

Another way is to use slats. They are fastened with self-tapping screws, the caps are hidden under sawdust mixed with glue. After drying, polish. Attention is also paid to the ends and corners - they are processed with a milling cutter to give a finished look.

If you need to install handles and locks, think about it in advance. Perhaps the body of the side frame beam is not enough. Then a piece of good quality wood is glued to the place where the fittings are inserted.

03.09.2016 38700

After erecting the walls of an apartment or private building, builders move on to. Already at this stage of construction there is a need for installation to protect interior spaces from the negative impact of external factors. Internal interior doors are also needed, primarily for bathrooms and.

What kind of doors can you make yourself?

Most homeowners prefer to contact specialized organizations, ordering door structures there or purchasing them in construction stores. However, there are situations when it is possible.

  1. Entrance or internal doors and bathhouse.
  2. Temporary door at the entrance to.
  3. All in a situation where the budget does not allow turning to professionals.
  4. This is an option for people who know how to handle tools and wood.

The best material for making a door yourself is wood. Such structures can be frame or made of solid wood.

Advantages and disadvantages

Durability, environmental friendliness, reliability, good ability material for processing - these are positive traits these devices.

TO negative aspects can be attributed to high hygroscopicity, which may result in swelling of the material and warping of the frame, as well as the need for constant maintenance to maintain a good presentation.

What wood is used as raw material?

Having decided to independently manufacture a building element, the master selects a material suitable for a specific design.

  • pine is one of the cheap materials that can be easily processed, but can dry out over time;
  • alder is also an affordable, light and soft wood, but one must take into account its ability to dry;
  • birch - it combines density and sufficient hardness with viscosity and beautiful texture, but this material can deteriorate over time;
  • oak boards - characterized by high strength and durability, requiring skills in wood processing;
  • beech - it also belongs to hardwoods, and due to its ability to absorb moisture, it requires additional processing;
  • larch, walnut and maple are ideal materials for beautiful door, durable and resistant to all impacts;
  • In the premises of expensive apartments or cottages, mahogany veneer is used for interior doors.

Door making tool

When planning to make a door yourself, you need to think about what tool to prepare for this work. There are several options for DIY products and each requires its own set of accessories. However, there are sets that are always necessary:

  • roulette;
  • chisel;
  • hacksaw;
  • a square and a long rigid ruler;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver and screwdriver set;
  • grinding devices;
  • strong sharp knife for woodworking.
  • manual circular;
  • manually operated milling machine;
  • Bulgarian with grinding wheels on wood.

Door in a budget “panel” version

You can make it yourself from 50 mm thick boards without using any special cabinetmaking skills. This kind of door can be classified as a budget option; experts call it “with keys.” This may be a temporary structure if it is planned to install a more expensive option at this location in the future. At the same time, it is good for a country house or a bathhouse on summer cottage. Its advantage is durability and high strength. In this case, pine doors are the cheapest option.

The size of the door is determined by the opening made during construction. A box is installed in it and after that the necessary parameters of the future are measured. door design.

It should be 10-15 mm wide and along the top edge smaller size boxes, and along the lower edge 15-20 mm away from the threshold.

On a sheet of fiberboard laid on a flat surface, the outline of the proposed door is drawn. Particular attention should be paid to maintaining 90 degrees at all corners of the contour.

For such a design, it is necessary to prepare boards 50 mm thick, pre-treated with a plane. A quarter is selected from both sides so that during assembly there are no gaps between the boards.

The width of the boards is calculated so that a multiple number of elements fit into the selected contour same size. In this case, the design will look neat.

Having prepared the boards the right size, you need to lay them in the outline drawn on the fiberboard sheet, securing the resulting shield with temporary brackets. Then, using an electric saw, cuts are made at the top and bottom of the shield for the pre-prepared dowels. To do this, the saw is set at an angle of 60 degrees. The unnecessary part of the wood is knocked out with a chisel.

The dowels are prepared from bars and in the standard version have the following dimensions:
  • along the bottom of the bar on one side 50 mm, on the other 45 mm;
  • along the top - on one side 35 mm, on the other 30 mm.

Thus, a kind of trapezoidal wedge is obtained in profile.

These keys are inserted into the prepared grooves. The final fastening is done with wooden spikes or glue.

A strut is installed from the right edge of the upper key to the left edge of the lower key. First, oblique cuts are made on it for tight installation to the keys. The slope is fastened with tenons or wood screws.

Budget door made of wood and fiberboard

You can make a simple wooden door from a wood frame, filler and fiberboard. To do this you will need the following materials.

  • 50 mm thick board to make the frame.
  • Fiberboard sheet - panels for the outer surface are cut from it.
  • Filler of the inner surface - this can be insulation from stone wool, pressed corrugated cardboard or other suitable material.

To begin with, lay out a sheet of fiberboard on a flat surface. After this, the contours of the door are applied to it, strictly maintaining 90-degree angles.

A frame of fifty-millimeter boards is assembled on this contour. It is assembled in the “tenon and groove” version, when a through groove is cut in one board, and a tenon suitable in size for the prepared groove is cut in the other. Another option is to remove quarters from the ends of the boards, and then lay them one inside the other.

When assembling “tenon and groove”, fastening is carried out using glue and wooden round tenons. When assembling “overlay”, it is better to secure the boards with wood screws.

A wooden strip is inserted in the middle of the door rectangle to provide rigidity to the frame. To prevent the frame from changing its geometry during further assembly of the door partition, it must be secured with temporary brackets.

Two sheets are cut from fiberboard according to the size of the door outline. One sheet is attached with self-tapping screws to the prepared frame.

The resulting internal voids are filled with the selected filler. After which the second sheet is attached to the frame on the other side.

If necessary, fittings are installed in the prepared door - handles and latches.

Such a homemade wooden door is installed at the entrance to the bathtub and toilet, or as another interior partition.

Paneled door design

Production is possible in paneled design. It's more the hard way. A person who takes on such work must have certain skills in woodworking.

Paneled doors made of solid pine are best option in homemade production. Pine - more cheap material, at the same time, the board made from it is easy to process and is durable.

Paneled fabric: frame or trim, mullions, panels.

  1. Assembling a paneled wooden door with your own hands begins with making the frame, which is the frame of the entire structure. The strapping bars come in different thicknesses. If their thickness is about 44 mm, then they are connected using the “tenon and groove” method into one tenon. When the thickness of the frame bars is up to 54 mm, the mating is made with two tenons, and with thicker bars - with three. The fastening of the bars is done with glue using round wooden tenons.
  2. Middle bars are bars of the same thickness as the trim. Their number depends on the design of the canvas and can be from one to three. In some cases, in addition to transverse mullions, a longitudinal mullion is installed. These elements strengthen door system and in addition, panels are fixed in them. The mullions are also connected to the strapping in the “tenon and groove” version.
  3. The panels are made from solid wood, multi-layer plywood, and also from special reinforced glass. You can attach the panels in the trim and mullions different ways- in a quarter without layouts, using self-tapping screws; in a deeper quarter with layouts that hold the panel in the fabric structure, the layouts are secured with self-tapping screws; into a blind tongue.

This is done due to the fact that the wooden door leaf can pick up moisture or dry out, depending on the season.

If the master has artistic skills, then the panels can be made with patterns.

After final assembly When installing a paneled door leaf, it should be allowed to “rest” for several days so that possible errors during assembly can be identified. Then paint the canvas or decorate it in any other accessible way.

Attention! When painting you need to pay attention to one feature. After applying the first layer of the surface, fibers appear, forming surface roughness. When the paint has dried, wooden surface you need to go through it with fine-grained sandpaper. The door becomes smooth and you can safely apply the second coat.

So, it is quite possible to make a wooden door with your own hands. The main thing is to correctly assess the abilities and capabilities, choose the right raw materials, and exercise care and safety precautions when manufacturing the door structure. Still, wood soft material, and the tool used for processing it is especially sharp.

A wooden door made by yourself has a number of advantages over purchased products. Such structures will protect the home from noise, make the room more comfortable and attractive, and when designed, they will become the final chord that will highlight the interior. The popularity of wooden doors is due to the low thermal conductivity of the material, its environmental friendliness and the beauty of its texture.

To understand how to make a door from boards yourself, you need to decide where the structure will be installed. Doors are:

  • made of solid wood;
  • paneled;
  • panel;
  • frame.

The wood species, grade and quantity are selected depending on the purpose of the door and the budget. Additionally, you will need wood glue and self-tapping screws, dowels or confirmations. It is advisable to choose wood that has been dried in special chambers. This prevents the plank door from deforming during operation.

It is necessary to choose even boards, since planing makes the material thin. Depending on the purpose of the door, the thickness of the boards can be 25-50 mm. Before making the structure, all boards must be thoroughly sanded with fine-grain sandpaper or grinding machine.


Paneled doors are made from boards or solid timber, however, the glued version is more popular. To ensure that the material has a beautiful appearance, it is covered with wood veneer. If the door is made with high quality, it is difficult to distinguish it from a structure made of solid massif.

A simple paneled product consists of a frame of 2 vertical and 3 horizontal crossbars. They are connected to each other using spikes or dowels. To give the structure additional strength, all parts are glued together. The number of cross members also affects the rigidity of the product. The more there are, the stronger the door will be.

Panels made of thin boards are inserted into the openings that form between the frame elements. Plywood is also used; MDF, chipboard or glass can be installed. The panels can be coated with veneer or plastic, which imitates the texture of wood. The thickness of the panels does not exceed 1/3 of the thickness of the timber for the frame. The inserts are fixed using glazing beads or recesses in the frame. Since the panels are thin, the doors are used only as interior partitions.

These structures are not inferior to analogues made from solid wood in terms of strength and durability. Sometimes canvas can cost much more than solid wood. It all depends on what kind of wood and beams the frame is made of, as well as what type of veneer is made of.

From the array

Massive doors are assembled from thick boards, which are joined together to form a flat surface. The wood can be tongue-and-groove or planed. For rigidity, horizontal jumpers must be installed.

Depending on the functional purpose, different types of wood are used for doors. For entrance structures choose dried dense material, for example:

  1. larch;
  2. cedar;
  3. alder, etc.

With proper processing and care of the material, the product can last for several decades. The appearance of the door can be either simple or containing carvings or other relief design. It should be noted that solid wood structures are heavy. Therefore, they are more often used as entrance doors, but homemade interior doors are also found. Since the latter are not exposed to atmospheric influences, a type of wood with a lower density is selected, and the shield is also taken thinner.

How to make a wooden door?

The instructions for making paneled and solid wood doors will be slightly different. For each type you will need special tools and accessories. However, the preparatory stage will be similar: the tree must be cleared of bark and sanded. It is advisable to choose dry boards without knots and cracks. If any are present, the gaps are sealed with a special putty.


To make wooden doors with your own hands, you will need a large workbench and the following tools:

  • milling machine;
  • plane;
  • hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • ruler, tape measure and pencil;
  • hammer and screwdriver;
  • building level;
  • chisels;
  • sandpaper or sanding machine.


Before installing the door into the house, measurements of the opening are taken to determine the dimensions of the wooden panel. To do this you will need a tape measure and a pencil. Measure the width of the opening, its height and wall thickness. The distance between opposite sides should be checked in several places. Sometimes the doorway may be uneven. If the dimensions do not match, work is carried out to expand or narrow the passage.

Solid doors are made from different types of wood and are inserted into reinforced openings, since the structure is heavy. In this case, the dimensions of the wooden product will be smaller.

Formation of the pigtail and method of its manufacture

A doorway in a wooden house should have a frame or frame. It is made in the form of a prefabricated frame from the sides, top and threshold. Regardless of the type of wood and type of timber, the casing is made as follows:

  1. a tenon or groove is cut out at the end of the log;
  2. manufacture structural elements;
  3. choice of U or T-shaped connection;
  4. fitting of parts;
  5. collection of casing and installation in the opening;
  6. installation of the door leaf.

First, install the side parts, and then the threshold and top. After installation of the partitions, platbands are nailed.

Marking and making cuts

When the casing is built, markings and cuts begin. First of all, all the parts are marked so as not to be confused. If tenon and groove are chosen as the connection method, it is necessary to completely mark them. The place for the eye should be in the center of the board. The size of the tenon is one third of the thickness of the material. In this case, the groove should be made 0.5-1 mm smaller than the tenon, so that adjustment remains possible.

The nest is carefully drilled out with a drill and then cleaned out using a chisel. It is necessary to fit the connection firmly to avoid weakening the structure.

Making a door frame

The manufacture of a wooden door is preceded by the creation of a door frame. Cut the parts to the required sizes. The most reliable fastening of wooden parts is a tongue and groove. If it is difficult to make it yourself, use a diagonal one. In this case, the edges of the boards are cut at an angle of 45°. The cutting accuracy is ensured by the miter box.


The size of the canvas must match the box. First, all door elements are polished. This operation can be done using grinder, grinders with a grinding wheel or use simple sandpaper. After this, milling begins. If the boards are not tongue and groove, fastening should be done using a tongue and groove. To do this, use a milling cutter of the required size to cut out a recess on one side of the board, and make a protrusion on the other. Then the material is cut according to the drawing.

To make an interior door yourself, you need to make crossbars. They are needed to strap the shield. They are given a trapezoidal shape and a recess is selected in the canvas, which can be half or 1/3 of the thickness of the shield.

The inserts can be smooth or also processed with a milling machine, which achieves the required relief of the edges of the panels. In this case, the edges of the inserts should be 1-2 mm less than the width of the groove.

If a paneled door structure is planned, make a frame from timber or thick boards. The base consists of 2 longitudinal elements and at least 3 cross members. The parts are fastened to each other using a tongue-and-groove connection. The beam fastened in this way will hold securely. However, the joints are additionally lubricated with glue. To install the panels, a groove is cut out from the inside of the frame using a router.

All wood products should be treated with antiseptic agents. If the structure is assembled from several rows, then all surfaces of the boards should be covered with protective agents.

Assembling the canvas and inserting fittings

The boards are assembled into a shield so that the rings are directed to one side of the door leaf. All work must be performed on a wide table, where it is possible to completely lay the structure. It is important that the surface is flat. This will allow you to connect all the parts without distortions and as tightly as possible to each other. Otherwise, the canvas may lead and the boards will become deformed. Then it will be necessary to remove the distortions with a milling cutter, which will lead to a decrease in the thickness of the entire structure.

To make interior doors with your own hands, you should lubricate all joints with wood glue, and press the assembled panel with clamps. If necessary, add a second or third layer of wood. Each subsequent one is laid perpendicular to the previous one. The crossbar is installed in the finished groove. The finished canvas is treated with varnish.

For wooden doors, use stationary or push handles with a latch. To install them, you need to make a groove in the structure. If the wood species are soft, they lend themselves well to processing. The fittings are fixed using self-tapping screws.

Work with glass inserts and inlaid panels

To install glass panels, internal lathing is made or fixed with glazing beads. The first option is better because it will not allow the glass to fall out of the profile after a strong impact. The sheathing is made of thin bars that are attached to the main frame. Additionally, the glass is lubricated with silicone or liquid nails. Wooden panels are installed in the same way.

How to make interior doors with your own hands

It’s easy to make interior doors yourself if you have basic woodworking skills. To do this you need:

  • take measurements of the opening;
  • make a loot;
  • prepare the canvas;
  • treat the material with protective agents;
  • assemble the entire structure into a single whole;
  • install the fittings.

Additional veneer finishing

If desired, the canvas is finished with veneer. At home, only hot veneering is possible, in which the material is fixed to the surface using an adhesive. It is advisable to carry out such decoration if the appearance of the wood is not entirely good.


First, install the box using polyurethane foam. After hardening, begin installing the canvas. For wooden structures, it is better to choose removable hinges. They can withstand heavy weight and are easy to install. Such hinges are suitable for a barn door, entrance or interior structure.


If the door cannot be closed due to the frame being skewed, you should remove the panel and check the joints of the beams. An angle of 90° must be maintained. If necessary, the box is corrected. When hinges become the cause, the attachment point is deepened or completely changed. The last option is suitable when there is no way to correct the current location of the loops.

To save money, you can use second-grade wood to make doors. To prevent this from being noticeable, veneering can be done. It is worth choosing panel doors as interior structures. Less wood is used in their manufacture, which will significantly reduce material costs.
