The best time to transplant indoor flowers. Replanting indoor flowers: when and how best? When to replant indoor flowers? Is a transplant necessary?

Every owner of house plants sooner or later wonders when to replant, how to do it correctly and what time to choose for this.

Transplant is the same necessary condition successful development healthy plant, like watering, fertilizing, lighting.

When is the best time to replant indoor flowers?


The best time for transplantation is from March to May. During this period, all life processes are activated, the plant is intensively renewed and develops rapidly. Shoots appear, leaves grow, buds form.

A flower transplanted during this period will easily tolerate an unpleasant procedure. It is possible for plants of all types to change their habitat, including the most delicate ones - violets, azaleas, and orchids.

Important to remember! Not every plant can survive transplantation during flowering, so you should wait until it is over.


At the beginning of summer, before the onset of hot July days you can transplant plants to a new place, they will take root. There will be no problems with succulents, geraniums, ficus, monstera, flowers with thick leaves and strong roots, but it is better not to disturb Saintpaulia, they will not have time to recover before the heat sets in and may die.


Not the best good time for replanting most house plants excluding tuberous and bulbous, which bloom in winter or early spring.


During this period, flowers are not replanted - they, as a rule, have difficulty taking root, get sick and often die, so it is better to wait for a favorable time.

An exception may be the case when the flower shows signs of decay.. In this case, to save it you need to change the soil and pot, removing the previously damaged roots. It is better to do this on the waxing moon.

How to replant correctly? Planned and emergency transplantation

Planned replanting is carried out in the spring, and for bulbous and tuberous plants in the fall. Prepare the soil and pots in advance. It is better to buy land in a store, it is not infected with pests and contains important nutrients.

The container should be chosen 2 cm larger in volume previous one. Flowers are cleaned of rotten, limp and dry fragments of both the ground part and the root part. All plants, both healthy and diseased, are replanted.

Diseased flowers need emergency replanting if they suddenly begin to dry out, turn yellow, the leaves become limp and drooping, root rot has appeared, and also when the plant is affected by aphids, thrips or mites. They are replanted regardless of the flowering period and time of year.

Advice! You should not wait for the diseased plant to fade; replanting should be done immediately, before it dies.

Reason for transplant:

  1. the roots are visible from the drainage holes of the pot;
  2. the flower was twisted, as if it was cramped;
  3. due to the abundance of foliage, the ground is not visible;
  4. the plant began to turn yellow, wither and stopped growing;
  5. the flower does not produce buds or they fall off without blooming;
  6. the green pet and the soil are infected with pests (root mites, snails, nematodes, etc.);
  7. the plant was given as a gift or purchased 1 month ago from a flower shop or nursery.

Two methods of transplantation


This is how they are usually transplanted young actively growing flowers, seedlings and cuttings, as well as plants with thin, thread-like, weak roots. This is the safest way for the life of a flower. In this case, the roots are not injured, the plant maintains its integrity. The soil must be dried before the procedure.

Place the flower in your palm, holding the stem, and carefully remove it from the pot. Place drainage (expanded clay, pieces of wood or polystyrene) in a prepared container (2 cm larger than the previous one), add some soil, place a flower and fill the voids with soil.

Use only fresh soil! Pour over warm (slightly warmer) room temperature) with settled water and lightly shade. Can be placed on the floor for 7-10 days. Water little by little without flooding the roots.


The procedure is painful for any plant, but if it survives, replanting will renew the root system.

Dump the flower with a lump of earth from the container. Inspect the roots. Clear them of soil, cut off rotten, limp and seemingly empty parts. Powder the sections with crushed charcoal or root. The roots must be clean of larvae and insects.

Plant the flower in fresh soil. Pour in warm, settled water and put in a dark place. Water little by little while the plant is sick. After 2-3 weeks, spray or water with phytosporin. Then continue to care as usual, moderate watering and fertilizing every 10 days, i.e. on the 10th, 20th and 30th.

Interesting! If you transplant the plant into a significantly larger pot than before, the upper part of the flower will stop growing until the root system gains strength and fills the space of the container.

Which moon should I transplant to?

It has long been known that hair and nails grow better, and a patient who has undergone surgery during the waxing phase of the moon gets better faster. So flowers, like any other living organism, are very sensitive to the influence of the night light. During this phase, metabolic processes accelerate and juices quickly distribute nutrients throughout the plant.

If you plant or replant flowers during this period, they will quickly take root, be strong, healthy and grow rapidly.

During the new moon phase, it is better not to carry out any work with plants other than watering and loosening the soil. On the waning Moon in the fertile signs of Taurus, Pisces and Cancer, you can transplant plants; they will take root successfully.

Favorable days in June 2018

So, for example, in June from 14 to 27 - waxing moon time and these days will be favorable for transplantation; on other days it should not be carried out.

In the video below, the gardener shows how to replant correctly different plants- from coffee trees to succulents, using the usual method and transfer, what pots and what soil to use for flowers:

Typical mistakes during transplantation and care

Advice! If there was a mistake in choosing a pot and it turned out to be too big, you can fill it a third, adding fresh soil in small parts once every six months.

Transfer - vital procedure for the plant which will allow him to update as root system, and the ground part. Flowers will gain strength and become more decorative to the delight of their owner!

When to replant flowers

Spring is a time of renewal, including for indoor plants. Over the winter, many of them depleted the soil in which they grew. With the beginning of spring, some not only did not produce new shoots, but also began to lose old leaves. If you see that the plant has not come to life in the spring, but, on the contrary, has frozen and is not growing, replant it.

Transplanting in the spring has an encouraging effect on most plants, so in late February or early March you can devote a day or two to replanting plants that need it.

Almost all plants can be replanted in spring, especially those that bloom in spring or summer.

Flower transplantation - disease prevention

At the end of summer, some flowers also require renewal. A transplant is needed for those of them that have grown very large over the summer. For example, I plant balsams in small pots, then they bloom faster and bloom longer, but by autumn their fast-growing root system fills the entire flowerpot. That's why I replant them again in the fall. Or, to be precise, I’m transferring it, since I don’t clean the roots from the remnants of the old soil during the autumn replanting.

In the fall, I move roses planted into the garden for the summer again into a pot with fresh soil.

Some flowers that stay on all summer fresh air, sometimes they catch an infection, and in order not to bring it into the house and infect other flowers, I renew the plant by transplanting, cutting off all damaged areas in the process and treating the plant with medications.

Of course, not all plants can easily tolerate replanting twice a year, but fast-growing ones, asparagus, can be replanted as many times as you like at any time of the year.

The flower is crowded - we replant it

The diagnosis “urgently needs replanting” is given to plants in several other cases, and then this procedure has to be carried out, regardless of the time of year. For example, if the roots have filled the entire pot and protruded onto the surface of the earthen ball or are sticking out of the drainage hole, do not wait for spring, replant the flower, otherwise it will not have enough strength to survive the winter. To ensure that the plant endures this procedure as easily as possible, use the transshipment method.

In addition to this case, it is worth replanting the flower:

  • if within a month after the onset of spring the plant does not produce new leaves and peduncles;
  • if the soil dries out very quickly, that is, it is filled with roots;
  • if you bought a flower in a store that was planted in a temporary peat substrate (the plant will not live long in such soil);
  • if the pot bursts.

There are plants that are not even replanted every year. For example, palm trees, cacti, and adult orchids should not be disturbed so often. They can change their place of residence no more than once every two years.

Rules for replanting indoor plants

Prepare new pot for a flower. It should be only 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. Do a test: the old pot should fit easily into the new one.

Before removing the plant from the pot, water it thoroughly, then the earthen lump will be easier to separate from the walls of the pot.

For the transplantation procedure, you will need a new earthen mixture corresponding to the type of plant, drainage (expanded clay is best). Fill the pot volume by one third with drainage, then add a 2-3cm layer of soil. After turning the flower over, carefully remove it from the pot, clean the roots from old land, if you plan not to transship, but to transplant the plant. Place the roots as carefully as possible in the new pot and cover them with fresh soil.

Place the flower in the center of the pot and, holding it with one hand, add soil with the other. To compact the soil, I tap the pot on the table and press the soil down a little with my fingers. Then I water the plant and forget about it for a while, giving it the opportunity to recover from the stress.

Replacing topsoil

If for some reason you do not want to replant the plant, you can simply partially update the soil in the pot. To do this, 2-5 cm of old soil is cut off and fresh soil, rich in minerals and trace elements, is poured in its place.

And lastly... After transplanting, the plant must be watered only with settled water. If it is young and weak, cover it with film so that the plant looks like it is in a greenhouse, and then replanting the flower will only be beneficial.

Review of replanting indoor plants and flowers. Let's consider how to properly replant plants at home, when is it possible and when is it better? See recommendations from experienced flower growers and specialists, as well as detailed descriptions of the transplantation process itself.

Replanting indoor plants:

Every indoor plant needs to be replanted, since the amount of nutrients in the soil substrate gradually decreases.

Different types of home flowers need different replanting frequencies, which depend on many factors. Often, replanting indoor plants is used to save a flower.

In the transplantation process, the choice of container plays an important role, soil mixture and compliance with rules. We present recommendations and debunk some myths about transplantation indoor flowers.

  • We will separately consider the handling of house plants, pruning and a plan of action with a store-bought specimen.

When does a plant need to be replanted?

  1. During March, the plant did not produce new leaves or flower stalks.
  2. The plant grows slowly and its leaves become smaller.
  3. Roots are visible in drainage holes or the earthen ball is completely wrapped around the roots.
  4. The root system is in poor condition.
  5. Unsuitable soil mixture.

The earthen ball is entwined with roots - the plant needs replanting.

When is the best time to repot indoor plants?

The best time to replant indoor plants is spring (from late February to April), the plant has come out of winter dormancy, and new leaves and shoots are just beginning to appear.

Transplanting plants in the spring gives them a powerful charge for powerful growth and development in the new growing season: from spring to autumn.

Can indoor plants be replanted in the summer?

Indoor flowers can be replanted in the summer if necessary: ​​carefully and following the recommendations. During the active growing season, the plant most often easily tolerates transplantation.

  • The Flower Festival magazine believes that in autumn/winter you can only transship the plant.


  • It is better to replant cacti and succulents at the beginning of winter.
  • Plants of early flowering species need to be replanted after flowering.
  • Bulbous species of domestic flowers are replanted after the dormant period has ended.
  • Coniferous species are best replanted in February or summer, when the plant’s growth has finished.

When should you not replant indoor plants?

  1. Purchased plant - why it cannot be replanted, read at the end of the article.
  2. Plants at the moment of flowering - replanting will cause the buds and flowers to fall off.
  3. The plant is in a dormant period - at this time, damaged roots will not be able to quickly recover and will begin to rot, and a fresh substrate without roots will begin to sour.
  4. A sick plant (if it does not have rotten roots). Replanting causes stress in the plant, and if it is accompanied by a disease, this only aggravates the situation.

IMPORTANT! Replanting a houseplant does not save it from pests, since larvae, eggs or adults will still remain in the soil or on the roots.

Treatment will help protect the flower from pests. special drugs or means. Washing the roots is often ineffective and injures them.


Most types of indoor flowers are replanted as follows: young ones (up to 3 years old) annually, and adults - once every 2-3 years.

Types of transplanting indoor flowers:

Based on the volume of soil mixture replaced, transplants are divided into the following types:

  1. Replacement of topsoil. This type of transplantation is mainly used for large indoor plants. Loosen and remove up to 5 cm of the old substrate and pour a new one on top, compacting it.
    Change upper layer soil is useful for most indoor plants and flowers once every 3-6 months. Deposited salts and soil fungi are removed with the substrate, and new soil brings additional substances.
  2. Incomplete transplant– a little soil mixture remains on the root system
  3. Complete transplant– the entire substrate was replaced and the roots were cleaned

Complete transplantation of the plant into a new pot.

Handling indoor plants

Many experts do not consider replanting a houseplant to be a separate type of replanting.

  1. Transshipment of a plant means transferring a clod of earth into a larger container (2-3 cm larger in diameter) with the addition of soil mixture on top and sides.
  2. After transshipment, the indoor plant is watered.

Transshipment is the safest option for a plant; it is often used when the root system no longer fits in the old pot and is visible in the drainage holes.

It does not provoke growth retardation in plants, so it can be transferred at any time of the year.

  • Transshipment is recommended for young, actively growing specimens and for those plant species that do not tolerate transplantation well (palm trees).

An example of transshipment of a houseplant.

What size pot do you need when replanting a houseplant?

The selection of pot depth and width depends on the type of structure of the root system. When replanting home flowers, it is recommended to choose a pot of such a size that the previous one can easily fit into it.

For young plants it is 2-3 cm more, and for adults it is 3-5 cm.

  • It is better to replant the plants in pots a little bigger size and more often than immediately in a big way.

Regular renewal of the substrate benefits the plant, but if the pot size is excessive, the properties of the free soil from the roots quickly deteriorate.

Choosing a pot size for replanting a plant

IMPORTANT! Some types of plants prefer close quarters in a pot: epiphytic orchids, hippeastrum. An excessively large pot of hippeastrum is one of the main reasons for the lack of flowering.

We discussed this aspect in detail in the article:

What soil mixture is needed for replanting?

A certain type of houseplant has individual needs and requires a special soil mixture.

As a rule, the same soil mixture is prepared, which is supplemented with drainage and fertilizers ( wood ash, banana peel powder).

For more details, see the article: and.

If you bought a specially designed mixture for your plant in finished form, then before replanting, open the package so that the nitrogen evaporates and the roots are not damaged.

  • If you prepare the soil mixture yourself, be sure to sterilize your garden soil!

Instead, it is better to collect soil under coniferous trees, it will be lighter and looser. It is also recommended to steam it in the oven for 50-60 minutes at a temperature of 80-100 ͦ C, heat it in a water bath or in the microwave.

  • IMPORTANT! For the recommended composition for replanting, see the plant care instructions for each type of plant separately.

It is better to sterilize the purchased soil mixture, this way you will save yourself from possible unpleasant consequences in future.

Sterile substrate – required condition successful transplant!

Replanting indoor plants and flowers: instructions

  1. Preparing the pot for replanting. New ceramic and clay pots are washed and soaked in water for 2-3 hours so that the walls are saturated with water. Old pots are removed from salt deposits, scalded with boiling water and washed well.
  2. Make a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot from expanded clay, pieces of clay shards or bricks. The thickness of the layer depends on the depth and diameter of the pot, on average 2-3 cm.
  3. Water the flower generously a day before transplanting or place it in a container with water and after 40-50 minutes carefully remove it from the pot along with the earthen lump. Turn the plant upside down and support the earthen ball with your left hand, and right hand gradually remove the container.
  4. Using your hands, carefully clean the roots down to half of the earthen clod. Remove the rotten roots, and sprinkle the damaged ones with crushed charcoal or ash.
  5. Place a layer of sterile soil mixture on top of the drainage so that the top edge of the pot is 1-2 cm higher than the base of the plant stem. Gradually fill the pot with moist, sterile soil mixture evenly from all sides to the base of the stem. Constantly lightly compact the soil mixture around the plant, tapping the sides of the container so that no voids remain.
  6. Water the indoor plant 2-3 days after transplanting and sprinkle loose soil mixture on top.

IMPORTANT! Plant species that cannot tolerate an excessively moist substrate are transplanted without watering into a slightly moist substrate. For example, cacti, succulents, orchids, wallots, Crassulaceae and others.

Carefully free the roots from the old soil mixture.

ATTENTION! It is recommended to completely free the roots from the soil, and even more so to rinse them of the old soil mixture, as a last resort. If the roots of the flower are rotten and the earth is sour.

Many species live in symbiosis with bacteria or fungi that live on their roots. Washing the roots destroys the microflora, which often leads to the death of the house plant.


  • In the first 3-4 weeks after transplantation, the plant is watered less often than usual - the roots look for water and grow better.
  • Feeding should not be carried out for 4-8 weeks.
  • After transplantation, it is useful to spray the plant with epin or zircon once a week.
  • Transplantation is the best moment for propagating many types of plants by dividing or separating the “babies” from bulbous plants.

Replanting and pruning:

However, ampelous (ivy, tradescantia, philodendron) and climbing plants You can shorten the shoots to the so-called “last year’s growth” - to the leaves that formed at the end of last year.

  • This pruning stimulates lateral branching and helps to create a more decorative shape, and also promotes faster recovery after transplantation and abundant flowering with accelerated fruiting. Trimmed shoots can be cut into cuttings and rooted.

To rejuvenate the plant (for example, ficus grew in one stem for 2-3 years, overwintered indoor roses, fuchsia, geranium) cut off most of the shoots, leaving 4-5 buds.

Instead of pruning, shoots with small growth or to give shape are pinched. The top of the shoot is removed during active plant growth from April to the end of July so that young shoots have time to form before the onset of waning daylight hours.

IMPORTANT! The main rule is that pruning of the shoot ends at the bud, which is directed outward, so that it grows strong and beautiful. Otherwise, the shoots will grow inside the bush - low decorativeness and poor development.

Common mistakes when replanting indoor plants:

  1. Transfer at the wrong time
  2. Replant into a much larger pot.
  3. Using the wrong soil mixture.
  4. Lack of drainage layer.
  5. Failure to follow the rules for replanting indoor flowers.

How to properly replant a purchased plant?

To adapt to a new place, the plant needs time - 2-4 weeks. If you bought it in autumn or winter, it is better to replant the plant in March. Instead of a complete transplant, carefully transfer the flower to a slightly damp substrate.

IMPORTANT! Many gardeners believe that the purchased plant needs to be quickly removed from the transport soil.

The transport substrate is not harmful, and if the lump is seriously entwined with roots, then the plant grows well in it for quite a long time.

Before sale, this substrate is actively saturated with nutrients, which last for 2-3 months. At the same time, it has good breathability and perfectly absorbs water and fertilizing.

  • ATTENTION! If you buy a houseplant on sale or if you are concerned about the condition of the root system, then carefully examine it by removing it from the pot with a lump of earth.

If you notice black and soft roots with an unpleasant aroma:

  1. Replace the soil mixture.
  2. Trim the affected roots and treat the cut area with charcoal powder.
  3. Repot the plant in a new nutrient mixture.
  4. Place the transplanted plant under film or glass to high humidity helped the formation of new roots.

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants:

Many experts choose special days when replanting indoor flowers, when the moon is in its growth phase. The waxing moon promotes better growth and the development of the transplanted house plant.

Every year the lunar calendar changes and you need to monitor the onset of a successful day for replanting indoor plants.

  • INTERESTING! In turn, many experienced flower growers believe that your own mood and attitude towards the plant plays a big role when replanting.

If you treat the flower tenderly, talk to it as if it were a living being, and truly love it, then it will be easier for the plant to adapt to its new home. In return, the flower will delight you with its beauty and bring benefits.


We wish you only successful transplants, and let the plants fill your heart with love and warmth!

The moon influences all living organisms on earth, this is noticeable in the ebb and flow of the tides. Indoor flowers and plants also depend on the influence of lunar rhythms, since they contain water. Whether there is a favorable days for replanting indoor plants? Let's consider in which phases of the moon it is best to replant flowers, and when the tubers and root system should not be disturbed.

Since ancient times, people have noticed the impact of planetary biorhythms on animals and vegetable world. Over the centuries, knowledge has accumulated that can help in caring for our favorite home flowers and plants. For example, in the first half lunar month(from new moon to full moon) vital juices are directed upward - to the leaves and inflorescences. This is the time that is most favorable for replanting plants.

Note! If you collect fruits from plants, then in the first half of the lunar month they will be the most juicy and tasty.

If you have a lemon or other tree growing in your house, you need to collect the fruits only when the lunar disk is increasing. Hilling up and loosening the soil is best done on full moon days. At this time, you can add soil to the exposed roots and add fertilizer.

It is more correct to change the soil in flowerpots on the waxing moon. Gardeners recommend carrying out this manipulation in the spring season (April-May), summer time(July-August) or in the fall at a favorable time. If you need to change the earth in winter, this can be done in the month of December during the growth of the lunar disk.

However, the time of the waxing moon must be distinguished from the new moon. The new moon is considered to be two days from the beginning of the lunar month when the disk is not visible in the sky. These days, the vital juices of flowers accumulate in the tubers and roots, so they cannot be replanted.

The new moon is ideal for shaping the crown of bushes and trimming branches. On the new moon and on the waning moon, seeds are collected: they contain a concentration of growth power. Planting seeds collected at the specified time will ensure fast shoots And rapid growth seedlings.

Lunar eclipses are a special period of time. Transplanting flowers and other manipulations cannot be done. Let the plant rest for several days before and after the eclipse. It is believed that the influence of eclipses begins a few days before its occurrence and lasts for some time after.

Look at the plant manipulation calendar for 2018:

Moon in zodiac signs

The lunar disk passes through 12 zodiac signs, which influence the biorhythms of the night star. It is important for gardeners to know the following information:

  • waning Moon in Scorpio and waxing in the sign of Capricorn - tubers and flower bulbs can be replanted;
  • waning Moon in Cancer and waxing in air signs, Scorpio and Pisces - you can replant decorative foliage plants;
  • waning Moon in Sagittarius and Virgo, growing in Gemini - you can replant vines and hanging plant species.

Note! Favorable signs The zodiac signs for working with plants are Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Pisces. Unfavorable signs are Aquarius and Leo.

If the moon passes through the constellation Aries, the plants do not perceive nutrients - fertilizing is useless.

The constellation Leo is also not favorable for applying fertilizers, watering plants and treating with pest control agents.

It is best to plant seedlings and sow seeds when the waxing moon passes through the constellation Virgo or the waning moon is in the constellations Cancer or Scorpio.

Pruning and pinching of branches is best done when the waning moon crosses the constellations Gemini or Aquarius.

Unfavorable and neutral days

What can you do with plants during unfavorable times? lunar days? It is best to leave them alone, because any manipulation will bring stress to our pets. The days of eclipses, both lunar and solar, are considered especially unfavorable. Transplanting flowers at this time can simply destroy them.

What can you do on neutral days according to the lunar calendar? At this time, you can feed the plants, spray them with pest control products, water them and loosen the soil. Radical change the plant may not survive. However, in emergency cases, you can replant the plant on neutral days - if the flowerpot breaks or the plant is attacked by pests.

Plants always delight us with their blooms and the beauty of their leaves. Proper care- the key to a long life for green beauties. Remember that flower transplantation works best in the warm season of the year: this time is completely favorable for working with soil and tubers.

If you need to replant a flower in late autumn, you must strictly observe the lunar phases and take into account favorable days. In winter, it is not recommended to disturb plants; their life processes are at rest.

If you transplant a plant taking into account the change lunar phases, this will not bring stress to the tubers and branches. Flowers quickly take root in the new pot and do not lose their attractiveness.

If you replant a plant without taking into account the influence of lunar phases, it may get sick and wither. Therefore, always check your action plan with lunar calendar and advice from specialist astrologers. Then your flowers will always delight you with lush blooms and a healthy appearance.

Replanting is necessary for all indoor plants from time to time. If you do this correctly and in a timely manner, the plant will actively grow and delight others with its appearance. And for this it is important to know how and when it is better to replant indoor flowers.

Transfer rules

A flower needs to be transplanted if:

  • the growth process has stopped;
  • the plant withers and turns yellow;
  • leaves and flowers have become noticeably smaller;
  • the plant does not fit in the pot;
  • the roots filled everything inner space pot.

If you are convinced that your flower needs to be replanted, consider the following important details this process:

  1. The pot for transplanting must be selected 2-4 centimeters in diameter larger than the previous one.
  2. If during replanting it was necessary to remove a significant part of the plant’s root system, the new pot, on the contrary, should be smaller.
  3. A new clay pot, before planting a plant in it, needs to be filled with water for 10-12 hours.
  4. Flowers should not be replanted during the dormant and flowering periods.
  5. It is important to clean the old pot from dirt and disinfect it.
  6. The new soil must match the needs of the specific plant. When choosing it, remember this rule: dense soil is for abundant flowering, looser - for good growth.
  7. Do not completely remove old soil from the roots of the plant.

During the transplantation process itself, it is important to adhere to the following rules and sequence of actions:

  1. Prepare everything you need - a pot, tools, a watering can with settled water, required amount properly selected soil.
  2. An hour before transplanting, water the plant well.
  3. Carefully remove the plant from the old pot by tapping the sides. If necessary, the earthen lump can be separated from the inner walls using a knife.
  4. Trim rotten, dried and damaged roots.
  5. Place small pieces of old material on the bottom of the pot for good drainage. clay pot or fragments of brick and expanded clay, cover with a small layer of sand and new soil on top.
  6. Place the plant on a new layer of soil so that it is no deeper than in the previous pot.
  7. Gradually fill the gaps formed between the walls of the pot and the earthen lump with damp soil, lightly tapping the pot on the table.
  8. Compact the soil by carefully adding a new layer until it is level with the base of the stem and extends one centimeter to the edge of the pot.
  9. Water the flower generously and place it in the shade for a week. During this adaptation period, the plant should not be fed or watered abundantly.
  10. After a week, the plant can be returned to its original place, and after three - to the usual regime of watering and fertilizing.

The best period for replanting

In order for the transplantation process to be painless and the plant to grow well after this procedure, it is important to do it at the right time.

What period is considered the best for replanting indoor flowers? According to flower growers, it is best to do this in the spring. It is during this period that the plant is able to adapt more quickly and easily to new conditions.

When replanting flowers, it is important to consider the time of day. It is best to carry out this procedure from 16.00 to 20.00.

Does it matter on what days plants are transplanted? Definitely yes.

The best days for replanting flowers are selected according to the lunar calendar.

The most successful for this procedure are the first days after the new moon, as well as periods when the moon is in such signs as:

  • Calf,
  • Scales,
  • Fish,
  • Scorpion,
  • Capricorn.

These days are indicated in the florist calendar. For example, in April better days When indoor flowers can be replanted are the 1st, 28th and 29th. But in May there is only one favorable day when you can replant indoor flowers - May 9.
