Japanese style bedroom. A Japanese-style bedroom will decorate any room. Interior of a small Japanese-style bedroom

Among the various ethnic styles Japanese minimalism is gaining more and more supporters in our country. The simplicity of natural materials, exceptional comfort and elegance of furniture products allow you to create unique interiors oriented towards the convenience of a particular individual.

Among the various ethnic styles, Japanese minimalism is gaining more and more supporters in our country.

All this becomes especially important when we're talking about about the bedroom. Bedroom in Japanese style is a design option that suits almost everyone, promotes relaxation and restoration of energy, pleases the eye and brings peace.

The striking differences in the Japanese style arose due to the living conditions on the Japanese islands that existed for thousands of years: sudden volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, landslides, typhoons and hurricanes.

Therefore, all buildings in Japan were created so that people could survive in the rubble of buildings and quickly erect new buildings. This is precisely what is connected with the attitude of the Japanese towards various embellishments and decor: if all this could soon perish, is it necessary to acquire unnecessary things? In this case, a person seeks beauty in the surrounding nature, combining it with his home.

The striking differences in Japanese style arose due to the living conditions on the Japanese islands that existed for thousands of years

All these reasons determined that the Japanese style is distinguished by the following features:

  • naturalness – natural materials and colors are used;
  • functionality - the living space is rationally organized;
  • simplicity - the interior is filled only with the necessary items of a laconic form.

When decorating a bedroom, such qualities in design are only welcome, allowing you to create a space where your eyes and thoughts rest, and peace reigns.

Important! Japanese interior is suitable for spacious rooms, but it also looks good in small apartments.

When decorating a bedroom, such qualities in design are only welcome, allowing you to create a space where your eyes and thoughts rest, and peace reigns.

Design features

Rooms in Japanese houses traditionally did not have a clearly defined functional meaning. One spacious room could be divided into sections needed at the moment using light partitions. Typically two types of partitions were used:

  • fusuma - a sliding door that slides along grooves specially made in the floor, made in the form of a wooden frame covered with paper;
  • shoji – interior partition made from wooden frame and the paper that covers it.

Folding screens and blinds were also used for this.

Rooms in Japanese houses traditionally did not have a clearly defined functional meaning.

The main principle of Japanese interiors is lightness and airiness of space. Therefore everything structural elements They are distinguished by the fact that they do not take up much space and are mobile; they are easy to rearrange, changing the configuration of the room and the number of individual compartments.

Manufacturers offer huge selection screen, shoji and fusuma. The profile of partitions and doors is made from:

  • cherry or red wood - these are elite, expensive options;
  • veneered or laminated material;
  • steel decorated with wood-like film;
  • high quality plastic;
  • aluminum

Transparent and translucent inserts are made of plastic, glass and, of course, special paper. They are often decorated with images of animals, landscapes, and hieroglyphs.

The main principle of Japanese interiors is lightness and airiness of space.

The shape of all partitions has remained unchanged for many centuries: the canvas is divided by jumpers into rectangles or squares, into which light-transmitting elements are inserted. It is difficult to imagine a Japanese interior without partitions and screens.

Attention! The Japanese bedroom does not require radical changes, which are necessary when creating some other ethnic styles. The only thing that will not interfere, but will only give the room an additional zest, is a niche.

Niches play a big role in Japanese life. They contain documents that are valuable to the family.

Niches play a big role in Japanese life. They contain documents of value to the family, scrolls with wise sayings or a beautifully written poem, and finally, they are decorated with ikebana or statues of gods. Usually niches are made shallow, up to 20-30 cm, height and width can vary.

Japanese style bedroom design: nuances

Important! To decorate a bedroom in the style of the Land of the Rising Sun, you don’t have to spend a lot of money. Taste and understanding of the Japanese philosophy of life allow you to do this with the help of minor investments; a few tips in the article will help.

  1. Color palette. In the photo, a Japanese-style bedroom seems peaceful and laconic. This is achieved through the use of natural shades in the interior, and light warm colors:
  • beige, milky, cream, Ivory;
  • brown;
  • cherry;
  • grey;
  • bamboo, grass.

It is customary to use no more than 2 colors in the interior.

To emphasize the unity of opposites inherent in our world, color scheme combine from different colors

To emphasize the unity of opposites inherent in our world, the color scheme is combined from different colors, for example, black or cherry is combined with white, brown with beige, grass.

  1. Floor decoration. IN classic version floors should be wood, made of solid cedar or maple. IN modern conditions Expensive wood can be replaced with high-quality imitation materials:
  • laminate;
  • linoleum.

For zoning toilet room, which, according to Japanese ideas, should be moved outside the living space, the designers suggest using river pebbles, from which they lay out a path to the bathroom or the floor nearby.

In the classic version, floors should be wooden, made of solid cedar or maple

And one more necessary element– tatami. They usually measure area Japanese house, the size of one is 1.5 m2.

Tatami are thick square mats. Each mat is three straw mats sewn together. Golden, pleasantly smelling tatami completely covers the floors and is never stepped on with booted feet. However, in a modern European home you can successfully replace tatami with carpets matched in color natural products, put mats or leave the floors without decoration.

In a modern European home, you can successfully replace tatami with natural carpet products matched in color, add mats or leave the floors without decoration

  1. Wall decoration. The interior of a Japanese-style bedroom looks calm and neutral, the photo can be seen below, since materials without a pronounced texture are used for the walls. Priority colors are light. To create a style you can use:
  • wallpaper, bamboo or paper, well simulating rice paper, silk fabric;
  • wood panels that create an impression sliding doors or partitions with translucent inserts;
  • paint – plain coloring creates the impression of a laconic space, and it is also a cost-effective option;
  • fabric - natural silk, cotton or bamboo fabric in soft colors will fit perfectly into the interior.

Don’t get carried away with painting hieroglyphs or Japanese-themed drawings on the walls.

Don’t get carried away with painting hieroglyphs or Japanese-themed drawings on the walls. In general, the bedroom should leave the impression of free space without emotional details.

  1. Ceiling decoration. In the tradition of the inhabitants Japanese Islands For the ceiling, paint is selected to match the wall covering. Designers offer the following options ceiling decor in the bedroom:
  • simple coloring;
  • PVC film;
  • The ceiling is divided into squares or rectangles using beams; the beams can be wooden or plastic.

In the latter case, the beams are selected in a contrasting color to the floor and walls. It should be taken into account that the cells created in this way will visually reduce the height of the room, therefore this option only suitable if the ceiling height in the bedroom exceeds 3 m.

In the tradition of the inhabitants of the Japanese islands, paint for the ceiling is selected to match the wall covering

  1. Lighting. Europeans and Japanese have different understandings of how a house should be lit. In Japanese, light should be unobtrusive, unsharp, and fill the room naturally. This is facilitated by matte inserts on the doors, the placement of lighting fixtures and special lampshades.

The following can be used as lighting fixtures in the bedroom:

  • built-in ceiling lights with the ability to adjust the level of illumination;
  • a central chandelier made of traditional materials - rice paper, fabric, bamboo;
  • floor or table lamps, as well as sconces are not welcome.

In Japanese, light should be unobtrusive, unsharp, and fill the room naturally

Should be selected lighting in white, black, brown color, with frosted bulbs.

Lampshades are of particular importance. Akari, a structure made of metal and a lampshade made of rice paper, dates back 150 years. Such lamps diffuse bright light, creating a pleasant, relaxing twilight. You can also use simple paper lampshades on lamps.

Akari - a structure made of metal and a lampshade made of rice paper - dates back 150 years

Furniture selection

In the proposed photos, the design of a Japanese-style bedroom is supported by correctly selected furniture products. What features distinguish furniture that is suitable for a Japanese-style interior:

  • low;
  • has the shape of a horizontally elongated rectangle or square;
  • without decorative elements on facades;
  • handles are either geometrically correct in shape or missing;
  • on low, strong legs;
  • made of wood.

According to Japanese tradition, it is customary to sleep directly on the floor on a special mattress stuffed with cotton - a futon. During the day, the futon is put away in the closet.

In the proposed photos, the design of a Japanese-style bedroom is supported by correctly selected furniture products

IN modern apartment You can replace the futon with a low one wide bed, placing it in the center of the room where the most favorable energy flows intersect.

An excellent solution would be to install the bed on a special low podium, which will also serve as a storage place. To do this, it is necessary to equip it with a system of retractable modules.

An excellent solution would be to install the bed on a special low podium, which will also serve as a storage place for things.

Bedside tables should also fit into the interior, which means they should be wooden, low, and without numerous shelves.

Wardrobes and cabinets are not acceptable in Japanese style. All things must be put away either in a closet, the doors of which are stylized as walls or doors, or in niches. Even better is to allocate a special room for storing clothes.

Wardrobes and wardrobes are unacceptable in Japanese style

Textiles and curtains in Japanese style for the bedroom

Curtains add coziness to the bedroom, so their presence is necessary. The best option– Japanese fabric panels. They are made from light transparent or translucent materials such as linen or cotton, as well as bamboo, jute, and rice straws. Best to choose plain fabrics light colors, this will soften the sunlight pouring into the windows.

Curtains add coziness to the bedroom, so their presence is necessary

The design of the curtains is simple: on a special cornice there are several rails, to which fabric panels, weighted at the bottom, are attached. Such curtains move horizontally, retracting behind each other.

If the windows are narrow or awkwardly located, you can hang bamboo horizontal or vertical ones on the windows fabric blinds, as well as fabric roller blinds.

Decorating your bedroom in Japanese style with your own hands, photo possible options are given in the article, do not forget about other textiles

When decorating a Japanese-style bedroom with your own hands, photos of possible options are given in the article; do not forget about other textiles. When choosing a carpet, you should opt for products that imitate tatami and look like mats or are made from natural materials (jute, raffia, straw, sisal).

Advice! Bed linen and bedspreads are selected to match or contrast the colors of the walls.

A few cushions on the floor for seating will complete the interior. Pillows are made from natural fabrics - cotton, linen, suede.

Japanese style accessories

Laconism and restraint of a Japanese-style interior still do not negate the presence of decorative elements. The main requirement is the minimum quantity at high quality and appropriateness. Suitable for decorating a bedroom:

  • bonsai;
  • ikebana;
  • a vase with an interestingly curved branch;
  • figurines;
  • scrolls with calligraphic poems;
  • engravings in a thin wooden baguette;
  • fans.

I don't like

The bedroom is the main room in the house because you spend a lot of time in the bedroom.

Japanese style is an atmosphere of emptiness, namely when you feel that there is nothing superfluous in the room.

Some people who are more inclined towards conventional Western styles may be very shocked because this style is the ultimate in minimalism.

Empty room, small amount of furniture, simple arrangement of elements that often reaches the minimum point, the decor is far from the idea of ​​individualizing the house, which is so typical of European interiors.

With the growing popularity of minimalism, many architects, designers and interior decorators are implementing this Far Eastern style in a modern way.

A Japanese-style bedroom is full of general philosophical meaning, it is simple and at the same time has harmony, like Mother Nature herself.

Most often the oriental interior style is more for bedroom design and we will look at some furniture and design ideas in modern home interiors.

You will never see a massive bed in a traditional Japanese bedroom, nor will you see a frame above the bed. Traditional Japanese futons are made from all-natural materials and they should be placed on the floor.

Modern Japanese design ideas, bed style conveyed the philosophy of clean lines and low height to modern interiors and you will see amazing bed designs that interpret the idea and concept of minimalism.

The Japanese style bedroom is designed as a place where people can enjoy tranquility. The atmosphere is saturated with harmony, there are no irritating details. Also on our website you can see a photo of a Japanese-style bedroom at the very bottom of the article.

Japanese bedroom interior

The low bed is the main object in the bedroom and this is it distinguishing feature. Modern design Japanese-style bedrooms offer beds on a low platform or with low legs and straight lines, which is an interpretation of the traditional futon bed.

Low design is associated with stability, although many who have such beds say that you need to constantly get rid of dust on the floor.

Japanese beds are characterized by natural colors and natural materials. There are no decorations, no materials for decoration, only the purity of minimalism of the concept of “no less, no more.”

Japanese bedroom design

We cannot separate Japanese design ideas from Japanese style bedroom interiors. Even in modern home designs in the samurai style of interior, you need to follow the basic rules - simple and functional furniture, simple geometry and clear straight lines.

Traditional colors are white, beige, yellow, brown, combined with bright and warm rich tones.

The main idea is to maintain an atmosphere of calm and comfort. Sometimes traditional elements are used in unexpected ways to enhance the overall ambiance. For example, low tables, floor cushions, and bonsai trees are used to emphasize geometry and strong lines and add an artistic touch.

Japanese bedroom furniture

It is possible to use bamboo wall decor, elegant lamps, light Japanese rice paper lanterns, tables to make a tea ceremony, origami, ikebana or hieroglyphs.

Japanese-style curtains for the bedroom must be made of bamboo or you can use painted silk, the most suitable color the coating will be yellow. The main thing in the Japanese style is harmony and tranquility.

Photo of a Japanese-style bedroom

Japanese style bedroom design is not something you often see in Everyday life. But he has his followers.

That’s why today we’ll tell you how to create a Japanese-style bedroom interior. Japanese-style bedroom design with your own hands is not the same difficult task, you just need to know its features and characteristic features.

A Japanese style bedroom in your home will add personality to your home. In the video in this article you can see everything clearly. Instructions will also be given on various details of creating the desired atmosphere.

A Japanese-style bedroom in Russian apartments is unlikely to be an exact copy of real Japanese bedrooms. This style was created based on impressions and ideas about this country, but nothing more.
What is a Japanese bedroom really like? For the broad Russian soul (and the European one too), Japanese apartments will seem uncomfortable and inconvenient.

And all because low ceilings, paper walls and furniture without any frills, and sometimes even its complete absence.

Oddly enough, but the bedrooms as such in Japanese homes usually does not exist. Surprised? Yes, yes, by the way, not only bedrooms...

Usually a room in a Japanese house exists without reference to any functionality. That is, it can simultaneously be a kitchen, living room, bedroom, etc.

By the way, this does not necessarily mean that you are in a one-room Japanese apartment. Even if there are several rooms, the situation is the same. Furniture in Japanese houses is arranged in such a way that it can be taken and moved to any place, organizing the desired space.

In order to decorate a room, you need to remember that there are some basic rules.

MinimalismIs the first and basic rule. Minimalism must be observed in everything. So, the room should be spacious enough, without a hint of any excesses or unnecessary things - only all the essentials. If this rule is observed, positive energy flows are in free movement, which, according to the Japanese, is vital.
FunctionalityThe second rule of Japanese-style interiors. This is a kind of continuation of minimalism. IN Japanese interior You can use only multifunctional items or transformable items, trying to avoid excess of unnecessary things. The Japanese, for example, place chests in their bedrooms in which they store mattresses for sleeping - futons - during the day.
Close to natureWhen creating an interior in the Japanese style, you need furniture, textiles, curtains in the bedroom in the Japanese style, as well as Decoration Materials necessarily were made only from natural materials.
MobilityConsidered the fourth rule. Compliance with this rule will allow you to quickly and easily transform the room. Since the apartments in the houses of the land of the rising sun are small, the Japanese have to use the same room in different ways at different times of the day. Therefore, the living room can easily turn into a dining room or bedroom, or vice versa.
Color solutionIn Japanese style, it is unacceptable to use flashy colors - bright or variegated. Therefore, it is selected from calm tones - discreet and natural, which will be pleasing to the eye. As a rule, delicate shades are used in Japanese-style interiors, such as cream, beige, light gray and white. An additional contrasting and shading color to the main tone is most often black.

Japanese bedroom bedding

Futons are the name given to national Japanese bedding, which are essentially mattresses. In the morning in Japan, futons are folded and closets are cleaned.
From the same cabinets they then take out, for example, a desk. The office is ready!

Attention: B desk There are usually many small drawers where all the necessary papers and writing materials are stored. This is such a multifunctional Japanese room.

  • If you need to have lunch or dinner, a serving table rolls out of the cabinet. Small, varnished chests of drawers on wheels are also popular in Japan to store family belongings.
    Such mobile furniture is not only beautiful, but also very light. Lightness and mobility are very important for furniture in Japanese homes, because it must not only be quickly taken out or hidden, but the floor must not be damaged.
    Traditionally, tatami (hard mats) are placed on the floor in Japan.
  • What is the reason for such mobility and versatility of the room?
    In fact, everything is easy to explain - fires and earthquakes are far from uncommon in Japan, especially in ancient times. Therefore, in case of danger, you can remove all the furniture and belongings almost instantly.
  • To this day, many Japanese (especially those who honor traditions) actually live on the floor, because they sleep, sit, and eat on wicker tatami. This clean water minimalism in the interior.
    As you can see, nothing unnecessary is stored in a Japanese house, especially furniture, but even the necessary things are always kept to a minimum.

Bedroom in Japan - what is it like?

Japanese style design is special and incomparable. main feature- This is a sleeping place. There is no traditional bed in the bedroom; it is replaced by a futon.
A futon is usually not very large and is made of cotton (both inside and outside) - environmentally friendly pure material. This means that a healthy and sound sleep on such a mattress is guaranteed.

  • In the morning, the futon must be rolled up and removed from view, freeing up space. This is a great solution for small bedrooms. By the way, large furniture factories They are now making traditional futons, and it turns out that they are in demand here too.
  • The futon is not placed on the floor itself, but on special mats - tatami, so sleeping is still not as hard as it might seem. Tatami translates as “that which folds.”
    The tatami cover is traditionally woven from straw (igusa reed) and stuffed with it. The sections of the mattress are covered with fabric. It is very comfortable to sit on tatami, because they are elastic and pleasant to the touch.
  • It is interesting that in Japan the area of ​​a room is measured not in meters, as we are used to, but in tatami, that is, how many tatami are in the room - 6, 8, etc. Here the styling itself also plays a significant role.
    It is important that the installation is correct, so the mats will not move apart. There is a tradition that there should be no place in the room where the corners of 3 or 4 tatami meet, this is a bad sign.
    The dimensions of tatami are standard (about 1x1.5 m), therefore, when building Japanese houses, this must be taken into account so that the room can be completely covered with tatami.
  • In niches on the wall in Japan, some kind of relic is usually placed. However, recently the television has become such a relic.

Natural materials in Japanese interiors

The Japanese value and love natural materials in the interior of their homes. But can we, when decorating a bedroom in Japanese style, purchase interior items made of straw, bamboo and wood?
These are all far from cheap materials that are quite vulnerable, although the manufacturers guarantee a decent service life. The same tatami must be protected from damage and moisture. In addition, the Japanese themselves change them every six months.

  • Lamps, paintings, figurines and other objects will help to emphasize the Japanese style in the bedroom, but do not forget about the minimalism of this style.
  • If you are choosing curtains for a Japanese-style bedroom, then it is better to choose them in this style.

“Rules” for creating a Japanese-style bedroom

So, here are the basic principles for creating a Japanese-style bedroom:

  • The bedroom is spacious and quite empty. A paper screen is used to separate something.
  • A futon or a low strictly rectangular bed is used as a sleeping place. In addition to the bed, it is permissible to place a built-in wardrobe and small chests of drawers on wheels with a bunch of drawers in the bedroom.
  • Calm and simple colors, usually white, black, gray. However, not so long ago, red began to be attributed to the Japanese style.
  • Textiles in the bedroom should also be in natural colors. Cotton, linen, silk and bamboo are used.
  • The decor in the bedroom is used to a minimum. The walls, floor and ceiling (see) are made smooth, but you can imitate a traditional Japanese niche where you can place some decorative item.
  • The finishing texture may be different - it is wood, brick, plaster, but everything is of excellent quality. You can also use some glass, for example, make a small coffee table out of it.
  • Lamps are traditionally located in wooden frames and made of rice paper. These can also be round lamps made of white frosted glass.
  • Bonsai is ideal for bedroom vegetation.

An example of a Japanese-style bedroom design

So, let's dream a little and imagine a Japanese-style bedroom in an ordinary Russian apartment. As you already know, a Japanese-style bedroom is cozy and minimalist.


  • Pale, discreet grey colour enveloped the walls and ceiling, in one of the corners there is classic screen. The pattern on the screen is repeated on the wall at the head of the bed, and its color is identical to the color of the bed itself.
    The laminate is matched to match the walls, it is just as discreet and gray. There is also tatami here, but rather for beauty and a feeling of softness right next to the bed.
    And it’s even better to place a couple of tatami mats in the bedroom, this will give extraordinary comfort.
  • The bed itself is low, literally 10-15 cm from the floor, on which the futon was placed. But the futon is not quite traditional, but rather fluffy, because no one is going to roll it up in the morning and hide it in the closet.
  • And of course, spherical lamps located on both sides of the bed. Low closed bedside tables hide many little things from view, because we remember minimalism.

With just a little effort, you can end up with a very cute Japanese style bedroom interior in your home. You can see everything in the photo. The price of such finishing is not high and you can afford it.

Japanese bedroom design is not something you often see in everyday life. But he has his followers.

That’s why today we’ll tell you how to create a Japanese-style bedroom interior. Designing a Japanese-style bedroom with your own hands is not such a difficult task, you just need to know its features and characteristic features.

A Japanese style bedroom in your home will add personality to your home. In the video in this article you can see everything clearly. Instructions will also be given on various details of creating the desired atmosphere.

A Japanese-style bedroom in Russian apartments is unlikely to be an exact copy of real Japanese bedrooms. This style was created based on impressions and ideas about this country, but nothing more.
What is a Japanese bedroom really like? For the broad Russian soul (and the European one too), Japanese apartments will seem uncomfortable and inconvenient.

And all because of low ceilings, paper walls and furniture without any frills, and sometimes even its complete absence.

Oddly enough, a bedroom as such usually does not exist in Japanese homes. Surprised? Yes, yes, by the way, not only bedrooms...

Usually a room in a Japanese house exists without reference to any functionality. That is, it can simultaneously be a kitchen, living room, bedroom, etc.

By the way, this does not necessarily mean that you are in a one-room Japanese apartment. Even if there are several rooms, the situation is the same. Furniture in Japanese houses is arranged in such a way that it can be taken and moved to any place, organizing the desired space.

In order to decorate a room, you need to remember that there are some basic rules.

MinimalismIs the first and basic rule. Minimalism must be observed in everything. So, the room should be spacious enough, without a hint of any excesses or unnecessary things - only all the essentials. If this rule is observed, positive energy flows are in free movement, which, according to the Japanese, is vital.
FunctionalityThe second rule of Japanese-style interiors. This is a kind of continuation of minimalism. In a Japanese interior, you can use only multifunctional items or transformable items, trying to avoid excess of unnecessary things. The Japanese, for example, place chests in their bedrooms in which they store mattresses for sleeping - futons - during the day.
Close to natureWhen creating an interior in the Japanese style, it is necessary that furniture, textiles, curtains for the bedroom in the Japanese style, as well as finishing materials must be made only from natural materials.
MobilityConsidered the fourth rule. Compliance with this rule will allow you to quickly and easily transform the room. Since the apartments in the houses of the land of the rising sun are small, the Japanese have to use the same room in different ways at different times of the day. Therefore, the living room can easily turn into a dining room or bedroom, or vice versa.
Color solutionIn Japanese style, it is unacceptable to use flashy colors - bright or variegated. Therefore, it is selected from calm tones - discreet and natural, which will be pleasing to the eye. As a rule, delicate shades are used in Japanese-style interiors, such as cream, beige, light gray and white. An additional contrasting and shading color to the main tone is most often black.

Japanese bedroom bedding

Futons are the name given to national Japanese bedding, which are essentially mattresses. In the morning in Japan, futons are folded and closets are cleaned.
From the same cabinets they then take out, for example, a desk. The office is ready!

Attention: The desk usually has many small drawers where all the necessary papers and writing materials are stored. This is such a multifunctional Japanese room.

  • If you need to have lunch or dinner, a serving table rolls out of the cabinet. Small, varnished chests of drawers on wheels are also popular in Japan to store family belongings.
    Such mobile furniture is not only beautiful, but also very light. Lightness and mobility are very important for furniture in Japanese homes, because it must not only be quickly taken out or hidden, but the floor must not be damaged.
    Traditionally, tatami (hard mats) are placed on the floor in Japan.
  • What is the reason for such mobility and versatility of the room?
    In fact, everything is easy to explain - fires and earthquakes are far from uncommon in Japan, especially in ancient times. Therefore, in case of danger, you can remove all the furniture and belongings almost instantly.
  • To this day, many Japanese (especially those who honor traditions) actually live on the floor, because they sleep, sit, and eat on wicker tatami. This is pure minimalism in the interior.
    As you can see, nothing unnecessary is stored in a Japanese house, especially furniture, but even the necessary things are always kept to a minimum.

Bedroom in Japan - what is it like?

Japanese style design is special and incomparable. The main feature is the sleeping place. There is no traditional bed in the bedroom; it is replaced by a futon.
A futon usually does not have an impressive size and is made of cotton (both inside and outside) - an environmentally friendly material. This means that a healthy and sound sleep on such a mattress is guaranteed.

  • In the morning, the futon must be rolled up and removed from view, freeing up space. This is a great solution for small bedrooms. By the way, large furniture factories are now producing traditional futons, and it turns out that they are in demand here too.
  • The futon is not placed on the floor itself, but on special mats - tatami, so sleeping is still not as hard as it might seem. Tatami translates as “that which folds.”
    The tatami cover is traditionally woven from straw (igusa reed) and stuffed with it. The sections of the mattress are covered with fabric. It is very comfortable to sit on tatami, because they are elastic and pleasant to the touch.
  • It is interesting that in Japan the area of ​​a room is measured not in meters, as we are used to, but in tatami, that is, how many tatami are in the room - 6, 8, etc. Here the styling itself also plays a significant role.
    It is important that the installation is correct, so the mats will not move apart. There is a tradition that there should be no place in the room where the corners of 3 or 4 tatami meet, this is a bad sign.
    The dimensions of tatami are standard (about 1x1.5 m), therefore, when building Japanese houses, this must be taken into account so that the room can be completely covered with tatami.
  • In niches on the wall in Japan, some kind of relic is usually placed. However, recently the television has become such a relic.

Natural materials in Japanese interiors

The Japanese value and love natural materials in the interior of their homes. But can we, when decorating a bedroom in Japanese style, purchase interior items made of straw, bamboo and wood?
These are all far from cheap materials that are quite vulnerable, although the manufacturers guarantee a decent service life. The same tatami must be protected from damage and moisture. In addition, the Japanese themselves change them every six months.

  • Lamps, paintings, figurines and other objects will help to emphasize the Japanese style in the bedroom, but do not forget about the minimalism of this style.
  • If you are choosing curtains for a Japanese-style bedroom, then it is better to choose them in this style.

“Rules” for creating a Japanese-style bedroom

So, here are the basic principles for creating a Japanese-style bedroom:

  • The bedroom is spacious and quite empty. A paper screen is used to separate something.
  • A futon or a low strictly rectangular bed is used as a sleeping place. In addition to the bed, it is permissible to place a built-in wardrobe and small chests of drawers on wheels with a bunch of drawers in the bedroom.
  • Calm and simple colors are used, usually white, black, gray. However, not so long ago, red began to be attributed to the Japanese style.
  • Textiles in the bedroom should also be in natural colors. Cotton, linen, silk and bamboo are used.
  • The decor in the bedroom is used to a minimum. The walls, floor and ceiling (see) are made smooth, but you can imitate a traditional Japanese niche where you can place some decorative item.
  • The finishing texture may be different - it is wood, brick, plaster, but everything is of excellent quality. You can also use some glass, for example, make a small coffee table out of it.
  • The lamps are traditionally placed in wooden frames and made of rice paper. These can also be round lamps made of white frosted glass.
  • Bonsai is ideal for bedroom vegetation.

An example of a Japanese-style bedroom design

So, let's dream a little and imagine a Japanese-style bedroom in an ordinary Russian apartment. As you already know, a Japanese-style bedroom is cozy and minimalist.


  • A pale, discreet gray color enveloped the walls and ceiling; a classic screen is located in one of the corners. The pattern on the screen is repeated on the wall at the head of the bed, and its color is identical to the color of the bed itself.
    The laminate is matched to match the walls, it is just as discreet and gray. There is also tatami here, but rather for beauty and a feeling of softness right next to the bed.
    And it’s even better to place a couple of tatami mats in the bedroom, this will give extraordinary comfort.
  • The bed itself is low, literally 10-15 cm from the floor, on which the futon was placed. But the futon is not quite traditional, but rather fluffy, because no one is going to roll it up in the morning and hide it in the closet.
  • And of course, spherical lamps located on both sides of the bed. Low closed bedside tables hide many little things from view, because we remember minimalism.

With just a little effort, you can end up with a very cute Japanese style bedroom interior in your home. You can see everything in the photo. The price of such finishing is not high and you can afford it.

Eastern motifs are increasingly found in the interior design of Western countries. And this is quite understandable - after all, they contain multifaceted combinations of sophistication, lightness, closeness to nature and originality. The bedroom in the Eastern Japanese style is filled with air, light, and the maximum free space gives room for unhindered movement positive energy. There is no place for everyday worries here - all this remains behind the threshold.

Features of Japanese style

Interior design with an oriental theme has several directions, somewhat similar, but, to a greater extent, significantly different from each other. Japanese style stands out dramatically due to its originality. Features of the direction include the following indicators:

1. Minimalism - there is no place for clutter, lush decorations and luxury. Maximum free space where vital necessary items. This is partly due to frequent natural disasters on the islands, leading to the destruction of residential buildings. The Japanese do not strive to arrange their life with excessive pretentiousness.

2. Naturalness - natural materials predominate in the arrangement and decoration, although in some cases their imitation is not excluded. The same applies to color palette, close to natural shades.

3. Lightness and airiness of the atmosphere - interior elements, as a rule, are small-sized and mobile, and the presence of adjustable screen partitions makes it easy to change the configuration of the room.

Color solutions

Most often, Japanese-style bedrooms are decorated in light colors - this way the atmosphere of peace and tranquility necessary for this room is achieved. Palettes of beige, cream, milky, gray, and grassy tones are used. Brown, cherry, and black paints allow you to dilute the monotony. No more than three colors are used in the interior, one of which is the background.

Black and white Japanese style bedroom

The white and black palette is often found in oriental interiors. It is traditional, reflecting the eternal desire of philosophers to find a balance between the masculine and feminine, earth and air.

White walls with black hieroglyphs and a zebra-pattern carpet look great here. You can decorate one of the walls of the room in black colors, for example, at the head of the bed, against which white low bedside tables will look contrasting.

More daring solutions come down to design in black ceiling surface, which transitions into white walls and gray floors. This combination can be complemented by beige shades present in the flooring, partition designs and decor.

Beige bedroom in Japanese style

Bedroom interior beige tones light and elegant. It is able to give a restful sleep and complete peace, presenting a natural palette of tones - just what is needed in this direction. Painted wall surfaces with smooth transitions from light beige to dark shades look original. The walls can be decorated in a darker palette than the ceiling and floor - this adds special geometric variety.

Naturally this beige color cannot be present on its own, otherwise the room will turn into a closed box. The accompanying tones will be brown, cream, white, and ivory. Here, bamboo sheets on the walls and similar curtains, textiles and furniture in brown tones, design of a milky matte ceiling.

Red bedroom in Japanese style

Color ripe cherries also occurs in the Eastern Japanese interior. The main task is to decide on its quantity. For those who adhere to rigor and laconicism, you can make the main background of the walls and ceiling white, the floor in light beige or gray tones, and the red palette will be present in one of wall panels, textiles, lamp shades. Peaceful sleep and relaxation will be facilitated by the priority of beige shades as the main ones, and cherry shades will become minor accent additions.

Decorating a bedroom for passionate natures allows you to fully fill it with red. It is advisable that the walls are not monochromatic - you can use wallpaper with Japanese patterns, graphic images of a darker or lighter cherry palette. The ceiling can be left light - artificial lighting will give it the desired pinkish tint. Black furniture will look great here.

Finishes and materials

Since Eastern philosophy views living space as animate object, finishing materials must be of natural origin. But, given the high cost, inaccessibility and impracticality of some of them, the presence of artificial substitutes is quite acceptable.


It is customary for the Japanese to walk barefoot at home, so when choosing flooring preference will be given to wood. It can be replaced by parquet or bamboo laminate. Large ceramic single-color tiles may also be present, but since this material is quite cold, it will be necessary to install a “warm floor” or use a single-color carpet.

An authentic design involves tatami floors made of rattan or bamboo, but since they wear out quite quickly, they are often replaced with rugs with Japanese-themed designs or neutral colors.


Walls decorated with fabric will look stylish and cozy in a Japanese bedroom. Also look great wooden panels imitating sliding partitions. More simple options– plastering, painting walls with traditional patterns, wallpapering. Suitable for paper wallpaper ethnic designs, for example, cherry blossoms or hieroglyphs. In the best possible way Bamboo sheets will help maintain the style. Designers advise choosing pastel colors without a riot of colors, limiting decoration to one or two colors. Although dark options are not excluded, and walls in red light are quite common.


The first thing to note in the design of the ceiling surface is the use natural materials, rectangular shape and cladding in light colors. There are several surface design options. Equipment reception is often used beam structures, which divide the plane into squares or rectangles. The space between them is painted or covered with white cloth or rice paper.

The Armstrong system with beams and decorative slabs is somewhat similar and looks no less impressive. Moreover, there is one trick - the larger the cells, the wider the ceiling will appear. Another option is to decorate the ceiling with stretch film or fabric.

Japanese style bedroom furniture

The furnishings of the rest room are minimal. However, this applies not only to bedrooms, but also to other rooms of East Japanese apartments. This is explained by the densely populated country, where everyone counts square meter and there is an acute shortage of living space.

Bed - central element. She must have a squat rectangular shape, located almost on the floor like a Japanese futon mattress. Placing it on a podium with steps will help add an original touch. Bulky storage systems are replaced with wall niches like a wardrobe with sliding doors in the Japanese style. Will complement the interior bedside tables, tea table, small shelves for trinkets.

If the room is quite large, you can divide it into zones using your favorite national sliding partitions. They represent wooden frames with white frosted glass and perpendicular strips dividing the canvas into squares or rectangles. The doors of the room should be the same.

Decor and lighting

In a room intended for recreation, it is not required bright lighting. Subdued light will create the necessary atmosphere of mystery, conducive to complete relaxation. The lamps have simple geometric shapes, are made of glass, rice paper, bamboo or fabric. If the bedroom is small, you can use it for the ceiling spotlights. Floor lamps and wall lighting are used less often, but, made in national traditions, they will decorate the room.

You need to decorate a bedroom in Japanese style carefully, without overwhelming the space. Can be installed floor vase with a national ornament, in which branches of bamboo or ikebana will be placed, traditional figurines, scented candles, and a bonsai tree will be placed on the shelves.

The walls will be decorated with national fans (they are often crowned with the head of the bed), samurai swords, and parchments with hieroglyphs. In the latter case, you need to be extremely careful - before placing an image of a hieroglyph in the interior, you need to find out its meaning.

Small bedroom in Japanese style

Since the design of everyday life in the land of the rising sun involves strict laconicism, this is ideal for small rooms. Low furniture and its minimal amount will leave a lot of free space. The mattress bed can be placed on a podium in which drawers for storing various things. In a niche of one of the walls you can equip a small wardrobe for clothes, disguising it as the “shoji” partition, beloved by the Japanese. It is better to decorate the room in light beige, milky tones. Minor black and cherry decorative elements will become accents.

Japanese style bedroom design - photo

A selection of photographs will help you imbue your imagination with the spirit of Far Eastern originality and truly stylishly decorate your bedroom interior. Collected here various options design in a truly Japanese style or more Europeanized. Choose what is closer to your perception and understanding of beauty, and feel free to experiment. Enjoy watching!
