Soviet round dining table restoration. We are restoring a round table. How to remake a table from the “ugly duckling” to Provençal style

Over time, a wooden table loses its former attractive appearance. But this is not a reason to send it to the nearest landfill or dusty attic. If desired, all shortcomings can be corrected. To do this, the table is restored, after which it will look like new. By showing your imagination, you can completely change the design of the product. Updating furniture yourself will save your budget, since restoration in specialized workshops is very expensive.

Repairing an old table at home - good way decorate the interior of your home, give it newness and comfort. After all, it is the little things that make up the overall impression of the house. Do-it-yourself restoration has the following advantages:

  1. Saving money. Repairing furniture yourself is much cheaper than buying new or ordering restoration from a specialized workshop.
  2. An opportunity to radically transform furniture and give it a second life.
  3. Decorate the table based on your own taste preferences. You can decorate your home with a unique designer item.
  4. If the furniture is of high value and is made of good wood, then restoration will help save it from damage and preserve it for a long time.

Updating furniture yourself is a very painstaking task that requires some skills. However, before repairing old table with your own hands, it would be useful to study the algorithm for carrying out the work. After all, failure to follow the rules can negatively affect the result.

Saving money

Design based on your own taste preferences

The ability to radically transform furniture

Features of restoration of a wooden table

Even the most quality furniture cannot last forever. Over time, the table surface loses its original appearance. Small cracks and chips appear on it, the varnish begins to wear off, and the fastenings no longer withstand the load. Restoring an old table is a serious repair, which primarily involves updating damaged parts. It is very important to understand that chipboard is almost irreparable. old surface It’s better to simply throw it away and put a new one in its place.

Before you update your countertop, you must remove the old one. finishing coating. If it is a painted or varnished table, then upper layer should be washed off with alcohol, acetone, and organic solvents. There are also many on sale special means for these purposes. They are available in the form of liquids, gels or powders.

If on wooden structure If there are minor scratches or other damage, they are carefully treated with sandpaper with a small grit. Repairing cracks when repairing wooden tables is carried out using:

  • wood putties;
  • mixtures of glue and wood shavings;
  • epoxy resin or special wax correctors.

You can insert suitable-sized rectangular pieces or wedges of wood into wide and deep cracks and secure it all with universal glue. The resulting gaps need to be hidden; to do this, they are filled with resin or putty. When carrying out such repairs, it is worth remembering important rule– all surfaces must be dry. Wood is a very vulnerable material. It must be protected from moisture, bacteria, fungi, and ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of a protective layer (primer, paint, varnish or azure). Most often, varnish is used for these purposes. To change the shade of furniture, you need to cover it not with transparent, but with colored varnish. The result is a very stylish and presentable polished table.

The next step is to sand the entire area of ​​the furniture with fine sandpaper. Here you need to try and sand the table to a perfectly smooth state. The level of smoothness will largely determine how the paint or varnish lays down. Before varnishing the product, the wood is primed. To preserve natural beauty and texture wooden products, they are often coated with a special tinting liquid (stain) or water-based acrylic varnish.

When restoring a table with your own hands, the craftsman is required to be attentive and careful. You need to work with chemicals in a room with good ventilation; it is also advisable to do this in special clothing and a respirator.

View all details

Remove old finish

Seal the cracks

Prime surfaces

Sand the table

Treat with stain


Necessary tools and consumables

Before you update your table, you need to stock up necessary tools and consumables, the availability of which is better to take care of in advance. To carry out the work you may need the following equipment:

  • sandpaper of varying degrees of grit (from 80 to 180 for initial processing, from 500 to 600 for polishing the final coating) or a sanding machine;
  • set of brushes and roller;
  • electric drill and several drills of different diameters;
  • chisel;
  • plane;
  • hammer, supply of nails and nail puller;
  • saw;
  • marker;
  • roulette;
  • rubber spatula for removal old paint;
  • putty, primer, varnish, paint;
  • wood glue;
  • protective equipment: masks, gloves, respirator;
  • wood protection products (impregnation that protects against unfavorable factors, for example, wood rot or pests).

A set of screwdrivers is also useful for disassembling the product. Using a marker and tape measure, markings will be made, and paints and varnishes will help protect the furniture from negative influences and change its appearance. When choosing a paint composition, it is better to give preference to a well-known brand. Before you restore an old table with your own hands, you need to make sure that the tools are intact and in working order.

Stages of work

The restoration process consists of several important stages:

  1. Selection and purchase of all necessary Supplies. It's better to do all this in advance.
  2. Preliminary table repair. In the case of desk restoration, moving parts are lubricated and drawers and shelves are repaired.
  3. Identification and elimination of major defects for further restoration.
  4. Removing old varnish.
  5. Application of protective solutions.
  6. Surface decoration using various techniques.

The last stage is the most interesting. It gives you the opportunity to realize your creative potential and bring the most creative ideas to life.

Preliminary repair

On preliminary stage restoration involves restoring and repairing furniture. You should start by assessing her condition. You need to carefully inspect the wooden table, see if the legs are broken, and check the integrity of all parts. A stable structure should not tilt or creak under load. Repairing a table begins with searching for visible defects. Next you need to disassemble it into its component parts. If the plywood that serves as the bottom of the boxes has delaminated, it must be dismantled and these parts replaced with new ones.

The presence of small bubbles on the surface of chipboard or MDF indicates that the process of peeling off the veneer has begun.

Moving parts are lubricated machine oil, if necessary, repair the mechanism itself. If corrosion appears on metal parts, they must be replaced with new ones. Outdated, unfashionable fittings can be replaced with more modern ones.

Poorly fastened elements are connected using glue. To make the table more stable, you need to replace its legs with wider ones. Not everyone knows how to restore a table if it becomes loose. The product can be strengthened using corner ties.

To repair a book-table, you need to lubricate all moving joints with machine oil.

Assess the condition of the table

Throw away the old countertop

Disassemble the table frame

Knock out the legs

Mark with a pencil where the legs are attached

Glue the broken parts together using self-tapping screws

Primary processing

Many people are interested in how to update an old coffee table if there is a long-cracked layer of varnish on its surface. In this case, it is necessary to remove the old coating and then apply a new one in its place. This work is carried out mechanically (manually using a spatula) or using special chemical compositions, which are also called washes. The mechanical method involves the use grinder. But if it’s not there, it’s okay. You can replace it with medium-grain sandpaper. The main thing when machining- do not damage the product. This especially applies to antique wood. To avoid this, movements should be directed along the wood fibers.

Remains of the old coating can also be removed using chemicals. They are applied with a small soft brush to the surface of the furniture. Active substances quickly dissolve all existing layers of varnish or paint. After 30 minutes, this solution can be easily removed using an ordinary sponge. After removing the varnish, the wood is impregnated with protective mixtures. This is an extremely important stage of restoration. wooden table, which will subsequently protect the product from damage.

Choosing between mechanical and chemically, it is worth considering that if we're talking about about rare and expensive furniture, it is best to use a remover. It can be commercially presented in the form of liquid, gel or powder. All these mixtures are absolutely safe and will not damage the structure of the tree.

To remove small cracks, chips and scratches, the following operations must be performed:

  1. Sweep dust from all crevices.
  2. Seal the cracks with wood putty.
  3. Remove excess putty and level the surface.
  4. Wait until completely dry and clean the treated areas with fine sandpaper.

These operations will help remove all defects from the surface of the table.

When restoring a coffee table with your own hands, sometimes you have to deal with the fact that there are depressions or even holes on its surface. In this case, you can use epoxy resin or fill the recesses with a mixture of fine sawdust and glue.

Remove old coating

Use sandpaper to go over the depressions and bulges.

Glue all joints and tighten the structure

Install legs

Attach the new tabletop to the underframe

Glue the legs

Connect the frame to the tabletop

Coating with decorative composition

Before you begin the final finishing, you need to prime. The composition must be applied in stages - first on the tabletop, then on the frame of the product. You can use both acrylic and alkyd primers. Processing a wooden table consists of several stages:

  1. The selected composition is applied to a clean surface and spread with a spatula; the mixture should be distributed in an even layer.
  2. After the first layer has dried, you need to apply a second one.
  3. When all layers are dry, remove uneven surfaces by sanding.

This way you can cover not only tables. Any wooden surface (chairs, chests of drawers, cabinets) needs an additional primer layer before painting. After priming it is necessary to paint. This can be as simple as painting with a brush or decorative application paint through tulle or stencil. The last stage will be treatment with varnish or wax. Varnish is often used when restoring a kitchen table with your own hands. Wax is used mainly for furniture that is constantly under the influence of external factors. It perfectly protects from the sun, moisture and various damages.

When choosing tools for application, you need to remember that low-quality brushes can leave fluff that, after drying, will be impossible to remove.

The varnish is applied using a brush, drying time is from 18 to 36 hours. Wax can be solid or watery. The liquid is immediately ready for use, while the solid must first be melted. Before you renew your kitchen table with your own hands using a protective layer of wax, you need to prepare a thick brush or cotton swab. It is advisable to carry out all these manipulations outdoors, since the compositions used contain toxic substances that are harmful to health.

Quite often there is a need to disguise minor visual defects or you just want to change the boring color of an old table. To do this, before applying the varnish composition, you can coat required areas paint.

Cover with stain

Part by part, priming the products in several layers

Remove irregularities by sanding

Grind joints on convex and concave parts

Remove dust from surfaces

Apply varnish

If desired, coat with matte varnish

The table is ready

Creative ways to update

Many people are wondering how to update old desks that are looking dismal. There are many ways to decorate the top of a kitchen table or any other:

  1. Painting. A very simple restoration method. Different types of paints are used, for example acrylic, alkyd or enamel.
  2. Artistic painting. Enough the hard way, requiring drawing skills. You can use a stencil, this makes the task much easier.
  3. Craquelure. This method is a decoration by applying a finish that imitates an old, cracked coating. This is done using special chemical mixtures.
  4. Mosaic. You can make it using smalt, but it is very expensive. It's better to use a bat tiles. For gluing, use universal glue.
  5. Decorative film. It is pasted after polishing and cleaning the surface. Using this technique, you can turn an old coffee table into a fashionable piece of furniture.
  6. Pasting with decorative tape. After polishing and treating with alcohol, adhesive tape is applied. Then the pasting area is rolled with a special roller.
  7. Processing with epoxy resin. This solution turns into plastic after application to the surface. With its help, decoration occurs with the addition of various patterns.
  8. Applying varnish or stain. This the simplest way decoration that even a beginner can handle. Moreover, it will preserve the natural texture wooden covering, and will also provide protection from moisture and fading. Most often, this method is used to update an old kitchen table.
  9. Painting through tulle. To do this you will need to find a piece of old tulle. Next you need to paint the table White color. After the paint has dried, apply tulle to the surface of the furniture so that the arrangement of the pattern looks as beautiful as possible. Secure the fabric so that it does not move during painting. Then you need to take a can and start painting. After 15 minutes, the tulle can be removed.
  10. Gilding. Using transfer gold, you can achieve a beautiful gilded effect. This operation is carried out in the same way as painting, using a stencil.

To get the effect of a pleasant dull shine, you can apply a matting solution on top of the varnish.

In order to restore a coffee table with your own hands, it is best to use mosaic decoration, painting, burning or varnishing. To “revive” a faded desk, you can choose staining or varnishing. There are quite a few ways to decorate a kitchen table: painting it with lace or tulle, decorating it with ceramic tiles or using decoupage.

Garden tables are best decorated with tiles or mosaics, especially if they are under open air. If you need to decorate a table for children's creativity, you can get creative and paint each leg a different color for a bright and cheerful piece of furniture.

Summarizing all the recommendations, we can confidently say that you can carry out the restoration of outdated furniture yourself. Anyone who has ever held tools in their hands can turn an awkward, shabby table into a real work of art. Of course, this will take time and patience, but the result is worth it.




Decorative tape

Decorative film

Processing with epoxy resin

Applying varnish or stain

Painting through tulle




Loose legs and damage to the table top in the kitchen or living room are not uncommon occurrences. Over time, the fastenings weaken, and due to accidental mechanical damage, the surface may become cracked, chipped, or abraded. Restore furniture's attractiveness and integrity, carry out high-quality restoration table you can do it yourself. Below in detailed master classes we told you how to restore a plastic, wooden (varnished or painted) and glass table. Having studied the exact instructions, you can easily carry out the work and, in addition, interestingly decorate the old table and give it a new look. To carry out the restoration, no special tools are needed: almost all of them can be found in the arsenal of the modern owner. But for restoration and decoration you will need to separately select special materials and compositions.

Restoration methods

Define best option The restoration of a table will be helped by familiarizing yourself with modern methods of repairing it, as well as the appearance obtained after treatment. You can cover the products like this:

  1. Using regular brushes (to create a perfectly smooth surface or create a smooth transition from one color to another by mixing paints directly on the countertop with a small brush).
  2. Through meshes, tulle, stencils (to obtain patterns and stylized spots on the surface).
  3. Craquelure compositions (allows for antique stylization, giving the surface the appearance of cracked paint).

You can also cover tables different types films, pasting with paper materials. All options considered are more applicable to wooden furniture, but some of them are also suitable for the restoration of plastic products.

The main stages of restoring a wooden table

Restoration of a table from natural wood requires a careful approach to each stage of recovery. This is the only way to do the work with your own hands correctly and return the furniture to its original appearance (or even make it better). Direct restoration is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Selection necessary materials and tools (working with everything ready-made will be much easier than purchasing the necessary materials during the restoration process).
  2. Carrying out initial repairs of the entire structure (this stage concerns the restoration of the integrity of the product: for example, for a dining table the work will consist of repairing the frame, for a writing table - repairing the frame, shelves, drawers).
  3. Removing old coating, restoring wood.
  4. Primary processing and decoration of furniture.
  5. The final stage of auxiliary protection of the created decor.

All of these steps will be appropriate for minor damage to old tables. If large cracks appear on the surface of the countertop or the edges of the solid begin to break off and crumble, then the work will take much longer and may not bring the desired result.

Required materials and tools

To safely and correctly restore an old table, you will need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  1. Protective equipment (goggles, mask, gloves).
  2. Sandpaper (fine + coarse) or sanding machine (with fine and coarse abrasive wheels).
  3. Painting tools (brushes, rollers).
  4. Protective compounds for wood (high-quality impregnation to protect wood from moisture, rot, pests, blue discoloration).
  5. Painting and auxiliary compositions (selected paint for repainting wooden furniture or stain, primer, varnish).
  6. Fasteners and tools for repairing an old table (screwdriver, screwdriver, self-tapping screws and screws, liquid nails, furniture glue).

Finishing can be done not only with varnish, but also with wax. The advantage of this composition is the ease of restoration: the scratched area just needs to be re-treated with wax.

Preliminary repair

Carrying out initial repairs involves restoring the strength of the entire table structure. Therefore, you need to start recovery by identifying problem areas. For example, on a table with loose legs, you should remove them and inspect the attachment points ( common cause This phenomenon is considered to be chipped threads). If necessary, damaged areas need to be glued furniture glue. If the problem is that the glue used to glue individual parts has dried out (for example, in the area of ​​​​the dowels connecting the legs and the shelf of a coffee table), then you should remove old glue and place the parts on liquid nails. In the case of transformable dining tables, it may be necessary to restore the table height adjustment mechanism. Usually the problem with poor movement of the mechanism is solved by simply cleaning the parts and lubricating them.

Removing old coating

When the initial repairs have been carried out and the furniture has been restored to its former strength and reliability, you can begin to remove the old coating. The work can be carried out in several ways:

  • Mechanical.

In this case, the old varnish and paint are cleaned using an abrasive sandpaper or sander. Initially, rough cleaning is carried out: flaking pieces of varnish and paint are cleaned with coarse or medium-grain sandpaper. Then, fine abrasive sandpaper is used to more accurately remove the residue. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to remove the top layer of wood.

  • Chemical.

Exist special compounds designed for removing old varnish and paint from wood. They are applied with a brush to the furniture. Then, after 20-30 minutes, they are removed with a brush (already along with the corroded old coating).

Dust should be removed from the cleaned wood and treated antiseptic impregnation. The impregnation usually takes about 24 hours to dry. Such work should be carried out both for furniture made of natural wood and for products made of chipboard and MDF.

Repairing cracks and chips

In order to properly repair the table, and not just refresh it, you should take care of proper removal of chips and cracks. To work, you will need a brush, wood putty (preferably as close in color as possible to the color of the wood), and fine-abrasive sandpaper. The following master class will help you do the job correctly:

  1. Carefully remove dust from damaged areas (chips and cracks). If pre-treatment with an antiseptic was carried out, then this work may not be carried out.
  2. Using a soft rubber spatula, “seal” chips and cracks with wood putty. It is necessary to insert the composition as deeply as possible in order to completely close the formed depressions.
  3. Carefully remove excess putty: level the surface of the areas to be restored.
  4. After the putty has dried, walk over the treated areas with fine-abrasive sandpaper.

Preparation for finishing: priming

Before arranging the restored table and decorating it, the surface should be primed. This requirement applies to both the tabletop and the frame itself. To work, you will need shellac, acrylic or alkyd primer: they are suitable for coating wood. Direct priming is carried out as follows:

  1. Apply to the table surface a small amount of primers (processing is initially carried out in sections), distributed rubber spatula. It is advisable to distribute the composition as carefully as possible in order to obtain even layer. After covering individual areas, you need to align all transitions so that there are no differences.
  2. After the first coat has dried (usually takes 1 to 6 hours), apply a second coat and wait for it to dry.
  3. Grind over the dried primer to properly level the surface and eliminate any differences.

Ways to give the final decoration

You can paint or decorate a table in an unusual way without involving specialists - with your own hands. This work can be done in different ways:

  • regular coloring;

It is carried out using wood paint and a brush. The composition is evenly distributed over all surfaces.

  • painting with figured rollers;

To paint, you will need wood paint and a roller with three-dimensional patterns on the surface. Paint is applied in one motion, then the roller is adjusted to its width.

  • decoupage;

Decoupage glue is applied to the surface of the table, and prepared paper elements (solid sheets or cut out elements) are glued.

  • dyeing through tulle;

Ironed tulle is laid out on top of the prepared surface (simply primed or painted white). Spray paint is sprayed on top. The tulle is carefully removed so that the design does not smear.

  • painting through a stencil;

A stencil is made from cardboard (or a ready-made one is purchased). The stencil is applied to the table, and the tabletop is painted through the cut out template. A popular option for highlighting the perimeter, corners or central part of the table.

  • multi-color painting.

Several paints with similar colors are used (for example, from light to dark). Paints different colors applied in wide stripes. Then smooth transitions are carefully made between them with a brush.

Final coating with varnish or wax

Finishing it with varnish or wax will help to consolidate the result of decoration and additionally protect the table from damage and moisture. Modern varnishes have fairly good wear resistance and can be used for coffee tables (which are rarely used) and for kitchen tables (which are used daily). Wax provides the most reliable protection, therefore it is mostly used for treating kitchen tables. The varnish is applied with a brush in 1 layer. The drying time of the composition depends on its characteristics and features (it may take 18-36 hours for complete drying). The wax paste is applied with a swab or thick brush. Liquid wax is distributed with a brush over the entire surface of the table (tabletop, legs). Before application, hard wax is melted and then spread with a brush (“rubbed” into the surface). But you need to keep in mind that hard wax may contain chemical additives.

What material to paste over

If painting the table after restoration is not suitable, you should pay attention to modern methods of pasting furniture. These include:

  • Pasting with film.

The film is peeled off from the paper base and applied (glued to the table). It is necessary to gradually separate the film and additionally iron its adhesive parts (for example, with a rubber spatula) to remove bubbles. You can additionally blow the film along the edge of the tabletop with a hairdryer for better fixation and also iron it.

  • Tabletop decor with tape.

Decorative tape of different colors can be glued to the tabletop in strips or formed into squares. You can additionally glue a transparent film on top (following the example above) for reliable protection tape from damage and peeling.

Methods for restoring a glass table

A glass table, even with very careful use, can become covered with scratches and “scuffs.” Especially if it is included in the lunch group and is used daily. If the tabletop is slightly damaged, you can restore the glass surface on your own using the following compounds:

  • colorless (transparent) varnish: due to penetration into cracks, it somewhat levels the surface, but is a temporary solution and requires very careful application;
  • GOI paste: allows you to get rid of minor scratches, before use, heats up according to the instructions on the package and then rubs into the damaged areas with gentle circular movements;
  • soda: diluted to a mushy state and rubbed into the damaged parts in the same way as GOI paste;
  • toothpaste (not gel): it is used to polish the tabletop, due to which the glass returns shine, and micro-scratches and abrasions disappear.

If there are large chips and cracks, it is recommended to completely replace the tabletop yourself or have it repaired by specialists. A peeling frame can be easily restored by carefully removing the dried glue and applying new glue. adhesive composition. When screwing the tabletop to the frame, it is recommended to replace loose screws with new ones.

How to update a plastic table

Majority plastic furniture Over time, it loses its original attractiveness, even if used in home (not balcony or country) conditions. For example, due to minor mechanical damage, it may become covered with scratches and abrasions. But a constant hit sunlight may cause the plastic to burn out and turn yellow. You can update such tables in two ways:

  • Repainting.

The best option for products with smooth countertops. Initially, the surface of the plastic is treated with fine abrasive sandpaper, then degreased and coated with a primer. The final step will be to coat the product with spray paint.

  • Decoupage.

The best solution for tables with shaped projections or recesses. Initially, using fine abrasive sandpaper, the entire table top and frame are cleaned. Then it is degreased. The napkins (or paper, thin newspaper) chosen for decoration are glued onto the decoupage glue. After the glue has dried, the product is coated with transparent varnish.

Ideas for updating your coffee table

To update the look of your coffee table, you don't have to completely repaint it. You can simply highlight its individual parts or emphasize its shape. To the very interesting options relate:

  • Pasting with a custom sticker.

To suit the size of a rectangular table, you can order a sticker with an image of a cassette (for a round one, you can vinyl record, for oval - cut pear or melon). Paste the image onto the cleaned surface.

  • Staining.

The variety of stains allows you to completely change the color of the wood, make it brighter or darker, or even lighten it altogether. Painting protruding elements and carved decorations to match the patina will help complement this decor. For work, it is recommended to take gold or bronze paint.

  • Craquelure decor.

Remaking a table to make it look antique will completely change its appearance. Initially, it should be painted in a color that will help highlight the veins. There is no need to decorate it with “cracks”. You just need to apply craquelure varnish, which will ensure the appearance of these cracks.

How to update a countertop

Separately updating the tabletop and decorating it with decor allows you to give even a very old table an original look. designer look. The most interesting options for this design include:

  • Laying out the mosaic.

A mosaic is laid out on a cleaned surface using a special solution, thereby forming patterns or an abstract design. Then the seams between the mosaics are rubbed.

  • Decor with ceramic tiles.

For large tables you can use not only small mosaics, but also large tiles. The work is carried out according to a similar scheme, but the finished decor will have a certain pattern (or will be monochromatic).

  • “Picture” under glass (for rectangular and square tabletops).

A timber frame is tacked or glued around the perimeter of the tabletop. Sand is poured inside the frame and shells are laid out (another option is to lay out photos and letters). Glass is installed on top of the frame.


Updating furniture with your own hands is not an easy, but still doable task. So before you throw away your old table, think about the possibility of restoring it. Even a shabby lacquered coffee table can be repaired and decorated in an unusual way. If desired, the prepared furniture can be painted with different paints, varnished (for gloss) or painted with matting compounds. Also, the updated table can be covered with films and stickers. There are a lot of ways to decorate products; you just need to choose the appropriate one, based on the specifics of its implementation and the degree of complexity. You can update not only wooden, but also plastic, glass tables. Above we described methods for restoring such products using simple materials and tools. Following step by step instructions And useful tips, you can easily “bring back to life” even a very old, and at first glance, table that cannot be restored.

The site company has been actively engaged in the restoration of tables and wooden products for more than 10 years. In our practice, we are guided by the extensive knowledge and honed skills of our carpentry and woodworking craftsmen. It will not be difficult for them to carry out full repairs in the workshop and correct minor cosmetic defects of furniture on site.

At your service:

  • Restoration of the kitchen table. Key damage to kitchen counters involves contact with hot cookware. Burns can be easily eliminated both on solid wood and on products made of MDF and fiberboard.
  • Restoration of the desk. Desk and office desks must be maintained in good condition, as this workplace. IN desks we are ready to replace the guides ourselves drawers, install new handles, magnetic locks and stops.
  • Restoration of a coffee table. Coffee tables often suffer from being shorter than usual. Therefore, you cannot notice them and, if you trip over them, you can damage them. We fulfill complete replacement glass table tops, artificial stone and wood.
  • Restoration of polished tables. Furniture with a mirror-polished surface requires careful care. Dust quickly settles on it, leaving traces of grease and wear. Our painters will help restore the original shine.
  • Restoration of the round table. Compact round tables with one or more legs help save space in small kitchens, cafes, used as card tables. Radius tabletops are more expensive to manufacture, so restoration of a table of this shape is also justified financially.
  • Restoration of the dining table. A family dinner or a holiday with friends cannot be imagined at a broken or scratched dining table. The restorers of our workshop are ready to completely renew the varnish and paint on the tabletop, restore loose legs and make individual parts anew.
  • Restoration of an antique table. For houses with rich history and private collections, periodic restoration of the table is something that goes without saying. Experienced restorers familiar with the field will help preserve the original appearance of furniture. traditional design furniture and wood processing techniques.

Restoring a kitchen table allows you to update the design and improve its appearance. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to continue to use your favorite piece of furniture, and it is possible to change the color of the coating and apply a design. There are many options for tabletop design. This can be any image, different types of techniques are used, including decoupage, artificial aging furniture, etc.

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Repair of table structures

To return the product to its former attractiveness, two restoration methods are used:

  • simple;
  • with design changes.

At the next stage, the piece of furniture is decorated. IN in this case work is performed on prepared surfaces. Repair of the product without the need to change the design is carried out taking into account the type of material. For example, if the kitchen table is made of metal, the following types of work are performed:

  1. Removal of the countertop is required.
  2. The old coating is removed.
  3. Individual sections or the entire surface of the product are puttyed, which is necessary when the table is old.
  4. Grinding. This is done using coarse, medium or fine grit sandpaper. It is selected taking into account the degree of roughness of the coating. For example, to eliminate significant defects, coarse-grain sandpaper is used. However, in any case, before moving on to the next stage, the structural elements of the kitchen table are processed with fine-grained sandpaper.
  5. After sanding, priming is performed. Special compounds are used. It is important to choose a product designed to work with the type of material from which the table is made.
  6. Painting is done using a roller or brush. You can proceed to this stage if you have already chosen a decorative technique. Applying varnish after priming will improve adhesion to the surface. To obtain an even coating, coloring is performed several times. First, primary processing is carried out, then you need to let the first layer dry. After this, the procedure is repeated 1-2 more times.

Restoration of the legs and surface of the table with changes in design is carried out according to the instructions discussed, but some points may be added. For example, additional structural elements are installed: legs, wheels, wooden fringe around the perimeter, carved parts, etc. You can change the shape and size of the tabletop, its thickness. For comparison, with a simple restoration such work is not performed.

If the wooden or metal legs become loose, you can replace the fasteners. If the holes for fasteners have enlarged over time, you will need to use larger screws.

An alternative option is to change the mounting locations of the legs. Old holes in the countertop need to be filled with putty. These works are carried out on preparatory stage, just before finishing painting. It is possible to replace the tabletop by choosing a different material: glass, chipboard, chipboard.

How to update your kitchen table?

Various surface decoration techniques are used. When choosing, the material from which a piece of furniture is made does not always play an important role. The difference in the finishing process of wood and metal table consists in the use of special primer compositions and processing methods. If you plan to update your kitchen table yourself, you should consider popular decorating techniques. Most of them are carried out using paints and varnishes, but there are also those that are implemented using ceramics, tulle, etc.


This is the most common way to update furniture pieces. Paint and varnish are used, it all depends on the type of material from which the product is made. For example, a painted kitchen table with a peeling finish is restored and varnished, which will preserve the natural wood grain. Painting will help hide minor defects and update products made of metal, plastic, wood.

You need to choose a color. If the color scheme of the interior is bright, muted tones should be used, and vice versa, they make an emphasis in the design, highlighting the kitchen table through bright colors. The pattern and coloring technique are selected individually. You can use alkyd enamel, water-based, oil paint. The choice is made taking into account the type of material. If you are deciding how to paint a product, you need to remember that all surfaces are covered in several layers. paints and varnishes can be sprayed from a can or applied with a roller or brush.


In this case, paper elements with different types of patterns are glued to the surface of the tabletop. Napkins are often used for this purpose. They buy special glue for decoupage; the decor will not last long if you do not apply varnish to the surface. It is also possible to use PVA glue. Sequencing:

  • the surface is degreased;
  • the tabletop is opened with an acrylic primer twice, each layer must dry well;
  • grinding;
  • coloring with a background shade;
  • the drawing is glued to the table, it is straightened in the direction from the center to the edges, it is better to leave the napkin to dry in natural conditions;
  • then applied acrylic lacquer, it is advisable to repeat the procedure 3-4 times, while you need to wait until the surface is completely dry.

Decoupage of a kitchen table can be done not only with the help of napkins - wallpaper and other paper-based materials are used for this purpose.


They use the burning technique. This option Suitable for working with wood. The decor can be anything: stickers, stencils, painting. Kitchen tables are decorated in different ways; how to decorate furniture to make it look stylish requires a closer look. A popular method is artificial aging of objects. A wooden kitchen table can also be decorated in this way; the design is carried out according to the instructions:

  1. Surfaces are sanded. Large areas can be treated with a sander; difficult areas can be cleaned with fine-grain sandpaper.
  2. Wood dust is removed from the surface.
  3. They artificially create defects on the countertop: indentations from heavy objects, scratches, etc.
  4. The tabletop is covered with stain twice.
  5. To preserve the antique effect, tung oil should be applied immediately after treating the product with stain. It is better not to use varnish for this purpose, since a glossy finish does not help maintain the antique style. Tung oil should be thoroughly rubbed into the surface and left to dry overnight.
  6. On last stage treat the kitchen stack with wax and polish.

You can use paint of different shades to give the product an antique effect. The secret is to apply another layer; to create abrasions, use a sponge soaked in paint or a thin brush. The shade should be different from the background. A pattern is applied that imitates cracks or a pattern of peeling paint.

Decorating with tiles

This technique has many advantages:

  • improvement appearance old table;
  • the ability to place hot dishes on the countertop;
  • ease of care;
  • long service period.

Do-it-yourself kitchen table restoration can be done using large tiles. They also use mosaics. In any case, the weight of the piece of furniture will increase significantly. For registration table will do And broken tiles. Using pieces of different sizes will result in a mosaic effect.

If you have an old table that has lost its presentable appearance, do not rush to throw it in the trash. It has served you for many years, and rest assured, it will continue to serve you if you spend a little time on it. The restoration of the table can be carried out in such a way that it will compete with any designer item. New life can be inhaled using absolutely different methods and technician. Let's look at the most popular methods.

Options for how to transform an old table

To restore an old table with your own hands, you can resort to one of the following options:

  • Veneering (covering an old wooden surface with veneer).
  • Painting.
  • Pasting with self-adhesive film.
  • Decoupage (application of tabletops with designs from napkins, banana or rice paper).
  • Painting using stencils (using a paper or fabric stencil).
  • Tiling.
  • Decor using gold leaf (foil that is glued in the form of patterns).

Materials and tools for restoration

To restore your old table to its former beauty, you will need the following:

  • Sandpaper.
  • Sander.
  • Paint for wooden surfaces.
  • Impregnation.
  • Primer.
  • Primer roller.
  • Varnish (colorless and colored).

Also don't forget about individual means protection:

  • Respirator.
  • Protective glasses.
  • Work gloves.


To restore an old table with your own hands, you need to follow the following steps:

  • First, inspect the table for scratches, cracks and other defects. If there are any damage, be sure to fix them. Check all bolts on the tabletop and legs and tighten them.

Important! The most the best option will disassemble the table into individual parts, clean them from dust and dirt, and then assemble it again. When assembling, for better fixation, you can add glue to the attachment points and wait until it dries completely (at least 15 hours).

  • Next, sand the table using a machine or sand it by hand. This will make it possible to align all problem areas that were not previously visible. Removing old varnish and paint is quite time-consuming and labor-intensive. Sand the surface with medium-grain and then fine-grain sandpaper.

Important! Try to sand the wood along the grain. If processed incorrectly, defects may occur that are subsequently very difficult to eliminate.

  • All discovered deep scratches and seal the cracks with putty. Dry the patches completely, then clean and sand the surface.
  • Degrease the table with acetone and prime its surface. For these purposes, you can use a universal primer. Instead of impregnation, prime the tabletop 2-3 times, completely drying each layer.
  • Sand the table surface thoroughly again.
  • If there are no cracks, chips or scratches on the countertop, then you can treat it water-repellent impregnation, and then cover it with several layers of varnish or stain. This gives the surface the unique effect of fresh wood.
  • If the condition of the surface is unimportant and the table is subsequently planned to be decorated, then it needs to be painted. For these purposes, it is better to use water-based paint. Apply it with a large brush. When the paint is dry, apply a second coat. Application must be quick thin layers. Dry the table for at least four days.

Important! It is advisable to apply dark paint in two or three layers to avoid unsightly gaps.

How can you decorate a tabletop?

Restoring a table is, of course, good. But to create a real work of art, you need to design the tabletop. To do this, you can choose one of the following methods.


Painting is one of the most popular techniques for decorating interiors and household items. There are several options for painting furniture:

  • Artistic painting with thin brushes.
  • Painting with stamps.
  • Painting using stencils (templates).

Important! For glass table top ideal options there will be an airy and bright painting with stained glass paints.

Painting using tulle or some other lace looks incredibly beautiful. To apply an openwork pattern to the surface of the table, you just need to attach the tulle to the tabletop, securing it with tape, and paint the table in the same way as with an ordinary stencil - using a roller, foam sponge or spray paint. It is advisable to choose a paint color that contrasts with the color of the surface.

Important! Painting on a glass tabletop must be applied from the reverse side, while the front side must remain smooth.

Tile decor

You can update your countertop by decorating it with tiles. The use of tiles on the table opens up a lot of scope for imagination, since today the choice is truly huge. For these purposes you can choose:

  • Mosaic tiles.
  • Ceramic tiles.
  • Tiles made of plastic composite materials.

Important! It is very convenient to work with mosaic tiles. Such tiles are simply cut with a knife. Thus, excess parts can be removed without any problems.

The whole procedure will be creative and simple:

  • Restoring a table begins with cleaning the surface and degreasing it.
  • Then, using a special glue, the tiles are fixed on the table.
  • After a few hours, the joints between the tiles are grouted, using grout or special joint paint for this purpose.

Important! A mosaic made of pieces of tiles looks very interesting on the table.


Potal is very thin sheets of different metal alloys, used to imitate any surface in silver, bronze or gold. The gilding technique is often used when finishing pieces of furniture along with other decorative techniques and techniques:

  1. To begin, draw a stencil on which the gold leaf will later be glued.
  2. Then apply glue to it using a thin brush.
  3. Carefully place the sheets of gold leaf onto the glue.
  4. Using a soft brush, very carefully remove unnecessary parts of the sheet.
  5. The thicker the brush you use to apply the glue, the thicker the gold leaf pattern will be.

Important! Particles of sheets of gold that remain from decorating the tabletop in this style can be collected and used again in powder form.

Painting in different colors

You can restore an old table with your own hands by painting it in different colors. This is a very interesting technique that many modern designers use:

  • To begin, cover the entire tabletop with one color.
  • After the paint has dried, stick it on masking tape, creating a stencil for the remaining colors from it.
  • Using a brush or roller, apply all the other colors one after another.
  • After the paint has dried, remove the masking tape.

Important! You can glue or draw various pictures on a colored background.

  • Finally, coat the table with two or three coats of clear varnish. This will add strength to the decor and protect from mechanical damage.

Important! The varnish can be either matte or glossy - according to your desire.


You can update an old table using the decoupage technique even without any special skills. Learning to create masterpieces using this technique is not at all difficult.

To restore a table using decoupage technique you will need the following:

  • Pictures for decoupage - you can use ordinary napkins with a design you like or even images from magazines.
  • PVA glue.
  • Acrylic varnish (it is better to buy varnish in a can).
  • Napkin.
  • Acetone or alcohol.
  • Brush.

The work sequence is as follows:

  • Clean the table from old paint and dirt. After this, degrease the surface by wiping it thoroughly with a cloth with alcohol or acetone.

Important! If the surface is poorly cleaned, the decor will turn out sloppy.

  • Select pictures and make the necessary composition from them. Any image will do: for the kitchen table you can choose motifs of vegetables and fruits, various colors. A table with motifs of ancient buildings looks very interesting.

Important! If you use special decoupage pictures, then you don’t need to do anything extra with them - just glue them on, removing the top layer.

  • Place the cut out pictures on the table. Mix PVA and water in equal proportions and glue the pictures to the surface in selected places. To prevent bubbles from forming, smooth the pictures with a napkin, expelling excess air from under them. Next, leave the pictures to dry.
  • After the decoupage is completely dry, varnish the surface of the table with pictures. Apply the varnish in several stages, waiting until the previous layer has completely dried.
  • Restoring a table can help transform an old, unnecessary thing into a real work of art. In order to decorate a piece of furniture, you can choose any decor option convenient for you. As you can see, this does not require a lot of money, effort or skills - even a beginner can cope with this task.
