Scissors for corrugated board. How to cut corrugated board. Video about the tools that are used when cutting corrugated board

Decking and steel (tin) sheet are very similar in structure, but the methods of cutting them are different. Unlike tin sheet, this material is profiled (to increase rigidity) and has an anti-corrosion polymer coating. When cutting it yourself, be sure to follow the rules, trying to minimize damage to the protective coating. In this article, we will tell you how and with what to cut the material, as well as give an explanatory video.

Material Features

When choosing a sawing tool, always consider important factor: the protective coating does not withstand high temperatures. Therefore, the preference for this case always give to the cold method of cutting metal and correctly select the required tool.

Cutting corrugated board using autogen, plasma and other similar tools is categorically not suitable for cutting this material. The list of unsuitable tools also includes abrasive tools(for example, a grinder) because they cause charring of the anti-corrosion coating, heating of the metal and burning out of zinc. We offer to figure out the best way to cut the material for the fence in order to maximize its safety.

Tool selection

Ordinary metal hacksaw. It is considered the safest tool. The process is manual, but it does not take as much time as it seems at first glance, since the corrugated board is cut with a hacksaw quite easily. With this method, no high temperature occurs, and the coating of the sheet is perfectly preserved.

The disadvantages include: the lack of the ability to cut complex shapes and the need for a dedicated desktop.

Jigsaw (electric or manual). Great for separating various curvilinear complex shapes. In the case of using a jigsaw, this process is accelerated and simplified.

Metal shears (manual or electric). This tool, unfortunately, is not so widespread, but I would like to note that it is convenient to use - metal sheets are cut by it quite quickly and easily.
There is one drawback - the edge may not turn out to be perfectly even, but this is not a problem, because when laying it, you can close it with the next sheet.

Bulgarian. On the grinder, the abrasive disc must be replaced with a special disc. Thanks to the material from which this special blade is made and its shape, sawing is more accurate and delicate. Such disks are made of high-strength metal alloy, so the teeth of the disks do not break when cutting hard metal sheets.

In any case, the tool must be made of carbide metal.


When using any of the above tools, when cutting, pay attention to minimizing the area of ​​damage to the integrity of the coating. After all, no matter how carefully you cut, the integrity of the protective coating on the end part will still be violated, and this will affect the life of the corrugated board.

You are unlikely to be able to completely restore the protective coating on your own, but you can treat the cut areas with an anti-corrosion preparation, and then paint over them for greater reliability. Use factory paint, which is usually attached to the material. If the paint was not included in the kit, then it doesn’t matter - get a can of paint of a suitable texture and color from a hardware store. Having thus processed the corrugated board, you will protect the seams from the adverse effects of weather phenomena.


In the following video you will see how easy it is to use the grinder:

When a material such as corrugated board is used in construction, the question always arises of how and with what to cut it off so that the edges are intact and the polymer layer is not damaged. There are many tools for this, the main thing is to choose the convenient one.

In its structure, corrugated board is very similar to a simple tin sheet, only corrugated. This suggests the conclusion that corrugated board can be cut in the same way as tin. But this is not entirely true. Because on top the sheet is covered with a layer of material that saves from corrosion. And the main thing when cutting corrugated board is to maintain the integrity of this layer.

The peculiarity of cutting corrugated board is that its coating deteriorates under the influence of high temperature, therefore, it is necessary to cut using cold methods. Therefore, autogen or plasma methods are not suitable in this case. The grinder also needs to be handled carefully, use only special discs, otherwise you can destroy the entire protective layer of the material. You can cut the corrugated board using:

  1. Bulgarian.
  2. Electric scissors.
  3. Saw low speed.
  4. Hacksaw.
  5. A jigsaw that cuts metal.

Cutting profiled sheets with a grinder

Before you cut the corrugated board with a grinder, you need to buy a special disc, which is exactly designed to cut the profiled sheets. The thickness of this disc is from 1mm to 1.6mm and the teeth are made of durable material.
After finishing work, it is necessary to paint the edges of the profile flooring with a special paint, so corrosion will not appear in these places. But builders do not advise cutting the entire package of corrugated board at the same time, because very often the metal is damaged in such cases. There is one plus from the use of a grinder - this is speed. Sheets can be cut in minutes and without much effort.

And there are a few more cons:

  1. Since the grinder is an abrasive tool, it can damage the sheets. This can happen because the hot metal particles, when cutting the sheet with a grinder, fall on protective surface flooring and burn through the polymer coating and after a while corrosion appears in these places.
  2. After cutting the metal with a grinder, the edges remain torn and will need to be further processed.
  3. A very strong and sharp sound when cutting corrugated board with an angle grinder can cause concern to you and your neighbors.

Cutting profiled sheet with a hacksaw

Among other tools for cutting corrugated board, experts usually choose a hacksaw for metal. Because this tool is convenient, economical and has a number of advantages:

  1. Thanks to the hacksaw, the sheets are cut quite quickly and accurately, and there are no burrs or notches on the cut.
  2. The work is done by hand, but it does not require much physical labor.
  3. A hacksaw is very convenient in cutting small sheets with a small thickness, which are then used on small roofs, fences.

Cons in sawing a profiled sheet with a hacksaw:

  1. It is very easy to cut a sheet of corrugated board in a straight line with a hacksaw, but if you need to make curved cuts, then nothing will work. Therefore, along with a hacksaw, you will have to use other tools.
  2. To work with a hacksaw, you need a special table on which profiled sheets are attached before cutting.
  3. In any case, all the disadvantages of the work fade before the pros and ease of use of a hacksaw.

Cutting profile sheet with a jigsaw

electric or manual jigsaw used when cutting a profile sheet when it is necessary to perform a curved cut. If you need to make small cuts, then a manual jigsaw works well. But electric is used in cases where the amount of work is very large. The quality of work is not affected by what kind of jigsaw was used.

If the wave height is from 25 mm, and the length is small, then use electric jigsaw. It is necessary to cut such material either along or across the flooring. But when cutting, it is necessary to press the sheet with force so that there is no trembling.

The jigsaw blade should be designed for working with metal, with small teeth, it is necessary to work at high speeds. When you change speed, observe the longitudinal tilt of the saw.

The advantages of these works are low cost, and among the minuses:

  1. It is inconvenient to cut corrugated board across if its corrugation is higher than 25 mm.
  2. If you cut thin strips with a jigsaw, then the quality may be lost, and this work will take a long time.
  3. If you use an electric tool, the edges of the sheet may burn, so the cut will need to be additionally treated with enamel.
  4. Loud noise during operation.

Cutting profile sheet with metal scissors

In small areas it is very convenient to use special scissors for cutting corrugated board. With this tool, you can easily cut the sheet across the wave. Benefits of using scissors:

  1. You can quickly and accurately cut thin strips, while not spending a lot of effort.
  2. When cut across the sheet, the metal does not deteriorate.

Disadvantages of using scissors:

  1. Due to the low flexibility along the corrugation of the corrugated board, cutting in this direction is inconvenient.
  2. Sometimes there are torn edges.

Despite the disadvantages, it is metal shears that are used if you need to cut off a sheet that is used in the construction of a gate, garage or fence. They need to cut small amounts of flooring.

Other profile sheet cutting tools

In addition to the above tools, there are several more options than cutting corrugated board. For example, you can use a circular saw. When cutting, it is turned on at low speeds, because high speeds can damage the sheet. When using a saw, you can easily cut the sheet in any direction, but you need to do this with a partner. And use the minimum feed.

Electric scissors are also used, especially in cases where it is not necessary to have perfectly even edges. Therefore, builders love electric scissors so much, their main advantage is the speed and quality of execution, among the disadvantages are rough edges on the cuts.

After cutting the corrugated board

Even if you cut the metal very carefully, you still cannot avoid the integrity of the protective layer, and therefore you need to immediately take measures so that the sheet lasts as long as possible.

How to handle the cut line:

  1. Special anti-corrosion and moisture-resistant materials that are sold at any hardware store.
  2. Often, when buying profiled sheets, factory paint is also attached to them. She needs to immediately paint the edges of the sheet.
  3. If such factory paint is not included in the kit, then you need to immediately buy a can of paint, the color and texture of which matches the similar paint on the profile sheet.

The right tool and the implementation of all subsequent work after cutting will allow the corrugated board to last for many years.

The pro-thinned-out leaf, is material without which any construction does not do. Just before you adjust it to size, you need to scrupulously figure out how and with what to cut the corrugated board. Although the process itself is simple, and with certain tools it is fast, there are nuances in this operation that are not visible to the eye. And the error can manifest itself in a couple of months after the start of operation.

Rolled steel coated with zinc, with a thickness of 0.3 to 1.5 mm, with trapezoidal or rounded stiffeners extruded in it, is called corrugated board.

The overall dimensions of the sheet and the color of the corrugated board do not matter for the disclosure of the topic.

Tool gradation

For cutting profiled sheet, tools can be used:

  1. Electrical, including:
    • Stationary;
    • Manual.
  2. Mechanical.

Of course, when working at home, it is not possible to use a stationary power tool. This means that the entire spectrum of our review will only take a hand tool for cutting corrugated board.

Hand electric tool


The most common power tool with which you can cut a profiled sheet is an angle grinder, or a grinder.

There are a number of prejudices that inspire a person with the idea that if a profiled sheet is cut off with a grinder, it will rust very quickly. This is explained by the fact that significant heating of the material occurs in the place of the cut, which in turn leads to the burning out of the protective zinc layer.

Let's get it right.

Zinc has a boiling point of ≈ 906˚C and a melting point of over 400˚C. In other words, even in order for the zinc to melt, it is necessary to heat the profiled sheet to an extremely high temperature, at which the cutting wheel will crumble and the paint will char.

So this argument is false.

There is another argument - sparks seriously damage the paint layer. It is a fact! But this aspect can be prevented by using a protective sticker.

How to cut corrugated board with a grinder

For a safe and high-quality cut of a profiled sheet, follow the following rules:

  • Before cutting corrugated board, stick on the cutting line masking tape, and mark it on it;
  • Scotch must be watered with water, 3-5 cm before the point of contact with the cutting tool;
  • Set the minimum speed on the grinder;
  • Cut with short touches, for one contact, cutting off no more than 10-15 cm of material.

FIG. 1. BOSCH disc

IMPORTANT: observing the above rules, cutting of corrugated board without damaging the protective layers can be carried out with any cutting disc.

The cut line after working with the angle grinder is perfectly even, without burrs and waves.

Electric jigsaw

There are two standards for jigsaws - household and professional. In addition to the fact that a professional electric jigsaw is much more powerful, it is more difficult to find the right blade for an amateur tool.

But for cutting corrugated board in a small volume, any electric jigsaw will fit, the main thing is to choose the right blade.

How to cut with a jigsaw

To work with a profiled sheet, it is necessary to use a sheet for metal, with a fine tooth and wavy wiring. In this case, the cut will take place with minimal heating of the web and material.

FIG 2. Jigsaw blades

Blade length important parameter, which affects not only the depth of cut, but also the width of the cut. The fact is that a long canvas begins to play when working with thick metal. And the closer to the end of the canvas, the vibration becomes more noticeable.

Such a beating somewhat expands the cut line, and this is especially noticeable on corrugated board with a deep / high relief.

The edge of the cut is obtained with notches and with a small wave. To level this flaw, you can walk along the edge with a file.

Electric scissors

Although they are intended for one purpose, they work according to different schemes, since there are three types of electric scissors:

  • Leafy;
  • Slotted;
  • Cutting.

Most optimal result when cutting corrugated board, they give slotted electric shears. In fact, they are the most underpowered of all varieties, and even expensive models they cannot properly cut corrugated board thicker than 1.5 mm.

IMPORTANT: it is slotted electric shears that do not bend or bend the profiled sheet at all when cutting.

But the cut can be started from anywhere, it is enough to make a hole in the sheet of metal with the same tool. The edge is smooth, without burrs. But to protect against cuts, it is better to process sharp edges with a file.

Only electric scissors have a big drawback - the price. Since the tool is extremely highly specialized, it has very limited use in everyday life. And the cost of the cheapest model, Makita BJS100Z, which allows you to cut metal up to 1 mm thick, is more than 7 thousand rubles. And if this device is needed only 1-2 times, then it is better to look for another option.

Hand circular saw

The ontological principle of the impact on the material is the same for a hand circular saw and for a grinder. But studying the advice of experts on how to cut corrugated board, an amazing inconsistency emerges. It turns out that the grinder leads to the destruction of the protective coating, but there is no circular! Absurd! But upon closer inspection, it turns out that such advice is more driven by security concerns. The fact is that when cutting a profiled sheet, the disk can “bite”.

And if for a manual circular such an episode cannot lead to tragedy, because the architecture and design of the case prevents this, then for an angle grinder, “biting” the disk can lead to sad consequences. Especially if a toothed disc was used.

IMPORTANT: when working with a cutting power tool, scrupulously follow the safety rules! Do not exceed the maximum allowable material thickness and blade speed.

In fact, manual cutting of corrugated board circular saw- most fast way. The only downside- unsafe edge remaining after using the circular.

But to fix this flaw, you can:

A. File the edge;

B. Use a disc with fine teeth.


In another way, this device is called the "Multifunction Tool". The device is quite new, and little known to the general public. Nevertheless, it has a number of significant advantages that can be successfully used when cutting a profiled sheet.

FIG 3. Renovator

Using a cutting blade for metal, you can easily cut sheets of corrugated board up to 1 mm thick. The cut can be started from anywhere.

The colossal advantage of the renovator is its safety.

A monstrous drawback is the noise.

But the renovator copes with the task quickly, and the edge is of perfect quality.

mechanical tool

To work with a mechanical tool, you will need to make some effort, but if you need to cut 1-2 sheets with something, then the task is quite feasible.

Hacksaw for metal

The option is not the best, since most models have a bow (arc-shaped) shape. It is this arc that prevents an even cut. A way out can be found if you use hacksaws for metal with one-sided fastening of the blade.

If you use a blade with a fine tooth, then you can cut the profiled sheet at a faster pace, and the sawn edge will be perfect.

FIG 5. Hacksaw BOSCH

Metal shears

They may be intended for:

Straight cut;

  • Right cut;
  • Left cut.

FIGURE 4. Metal shears

Working with them is easy and simple. If you use scissors of only one type, then when moving from one cutting plane to another, the profiled sheet will bend.

To prevent this defect, all types of scissors are used, changing them at the transition between stiffeners.

construction knife

It can be used to a limited extent only if:

  1. The thickness of the corrugated board does not exceed 0.8 mm;
  2. The cut is carried out along the sheet.

The procedure is as follows.

The sheet is placed on a flat surface, and the cut line is marked with a marker. Then a ruler (or rule) is applied, and with pressure it is carried out construction knife by markup.

The task is to form deep scratch on metal.

Then the sheet is bent along the marked line, first to one side, then to the other side. After 2 bends, the profiled sheet breaks in the right place.

Edge protection

Regardless of what the corrugated board had to be cut with, edge processing is a significant event that significantly extends the life of the sheet material.

For this purpose, you can use any coatings that are designed for metal processing. Once dry, they will create a protective film that will last at least half a dozen years on the material when used outdoors.

Application for protection lubricants, such as WD40, does not have weighty arguments behind it, because after 3-4 good autumn rains, non-drying materials will be washed off with water.


It is advisable to purchase expensive and highly specialized tools for cutting corrugated board only if a solid amount of work is planned.

Most the best choice there will be slotted electric scissors.

With small volumes, you can perfectly manage with simple metal scissors.

With the help of a metal profiled sheet, you can solve a variety of construction tasks - finish walls and roofs, mount prefabricated buildings, fences and other structures. Due to its small thickness and weight, this material can be adjusted directly at the installation site using hand tools for this purpose.

Features of cutting corrugated board - tool selection

Although the processing of a profiled sheet looks simple, however, certain features of the material must be taken into account. The fact is that this is not an ordinary homogeneous metal sheet: corrugated board in its structure resembles a layer cake, which includes a metal base and several layers of protective and decorative type. If this protection is broken during cutting, it will expose the inside of the sheet to corrosion.

As a result, the service life of the material is significantly reduced. Therefore, before cutting corrugated board, it is important to find out the features of this procedure in order to avoid causing serious damage to the material.

Working with a grinder

The biggest danger when working with corrugated board is the heating of its surface, which usually accompanies cutting. It is for this reason that when choosing the option of how to cut a profiled sheet, it is better not to use gas cutters. The same applies to the grinder: like all other high-speed tools with abrasive wheels, it provokes the combustion of metal along the cut line. As for the protective coating, it is damaged on both sides of the cut line. The thickness of the damage strip can reach 3-5 mm, due to which edge corrosion appears on the surface.

A certain danger is also represented by sparks that occur during the cutting of corrugated board with a grinder. High temperature allows them to damage the protective coating of the profiled sheet even at some distance from the processing site. The grinder can only be used if it is replaced abrasive wheel on a special disc for cutting corrugated board, which has fine teeth. It is important to understand that even this tool cannot guarantee the complete absence of damage. If you are not completely sure how to cut the corrugated board with a grinder, it is best to exclude this option.

How to cut a profiled sheet - safe options

Especially popular with builders is an electric saw equipped with a special disk.

The undoubted advantages of this tool for cutting corrugated board are:

  • The rotation speed is almost two times less than that of the angle grinder. This allows the circular saw not to melt the metal at the place of cutting, but to turn it into fine sawdust.
  • Performance circular saw very significant, which contributes to good productivity.
  • Replacement discs for working on profiled sheet are very easy to find: they are usually found in departments for cutting discs various modifications.

When working with an electric tool that has a rotating circle, considerable care must be taken. During the work of cutting metal sheets, metal particles are formed, which, scattering into different sides may cause injury. This kind of operation should be carried out by people who have the necessary skill in how to cut off the corrugated board.

In situations where we are talking about cutting a small amount material, it is best to use classic version- manual hacksaw for metal. Although this tool is simple, it can be used to carry out a wide variety of operations even for a person with minimal values, how to cut a profiled sheet. As for the likelihood of injury in this case, he needs to try very hard for this. However, it is important to understand that cutting a profiled sheet with a hand saw will take quite a lot of time. The implementation of such an operation will require a special table.

You can also use a hand or electric saw. This will increase the speed of work, but the cut line will only be straight. As for the electric jigsaw, curly cutting is also made with it: this is often used to fit roofing in places where chimneys pass or ventilation ducts. Before carrying out such operations, it is important to carefully mark the area to be treated, in order to avoid errors when cutting. It is important to understand that the electric jigsaw will be able to master the profiled sheet, in which the profile height does not exceed 20 mm. If this parameter is higher, gusts of metal and breakage of the cutting tool may occur.

If you want to adjust the corrugated board, which has a slight thickness, you can use profiled sheet scissors for this. For this, both a conventional hand tool for metal and special electrical appliances to work with corrugated board. There are three types of such scissors: they can be nibbling, knife and slotted. If you want to achieve a significant accuracy of cutting, it is better to use a slotted tool. It has a special head that guarantees excellent cutting quality. sheet metal. Deformations and distortions usually do not occur in this case.

Professional builders generally prefer electric shears, as it is most convenient to cut profiled sheets with their help. Along with the usual and electric tools, there are also cutting ones. When cutting a profiled sheet with their help, two parallel straight lines are obtained. This avoids the procedure for bending the material.

Before starting work, the presence of a special handle makes it possible to set the matrix holder at a right angle to the direction of the cut. Thanks to this, it is possible to avoid the appearance of burrs when cutting a rectangular profile. This tool is quite expensive, and is characterized by a narrow specialization. Usually the purchase of nibblers or electric scissors is justified only in case of professional use.

Some craftsmen, when arranging the roof, prefer to use special nozzles for a drill. If you have experience, using such a nozzle is quite convenient to cut and fit profiled sheets in areas with limited access. All of the above tools for cutting corrugated board have their strengths and weak sides. Therefore, it is clearly not possible to give a recipe for all occasions. Usually the choice optimal tool directly depends on the specifics of the work - the complexity and shape of the cutout, the convenience of the operation. Work experience and personal preferences play a significant role.

The specifics of using a jigsaw - how to cut it correctly

When choosing the right tool for cutting profiled sheets, it is recommended to pay attention to an electric jigsaw. It is especially good in cases of self-implementation. roofing works at your dacha. The same applies to the construction of a fence from corrugated board. Preference should be given to a tool with a laser guide. The electric jigsaw allows you to cut the profiled sheet, without any experience in such operations. Serious efforts are also not required. Besides, this device will be useful in carpentry or for cutting branches in the garden.

Servicing an electric jigsaw is quite simple. The same applies to handling it - in this case, you will not need any special skills to cut a profiled sheet. The tool has high speed work, with a very minimal chance of injury. If the saw breaks, the installation of a new nozzle is carried out very quickly. Thanks to these qualities, the jigsaw is very popular when choosing suitable option to work with corrugated board.

How to work with an electric jigsaw:

  1. Before cutting the profiled sheet, it is necessary to carefully mark the surface intended for cutting. It is convenient to mark the lines of future cuts with a regular marker.
  2. When fixing the sheet, it is important to raise it to a height of at least 100 mm from the desktop, achieving its secure fixation. Any movement during operation must be excluded. In this case, it is convenient to work on ordinary construction goats.
  3. After the marking and fixing of the material is carried out, you can start cutting it. It is better to replace visual control with a laser pointer: this will allow you to achieve even cutting, without deviating to the right or left of the intended direction.
  4. When working, it is advisable to press the jigsaw to the cut canvas as tightly as possible. Not every site will succeed, but where possible, it is desirable to do so. In this case, the load on the saw will noticeably decrease, and it will not break as often.
  5. This tool is one of the safest options for working with profiled sheet - the risk of injury or damage in this case is reduced to almost zero. To do this, the jigsaw has special safety and protective mechanisms, such as shields and limiters for the movement of the saw. However, despite this, additional prudence will not be superfluous. When cutting, it is not recommended to use your hand as an emphasis on the sheet. It is better to hold it by the edge or edge. The hand should not be along the cutting line at all - not a single safety mechanism will save from such stupidity. It does not matter how far away cutting tool. As for protective clothing, thick mittens or gloves, a tight jacket and goggles that protect against flying chips will not interfere.

How to protect the ends of the profiled sheet from corrosion

Even a special tool for cutting corrugated board does not give a full guarantee that the material will not receive some damage. The most resistant in this regard is a sheet of thickness class 1, with protective coating from zinc: its molecules along the cut line create reliable protection from oxidation.

In other cases, the edges of the profiled sheet must be treated with anti-corrosion mastic. It also does not hurt to paint over these areas in the tone of the protective layer. These simple precautions will reliably protect the edges of the material along its fitting line from premature loss of performance.

The popularity of the material is due not only to its low cost, but also to the ease of processing. In this article, we will look at how to properly cut corrugated board so as not to damage its protective zinc and polymer layer. For cutting, you will need ordinary tools, many of which are likely to be found in any home. Since the sheet of corrugated board weighs a little, you can saw it right on the spot.

Process and material features

Rolled metal with stiffening ribs in the form of waves, squares or trapezoids is made of steel and aluminum with a thickness of 0.3-1.2 mm. Thick sheets marked "C" (wall) are used mainly for the construction of fences. Bearing corrugated board "H" and roofing "PC" are more suitable for arranging canopies and roofs. The NS brand is universal and is used for roofing of buildings and structures and erection of fences.

Despite the ease of processing, when cutting profiled sheets, certain rules must be followed so as not to disturb the surface of the galvanized and special protective film. Otherwise, the material will quickly become unusable and begin to rust.

What is the best way to cut corrugated board? Power tools:

It is definitely difficult to answer this question. Depending on the specific task: material thickness, shape of the cut line and installation features, different types tools. Much depends on personal preference.


Long term exposure high temperatures brings the greatest harm galvanized corrugated surface. The polymer or paintwork. The use of gas-cutting equipment, as well as angle grinders with conventional discs for processing corrugated board, is highly undesirable. Indeed, in the process of peeling and even burning of the coating, edge corrosion quickly appears - lateral cracks at the ends of the sheets.

Abrasive discs are capable of heating metal up to 600°C. For acrylic, polyurethane or PVC coatings, sparks flying out from under the disk for a sufficiently long distance are also dangerous. Plus, after cutting with conventional discs, burrs remain on the metal, which will need to be removed. And the tool makes a lot of noise when cutting.

Cutting with a grinder is only allowed using cutting discs with more fine teeth. The edges after processing are quite smooth, with minimal damage to the coating. However, in this case, in order to avoid the appearance of foci of corrosion, it is worth being extremely careful and avoiding overheating and sparking. By the way, the noise when cutting with cutting discs is much less.

Disc for cutting corrugated board with a grinder

To work with a profiled sheet, it is necessary to purchase a special disc of small thickness (no more than 1.0-1.6 mm) made of carbide metal. It is intended specifically for cutting profiled sheets. The edge after processing is more accurate. Some specialists with diamond-coated discs are able to easily process a pack of corrugated board 10 sheets thick at once.

Electric jigsaw

In the absence of other tools at hand, it is quite possible to cut a small amount of material with a profile height of up to 20-25 mm with a jigsaw. With a high wave, it will tear the canvas. And the tool itself can quickly fail.

Before starting work, the sheet is fixed on the table (ordinary goats are also suitable) so that the edge is at a weight of 10 centimeters from the surface. It is more convenient to use a jigsaw with a laser pointer - the line will turn out to be more even. It is pressed tightly against the sheet and cut along a predetermined line. To avoid injuries, the corrugated board must only be held, and not completely leaned on it.

It is more difficult to cut a large amount of corrugated board with a jigsaw, so professional roofers use it mainly to get curly cuts. Such an adjustment may be necessary when laying the roof at the junction with chimneys or ventilation pipes. It will take much more time to get long longitudinal lines with it than when working with a grinder.

Important! Just as in the case of the grinder, the jigsaw should not be installed at high speeds. Otherwise, the corrugated board coating will simply burn out.

Electric shears for metal

It is quite convenient to work with them when processing thin 1-mm metal - they are not inferior in speed to a grinder. With a certain skill in a short time, electric scissors can cut a sufficient amount of material both in a straight line and along curved lines.

However, metal shears often wrap the edges. Therefore, after processing, it may be necessary to straighten the sheets with a mallet. If it is not at hand, trim the edge with an ordinary hammer, after placing a wooden gasket.

Perfect option for cutting - nibbling scissors. In fact, this is a miniature punch press. Since the cut line goes in two directions at once, the corrugated board does not deform. You can start work even from the middle of the sheet. To avoid the appearance of burrs, before starting work, the scissors are adjusted so that the tool is turned at 90 ° to the line being cut. However, the tool is not cheap, and it is mainly used by professionals.

Electric circular saw

Speed hand saw 2 times less than that of a grinder, so the metal almost does not melt during processing. With this power tool, a fairly large amount of material can be cut in a short time.

An electric saw, like a grinder, must be equipped with a disc for cutting corrugated board - they are sold in all construction stores. You will also need a special cutting table. When working, you should be careful - the saw forms a large amount of chips, which can fly off at any time. In the absence of experience working with it, it is better not to take on cutting corrugated board.

Advice! To adjust the profile, the use of a drill attachment is allowed. She is quite capable of carving small size corrugated board in hard-to-reach areas.

Manual tool for corrugated board

In addition to power tools, there are also hand tools. It is difficult and slow to work with them, but hand tools has its advantages. They may well come in handy for small amounts of work or the need for a neat cut.

Hacksaw for metal

Professionals often use this tool to cut profiled sheets. Of course, working with it is a little more time-consuming. But cutting with a hacksaw has many advantages:

  • cuts are perfectly even, without chips and do not require additional processing;
  • it can easily cut even the thickest sheets;
  • there is no need to lay a cable to the installation site - electricity is not required in this case;
  • a hacksaw is safer than any power tool, and a non-professional can work with it - the likelihood of injury is much less;
  • great physical strength is not required during work: it is quite possible to cut sheets for the roof with your own hands.

For work, you will need a table and devices for fixing sheets. Otherwise, you will have to take an assistant who will hold the corrugated board.

Important! With a hacksaw, cuts are made only in a straight line. Curvilinear lines are best done with scissors.


With this tool it is possible to perform cuts of any shape, including curvilinear ones. But a manual jigsaw is much smaller than a hacksaw, so it will take a long time to cut. Perhaps it can only be useful for processing short curved sections. As with the jigsaw, the limitation is the wavelength. With a profile over 25 cm, the edges will be cut unevenly and will look torn.

Metal shears

This tool may be needed to obtain curved cuts. It can also be used for processing a small amount of thin-walled sheets of corrugated board. However, in any case, the cutting process will be longer than when working with a power tool.

The only advantage of metal shears is the complete preservation of the coating during processing. But it's better to use them as additional tool in the event that processing of edges across a wave is required. Ideal option - slotted scissors. Punch and knife do not have a special head that allows you to get an accurate cut.

How to protect cut edges from corrosion?

Even with the use of special tools, the edge of the corrugated board after cutting needs additional processing to protect it from oxidation. To do this, you can cover the edges of the sheets special composition(mastic or primer) or paint over the cut lines with anti-corrosion paint, similar in shade to the color of the protective layer.
