How to instill positive thoughts in yourself. Self-hypnosis against diseases. Self-hypnosis methods. What is the power of self-hypnosis? Psychotechnics – balloon

How to care for eco-leather and how to clean and wash an eco-leather sofa? Sofas with such a covering, however, like any other cushioned furniture, are used in many homes and offices. Products have high quality and fully comply with European standards, the material visually and to the touch is very reminiscent of genuine leather. A sofa and other furniture made from this material looks stylish and gives a sophisticated look to the design of the room. In order for the sofa to retain its original appearance for a long time, you need to follow some simple rules of care. How to clean an eco-leather sofa from paint and other contaminants at home is described in detail in this article.

Advantages of eco-leather products

Today, artificial leather is very popular in furniture production. Recently this material belonged to a number of inexpensive and not quite quality coatings. But modern technologies furniture production every year they improve their products in accordance with the preferences and needs of consumers. Non-standard design solutions and exclusive materials make it possible to produce high quality furniture.

Eco-leather upholstery belongs to this class. She has a number important advantages, so there are more and more fans of such furniture every day:

  • Eco leather - environmentally friendly pure material, it does not contain additives harmful to the human body.
  • It has high hygroscopic properties, does not cause allergies, and allows air to pass through well.
  • It is quite wear-resistant and durable material, making caring for a sofa made of eco-leather quite easy.
  • Pleasant and comfortable fabric in contact with the human body.
  • The products have a chic, expensive look and will elegantly complement any interior.
  • The reasonable cost of items made from this fabric is an undeniable advantage of choosing such products.

Eco-leather sofa cleaner

There are a large number of ways to quickly and efficiently clean eco-leather furniture from different types pollution. It is necessary to regularly monitor the cleanliness of furniture, especially if it is white. Agree, such a sofa looks impressive and expensive, but the choice of such products needs to be approached carefully, especially if you have small children or animals.

What can I use?

For effective cleaning, you should prepare a product in advance so that the cleaning process will not take much time and will not harm such a delicate coating. IN in this case you may need the following ingredients:

  • dressing or laundry soap 72%.
  • Alcohol-water solution or ammonia.

Important! When using it on a surface, it is necessary to clean with a weakly concentrated solution of 20%, increasing the saturation if necessary.

Prohibited products for cleaning eco-leather sofas

Eco leather – modern synthetic material, made on a fabric basis, coated in the form of a polyvinyl chloride film. Its technical and performance characteristics are in no way inferior natural coating leather. But not proper care for eco-leather furniture or its absence can cause cracks and scratches on the surface, which, unfortunately, are impossible to get rid of.

To prevent the appearance of such defects, check out the list of products that are strictly prohibited from being used on eco-leather products:

  • Products and liquids containing chlorine;
  • Cleaning and washing powders;
  • Scrapers, hard sponges, brushes;
  • Products containing acids;
  • Bleaches, solvents, chemical solutions;
  • Furniture varnish, drying oil.

When arranging a room, each of us wants to purchase furniture with the highest quality and durable upholstery, made taking into account modern fashion trends, because the purchase is not made for one year. But over time, even the most expensive interior items lose their pristine beauty.

General cleaning rules

In order to prevent rapid wear of eco-leather products, follow these simple recommendations:

  • Periodically wipe the surface of the furniture with a dry cloth or soft cloth for removing dust from bends and finishing seams.
  • To remove stains from the surface of the sofa, use only soft flannel or cotton cloth.

Important! The use of hard brushes and rags can cause microcracks to appear on the surface, which will lead to more serious damage.

  • Don’t know how to clean white eco-leather on a sofa? A fresh stain that has formed on the surface can be easily removed with lemon. It is enough to place a small piece of fruit on the damaged area for a while, then rub it with a damp cloth.
  • To remove stubborn stains, use a soapy solution of 72% laundry soap.
  • You can deal with old or persistent stains with a weak solution of alcohol or ammonia.
  • How to clean eco-leather on a white sofa? For light furniture purchase at hardware store in the department household chemicals special remedy artificial leather care. These products will effectively and carefully clean delicate white surfaces.
  • To create additional protection, treat the surface water-repellent impregnation for genuine leather.
  • Spilled tea or coffee should be cleaned up as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the liquid will be absorbed into the fibers, and it will be much more difficult to remove it.

Important! Artificial leather has different composition, density and quality, so when purchasing furniture made from this fabric, ask your sales consultant what products can be used for this material.

Cleaning sequence:

  1. Before applying the product to the stain, lightly wet the stain with clean water.

Important! You should not wet the sofa with plenty of water, because the material quickly absorbs moisture. Subsequently, unaesthetic stains may form on the coating.

  1. Soak a soft cloth or cotton pad in the liquid prepared for cleaning.

Important! First, try the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​furniture. If there is no negative result, apply on the visible part of the sofa.

  1. Using circular movements, moving from the edge of the stain to its center, wipe the damaged area.

Important! Do not apply excessive force, rub or press hard on the surface. Such actions will only cause the stain to be absorbed further into the fabric.

  1. Wipe the sofa dry with a soft cloth and treat with moisture-resistant impregnation.

Important! Do not use a hair dryer to dry the interior item. Warm air dries out the skin, after which cracks may form.

Eco leather - artificial material Very similar to genuine leather, it is widely used for making clothes, bags, and shoes. It is used to make car covers and furniture upholstery. By appearance Faux leather cannot be distinguished from natural leather, but there is a slight difference in caring for the products.

So that eco-leather products have beautiful view and have served us for a long time, we need to take proper care of them. Regular and proper care is one of the elements of strength and durability. Each type of pollution has its own cleaning method and we must know them in order to avoid unnecessary problems.


  1. can't be placed near heating devices and under straight lines Sun rays. When exposed to strong heat, the upholstery becomes deformed and fades in the sun;
  2. remove dust with a cloth or napkin slightly moistened with water;
  3. at heavy pollution wipe with soapy water;
  4. remove greasy stains with a solution ethyl alcohol, shaving paste;
  5. remove ink stains with acetone, then wipe with a damp cloth;
  6. if the skin is white, then wipe it with warm milk;
  7. We remove stains from grease and oils on white skin using hydrogen peroxide.

Important! When caring for eco-leather, you need to use weak solutions (20%) and wipe the product dry after processing.


  1. wipe regularly damp cloth, in case of severe contamination, use a special shampoo;
  2. do not allow moisture to get inside the shoes;
  3. use moisture-resistant protective creams;
  4. In case of severe scuffs, touch up with shoe paint.

Reference! All natural leather care products can be used for eco-leather.


  1. can be washed in warm water using liquid laundry detergent;
  2. do not expose to strong mechanical stress;
  3. After washing, let the water drain; do not wring out;
  4. dry on hangers of suitable size to avoid deformation of the products;
  5. some things can be washed in automatic machines by choosing a gentle mode without spinning;
  6. For minor stains, wipe with a cloth slightly moistened with water, a solution of detergent, or an alcohol solution.

Note! To avoid damaging your clothes when washing, follow the instructions on the manufacturer's label.

Car covers

  1. Can be cleaned in the same way as any eco-leather product. Wipe with a damp cloth, alcohol solution, acetone, hydrogen peroxide; after treatment, wipe with a dry cloth.
  2. There are many car seat care products on sale in the form of foams and creams, use them. Apply the cream to the surface, let it absorb a little and then wipe with a cloth.
  3. After cleaning, treat the surface with water and a dirt-repellent agent.
  4. Very dirty covers should be dry cleaned.

To care for and clean leather products, you can use cleaning wet wipes for monitors. They contain alcohol, they clean well, dry quickly and do not harm artificial leather.

Prohibited eco-leather care products

  1. Do not use gasoline or solvents; they damage and corrode products;
  2. It is prohibited to use brushes, scrapers, knives and various sharp objects that can tear or cut the skin;
  3. It is contraindicated to dry products on radiators or with a hairdryer;
  4. It is not recommended to heat or iron with a hot iron.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use chlorine-containing products for cleaning. For all products there is one rule for care - you cannot rub, press, stretch too much, you need to clean gently and carefully.

Suggestion is something without which many processes in society are impossible. Communication, education, work, relationships with the opposite sex - suggestion is present everywhere. This influence can be used both for selfish purposes, to achieve one’s own goals, and as an auxiliary therapy - self-hypnosis and orientation towards well-being.

Definition of the concept

Suggestion is an influence aimed at changing a person’s behavioral characteristics, his mental and due to changes in behavior and psyche, the individual at whom the suggestion is directed freely perceives new information (attitude, instruction, order). The second name for suggestion is suggestion, and the person directing the suggestion is called a suggestor.

Influences of this kind are carried out verbally and non-verbally. During communication, individuals also use suggestion, constantly imposing emotions, desires, moods and opinions on each other.

The power of suggestion directly depends on the quality of the information received, the authority of the person directing the influence on someone, and the suggestibility of the individual. In addition to a person, it intensifies under the influence of external and internal factors: natural disasters, the emotional state of the individual, his suggestibility.

Suggestion, unlike persuasion, is not based on logical arguments, but on a person’s willingness to accept instructions and transmitted information on a subconscious level. It instills in the suggestible someone else’s ideas, sensations and feelings without the use of any evidence or logical explanations.

Who is most susceptible to suggestion?

Children and women, as well as teenagers, impressionable people are more susceptible to the influence of others than adult men with an established psyche. A person becomes suggestible under the influence of the following physical and mental factors:

  • weakness and fatigue;
  • pain;
  • bodily relaxation;
  • drowsiness;
  • emotional excitement;
  • boredom;
  • low level of development of thinking;
  • incompetence in any area;
  • weakness of will;
  • anxiety;
  • shyness;
  • lack of time when making any decision.

A person can resist influence both intentionally and unintentionally. Intentional resistance helps to purposefully overcome suggestion. This consists of constant conscious analysis of the information received, comparing it with personal knowledge and beliefs. If the suggested program does not match the existing data, the person rejects it. Unintentional resistance lies in the pathological tendency of individuals to doubt.

Forms of suggestion

There are three main forms of influence on humans:

  • hypnosis;
  • suggestion when a person is completely relaxed, both mental and physical;
  • suggestion in Everyday life, while the individual is awake.

This kind of influence is aimed at reducing a person’s vigilance, weakening his thought processes to accept information, while using the emotions of the suggested person. That is, during installation, new information is associated with facts, people, situations that are already familiar to a person, which arouse his feelings. This makes it possible to win over the individual and instill trust in him. It should be taken into account that when negative emotions the installation will be completely rejected.


Suggestion and persuasion are similar and at the same time radically different concepts. The latter can be equated to a subtype of suggestion. This method of influence uses logical techniques combined with social and social methods. That is, references to authoritative sources of information and the influence of a group of individuals are used as a tool. In the latter case, persuasion works more effectively, since the group influence on a person is stronger than the influence of one individual on another.

Conviction is aimed directly at a person’s logic and reason. Therefore, when influencing, the level of personal development is taken into account. At a low level, persuasion may not work, since in underdeveloped individuals it is usually completely or partially absent


Hypnosis and suggestion are practically inseparable concepts. Hypnosis is a state in which a person is between sleep and wakefulness. In other words, hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness, trance. The hypnotist uses various techniques to put a person into a trance, influencing the psyche of the hypnotized person.

The hypnotist performs several actions simultaneously: induction into a trance; introducing one’s own attitudes into the subconscious, instilling certain tasks. A person is immersed in a hypnotic state through constant, monotonous actions of the hypnotist, aimed at irritating certain senses:

  • touch (touching, stroking);
  • hearing (muffled music, calm tone of voice);
  • vision (fixation of gaze on any attribute of the hypnotist).

Also, some hypnotists practice complete blocking of the senses - physical relaxation, closing the eyes during the session. A person can plunge into a hypnotic state only if his brain has a predisposition to transition into an inhibited state.


This subtype of suggestion is a technique of self-government. A person constantly inspires himself with any thoughts, imposes emotions and a desire to act. The influence on one’s own self is actively used in pedagogy, education, and independent learning in various sciences. Self-hypnosis is a psychological suggestion that helps you overcome your own fears and achieve your goal.

Main forms given impact are:

  • affirmations - text and speech suggestions;
  • visualization - images and pictures that create a mood and embody a specific goal;
  • meditation and self-hypnosis - suggestion of thoughts.

Self-hypnosis does not always give a positive attitude; often a person unconsciously inspires himself with a negative outcome of events and mentally lowers his self-esteem. This does not allow the individual to develop and improve normally. Therefore, self-hypnosis should always be positive and conscious. The effectiveness of the impact depends on a person’s susceptibility to attitudes, as well as their quality - incorrect and unrealistic attitudes are usually not perceived by the subconscious.

Methods and types of suggestion

Basically, suggestion is a verbal, verbal influence, enhanced by various auxiliary techniques. According to historical data, the word has always had a strong influence on people, it helped to cure dangerous diseases, and could stop and start a war.

In any of the methods, the impact first irritates one of the areas of the brain, simultaneously slowing down the work of the remaining part of it, and then, with the help of discharge, the suggested thought, word or idea is firmly fixed in the subconscious.

The mechanisms of suggestion are:

  • Direct. Here main role plays the speech of the person directing the suggestion.
  • Indirect. In addition to speech, other types of influence are used, stimuli that enhance the effect of suggestion

Mental suggestion, implementation own desires and ideas - influence, the result of which is a change in attitudes, beliefs and attitudes towards something or someone. This also includes the emergence of new aspirations in life, which the individual had not previously thought about.

This method of influence is used in the absence of close contact with the suggested person, that is, at a distance. The suggestor imagines in detail that the object of suggestion is currently next to him, while feeling how his thoughts reach their destination - the subconscious of the suggested person. In order for mental suggestion to take place, a person needs to believe in his own strength, as well as imagine in detail what he wants to achieve from the suggested person, into what state he wants to put him.

Verbal or verbal suggestion

This kind of influence involves complete immersion of the suggested person into a relaxed state. This increases the strength of the verbal signals sent by the suggestor. The latter must be completely confident in his own capabilities, collected and focused on the implementation of his plans.

Verbal or verbal suggestion has several subtypes:

  • Direct. Here simple settings are used, understandable both to the suggestor himself and to the suggestible. They are quickly spoken and implemented, while the suggestible person does not have the opportunity to refuse to accept the attitude. This method of suggestion was previously used to block pain during operations.
  • Indirect. With such influence, a person does not understand what the suggestor is trying to achieve from him, and he has a choice: accept the attitude or resist it.
  • Open verbal suggestion. Here the suggestible is offered several different installations, having accepted which, he can begin to act. The success of suggestion depends on the person’s attitude to the information received.
  • Hidden verbal suggestion. This is the combination of an individual’s calm speech with certain hidden orders (commands, settings).

All phrases and individual words are pronounced insistently, but at the same time calmly and evenly, not too loudly. The voice must contain the strength and confidence of the suggestor. The power of suggestion with words increases several times if phrases are constantly repeated, since repetition helps to consolidate new information in the subconscious of the suggestible.

Nonverbal suggestion

The influence is carried out using visual contact with the suggestible person, changing the intonation of the suggestor, various gestures, fixing a person’s gaze on a constantly moving object. Words are used here as an auxiliary tool.

Methods of suggestion with non-verbal influence:

  • Change physical condition human - catalepsy. During suggestion, the individual takes a certain pose, which is imposed on him by the suggestor.
  • Introducing pauses into spoken text. The suggestible person involuntarily fills the gaps between the information received with his own thoughts, decisions and attitudes.
  • Suggestion of levitation. Here, physical influence is completely absent; the suggestible person is immersed in a trance only thanks to his own imagination.

How to make suggestion more effective

Whatever the impact on a person, to achieve a positive result you must follow the following rules:

  1. The suggestible person must be in a relaxed state, while his logic and critical thinking must be completely turned off. This is possible with mild alcohol intoxication, as well as immersion in a trance.
  2. The suggestor needs to believe in what he is trying to inspire in a person, otherwise the influence will not be effective. Also, he should not doubt his own abilities during the session.
  3. To achieve the desired result, you need to constantly train and improve yourself.
  4. During the influence, the suggestor must fulfill all the promises given to the ward, otherwise the suggestion will not be effective.

How to protect yourself from exposure

Due to the fact that many scammers use suggestion as a way to make money, there is a need for self-protection from this influence.

  • When communicating with unfamiliar people, you need to remember your own goals, if necessary, shifting the conversation to a topic that interests you.
  • In dialogue, you need to constantly change your posture, use gestures, periodically changing intonation and tempo. It is also recommended to change the speed of breathing.
  • At the slightest suspicion of suggestion and the inability to free yourself from it, you need to abruptly break off the dialogue and leave.
  • During a conversation, experts do not recommend looking into the eyes of a person trying to inspire something in you, or observing his manipulations, be it waving his arms or using any objects that attract attention. Here you should fix your gaze on a static object, or constantly move your gaze from one object to another.
  • If you understand that they are trying to instill in you other people’s ideas and desires, then you need to immerse yourself in memories, mentally draw a picture of some events.
  • Communication with one’s own “I,” listening to loud music, and reading any text aloud helps stop external influences.

Remember that suggestion can be either positive or negative. A positive message helps a person regain self-confidence, restore health and give up bad habits, while a negative suggestion destroys a person from the inside, setting him up for a negative outcome of events.

How do we use the tiny moment that we have to live?

Bad habits, overeating, ignoring sports - all this taken together leads to the emergence and progression of diseases and premature aging.

"People don't die, they kill themselves" - said one of the Roman philosophers. Following the great laws of nature is quite simple. People suffering from illnesses dream of a quick and easy path to health and youth.

But health must be earned. It cannot be bought. It's not for sale. People who buy medicines from pharmacies and swallow handfuls of them can only get relief from their illnesses.

In childhood, we wait for the onset of youth, then we wait for the onset of maturity, postponing the main affairs of our lives for the future. A man retires, looks back at the path he has traveled: it’s as if a cold wind is blowing in his face and the cruel truth is revealed to him that everything is irrevocably gone. We understand too late that the meaning of life lies in life itself, in every day and hour of it. Each person is the creator of his own character, but he is also the guardian of his health and well-being. We have forgotten that living means feeling healthy and joyful. Start living the way nature wants and know that you are part of the infinite. The state of your body, health and happiness depends only on you.

The great French philosopher Montaigne made the following words the motto of his life: “A person suffers not so much from what happens, but from how he evaluates what is happening.” But our assessment of what is happening depends only on us.

Health - natural state our body. All the forces of nature are aimed at maintaining this state. Anxiety and disordered thoughts are often the cause of illness. A person should avoid boredom, despair, sadness, and should stop talking about his illnesses - real or imaginary.

There is a known case when several people agreed to play a prank on their friend. To completely healthy young man a good friend comes up and says: “You look very bad today, pale, haggard, are you really sick?” During the day, three or four more people approached him with the same words. The young man became worried and called a doctor. A doctor from the same company, having examined him, said: “You need to be treated, you are seriously ill.” The young man fell ill, his health condition worsened every day. Then they told him about the cause of the illness. But even after this, the patient could not fully recover from the disease for two months. This is what the power of suggestion is.

Another case similar to the previous one. For some offense, the shaman says to one of the members of his tribe: “In three days you will die.” Three days pass and the completely healthy young hunter dies. This is also the power of suggestion.

We must believe in health, and this will benefit not only others, but also ourselves. There is a triangle: doctor, patient, disease. If the patient believes in recovery, if he is on the doctor’s side, the disease will recede. If the patient has come to terms with the disease, he is oppressed by gloomy thoughts and a feeling of hopelessness - he is incurable. Therefore, the first task of any doctor, any health worker is to instill in the patient faith in himself, in his strength.

Several books have been published in the United States of America on the treatment of cancer patients with psychotherapeutic methods. The head of the All-Union Center for Psychiatric Endocrinology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.I. Belkin, says: “Several years ago, during our first trip to the USA, we visited one of the clinics where psychotherapeutic methods of treating cancer patients are used. We openly admitted to our colleagues that we do not believe in the effectiveness of this method, but we will change our minds if we see the cure of at least one patient. And we were given this opportunity. We recently visited this clinic again and were convinced: patients who 2 years ago, according to doctors, had several months, even weeks, to live, now looked completely healthy. But they've tried everything before traditional methods Treatment: radiation and chemical therapy, surgical interventions, but it was not possible to stop the development of the disease. Correction of the psyche made it possible to defeat the disease.”

The main task of the doctor and the patient’s relatives is to maintain hope, because it is the primary condition for recovery. The patient needs not so much an examination as supervision. He wants to be listened to, talked to; he wants to believe that the doctor cares whether he lives or dies; he wants to be sure that the doctor and loved ones are worried about his health. The recovery or death of the patient often depends on how others behave.

Let's talk about a man with amazing fortitude, Mikhail Divov. He managed to recover from an incurable disease - ankylosing spondylitis (with ankylosing spondylitis, the spine turns into a kind of pillar of salt with the gradual death of all body functions). He was cured not with the help of medicine, which in this case is powerless, but on his own, choosing life as his goal.

Drug treatment has never in the entire history of medicine led to a cure for this disease. M. Divov was left alone with his inevitable, painful death. His whole being actively rebelled against such a prospect. He began to fight his incurable, according to medicine, illness. To defeat his merciless enemy, he first had to defeat a stronger and more insidious enemy - himself, his laziness, his willingness to think in general cliches and take trivial truths on faith. With incredible difficulty and pain, he forced himself to do self-massage and exercises for the flexibility of the spine and stiff joints. He switched to a different diet than before, primarily plant-based, fasting became an essential part of his life, physical exercise identified it. He had to go through terrible shock pain in order to straighten the frozen joints millimeter by millimeter. And, most importantly, the more mercilessly he treated himself, the softer he was in his relationships with others. And he defeated his illness, despite all the gloomy forecasts of official medicine.

People not only get sick in a sluggish, measured life, but also get tired of it if there is no major goal ahead. When one appears, a person can forget about food and food, about all kinds of vain matters. He looks like an arrow flying towards the target. All aspirations, all efforts of soul and body are aimed at one thing - to achieve the goal. A person lives, he burns, additional reserves of the body are activated, illness and old age are forgotten. A person lives the life he should live.

Why does it often happen that a retired person does not live long? Yes, because there is no goal, there is no beacon that calls a person forward. The person has come to terms with the fact that life is over, apathy, boredom, and a feeling of hopelessness set in. A person has nothing to strive for - he perishes. And how many such weak-willed, humble people are, floating with the flow! After all, any chronic illness- the result of laziness and lack of will.

Here are a few practical advice to these people.

Firstly, forget all the talk about your illness, don’t let anyone talk about it.

Secondly, set yourself up for recovery, constantly convince yourself that you are healthy, your ailments are temporary and curable.

Thirdly, having set yourself the goal of recovery, achieve this goal at all costs.

Change your daily routine, establish a certain routine. Exercises in the morning, a contrast shower or wiping twice a day are required. Give up bad habits– alcohol, smoking, coffee. Be especially careful about overeating. Set yourself fasting days every other day, and complete fasting once a week. Even without using medications, just following these rules, you will feel much better within a month.

All of these factors give the body a new incentive in the fight for health, strengthen a person’s will, and prevent him from falling into inner hopelessness. If pills did not help you at one time, turn to herbs - there is no disease that cannot be cured by plants, if they are used correctly and skillfully.

Often people cannot take advantage of the opportunity or opportunity that presents itself, and the opportunity passes away from them to another person with a strong will. Convinced that they have lost a lot, people curse fate, bringing down their anger on it. They are sure that fate is to blame, but they themselves are to blame.

The famous American writer Washington Irving said: “Great men set goals for themselves, others live by their desires.” And both health and success in business and life depend on the goals that a person has set for himself, on his willpower and perseverance.

Every person, at least once in his life, has dreamed of mentally forcing a person to do something or instilling his thoughts into him, this is especially evident in disputes and discussions. In esotericism and other similar areas there are good advice and even manuals devoted to the question of how to inspire something in a person. There are many people in history who achieved wonderful results thanks to suggestion.

basic information

All types of suggestions can be divided into 2 types:

  • straight;
  • indirect.

Direct suggestion most often affects people who have little om. Such suggestion is most often accompanied by a flow negative energy, for example, you can shout at a person and the like. If, on the contrary, your opponent’s intelligence is all right, then you can influence him only with the help of positive emotions. In general, in order to understand how to learn to inspire people with your thoughts, you need to understand them well and understand what this or that person is like.

If you are going to influence a person who is insecure in life, then you need to use an imperative tone, that is, you need to suppress him with your authority. If, on the contrary, the person you want to influence is agitated or aggressive, then you need to be calm and balanced. In this option, you need to use long phrases that can calm the person and moderate his ardor. To understand how to learn to inspire thoughts in another person, you need to learn how to gesticulate correctly, as this enhances any influence on a person. In general, your task is to make the person believe that your words are his own thoughts.

Indirect suggestion can be divided into subtypes:

  • informational;
  • affective;
  • complimentary;
  • figurative-emotional;
  • suggestion by denial;
  • allegorical suggestion.

To understand how to inspire your thoughts into a person, you need to understand each of these subtypes.

Information subspecies

Here it is important to use information that is known to everyone, which has already been confirmed somewhere, for example, news or media. You will operate with proven facts to influence the opinion of another person.

Affective subspecies

You can use it at the moment when your opponent is in a state of passion, since it is in this state that a person is most vulnerable. Your task is that you need to win a person’s trust, reassure him, that is, become his best friend in this situation. And then your advice will be the only solution to his problem.

Complementary subspecies

You need to overwhelm your interlocutor with compliments and praise. Thanks to this, he simply cannot resist your pressure and “melts.”

Figurative-emotional subspecies

You need to create all the conditions for a person to imagine in his fantasies the advantages of the object or thought you suggest over others. This method of instilling thoughts at a distance is the most effective, as it directly affects the subconscious person.

Suggestion by denial

First, you need to create a situation as if a person is mentally doing something, and then provide him with all the arguments against these thoughts, that is, he needs to refuse any actions in real life.

Allegorical subspecies

Your task, with your stories, like a joke, anecdote, myth, aphorism, etc., is to convince him of this or that action. To achieve excellent results, you need practice, a lot of practice, and only then will it be very easy for you to inspire any thought or action in any person.
