Functional styles of speech, artistic style. Defining text styles in Russian with example sentences

Functional styles speeches

Each functional style of language is based on its inherent literary norms. There are five language genres:

  • Scientific;
  • Official business;
  • Journalistic;
  • Colloquial;
  • Art.

Scientific style of speech

The scientific style of speech, called the style of scientific narration, has the following characteristics:

  1. Scope of application - science and research articles;
  2. Addressees are scientists, specialists and people competent in scientific terminology;
  3. The purpose of style is to describe patterns, events and educate the readership;
  4. The function of style is to communicate and prove the truth of information by citing established facts or statistical forecasts;
  5. Genres of scientific style – monograph, essay, article, etc.;
  6. Type of speech – written, monologue.

The scientific style of speech is characterized by the use of abstract vocabulary, real and small terms, mainly nouns, evidence and unambiguity.

Formal business style

The official business style of speech has the following characteristics:

  1. Scope of application – law, storytelling in an official environment (legislation, office work). Through business style official documents are drawn up - law, resolution, protocol, certificate;
  2. Addressees – lawyers, diplomats, citizens, state;
  3. Type of speech – reasoning (written, oral) in the form of a monologue;
  4. A type of interaction is public communication;
  5. Style features - imperativeness, standardization and accuracy, lack of emotional overtones;
  6. The function of style is to convey information.

The official business style of speech is characterized by the presence of speech cliches, abbreviations, and complex irreducible words.

Journalistic style

The journalistic style of speech, narrating through the media, has the following characteristics:

  1. Scope of application – articles, essays, interviews;
  2. Addressees – specialists, society;
  3. Style features - emotionality, vocabulary used, logic, nationality, publicity, appeal, imagery;
  4. The function of style is to narrate events taking place in the country and the world, influence the masses and form a certain opinion regarding what is being announced;
  5. Type of speech – written, oral;
  6. Direction – feelings of opponents.

Journalistic style is characterized by the use of socially widespread and political vocabulary.

Conversational style

Conversational style is used in the process of normal interaction and communication. The author conveys to the addressee his own subjective thoughts and perception of reality in an informal environment. Characteristic features of the style:

The artistic style is widespread exclusively in the literary genre, influencing the recipients - readers through sensory perception and a wealth of lexical devices. A preliminary selection of linguistic means is made in the style. Characteristic features of the style:

  1. The type of vocabulary used is descriptive (artistic) narration;
  2. Style features - emotionality, coloration, fantasy;
  3. Form of style – written, monologue;
  4. Linguistic means – all types of linguistic means are used when creating book images;
  5. Addressees – society, possibly divided by gender and age composition;
  6. Direction – feelings of opponents;
  7. Type of genre - novel, story, short story, fable, comedy, etc.

As already noted, the literary language can be used in any communication situation: in official and informal settings, in the field of science, office work, in the media, in fiction, in Everyday life. Naturally, such a variety of functions performed cannot but lead to the fact that several variants are gradually formed in the literary language, each of which is intended for communication in a certain field of human activity.

In modern Russian literary language there are usually five styles:

  • official business (business),

    newspaper-journalistic (journalistic),



Each style has a number of specific speech characteristics, which are formed depending on the area in which communication takes place and what functions the language performs.

Main function Sphere of communication Basic form of speech Typical type of speech Main way of communication
Scientific style
Informative (message) The science Written Monologue Mass, non-contact
Business style
Informative (message) Right Written Monologue Mass, non-contact and contact
Journalistic style
Informative and impact function Ideology, politics Written and oral Monologue
Art style
Aesthetic* and impact function Word arts Written Monologue, dialogue, polylogue ** Mass, non-contact and indirect-contact
Conversational style
Exchange of thoughts and feelings (actual communication) Household Oral Dialogue, polylogue Personal, contact

Scientific, official business and journalistic styles are similar in that they are intended to convey rather complex content and function in the sphere of official communication, mainly in written form. That's why they are called book styles.

In particular, this is manifested in the stylistic stratification of Russian vocabulary. So, along with commonly used words, that is, words that are used by everyone and in all cases (for example: mother, earth, water, run), used in book styles book vocabulary, that is, one that looks alien in casual conversation.

For example, in a friendly letter it is hardly appropriate to use terms, clerical words, etc.: On green spaces the first leaves appeared; We were walking in the forest and sunbathed by the pond.

All book styles are contrasted with the conversational style, which is used in informal, everyday, everyday communication, usually in unprepared oral speech. And here, along with commonly used words, there is frequent use of colloquial vocabulary, that is, one that is inappropriate in book styles, but is inherent in informal everyday speech.

For example, in everyday life we ​​use the word potatoes, liver, and in a textbook on botany and biology they are inappropriate precisely because they are colloquial. Therefore, the terms will be used there potatoes, liver.

Stratification of vocabulary according to use in certain styles (common vocabulary - book And colloquial vocabulary) should not be confused with the stratification of vocabulary according to the presence or absence of evaluation and emotional-expressive coloring of a word (although in some cases these characteristics overlap each other). Emotional means based on feeling, caused by emotions, feelings. Expressive - expressive, containing the expression of feelings, experiences (from the Latin expressio - “expression”). From this point of view, neutral vocabulary is contrasted with evaluative, emotional-expressive vocabulary.

Neutral vocabulary is words devoid of stylistic coloring. They can indicate emotions, express an assessment of phenomena ( joy, love, good, bad), but in in this case the expression of emotions or evaluation constitutes the very meaning of the word, and is not layered on top of it.

A feature of emotional-evaluative and emotionally-expressive vocabulary is that evaluation and emotional-expressive coloring are “overlaid” on lexical meaning words, but are not reduced to it. Such a word not only names this or that phenomenon, but also expresses an assessment, the speaker’s attitude towards this object, phenomenon, feature, etc. This is easy to demonstrate by comparing neutral and emotionally expressive synonyms, that is, words that are close or identical in meaning:

eyes - eyes, balls; face - muzzle, face; son - son; a fool is a fool.

Emotionally expressive vocabulary is usually divided into high and low. High vocabulary is used in pathetic texts and in solemn acts of communication. Reduced- combines words low social significance and, as a rule, containing elements of harsh assessment. In addition to this general characteristic, expressively colored words can acquire different stylistic shades, as indicated by marks in dictionaries.

For example: ironically - democrat(“rubber baton” in colloquial speech); disapprovingly - rally; contemptuously - sycophant; playfully - newly minted; familiarly - not bad; vulgar - grabber.

Emotionally expressive vocabulary requires careful attention. Its inappropriate use can give a comic sound to the speech. This often manifests itself in student essays.

A special place in the style system is occupied by language of fiction. Since literature reflects all spheres of life, it can use means of any style for aesthetic purposes and to create artistic images. literary language, and, if necessary, not only them, but also dialects, jargons, and vernacular. The main function of artistic style is aesthetic. And here everything is determined by specific tasks, a sense of proportion and the artistic taste of the writer.

Of course, the specifics of each style are manifested not only in vocabulary, but also in grammar, in the peculiarities of text construction, etc. But all these linguistic features are determined precisely by the functions that each style performs, and by the areas of communication in which this style is used. This leads to the fact that each style has a certain dominant, that is, an organizing feature of this style.

Exercises for the topic “5.1. General characteristics of styles. Stylistic stratification of vocabulary. Emotionally expressive coloring of the word"


To avoid confusion with language styles, functional styles are sometimes called language genres, functional varieties of language. Each functional style has its own characteristics of using a general literary norm; it can exist both in written and oral form. There are five main types of functional speech styles, differing in the conditions and goals of communication in some area of ​​social activity: scientific, official business, journalistic, colloquial, artistic.

Scientific style

Scientific style is the style of scientific communications. The scope of use of this style is science and scientific journals; the recipients of text messages can be scientists, future specialists, students, or simply anyone interested in a particular scientific field; The authors of texts of this style are scientists, experts in their field. The purpose of style can be described as describing laws, identifying patterns, describing discoveries, teaching, etc.

Its main function is to communicate information, as well as prove its truth. It is characterized by the presence of small terms, general scientific words, abstract vocabulary, it is dominated by a noun, and many abstract and real nouns.

The scientific style exists primarily in written monologue speech. Its genres are Research Article, educational literature, monograph, school essay etc. The stylistic features of this style are emphasized logic, evidence, accuracy (unambiguity).

Formal business style

Business style is used for communication and information in an official setting (the sphere of legislation, office work, administrative and legal activities). This style is used for drawing up documents: laws, orders, regulations, characteristics, protocols, receipts, certificates. The scope of application of the official business style is law, the author is a lawyer, lawyer, diplomat, or just a citizen. Works in this style are addressed to the state, citizens of the state, institutions, employees, etc., in order to establish administrative legal relations.

This style exists more often in written speech; the type of speech is predominantly reasoning. The type of speech is most often a monologue, the type of communication is public.

Style features - imperativeness (due character), accuracy, not allowing two interpretations, standardization (strict composition of the text, precise selection of facts and ways of presenting them), lack of emotionality.

The main function of the official business style is informational (transfer of information). It is characterized by the presence of speech cliches, a generally accepted form of presentation, a standard presentation of the material, the widespread use of terminology and nomenclature names, the presence of complex unabridged words, abbreviations, verbal nouns, and the predominance of direct word order.

Journalistic style

The journalistic style serves to influence people through the media. It is found in the genres of article, essay, report, feuilleton, interview, oratory and is characterized by the presence of socio-political vocabulary, logic, and emotionality.

This style is used in the spheres of political-ideological, social and cultural relations. The information is intended not only for a narrow circle of specialists, but for broad sections of society, and the impact is directed not only on the mind, but also on the feelings of the addressee.

It is characterized by abstract words with socio-political meaning (humanity, progress, nationality, openness, peace-loving).

The task is to provide information about the life of the country, influence the masses, and form a certain attitude towards public affairs

Style features - logic, imagery, emotionality, evaluativeness, appeal.

Conversational style

The conversational style is used for direct communication, when the author shares his thoughts or feelings with others, exchanges information on everyday issues in an informal setting. It often uses colloquial and colloquial vocabulary. It is distinguished by its large semantic capacity and colorfulness, giving liveliness and expressiveness to speech.

The usual form of implementation of the conversational style is dialogue; this style is more often used in oral speech. There is no preliminary selection of language material. In this style of speech, extra-linguistic factors play an important role: facial expressions, gestures, and the environment.

Linguistic means of conversational style: emotionality, expressiveness of colloquial vocabulary, words with suffixes of subjective assessment; use incomplete sentences, introductory words, address words, interjections, modal particles, repetitions. Genres: dialogue, personal letters, personal notes, telephone

Art style

The artistic style is used in fiction. It influences the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the wealth of vocabulary, possibilities different styles, characterized by imagery and emotionality of speech.

The emotionality of an artistic style differs from the emotionality of colloquial and journalistic styles. The emotionality of artistic speech performs an aesthetic function. Artistic style presupposes a preliminary selection of linguistic means; All language means are used to create images.

Genres - epic, lyric, drama, epic, novel, story, story, fairy tale, fable, ode, hymn, song, elegy, sonnet, epigram, epistle, poem, ballad, tragedy, comedy, drama (in the narrow sense).

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  • Function, analytical
  • Function (computer science)

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Conversational style serves primarily for direct communication with the people around us. It is characterized by ease and unpreparedness of speech. It often uses colloquial words (young instead of newlyweds, start instead of start, now instead of now, etc.), words with a figurative meaning (window - in the meaning of ‘break’). Words in a colloquial style often not only name objects, actions, signs, but also contain their assessment: good fellow, dodgy, careless, smart, clever, cheerful. The syntax of the colloquial style is characterized by the use simple sentences. It contains a wide range of incomplete sentences because Speaking- This is most often a dialogue.

Scientific style- this is style scientific works, articles, textbooks, lectures, reviews. They contain information about various phenomena of the world around us. In the field of vocabulary, the scientific style is characterized primarily by the presence special vocabulary, terms (declension, conjugation, theorem, bisector, logarithm, etc.). Words are used, as a rule, in their direct meanings, since scientific speech does not allow ambiguity and must be extremely accurate.

Formal business style serves a wide area of ​​legal, administrative, diplomatic relations. Its main purpose is information, message. This style is used when writing various documents, instructions, charters, etc. The words in it are used in their literal meaning to avoid their misinterpretation. The vocabulary of this style contains many words and stable combinations assigned specifically to this style: petition, statement, resolution, order, protocol, appeal, sue, initiate a case; We, the undersigned. Frequency in the syntax of this style impersonal offers with the meaning of necessity, order (it is necessary to urgently prepare, measures should be taken, etc.).

Journalistic style- this is the style of newspapers, speeches on current socio-political topics. The most common genres of journalism include an editorial, correspondence, essay, speech at a rally, meeting, etc. Works of journalism usually have two tasks: first, reporting, information about certain social phenomena or acts and, secondly, an open assessment of the issues presented in order to actively influence the listener or reader in order to attract the interlocutor to support the position that the author takes and defends.

The vocabulary of this style contains many words and phraseological units of a socio-political nature: progressive humanity, the struggle for peace, advanced ideas.

Art style used in works of art to paint a picture, depict an object or event, or convey to the reader the author’s emotions. Expressions of artistic style are distinguished by imagery, clarity, and emotionality. Characteristic linguistic means and styles include words with a specific meaning, words in figurative use, emotional-evaluative words, words with the meaning of a characteristic, object or action, words with the meaning of comparison, juxtaposition; verbs of the perfect form with the prefix for-, denoting the beginning of an action, figurative use of forms of tense and moods (Akim will fall in love with this Dunyasha!), emotionally charged sentences: Suddenly something broke through in the still air, the wind blew strongly and with a noise , whistling, whirled across the steppe. Immediately the grass and last year's weeds began to murmur, and dust swirled on the road, ran across the steppe and, carrying with it straw, dragonflies and feathers, rose to the sky in a black spinning column and fogged the sun (A. Chekhov).

The language of fiction represents the most complete expression of the national language. In works of fiction, the artist of words enjoys almost unlimited freedom in choosing linguistic means to create the most convincing, memorable images for an aesthetic impact on the reader. Therefore, the language of fiction is capable of incorporating all the richness of the literary and popular language.

Conversational style used for direct everyday communication in different areas activities: everyday, informal, professional and others. True, there is one peculiarity: in everyday life, the conversational style has oral and written forms, but in the professional sphere - only oral. Compare: colloquial lexical units - reading room, teacher, spur and neutral ones - reading room, teacher, crib. IN writing professional content colloquial vocabulary unacceptable.

Colloquial speech– speech is uncodified, it is characterized by unpreparedness, improvisation, specificity, and informality. Conversational style does not always require strict logic and consistency of presentation. But it is characterized by imagery, emotionality of expressions, a subjective-evaluative character, arbitrariness, simplicity, and even a certain familiarity of tone.

The following genres are distinguished in conversational style: friendly conversation, private conversation, note, private letter, personal diary.

In terms of language, colloquial speech is distinguished by an abundance of emotionally charged, expressive vocabulary, so-called condensate words (vecherka - “Evening Moscow”) and doublet words (freezer - evaporator in the refrigerator). It is characterized by appeals, diminutive words, and free word order in sentences. At the same time, sentences that are simpler in construction are used more often than in other styles: incompleteness and incompleteness constitute their feature, which is possible thanks to transparency speech situation(for example: Where are you going? - To the tenth.; Well, what? - Passed!). They often contain subtext, irony, and humor. Colloquial speech contains many phraseological units, comparisons, proverbs, and sayings. It gravitates towards constant updating and rethinking of linguistic means, the emergence of new forms and meanings.

Academician L.V. Shcherba called colloquial speech “the forge in which verbal innovations are forged.” Colloquial speech enriches book styles with lively, fresh words and phrases. In its turn book speech has a certain effect on colloquial speech: it disciplines it, gives it a more normalized character.

One more feature of the conversational style should be noted: for it great importance has knowledge of speech etiquette both in written and oral form. In addition, for oral conversational speech it is very important to take into account the specifics of extra-linguistic factors: facial expressions, gestures, tone, environment. This is a general characteristic of the colloquial style.

Stylistics is a branch of the science of language that studies language styles and speech styles, as well as visual and expressive means.

Style (from the Greek stylos - writing stick) is a way of verbally expressing thoughts, a syllable. Style is characterized by features in the selection, combination and organization of linguistic means in connection with the tasks of communication.

Functional style is a subsystem (variety) of a literary language that has a certain sphere of functioning and has stylistically significant (marked) linguistic means.

The following functional styles are distinguished:

conversational style, scientific style, official business style, journalistic style, fiction style.

Scientific style

Scientific style is the language of science. The most common specific feature of this style of speech is consistency of presentation . A scientific text is distinguished by its emphasized, strict logic: all parts in it are strictly connected in meaning and are arranged strictly sequentially; conclusions follow from the facts presented in the text.

Another typical sign of a scientific style of speech is accuracy. Semantic accuracy (unambiguity) is achieved by careful selection of words, the use of words in their direct meaning, and the wide use of terms and special vocabulary.

Abstraction and generalization necessarily permeate every scientific text. Therefore, abstract concepts that are difficult to imagine, see, and feel are widely used here. In such texts there are often words with an abstract meaning, for example: emptiness, speed, time, force, quantity, quality, law, number, limit; formulas, symbols, symbols, graphs, tables, diagrams, diagrams, drawings.

The scientific style is predominantly in written form, but oral forms are also possible (report, message, lecture). The main genres of scientific style are monograph, article, theses, lecture, etc.

Journalistic style

The purpose of the journalistic style of speech is informing , transmission of socially significant information with a simultaneous influence on the reader, listener, convincing him of something, instilling in him certain ideas, views, encouraging him to certain actions, actions.

The sphere of use of the journalistic style of speech is socio-economic, political, cultural relations.

Genres of journalism - article in a newspaper, magazine, essay, report, interview, feuilleton, oratory, judicial speech, speech on radio, television, at a meeting, report.
The journalistic style of speech is characterized by logic, imagery, emotionality, evaluativeness, appeal and their corresponding linguistic means. It widely uses socio-political vocabulary and various types of syntactic constructions.

Formal business style

The official business style of speech is used in the sphere of legal relations, official, industrial.
Basic style features official business style is:
a) accuracy that does not allow any other interpretation;
b) non-personal nature;
c) standardization, stereotyped construction of the text;
d) obligatory-prescriptive nature.

Accuracy formulations for legislative texts is manifested primarily in the use of special terminology, in the unambiguity of non-terminological vocabulary. Typical Feature business speech - limited opportunities synonymous replacement; repetition of the same words, mainly terms.

Non-personal character business speech is expressed in the fact that it lacks forms of verbs of the \(1\)th and \(2\)th person and personal pronouns of the \(1\)th and \(2\)th person, and the \(3\)th person forms of the verb and pronouns are often used in an indefinite personal meaning.

In official documents, due to the peculiarity of the wording, there is almost no narration and description.
All documents are devoid of emotionality and expressiveness, so we will not find figurative language in them.

Conversational style

The conversational style is based on colloquial speech. The main function of the conversational style is communication ( communication ), and its main form is oral.

As part of the colloquial style, a literary-colloquial style is distinguished, using generally accepted words that correspond to the norms of the literary language, and a colloquial variety, which is characterized by words and phrases that deviate from literary norms, having a tinge of stylistic decline.

The written form of the conversational style is realized in the epistolary genre (private letters, personal correspondence, and diary entries).

Art style

Artistic style is a tool artistic creativity and combines the linguistic means of all other speech styles. However, in artistic style these visual arts play a special role: the purpose of their use is aesthetic And emotional impact on the reader. Fiction allows the use of colloquial, dialect words and expressions and even vulgarisms. The language of fiction uses a whole variety of figurative and expressive means (metaphor, epithet, antithesis, hyperbole, etc.). The selection of linguistic means depends on the individuality of the author, theme, idea of ​​the work, and genre. A word in a literary text can acquire new shades of meaning.
