The smallest mobile home with a toilet. Efficient arrangement of a small house on wheels. The smallest house on wheels

The largest mobile home is known, which resembles a small hotel or cottage. There is the most expensive and cheapest mobile home in the world. There are also completely miniature houses.

The largest mobile home

Life on the road can be absolutely comfortable when it comes to an iron horse from Anderson Mobile Estates. It is considered not only the largest in the world, but also one of the most luxury houses on wheels.

The trailer contains a luxury hotel on two floors with two bathrooms, a kitchen and a conference room. In addition, it is equipped with seven plasma TVs and the latest electronics. Separately, I must say about the stunning interior and beautiful furniture.

A family of three or four people will feel completely free in this car, without experiencing any inconvenience. This type of mobile home can compete with many luxury houses luxury and cool hotels.

It should be noted that getting into an accident while driving the world’s largest motorhome is extremely difficult, because the driver’s visibility is three hundred and sixty degrees. This was made possible by installing a state-of-the-art camera on the outside.

The largest mobile home weighs thirty tons and costs two million dollars. It is known that the owner of the house is Ashton Kutcher.

The cheapest mobile home

Not everyone travels by car; there are also those who prefer a bicycle as a means of transport. It turns out that there is also a bicycle house on wheels. Initially, it was assumed that the cyclist would tow such a house as a storage trailer, and in parking lots it would serve as a place for him to rest. The main requirements for such a design are lightness, a low center of gravity and a small silhouette. However, it was not easy for cyclists to pedal with this trailer, which is why they abandoned such “convenience” for traveling.

Artist Kevin Kear revived the concept of a bicycle home in his product, abandoning the towable design. His tricycle looks like a pedicab, with a living room instead of passengers. His invention was called the Camper bike. Despite the fact that the living space is limited, you can enter through side door. The ceiling height is sufficient for a person to stand at full height in the house.

Inside there is a bed, shelves for things, a kitchenette. During parking, it is possible to connect the house to an energy saving system. This house on wheels is reduced in size just enough so that you can comfortably spend the night in it. The camper bike house is recognized as the cheapest motor home.

The smallest house on wheels

The design of the world's smallest mobile home was proposed by Designer Cornelius Comanns. He named his invention Bufalino. Such a house can satisfy all the requirements of a single traveler. It is equipped with a work space, a bed, a kitchen with a stove and sink, a clothes dryer and a wardrobe. The advantages of Bufalino are good maneuverability and economical fuel consumption.

Another miniature mobile home was created by the British Environmental Air Transport Association. The name of such a mobile home is Qtvan. It was intended to be used in the event of problems at airports, as temporary housing for those involved in repair work. In addition, such a house can be perfectly used when traveling by those for whom comfort is not of paramount importance. QTvan is equipped with a single bed, TV, electric kettle, radio and book shelf. The mini-house can be attached to an electric scooter, motorcycle and even a bicycle. The world's smallest caravan is two meters long and seventy-five centimeters wide. The estimated cost of the QTvan is six thousand one hundred and twenty euros. The considerable price is due to the fact that the trailer has central heating, a trunk, a game console, satellite TV, and is equipped with a panel with solar cells.

The most expensive mobile home

Today, the most expensive mobile home in the world is recognized as “”, which is the brainchild of the “Marchi Mobile” company. She valued her masterpiece at three million dollars.

When developing this concept, the designers took into account and used not only the most modern achievements of the automotive industry, but also the features of auto, air and yacht sports. The mansion on wheels is equipped with a stairway like a business jet, an open area like the roof of a motor yacht and the exhaust system of a sports car.

Interior extra expensive house on wheels is also very extravagant: minimalism and modern forms are combined with ancient and classical elements design. The developer of this project is designer Luigi Colani.

The weight of the car is twenty tons, the height is four meters and eleven centimeters, and the length is twelve meters. For convenience, the mobile home is divided into several sections; various modifications are possible.

Under the hood of the Element Palazzo there are five hundred horsepower. The motorhome is capable of reaching speeds of up to one hundred and fifty kilometers per hour. Thanks to its aerodynamic design, it saves fuel significantly. Only five such houses are produced per year. Well, the most expensive passenger car, according to the website, was bought in 2008 for 15.7 million pounds sterling.
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Russia is taking only the first tentative steps in caravanning. Several years ago, the largest manufacturer of motorhomes and caravans in Europe, Hymer, even opened a representative office in Moscow, but later left the Russian market with nothing. This is due to the lack of decent roads and roadside infrastructure. And most importantly, the financial well-being of Russians is far from brilliant, revealed by the laconic phrase “let’s put it off until better times.” After all, buying movable property is sometimes comparable to buying a decent apartment.

It's the same thing abroad!

1. Fabulous. My home is my castle

This statement literally suits a married couple from New Zealand, who personally transformed an unsightly-looking British Bedford truck into a real one. True, when folded, only two towers attached to the rear of the motorhome remind of this. But when in the parking lot they lift the canopy over the roof of the trailer and the superstructure over the cabin, fold out the side walls of the van and unfold the turrets in all their glory, then a medieval fantasy castle appears before your eyes.

The fairytale mobile home is completely autonomous and does not require a power connection. All the energy it needs is generated by solar panels installed on the roof, and to heat the water, in addition to this, gas and heat from a small stove-fireplace are also used, if necessary. Rainwater from the roof flows into special tanks mounted under the truck.

The author of the project and the actual foreman and builder in one person was the father of the family, Justin Sizen, an engineer by training. He thought through literally every little detail. Inside the house there is a living and dining area, a full-size kitchen, because a young family with a small child loves to cook. IN retractable loft located above the cabin cozy bedroom. A tent canopy rising above the roof turns it into a spacious summer terrace with a hammock. Here, at the request of Yola, Justin’s wife, a bathtub was installed - right on outdoors. There is a toilet in the left turret, and a shower in the right one. Any seemingly useless corner or niche is filled with original built-in retractable and rotating cabinets and illuminated shelves, where all the family’s belongings are conveniently and discreetly placed. The need for a mobile home in the Sizen family did not arise by chance. Yola is a circus trapeze artist and is forced to spend most of her time on tour.

2. Cheerful. The pub that is always with you

A group of Irish enthusiasts led by John Walsh decided to combine their love of folk traditions with business and in 2014 converted a well-worn 30-year-old caravan into a village pub. It took the team four months of work and 20 thousand euros to do everything.

Externally, the drinking establishment on wheels exactly repeats a neatly whitewashed village house from the beginning of the last century with a roof made of natural slate, a chimney, a door made of two halves, and a fireplace. With a length of 4.2 m and a width of 2.1 m, it comfortably accommodates ten people at a time. Everything inside is also decorated like the good old days. To emphasize the spirit of the times and give the interior a vintage look, specially aged Irish oak and pine were used for finishing.

The original working pub on wheels immediately caught the fancy of everyone in the area. After years of neglect, the revived fun van is now in great demand. Literally not knowing a minute of peace, he travels around the cities and towns of Ireland as a welcome guest at holidays, parties and corporate events. For this, it is equipped with everything necessary: ​​glasses, glasses, shakers, refrigerators, a beverage dispensing system, and a music system.

The only thing tenants should worry about is food and drinks of their choice. The newlyweds especially liked the mobile zucchini, becoming a real highlight of the wedding festivities. True, the cost of renting it is steep, amounting to 750 euros on weekdays, and 1,500 euros on weekends. And this does not take into account the cost of transportation costs. But the joy and fun that it brings to people overshadows this small drawback. John Walsh's business has gone so well that Shebeen now specializes in professionally converting caravans into bespoke pubs on wheels. Those interested can choose from three options for interior decoration: houses covered with thatch, natural slate or galvanized iron. The maximum price for your own mobile zucchini reaches 39,950 euros.

3. Fantastic. The house that never was

Adherents of the shocking steampunk style (a direction of science fiction that models a civilization that has perfectly mastered the mechanics and technology of steam engines) are big fans of shocking the public with strange art objects, stylizing them to the era of the British Queen Victoria (1837–1901). They claim to take inspiration for their work from the works of Jules Verne and H.G. Wells. Therefore, members of the steampunk movement from the Hibernian Academy of Unnatural Sciences (California) built their already world-famous mobile home called Neverwas Haul in 2006 precisely in the Victorian spirit. The self-propelled three-story structure, 7.3 m long, 3.7 m wide and 7.3 m high, looks like it came out of an old black and white photograph, is installed on the base of a five-wheel trailer and is made from 75% used materials and equipment. One problem: for passionate admirers of steam, the entire structure is still driven by a diesel engine. But the authors of the project dream of eventually replacing it with a real steam engine. Inside the “house that never was,” only objects and mechanisms from the second half of the 19th century are placed: original or rebuilt. Unusual vehicle with elaborate turrets, steam pipes, balconies, a veranda-bridge, stairs, loudspeakers from the last century, travels to various festivals, shows and fairs. In addition, anyone can rent it for weddings, dinner parties and other special events.

4. Gypsy. Roam in comfort

Gypsy Caravan by George Crawford

Gypsy carts drawn by horses served as homes for their owners for hundreds of years. Their romantic appearance, embodying the nomadic spirit, continues to inspire some modern car vagabonds. For example, the American George Crawford, an archaeologist by profession, with his own hands built a mobile home on the chassis of a cargo trailer, stylized as a gypsy wagon. To do this, he needed a carriage board, plywood, metal profiles, fasteners, fittings, and, most importantly, several months of hard work. The whole process of work is he. Inside small room with two windows there is everything necessary for the life of two or three people: a bunk bed with a pull-out table, a stove, numerous lockers and shelves. The house turned out to be warm and practical. George has already tested its strength on long trips several times. Although outwardly his brainchild, of course, looks rather ascetic when compared with the bright, even somewhat arrogant creations of the Dutchman Kees Hoekstra. A graphic designer and illustrator from Amsterdam created the company Roulottes Gypsy Caravans in 1992 to restore, design and build gypsy caravans equipped with all the benefits of civilization. Since then, eighty of his masterpieces self made went their separate ways different countries the world, and the number of people willing to buy them does not dry out.

5. Curious. From heaven to earth

Could the creators of the Douglas DC-3 have suspected how dramatically the fate of one of these aircraft could change? In 1947, while flying over the northern territory of Australia, a plane crash occurred due to an electrical fire. Thanks to the skill of the pilot, all passengers on board survived. But the plane itself was less fortunate - the aircraft, written off as scrap, was sent to Brisbane.

A Douglas DC-3-bodied aircraft camper and its current owner, Werner Kroll

There, at the Douglas scrapyard, the inventive Bill Chater, a simple ship pipefitter, took a liking. In 1950, a craftsman in his workshop installed a cut-off airplane fuselage on a trailer cargo chassis, turning it into a stylish camper. For many years, Bill traveled in his airplane along the roads of Australia, surprising everyone around him. After the death of the owner, the unique mobile home, already in a rather shabby state, was inherited by his friend Werner Kroll. In 1993, Werner decided to return the car to its original appearance and took on its restoration, spending two whole years on it. Now the ennobled van, in which even a pianola has appeared, is again plowing the expanses of the Green Continent, causing general delight.

6. Floating. Amphibious trailer

The German company Sealander from the city of Kiel has developed an unusual floating trailer. In its normal state, this house on wheels performs the traditional role of a resting place on the road. But if you attach a small electric outboard motor to it and launch it, it immediately turns into a mini-boat or, as its creators proudly call it, a yacht for boat trips and fishing. The draft of the ultra-light, waterproof hull in the water is only 38 cm. Anyone over 16 years old can operate the motorboat. The total length of the Sealander floating trailer is 4.06 m, width is 1.68 m and height is 1.89 m. The maximum weight is 550 kg. Maximum load on water is 410 kg. There are six seats on two benches. After transformation, they turn into a single large sleeping space. Interestingly, to legally operate an amphibious trailer according to EU regulations, it must be registered twice, first as a caravan trailer weighing up to 750 kg, and then as a sports boat.

The base price of a waterfowl motorhome starts from 15,118 euros. Well, then, as the Germans love, everything - right down to colored curtains and a set of bath towels - is offered for a fee. If we add here such necessary options as a stove, sink, heater, refrigerator, audio system, toilet, shower and additional electrical equipment, then the price easily exceeds the 20 thousand euro mark. Although this, of course, is not so much compared to the cost of the luxurious American Terra Wind amphibious camper from Cool Amphibious Manufacturers International LLC, the price of which is off the charts for $1.2 million.

7. Miniature. Two-wheeled baby

Londoner Yannick Reed has created the world's smallest caravan - the QTvan. His achievement was officially recorded in the 60th anniversary edition of the Guinness Book of Records for 2015. The length of the residential trailer is 2.39 m, width - 0.79 m, and height - 1.53 m. Weighing 131.1 kg, the two-wheeled baby is towed by a four-wheeled electric scooter. Yannick has already logged many kilometers testing his mobile home, and claims that it can easily endure the rigors of the road if necessary. Despite the tiny size of the mini caravan, it incredibly fits a full-size single bed, 19-inch TV, bookshelves, bar, kettle and set of kitchen utensils. And all this costs £5,500. Additional options also include solar panels for installation on the roof of a house, satellite dish, game console, heating system and an external luggage rack.

8. Gigantic. Monster on wheels

But the world's largest caravan was recorded in an earlier edition of the Guinness Book of Records, released in 1993. It was commissioned by Sheikh Hamad bin Hamdan al Nahyan, a member of the UAE's ruling royal family. The length of the five-story desert ship with a balcony and an open terrace under the roof, built by the Speed ​​House Group of Companies (UAE), reaches 20 m, the width and height are 12 m.

Tiny Home on Wheels - Designed to look like a prairie-style cabin popular with honeymooners. This little caravan can be easily moved on its own trailer.

These tiny holiday homes are the true traveler's version, they are elegant and interesting projects inside and outside. Look at these photos and you will see it.

The smallest mobile homes inside and out: photos

House on trailer
Mobile home facade

This is a portable house with an area of ​​25 sq.m. on wheels that sets a new standard for living in a small space.

Living room with large window small house on wheels

It's self-powered, sleeps up to six, and offers full-size appliances (including washer and dryer).

Furniture for motorhomes

The living area has a fireplace and large screen TV, a kitchen, a bathroom, two sleeping lofts, plenty of storage and, most importantly, skylights for a real resort feel.

Kitchen interior in a mobile home

On kitchen table you can enjoy breakfast and panoramic views. The top row of windows provides additional light, making this tiny home on wheels feel spacious.

Appliances for motorhome

The kitchen offers plenty of wood and ample countertops next to a large... of stainless steel with shiny Hansgrohe tap.

Sleeping place in a motor home

A window opposite the sink makes cooking more fun. The standard cabinet material is oak, but you can optionally select maple for more modern look or even cherry for a more upscale feel.

The upper sleeping loft has a king-size bed, and the second sleeping loft or loft can fit another queen-size bed.

Sofa with TV in a motorhome

Plus the daybeds on the first floor unfold into sleeping sofa for two. So you can sleep upstairs or downstairs, or have 4 more people traveling with you. Or you can replace the daybed with a regular sofa and coffee table to have a cozy home nook.

Toilet in a mobile home

The bathroom offers you a full size washing machine, bath with shower and large mirror. And - check this out - a Toto toilet! These high quality lamps will serve you forever.

Sink in a caravan

Bath, shower in a motorhome

DIY mobile home

The exterior features cedar siding and steel accents, making this RV feel like a true vacation cottage.

Beautiful mobile home

Beautiful wood inside and out, large windows, high-quality accessories and full-size appliances, and ample living space all make you feel like you're living in your own summer cabin.

Exterior decoration motorhomes

But you have a big advantage with a motorhome - you can take it anywhere when you get bored of one place. You can even take it on a cross-country trip on your honeymoon and still feel special!

Mobile home project

The motorhome is 8.5m long. With standard equipment it weighs 4.5 tonnes and comes with standard connections for electricity, water and septic connections. Connecting water and electricity takes just a few minutes, allowing you to travel with ease.

3d model of a mobile home

The house is mounted on a trailer with a double axle.

Another tiny "two-story" mobile home that will surprise you

Having 20 sq.m. The area of ​​this house is definitely tiny, and yet it has two bedrooms and a kitchen. Built on a trailer bed, the home is clad in horizontal knotty siding with crisp trim.

Facade of a two-story mobile home

It is 1.5/2 storeys high to provide bedroom space - a loft at each end. A series of windows at the top provide natural light that can fill the interior while maintaining privacy to the outdoors.

Interior of a two-story mobile home

A galley style home layout with a kitchen at one end and a bathroom at the other. Above the kitchen is the master bedroom, accessed by a series of stepped storage compartments to the left, with the dining room opposite them to the right. At the far end of the mobile home, the second bedroom is located above the bath.

U-shaped kitchen in a mobile home

The kitchen is surprisingly large, with a full-size gas stove, a full size refrigerator and even a wine rack.

Dark, black kitchen in a mobile home

With a long countertop to the right and windows on both sides, this kitchen is truly spacious and full of natural light.

Kitchen Design for RV

A gas chef's range and top row of kitchen cabinets in this small RV make this kitchen ready for culinary adventure.

Bar counters in a motorhome

When it's time for breakfast or lunch, homeowners can simply lift up one or two hinged bar counters, secure them in a cantilever position, and reveal one or two folding stools.

High interior, two-story house on wheels

Next to the dining area is a sofa with a window. The seat also doubles as storage space, which is part of a larger storage unit surrounding the window area and dinette area. Storage is definitely not an issue in this tiny home on wheels.

Second floor in a mobile home

Next to the sofa, a library staircase leads to the attic space, which is the second bedroom. Below it, separated from the rest of the interior areas, is the bathroom. The loft bedroom has its own TV. The main level even has a fireplace located in the corner behind the stairs leading to the master bedroom.

Storage spaces in a motorhome

The steps of the stairs leading up to the master bedroom provide storage for shoes, coats and other items.

A large bed on the second floor in a mobile home

The master bedroom uses a closet between the stairs and the wall to create private zone for homeowners.

Sloped roof on a motorhome

Sink in the bathroom of a motorhome

Below the bedroom is the bathroom, and here a small sink is tucked into an alcove with a mirrored cabinet above. The room remains nice and warm thanks to the fireplace just outside the curtained door.

Self contained toilet for caravan

Since this house does not have a septic outlet - it is self-contained, compost toilet perfect for this small caravan.

Two-story mobile home sheathed wood siding

When you're tired of your resting place, just hook it up with a towbar and drive away in search of a new place for your favorite little house on wheels.

Eco-friendly tourist caravan for youth holidays

Built by a young Iowa couple wanting a "smaller home, more life“This traveling dwelling is meant to be a fully functioning residence that can be picked up and easily moved at will.

A beautiful, small mobile home with a sloping roof for a young family

Built entirely on a trailer bed, the entire home can be transported from campsite to campsite and hooked up to typical parking systems.

Two-story mobile home for youth

The small abode consists of four rooms: a large living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a bedroom. Living room The attic takes up half the space in the entire house. Various types wooden and creative solutions storage is used throughout, creating a comfortable yet practical interior. Its two young residents and their dog traveled all over California in their project, proving the practicality of this mobile home as a real home.

The entire house is mounted on a conventional trailer frame, and is easily transported to any destination that its owners choose. The only connections to ground are the electrical cord and water supply, both of which are easily retracted when moving.

Exterior finishing with light wooden siding of a mobile home

One side of the RV, designed to face the neighbors, has fewer windows, and no windows at all near the loft for the bedroom. This provides a degree of privacy for residents even while camping.

Interior of a mobile home for a young family

The detailed, wood-scented interior welcomes everyone who enters this miniature home with its window frames, shelving and walls made of different types of wood. This wood inside helps connect the home to its natural habitat.

Interior decoration motorhomes

The ceilings are actually quite high, with a sloped roof creating an additional half-story loft above the kitchen and bathroom for master bedroom. Four windows at the edge of the main living room provide tons of natural light.

Small folding work table in a motor home

Unlike many traveling motorhomes, this one functions entirely as a permanent residence. A single electrical connection powers everything inside, and a rear-mounted gas cylinder allows for a fully functional stove.

Small kitchen in a youth caravan

Little ones warehouses placed in every corner and along every wall of the mobile home, with a maximum concentration of shelves and cabinets. Mini fridge under kitchen sink provides a refuge for cold foods, adding even more convenience to your stay.

Mini kitchen and toilet in a motor home
Sleeping place on the second floor of a youth mobile home

The wardrobe is a little small in the bedroom, but some creative approaches They help you pack a lot of clothes without any problems. A long, narrow window at the high edge of the room gives an unobstructed view of wherever the house goes.

Autonomous, self-sufficient mobile home with a gable roof

Built by a couple who wanted to minimize their impact on the environment, this tiny home on wheels is as self-sufficient as possible, with solar panels and composting and resource recycling systems. In addition to the resources consumed with maximum efficiency, the house differs from other green buildings in a more passive and unique way: instead of being built on a foundation, it is completely mounted on a trailer. This prevents the habitat destruction that inevitably accompanies the construction of even the smallest home on a wooded lot. This allows homeowners to live wherever they want without leaving more than tire tracks behind when they drive away.

Beautiful mobile home with a gable roof

Miniature living space with comfort all year round is more than just an exercise in environmental friendliness. Its design is a condensed version of traditional architecture both inside and out, with wood trim on every available surface and comfortable furniture. Working on such a narrow platform is a challenge for any designer, but this little home on wheels does it perfectly.

Ordinary house on wheels

Having removed the steps of the porch and a couple of exits under public utilities The entire home is completely movable at will, literally built on the chassis of a standard trailer. It's not aerodynamic enough for highway travel, but every destination is accessible via secondary roads.

Using a motorhome in winter

The homeowners' two cars parked side by side are wider than the trailer itself.

Interior of a mobile home with a high gable roof

The interior of an RV is divided into several distinct spaces, each with its own individual purpose. Even with the limitations of the ultra-compact plan, the designers managed to avoid combining the purposes of different rooms.

The interior of a mobile home is completely covered with wood siding.
RV seating area with TV

The living room is the highest separate part of the house with a sloped ceiling.

Narrow, long wooden mobile home

Large windows with varying angles help provide natural light in all seasons, helping to visually contrast between dark floors and darker floors. light walls. The house is too small for hallways, so each room is connected in a more direct way. Each entrance has its own personality. The kitchen is completely open access, the bedroom requires stairs to reach and the bathroom has its own gated entrance.

Arrangement of objects, equipment, furniture in a motor home

Jars, baskets and other traditional functional elements are part of the style of this mobile home on wheels, transporting residents to the era of handmade household items.

Wooden kitchen in a mobile home

Even the kitchen countertops are covered in wood. The only exception is for the forest theme of this modern design, wooden house on wheels - these are functional lamps, a modern stove and a sink. Narrow shelving with open shelves accommodate all products that do not require refrigeration.

Large sleeping area wooden house on wheels

As elsewhere, the bedroom area (which is actually a small platform above the kitchen) contains extra space for storage. A double bed takes up almost the entire width of the attic, accommodating the occupants and a couple of closets, but not much more.

Bath and toilet of a cozy, eco-friendly mobile home

The small bathroom in the trailer is located next to the kitchen. It features water recycling and waste composting, allowing the caravan to have a minimal impact on the environment. The shower is made from a weathered barrel, with other practical items also made from found objects.

This tiny home on wheels is a camper dressed in steel.

Meet the tiny house on wheels—clad in hot-rolled steel siding. What is an elegant and modern tiny house design?

Small mobile home with a large window

You can choose models 6, 7 or 8 meters long - depending on your needs. The house has a bedroom, separate kitchen and bathroom. And magnificent panoramic windows!

Beautiful motorhome on the coast

With a width of only 2.6 m, this model does not require special permits for towing. Your area is 15 - 20 square meters. depending on the length you choose.

The facade of a mobile home looks rusty

And while the interior is truly stunning, it's the steel that makes it stand out from anything else on the market.

Appearance metal house on wheels

For living and traveling, a car-mobile home

This motorhome is a hybrid of a trailer and a car. Trailers from Teardrop have long been popular due to their compactness, lightness and attractive design. Therefore, it is not surprising that the successful model was taken as the basis for a hybrid house with a micro-area.

The building on wheels has many features that save energy and improve the indoor climate.

Second floor windows open for ventilation

The area of ​​the van, which the owner nicknamed “tiny drops”, is 14 m2, which is considered the average size among its analogues. The builders themselves comment that their creation consists entirely of heat-saving technologies that use both rain and sun to organize a unique microclimate inside the house.

The outer coating is non-toxic, and vehicle combustion emissions are neutralized. Therefore, people who are inside the van breathe even when moving clean air. Visitors to the nationwide Tiny Drop tour who travel in this van can get an up-close look at the interior details. The room is divided into zones, one is a working and dining room, the other is a kitchen and a place to relax.

Cooking on the ground floor

During the day they also rest on the first floor

The fairly spacious bathroom has a shower, sink and toilet. This bathroom structure is much more successful than in other cramped bathrooms.

Not so small bathroom

A staircase leads to the second floor. In the small bedroom there are two large windows, opening outwards. Through them, the sun illuminates the room well, the air is easily ventilated, and at night you can admire the sky.

Bedroom and unusual windows

The hybrid van has the ability to filter its own water. Energy is produced by solar photovoltaic panels on the roof and can be connected to the internet if required. This wonderful, eco-friendly and functional cabin is currently traveling.

Would you like to ride in it?

Description of all types of motorhomes.


For this motorhome model, the connecting link is the trailer. This option involves stationary rest and minimal road movement. Thanks to the wide model range, it is possible to choose a suitable trailer motorhome that has the required dimensions and functionality.

On the picture compact house on trailed wheels.

Trailer tent

It is a tent that self-assembly. The trailer has no insulation, so it is suitable for recreation only in the warm season. When assembled, the dimensions of the structure are no more than 1 meter.

The trailer contains sleeping places, and other auxiliary areas are located under the awning. A motorhome trailer-tent is sometimes also equipped with a stove, sink or heater.

The advantages of such a mobile home are that it is mobile, different small in size and low price unlike other campers.

The disadvantages include the small capacity of no more than 4 people and the need to constantly unfold and assemble the awning in case of a stop.

The photo shows a motorhome with a large tent.

Travel trailer

Mobile housing equipped with a toilet, shower, heater, necessary furniture and appliances. Another name is a trailer-dacha.

Advantages of a residential trailer: the structure can be detached at any time and continue traveling by car. A caravan trailer has a low price and provides an opportunity to save money on motel accommodation.

The disadvantages are the presence of poor maneuverability, as well as low speed from 80 to 90 kilometers per hour. You can't stay in it while driving on the road, and many cities in Europe don't allow trailers.

Motorhome or camper

The model is in the form of a hybrid, combining housing and a vehicle. From the outside, such a motorhome looks like an ordinary bus or minivan, with an entire apartment set up inside. Even small varieties of campers are equipped with a TV, satellite dish, bicycle racks and more.

When driving, all communications operate using the car battery, and when parked - from external electrical sources.

Alcove motorhomes

TO distinctive features mobile homes include a superstructure located above the driver's cabin. This alcove is supposed to accommodate an additional double bed. The motorhome can accommodate up to seven people.

In the manufacture of a residential module with walls, floor and roof, panels are used that help improve thermal insulation. In addition, such a living module is wider compared to a standard minibus, which allows you to increase the internal space of the alcove motorhome.

The advantage of this model is that it can differ in a large number of planning solutions. Having a cozy and warm double bed that can be covered with curtains is also an advantage.

Disadvantages: The motorhome has a distinctive appearance, poor maneuverability and a high height, which will make it difficult to drive in some places.

The photo shows an example of an alcove-type mobile home with a canopy.

Integrated houses

Belongs to premium and business class campers. Externally, it looks like a bus with a driver’s cab and an individually configured body part. Since the car’s cabin is integrated with the living module, the interior space increases. The capacity of such a motorhome is from 4 to 8 people.

For the production of semi-integrated models, a serial chassis is used, on which the living compartment is mounted. The most popular brands of motorhomes are Ford, Fiat, Renault, Mercedes and many others.

Pros: due to the side and panoramic windshields, there is a good view, sufficient capacity, the higher the speed, the lower the fuel costs.

Residential minivans

They are a residential minibus that has a high roof. Due to their compactness, they are considered the most highly maneuverable of all types of mobile homes.

A Kastenvagen van assumes the presence of a living compartment with the necessary equipment and furniture items. Due to lack of space, a bathroom is rarely built in. Basically, a minivan only seats two people. Kastenvagen can act as a regular minivan in Everyday life, and turn into a comfortable camper for the weekend.

Advantages: good maneuverability, possibility of daily use as a standard car.

Disadvantages: little living space, small capacity, not enough high level thermal insulation.

The photo shows a mobile home in the form of a residential minivan.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros and cons of living and traveling in a trailer.

pros Minuses

There is no need to depend on travel agencies, worry about purchasing train or plane tickets and spend money on a hotel room.

High price.
The need to obtain a category E license.

Rest becomes more comfortable as you can cook food or take a shower at any time.

High fuel consumption.

Camping is not available in all countries.

A motorhome is not real estate, so living in it does not require payment of property taxes. Not all campers are suitable for off-road driving.
Easy purchase and quick sale. Living in an apartment, there is a problem with storing a motorhome on wheels.

Photo of the interior inside the house

The layout of a mobile home most often includes a bedroom, kitchen, dining area and bathroom. Depending on the area of ​​the residential module, the elements are located in different rooms or in the same room. Below are photos showing the inside of the camper.

Sleeping place in a motor home

There are separate and transformable sleeping places. The first type is a fixed bed for one or two people, which occupies the aft part of the motorhome.

The photo shows a double bed inside a motor home.

The transformable sleeping place is a folding sofa or chairs from the dining group that turn into a double bed.

The photo shows a tent trailer on wheels with a folding bed.

Cooking and eating area

A full-fledged area includes a gas stove, a sink, a built-in refrigerator, a separate freezer, as well as shelves and drawers for storing utensils.

Near the stove there are 230 Volt sockets. Electricity is supplied only if the motorhome is connected to the network. The refrigerator can operate from an electrical network, battery or gas.

The kitchen block can be angular or linear. The location of the kitchen is assumed to be in the stern or along any of the sides.

The photo shows the design of the kitchen and dining area in a trailer on wheels.


The only separate room equipped with a sink, shower and dry closet. A small camper may not have a shower.

What does the house look like from the outside?

A motorhome-trailer has a simple look, which is easy to make with your own hands. Thanks to skills in working with welding machines, an ordinary old trailer can become a tourist camper on wheels for traveling in comfort.

An equally ideal option is a motorhome based on a Gazelle minibus. The car has an optimal body size, which allows you to get a spacious living compartment.

On the picture appearance motorhomes on wheels based on a truck.

Kamaz is used for off-road motorhomes. Thanks to the spacious body, it is possible to organize several rooms inside. The only drawback is that the truck is not designed to transport people, so it will require additional sheathing and insulation of the wall and ceiling structures.

A number of nuances:

  • To organize light, the mobile home must be equipped battery and a control panel for power supply.
  • You can heat a motorhome using several types of heaters, for example, autonomous or gas. It's better to give preference gas cylinder, which can be used for cooking at the same time.
  • An important point in arranging a camper is general system ventilation. IN kitchen area a hood should also be installed above the stove.
  • A mobile home should be equipped with compact pieces of furniture. Folding designs with wall mount, folding beds, retractable tables and other elements.

A selection of unusual houses

There are cool and exclusive motorhomes that are highly functional and comfortable. Such models are a luxury item. They have spacious living space and interior with finishing the best views materials. Expensive motorhomes are equipped with modern video and audio equipment, solar panels, a retractable terrace and fireplace, as well as a bar and a jacuzzi. At the bottom of some houses there is a cargo compartment and an automatic platform for placing a car.

A floating motorhome is considered an interesting solution. When an electric motor is attached to the trailer, it turns into a boat or miniature boat for fishing and boating.

The photo shows a floating house on wheels combined with a boat.

The most big house on wheels is a five-story ship, made especially for an Arab sheikh to travel through the desert. The caravan has a balcony, a terrace, 8 bedrooms with private bathrooms, 4 garages for cars, and a water tank with a capacity of 24 thousand liters.

The photo shows a roomy motorhome made from a bus with a cargo compartment for a car.

Photo gallery

A motor home will appeal to those who prefer planning their holiday independently. Motorhomes, equipped with all the necessary items, offer travel with an unlimited route.
