Wall painting in a home interior: picturesque possibilities (56 photos). DIY wall painting Wall paintings in the interior

Are you planning a renovation and looking for original ideas that you can bring to life with your own hands? Pay attention to the technique of applying various patterns on walls and ceilings. It requires certain skills, knowledge and abilities, but at the same time it allows you to create unique and unexpected solutions.

Beautiful and original drawings on the walls enliven and decorate any interior, giving unique comfort room.

A beautiful wall can be made using ready-made templates that will match the furniture, interior and give the room coziness and integrity.

Before you start creating a pattern on your wall, decide which wall you need to highlight so that it attracts the eye and is the main decorative element in the room. Although you can use a drawing to hide imperfections (disguise them) in an apartment.

Stages of painting

The technology must be strictly followed. So, you have already decided which wall the drawing will decorate. Next, you need to choose the drawing itself (you can seek help from a professional designer, artist, or find it on the Internet).

Application technology:

  1. Preparing the wall. This stage is the simplest; you need to get rid of old wallpaper, other finishing materials(for example, plaster if it is of poor quality) on the wall. Re-plaster the walls.
  2. Select materials: paint and brush. Experts recommend purchasing water-dispersion paint with acrylic base. It is easy to apply and can be washed off if necessary.
  3. A general background is applied to the wall. It can completely coincide with the rest of the walls.
  4. A sketch (contour) of the future drawing is made on the wall. This is one of the most important points.
    It is advisable to draw in stages: put several elements or contours on the wall, look at how it turned out, if you didn’t like something, erase it and draw it again, and so on.
  5. AND final stage- This is painting the wall. At first you can use a wide brush, after which you need to correct the details with a thin one.

Unfortunately, not every person has talent and not everyone can draw a picture on the wall on their own. And contacting specialized organizations is quite expensive.

For such cases, there is a solution - stencils. You can make them yourself or buy ready-made ones.

What to choose? Ideas and mood

It is necessary to approach the choice of a future drawing consciously and carefully. The painted wall should ideally be in harmony with the interior and match the style.

An option here is to seek help from a professional artist or designer who will help you choose the right color, design, and take into account all your wishes. And the second option is to rely on your intuition and choose what is closest to you.

What you can pick up:

dandelion– in the corridor or opposite front door will look elegant and stylish;
creative black squares- an excellent solution for the living room;
sakura branch– decoration in any bright room;
birds on wires– drawing for the bedroom;
tree with ladybugs – a positive drawing for a children’s room;
branches of a blooming apple or cherry tree– an excellent solution for a bedroom or living room;
night city– solution for bachelor’s quarters.

Choose what you like best, don’t be afraid to experiment!

Creative drawings

Drawings on the walls are the most best option for those who want to change their usual interior, it will make it more comfortable, interesting, exclusive. Here you can experiment, creating not just one element, but painting an entire wall.


Drawings of trees are one of the favorite images of designers. Indeed, depending on the purpose of the room (living room, children's room, hallway), absolutely any wood pattern can be selected that will harmoniously fit into the entire concept of the room.

So this would be great:

  1. For the living room– a drawing with a tree under a gust of wind, a branch of cherry blossoms, a plum tree, an apple tree.
  2. For the bedroom– drawings of trees in Art Nouveau style, flowering tree.
  3. For children's– drawings flowering tree, a minimalist plot with birch trees and little animals, trees with colorful birds, a twig with small green leaves.


Flowers allow you to create a festive spring, warm mood in the room.

You can paint the walls with flowers both in the bedroom and in the living room - such a pattern will look harmonious in any room.

3D drawings

3D drawings on walls are becoming more and more popular every year. This method allows you to enliven the room with various effects. Using this technology, you can imitate glass, stones, trees, and fabrics. 3D drawings can be created on walls, ceilings and floors.

A color scheme

If you have decided on a design and are selecting a color scheme, you must clearly understand that there are colors that go well with each other, and others that do not suit at all.

Therefore, if you cannot decide whether the colors you have chosen are in harmony or not, it is better to look at color solutions (drawings) on the Internet before purchasing.

You can use special programs that can automatically combine colors and tones.

In the nursery

Drawings in a children's room are a bright and colorful decorative option. Here you can implement any solution. That is, simply apply a drawing to the wall or combine it with pieces of furniture, appliqués, and toys.

Such stylistic decisions make the room truly fabulous and childlike.

Any cartoon graphics or funny fairy-tale characters will look great in a children's room.

When choosing a picture for a children's room, remember the main rules: children do not like monochrome, contrast - such a painting can frighten the baby and become a source of fear for him.

All characters on the wall should be colorful, kind and positive.

The color scheme must also be selected carefully, as too bright, dark, burgundy shades negatively affect the baby's psyche. It is advisable to make the children's room in light, pastel shades.

Manual drawing techniques

If you want to create something unusual, exclusive and unique, then pay attention to creating drawings on the walls using manual techniques. This can be painting walls with brushes, markers, graffiti, airbrush, or a combination of several techniques.


One of the classics, but at the same time original options– is to decorate a wall with a picture. Before you buy a work of art, you should understand that paintings can be completely original and those that are created according to a specific template.

It is better to give preference to exclusive paintings that are not similar to each other.

Before choosing and purchasing, especially if it is difficult to choose or navigate huge selection paintings, it is better to seek help from a gallery consultant or designer.


Another great solution to apply a drawing or image to the wall is printing. The printed design can be applied to any surface. Varieties of such equipment can be posters, photo wallpapers, printed pictures.

If we talk about the advantages of printing, then, naturally, it is low cost.

Minus - it cannot be compared with a drawing that is applied directly to the wall, and it is also impossible to stick a print on uneven wall, corner, niche.

Stencil painting

A stencil is a special sheet with cut-out decorative elements, figures. They can be reused many times.
Drawings on walls covered with wallpaper, plastered or painted can be made using stencil painting. The stencils are quite easy to use.

The essence of this technique is to apply paint through the holes of thick cardboard or other material.

With the help of properly selected stencil painting, the walls will become bright and some imperfections will be hidden.

In order to decorate the walls of your apartment with stencil painting, you do not have to have artistic talents. It is enough to buy, order or make your own stencil, with which you can easily apply the design to the wall.

The best material for a stencil is thick cardboard, in addition to which you will need a brush with fine bristles.

Before you start painting the walls, the stencil must be secured. For this you will need masking tape.

The best pattern and paint option would be calm tones that match the wall decoration. This pattern will not bore you. It's also best to choose lightweight templates, but don't overdo it! Choose a drawing that you like and work on it with pleasure.

A correctly selected pattern on the wall in addition to decorative function, is able to visually enlarge or expand the room.

If you choose a picture for the kitchen, it is better to give preference to such scenes that make the room more comfortable - it could be an ancient city, still lifes.

For more creative people, you can consider the option of a winter landscape with wild animals.

If you paint on the wall in the living room, then a special approach is needed. After all, this room is a relaxation area for the whole family, a place where you invite your friends and family. When choosing a drawing, look at panoramic landscapes, famous works of art, and optical illusions.

In the hall

The hallway is the first room that your loved ones, family and friends who come to visit you see. This is where people get their first impression of you when renovating.

When thinking through the interior, pay special attention to this room, consider decorating the walls with patterns. Drawings in the hallway can visually expand the walls or dissolve the ceiling in the sky and clouds.

The hallway is perfect place to create an illusion. Ornaments, wall paintings, and various patterns are suitable for a large hallway.

Wall paintings are not innovative, but still original solution to decorate your apartment or house. Wall painting can create an atmosphere that will highlight your individuality and make the room unique and cozy.

Sep 16, 2017 Sergey

Liven up the walls of your kitchen, bedroom, living room, nursery or hallway with drawings by following one of our master classes and being inspired by a selection of 100 photo ideas.

  1. Most suitable for wall painting acrylic paints water-based, since they are quite bright, do not smell, dry quickly and can be adjusted during the painting process.
  1. So that the drawings on the wall are not afraid wet cleaning, they should be coated with matte varnish.
  2. It is best to dedicate one or at most two walls for painting, otherwise the interior will be overloaded and the space will be visually reduced.

  1. When choosing a pattern for the wall, consider the orientation of the room to the cardinal points. If the windows of the room face south, then you can safely use cool shades (blue, blue, turquoise) for wall painting. If there is not enough light in the room, then we advise you to rely on warm shades (yellow, orange, brown, red and others).

  1. The drawing on the wall should fit into the interior of the room in style, color scheme and subject matter. So, for example, in classic interior Patterns in the style of damask, heraldry, checkered patterns, plant and floral motifs will be good.

Flowers on the kitchen wall in a classic style

Idea 1. Painting walls using a stencil (+ master class)

Stencils come in handy when you need to outline the contours of a complex image, draw letters, numbers or any repeating patterns.

To paint the walls, you can use a ready-made template or one made to order in a printing house. Such stencils can be flexible or rigid, one- or two-layer (to create a multi-color pattern), self-adhesive or glueless. They are generally durable, fit tightly to the wall, and are designed to be reusable.

  • Do you want to purchase a super-fashionable and unusual stencil? We advise you to search for it in the international online store Etsy using the query “stencil” (price from 10 to 100 $).

However, you can make a simple single-layer stencil for painting walls with your own hands, following our step-by-step instructions.

What you will need to make a stencil: office paper, plastic film or thick paper (such as whatman paper or wallpaper), pencil, scissors, stationery knife or special knife for cutting out stencils, masking and transparent tape, as well as a printer and some kind of graphic editor (vector or raster).

What you will need to stencil wall painting: paints (preferably water-based acrylic), synthetic round brush(with a diameter of 7 cm for painting large drawings and smaller ones for finer work), a sponge (can be used instead of brushes) and paper napkins for removing excess paint.


Step 1. Find a suitable vector(!) stencil on the Internet, for example, on the website http://www.getpattern.ru/. Please note that it is advisable to choose a contour image (or make it as such, following these instructions), because colored areas will only waste ink when printed.

  • It is also important that the stencil does not have bridges that are too thin, otherwise the paint underneath may leak and ruin the design. Or they may simply break.

Step 2. The selected image must be scaled to the right size and print. This is very easy to do if the stencil size does not exceed A4 format. However, if you need to print a large template, then you need to break it into several parts, following these instructions. Next, all you have to do is assemble the picture as a mosaic.

  • If you are using transparent vinyl film, then you just need to lay it over the original design, trace its contours with a felt-tip pen or pen, then cut out the unnecessary segments (see photo).

Step 3. At this stage, the A4 paper stencil must be covered with transparent tape on both sides and overlapped (!) to protect the paper from getting wet. Finally, use a craft knife to cut out all the segments intended for painting.

If you have printed several A4 sheets for a large stencil, then at this stage you can immediately start cutting, but keep in mind that you will have to paint the stencil with an almost dry brush so that the paper does not get wet. But in order not to take risks, it is advisable to laminate the drawing or copy it onto a denser base (for example, vinyl wallpapers). To do this you can:

  • Use carbon paper (place it between the base and the printouts, and then trace all the lines with a pencil).
  • Cut out all the holes for painting from the printed drawing, and then transfer its contours to the base. Next, you need to take the knife again and cut out segments for painting, now on the base.

When cutting out the stencil, be sure to protect the table from scratches by placing some kind of backing on it, such as glass.

Step 4. Now it's time to glue the stencil to the wall. To do this, try on your template to the selected location, align it with the building level and glue it with tape. If necessary, for example, if you need to draw repeating elements at equal intervals, you must first make markings using a building level.

  • If the stencil has thin and movable bridges, fix them with small pieces of double-sided masking tape(you can twist a piece of regular masking tape into a ring).
  • A more convenient way to fix the stencil is with a low-adhesion spray adhesive, which allows you to remove the template easily and without a trace (sold in craft stores).

Step 5. Hurray, the most labor-intensive work is left behind, it's time to start painting.

  • If you are using a sponge: dip the sponge into the paint, wipe off the excess on a napkin, then begin painting the stencil using a tamping motion.
  • If you are using brushes: Dip the brush into the paint, then roll it a little on the napkin to remove the excess (the bristles should be almost dry), then start painting in a circular motion. Be careful when painting areas near the very edges of the stencil so that paint does not bleed under the holes and ruin the outline of the design.
  • If you are using spray paint: Spray the paint carefully, in thin layers and in several approaches to avoid smudges.
  • If you are using a roller: Having lowered the roller into the paint trough, wipe it on a napkin, then start painting. Along the edges of the stencil, move the roller from side to side, not up and down.

Step 6. When the drawing on the wall is completely dry, coat it with matte varnish to protect it from moisture.

Idea 2. Painting checkered walls (+ master class)

As you know, check is the most versatile print that never goes out of style. It fits perfectly into both classic and modern interiors, both into the interior of the kitchen and children's bedroom. You can decorate one or more walls with a cage using wallpaper or painting.

  • Painting checkered walls with your own hands is somewhat more difficult than gluing checkered wallpaper, but painting gives best result: the painted surface can be washed, repainted, and most importantly, it does not have seams that risk coming off.

The easiest way is to paint walls in a large Vichy checkered pattern, as in this collection of photos.

Painting walls in Scottish tartan requires a little more effort, but still, it is accessible even to beginners - after all, the accuracy of the markings, rather than painting skills, is what is important here.

And now we suggest you familiarize yourself with the step-by-step instructions for painting walls with your own hands in tartan, as in the photo below.

What you will need: 4 paints of the same color, but different tones (in this project we used light olive for the background, a slightly more saturated marsh shade for vertical and horizontal stripes, an even darker one for the intersections of stripes, as well as two paints of contrasting colors), brushes, roller, paint tape and laser level, stepladder and other basic painting supplies.

  • It is best to use blue masking tape for painting walls, which can be removed without leaving a trace, without damaging the wall covering, and is marked “for clean lines.”


Step 1: Prepare the wall for painting, then paint it with the background color using a roller. In this master class, the background is a light olive tone of paint. Allow the background layer to dry before moving on to the next step.

Step 2. Mark vertical stripes of equal width on the wall using a laser level and masking tape. Then paint them with a paint darker than the background and let dry.

Step 3. Now mark the horizontal stripes in the same way, paint over them and leave to dry.

Step 4. Paint the intersections of the stripes in an even more saturated shade to create the effect of layering threads of the same color in the checkered fabric (as if that made the cells darker than the stripes).

  • By the way, if you want to paint the walls in a Vichy checkered pattern, then at this stage the work can be considered completed.

Step 5. It's time to draw the contrasting thin stripes that are required for the tartan check.

To do this, again use the laser level and masking tape, mark a line along and in the center of the vertical stripes. Next, paint over them and let dry. Then use the same paint to draw lines along the horizontal thick stripes.

Step 6. Finally, we draw cells of a different contrasting color (in this master class it is blue). The technology is still the same, but the cell becomes larger, since the stripes are drawn along the lines of the first background layer.

Step 7. All that remains is to coat the painted wall(s) with matte varnish to enhance its moisture resistance and strength.

Idea 3. Hand painted walls

Hand-painted walls allow you to create unique and personalized interiors, embodying your wildest fantasies and design ideas.

Flowers on the wall

Flowers on the wall

Flowers on the wall

Painted walls are especially good in children's rooms.

With the help of hand painting you can correct, disguise or play up some of the shortcomings of the room. For example, draw a missing window, pieces of furniture or accessories, paint over a spot on the wall, etc.

Drawn headboard and vase

Hand-painting walls is best left to professionals, but simple drawings can be done by beginners if they have at least a little drawing skill. Here are some examples of simple images.

The stages of painting walls with your own hands are as follows:

  1. We are looking for an idea, a design motif that matches the interior;
  2. We plan the composition, develop sketches and select the final version of the future painting, print the image in color. It is also advisable to “try on” the drawing on the selected wall using a photo editor (that is, having photographed the wall, put a sketch on it and scale the composition to the required size);
  3. We cover the walls with artistic acrylic primer (preferably);
  4. We transfer the sketch to the wall with a pencil using:
  • Projector (the picture is displayed on the wall, then its contours are simply drawn).

The process of painting a wall from drawing the contours to coloring with Molotow acrylic markers:

  • Grids (the section of the wall to be painted is divided into 100 equal squares, then each square is manually drawn according to the sketch to scale with the same grid).
  • “Stencils” (in Photoshop, the contours of the desired drawing are selected, then the sketch is scaled, divided into parts and printed on A4 sheets, then the sheets are glued together like a mosaic, the resulting canvas is glued to the wall and all the lines of the drawing are drawn using the stencil principle).
  1. We paint the image with paints, paint over large spots of the composition, and work out the details. Painting should be carried out according to the principle “from general to specific.”
  2. We cover the finished painting with matte varnish. This stage is not required, but is desirable to give additional strength to the drawing.

Idea 4. Stamping (+ master class)

You can quickly and easily paint walls with your own hands using the stamping technique, when drawings or patterns are applied with a stamp. As a stamp, you can use both ready-made painting stamps and roller stamps, as well as improvised means - sponges cut in the shape of a circle or other shape, brushes and even your own fingers.

  • Ready-made stamps are sold in construction markets, and they can also be ordered in specialized online stores. For example, excellent stamps are made by a Russian company "Eco-wallpaper"(photo above). By the way, you can also purchase roller stamps on the company’s website (pictured below).

You can also make a stamp for painting a wall yourself from microporous rubber (foam, foamed polymer or simply “foam”) and a piece of cardboard.

What you will need: foam microporous rubber (often sold in departments for children's creativity in the form of colored sheets), cardboard, pencil, sharp stationery knife, scissors and glue, as well as acrylic paints.


Step 1. Cut out any shape or figure from a sheet of foam rubber. For example, it could be a circle as in our master class, a letter, an asterisk, autumn leaf, butterfly, flower, etc.

  • You can make several different stamps to create some kind of composition, say, a fruit with a stem (pictured). In addition, a separate stamp must be made for each color.

Step 2. Glue the resulting blank onto a piece of cardboard. Voila, the stamp is ready!

  • If you want the stamp to be reusable, then use a plastic base instead of cardboard.

Step 3. To start painting the wall, dip the stamp in the paint quite generously, but so that the paint does not drip from it, then apply it to the wall. If you want the print to be as clear as possible, you need to press evenly on the stamp.

Next, place the prints all over the wall in the same way, maintaining the same spacing. To avoid mistakes, it is advisable to first apply markings to the wall. In addition, before starting work, you should practice putting stamps on a draft.

  • An unsuccessful print can be carefully erased off (provided you are using water-based paint).
  • Additionally, prints can be completed. For example, draw contours, add color and interesting details.

Step 4. Once the stamped designs are dry, coat the decorated wall with matte varnish.

Idea 5. Painting with chalk on a slate wall

By decorating one or two walls with chalk wallpaper or slate paint, you will have the opportunity to change the pictures on the wall every day, write down foreign words, to-do and grocery lists, instructions for household members, motivating or just funny phrases. Especially great chalk wall looks great in the interior of a children's room and kitchen.

  • If you want to keep your chalk painting forever, you just need to coat it with matte varnish.
  • You can (and should!) draw on a slate surface not only with crayons, but also with chalk pencils, markers and paints.
  • Lettering (the so-called painted words) looks especially impressive on a dark wall. True, if you don't professional designer fonts and you’re not an artist, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to write words beautifully, but you can do it with homemade stencil. The main thing is to find a suitable blank on the Internet.

Idea 6. Striped wall

Striped walls not only look cool, but also visually correct the shortcomings of the room. For example, vertical stripes “raise” low ceilings, and horizontal ones increase the space and push the walls apart.

It’s very easy to paint striped walls with your own hands; the main thing here is to carefully stick the masking tape and calculate it correctly optimal width and number of stripes.

  • To find out required amount stripes of the same width, but alternating in color, you need to divide the height or width of the wall by the desired width of the stripes. But there is one caveat - if the number of stripes is even, then along the edges of the wall the stripes will appear different color. To make the number of stripes odd and the wall design symmetrical, you can “play” a little with the width of the stripes or simply divide the height or width of the wall by an odd number. For example, a wall 270 cm high can be decorated with 17 stripes 16 cm wide.

In order for the stripes under the ceiling and above the floor to be the same color, there must be an odd number of them

  • It is desirable that the stripes have a width of 10-30 cm. A width of less than 10 cm will be too narrow, and more than 30 cm will be too wide and heavy.
  • The best way to paint stripes is to use blue masking tape that can be removed without leaving a trace, without damaging the wall covering, and labeled “for crisp lines.”
  • To ensure that the lines are smooth and clear, and the paint does not flow under the masking tape, use a small brush to paint along the tape and a larger brush to paint the main body of the strip. It is important to ensure that there is no excess paint on the brush. The movement of the brush should not be up and down along the tape, but left and right (across the tape).

Idea 7. Decorating the wall with vinyl stickers

Vinyl stickers are good because they are easy to stick, peel off without leaving marks, are sold in a great variety of pictures and are very inexpensive. With their help, you can change the wall design as often as you like.

Text wall sticker in the interior

Vinyl stickers in the form of words in the bedroom

Vinyl stickers in the nursery

Vinyl sticker on the kitchen wall

  • The largest number of decorative wall stickers can be found on Aliexpress; you can also look for good pictures in construction hypermarkets and art stores. If you wish, you can order the desired picture in the size you need from the printing house.
  • It is best to apply stickers to painted walls or plain wallpaper.
  • Before gluing the drawing, you need to make markings.

May 15, 2018 Sergey Somov

Good day everyone, maybe evening or morning. It's not that important. The important thing is that I have a step-by-step recipe for “how to paint walls with your own hands in an interior or apartment.”

There is a common opinion that painting is a kind of miracle that is given only to a select few, that you either have it or you don’t! It’s strange, because my teacher, who taught me everything I can and know, said: “Lock a monkey with me in the studio for a week, and it WILL draw, and draw well!”

Why am I writing all this, and how can this be related to the topic of painting a wall with your own hands in a room? Yes, very simple! What I'm trying to tell you is that even in art you need a system! And if we draw a parallel with sports, then you will not notice the difference, and here and there there must be a system, a competent sequence of actions that will make it easier to achieve the goal and improve its quality.

And so, this was the introduction to the article “do-it-yourself wall painting in the interior,” which is important to comprehend and understand. And we move on to the first stage.

Choosing a picture to paint a wall with your own hands

I decided to show simple example painting a wall, how to do it yourself, without special skills and achievements in the field visual arts. To do this, I’ll take a picture with small color gradations, a picture that is built on large local spots, blah blah blah…. Yes, this one:

I strongly advise you not to rush to throw yourself on the wall to paint it with a masterpiece that the world has never seen! Take something simpler, smaller. But you will do the most important thing on the way to the skill of painting a wall with your own hands, namely, you will understand the principle and approach to this work. Trust me! After all, you have already read to the next point)!

Preparatory drawing for painting a wall with your own hands in an apartment

Now we'll start getting tricky. In short, we will print this picture and transfer the drawing to the wall. But this is very brief, and here it is necessary to understand in more detail.

At this point, we will put aside all thoughts about the preparatory drawing for painting the wall with our own hands in the apartment and talk about an equally important point in our undertaking.

Preparing the wall surface for painting with your own hands

I would like to immediately note the fact that in this article about painting a wall in the interior, everything I write about is of paramount importance! Otherwise, you risk encountering a violation of the technology, and this in turn will lead to a slowdown in the work process, and subsequently to mechanical destruction of the paint layer of the painting.

So let's approach it with full responsibility and finish correctly what we have already started.

One of the many questions we constantly hear from customers is how to prepare a wall for painting? The answer is simple: “We level the wall as if it were for painting,” that’s all. And just at this stage of my renovation, and my walls are leveled for painting, I will begin painting with my own hands in a pre-planned place. But, perhaps, your wall has already been leveled and painted a long time ago - this is even better, because you don’t have to read my moral teachings about primer, etc.

Important point! Preparing a wall for painting means:

  1. Give the wall the right geometric shapes by applying plaster and putty
  2. Apply several coats of primer deep penetration

You can check the last, important point by running your palm along the wall:

Please note that dust and whitewash remain on the palm, and this should not happen under any circumstances!

If we consider this point from a logical point of view, then when we apply paint to the wall, dust will remain between the paint and the wall, which will not provide proper adhesion of one to the other, the consequences will be disastrous for our wall painting in the interior.

It is precisely the deep penetration soil that will help us avoid this. Plus, it evens out the absorbency of the wall, which is also important!

Choosing soil

Knauf Tiefengrunt has been and remains the best and highest quality for all types of finishing work. But it is expensive, and perhaps it is not entirely appropriate for our training. Therefore, I can offer you an analogue that is a fairly high-quality replacement - Dufa Tiefengrunt. Well, if you don’t find any, we will need deep penetration soil from any company. Next is a matter of technique, we simply prime our wall where we will paint it ourselves. And there are thujas too important point, which is worth considering! After priming, don't rush to jump on the wall and paint on it! Let the soil dry thoroughly for at least an hour.

Well, if you don’t find any, we will need deep penetration soil from any company. Next is a matter of technique, we simply prime our wall where we will paint it ourselves.

And thuja also has an important point that is worth considering! After priming, don't rush to jump on the wall and paint on it! Let the soil dry thoroughly for at least an hour.

Transferring the drawing to be painted on the wall

And so, the next step is to transfer our drawing to the already prepared wall for painting. My approach to work is simple: “In war, all means are fair”! The main thing is the result, and if it is good, no one will care that we cheated a little!

Namely, we will not pick up a pencil, and like real artists draw on the wall, we will simply transfer the existing printout to the wall using the technology that I will describe below:

We will need:

  • Our listing
  • Molar tape
  • Sanguine or any other soft material (coal, sepia sanguine, etc.), which is sold in an art store.
  • And a sharp pencil.

You and I turn the printed picture over and place it on a flat surface. Then we take a piece soft material for drawing (sanguine, charcoal, sepia) and rub reverse side drawing how I do it in the picture below:

As a result, you should get the following:

I applied sepia to the back of the wall painting print only where I had the design.

Next, we place our print directly on the wall, look where it will look best, and secure it with masking tape on several sides.

Thus, a layer of soft material remained between the wall and the sheet.

We take a sharpened pencil in our hands and outline each line of our drawing directly on the wall, lightly pressing on the pencil. Try not to let the drawing move, secure it with masking tape properly!

When you and I have drawn everything (make sure of this for sure), we remove our sheet, because we won’t need it anymore, and take a look!

The most accurate, perfect drawing was translated without any problems.

So, the preparatory drawing for painting a wall with your own hands in the interior is ready. Let's understand further?

DIY paints for wall painting

I have already written several articles about DIY wall paints. I wrote about better and less expensive ones. In this wall painting I will use paints from this article. I hope you will not be too lazy to look at this article, since I was not too lazy to write this one)

System of colors in painting

In our case, when painting a wall with our own hands in an apartment, we will use a color system. What does this mean and why is it needed?

I'll start from afar. Acrylic paint, water-based, becomes significantly darker and changes color when it dries. To be honest, I don’t know exactly what this is connected with, but we have to reckon with it and take it into account! And now, when you paint on the wall with paints, and mix colors on the palette, then, in order to correct something, finish painting, you need to mix the same color, you mix it again on the palette, put a few strokes on the wall, on old layer of paint, everything seems to be fine, but after 15 minutes when the last strokes of paint dry, you will see that the color is completely different! You missed the shade! What to do in this situation? How to do this wall painting with your own hands professionally? This is why there is a color system. It consists in the fact that we mix the colors we need in separate containers in advance, as many colors as needed, and then we use only them. And later, if we need to finish painting or correct something, we still have the same paint and the same color! I use food jars from the grocery store when painting my walls; they are very convenient because they come with a lid that you can always close, and the paint will not dry for many weeks!

And here, we smoothly approach practice, even if this is still the technical part of it.

First of all, I will use light shades and colors, therefore, I will first pour white into the container, and then add paint that has a color. I'll add a little more.

I’ll mix it thoroughly and paint it a little on the wall, because only on the wall can we tell if it’s the color we need.

As I wrote earlier, the paint changes color and becomes darker when it dries. Therefore, I suggest you wait until it sets, about 5-10 minutes, and then decide whether this color is right for us.

I will not be harmful, since this is an educational painting, and I am doing it solely for informational purposes. I'll just continue painting the wall.

A small digression. We will have to paint each layer several times, since the paint will not apply evenly the first time. Yes, this is not very convenient, but if you want high-quality painting on your wall, you will have to work here. And be sure to wait until the layer dries before applying a new one on top! Well, I'll continue.

I would like to hope that you understand the principle, and then I will give several photographs of the sequence of painting a wall with your own hands according to the above diagram:

Mix the color (the color we need).

Let's try it on the wall.

If everything is satisfactory, we paint the area we need.

If a straight joint line is required, apply masking tape as shown in the photo.

We continue painting according to the previously described principle.

Important conclusion!

As you can see, in fact, there is nothing complicated about this. And absolutely anyone who has knowledge of consistency in wall painting will be able to feel like a real artist and decorate their interior with an original solution.

If you still have any questions, because I understand that it is impossible to describe everything in the smallest detail, ask them in the comments under this article.

After all, there is one more very important question left unanswered: “What varnish should I use to paint the wall?” . I will answer it by email to everyone who leaves it in the comments! I promise!

The content of the article:

Wall painting is a way of decorating a room, allowing you not only to decorate it, but also to realize yourself as a creative personality with aesthetic taste. Handmade has long been considered the ideal way to create unique interior. A huge selection of styles and genres guarantees a realistic and mesmerizing result. Artistic painting, which in ancient times covered the ceilings and walls of palaces and temples, is today accessible to most inhabitants of houses and apartments, although it can hardly be called a cheap pleasure.

Types of wall painting

The wall painting concept includes many ways of creating images. There are two main types of it: traditional painting technique and modern. Each of them is divided in turn into subspecies.

The traditional wall painting technique is wall painting done by hand. There are several types of it:

  • Fresco. This is one of the old wall painting techniques. It was originally mastered by masters Ancient Greece, but it gained its greatest popularity during the Renaissance. The art of Hellas was a success among representatives of the wealthy classes and was considered the best way decoration of ceilings and walls. Unique technology of those times preserved the works of ancient masters for posterity. It involved applying paints diluted with lime water to wet plaster. This method made it possible to create paintings that retained the brightness of their colors for centuries. Modern fresco masters perform this work, as before, only with artistic brushes. Paint brushes are not suitable for it. The drying plaster is periodically moistened during the painting process.
  • Encaustic. One of the unusual and most interesting techniques. The paint here is melted wax with color pigments added to it. The special naturalness of this material allows it to be used for painting walls even in a child’s room. The composition is applied only to dried plaster. This technique recommends the use of non-porous hard brushes, as the paint is very soft. To make a drawing accurately, it is better to draw it in pencil in advance. Very often the image is initially applied to wooden panel or canvas, and then the material is glued to the wall.
  • Alsecco (a secco - “dry” Italian). This technique of painting walls is similar to creating frescoes, only it is done on dry plaster. The advantage of this method is that there is more time for drawing. To prepare the composition, acrylic paints need to be ground in a mixture of lime, raw eggs and vegetable glue. The result will be something similar to tempera. Paints can be applied in several layers. Such a painting requires a frame to aesthetically fix its borders at the junctions with the walls and ceiling.
  • Sgraffito (sgraffito - “scratched” Italian). This is a very labor-intensive technology for painting walls, which involves scratching the image. It was founded by the ancient Greeks and became widespread during the Renaissance. Artistic painting using the Sgraffito technique is performed using layers of colored plaster, and their number and scale depend only on the artist’s imagination. However, in this technique it is still not recommended to use more than 4 colors, so as not to complicate the picture too much. Layers of plaster are applied to each other sequentially, each of them must dry. Upper layer- this is the background of the picture. A sketch of the future image is made on it. After this, in the right places you should scratch the coating to the depth of the required color. This technique requires extreme care, since if an error occurs, it will be impossible to correct it.
Modern painting techniques are no less fascinating and varied:
  1. Grisaille (“gray” French). Drawings made using this technique strongly resemble black and white photographs or pencil sketches. Today this design has become especially fashionable. The elegance and realism of the images is simply mesmerizing, but painting walls with your own hands using this method is very difficult, especially for a beginner in this business. Grisaille is done on a whitewashed wall. The paint is tempera, which should be applied with a hard, thin brush in strokes similar to drawing with a pencil. Small details of the drawing can be done with ink.
  2. Airbrush. This is a simple and modern wall painting technique that allows you to create realistic images and even 3D effects. It is performed using spray paint designed for small parts drawings and airbrushes for large images. When using airbrush, it is not at all necessary to pre-prepare the wall surface. The paint adheres easily to similar material, wallpaper and plaster. This opens up great opportunities for implementing design ideas.
  3. Graffiti. This is another modern trend in artistic wall painting, which is replete with many courtyards in our cities. Some consider it hooliganism, others skillfully use it in design. This painting is applied using cans of aerosol paint. The surface can be any: plaster, wallpaper, etc. The only condition is that you should “paint” only on dry walls.
  4. Stencil painting. It's a long time ago known method applying drawings. It is simple, cheap and does not require practical skills. The main thing here is to choose the right stencil for painting the walls and the color of the image, which should be successfully combined with the general background of the interior. You can make a stencil yourself from vinyl or cardboard, buy it at hardware store or an art workshop, or select a design on the Internet, print it out and cut it out. Then it is laid on the prepared wall and paint is applied on top with a brush, sponge or spray. After removing the stencil, a design remains on the surface.
In addition to the above methods, modern wall painting is carried out using decorative plaster. In this case, it is preliminarily made wall decoration to give the coating the required volume. A painting on such a wall looks like it’s “alive.” Another painting technique uses paint mixtures with the addition of phosphor particles that glow beautifully in ultraviolet light or darkness - a truly mesmerizing sight.

Basic styles of wall painting

In order to have an idea of ​​your future interior, you should familiarize yourself with the most popular styles of wall painting:
  • Classic style. It is always relevant, in demand and not subject to the whims of fashion. The pillars of classicism are simplicity, straightness of form and symmetry, harmony and restraint. Classics are able to organically convey national flavor, combine with non-standard modern materials and elements, without losing their “main line”, aimed at harmony of color and shape.
  • Baroque style. It marked the next round in the development of classicism and became the embodiment of its time. The ornaments of this style contain ornate plant motifs: large flowers, tree branches or large leaves. No less in demand are images of half-naked bodies in physical effort, the tension of struggle or strong movement. The interior, designed in Baroque style, is dominated by rich play bright colors, light and shadow, which gives the room luxury and pomp.
  • Empire style. It harmoniously combines classical severity with impressive decor. The perception of color here is built on a combination of tones of Bonaparte’s symbolism: gold, purple and of blue color. The ornaments of the style are found in a combination of their conventional and naturalistic elements. When painting walls in the Empire style, flower garlands and triumphal and pompous wreaths are actively used. Some ornaments are taken from the culture of Egypt, so in the Empire style interior you can see sphinxes, winged lions or griffins.
  • Art Nouveau style. It is easily recognized by its growing, living and breathing abstract forms. Characteristic feature style is a complex system ornament with large flowers and curved wavy stems. Sometimes fairy-tale creatures are also depicted in modern art: mermaids, elves, as well as strange plants that form characteristic curved lines. The color scheme of the style is dominated by natural shades. Everything in modernity strives for rationalization and simplification, but without sacrificing elegance. The interior in this style is not distinguished by excesses and manifestations of status, but implies the unobtrusive presence of nature. Art Nouveau is characterized by a harmonious combination of functionality and decor.
  • Arabic style. This is not just an interior, but a whole worldview formed under the influence of Islam. The main differences between wall painting in this style are: richness of color, unusual solutions, originality, magical and mysterious atmosphere. The style intricately combines stylized Arabic script, geometric figures and plant motifs, resulting in bright and sophisticated patterns that are repeated on the walls in a certain rhythm. Thanks to a large number of complex patterns, the walls become like luxurious Arabian carpets. Rooms decorated in this style have a warm and cozy atmosphere.
  • Anime style. It originated in Japan and quickly became popular not only in its own country, but also far beyond its borders. Japanese animation characters have become in demand among numerous fans of this genre. Anime style wall painting looks harmonious in Japanese room design. The combination of its functional and laconic forms with bright images of “cartoon” characters can become a source of special pride for any owner. Interior design in this style is ideal for a children's room.

Technology for hand-painting walls

Before applying images to the wall, it should be properly leveled and treated with a primer. The resulting surface must be dried and, if necessary, painted, creating a background on it that will successfully highlight the future drawing.

Preparatory work before wall painting

For painting walls, water-based acrylic paints are most often used, which can be glossy or matte. They are sold in sets, which greatly simplifies their selection. Subjects, for example, with plant themes, require colors of yellow, brown and green. Mixing them gives all the necessary natural shades.

Must be included in the set White paint, since it can adjust color saturation. Watercolor or gouache can also be used, but the finished images will have to be varnished.

Brushes for work should have artificial bristles and vary in size - from No. 0 to No. 10. Foam brushes will also come in handy. They are convenient for decorating flowers and leaves.

In addition to paints for wall painting and brushes, you may need containers for mixing paints, a pencil, double-sided tape, a can of aerosol varnish, a clean cloth, a table or stepladder. All further actions are gradual.

Initially, you should determine the places on the walls that need to be highlighted with the help of painting, and then select images, and they should be in full accordance with the functional purpose of the room.

If you have little or no experience in artistic painting, you should not immediately plan complex scenes or multifaceted landscapes on the walls - you can come to this later. For now, you can limit yourself to simple drawings: for example, a tree or a sakura branch.

After printing the selected image and preparing brushes and paints, you can begin making a sketch. First, you should apply the drawing on paper that has previously been repainted to match the color of the wall. A mini copy of it or a small fragment made in full size is often used as a sketch.

The process of making a sketch will help you get better at this and master the determination of proportions for mixing paints in order to obtain the desired shades.

Marking the wall before applying paint

At this stage of the work, it is necessary to make a pencil sketch on the wall, which will allow you to create a clear and beautiful drawing in the future. In this case, it is worth considering one nuance: for the sketch you should use colored pencils in accordance with the drawing, since traces of a simple pencil are difficult to wash off and can leave dirty stains on the surface.

The image should be placed within the pre-designated boundaries of the wall section: left and right side, top and bottom. The ease of working with brushes will depend on how detailed the sketch is in pencil.

When marking an image on the wall, you need to often move away from it at a sufficient distance, since defects may not be noticed up close.

If there is no confidence in your own ability to transfer the correct proportions of the picture to the wall, it is recommended to use the method of applying the image in cells. Another option is to use a projector for this. Unnecessary marking lines are removed with a soft eraser.

Creating a composition on the walls

Once the pencil sketch is ready, you can begin to create the composition. To do this, in a container made of plastic, you need to slightly dilute with water and thoroughly mix the paint of the main color until it has the consistency of thin sour cream. This composition will provide the material with sufficient density so that it does not flow or lie unevenly if it is excessively thick.

Coloring the image should begin with a large brush. Then a lighter shade is added. The hand should make smooth movements. You need to periodically monitor your work away from the wall, and after completing the main part of the drawing, it is recommended to give your eyes a rest.

In the process of artistic wall painting, you need to carefully work out all the details of the composition, using thin brushes and adding shades for this. The borders of the image should not stand out too much from the general background, so it makes sense to tone them down a little. This can be done with a foam rubber stamp brush: dip it into the background paint and smooth out sharp edge transitions.

After finishing the work and drying the paints, it is recommended to cover the images with a colorless protective varnish.

How to paint walls - watch the video:

In general, painting walls is a very interesting activity that requires responsibility and special inspiration. If you put a piece of your soul into it, the result will delight the eye for a long time, filling the home atmosphere with a festive mood. Good luck with your work!

The modern market of decorative materials for interior decoration today is replete with its diversity. This is not surprising, since consumer demands are regularly growing. And despite wide choose finishing materials, wallpaper, stained glass and stretched canvases, hand-painted walls in the interior remain unique and one of the most expensive room decors.

Each wall painting is unique in its own way, even if it is a replica of a famous painting. After all, artists leave a piece of their own soul in each of their creations, creating masterpieces and a unique atmosphere of the entire room.

A drawing on the wall will definitely attract the attention of guests

Each drawing is unique in its own way

Wall painting is one of the most expensive decor options

Artistic painting of walls in the interior is central element decor. It attracts attention, depending on the viewing angle, lighting, and can change, playing with new colors.

Therefore it follows with special attention consider the choice of subject, color palette, as well as the quality of the work performed. Despite the artistic and aesthetic value, such decor can also perform the following functions.

  • A high-quality drawing is voluminous and multifaceted. With its help you can visually expand the boundaries of the room.
  • Depending on the selected image, you can visually change the geometry of the room: visually “raise” the ceiling or straighten a blocked arch.
  • There are no size restrictions, everything depends on the wishes and imagination of the customer. You can create a huge landscape that covers the entire wall, or decorate the room with miniature pictures.
  • Given the wide popularity of antique items, some images are specially covered with craquelure, creating an aging effect. In this way, you can mask room defects (cracks or unevenness).

An important rule for painting walls in the interior is compliance with the measure. Oversaturation of the room with this type of decor will turn a cozy corner into a museum of fine arts. Also important nuance is right choice drawing for apartment decoration. For example, images of cartoon characters will not look harmonious in a living room decorated in a classic style.

Using a drawing you can visually expand the boundaries of the room

The drawing can be any size

Preparing the wall for interior painting

Preparing the base before applying paint is an important stage of work. The subsequent service life of the wall masterpiece, as well as color transfer and the principle of paint application, depend on its quality. Like any preparatory work, it consists of several stages.

    Clean the wall from the old coating, plaster, remove all unnecessary elements (nails, reliefs).

    Seal cracks and irregularities, use reinforcing mesh if necessary.

    Degrease the surface with a special alkaline solution.

    Apply leveling plaster, remove roughness after complete drying and prime.

    Apply a small layer of finishing putty. After drying, clean from defects until smooth and prime.

After this, you can apply the masterpiece.

Before applying the drawing, you should prepare the wall

If everything is done according to the rules, the drawing will please the eye for a very long time.

A drawing should be drawn from a sketch

Paints for painting walls in the interior

When choosing paints for a wall image, it is important to give preference to high-quality and certified brands, because the final result largely depends on them. There are several types of paints.

    • Acrylic - have a number of advantages: they are easy to mix, have a wide color spectrum, dry quickly, do not have a pronounced odor and are durable.

      Oil paints are less popular than acrylic paints because they are less durable, less easy to mix and more difficult to work with.

      Tempera - based on wax and oil. Thanks to this, by superimposing several layers, the result can be a three-dimensional image.

For specific purposes, you can choose the right paint

Paint should be chosen from trusted manufacturers

Brushes for wall painting

The brush is one of the key tools in this work. The exception is abstraction, which is created using a special tool - sponging. An experienced artist has a supply of several brushes of different thicknesses. So, for example, thin brushes are used to work out thin and small lines, and thicker brushes are used to create voluminous areas of the picture.

The quality of the brush wool also plays a significant role. More expressive lines are obtained with brushes made from squirrel or pony hair.

For some paintings, stencils, pencils, paint cans and felt-tip pens can also be used.

If all the rules have been followed, the end result will pleasantly surprise you

All materials must be of high quality

The quality of the drawing also depends on the brushes used to paint.

Wall painting in the interior: types of execution techniques

Like any type of art, wall painting is evolving, and new drawing techniques are appearing. The most popular interior painting techniques are shown in the table below.


The essence of the method

The work is carried out with special paints on wet plaster with lime in its composition. After the design has dried, it is covered with a special calcium film.


The essence of the method is to apply several layers of multi-colored plaster to the wall. After this, the required design is scratched onto it. The technique requires highly qualified performers.

The result is a three-dimensional image with several contrasting colors.

3D image

The work is carried out in several stages:

    Creating a three-dimensional pattern from plaster or plaster.

    Painting the dried layer with colored paints.


The essence of the method is similar to working in fresco style. The difference is that the plaster must dry completely, but before applying the image it must be moistened with water.

Application of acrylic paints

There are no restrictions on the choice of base for drawing. The result depends on the skill of the author and can embody any design ideas.


The work is carried out with special cans of aerosol paint.


The finished masterpiece resembles a retro-style painting. Here they use one color and all its gradations.

For specific purposes, a different method of drawing is used

There are many drawing methods

Hand painted walls in the interior of different rooms

For each room you should select an image, as well as color palette depending on the overall interior concept, the style of the room, as well as its intended purpose.


The bedroom is a place of relaxation. Here it is important to stick to restrained and calm shades and images, avoiding aggressive themes. You should not paint the walls depicting whirlpools and waterfalls, or raging elements. Withering plants and predators in the bedroom are also not appropriate. When choosing a pattern for painting the interior of the bedroom, you can use the rules of Feng Shui. Below is a table of the most suitable pictures for the bedroom.

You can also create an original drawing

Plants and landscapes are most appropriate in the bedroom

For the bedroom it is better to use calm shades

Living room

This room is the main one in the apartment. This is where the family spends most of their time; holidays and receptions are also held. This area should be decorated with picturesque paintings that embody joy and comfort. The best choice may be:

  • reproductions of famous paintings;
  • natural and seascapes;
  • city ​​images;
  • abstraction.

Also, when choosing a painting, you should base it on the style of the room:

  • for classic or victorian style antique columns overlooking the sea and images of a blooming garden will harmoniously fit into the interior;
  • hi-tech or minimalism goes well with black and white abstraction or the look of a modern city;
  • For ethnic style you should select paintings depending on the country and its culture that you wanted to embody (sakura blossoms for the Japanese style, pyramids for Egypt, the Champs Elysees and the triumphal arch for the French interior).

Cityscapes with nature are perfect for the living room

The living room should be decorated with picturesque paintings

Kitchen and dining room

The nuance of wall painting in kitchen interior is the choice of its location. You should not paint the wall near the sink or stove. Constant contact with water and temperature changes can negatively affect wall paintings. If this arrangement is important for the kitchen owner, you should choose moisture-resistant paints for the job, and also coat the creation with several layers of varnish.

For visual expansion The room is perfect for a landscape, an imitation window or a picnic in nature. These are the most popular design techniques.

If the purpose of interior wall painting is to create a specific atmosphere, optimal solution can be:

  • Still life;
  • Image of a dining area in a cafe or restaurant;
  • Coffee fantasies and paintings with berries and fruits.

After application, the drawing should be treated with protective agents.

Landscapes are perfect for the kitchen

The drawing should be applied on a wall where there is no furniture


The main factor that stops customers from painting walls in the interior of a bathroom is high humidity premises and regular contact of walls with steam. These aspects can significantly spoil a wall creation, but modern techniques and materials make it possible to avoid such negative aspects. In such situations, you must adhere to the following rules.

  • Use moisture-resistant plaster.
  • The work is carried out with special moisture-resistant paints.
  • Cover the painting with several layers of protective varnish.

By following all these rules, the drawing will serve its owner for many years without losing its aesthetic properties.

An original solution for the bathroom would be an image of the seabed on the walls along with its inhabitants.

Drawings with a marine theme are suitable for the bathroom.

The drawing in the bathroom should be treated with protective agents

Children's room

A flight of fancy for wall painting in children's interior not organic. When choosing a design style, you should consult with the young owner of the apartment. Wall painting can turn a room into a fairy tale, creating an atmosphere of magic.

From a psychological point of view, you should not use aggressive images and flashy colors for wall painting in a children's room. Here you can use:

  • underwater landscapes;
  • fairy forest with fairies and animals;
  • magical castles;
  • cartoon characters and landscapes.

It is worth giving preference to calm and neutral colors for the wall background, but the characters themselves can be drawn in a bright and expressive style.

Video: Volumetric 3D art wall painting

50 photos of artistic wall painting ideas:
