Application of floor coverings. Types of flooring for the home - choosing the best. Types of floor coverings in an apartment

Any renovation work on an apartment or house ends with laying the floor. Sometimes its installation can be carried out before the main work begins. In any case, you need to choose a specific floor covering. Today the market is filled with many of the most different materials, and they all have both advantages and certain disadvantages. An ordinary person who has started a renovation may get confused among such a variety, because in general all types of floor coverings are popular in use to one degree or another. Basically, buyers pay attention to their appearance and how they harmonize with the rest of the decoration. But first you need to figure out what kind of floor coverings there are, what properties they have, and what floor covering to choose for a particular room in the house.

Ceramic tile

This option is the most common when it comes to a bathroom, kitchen or hallway. Many people prefer tiles because they are wear-resistant, easy to clean, and do not lose their advantages due to temperature changes and high humidity. To cover the floor, you need to choose non-slip tiles. It is better for it to be rough, but not with the effect of “aged” ceramics, since you will have to constantly clean its cracks and dents. The most suitable for the floor is relief tiles: no one will slip on them.

Relief ceramic floor tiles

Fans of stylish collections can purchase tiles that imitate marble, wood, river pebbles, as well as mirrored ones with polished metal inserts.

Porcelain tiles

In its composition, porcelain tiles are similar to ceramic tiles, but they are made using a different technology and, as a result, acquire increased wear resistance and special frost resistance. Porcelain stoneware is even stronger than natural stone: you can safely hit it with a hammer. Porcelain tiles are distinguished from ordinary tiles by their cut: they are colored to the full depth, since the coloring pigment is added to it at the beginning of production.

Porcelain tiles - a durable and impressive floor covering

Porcelain tiles are produced polished, semi-polished, matte, anti-slip (with a relief surface). The range of porcelain stoneware products is extensive - it is styled to look like marble, granite, mosaic, wood and even leather. The porcelain stoneware floor looks very impressive. This coating is used for kitchens and living rooms, bathrooms and hallways.


Those who consider ordinary tiles a banal solution can lay the floor with various mosaics - Florentine, smalt, Murano glass or marble. Florentine mosaic is a composition of natural stones, including rare rocks - marble, onyx, jasper. The stones are carefully ground, adjusting them to each other. This work, of course, is not easy, it is exclusive, and therefore it is not cheap.

Laying a mosaic floor is a complex, exclusive job

Smalt is glass ground into powder, mixed with dyes, which is pressed and baked at high temperature. This material is similar in strength to diamond and has a rich color. When laying compositions, the smalt shimmers, as if it were illuminated from within.


Despite the fact that new materials and technologies are becoming more widespread, wooden floors still remain popular. After all, no floor covering can create such an atmosphere of comfort and warmth as natural wood.

Parquet creates a true atmosphere of coziness and comfort

But, unfortunately, parquet does not withstand moisture and temperature changes, so it is not recommended to install it in houses with high humidity or fickle temperature conditions. This also applies to kitchens, hallways and, of course, bathrooms. But parquet is ideal for the living room.

And for parquet to last a long time, you need to patiently care for it. Furniture legs should be covered with felt heels; the parquet should be barely washed damp cloth using special detergents. Mastic-coated parquet floors are periodically treated with a special oil, and varnished floors are polished every six months.

Piece parquet consists of blocks of natural wood, the installation of which is reminiscent of putting together a puzzle: using various breeds trees and color shades, any pattern can be assembled. For lovers of palace interiors who have decent funds, artistic parquet, which is made using high-precision laser cutting, is suitable.

Artistic parquet in the palace interior

This type of flooring is not cheap, but if the parquet is laid well, it will last for several generations.

Parquet board and laminate

Parquet board is an affordable multi-layer parquet substitute. These are boards (lamellas) 2-2.5 m long, consisting of several layers: the upper one is made of valuable wood species (beech, maple, acacia, oak), and the lower ones are mainly made of coniferous species. If the parquet is varnished after installation, then the parquet board is varnished at the factory. Parquet boards are easier to install thanks to a simplified joining and snapping system. In addition, when laying it, the requirements for “ subfloor» are not so hard, so flooring made from parquet boards costs almost half as much as parquet.

Parquet flooring

Today it is offered parquet board with a variety of shades, which depend on the type of wood used for the top layer. Among the most popular shades is classic aged oak.

Laminate is another affordable substitute for parquet. It is used by those who love wood flooring but cannot afford it. In addition to wood, laminate can also replace tiles and marble, exactly imitating the texture of the joints. At first glance, you can’t tell the difference until you touch it with your hand.

Laminate flooring is a democratic substitute for parquet

The basis of the laminate is high-density fiberboard, the surface of which is covered with paper with an imitation pattern and a transparent protective layer. When choosing this coating, you need to keep in mind that cheaper types do not have protection against moisture and temperature changes. But a high-quality laminate can last for more than a dozen years, and damaged individual panels can be easily replaced.


Today, linoleum remains the best-selling floor covering, although back in Soviet times it had a reputation as an unnatural and short-lived coating. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that initially linoleum is a natural material that is made from cork, resin, jute fabric, chalk and linseed oil. This linoleum is not afraid of water, dirt, dents and scratches; it is a good option for people prone to allergies. But, like any natural material, linoleum requires special care: it must be periodically wiped with a special mastic.

Linoleum is one of the best-selling floor coverings

The advantages of linoleum are especially noticeable in the kitchen. For example, a cup that has fallen onto a linoleum-covered floor may remain intact, whereas from a tiled floor it will probably be necessary to collect only the fragments. And if a heavy object falls, a pan, for example, the tiles may crack, but this certainly does not threaten linoleum. It is easy to install, easy to clean, and is relatively inexpensive. And what a variety of textures, patterns and colors there are today – it’s amazing! The most popular are collections that imitate more expensive floor coverings: parquet, marble, mosaic, ceramic tiles.


Cork flooring is another type of natural flooring. While such coatings are not yet common, although this material has many advantages. It is very practical and flawless from an environmental point of view. The cork is warm to the touch, walking on it barefoot is very pleasant, it significantly increases sound insulation and eliminates the sound of steps. This is an elastic and resilient material that, compressing under the load of furniture, is fully restored after removing this load. In addition, cork flooring does not absorb odors, does not attract static electricity, and therefore does not collect dust.

Cork floors are warm and pleasant to the touch

Despite the apparent fragility of cork, its durability deserves respect: the warranty period for vinyl-coated products is 20 years. Cork flooring is available in the form of tiles or parquet boards, in most cases with a locking joint. Cork floors allow you to create unique interiors.


Carpet – perfect option for the bedroom, because it is in this room that you want comfort and warmth natural materials. A natural carpet based on a jute mat, woven from wool and other natural fibers, will allow you to safely step on the floor barefoot in the morning. Well, if you need a covering for a nursery, where indelible stains can always appear, then look for a high-quality artificial carpet, and not ordinary, but mosaic. It consists of modules that can be easily replaced in case of damage.

Carpet is a soft and warm floor covering

The most durable carpet, but also the most expensive, is considered to be nylon carpet. More affordable prices for coatings made of polyester, acrylic or polypropylene. The most reliable manufacturing method is woven carpet: in it the threads are intertwined with a jute base. Needle-stitched and needle-punched models are less durable because the threads in them are secured with glue. The carpet is laid on adhesive tape.

Polymer self-leveling floors

Initially, self-leveling floors appeared as convenient option flooring in public spaces. However, their advantages (decorative effect, high wear resistance, lack of electrostaticity, ease of maintenance) make them quite attractive for use in private interiors.

Self-leveling floors are widely used in home interiors

The self-leveling seamless coating is easily renewed, its surface can be roughened, bright colors, unusual texture. Using epoxy compounds, you can recreate a picturesque three-dimensional canvas. Polymer material It is poured directly into the base and in just a few hours the floors dry and become suitable for use.

Which flooring to choose for your home?

This question is asked most often when purchasing flooring for various areas of the home. The advice here cannot be universal; the choice depends largely on the budget, specific needs, functionality of the room, comparison of the quality of flooring and personal preferences. You can only listen to some recommendations from experts.

So, linoleum, cork or ceramic tiles are suitable. They are moisture resistant and easy to care for.

And the bedrooms? Of course, soft and warm carpet or anti-allergenic natural cork, as well as solid wood. They are easy to clean and have a long service life.

Carpet is the ideal floor covering for the hall. Often, floor coverings are combined in the living room: wooden floors are laid (parquet, laminate, cork), and carpets are laid on top.

Relatively, we can say that the most popular floor covering here is ceramic tiles. It is ideally suited for this room because it is very moisture resistant and easy to care for.

We hope that the information and recommendations presented above will help you successfully choose flooring for your home that will serve you for many years.

There is a very large assortment of different types of floor coverings on sale. When you come to the store, you can be quite confused before you do the only thing right choice. However, you probably shouldn’t choose this or that, especially an unfamiliar material, without knowing its characteristics, since some modern floor coverings for the home may not be entirely useful, especially for people prone to allergic reactions or suffering from asthma.

Floor coverings can have different prices, natural or synthetic bases, different levels of quality, variety different types release (pieces, tiles or rolls), can be soft, elastic and hard. In addition, the materials vary in color and pattern.

To become a little more familiar with the characteristics of flooring, you need to consider at least some of them.

Carpet floor coverings are usually called by one term - “carpet”, although such material is divided into different kinds. It can be made from natural or artificial raw materials, on a textile or rubber basis, have a high pile or not have it at all. It is with “carpet” that you need to be extremely careful when choosing, since this coating tends to accumulate a large amount of dust and dirt in its structure, so when laying it, you need to immediately purchase a powerful vacuum cleaner.

In terms of popularity, the first place among carpets is occupied, of course, by materials on a natural basis, such as Armeria and sisal. The second of them is characterized by increased strength, and therefore wear resistance. In terms of these characteristics, it can be compared with synthetic coatings - linoleum or polyvinyl chloride.


Sisal is perhaps the most environmentally friendly of carpet floor coverings, as it is made from natural fiber. It is produced in rolls and can have a variety of weaving patterns. The color range of the material is quite varied, but all its shades are discreet and have soft, calm, pastel tones. The texture of sisal is pleasant for bare feet and gives a pleasant massage effect for the feet.

In my own way appearance sisal resembles a mat made from bamboo shoots, but modern covering much stronger, since its base is agave, to which other natural fibers are added. Such additives include wool, which reduces the coarseness of plant fibers, and jute, which adds wear resistance to the coating.

The woven top covering is most often placed on a latex base - it provides dust resistance and good adhesion to the floor. It is latex that increases the performance capabilities of sisal.

Sisal coating has gained popularity due to its many positive qualities:

  • the main thing is, of course, the naturalness of the material;
  • sisal is non-toxic and hypoallergenic, so it can be installed in any room, even if there are people in the house who are hypersensitive to allergens;
  • Compared to other carpets, sisal does not collect a large amount of dust, as it does not accumulate static electric charge and does not have high pile;
  • the material is wear-resistant and strong enough that it can be laid not only in residential but also in office premises;
  • restraint in colors and excellent calm design also make it possible to use sisal for flooring in work rooms– he will not hurt the eyes and distract from business;
  • this flooring can be easily cleaned with a vacuum cleaner;
  • ease of installation can also be called an advantage of the material, since almost any home owner can do it independently, which means saving a decent amount of money;
  • sisal has a low cost, so it is affordable for people with average incomes.

The only drawback of this coating is its fear of excess moisture, so it cannot be carried out wet cleaning, and also placed in the bathroom. If a large amount of water gets on the material, its fibers spread, and with constant humidity they begin to rot.

To cover a room with sisal yourself, you need to have some simple tools and materials: sharp construction knife, tape measure, for applying the adhesive - a notched spatula; a hard roller for smoothing the flooring material.

Sisal flooring technology

  1. Having measured the room and drawn up a floor diagram, calculate the amount of material.
  2. Then the baseboards are removed.
  3. The purchased sisal is spread on the cleaned and primed surface - it should rest for 20-30 hours and straighten out.
  4. Next, the coating is cut according to the drawn up diagram in compliance with the dimensions marked on it. In areas adjacent to the walls, it will be necessary to leave allowances of one or two centimeters.
  5. Then, the covering is rolled down one side of the room into a large, loose roll. Adhesive based on synthetic resins is applied to the floors.
  6. The roll is unrolled and leveled on the glue-covered area of ​​the room.
  7. Then fold the second edge of the covering and repeat the gluing procedure.
  8. Having completely leveled the sisal, you need to cut off the excess that will be found on the wall and once again roll the edges around the entire perimeter with a roller. The glue dries for about three days, during which time it is not recommended to walk on the roof.
  9. The skirting boards along the edges are secured last, after complete drying.

Synthetic carpets

Artificial carpets come in a wider range of colors and patterns than sisal. They may have high or very small pile, which makes them either soft and fluffy, or quite tough. However, all of them are designed to create coziness and comfort in the premises. Synthetic coatings are divided into nylon, acrylic, silk and others - they are produced in the form of rolls and tiles.

Carpet is easy to install, just like sisal. This coating is wear-resistant and serves as good heat and sound insulation for the floor, so it is no less popular than natural sisal. But it has significant disadvantages:

  • the material is contraindicated in a house where there are residents prone to allergies;
  • the coating requires frequent cleaning, as it collects a large amount of dust in its fibers;
  • the long pile of carpet in certain areas of the room gets wrinkled quite quickly; in this case, carpet tiles are more practical than a solid covering, since they can be partially replaced.

3D - self-leveling floors

One of the latest inventions of finishing designers is 3D floors, which are used to decorate interiors in apartments and public buildings. This polymer coating consists of several layers and makes the floors exclusive.

Masters offer a huge selection of three-dimensional designs in various colors s ranges, so everyone can find exactly the option that is most suitable for a particular room. So, the obvious advantages of this floor can be considered:

  • The self-leveling floor can be easily selected and fit into any style of the room.
  • Its perfect evenness will create impeccable accuracy, so as not required special efforts to put such a floor in order.
  • The elegant and exclusive appearance of the floors will delight homeowners for 10-25 years, as they are quite durable.
  • The heat resistance of the coating will not allow a fire to occur, even if the coating comes into contact with an open fire.
  • The environmental friendliness of the material allows this coating to be installed in any residential premises, since it does not emit fumes hazardous to health and does not cause allergies.
  • Self-leveling 3D floors do not absorb and therefore do not retain foreign odors.
  • The coating is non-slip, so it can be laid in the bathroom and nursery, hallway, living room and even on the stairs.

This type of decorative floor coverings is made using airbrushing, photographs printed on film, colored mosaics, ornamental panels laid out from various objects, relief patterns, backlights and other various techniques. All these objects or images are placed between layers of polymer coatings. Moreover, to make the image visually appear more voluminous (3D), small objects or individual parts of paintings are placed in different layers of the self-leveling floor. Rhinestones and stones, coins, old vinyl or CDs, stone chips or sand can be used as decorative elements.

Photographic images of landscapes of the deep sea or flames, favorite cartoon characters and much more are popular. Essential composition choice limited only imagination and financial capabilities of the customer.

A polymer self-leveling floor is well suited for balconies and garages, since it itself is an excellent waterproofer and this is another advantage of this technology. In such places it is not necessary to choose deep designs; you can do the simplest one or do without it at all, since the main aesthetic advantage in these rooms is, first and foremost, neatness.

The coating process will take three to five days, depending on the number of layers and the quality of the material applied. It is possible to make this work of art yourself only if you have good knowledge and experience, and if you do not have it, then it is better to entrust this process to a master.

Vinyl laminate

Another relatively new type of flooring is vinyl laminate, which has a polyurethane exterior.

This type of material is well suited for rooms with high humidity and for those where frequent light cleaning is necessary - this could be a bathroom, hallway, kitchen or corridor. It is not advisable to install this coating in bedrooms and children's rooms, as well as the living room, since it contains chlorine-containing substances, which means that at least minimal evaporation will occur, which will not benefit health.

This flooring has good characteristics specifically for the above-described premises:

It has high wear resistance and moisture resistance;

It is easy to clean;

The material is very pleasant to the feet and to the touch.

It should immediately be noted that three types of vinyl laminate are produced:

Laminate based on NDF

Vinyl laminate based on NDF has a thickness of 0.5 to 1 cm and consists of several layers: when viewed from above, the first is protective film, the second is a decorative layer, third - interlayer vinyl, the fourth - NDF board and the fifth - heat and sound insulating substrate made of cork material.

The laminate can be given different appearance registration - invoice various types of wood, the structure of polished stone having a natural color, or the material can be plain, with a decorative layer without patterns.

Thanks to protective film The laminate is wear-resistant, resistant to mechanical, chemical, temperature and ultraviolet influences, does not accumulate static electricity, i.e. does not attract dust. In addition, it is easy to install and easy to clean.

The panels are fastened together with a friend with using a tongue and groove lock. With a monochromatic design of the coating, the seams of the joints are almost invisible, and if there is a structural pattern, only this determines the width and length of the panels.

According to external data, this version of the material differs little from the NDF-based laminate, but its production uses other components that make the coating moisture resistant. It also consists of several layers: the first, transparent - protective, the second - decorative, the third - vinyl, the fourth - composite plastic, the fifth - a backing made of atylene vinyl citate. If NDF cannot withstand high humidity and can swell, then plastic does not care about moisture. Thus, this type of material has all the above-described qualities of an NDF laminate plus pronounced moisture resistance.

It is often given an interesting design with drawings made using digital printing, or a textured pattern in the form of a braid.

The moisture-resistant version of vinyl laminate is also easy to install and has the same connection

Moisture-resistant elastic laminate

This moisture-resistant material can rather be called elastic vinyl tiles. It is similar in structure to laminate (two top layers), and when laid it is difficult to distinguish. Its thickness varies from 0.3 to 0.7 cm, but in terms of reliability it is not inferior to laminate, and even superior to linoleum.

The benefits of vinyl coating more The following qualities can be attributed:

  • service life of the material is from 15 to 25 years;
  • heat resistance;
  • affordable price;
  • withstands heavy loads;
  • wear-resistant;
  • ease of installation;
  • heat and sound insulator;
  • pleasant on the feet, making it great for the bathroom;
  • varied in color and texture patterns;

To lay the material, you need to prepare a flat and clean base, and if old tiles If the bathroom is laid with high quality, you can put an elastic laminate directly on it.

But in addition to its positive qualities, it also has some disadvantages, which are also better to know in advance. So, with prolonged use, the seams sometimes come apart.

You need to know that the tiles are available in two versions - with or without a ready-made adhesive base - then to install them you need to purchase a special glue. When purchasing such an elastic laminate, you must carefully check the integrity of the packaging and the production date, since the bottom adhesive base may not match required quality due to long or improper storage.

Cork covering

This type of coating is not yet popular enough, although it has excellent qualities, not only for flooring, but also for wall decoration.

The most important advantage of this material is its natural origin, since it is made from cork oak, or rather, its bark. Cork is produced in rolls and in the form of slabs of various shapes. In addition, they differ in texture pattern - it can be made up of small crumbs or large pieces. The entire material has amazing warmth Yu and a comfortable structure, which is confirmed when touching the coating.

Plates made of cork material can have a thickness of up to 1.2 cm. By the way, just 3 cm of such a coating is equal in soundproofing qualities to 35-40 cm of brickwork.

Cork is good for arranging a child's room or bedroom, since they are the ones that need to be protected from extraneous sounds. So, cork has the following remarkable qualities:

  • heat and sound insulation;
  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • resistance to deformation - the material tends to return to its original shape;
  • the ability to have good shock absorption, which is useful for the human musculoskeletal system;
  • the coating is non-slip, which means injury-proof.

What you need to consider if you decide to purchase this type of coverage:

  • the material has a fairly high price;
  • a poorly laid coating can tear, so it must be laid based on the manufacturer’s technological recommendations;
  • It is undesirable to use panel laminated cork in rooms with high humidity, although cork itself is not afraid of water and is not susceptible to rotting.

To correctly place the cork on the floors, you need to proceed in stages:

  1. Surface preparation - it must be smooth and dry, so the best option arrange a base of plywood or other reliable and smooth materials. If the floors are constructed well and there is linoleum on them, then you can put the cork directly on it.
  2. First you need to take the tiles out of the packaging and lay them on the floor for about 24-36 hours - this is done for acclimatization and leveling.
  3. The baseless cork coating must be glued to the base using Novopren glue, specially designed for this material. It is applied with a spatula or roller and the tiles are carefully laid on it, and passed on top with a hand roller. The floor should dry for at least a day and during this time it is better not to walk on it.
  4. If a cork flooring is installed, which is glued to the base and has a tongue-and-groove lock, then it is installed in the same way as a regular laminate. To enhance its insulating qualities, you can lay a substrate of rolled cork insulation, which is of lower quality, underneath.
  5. It is imperative to leave a small gap between the wall and the covering for thermal and moisture expansion.

Video: another type of modern flooring

To choose the right floor covering, you need to critically evaluate the surface of the floor on which it will be installed. Calculate all the pros and cons of a particular material based on its technical characteristics, and only then will you be able to pay attention to its design. And the modern assortment of stores makes it possible to do this.

Choose best coverage for floor

1. Linoleum

An option from the “cheap and cheerful” series. The most accessible and inexpensive synthetic material. There are no restrictions on colors and patterns; it can be with or without insulation. It is customary to divide linoleum into three types depending on its strength: household, semi-commercial and commercial.If you decide to opt for linoleum, then for your home, take a semi-commercial one: it is much stronger, although a little more expensive than a household one.By the way, the same story happens with laminate, which will be discussed a little later: for the home, they most often take laminate, which is intended for public spaces.Linoleum can be laid in any home room, except for cold ones: in severe frost it will crack.Pros:
  • Does not rot, is not susceptible to the harmful effects of moisture. With proper care, it has a long service life - over 10 years.
  • Good noise insulation properties
  • Easy to care for
  • A huge number of design and color options
  • Linoleum is demanding on the base; it must be laid on a perfectly flat floor, then it will last a very long time. Otherwise, it will soon crack and “creases” will be visible.
  • Not environmentally friendly: linoleum is a completely artificial material, and in this regard it noticeably loses to natural coatings.
  • Low mechanical strength. Heavy furniture or even sharp heels can damage linoleum. Pets, especially large dogs, can destroy linoleum in a very short time.

2. Carpet and other carpeting

Another inexpensive and very common flooring option. It is low cost, easy to install and does not require special care. Synthetic carpets are absolutely not of interest to rodents and insects. Plus, there is a huge selection of colors and patterns, from classic “carpet” to radically avant-garde.Carpet can be used in any room except wet ones: kitchen, bathroom, toilet.Pros:
  • Resistance to external influences - abrasion and various mechanical damage.
  • Large selection of designs and colors
  • High noise-absorbing qualities
  • Excellent heat retention
    Instability to fading and fading, especially in inexpensive types of carpet. Regular dry cleaning is required. If you choose carpeting, take care of a good vacuum cleaner. Dust accumulation. Carpeting is not recommended for people with a predisposition to allergies. Aesthetics (it is easy to deform)

3. Laminate

Laminate is the third most popular inexpensive and widespread flooring material. It consists of special panels made of fibreboard (fibreboard) and several layers of special thick paper. A pattern is applied to the paper (most often the texture of wood is imitated) and a special durable protective layer of lamination. Hence the name - laminate.
    Strength. Laminate copes well with any mechanical load, scratches, and so on. If you have pets, their claws will not be scary for him. Laminate perfectly tolerates high temperatures, and is able to withstand short-term contact with fire (for example, with a match accidentally falling on the floor). Laminate can be used together with underfloor heating systems, such as electric, and water ones. Affordable price. Laminate is more expensive than carpet or linoleum, but nevertheless cheaper than many other types of coating, for example, visually similar parquet boards
    Fear of moisture. Despite its strength, laminate is contraindicated for prolonged contact with water and other liquids. From prolonged contact with water, its fiberboard base will swell and the laminate will become unusable. Short service life, despite mechanical strength. It is recommended to replace it every 5 - 7 years. Despite its apparent simplicity, laminate flooring is difficult to install without experience. It is better to hire professionals, and this is an additional amount to the cost of laminate flooring. It is easy to chip and cause defects for the design. This is a huge disadvantage, because laminate, unlike parquet boards or solid wood, cannot be restored.

4. Floorboard

Probably the most classic version floors made of natural materials - floors made of wooden planks. Solid wood flooring is expensive, but it is one of the most reliable and environmentally friendly types of flooring.
Modern solid wood flooring boards are made using special technology, dried and processed using special equipment. The boards have locking joints that simplify installation - the floor is obtained without cracks and height differences, as was the case in grandma's old apartment.Solid wood floors do not need to be painted: the boards are already ready for use, covered with pest repellent compounds and a layer of varnish.Pros:
    Strength and durability. A solid plank floor can last more than 50 years without the need to replace the boards. This floor can be scraped and sanded as many times as you like - the thickness of the boards allows this. Easy installation. Although, as in the case of laminate, you should not do this yourself - it is better to hire specialists. Good heat and sound insulation
    High price. Solid natural wood is much more expensive than other types of wood flooring. Sensitivity to moisture: with prolonged contact with moisture, a solid wood board can “sink.” Special protection from scratches is required. Solid boards must be sanded, sanded and varnished annually. It must be regularly treated with pest control agents, despite the initial treatment.

5. Parquet and parquet boards

Parquet made from solid parquet boards is an expensive pleasure. This type of parquet is used to lay floors in royal palaces and very rich houses. Modern parquet is cheaper because it is made from composite materials: its base is thick plywood, and only upper layer 3 – 5 mm is valuable wood.
The parquet board has the same structure as inlaid parquet: thick plywood with a thin face layer. Because of this, both parquet and parquet boards today are quite affordable for people with average incomes (trick: take a three-strip parquet board, it is much cheaper).Pros:
    Environmental friendliness. Parquet and parquet boards are, first of all, natural wood. Glue based on natural resins is used as internal binding materials. Long service life. Good parquet can last you up to 20 years. Parquet and parquet boards retain heat perfectly. Appearance. Inlaid parquet can become a real work of art (there is a name for this - artistic parquet). Using parquet from different types of wood, you can create original ornaments and patterns on the floor. It can be restored (this is a definite plus, but it only applies to parquet treated with oil. It is more difficult to restore varnish; you will have to replace the whole board).
    High price. And this is not only the cost of the material, but also the cost of installation work. If you want really high-quality parquet, you will have to spend money on a great parquet floorer. Parquet is susceptible to mechanical damage, so it is not recommended to use it in a house with large animals - their claws will render the parquet unusable in a very short time. Parquet is afraid of moisture. And although it is less susceptible to warping than solid wood, it is not recommended to allow prolonged contact with water.

6. Engineering board

Engineered board is a relatively new type of coating. In essence, this is a parquet board, but made using a slightly different technology. Engineered board consists of two or three layers: a thick (up to 1 cm) layer of expensive wood, a layer of cheaper wood or plywood, and another layer of expensive wood (for a three-layer engineered board).
Another difference between engineered wood and parquet: it contains only water-soluble glue that does not contain toxins, while some inexpensive varieties of parquet can also use synthetic compounds.Pros:
    Strength and durability. Engineered board is much stronger than ordinary parquet, its service life is longer - 20 - 25 years. The thick top layer allows it to be scraped and polished large quantity times than parquet. Retains heat well. Less susceptible to moisture than regular parquet. Easy to install.
    The price is still quite high: the cost of an engineered board is comparable to the cost of good parquet. To install it you need to prepare a good, level base and a backing made of plywood or fiberboard. Despite the increased moisture resistance, it is still not recommended to use engineered boards in wet rooms.

7. Cork floor

This is a natural coating with good heat-insulating and noise-absorbing properties, pleasant to the touch and easy to install. Made from pressed cork tree bark. Available in the form of slabs and rolls.
Cork flooring is ideal for a nursery, bedroom or living room. It is absolutely environmentally friendly.Pros:
  • Good thermal insulation. You can walk on this floor barefoot even in winter - it maintains room temperature.
  • Good sound insulation. In professional recording studios, for example, the floors and walls are necessarily covered with cork panels.
  • Resistance to deformation. Heavy furniture does not leave marks on the cork floor - dents are leveled out on their own within a short time.
  • Prices for the material and the cost of installation work are comparable to the cost of laying parquet - not the most economical option.
  • Cork flooring can swell and deform during prolonged contact with water.
  • Not recommended for use indoors with pets: claws will easily damage the cork floor. Also, don't walk around cork floor in heels.

8. Ceramic tiles and natural stone

Surely in any apartment there is a room (and probably more than one) with a ceramic tile floor. Most often this is a bathroom, toilet, kitchen, less often a hallway. Durable, abrasion-resistant and moisture-resistant tiles are an ideal material for wet and walk-through areas.
In principle, a ceramic or stone floor can be installed in both the living room and the bedroom, but in this case it is ideal to combine such a coating with a warm floor, otherwise your feet will simply get cold.It’s probably not worth saying that the range of tiles and artificial stone is huge - in any, even the smallest hardware store, there are at least a dozen types of tiles for every taste and budget. This gives unlimited possibilities in terms of room design.Pros:
  • Affordable price. From the extensive range of ceramics, you can always find exactly the option that suits you both in price and quality.
  • Strength. When installed correctly, ceramic tiles can last forever. An example of this is ancient Greek temples, the floors of which are still decorated with ceramics.
  • Easy to care for. Ceramic tile and artificial stone are easy to clean and are not afraid of moisture.
  • Labor-intensive installation. Laying tiles or artificial stone requires long and thorough preparatory work.
  • Presence of seams between tiles. No matter how hard the master tries, the seams will always remain. They must be carefully sealed, and this is also a rather labor-intensive process.
  • The need to combine ceramic tiles with heated floor systems is an additional expense that increases the final cost of the coating.

9. Polymer coatings or self-leveling floors

Self-leveling floors have recently given way to more environmentally friendly materials- wood, cork or parquet, but still remain in demand. Reasons - self-leveling flooring is very durable, is not afraid of moisture and provides unlimited opportunities for realizing design ideas.
The materials for such floors are cement-acrylic, epoxyurethane, polyurethane and epoxy compounds. In houses and apartments, the last two types are most often used. Self-leveling floors can be one-color, with a simple or three-dimensional pattern - the so-called 3D floors.Pros:
    Self-leveling floors are not afraid of moisture, which is why they are most often installed in bathrooms and kitchens. Wide possibilities for design. Self-leveling flooring is perfect for installing heated floors. Durability. A properly made self-leveling floor can last up to 50 years. Resistant to fire and temperature. Easy to maintain.
    High price. This includes not only the floor material itself, but also preliminary work on preparing the base, design, and so on. All this brings the self-leveling floor into the upper price category. Demands on the rough coating. Depends on how well the draft is done preparatory work, the quality of the self-leveling floor itself will depend. The difficulty of replacement. If you get tired of the self-leveling floor and want to dismantle it, get ready for serious work and high costs.

The results of the hit parade

In our hit parade, we tried to briefly talk about all the most popular types of floor coverings that can be found on the market. Which of these do we recommend you choose?
    If you are a supporter of eco-style and love experiments, try cork flooring. If you love classics and reliability, there is nothing better than a real solid wood floor or good parquet. Save money or don’t want to invest a lot of money in rented apartment- take inexpensive linoleum, carpet or laminate.
In any case, the choice is yours. And we will help make your choice easy and pleasant. Live easy!

Today, there is no need to explain to anyone that the floor in the house helps create coziness and comfort. Not a single element of the interior of your apartment requires more careful care. Therefore, before choosing a flooring, study everything possible types floors

Preparing the subfloor

Before deciding what kind of flooring you need, you should take care of the base. It should be smooth, have no differences in height, protrusions or cracks. To do this, the floor is screeded using one of the following methods.

Today the most common are:

  • Dry floor screed. It is used to level the surface in case of existing serious defects. Too thick a layer of such screed does not always allow its use in apartments. This can be considered its only drawback. The advantages of this method include lightness of the coating, ease of installation, and high quality. You can immediately lay the top layer on a dry screed. The installation technology is very simple: a dry mixture is poured onto a concrete base or covered with polystyrene, then gypsum fiber slabs are laid on the floor.
  • Semi-dry screed. This is pouring the floor with a mixture of cement, water and sand. Alignment is carried out using special measuring instruments. This screed dries within five days.

Choosing floors. Types: design, technology, materials

Modern designers and manufacturers of finishing and building materials can offer customers a variety of flooring design options. They differ in manufacturing and installation technology, the material used and, of course, price. Today we will introduce you to the most common types of flooring so that you can make the right choice.

Self-leveling floors

In construction, this is the name for the type of screed and finishing coat. When working, mixtures are used to level the surface, which are poured onto a layer of polystyrene foam. Screeds of this type have earned the approval of specialists for their low coating thickness, high strength and wear resistance. After the base has completely dried, you can begin choosing the main floor covering.

At this point, many people have a question: “Which flooring is better to choose?” Types, requirements, designs for all options are different. Which coating will last a long time, be durable and retain its original appearance as much as possible at a reasonable price?

There is no clear answer to these questions. The variety of floor coverings gives scope to your imagination and at the same time complicates the choice. But let's return to flooring as a finishing coating.

This is a relatively new invention. They are often called "3D floors". Such coatings allow you to create real works of art in a single apartment (house). They are very impressive.

The types of self-leveling floors are amazing. The cost of such coatings cannot be called low. The technology for making self-leveling floors is very similar to making liquid screed.

When creating such a coating, you should carefully level the base, sand it, clean it well and prime it. Then the base coat should be applied. When it dries, you can draw.

How is self-leveling floor applied?

IN in this case the choice depends on the fantasies and preferences of the owner. Any textures, colors, small decorative elements (shells, pebbles, artificial plants etc.) - all this will add originality to your floors.

Finally, apply finishing layer. The thicker the polymer that is applied to the drawing, the more voluminous the image will appear. There are other types of self-leveling floors. In addition to the transparent coating, you can consider other options - matte fills of different colors, ornaments, large drawings. This type of flooring is highly durable and decorates the room.

Wooden floors

Many owners, considering the types, increasingly prefer solid boards. It is rightfully considered an alternative to parquet flooring. Solid boards are great for large spaces.

This material is environmentally friendly and, with proper care, will last for decades. In addition, it is distinguished by ease of installation, which is due to the size of the boards - their width is 10-20 cm, and their length reaches three meters.

Solid board is slightly thicker than parquet, so this material is considered more wear-resistant, durable and durable. Using modern technologies, manufacturers create boards of various colors, regardless of the type of wood. There are many modern paint and varnish compositions that not only protect the material, but also give the board an attractive appearance.


Only high-quality solid wood is used to make floorboards. Most often, this material is made from maple, oak, walnut, birch, cherry, and ash. In addition, there are boards made of exotic wood species - beech, mergau, bamboo, wenge and so on.

Laying solid boards requires preparation of the base. It cannot be placed on concrete. Usually used for this wooden joists(rectangular bars). The coating can also be laid on a plywood base. Its surface should be perfectly flat. We must not forget about the moisture-proof layer. It is laid on joists or on plywood base. Foam can be replaced with mastics, primers and other special mixtures.

In apartments located on the lower floors, it is more expedient to insulate the floor by laying it between the layers of coating. heat resistant material. Experts recommend keeping the boards indoors for at least two days before laying them.


When choosing floors, the types and requirements for which differ significantly, you need to consider the room in which you want to lay them. Surely you will not place ceramic tiles in the living room and parquet in the bathroom. Each room has its own requirements.

Classic parquet is a strong, durable, environmentally friendly floor covering. It always looks flawless. Today they design not only in the form of a “herringbone” or traditional rectangular mosaic. Modern technologies brought a variety of colors, shapes, textures and shades to the parquet world. Now you can make intricate designs out of wood.

Parquet is small wooden planks up to 20 mm thick and about 10 cm wide. Parquet is made from high-quality solid wood. The most commonly used wood is walnut, oak, birch, ash, maple, and larch. Coatings made of beech, sandalwood, cypress, and palm are in demand today.

Parquet, which belongs to wooden floors, in turn can be divided into several types - piece, parquet board, modular and artistic. I would like to dwell on the latter in more detail.

Artistic parquet, made by a qualified craftsman, is a real thing. Incredible ornaments, very complex designs, stunning patterns - all this is possible thanks to modern equipment and the latest technologies production. Artistic parquet is a piece material. It is laid in an intricate pattern.

Modular parquet can combine different colors, types and textures of wood. The process of laying such a coating is very labor-intensive, requiring a long time and highly qualified specialists.

The disadvantage of parquet, like other wooden flooring, is that it is difficult to maintain. It needs to be monitored very carefully, protected from moisture, and regularly treated with special compounds. And the styling is very difficult process, requiring the skill of professionals.

Floor tiles

There are floors, the types and designs of which are well known to our readers. First of all, this applies to porcelain stoneware floor slabs, which are made of durable and durable material. However, you are unlikely to want to have such a floor in your bedroom. This option is more suitable for rooms with high humidity - hallway, kitchen or bathroom.

Before laying tiles, the base of the floor should be well leveled and cleaned of dust. All contact points must be degreased. The material is placed on a special glue. It is necessary to ensure that the gaps between the tiles are uniform.

"Live Tile"

This is still a completely new floor covering. Without going into the intricacies of production technology, we can say that this is a multi-layer tile, the pattern of which changes when you press on it.

Undoubtedly, this is an original and quite impressive coating. It requires special installation and operating conditions. Such tiles are installed on a completely flat horizontal surface. The smallest defects can cause its deformation, as a result of which it will lose its “magical” properties - the gel inside will simply leak out.

Types of floors made from roll materials

Linoleum is perhaps the most affordable in financially way to update the floor. On the domestic market of construction and finishing materials today there are different types of this material:

  • Natural, made from natural raw materials (linseed oil, pine resin, jute fiber, wood flour).
  • PVC linoleum is made from synthetic materials. It is very durable, wear-resistant, and has good flexibility. PVC linoleum can be single-layer or multi-layer. Presented in trade huge selection colors and designs.
  • Rubber linoleum (Relin) is a two-layer coating. The bottom layer is used rubber, and the top layer consists of a mixture of rubber, pigments and fillers.
  • Alkyd linoleum contains alkyd resins and a fabric base. Has strong thermal insulation properties.

Types of linoleum floors in residential premises differ from coatings in office buildings, shops, clinics, etc.

Carpet care is quite simple. The latex or rubber based coating allows for wet cleaning. But in this case, it is necessary to ensure that the pile dries completely. Carpets with a jute backing require dry cleaning.

Warm floor

In conclusion, I would like to say about the “warm floor” system. This is a great way to make your home cozy. This option is especially relevant for private houses and apartments on the lower floors. The essence of this method is simple: a special structure consisting of electrical wires is laid under the top layer of the floor covering. Some systems use water or gas pipes. Only regulators and temperature sensors remain on the surface. "Warm floor" can be combined with any coating.

Floors are the basis of the interior of every home, apartment or office. To give floors aesthetics and beauty, various types of coatings can be used. However, only the right flooring can set the style of the room and create coziness and comfort in your home.

How to choose flooring

Manufacturers of modern building materials can offer quite big number types of flooring: cheap and expensive, artificial and natural, rolled and piece, tile, hard and soft, by design, quality and so on.

1. Linoleum and rubber-based coatings

These are the most common types of coatings. Linoleum is most suitable for wet rooms - for kitchen floors.

PVC linoleums come in three types: household, commercial and semi-commercial. Commercial - the most dense, suitable for premises where there is a lot of traffic (in offices, offices). Household implies that it should be used for the home, but semi-commercial is best suited here. It will be a little more expensive than a household one, but it will last much longer, it is stronger and thicker than a household one.



  • Linoleum is waterproof.
  • Easy to clean.
  • Its cost is low.
  • Easy to install.
  • Doesn't rot.
  • It doesn't make noise when you walk on it.
  • Shelf life – 30-50 years.


  • To lay it, you need a flat base, only in this case it will serve for a very long time.
  • Linoleum is an artificial material; as a result, it is inferior to a wooden floor in terms of environmental friendliness, quality, and beauty.
  • It can be pressed down if you place heavy furniture on it.
  • Inexpensive linoleum can be sensitive to very low and very high temperatures– cracks and deforms.
  • Not expensive options look cheap, while expensive types can imitate wood, tiles, and so on.

2. Polyvinyl chloride

They represent elastic soft textured floor coverings. The average service life is approximately thirty years. Polyvinyl chloride floors are usually produced in tiles.

Polyvinyl chloride tiles


  • They are designed for a wide variety of loads and consist of several layers, are suitable for rooms with high humidity, are inexpensive and flame retardant.
  • Although the total thickness of polyvinyl chloride tiles is approximately 3-7 mm, it is superior in reliability to all types of linoleum, as well as other, denser floor coverings.
  • Easy to transport and stack.
  • It is a soundproofing material.
  • pleasant and warm for feet.
  • It has a large number of textures and colors.
  • It is not afraid of moisture and does not break over time.


  • To install it you need good preparation bases, glue for PVC tiles, as well as styling skills.
  • During use, the seams may dry out.
  • Quite a high price.
  • In small towns there is a small assortment.
  • If the tiles are stored incorrectly, they may become warped, which will create interference during installation. Therefore, you need to carefully check the packaging when purchasing.

3. Cork floors

This type of flooring has high noise-absorbing and heat-insulating qualities. It is made from natural material, based on cork tree bark. very popular and modern. They can be produced in the form of plates and rolls.

Cork floors are especially beneficial for use in rooms where silence, environmental friendliness, comfort and warm floors are needed.

Cork floor coverings


  • Excellent thermal insulation properties (Thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.03-0.04).
  • Good level (sound absorption coefficient 0.85). It is great for panel houses.
  • High resistance to deformation, convenient when there is heavy furniture - no traces remain after them.
  • Good shock-absorbing qualities, which has an excellent effect on human health, the musculoskeletal system, joints and back.
  • The coating is non-slip.
  • Resistance to aggressive chemicals(except for caustic alkalis), which makes it quite easy to care for them.
  • Not susceptible to pests: rodents and wood-boring insects.


  • Quite a high price. As a result, the final cost (including auxiliary materials) will be comparable to the cost of parquet.
  • The tensile strength of cork flooring is quite low. He cannot tolerate high heels, pet claws, or sharp furniture legs.
  • Low thermal conductivity does not make it possible to make a “” system, since the cork floor will not allow heat into the room.
  • Swelling of the floating floor. When exposed to moisture, a cork floor can swell, which is caused by swelling of the MDF base. This eliminates the use cork covering in the bathroom and toilet, as there is a high level of humidity there.

4. Laminate

It is a panel made of fiberboard (fibreboard) and several layers of paper. The texture (most often a pattern imitating parquet) is applied directly to the paper, on top of which acrylate or melamine resin and a protective film are applied. After pressing it becomes resistant to mechanical damage, abrasion, impact sun rays, pollution. The stabilizing film on the bottom is responsible for maintaining its shape and protecting it from moisture.

Laminate for home

This material became widely used relatively recently. Laminate perfectly allows you to imitate natural wooden floors, while in terms of stability and strength it can be even better. Installation is simple and the price is quite affordable. You can find out here. This material is not suitable for wet areas. When laying it, use a layer of soft padding made specifically for laminate flooring.


  • Resistant to external influences (pressure, loads, abrasion). There are no dents or marks left by heavy objects.
  • Fire resistance and high tolerance to high temperatures.
  • Does not require careful maintenance, unlike parquet.
  • Ecologically pure material, since it does not contain chemical substances, harmful to health, non-allergenic, does not accumulate bacteria and dirt. It can be easily used in children's rooms.
  • Easy to install, allowing installation on wooden floors, heated floors, linoleum, PVC floors and so on.
  • Durability (can last more than 10 years).
  • Reasonable prices.


  • Load on laminate. You need to choose the right one permissible loads. Classes 21, 22, 23 are suitable for the apartment. 23 – dining room, kitchen, hallway. 22 - living room, children's room. 21 (low load) – storage room, office, bedroom. The lower the class, the shorter the service life under load and the lower its cost.
  • The styling requirements are high.
  • Fear of moisture, requires treatment with a waterproof solution. It is not advisable to use laminate in the kitchen, but if you decide, it is better to choose adhesive.
  • Bubbling and swelling of the laminate, which is a consequence of a violation of the installation technology.
  • Laminate flooring creaks when the base is uneven.
  • You can only save on short-lived and cheap laminate flooring.

5. Ceramic tiles

It is indispensable as a floor covering, especially in rooms with high humidity and traffic. At the moment, there are a large number of types for finishing. Tiles differ in size, appearance, degree of slip, strength, water absorption and other parameters.

Ceramic tiles for home

In houses and apartments floor tiles used, as a rule, in kitchens, bathrooms, halls and hallways. Modern technologies make it possible to produce tile materials that are suitable for use in any room. For example, wood-look tiles may resemble laminate or parquet in appearance. It can naturally fit into the interior of bedrooms (heated floors are required here) and living rooms.


  • A huge variety of colors and shades, decor. Tiles can be selected according to style to match almost all building materials.
  • Allows you to create an original floor composition, lengthen or visually expand the room (how to lay tiles on the floor).
  • Practicality and durability. The tile is not afraid of moisture, is easy to clean, is resistant to fading and wear, and can withstand any load.


6. Carpeting

They have also gained popularity today, as they are relatively affordable, varied in color range, inaccessible to rodents and moths, easy to care for, easy to install.

Currently, acrylic, nylon, wool, silk, polypropylene and many other types of carpets are produced. There are also carpet tiles; they are easily laid on a special base and then removed from it.


  • Durability.
  • Great appearance.
  • Reliability.
  • Ecological cleanliness.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Properly laid and high-quality solid boards, parquet will last for decades.


  • Deformation of the material, since wood tends to breathe. It will shrink in winter and expand in summer.
  • The cost is high.