How to grow an oak tree from an acorn. Oak bark - medicinal properties All about oak

Since ancient times, among the Slavic peoples, oak has been considered a symbol of male strength and the personification of the power of the people. Therefore, in the old days, it was customary to reward royalty or simply distinguished people not only with gifts, but also with a wreath of oak branches.

Where and how oak grows.

Nowadays in the world there are more 450 various types this tree. Now oak is widespread not only in Europe and Asia, but also in America and even Africa. This is one of the most tall trees, often reaching a height of 50 m and, most surprisingly, up to 5 m in girth. There are quite a few trees of this height in the world, but besides the oak, only oak can boast of such power.

What else is oak famous for?

Oak is especially valued because of its beautiful and very durable wood, from which particularly expensive, luxury furniture is made. It reproduces by fruits called acorns. Oak fruits ripen, like other fruits, in the fall. They are rich in starch. Sometimes they are used to prepare a surrogate drink that tastes like coffee, and in ancient times, and even more recently, in the second world war and in times of famine from them prepared bread .

Their oak leaves in ancient times brewed a medicinal decoction, which relieved gum disease, healed puncture and incised wounds, and helped stop external and internal bleeding.

Everyone knows that an oak tree can be grown from an acorn and the easiest way is to bury it in the ground and wait for the sprout to hatch and the seedling to grow stronger. In practice, it turns out that in the open ground an acorn can be eaten by a rodent, undermined by insects, it can rot, become moldy and die. If you are serious about growing an oak tree, you need to plant an acorn in a pot at home, wait for the seedling to grow and only then transplant it into open ground.

The stages of growing a tree from an acorn will be as follows:

  1. You need to choose a landing site.
  2. The seedlings will need to be plucked.
  3. The owner must properly care for the plants.

In September or October, you need to collect good (not wormy, not moldy) mature acorns for seeds. The best acorns will be brown and have a noticeable greenish tint to them. There are different varieties of oak - this is what the acorns of one of them look like.

If the acorn quickly separates from the cap, it means it is mature and can be taken. The hat protects the fruit when falling from an oak tree, from the cold. When it is disconnected, it does not harm the seeds.

If you have an idea to grow an oak tree, then you need to look at the tree, approach it in September, October and collect whole acorns under it. Most often they mature and fall from the tree annually. Only red oak has acorns that ripen once every 2 years.

The seed needs to be tested and bad acorns discarded. You need to put it in a jar, bowl or something else cold water, throw the fruits there. Those that float will be soft to the touch, lose their shape - bad and most often rotten.

Good seeds are taken out of the water and laid out to dry on a towel or cloth. Dry them in the shade.

Then the acorns are thrown into plastic bag and close it tightly. To prevent the seeds from losing moisture, add some moss or vermiculite shavings to the bag. If the bag is large, it will contain up to 200 seeds.

About stratification

Acorns are kept in a bag for 2 months. in a refrigerator. On the bottom shelf, in the vegetable compartment. There the seeds germinate.

Stratification is done in the spring. The owner must ensure that the seeds do not dry out and are constantly kept in moisture. You can't overfill them, they might rot.

If it is too dry, the acorns will not hatch. The first shoots will be noticeable after 1.5 or 2 months. keeping the seeds in the refrigerator. So, acorns germinate from October and they should hatch by the beginning of December.

How to germinate and care

When the roots of the acorns have sprouted, the seeds must be taken carefully so as not to break them, because they are fragile. Each of the germinated seeds must be planted in its own cup or other container with a diameter of 5 cm. Take ordinary soil and mix it with peat moss.

Plant the germinated acorn not too deep and root down. Holes are made in the sides of a glass or other container. Excess moisture will escape through them.

When the acorn has a long and well-developed root, the acorn can be planted somewhere in warm soil in the garden. This is risky, since the seeds can be chewed by mice, rats or other rodents and the seedlings will not grow.

"Important! Seeds planted at home are often watered for 14 days so that water flows out on the sides of the glass.”

Most often, cups with seeds are placed on well-lit windowsills. Ideally it will be on the south side. First, the roots grow, and then the stems and leaves appear.

How to pick oak seedlings?

The seeds germinate and when they acquire 2 or 3 leaves, they are dug up and placed in a larger container. Most often this is done 14 days after planting.

Some owners immediately plant seedlings on open area. Others take the seedlings outside for 1-2 weeks, leave them there for a while to harden and then plant them in the ground.

Plants at home are ready for transplanting if:

  • seedlings are 15 cm long and have 2 or 3 leaves;
  • they have white healthy roots;
  • the main root of the plant is well developed;
  • the sprout is already larger than a glass - about 15 cm;
  • seedlings older than 14 days.

Planting in open ground

The oak grows big. Do you need to think carefully about where to plant it? After all, in its adult state it can shade the garden, bushes, and trees.

When landing, the following is taken into account:

  • How much sunny place. Oak loves good lighting when it gets a lot of sun and warmth.
  • So that the place is located away from the path, some pipelines, and water supply. Especially if the pipes are plastic. When will any renovation work and digging up pipes, if an oak tree is nearby, you can damage its roots.
  • A tree planted on the southwest side of the house will shade it, but this will not bother anyone.
  • If the family lives in the south, then planting an oak in the northwest or west, you can wait until it grows and casts a shadow.
  • There is no need to place the plant where many others grow. They can kill a young oak, shading it, taking nutrients from the soil.

Choose a place where the oak tree will be planted. Dig up the place in the form of a circle for 1 or 2 m. You need to dig deep - 30 cm, and break up the lumps with a shovel or rake.

Experts advise planting not 1 oak tree, but 2. If both survive, 1 can be transplanted to another location. The main thing is to water the seedlings thoroughly after planting and sprinkle 30 cm around the trunks with shredded bark mulch.

The roots of the plants are covered with 3 or 5 cm of soil. The plants can be tied to pegs.

"Important! Mulching helps retain moisture in the soil and weeds will not grow around the seedlings.”

Video about growing oak from an acorn:

About 20 years will pass and only then the oak tree will give the first acorns. There are more early ripening varieties; each variety produces fruits in its own period. Acorns grow on trees every year and they often bear fruit for up to 50 years.

Oak trees have a peculiarity: they shed their leaves. The owner may get scared when a young oak tree sheds its leaves and stands completely naked. Don't worry, if it survives, it will definitely turn green next spring.

Now it is clear to a novice gardener that an oak seedling can be grown at home from an acorn. The technology is described above. It is best to grow 2 trees, then there is a greater chance that at least 1 will take root in the open ground and will not die from the cold or pests.

Durability and appearance oak trees made a great impression on people even in ancient times. Old trees were worshiped as temples of the deity by most peoples in Europe. The ancient Romans and Greeks believed that this mighty tree was the habitat of their supreme deities - Jupiter and Zeus. This is why the Roman Empire honored its distinguished citizens with wreaths of oak leaves. Mention of these trees is found even in the Old Testament.

Description and distribution of oak

This genus of plants, first identified in 1753 by Carl Linnaeus, has between 400 and 600 species. The distribution area includes most of the northern hemisphere, extending from temperate to tropical zones on different continents:

  • America.
  • Europe.
  • North Africa and Asia.

IN North America The largest number of species grows, with about 90 found in the United States and 160 in Mexico, of which 109 species are endemic. The second largest center of oak diversity is China, which is home to about 100 species.

In Europe, during the Ice Age, oak populations were limited to only three areas located in Spain, Italy and the Balkans. They later re-colonized the European continent. Today, oaks are keystone species in a wide range of Mediterranean semi-desert and subtropical forest habitats. They are also important components of deciduous forests.

Oak leaves are traditionally important part regalia of the German army. The Nazi Party used as its coat of arms the traditional German eagle standing on top of a swastika in a wreath of oak leaves.

During the Third Reich Nazi Germany oak leaves were depicted on the cross of the Knights of the Iron Cross. They also symbolize rank in Armed Forces U.S.A.

Gardeners' interest in how to grow oak from an acorn is based on the need to grow quality crops. When purchasing seedlings, you cannot be completely sure that it will successfully adapt to specific climatic conditions. Using the fruits of mature trees makes it possible to evaluate its variety and growth rate.

Such original way breeding a crop, like developing an oak from an acorn, is a more labor-intensive process that will require more time and knowledge than using ready-made seedlings. It is a set of activities, including: preparation planting material, picking, choosing a place for permanent tree placement.

Preparation of material for planting

Oak is grown only from high-quality fruits. For successful cultivation of the crop, preference should be given to solid material, without mold or damage. Its shell should have a glossy structure, without signs of wear. Another sign of its readiness for germination is the easy removal of the hard cap. It is recommended to prepare it with a reserve in order to subsequently be able to select the most viable sprouts. Before processing it, the shell of several specimens should be opened to assess the condition and suitability for cultivation. High-quality fruits represent 2 parts of saturated yellow color, at the junction of which the embryo is located. It is necessary to stop using specimens with gray flaccid particles.

The selection of acorns is carried out in autumn or spring. Collected material subjected to additional testing, which consists of immersion in water. You need to pour the fruits into a container with liquid and observe the process. Individual specimens will float up. The acorns remaining at the bottom are used to form sprouts, and those that rise to the surface are considered unsuitable. At the same stage, excessively soft specimens are screened out. The selected material is washed in a soapy solution to eliminate germs and mold.

Before germinating an acorn, it is subjected to stratification - exposure to low temperatures. To do this, dried acorns are placed in a container with moss or shavings that retain moisture. After this, the container is removed to a cool place for germination. It is recommended to store the fruits in a cellar with sufficient humidity and ventilation. Germination of the material occurs at a temperature within 0°C. The container is kept indoors for about 3 months, after which the prepared material is added to the soil in the spring.

The stratification procedure is a measure of the primary hardening of acorns; it is necessary for the emergence of seedlings and better adaptation to natural conditions. It is necessary to periodically check the condition of the storage, avoiding excessive moisture or dryness. In the first case, the seedlings are subject to rotting, in the second - loss of germination. Disruption of normal air circulation contributes to the proliferation of bacteria and the development of diseases that are detrimental to hatching fruits.

Planting material into the ground

To propagate oak from acorns, 2 methods are used: immediate application of prepared fruits into open ground and development of a seedling from it, followed by placement in the garden. In the first case, the procedure is most often carried out in the spring, which is due to better adaptation of the material in the soil. While the probability of its successful development in the fall does not exceed 10% of the total number of all plantings. To grow an oak tree from an acorn at home, they most often resort to the first method. Despite its painstaking nature, with its help, in most cases, a small fruit successfully develops into a seedling, and subsequently into a strong tree.

To apply seeds, use both general flower containers and individual cups. In the first case, it is easiest to move the soil closer to warmth and light. The advantage of the second method is that there is no need for mandatory picking. You just need to make holes at the bottom to ensure the outflow of liquid and prevent the acorns from rotting.

For planting seeds, both store-bought formulations and self-prepared mixtures are used. A prerequisite is high soil fertility. To obtain a homemade composition, combine garden soil with humus and leaf substrate. To plant oak, use loose soil, free of sand or clay impurities. It is recommended to use soil from healthy oak trees growing in parks and forests.

Distinctive feature planting acorns from seeds of other crops - a method of introducing into the soil. The fruits should not be placed vertically; using light pressure, they should be placed on their sides. It is recommended to use the method of planting oak trees in cups. This measure is due to the intensive development of the root system, the powerful lashes of which are firmly intertwined with nearby specimens, which will complicate further picking.

After being added to the soil, the oak seeds are watered. To successfully adapt the material, it is important to constantly maintain high humidity substrate, but do not allow it to overflow. It is necessary to place the containers in an area well lit by the sun, free from drafts. Emerging green shoots should be provided with diffused lighting, and in the hottest hours should be completely moved into the shade.

Subsequent development of the seedling

After 1.5-2 months after adding acorns to the soil, the first shoots can be observed, from which leaves will later develop. If for the formation of seedlings they used not individual cups, but common containers, as the shoots develop, the seedlings should be picked. The procedure is carried out for developed stems with a height of at least 15 cm. Before planting a seedling, the following characteristics of its readiness for the procedure should be assessed:

  • developed root system consisting of healthy light branches;
  • strong stem;
  • the size of the sprout exceeding the volume of the container.

Strengthened seedlings are moved to large pots for better development root and formation of the trunk of the future tree. Some gardeners recommend that you immediately plant the shoots in open ground, skipping the intermediate stage of transferring them to a large pot. But this method is fraught with risk and can lead to premature death of the plant. It is recommended to gradually adapt it to the conditions natural environment, periodically bringing to open air.

This measure is aimed at hardening the future tree. Without it, even the strongest seedling will not be able to successfully adapt and grow into a tree. This procedure is carried out only in warm period year, avoiding placing the container in a draft. After 2 years after adding acorns to the soil, the formed trunk can be planted in open ground.

Planting a seedling in the garden

It must be remembered that the crown of an oak tree can reach a width of over 20 m, and therefore it should not be placed in the front part of the site so that it does not block the house. For the same reason, it is necessary to properly prepare planting pits so that the seedlings can take root firmly in the soil. Oak trees should be planted in recesses of small diameter but significant depth. For better placement of roots, it is recommended to prepare pits in the shape of a cone or triangle.

To successfully grow an oak tree, it is important to choose the right place for its permanent placement. The process is carried out based on the following rules:

  • distance from water pipelines and buildings, the repair of which can easily damage the branched root system wood;
  • remoteness from other green spaces, which is due to the crop’s high need for moisture;
  • growing in well-watered sun rays areas;
  • If you want to protect or fill the house with light, you should place the tree on the east or west side.

Moving from premises to open area Only those seedlings that have fully sprouted and become strong are subject to treatment. To do this, the bottom of the pit is dotted with a thick layer of drainage, on which a composition of wood ash, fluff lime, small quantity potassium and compost in combination with garden soil. It is important that the part of the trunk flowing from the root rises 3-4 cm above the soil. After falling asleep, the soil should be further compacted to better fix the young oak tree.

During the first days after planting, the seedlings are watered abundantly. You can use the standard method of moistening the soil, but experienced gardeners It is recommended to use the drip irrigation method, which consists of placing a system of hoses and dispensers around the pit. This way, the oak acorns are completely irrigated without the accumulation of liquid in the hole, which can cause rotting of the roots. It is important to remove weeds and loosen the soil in a timely manner. Before the onset of cold weather, you need to prune the tree, cutting off dry, non-viable shoots. As the oak tree adapts and takes root, it will no longer need to carry out these manipulations, requiring only watering on dry days.

Oak trees grown from an acorn are planted at home in early spring. This measure is due to the need for successful adaptation, better strengthening of the roots in the new soil before the formation of leaves. For the same purpose, additional measures should be taken to protect seedlings from pests. It is recommended to treat the young tree with pesticides to prevent damage to the shoots by aphids. Young oak trees should be fenced to protect them from rabbits and other domestic animals that feed on the leaves. For several years after planting, the trunk should be mulched or wrapped with dense material to protect it from freezing.

Growing a tree from an acorn is a labor-intensive process consisting of several stages. The basis for breeding crops using this method is right choice and preparation of planting material. After this, it is necessary to form full-fledged seedlings, which are brought into open ground.

Video - How to grow an oak tree from an acorn

Oak- a mighty strong tree, a symbol of courage, fire, lightning and princely power. Oak is one of the most beloved and revered trees among European peoples. Under sacred oaks everything happened among the Slavs major events- meetings, wedding ceremonies, courts. In sacred oak groves the oldest and most respected trees were surrounded by a fence, behind which only priests could enter.

In prehistoric times, almost half of Europe's forests were oak forests. The man dealt with it brilliantly wonderful tree. First he cut down and burned oak, freeing up the land for arable land, and then chopped it for firewood and Construction Materials. Oak, unfortunately, was excellent for both. The result is sad - there are tens of times fewer oak trees (about 3% of all European forests).

Oak names

There are many types of Oak in the world, but in Russia the most common is English Oak (Common Oak). The oak is called pedunculate for its long stalks.

Where does Oak grow?

Oak widespread in Western Europe and the European part of Russia. It reaches northwestern Russia as far as Finland. In the eastern direction, the northern limit of the Oak's distribution gradually descends to the south, and, approaching the Ural ridge, drops to 57° and somewhat to the south. The Urals are the eastern border of the English oak range.

What does Oak look like?

It is not difficult to distinguish an oak from other trees by its powerful stature.

Oak is a large tree, usually with a powerful crown and a powerful trunk. Reaches a height of 20-40 m. It can live up to 2000 years, but usually lives 300-400 years. The growth in height of Oak stops at the age of 100-200 years, the increase in thickness, although insignificant, continues throughout life.

Oak Crown dense, spreading, with thick branches.

Oak bark thick, durable, wrinkled in an adult tree, dark in color.

Oak Leaves oblong with large rounded teeth.

The Oak tree slowly blooms its leaves - sometimes only by the beginning of June. And sometimes - on the second try, when the first leaves are eaten by the caterpillars.

Oak Flowers collected in long hanging earrings 2-3 cm long.

Oak Acorns usually oblong, growing from 1.5 to 5 cm. Acorns in summer Green colour, turn yellow and fall off in the fall. The acorns are smooth and neat to the touch, which makes them want to be collected, especially by children. The acorn caps are also beautiful. Inside the oak acorn there are 2 segments of yellowish or reddish color, bitter in taste.

Acorns, the fruits of Oak, sit in special “glasses” - pluses. Wild boars and domestic pigs love to feast on acorns, so already in the Middle Ages people grazed herds of thousands of pigs in oak forests. In Ivan Krylov's fable " Pig under the Oak“The ungrateful pig, having eaten acorns, begins to undermine the roots of the tree, harming it. From a biological point of view, the fabulist is mistaken: by digging up the soil and destroying pests, pigs brought only benefits to the oak forests.

When does Oak bloom?

Oak trees are blooming usually at a mature age of 40 to 60 years, along with the emergence of leaves, usually in May.

Acorns ripen in September - October.

Has important medical significance Oak bark, since it contains a significant amount (up to 20%) of tannins, as well as flavonoids, pectin, tannin, starch, mucus and other natural antiseptics. A decoction of the bark, due to its tanning properties, has a strong astringent and anti-inflammatory effect.

Most valued and used in medicine Oak bark, especially the young ones. It is used mainly as an external remedy, sometimes internally, in the form of infusions, decoctions, and tea.

Oak bark and leaves have astringent, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, sedative, hemostatic actions.

Oak bark infusion taken for stomach diseases, diarrhea, gastritis, colic, intestinal inflammation, colitis, ulcerative colitis, gastrointestinal bleeding, liver disease, spleen. Warm infusion improves digestion.

Application of Oak

Oak bark decoction and leaves (1:10) are taken for kidney diseases, kidney bleeding, bloody urine, frequent urination (in small doses), and inflammation of the urinary tract.

Oak leaf infusion used for bedwetting (enuresis). Decoctions are also used for rinsing for inflammation of the oral mucosa, bad breath, inflammation of the tongue, for lotions for bedsores, frostbite of the hands and feet (baths), burns, wounds, skin inflammation, eczema, scrofula.

For sweaty feet, make baths from a decoction of the bark (2 tablespoons per 1 glass of water, boil for 1-2 minutes, leave until cool), and also pour crushed bark into socks for the day.

Coffee from Oak acorns: the acorns must be peeled, boiled, drained immediately, then coarsely chopped into pieces and fried until browned. Let cool and grind in a coffee grinder into powder. Brew like coffee, or can be used as a dietary supplement. This drink is given to children with cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Oak - contraindications

Can't be allowed overdose when consuming oak infusions or decoctions, as this may cause vomiting. Ingestion of oak preparations strictly prohibited for children.

Diseases and pests of Oak

One of the most dangerous Oak diseases is powdery mildew. A characteristic appearance appears on the leaves. white coating as if they had been doused with soapy water. Disease seen in early stage, easily stopped by spraying with one percent copper sulfate solution.
