How to say July in Ukrainian. Names of the months in Ukrainian

    1 July

    lipen (-stump), (obsolete) lipets (-ptsya), ( church) July [Powder fell at the month of July (Song)]. In -le - at lipni. Tenth, -togo -la - tenth, tenth lime. In the last days - la - in the remaining days (dates) linden, in the remaining days (dates) linden, in linden.

    limen, stump; Lipets, -ptsya

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    July- ← July → Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 1 2 3 … Wikipedia

    JULY- (lat. julius). In honor of Julius Caesar, the seventh month of the year; in ancient times Rus' worm. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. JULY lat. julius, in honor of Julius Caesar. Seventh month of the year. Explanation 25000... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    JULY- husband. seventh month of the year, folk groznik, old. lipets July, relating to July. Julian numeral, Julian, old calendar or style, as opposed to the new, Gregorian. July is the crown of summer: haymaker, sufferer, month... ... Dictionary Dahl

    July- I, husband. Star. ed. Report: Iyulevich, Iyulevna. Dictionary of personal names. July I, m. Star. rare Report: Iyulevich, Iyulevna. Dictionary of Russian personal names. N. A. Petrovsky. 2011… Dictionary of personal names

    JULY- (Latin Julius), the seventh month of the calendar year (31 days); named after Julius Caesar... Modern encyclopedia

    JULY- (Latin Julius) the seventh month of the calendar year (31 days); named after Julius Caesar... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

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    JULY- JULY, me, husband. The seventh month of the calendar year. | adj. July, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

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    July- (Latin Julius mensis, Greek, English July, Spanish julio, Italian Luglio, Giulio; German Juli, French juillet. Indigenous Slavic names: in ancient Rus' cherven, among the Little Russians and Poles lipets, among the Czechs and Slovaks chervenets and sechen, among the Vends sedmnik, ... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

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  • July '41. Forever nineteen years old, G. Baklanov. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology.

Grigory Yakovlevich Baklanov (b. 1923), writer of the military generation and author of books about the military generation, ... Names of the months in Ukrainian and different languages

peace is pronounced differently. In many ways they are similar to each other. Let's see how the names of the seasons of the year differ in different countries.

Names of the months in Ukrainian In the Ukrainian language, the name of each has the designation or brief description

weather conditions at that time. This is due to historical signs that our ancestors have observed from time immemorial.

The name of the months in Ukrainian is “misyatsi”. Now let's look at the meaning of the calendar seasons in the designation of the neighboring state.

Ukrainian names of the months of the year


Translated from Russian into Ukrainian - “sichen”. In Latin, January sounds like “lanarius” and is named after the Roman god Janus (guardian of the house and gates).

“Sicha” is a very ancient name for the land use process. Previously, at this time, people began to put their gardens in order, preparing the soil for spring. They uprooted stumps, collected branches, loosened the ground a little if there was no snow. Hence the name of the winter month, which includes 31 days.

February “Fierce” - the second month of the year Gregorian calendar . Has 28 days, and in leap year

- 29. In the Ukrainian language, this name was fixed at the end of the 19th century. “Fierce” means formidable, difficult, obstinate, like the weather itself this month.


Berezen - from the word “berezol”. The third month of the year has 31 days. The meaning arose from the name of the craft where birch ash is harvested to make glass. This process was carried out during a thaw, just in March.


"Traven" - from the word "grass". The first snowdrops and other flowers bloomed, and the earth was covered with fresh fragrant grass. This is what the name of the third spring month “Traven” symbolizes. That's what his ancestors called him during the times Kievan Rus. The month of May consists of 31 calendar days.

With the translation of the Ukrainian names of the summer months of the year into Russian, everything is much simpler. Each month has a very clear designation.

Summer season


“Cherven” is the first summer month, which includes 30 days. Characterized by the longest days and shortest nights. The name of the month comes from Ukrainian word“worm”. This was the name of the red insect that was born during this period. Since ancient times, their insides have been used as red paint. Here lies the second concept of the name of the month from the word “red” - red.


“Lipen” is the seventh month of the year according to the Gregorian calendar. There are 31 days in July. Ukrainian name month comes from the word “linden”. This time is characterized by gathering linden color and is called the honey collection period.


The month “serpen” (August) comes from the word “sickle”. This is a tool used to cut grain. The name originates from the ancient Slavs. August consists of 31 days.


What does “September” sound like in Ukrainian? The first one in Ukraine is called “Veresen”.

The name came from Polesie. During this period, heather blooms there - a valuable honey plant. A month has 30 days.


“Zhovten” is the time when the leaves turn yellow. The month received this name from the times of Kievan Rus. People also called it mud, gloomy, deciduous, winter, wedding. October has 31 days.


November in Ukrainian is “leaf fall”, comes from the words “leaves” and “fall”. It is during this season that the trees finally shed their leaves, which is characterized as leaf fall. November (in Ukrainian “leaf fall”) has 30 days.


“Breast” - from the word breast (clumps). In ancient times, after the autumn rains, the primers trampled by carts froze. It was difficult to drive on such roads - frozen clods got in the way. Breasts also formed on frozen plowed fields. Hence the name of the month, which has 31 days and is the final month of the year.

Names of months in the world

The names of the months in Ukrainian are easy to understand and remember. In many Slavic languages (Western Europe and Russia) the names of the months have Slavic origin. But in different languages ​​there are missing one-to-one correspondences between these names. Sometimes they are even shifted by one month in different language territories.

Ukrainian, Polish, Belarusian, Czech and Croatian use exclusively Slavic month names.

Official Slavic names of months are not used in Russian, Slovak, Serbian languages.

International Latin names months are used in Bulgarian and Macedonian. In the Slovenian language, two systems operate in parallel.

Let's sum it up

The names of the months in Ukrainian differ from such names in Russian. Many of them were established since the times of Kievan Rus and bore only characteristic weather conditions meanings. The months of the year in the Ukrainian language are exclusively Slavic in origin. While in Russian their name comes from Latin designations.
