Functional styles of modern Russian language. Modern problems of science and education

Everyone imagines that scientific books and works of fiction, official documents and journalistic articles are written differently. It is also understood that everyday dialogue is not similar to the dialogue heard at official negotiations.

But to create texts different styles maybe not everyone. Because everyone is built according to their own laws. We have already talked about some of them.

Laws for constructing texts in scientific books, official documents, etc. studies science - or more precisely, functional stylistics, because this science is related to the functioning of language.

Definition and concept of functional style

Functional style is the basic concept of stylistics.

There are quite a large number of its definitions. One of them was given by O.A. Krylova:

» Functional style is a historically developed variety in a given language community literary language, which is a relatively closed system that regularly operates in a certain area of ​​social activity."

What is important in this concept is that

a) style corresponds to a particular area human activity,

b) it is historically formed,

c) it is one of the varieties of literary language.

The simplest definition could be:

functional styles are one of the main largest speech varieties, along with, for example, forms of speech.

The very existence of styles was not invented by scientists; it is determined by objective factors of our life. These factors are usually called extralinguistic, i.e. non-linguistic. In other words, it is life that determines what a text of a particular style should be.

Extralinguistic factors influencing the functioning of styles

Basic functional styles of the Russian language and their stylistic features

Scientists identify a variety of styles, but the most general idea is defined by five functional styles:

Functional styles and the factors that determine them have been formed over the centuries.

If you look carefully at their characteristics, you will notice that scientific, official business, and journalistic have much in common:

  • predominance of the written form of speech,
  • monologue as a leading type of speech,
  • public communication.

Sometimes they are combined under the general name “book styles,” contrasting them colloquial speech. It is easy to notice and the special position of the style fiction.

Each of them has its own special style features. For example,

  • for scientific style -

this is accuracy, emphasized logic, evidence, accuracy (unambiguity), abstraction (generalization);

  • for formal business style -

directiveness, standardization, unemotional, precision, not allowing for other interpretations;

  • for conversational -

spontaneity (lack of preparation), attitude towards informal communication,

  • for journalistic -

combination of expression and standard;

  • for fiction - imagery.

Within each style, smaller varieties are possible - substyles, which are determined by specific goals (more specific than the general goal of the style), the specifics of the author and the addressee.

The role of genre in functional style

Writing a text also depends on the genre, as defined by the outstanding 20th-century philologist M.M. Bakhtin:

“genre is a relatively stable type of statement—text.

For example, the text of a monograph, a textbook and a popular science book is structured completely differently, although all these genres correspond to the scientific style.

So, the chain that determines what the text created by the author will be is built as follows:

text - genre - substyle - style.

Each style is characterized by specific, special linguistic means that determine the linguistic appearance of the text. For example,

Let's compare the words ask - intercede - appeal - beg. These words are synonyms, but probably each person can determine in which style one or another word can be found more often. Try to match the given words with functional styles...

Let's compare the words potato - potato. You will find the first word more likely in book styles, the second in colloquial styles, etc.

However, most of the language means are the same in all styles; these are the so-called neutral language means. For example, the noun autumn, the adjective good, the numeral seven, the verb to read, the adverb very, etc. can be used in any situation, and therefore in any style of speech.

Our presentation of the topic:

We have an online crossword on the topic

  • scientific style, guess
  • colloquial -
  • journalistic -
  • official business -

Materials are published with the personal permission of the author - Ph.D. O.A. Mazneva (see “Our Library”)

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and official business styles, their features. Functional

stratification of the modern Russian literary language.

Extralinguistic factors in the formation and development of styles

Functional stratification of the modern Russian literary language. Language features styles and extralinguistic factors in the formation and development of styles. Spoken and book styles

The language is used in everyday life, in production, in the government sphere, in various fields of science and culture. The choice of language means in each case depends on the goals and conditions of communication. So, you yourself can easily determine in what communication situation a particular phrase appeared: "In connection with the above, we consider it necessary to notify...", or " Due to the undeveloped problem of prosodic means...", or " He, they say, realized it, but it’s too late..." Here are book passages taken from an official business note, scientific article, are adjacent to a colloquial phrase.

For example, a weather report will say: " Heavy rains occurred in the Central Chernozem Zone. Rainfall is expected in the coming days in the Moscow region". The same can be described differently: " And indeed, a cloud appeared. Her forehead appeared first. Broad forehead. It was a big cloud. She was approaching from somewhere below. It was a hulk who looked from under his brows. He, having risen above the city to half, turned his back looked over his shoulder and began to fall on his back. The rain continued for two hours". (Yu. Olesha).

The functional stratification of the Russian language is manifested in the fact that in certain communicative situations different sets of linguistic means are activated. Thus, in the protocols, clarifying constructions are frequent (participial and adverbial phrases; circumstances of place, time, manner of action, expressed by nouns with prepositions): " A motorcycle driven by S. was moving in the direction of Udmurtskaya Street along Moskovsky Prospekt in the third row at a speed exceeding 45 km/h".

In abstract reasoning, information is transmitted by other linguistic means (personal forms of the verb, personal pronouns, words in a figurative meaning): " The motorcycle is formidable. You can't play with him. When we think that speed is associated with danger, it is not the image of a car that appears in our minds, but the image of a motorcycle rapidly crossing out our field of vision"(Y. Olesha).

Each given communicative sphere is characterized by different sets of linguistic means (styles).

Functional styles

Functional styles- these are varieties of language, determined by the spheres of human activity and having their own norms for the selection and combination of linguistic units.

It should be noted that the goals of communication, its spheres, situations and other non-linguistic factors have a significant impact on the nature of the statement, on the speech we create.

It is known that different levels of language are differently associated with extra-linguistic phenomena. Style, compared to other aspects of language, is especially closely and deeply connected with extralinguistics. This is understandable: the phenomenon of style is formed as a result of the functioning of language in a specific utterance under the influence of extralinguistic factors. The category of style cannot be understood and explained; it generally cannot exist outside of the extralinguistic, since the phenomenon of the functioning of language and all stylistic changes in language and speech are not carried out outside of place, time and the participants in communication themselves. All this, taken together, certainly makes itself felt in live communication, and certainly affects the nature of speech, the colors of linguistic units and the interrelations of the elements of the utterance.

So, style is a phenomenon closely related to the extra-linguistic, or more precisely, conditioned by this extra-linguistic, outside of which style cannot be understood and assessed. Style is a phenomenon that can be understood only by taking into account the goals, objectives, situation and sphere of communication and the very content of the statement.

Therefore, extralinguistic factors are chosen as the basis for the classification of functional styles and their internal differentiation, considered, of course, in unity with the linguistic principles themselves.

First of all, functional styles correlate with the sphere of communication corresponding to a certain type of activity. The type of activity itself must be correlated with a specific form of social consciousness - science, law, politics, art - according to which functional styles are distinguished: scientific, official business, journalistic, artistic. As the extralinguistic basis of the colloquial-everyday style, one should name the sphere of everyday relations and communication, and ultimately - everyday life as the area of ​​​​relations between people outside their direct production and socio-political activities.

Style system of the Russian language

Book styles are contrasted with colloquial styles as fixed in written form, more organized, stable and traditional in following norms, and more complex in the use of linguistic means.

The functional stratification of language presupposes the existence of three groups of linguistic units:

1)specific linguistic units typical of any one style and used only within a given sphere of communication (mainly lexical units, some syntactic constructions). For example, in formal business style: live at the address(cf. live), issue a warrant to occupy residential premises(cf. get an apartment, give an apartment), schedule the case for hearing and etc.;

2) relatively specific linguistic units. They can belong to several styles and be used in different communication areas. These are some morphological forms and syntactic constructions: infinitives, participial and participial phrases, passive constructions (in official business and scientific style), incomplete sentences (in colloquial and journalistic style), etc.;

3) nonspecific units of language that are equally characteristic of colloquial and book styles; inter-style, or neutral. These are basically words and phrases that denote the most general processes, actions, signs, states: work, urban, busy, have, fast, very, white and so on.

In each style there is a certain ratio of specific, relatively specific and non-specific linguistic units. The use of specific or relatively specific language means in a style that is inappropriate for them is regarded as an error. So, the phrase is incorrect: " He appeared at the trial as a witness", used in colloquial speech.

Extralinguistic, or extra-linguistic, style-forming factors of functional styles

- these are those phenomena of extra-linguistic reality in which verbal communication and under the influence of which the selection and organization of linguistic means occurs, i.e. speech acquires its own stylistic characteristics. The use of language by speakers does not occur in a vacuum, but in a certain non-verbal context of a speech act, the factors of which, as well as the properties linguistic personality, influence the style of speech. These factors are very diverse. For the formation of functional styles, the so-called basic (or primary) factors are especially important. The main specific style features of the functional. styles are formed under the influence of such E. s. f., as a sphere of communication associated with one or another type of activity, correlative with the form of consciousness (science, art, politics, law, religion, everyday consciousness in the everyday sphere); the form of thinking (logical-conceptual, figurative, deontic, etc.), the purpose of communication is the main one (as opposed to the individual intention of a specific speech act), determined by the purpose of these types of activities in society; type of content (usually differing in different areas communication); functions of language (communicative, aesthetic, expressive, phatic, etc.); typical (basic) communication situation (formal/informal). Other (conditionally secondary) factors determine stylistic features, although they are characteristic of a particular function. style, but not essential and therefore found in other styles (usually with modification), but, most importantly, forming features not of the macrostyle, but of more specific varieties (substyle, genre, etc.). These are the conditions of communication and forms of speech that are not directly related to the purpose of the form of consciousness itself and the corresponding type of activity, but to the implementation of additional tasks of communication in some more specific type of activity, the conditions for its “course,” taking into account the uniqueness of the audience; in addition - interpersonal or mass communication, direct or indirect; oral or written form of speech, prepared/unprepared (spontaneous); monologue/dialogue; specific situation communication; kind of literature; specificity of the genre; relationships between speakers; their social role; individual intentions of the speaker (up to the manifestation of his style of thinking in speech), etc. These factors determine the stylistic features of speech, as if superimposed on the main, macro-style specificity, otherwise revealing more specific features of speech (for example, features of the popular science substyle in the field scientific speech, as if added to the latter and somewhat transforming it, or genre: article - review - review, etc.). Basic factors and their corresponding style features are invariant. Thus, in speech (text) there is, as it were, a hierarchy of stylistic features that constitute unity: secondary factors and stylistic features characterize the internal differentiation of each function. style into substyles, genres, etc. (see Classification and internal differentiation of functional styles). However, they are interconnected with the primary ones.

The situation is more complicated with the determination of the basic factors of decomposition. speech ( colloquial-everyday function. style– see), regarding which there are different points of view (see: ABOUT. Sirotinina, 1997). But most likely, the basic factors here should be recognized as formality/informality, immediacy/mediation, preparedness/unpreparedness of communication, which, together with goal setting, determine the type of work of consciousness in this area. For some functions styles, eg. newspaper-journalistic, the conditions of communication are essential (thus, the short time frame for creating newspaper texts determines the transition of expressive means to standard ones) ( V.G. Kostomarov, 1971).

Stylistic features are in an intermediate relationship from extralinguistic factors to linguistic means. Based on basic extralinguistic factors, a constructive principle functional style(see) as a style-forming factor that determines the principles of selection and combination of linguistic means, organizing them into a system. The term-concept “extralinguistic” itself is quite conventional, since at the same time we're talking about about the function the nature of language, the conditionality of the stylistic distribution of linguistic means; therefore this term “acquires its own linguistic significance” ( D.N. Shmelev).

The study of extralinguistic factors of communication, their influence on the nature of speech and its stylistic originality was facilitated not only by the development of functional. stylistics, but also sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, linguo-sociopsychology, theory of speech acts, pragmatics. In this case, it is obviously advisable to distinguish, on the one hand, factors (and their influence on speech) that are consciously realized by the speaker in the process of generating speech (writing a scientific work or newspaper article, etc.), and, on the other hand, factors independent of the desires of the speaker (for example, gender, age). It is the first ones that are associated with the concept of style, in particular functionality. style (as a conscious phenomenon).

When defining the function. styles and their classification, it is of paramount importance to rely on the type of activity corresponding to one or another form of social consciousness, since the nomination “sphere of communication” is broad and vague. Based on it, V.A. Avrorin identifies 12 spheres of communication, and Yu.M. Skrebnev generally believes that there are an infinite number of them. Meanwhile, it was the correlation in style of the sphere of communication with the specified extrafactor that made it possible to identify five intuitively realized functions. styles (usually studied in stylistics different countries): scientific, official business, journalistic, artistic, colloquial and, naturally, religious.

E. s. f. studied to varying degrees (in relation to one or another functional style). Meanwhile, their insufficient study and consideration in the study of functionalities. styles have a negative impact when solving certain issues of stylistics, for example: classification of styles, their internal differentiation, interaction, etc. E. s. f. scientific style(see), including such deep ones as the epistemic situation (in the unity of its three aspects - ontological, methodological, axiological), phases (stages) of the productive activity of a scientist - from problematic situation to the idea/hypothesis, its proof and conclusion), background knowledge, factors determining the composition of scientific. text, the subject of speech and his dialogue with the addressee, etc. ( M.P. Kotyurova, E.A. Bazhenova, L.M. Lapp, M.N. Kozhina, L.V. Krasilnikova, N.M. Razinkina, E.S. Troyanskaya, O.A. Lapteva, V.A. Salimovsky and etc.).

The importance of accounting for E. s. f. undoubted; especially in terms of explaining certain phenomena of style. Thus, taking into account the “shuttle nature” of scientific-cognitive activity and thinking made it possible to determine the high status of the categories of retrospection and prospection and the retrospective/prospective principle of development of a scientific text.

Extensive literature is devoted to the issue of extralinguistic, including style-forming, factors ( D.H. Himes, V. Labov, M.A.K. Halliday, R. Fowler, R. Posner, scientists of the Prague School - B. Gavranek, F. Travniček, J. Filipec, K. Gauzenblas, J. Mystrik, M. Jelinek, J. Kraus). The latter develop the idea of ​​subjective and objective E. s. f. and styles. In Russian stylistics, the problem under consideration is presented in the works of V.V. Vinogradova, L.P. Yakubinsky, G.O. Vinokura, R.A. Budagova, A.N. Vasilyeva, M.N. Kozhina, V.G. Kostomarova, M.P. Kotyurova, V.L. Nayer, O.B. Sirotinina and many others. etc.

Lit.: Vinokur G.O. On the tasks of the history of language, in his book: Favorite works in Russian language. – M., 1959; Vinogradov V.V. Stylistics. Theory of poetic speech. Poetics. – M., 1963; Kozhina M.N. To the foundations of functionality. stylistics. – Perm, 1968; Hers: On speech systematicity scientific. style compared to some others. – Perm, 1972; Hers: Russian Stylistics. language. – 3rd ed. – M., 1993; Kostomarov V.G. Russian language on a newspaper page. – M., 1971; Vasilyeva A.N. A course of lectures on the stylistics of the Russian language. General concepts stylistics. – M., 1976; Bakhtin M.M. The problem of speech genres // Aesthetics of verbal creativity. – M., 1979; Vinokur T.G. Patterns of language use. units. – M., 1980; Nayer V.L. Levels of linguistic variability and the place of functional styles // Scientific literature. Language, style, genres. – M., 1985; Kotyurova M.P. On the extralinguistic foundations of the semantic structure of a scientific text. – Krasnoyarsk, 1988; Veshchikova I.A. Publ. style as a unit in the functional system. varieties of language, "Bulletin of Moscow University. Ser. Philology", 1992. - No. 1; Baranov A.G. Functional-pragmatic text concept. – Rostov n/d., 1993; Sirotinina O.B. Studying colloquial speech as one of the problems of Russian stylistics, "Stylistyka-VI". – Opole, 1997; Hausenblas K. Vystavba slovesných komunikatů a stylistíka. Čsl. přednašky pro VI mezd. Sjezd slavistů. – Praha, 1968; Jelinek M. Stylove rospeti soucasne spisovne čestiny // Bĕlič, Daneš č etc. Kultura českého jazyka. – Liberec, 1969; Kraus J. Uvod do stylistiky pro informačni pracovniky. – Praha, 1977; Wilkoń A. Tipologia odmian językowych wspolczesnej polszczyzny. – Katowice, 1987; Halliday M.A.K. Language as Social Semiotic. The social interpretation of language and meaning, – London, 1990; Toshovich B. Functional style. – Beograd, 2002.

M.N. Kozhina

Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language. - M:. "Flint", "Science". Edited by M.N. Kozhina. 2003 .

- is a set of various techniques for analyzing the text (and its linguistic means), with the help of which in stylistics knowledge is formed about the patterns of language functioning in various fields communication; methods of theoretical development of the observed and...

- is a functional model. style, which is a subdivision of each of the functions. styles to more private ones species formations, structured according to the field principle, i.e. highlighting the center (core) of the style and its periphery, including cases of intersection and... ... Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language

- (from Latin stilus, stylus - a pointed stick for writing, then - manner of writing, originality of syllable, style of speech). In linguistics there is no single definition of the concept of S., which is due to the multidimensionality of the phenomenon itself and its study with various points… … Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language

- – a situation in which speech interaction between communicants takes place. Her the most important parameters are usually described on the basis of classical models of the communicative act (K. Bühler, R. Jacobson, etc.). According to R. Jacobson’s model, these... ... Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language

As is known, style – one of the most polysemantic terms of modern linguistics. Describing the principles of selection and systematization of linguistic means, the concept of “style” varies depending on which principles from among the extralinguistic and linguistic are chosen as basic in the proposed definitions of the concept.

The doctrine of style - the final section elocution in ancient rhetoric that determined style as a system of purposefully selected and coordinated means that are used to express certain meanings . The concept of the relationship between style (tone) and genre of speech developed in antiquity (“the wheel” of Virgil, the theory of genres of Aristotle and Horace), according to which a certain genre corresponds to a certain tone, style), and a certain tone - a certain set of figures, allowed the linguistics of the XVIII- XX centuries indicate linguistic understanding style as a method, principle, manner of linguistic (speech) thinking and interaction . So, Yu.S. Stepanov lists five definitions of essence style as a manner of performing speech acts : 1) language style , or a variety of language traditionally assigned to one of the most general areas public life(according to which three styles are distinguished: “neutral”, “high”, or “bookish”, “low”, or “colloquial”, “familiar-colloquial”, “colloquial-colloquial”); 2) generally accepted manner of performing speech acts (oratory speech, judicial speech, everyday dialogue, friendly letter, etc.); 3) individual manner of performing speech acts (idiostyle); 4) language paradigm of the era , or the stylistic state of a language in a certain historical period of its development; 5) functional style , or a type of codified literary language in which the codified literary language appears in one or another socially significant sphere of performance of speech acts and the features of which are determined by the communicative originality of this sphere. The last version of the definition made it possible to expand the linguistic understanding of style, placing it in the broad context of the concept of communication, which “highlighted” the connection of stylistics with the linguistics of the text, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, semiotics, indicating the social and communicative orientation of the concept, correlating the category of style with the functioning of language, the function of linguistic communication and standardized use of language.

“...each person can own several individual "languages" , differing from each other both in the sphere of pronunciation and in the auditory sphere: everyday language, official language, the language of church sermons, the language of university departments, etc. (depending on the social status of the individual),” wrote I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay (emphasis mine – ed.). Moreover: “All people use different languages ​​at different points in their lives; it depends on different mental states, on different times of day and year, on different age periods of a person’s life, on memories of the previous individual language and on new linguistic acquisitions” [ibid.: 200]. It is in this sociologized direction of anthropocentric linguistics that the concept of “style” develops in the twentieth century, representing not only the significance of the structural relationships of linguistic signs in the system, but also rules of a different order - the functional relationship of linguistic units in the process of socially significant communication, synthesizing the categories of extralinguistic and linguistic, objective and subjective.

As a special manner of performing speech acts, assigned to a certain socially significant sphere, the concept functional style has an ambiguous content scope in modern style. First of all, attention is drawn to the interpretation of this concept in the Russian and Czech linguistic traditions, because it is with these national schools of linguistics that the history of stylistics as a functional (communicative) section of the science of language is primarily correlated.

1. In the concept of Prague scientists (V. Gavranek, V. Mathesius, etc.), functional style was defined as the manner of performing speech acts, determined by supra-individual taste, convention, or norm, which depends: 1) on the purpose of the utterance; 2) type of statement and 3) situation. In accordance with these style-forming factors functional style this is a type of organization of linguistic expressions, depending on the characteristics of the communication process and, therefore, connecting the communicative aspect of language with a specific speech, text embodiment, extralinguistics and linguistics of speech It was believed that “...functional style is determined by the specific purpose of a particular utterance and represents the function of the utterance, that is, “speech” (parole)” [Gavranek 1967: 366]. In accordance with this definition, the following classification of functional styles was proposed [ibid.]:

Functional styles of literary language

A. Depending on the specific purpose of the statement:

1) practical message, 2) challenge (appeal), persuasion, 3) general presentation (popular), 4) special presentation (explanations, evidence), 5) codifying formulas.

B. Depending on the method of expression:

intimate - public, oral - written;

oral: 1) intimate: (monologue) - dialogue, 2) public: speech - discussion; written: 1) intimate, 2) public: a) announcement, poster, b) newspaper speech, c) book.

System (language) aspect, according to Prague scientists, reflects not the concept of functional style (as the concept of the functional aspect of speech), but the concept "functional language" , which is defined “... common tasks a normative complex of linguistic means and is a function of language (langue)” [ibid.]. Wed. [ibid: 365]:

Functions of literary language Functional languages

1) communicative 1) conversational

2) practically special 2) business

3) theoretically special 3) scientific

4) aesthetic 4) poetic.

“In a linguistic utterance, we are therefore faced with functional languages ​​in various types functional styles"[ibid]. Thus, the dichotomy of structural linguistics language/speech is justified functionally - by the clarity of the opposition of language/speech functions, reflected in the opposition of language (general, standard) and speech (specific, variant) spheres of communication, functional languages And functional styles .

2. In the domestic linguistic tradition (V.V. Vinogradov, G.O. Vinokur, B.A. Larin, A.M. Peshkovsky, L.V. Shcherba, L.P. Yakubinsky, etc.) functional style is defined as a functional variety of literary language , and the main problem is the choice of the basis for the selection and principles of classification of functional styles. At the same time, the “broad” and “narrow” definition of the concept (cf., for example, the behavior of all spheres of literary language under the term "functional style" in the concept of V.V. Vinogradov and the differentiation of terms "functional varieties of language" And "functional styles" in the concept of D.N. Shmelev) are correlated in Russian stylistics with the central problem of stylistic analysis of language in the functional aspect - to generalize real texts as given by a system of differentiated linguistic means those boundaries that are defined in the existing stylistic system of the language. So, according to V.V. Vinogradov, functional styles are differentiated, on the one hand, by the social functions of language (the function of communication is performed by the everyday style; messages - everyday business, official documentary and scientific; influences - journalistic and artistic-fiction), and on the other - by communicative functions (the communicative and everyday function is performed by conversational, book, everyday business and everyday life; scientific and communication - scientific and business and scientific and special; propaganda and communication - newspaper and magazine journalistic). According to D.N. Shmeleva, main functional types literary language (“functional varieties of language”) include oral speech, artistic speech and a set of functional styles fixed in writing (scientific, official business and journalistic speech). Functional styles are areas of literary language that, in the principles of their systemic organization, differ significantly from the language of fiction and colloquial speech (the special aesthetic function of the language of fiction and the uncodified nature of colloquial speech as an “individual”, “personal” “language”). However, in any case, issues of functioning are correlated with the principle of systematicity and the need to represent this systematicity as a standard of real functioning in the language, to draw up a functional classification of the system of stylistic means of language, to implement any communicatively significant unit, a unit that marks certain stylistic relationships. Although the “pre-text” units of communicative motivation of linguistic signs themselves are not clearly fixed enough in this paradigm of stylistics, since, subordinate to the solution of problems of representing units of the stylistic system, the very factors of language conditioning are, as it were, accepted a priori, which implements a structural-functional approach, but not a communicative one. Hence the definition functional style as a phenomenon of the functional aspect of language , which consolidates in the Russian philological tradition the idea of ​​simultaneous fixation in the term “functional style” of “linguistic” and “speech” relevant content. Therefore, in Russian stylistics, a “synthesizing” model of a functional style is implemented, considered simultaneously both as a style of language (a certain linguistic standard, an invariant of a separate functional sphere of socially significant communication), and as a style of speech (a specific implementation, a variant of the dynamic nature of language, its functioning in the process speech activity) (cf. [Kozhina 1993; Stepanov 1990]).

3. Of particular importance is the synthesis of two traditions of functional stylistics in their relationship with the latest trends in functionalism and, above all, with discourse theory .

In modern linguistics, the classification and description of text-forming means is the most important task of both functional stylistics and text linguistics, discourse linguistics. Fulfilling this task requires a synthesis of the theory of functional styles and the theory of text, the theory of speech activity, psycholinguistics, and linguistic pragmatics. Since the functional style is realized in the form of texts of the same type of extralinguistic conditioning and communicative task, its speech systematicity is manifested, firstly, in the selection and frequency of units different levels, secondly, in the set of textual features themselves, which reflect the facets of the communicatively determined author's intention. Thus, the appeal of functional stylistics to the theory of discourse is natural, since the functional style generalizes certain texts that represent real participants and episodes of the communication process, and the actual communicative components of speech acts are associated primarily with the concept of discourse and the discursive process of speaking and understanding language, generating speech and its real exhibitors - texts. Discourse Usually a communicative event is defined as having the form of a text. In addition, it should be noted that the term discourse itself was originally used precisely in the meaning of “functional style.” The reason for the appearance of the new term lies in the characteristics of national language learning schools [Stepanov 1995]. If in the Russian tradition, thanks to the development of functional stylistics, the idea of ​​a functional style as a special type of texts and a speech system corresponding to each text was formed, then in the Anglo-Saxon tradition there was nothing similar, since there was no stylistics as a sphere of linguistics. However, the need to study the text-forming “forces” of language could not fail to be realized in connection with the debunking of the dogmas of anti-mentalism, which was reflected by the emergence of a new term “discourse”, which describes the functioning of a linguistic sign as a specific communicative event that generalizes the speech behavior of a linguistic personality. Moreover, modern approaches to discourse seem to repeat the logic of the formation of the concept of functional style: from language to communication and vice versa. Discourse is understood as a synonym for a text or an act of utterance, as well as “the originally special use of language to express a special mentality” (P. Serio). Wed: discourse – this is 1) the “givenness of the text” or the system (grammar) behind this givenness; 2) an arbitrary fragment of text consisting of more than one sentence or independent part of a sentence; 3) a communicative event that recreates the situation of “full semiotics” of natural language in the triad “language – world – consciousness”, etc. In accordance with the principles of the structure of discourse, a supporting concept is identified - the focus of the concentration of discourse created by the general context - a description of characters, objects, circumstances , times, actions and determined by a world common to the creator and interpreter - a reality “created” as the discourse unfolds (V.Z. Demyankov, T.A. van Dijk, V. Kinch, etc.). V.Z. Demyankov, in the dictionary of English-Russian terms for applied linguistics and automatic text processing, gives the following definition of discourse: “Discourse is a discourse, an arbitrary fragment of text consisting of more than one sentence or an independent part of a sentence. Often, but not always, centered around some Oprah concept; creates a general context that describes characters, objects, circumstances, times, actions... Elements of discourse: the events being presented, their participants, performative information, and “non-events”, i.e.: a) circumstances accompanying the events; b) background explaining the events; c) assessment of the participants in the events; d) information correlating discourse with events.”

Functional styles of the Russian language.


1. What are the styles of the Russian language. Factors influencing its formation and functioning.

2. Features of the scientific style.

3. Features of official business style.

4. Journalistic style and its features.

5. Features of the style of fiction.

6. Features of conversational style.


Glossary of terms.



The purpose of this work is to study the functional styles of the Russian language.

The task that I have set for myself is to form a stable idea of ​​the functional styles of the Russian language in general and scientific and official business styles in particular, since they are the basis of communication in production, business, and entrepreneurship.

This work contains seven chapters. The first chapter examines the styles of the Russian language in general, chapters 2 to 6 examine these styles in particular.

An auxiliary function in this work is performed by a dictionary of terms.

What are Russian language styles?

Factors influencing its formation and functioning.

There are quite a few definitions of the concept of style. Styles are peculiar registers of a language that allow you to switch it from one key to another. Language style is a set of linguistic means and techniques used depending on the purpose and content of the utterance, taking into account the situation where the utterance occurs. If we compare these definitions, we can highlight the most general provisions: style (from the Greek Stylus - a rod for writing on wax tablets) is a type of literary language that functions (acts) in a certain sphere of social activity, for which it uses specific characteristics for a given style features of text construction and linguistic means of expressing its content. In other words, styles are the main largest speech varieties. Style is realized in texts. You can determine the style and its features by analyzing a certain number of texts and finding common features in them.

Functional styles are varieties of book language that are characteristic of various spheres of human activity and have a certain originality in the use of linguistic means, the selection of which occurs depending on the goals and objectives set and resolved in the process of communication.

The functions of language and the corresponding functional styles began to appear in response to the demands of society and social practice. As you know, at first the language existed only in oral form. This is the original and natural quality of language. At this stage, it was characterized by a single function - the function of communication.

But gradually, with the complication of social life, with the natural and logical appearance of writing, business speech develops. After all, it was necessary to conclude agreements with warlike neighbors, regulate* life within the state, establishing legal acts. This is how the official business function of the language develops and business speech is formed. And again, in response to the demands of society, the language finds new resources, enriches itself, develops, forming a new variety, a new functional style.

The formation and functioning of styles is influenced by various factors. Since style exists in speech, its formation is influenced by conditions associated with the life of society itself, and called extralinguistic or extralinguistic. The following factors are distinguished:

a) sphere of social activity: science (respectively scientific style), law (official business style), politics (journalistic style), art (fiction style), everyday life (conversational style).

b) form of speech: written or oral;

c) type of speech: monologue, dialogue, polylogue;

d) method of communication: public or personal (all functional styles, except conversational, relate to public communication)

e) genre of speech (each style is characterized by the use of certain genres: for scientific - abstract, textbook, report; for official business - certificate, agreement, decree; for journalistic - article, report, oral presentation; for the style of fiction - novel, story, sonnet);

f) the goals of communication corresponding to the functions of language. In each style, all functions of language are implemented (communication, message or influence), but one is leading. For example, for a scientific style this is a message, for a journalistic style it is an impact, etc.

Based on the listed factors, the following five styles of the Russian language are traditionally distinguished: scientific, official business, journalistic, colloquial, and fiction style. However, this classification is controversial, art style occupies a special place in the system of functional styles. Its main function is not just the transmission of information, but its transmission through artistic means. For this purpose, it can use not only all functional styles of the literary language, but also non-literary forms of the national language*: dialects*, vernacular*, jargon*, etc. In addition, there is another form of the Russian language - this is a religious-preaching style. It is close to journalistic, but differs from it in expressiveness and phraseological means belonging to the high style, which are often archaic*.

Using these styles, the language is able to express a complex scientific thought, deep philosophical wisdom, outline laws in precise and strict words, sound with light, charming verses, or reflect the multifaceted life of the people in an epic. Functions and functional styles determine the stylistic flexibility of language and diverse possibilities for expressing thoughts. So, a language is poly- or multifunctional - this is evidence of the richness of the language, this is the highest stage of its development.

Features of the scientific style.

The scientific style serves the scientific sphere of social activity. The purpose of science is to derive new laws, study and describe natural and social phenomena, teach the basics of knowledge, and develop interest in science. The scientific style uses the written form of speech to a greater extent, because science seeks to record its achievements and pass them on to other generations, and monologue as a type of speech, which corresponds language function communication.

The emergence and development of the scientific style is associated with the progress of scientific knowledge in various areas of life and activity of nature and man. In Russia, the scientific style of speech began to take shape in the first decades of the 18th century, which is associated with the stormy scientific activity Russian Academy of Sciences. A significant role in its formation belonged to M.V. Lomonosov and his students. The scientific style finally emerged only towards the end of the 19th century.

As a rule, a scientific text can be easily distinguished from a group of texts of different styles. First of all, attention is drawn to special words that name the basic concepts of this science - terms (an airplane is a heavier-than-air aircraft with a fixed wing that serves to generate lift). But the features of constructing a scientific text are not limited to this. A scientific text requires accuracy and unambiguity, so words in such a text are used only in one meaning. Since science provides us with information about a number of objects and phenomena, the word in a scientific text is used in a generalized sense. When we read in the book a birch tree grows in middle lane In Russia, we understand the meaning of the word birch as birch in general, and not as a separate tree. Verbs in such texts play a much smaller role than in other styles; most often they are used as linking verbs. Also, the scientific text is emphasized and logical, this consistency is achieved by repeating words as a means of communication (Jargon is the language of social and professional groups of people. In addition to professional jargons, there are student, youth and other jargons. Thus, in the speech of students you can find such jargons as...). According to O.D. Mitrofanova, in chemistry texts with a text volume of 150 thousand lexical units, the following words are used the following number of times: water - 1431, solution - 1355, acid - 1182, atom - 1011, ion - 947, etc.

In the scientific style, there are three substyles: scientific, scientific-educational, and popular science.

The formation of these substyles is influenced by who the text is created for (addressee factor), as well as goals and objectives. Thus, the addressee of the scientific sub-style is a specialist in a given field, the scientific-educational sub-style is a future specialist or student, the popular science sub-style is any person interested in a particular science. The purpose of the scientific substyle itself is to describe new phenomena in science, put forward hypotheses*, and prove them; scientific and educational - presentation of the fundamentals of science, training; popular science - to convey to a person who is not a specialist knowledge from various fields of science using accessible means, to interest him. Therefore, while remaining scientific, texts of different substyles differ (for example, in the scientific subgenre itself, emotional words are practically not used, while in popular science there are much more such words).

Features of official business style.

The official business style serves the legal sphere, i.e. used in business and official relations between people and institutions, in the field of law, legislation. It is characterized by precision of formulation (which would eliminate ambiguity of understanding), a certain impersonality and dryness of presentation (it is brought up for discussion, not we bring it up for discussion; cases of non-fulfillment of the contract are noted, etc.), a high degree of standardization, reflecting a certain order and regulation of business relationships. The purpose of the official business style is to establish legal relations between the state and citizens, as well as within the state.

In the official business style, words, as well as in the scientific style, are used in the same meaning; terminological vocabulary specific to this style is also used (tenant, patient, depositor, taxpayer, decree, law, personal account, etc.). In the official business style, there is a significant number of words with a modal* meaning (must, obliged, necessary, necessary, should), and the indefinite form of the verb plays the same prescriptive role. In official business documents, repeated words and expressions are often used, they are called standard phrases (the contracting parties have reached an agreement, acting on the basis of the charter, a certificate has been issued ... that).

Denominative prepositions play a big role in texts of official business style (due to, in conclusion, during, in connection with, for lack of, on the issue, etc.). Often, instead of verbs, a combination of a verb and a noun is used, synonymous with the verb (to win - to win, to conduct tests - to test, to conclude an agreement - to agree). In order to achieve greater accuracy of presentation, homogeneous members of the sentence are used, and their number in one sentence is much greater than the number of homogeneous members in other styles. Exclamatory sentences and emotional words are practically not used. The desire to save language resources leads to the fact that in the texts of this style there are a lot of complex abbreviations, or abbreviations ( Russian Federation- Russian Federation, Library of the Academy of Sciences - BAN, etc.)

The official business style is very conservative, i.e. It is quite resistant to the influence of time, which is explained by the legal situations developed by society, which are expressed in business documents.

Journalistic style and its features.

The journalistic style is characteristic, first of all, of the media - newspapers, radio, television. The purpose of journalistic texts is to inform citizens about events in the country and the world, as well as to shape public opinion. A feature of the journalistic style is the combination of standard (stable linguistic forms of expression typical of politics) and expression (linguistic means that influence the emotions of readers and listeners).

This style is characterized by the use of emotional words, words and phrases in a figurative meaning ( black gold- oil), exclamation marks, interrogative marks and incomplete sentences, i.e. such words of vocabulary and syntax that cause a certain emotional reaction. Authors of journalistic texts are constantly searching for new words and expressions that will attract the reader's attention with their novelty. If this word is successful, then it begins to be used in the texts of other authors (this is how the expression new Russians has recently entered our language).

To be interesting to readers or listeners, an event must be either new, relevant, or unusual. Modern man reduces the time for obtaining information, so begins reading the newspaper by looking at the headlines. Therefore, the more unexpected and interesting the headline, the greater the likelihood that the material will be read or heard (The black cat tried to hijack a plane. When the gibbons sing. Who and how much earned from Diana’s death?). Here the author speaks openly about his feelings and gives an assessment of what is happening.

The journalistic style strives for simplicity and accessibility, therefore: sentences are small in volume, have a simple structure, complex sentences are used instead of participial and participial phrases.

Features of the style of fiction.

The language of fiction is sometimes mistakenly called literary language*. However, in reality, what is characteristic of artistic speech is that all linguistic means can be used here, and not only units of functional varieties of the literary language, but also elements of vernacular, social and professional jargons, and local dialects. The writer subordinates the selection and use of these means to the aesthetic goals that he strives to achieve by creating his work.

In a literary text, various means of linguistic expression are fused into a single, stylistically and aesthetically justified system, to which normative assessments attached to individual functional styles of the literary language are not applicable.

One of the features of the artistic style is the use of figurative language to accomplish the tasks set by the artist (Sad time! Charm of the eyes... - A. Pushkin). The word in artistic speech is a means of creating images and acts as a means of the artistic meaning of the work.

The selection of words, phrases, and the construction of the entire work of art are subject to the author’s intention.

To create an image, a writer can use even the simplest linguistic means. So in A. Chekhov’s story “The Long Tongue,” the character of the heroine, deceitful, stupid, frivolous, is created through the repetition of words in her speech (But, Vasechka, what mountains there are! Imagine high, high mountains, a thousand times higher than church... Above there is fog, fog, fog... Below there are huge stones, stones, stones...).

Literary speech has a high emotional ambiguity, the author in one text can deliberately “collide” different meanings of the same word (The one who, having sipped passion, only drank mud. - M. Tsvetaeva).

The meaning of a literary work is multi-valued, hence the possibility of different readings of a literary text, different interpretations, and different assessments.

We can say that artistic style activates the entire arsenal of linguistic means.

Features of conversational style.

The conversational style is so different from all others that scientists have even proposed a different name for it - colloquial speech. The conversational style corresponds to the everyday sphere of communication, uses the oral form, allows all types of speech (monologue, dialogue, polylogue), the method of communication here is personal. In the colloquial style, in contrast to the oral form of other styles, deviations from literary pronunciation are quite significant.

The colloquial variety of the literary language is used in various types of everyday relationships between people, subject to ease of communication. Conversational speech is distinguished from bookish and written speech not only by its form, but also by such features as unpreparedness, unplannedness, spontaneity, and direct contact between participants in communication.

The spoken variety of the literary language, unlike the bookish and written one, is not subject to targeted normalization, but it has certain norms as a result of speech tradition. This type of literary language is not so clearly divided into speech genres. However, here, too, various speech features can be distinguished - depending on the conditions in which communication takes place, on the relationship of the participants in the conversation, etc.

Naturally, a lot of everyday vocabulary is used in a conversational style (kettle, broom, apartment, sink, faucet, cup). Many words have a connotation of disdain, familiarity, and condescension (to get pissed off - to learn, to scald - to talk).

In this style, many words acquire a “multicomponent” meaning, which is very clearly visible in the examples: How do you live? - Fine. How was your trip? - Fine. No headache? - Fine. Do you want a simple hamburger or a double one? Are these regular socks or synthetic ones? Please give me a general notebook and a simple one.

Gerunds and participles are almost never used in conversational style, but very often - particles, well, that means, as well as simple, non-union complex and incomplete sentences.

The vocabulary of conversational style is predominantly of everyday content, specific. Conversational style is characterized by economy of speech means (five-story building, condensed milk, utility room, Kat, Van, etc.). Phraseologisms that are expressive and depressing are actively used (like water off a duck's back, play a box that is difficult to lift, play the fool, wash your hands, etc.). Words with different stylistic connotations are used (interweaving of bookish, colloquial, colloquial words) - the Zhiguli car is called “Zhiguli”, “Zhiguli”.

With apparent freedom in choosing words and constructing sentences, the conversational style is characterized by a large number of standard phrases and expressions. This is natural, because Everyday situations (traveling by transport, communicating at home, shopping in a store, etc.) are repeated, and along with them, linguistic ways of expressing them are fixed.


Having done this work, I studied the functional styles of the Russian language and came to the conclusion that it is impossible to draw a clear boundary between styles and use them separately. Thus, some journalistic texts differ from fiction texts only in that they use documentary material without transforming it into an artistic image, but in terms of the author’s style they are not inferior to works of fiction. The same genre can be used in different styles. The genres of official business and scientific have general shape- a list of questions and expected answers, but different content, because The goals pursued by these styles are different. The purpose of the scientific style is to convey information to a wide range of listeners and readers, and the official business style is to convey information to an individual or group of people engaged in a common cause. But both of these styles are united by the fact that they are the main means of communication between representatives of a modern educated and highly developed society.

Glossary of terms.(…*)

Regulation - submission to strict and precise rules.

National language is the language of a nation, formed on the basis of the language of a nationality in the process of its development into a nation.

A dialect is a historically established branch of a national language, including several adverbs that have common features.

Vernacular - oral speech, deviating from the norms of the literary language in terms of vocabulary, grammar and spelling.

Jargon is a distraction from the national language, determined only by the specific composition of its vocabulary and arising among different social strata of the population.

Archaism is a word, phrase, grammatical form or syntactic structure that has fallen out of general use, is not the norm in modern language and serves to create a historical flavor, as well as to express an ironic shade.

Hypothesis is an assumption, guess, speculative position.

Modal words are unchangeable words and phrases that express the speaker’s relationship to reality, evaluating its phenomenon from the point of view of necessity, possibility, confidence, etc.

Literary language is the highest form of the national language, accepted by its speakers as exemplary.

Vocabulary is the vocabulary of a language. The set of words used by the author in the work.


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