Egyptian style in the interior: description and photo examples. Egyptian style in the interior: features and recommendations from professional designers Room renovation in the Egyptian style

For most people, Egypt is still a mystery that beckons and entices. Every year, hundreds of tourists go on vacation to a sunny country, not only to swim in the cool sea ​​waters, but also to study the history of Egypt.

This truly amazing country simply cannot leave anyone indifferent. That is why many tourists, impressed by what they saw, want to decorate the design in the Egyptian style upon returning to their homeland.

And this is not at all surprising, because this style is particularly original and unique.

Main features

Like many other styles, it cannot be described in a few words. This is due to the fact that sometimes it is quite difficult to express in a few words everything that is hidden behind such a broad concept.

After all, it is worth understanding that the interior that was used in richer Egyptian houses bears little resemblance to the interior small rooms poor people.

In addition, those elements that were previously considered integral attributes of the Egyptian style are currently practically not used by modern Egyptians.

However, after visiting not only residential buildings, but also museums, you can still find common features that are inherent in this style. In particular, it is difficult to imagine full-fledged Egyptian architecture without high columns, arches, and niches.

The Egyptians pay special attention to the walls, decorating them with paintings or frescoes. They often depict pyramids, the sun, or the majestic Sphinx with a lotus.

Second distinctive feature is that an Egyptian-style room must be decorated with a lot of textiles. The widespread use of carpets is used to cover floors and decorate walls.

Therefore, designers tend to believe that such an interior is in many ways similar to the Moroccan one, which also requires the use of a fairly large amount of textiles with ornate patterns.

However, significant difference is that for Moroccan style The use of geometric patterns and symbols of Egypt is completely uncharacteristic.

How to choose colors for a design?

Despite the fact that the Egyptian style in the interior is quite bright, its color range can hardly be called wide.

This is due to the fact that quite neutral colors such as yellow and sand are often used to paint walls. All shades are also used orange color, since this style is characterized by brightness similar to sunlight.

In addition to the colors described above, quite popular and more dark shades, which resemble the color of chocolate. They are combined with blue and green, which are often used to paint the ceiling.

Since quite a lot of colors and shades belonging to the warm category are used, indoor walls are most often painted white. It brings a touch of calm and is also refreshing and cooling.

For hot Egypt, this is more than relevant, which is why this option for wall decoration is still popular to this day.

If Egyptian-style wallpaper is used, it can be decorated with various intricate and thematic designs.

Accessories and textiles

Since textiles play a leading role in design in given style, it should be given special attention. Give preference to products that were made from linen, cotton or the finest wool.

Designers note that carpets decorated with gold thread embroidery look luxurious and expensive, so they should be included in the design. When purchasing curtains or bedspreads, pay attention to what pattern was applied to them.

For Egyptian-style apartments, it is best to use curtains with an Egyptian-themed pattern. However, if you do not want to see any images on them, you can choose a product without a print with wide stripes.

Any accessories you intend to use should be Egyptian themed. They will look very interesting and intricate Wall Clock, resembling a pyramid in shape, or a stand for candles in the shape of a scarab.

And since the sun is considered the main symbol of the state, you should purchase one decorative element in the shape of the sun. It is important to remember that all Egyptian-style jewelry should be brightly colored.

Due to the fact that an interior decorated in a similar style is considered quite hot, you should take care in advance about purchasing indoor plants. It is not necessary to buy real palm trees, however, the room should be decorated with plants that will bring freshness to the atmosphere.

The bed should be massive, decorated with carvings. It should be made of light wood, since there should be no darkness in the room.

Pay attention to the photo of the Egyptian style, which is presented below. Here you will notice that furniture is used mainly to create accents.

Photo of Egyptian style

Egyptian style in interior design is, first of all, pharaohs and high priests, a sense of prosperity and luxury of an ancient civilization.

The civilization of Ancient Egypt is one of the most famous, but still not fully solved, and has not revealed all its secrets. Ancient Egypt created a unique culture, which even today, thousands of years later, makes one pause in admiration for the power of the human mind, the power of talent and skill.

Distinctive features of the Egyptian style in interior design

In ancient Egyptian temples, the walls were evenly filled with ornaments and hieroglyphs, but residential premises were more characterized by a laconic border under the ceiling made of flowers and lotus leaves, papyrus, reeds, palm trees, arrows, stylized as sun rays.

Arches and false columns with a capital in the shape of a palm tree or papyrus, a blue ceiling with golden stars will create the illusion of the temple of Amun-Ra (the sun god), as the contemporaries of the pyramids saw it.

The use of hieroglyphs is another significant feature style. It is interesting that Egyptian sculpture is often very realistic, while painting is conventional, since it does not know the laws of perspective.

Primary colors

Most preferred colors in this style are: light yellow, color Ivory, ocher, beige, since Egypt is a country of sun and sand.

A few materials are used to decorate objects and decor. bright colors: red, yellow, green, blue, black. The ancient Egyptians had a limited range of colors, since they used paints of natural origin, which were not mixed with each other, but were applied in a “pure” form. Gold is widely used in the interior, creating the impression of luxury in the palaces of the pharaoh.

Egyptian style decor in interior design

Colored sculptures, bas-reliefs, paintings and mosaics, carvings and inlaid furniture - all using Egyptian symbols will be recreated in modern interior spirit of the ancient era. Wall paintings and textiles contain a characteristic Egyptian pattern, in which the strict geometricity of stripes and zigzags is adjacent to graceful silhouettes of lotuses and curves similar to grapevine. The highlight is decorations in the form of the head of a sphinx, a ureus snake, a scarab beetle, and a hawk with outstretched wings. Large lamps and stems of papyrus and reeds in the floor will complete the look. ceramic vases. The symbolism of Ancient Egypt is numerous and varied; you can take from it those images that best suit your worldview and the character of the interior. Stylized dishes and utensils, paintings on papyrus, animal figurines, floor vases will also serve as elements for creating an interior in the Egyptian style.


Egyptian-style furniture includes caskets and ebony boxes inlaid with ivory, green and blue malachite, turquoise and lapis lazuli, stools with legs in the shape of animal hooves carved from whole elephant tusks

Furniture color – dark, material – ebony, yew, cedar. When decorating furniture, the Egyptians often used bright, clean colors characteristic of that era.

Floor, ceiling and walls

As flooring Wealthy ancient Egyptians used marble, stone, and even gold and silver slabs. Modern materials allow without special costs imitate ancient luxury. Carpets with Egyptian patterns and reed mats are also appropriate on the floor. The walls can be made plain beige colour and decorate them under the ceiling with a border with pictographic elements or drawings depicting people in a characteristic pose - the head and lower body in profile, and the torso and arms in front. Characteristic signs Egyptian interior– massive columns, the capitals of which look like a bud or the trunk of a palm tree, niches, smoothed corners. The decoration of the ceiling continues the theme of the walls; under the ceiling there are borders with symbolic patterns in the form of lotus leaves, palm trees or sun rays.

Windows and doors

Arches of a peculiar shape, decorated with carvings or paintings, instead doorways or massive cedar doors with inlay, carved cornices, window textiles with Egyptian ornaments or hieroglyphs will complement characteristic signs style.

The Egyptian-style interior attracts those who value monumentality and laconicism. geometric shapes in ancient Egyptian art, and those who want to create in their interior a semblance of Cleopatra’s luxurious chambers, which, according to epic sources, were distinguished by wealth, special solemnity and majesty.

The interior of Egyptian-style houses is rich and colorful. Luxurious columns support the ceiling, frescoes decorate the walls, carpets and curtains complete the interior decoration premises. Egyptian style, calm symmetry and strict geometricity, furniture from natural wood simple open structures, a bench-chest veneered with cedar or ebony, inlaid with stones and mother-of-pearl. A reed mat on the floor, a figurine of a cat and a bust of Nefertiti, hookahs. Artistic images, despite the sacred attitude towards them, are highly stylized and symbolic. Furniture legs in the shape of animal paws.

Egyptian style in the interior today can be called one of the most popular ethnic design trends. It attracts with its luxury and, due to the large amount of gold, creates a unique atmosphere of fairy tales and magic.

This style seems to take us back to the times of the pharaohs, tombs and pyramids and fills the house with special warmth and comfort of a hot and sunny country.

Design features, and what room is suitable for decoration in the Egyptian style?

The easiest way to recreate the Egyptian style is in houses with large areas and high flows. This is primarily due to the fact that this style involves the presence of various arches, columns, and sculptures.

That is why decorating a small apartment in Egyptian style will be quite difficult. The home will appear cluttered and may feel overcrowded.

One of the main features of the Egyptian style is the unique luxury of ancient civilizations, the abundance warm colors, as well as a large number of gold elements.

It is worth noting the special love of the Egyptians for wall painting. These can be various frescoes, hieroglyphs, or just painting. These important details must be taken into account when creating an interior in the Egyptian style.

Choosing colors and finishes for an Egyptian-style interior

When choosing a color scheme to decorate a room in Egyptian style, preference should be given to warm colors that remind us of the hot climate.

These can be: brown, beige, yellow, orange, as well as all kinds of shades of blue and green. But it is important to remember that the color gold is an integral part of the Egyptian interior. It should be present on all decorative elements, as well as on furniture and textiles.

As for the decoration, as already mentioned, this style is very characteristic various forms columns, arches, and also sculptures, so it is better to choose a spacious and bright room for decoration in the Egyptian style.

If the size of the home does not allow all of the above elements to be implemented in the interior, it will be enough to use only some decorative details and textiles, and it is best to paint the walls white or any other light tone.

Good for wall decoration decorative plaster, as well as mosaic. Stucco molding is no less popular.

If you are not a fan of pompous columns and arches, but value simplicity, then the option of hanging wallpaper with a papyrus texture, or simply painting the walls white, is a perfect option for you.

Don't forget about natural stones. They are well suited for decorating a kitchen or living room in Egyptian style.

Ceiling decoration in an Egyptian-style interior involves the presence of gold elements and painting in blue or Blue colour. This is explained by the fact that in ancient times, the Egyptians tried to recreate the sky with all its luminaries on the ceiling.

As for gender, perhaps the best option will ceramic tile, most similar to a natural stone, on which you can put natural skin or a carpet with characteristic ornament.

Furniture in the Egyptian style means strict forms and comfort

The ancient Egyptians valued comfort very much. That's why they spent a lot of time developing comfortable furniture. At first these were just simple wooden benches, but soon beds with headboards and chairs with armrests began to appear, which made them much more comfortable.

In general, Egyptian style furniture is very rough and massive. As for the color of furniture, when choosing, preference should be given to dark colors such as black and brown. It is the contrast between the shades of furniture and light walls is another characteristic feature Egyptian style.

It is also worth noting that a canopy over the bed will fit well into an Egyptian-style bedroom, and the bed itself should be of a simple shape. It would be great if the back is inlaid with mother-of-pearl or painted with gold.

A large chest made of dark wood or a chest of drawers in a similar style would also look good in the bedroom.

The main rule: the furniture must contain gold elements.

If we talk about the living room, then it would be appropriate here soft sofa light color. The upholstery may have a pattern characteristic of this style, and the legs of the sofa may be slightly curved, which will give the furniture at least a little elegance.

In general, the living room should remind us of the luxurious palaces of the pharaohs, in which an atmosphere of wealth resides ancient civilization.

Egyptian-style decor is another important component of the interior

Interior decor in Egyptian style takes up quite a lot important place, since it is through decor that you can always give your home the desired atmosphere.

Even if you do not have the opportunity to completely decorate the walls or the apartment is already decorated in modern style and you want to revive it, it will be enough to add a few correct decorative elements and textiles, and your home will be filled with the fabulous atmosphere of hot Egypt.

The decor can be various figurines, hookahs, cat figures, as well as other souvenirs you brought from your trip to the sunny country.

Don't forget about the pyramids, which are an integral element of Egyptian design.

In the living room, you can hang paintings made on natural papyrus on the walls.

The main rule: do not overload the interior with unnecessary things, since your home risks turning into a museum, or even worse, into something like a bazaar in some Egyptian town.

Who would suit an Egyptian-style interior?

First of all, this interior is well suited for people who are interested in the history and culture of ancient civilization, as well as for those who would like to recreate an atmosphere of luxury and wealth at home.

Due to the warm color range and a very cozy atmosphere, Egyptian style will be appreciated by lovers of hot countries and warm climates.

If you prefer strict forms and soft shades, the Egyptian style is a good choice for you.

In the 4th millennium BC. Ancient Egypt was founded as an independent state. Its development is closely connected with the Nile River valley, covered with fertile silt favorable for agriculture. In the valleys of the Nile grew small groves of plane trees, walnut, date palm, fig, tamarisk, poplar, resinous tree. But this was not enough for complete comfort. It was necessary to create gardens that would bring coolness and shade. “He is poor, he has no shadow” - this is what the ancient texts say. Lack of shade is one of the gravest scourges of the poor population of this country. Setting up gardens in hot climates required artificial irrigation. Figs, mulberries, almonds, date palms, grapes were grown along a regular, rectangular network of canals, which dictated the creation of rectangular, symmetrically laid out gardens.

A characteristic feature of Egyptian gardens was that vegetables and flowers occupied almost all the free space between the trees. Egyptian gardeners were engaged not only in cultivation, but also in forcing lilies of the valley, gillyflowers and roses. Mignonette, poppies, cornflowers, daisies, lilies, and chrysanthemums grew in Egyptian gardens. The lily flower was a symbol of hope and the brevity of life, and fragrant oil was extracted from it. Flowers were widely used for decoration festivals, wreaths and garlands were woven from them. And during the reign of Queen Cleopatra (69-30 BC) Special attention devoted to growing a variety of roses.

The mortuary temples of Mentuhotep (2160-2000 BC) and Queen Hatshepsut (1520-1500 BC) were the first temple and park complexes of Ancient Egypt known to us. It was they who provided him with a strong place in the history of world culture.

Temple terraces were decorated with gardens, in which ponds were often the center of the composition. The porticos of the temples were covered with reliefs, from which it is clear that, in addition to a large number of treasures, trees in tubs, strange fruits and other rarities were brought from distant travels. During the heyday of Thebes, the ancient capital of Egypt, garden construction has reached a special scale. In Thebes, luxurious villas with gardens and ponds, surrounded by walls, were built. The center of the composition was a rectangular pool, sometimes quite impressive in size (60X120 m). Aquatic plants grew in the ponds and birds swam. The main building was always placed on the central compositional axis. All elements of the garden - alleys, ponds, flower beds, vineyards, open pavilions - were connected into a single compositional ensemble. This suggests that the gardens were created according to a pre-developed plan. The builders of Egyptian gardens took into account the relationships not only between separate elements garden, but also between the width of the alley and the height of the trees. City streets were straight, narrow, and densely built up. Palm trees and other plants were often planted on the roofs of houses. But in the capitals of Egypt there were also streets for religious processions, with a width of 40 to 60 m (the Street of the Great Priest in Akhetaten). These streets leading to the temple were always lined with palm alleys to hide the chaotic buildings. Along the main streets of Akhetaton there were dug rectangular pits, from which we can judge the presence of palm alleys. Since the city lay on sandy hills, the pits before planting trees were filled with fertile soil brought from the banks of the Nile. Among other things, wells were built to water trees and shrubs in Akhetaton.

There were two main types of Egyptian gardens: at temples and at residential buildings. The glorification of the unlimited power of the pharaohs was the ideological goal of garden-temple construction. The composition is based on the regularity and straightness of the layout, determined by the irrigation system. In the gardening construction of Ancient Egypt, a large number of overseas plants and flowers were used, which indicates high development agricultural technology.

The style was formed in Ancient Egypt(4000 BC), then received further development.

The main differences of the Egyptian style were the luxury of decoration and the unique forms inherent to the pharaohs.

Distinctive features of the style of ancient Egypt

To create an Egyptian style in the interior, certain tones are required: golden, as well as beige shades or the color of sand.

The color blue is often present - a symbol of the Nile; it is better to combine it with green colors for overall harmony.

The inner chambers were often white due to the hot climate, and entire walls are yellow-orange tones with multi-colored niches and decorations.

All shades of orange tones are used for decoration: from light to terracotta.

Gold harmonizes well with the blue-black finish, the color of chocolate.

Characteristics of the Egyptian style

  • sand-colored (or orange) walls with Egyptian content;
  • columns (half-columns) with ancient paintings;
  • niches with luxurious frescoes and paintings;
  • dark blue tone of the ceiling;
  • lancet, arched doorways;
  • beautiful borders under the ceiling (one shade is possible with the ceiling and walls);
  • stucco molding made of polyurethane (corners, cornices);
  • “golden” heavy furniture with animal paws is one of the attributes of the style;
  • floor carpet with yellow and white stripes (tiger skin, etc.);
  • the presence of large chests with hieroglyphs and drawings.

Nuances of Egyptian style finishing

The walls have light plaster or marble (granite) slabs. Borders under the ceiling with frescoes or stripes are another attribute of the style.

Photo wallpapers and spectacular bas-reliefs, floral patterns on the walls (lotuses, grape leaves, palm branches) will decorate the room.

You can decorate the walls from stone: porcelain stoneware or fake diamond. Mosaic of yellow and blue tones is also an attribute of Egypt

The tone of the ceiling can be the same as the walls or a rich tone. Shades should be darker than the walls - these are the rules of style.

You can cover the floor with ceramics (stone). For greater pomp and chic, add accessories: style-themed bedspreads, curtains, animal skins and reed mats.

Furniture from natural wood dark tones, and the surrounding surfaces with gloss. This design will add luxury to the Egyptian-style design.

Advice! A gilded or ivory finish is desirable. The carving should depict animals and birds. A replacement could be photo wallpaper on this topic.

An Egyptian-style room needs as little as possible. upholstered furniture. Use zigzags, yellow-black stripes and other patterns in the upholstery.

The interior assumes the presence of arches and columns with thematic designs, small podiums. Figurines dedicated to Egyptian civilization (from miniature to huge sphinxes, lions, cats, birds, pharaohs, bas-reliefs of Cleopatra, etc.) will ideally fit into the overall composition.

Instead of cabinets and cabinets, chests with original paintings are used.

Blue-sand (red-sand) interiors look impressive.

Egyptian motifs in design

There are many options for decorating an apartment in Egyptian style. There are two directions that are still used:

  • imitation of the chambers of the pharaohs;
  • creation of the spirit of Egypt, a touch of antiquity.

The difference is color scheme, in the first option you need rich shades, in the second - “antique”. But photo wallpaper can go perfectly in any direction. Everyone chooses what they like.

Wallpaper in the Egyptian style is a great way to fill your apartment with ancient Egyptian motifs. Dark blue upholstery of the chairs, a blue floor lamp and (or) table will complete the look.

Should be carefully selected decorative ornaments in the Egyptian style: vases, clocks, paintings, pyramids, lotuses and other Egyptian-themed items. The Egyptian style of the Gods of that time is advantageously emphasized: Amon, Ra, Anubis, Inpu, Atum, Isis, Osiris and others.

Columns (half-columns) are replaced with false columns made of polyurethane, covered with sand or dark color with decoration of Gods, signs, geometric designs.

Three main rules of Egyptian style: luxury, sophistication and wealth.

Photo of Egyptian style
