The Finnish-style house is one-story. Order Finnish house projects, turnkey price

Wooden houses built according to Finnish technology They are particularly strong, reliable and durable. It will be convenient and comfortable to live in such a house not only seasonally, but also on a permanent basis, and the walls in such a house are environmentally friendly pure material will ensure natural air circulation, filling the house with a truly wonderful aroma of nature.

Distinctive features and features of a Finnish house

Despite the stereotypical opinion that projects Finnish houses represent only the same type and ordinary houses In fact, they are very original and beautiful buildings that combine coziness, comfort, and versatility.

Finnish houses are usually built one-story, but if the customer wishes, it is possible to develop individual project two-story cottage or with an attic. In any case, the Finnish house project is a functional version of a residential building.

If we take as an example the project of a two-story or with an attic Finnish house, you will get a very comfortable and comfortable home for living divided into zones according to functionality. On the ground floor: vestibule, porch, hall, hallway, living room - recreation room, bathroom, kitchen, possibly an office, guest room, utility rooms and a staircase along which you will need to go to top floor. On the second floor there is a corridor, a bedroom, a children's room, a bathroom and a dressing room.

Order the creation of a Finnish house project from DK-Dom

The design workshop "DK-Dom" creates individual designs of Finnish houses made of wood. A team of professional architects creates designs for unique Finnish houses from scratch and in accordance with the client’s wishes. The developed project will include all sections, namely a preliminary design, architectural solutions, heating, ventilation and air conditioning of the entire premises, boiler room, water supply, sewerage, full electrification of the structure.

The catalog of the Design Workshop "DK-Dom" presents ready-made projects of Finnish houses with photos and layouts for your viewing, among which you will definitely be able to find what you would like to realize in your dream home, you can be sure that in finished project You can make changes based on your needs and wishes.

For example, you can add or remove partitions, customize facade solutions, increase or decrease window openings, change the dimensions of the building itself, or adjust the height of the floors of the future house. We can also offer you to draw up an estimate for the construction of the facility and are ready to advise the contractor throughout the entire construction period.

A Finnish house will become a place where you will want to return constantly and will simply live comfortably. Today, it is Finnish houses that are able to combine modern technologies and traditional culture, and not have any compromises in terms of the aesthetic component both in the interior and exterior.

According to historical data, classic wooden Finnish houses began to be built more than five centuries ago. Since then, Suomi has zealously adhered to long-standing traditions. Currently, Finnish house projects occupy more than 70% of the private construction market in this northern country. Moreover, this technology has long gone beyond its borders and is popular in more than thirty countries around the world, including Russia.

Advantages of wooden Finnish houses

  • Energy efficiency. Finnish houses correspond to the most high standards thermal insulation. Only natural wood is used for their construction. Most often these are timber or logs made from northern pine or spruce. High resin content in coniferous wood makes Finnish wooden houses resistant to dampness and increases their ability to retain heat, which makes them relevant even in the harsh conditions of polar winters.
  • Durability. Thanks to the use of a special “lock” during the construction of a log house, Finnish houses made of logs or timber practically do not shrink and have a service life of more than 100 years. High-quality northern wood is practically indeformable, does not rot, and, thanks to special treatment, resists fire. Traditionally, Finnish houses are built exclusively using wood felled during the cold season. It is believed to have unique performance properties.
  • Comfort. All Finnish house construction projects fully reflect the practical mentality of Suomi residents. They do not contain any architectural excesses or design delights. The construction of Finnish houses is carried out with one goal - to provide maximum comfort. This is facilitated by huge windows flooding sunlight interior spaces, spacious balconies and terraces, as well as practically required element– sauna. However, Finns do not like to overpay for an indoor garage, so the car is most often parked on the street.
  • Affordable price. Most of these house projects are one and a half stories high. Instead of a full second floor, an attic with a sloping roof without walls is used. Therefore, the construction of Finnish cottages of this type is much cheaper while maintaining the overall usable area. Also, such buildings do not require facing works and can be built on almost any soil.
  • Minimum terms. Finnish wooden houses are built on a turnkey basis in just a few weeks. They do not require heavy equipment, and construction can be carried out at any time of the year.

Finnish houses, turnkey construction in Moscow

North Forest is a leader in the capital's market wood construction. If you are interested in Finnish houses, projects for every taste, developed using this technology, are presented on our website. The use of high-quality northern wood allows us to as soon as possible build buildings that can last for centuries.

For all houses, the projects provide for the use of two types building material- logs and beams (dry, glued, profiled). Design features projects and prices are discussed privately.

Finnish House: video

  1. One of the features is the same climate as our regions. Finnish projects are perfectly adapted to realities middle zone Russia.
  2. IN Scandinavian countries, which includes Finland, have long loved comfort and know how to save money. Therefore, the layouts of these houses are thought out to the very last detail. The use of internal space is absolutely rational - you need to throw out corridors and unused nooks and crannies.
  3. You will not find unnecessary elements here. Appearance strict and balanced - no turrets, frills or decorations.
  4. Very often, Finns include a sauna in their projects. This is what they have national peculiarity. If you don’t need a sauna in your house, let us know and we’ll remove it.

Projects of Finnish one-story houses

As a rule, Finnish houses are mostly one-story. Wise Finns reason like this - why does a family of 4-5 people need four or five rooms, of which, for example, three are on the second floor? The children will grow up and whether they will live with their parents is a big question. But time goes by, we are getting older and it will be more and more difficult to climb up. And what kind of family is this, where each member hid in an individual room, and even on a different floor? That is why, although the bulk of Finnish projects are one-story, they still allow all family members to enjoy comfort and unite with each other.

Finnish timber house projects

The main feature of Finnish timber house projects is their high environmental friendliness and safety, which will have a beneficial effect on the well-being and mood of the people living in it. It is believed that the material in the timber is “breathable” and has natural micro-air circulation. Also, do not forget about good heat-protective indicators - timber is wood, and in good condition wooden house It's warm in winter and cool in summer. And finally, there is an aesthetic moment, because the projects of Finnish houses made of timber are not at all dull, uniform boxes, but quite stylish and unusual buildings. Their design combines both severity and comfort, simplicity and functionality.

Photos of Finnish projects

Our design bureau is pleased to offer you our services for the design of Finnish houses - both from timber and frame technology. If you are interested, you can borrow anything from this catalog photo Finnish project , and in case you don’t find the desired option, we will definitely make a custom one project with photo of a Finnish house, taking into account your wishes for layout, size, appearance!

Prices for Finnish house projects

Of course, if they want to build Finnish house, then they don’t go to Scandinavia for the project and no one buys them there. But how then can you buy a project and find out the price for it? Our design company is ready to design a real project for you in Scandinavian style at our normal prices. If you find a cheaper project - show us, we will make a better offer! In other words, we offer Finnish quality at standard prices.

Forests, lakes, beautiful nature and, of course, a sauna. These are the associations that arise in any person when thinking about Finland. Thanks to the difficult conditions offered by nature, the inhabitants of this small country have learned to use all their capabilities very rationally, building houses that harmoniously fit into the surrounding landscape and, at the same time, are amazing. inner comfort and warmth. Such dwellings are thought out to the smallest detail, original and comfortable.

History of style

The architecture of Finnish houses is directly related to the Scandinavian architectural style, which absorbed the architectural traditions of the northern peoples (Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland).
The tendency for independent development appeared in the Finnish movement only in the 19th century.
Despite wars and the risk of fires, local architects steadfastly continued to develop wooden architecture their ancestors. Some of these historical buildings can currently be seen in the Turku Museum or on the island of Seurasaari (northwestern part of Helsinki).

Modern Finnish architecture is famous throughout the world for its brevity, practicality and naturalness, which is why it is in constant demand.

Features of Finnish houses

Finland is a northern country, so when creating houses Special attention focuses on insulation, or more precisely, thermal insulation and energy efficiency.
A classic Finnish house is a compact one-story building with a symmetrical gable roof and a small terrace.

The modern interpretation of the style implies the presence complex roof, attic (less often - second floor with a balcony) and a built-in garage. As a rule, such houses have two entrances - a central one and an additional one (from the yard). The latter, if desired, is replaced by a passage to the terrace.

The most the best decoration Finnish houses have terraces. They are convenient and rational and can have absolutely any configuration, depending only on the wishes of the owner and the features of the terrain.

The color of the facade can be arbitrary. From milky white to rich woody brown. Main criterion choice - the naturalness of the shade you like. In some cases, cornices, corners and trims are additionally highlighted.

IN modern houses, made in accordance with Finnish architectural style, often used panoramic glazing. Large windows, not burdened by frequent frames, fill inner space sunlight while allowing you to admire the surrounding scenery.

Materials used

Finnish-style houses are traditionally built from profiled larch or pine timber.
As external cladding used: planken or siding that imitates wood covering.

As roofing are used different kinds tiles, predominantly gray or red-brown.

What's inside?

Harmony, warmth and comfort traditionally reign inside Finnish houses.
Preference is given to finishing natural wood warm, natural shades.
The furniture is light. The technology is modern. All things and objects are necessary and practical. Textiles are soft, high quality, with ethnic motifs.
A mandatory attribute of the style is a fireplace. And of course – a sauna.
