Living room design with second light and staircase. What does second light mean in a house project? Additional interior lighting

Recently, such a concept as second light is very often present in individual housing construction; what is second light - it is a partial absence interfloor ceilings, first and second floors, the walls are usually decorated with high panoramic windows, providing more daylight natural light, airspace. The result is one large, high room completed by the vault of the roof of the house. Daylight fills the combined rooms thanks to this architectural solution, creating the perception of lightness and volume of the room country house. The second light is most often combined with common rooms, such as a living room, hall, flights of stairs, fireplace, kitchen and dining areas.

History of appearance

The second light appeared in Russia relatively recently, coming to us from Europe. There they called him “heavenly illumination”, and he served exclusively functional solution more daylight, increased luminous flux into the room, because In those days, artificial lighting was not yet as widespread as it is now.

Pros and cons of second light

Let's look at the advantages - it's beautiful, aesthetic appearance, no feeling limited space around. With large stained glass windows there is a beautiful panoramic view and a lot of natural light. When decorating the interior much more options design solutions because there is no contrasting interfloor separation. With all the advantages, there are also disadvantages. First of all, the second light reduces the living space of the second floor. You need to take the heating system seriously because... warm air always tends upward, warm floors on the ground floor are best, and ventilated air heaters under large panoramic windows. The disadvantages include additional costs for the production of non-standard panoramic windows. It is necessary to think carefully about artificial lighting; usually a large chandelier hanging down is installed in the center of the room, which will again lead to a waste of the budget; it is best to place the main light on the walls and floors in more accessible places for servicing electric lighting devices.

The second light is usually called extra space, attached to the premises due to the second floor. In such a room you can make large windows that will provide a lot of light. This is apparently where the name “second light” came from. Most often, a second light is installed in the living room, as it gives the living room additional volume and solemnity. And the living room is the most formal room in the house. However, the area on the second floor, which could be used for premises, is lost. Of course, this is not entirely rational. Therefore, projects of houses with a second light should be recommended to those who, first of all, want to have a representative living room.

If you want to build practical house without frills, in which it is necessary to provide many rooms for various purposes, then a second light can become an unaffordable luxury.

Another argument against is impracticality in terms of heating. If the ceilings are very high and the area of ​​the second light is large, then the following will happen: it’s hot at the top, but cold at the bottom. This problem can be solved by providing the required level of heating and taking care of high-quality insulation ceiling structures and the roof itself above the volume of the second light.

In order not to experience a lack of heat below, you should not ignore the possibility of installing a heated floor. The temperature in the house will also depend on the quality of the windows, because the second light implies a large glazing area.

If the second-light windows face sunny side, then this will provide an additional flow of heat and light.

Architects recommend taking into account the proportions of the house. In other words, it is not advisable to make the ceiling height of a room with second light greater than the area: otherwise the room will have the shape of a well or a pencil case, which is not always aesthetically pleasing.

If you plan and place heating devices correctly, properly insulate the roof and carefully install windows, you can easily achieve the desired effect. Then, to heat a house with a second light, you will need the same amount of fuel as for a house without it.

The interior of the house plays an important role, since it sets the overall tone of any room, making it unique and inimitable. One of the most effective ways to create Beautiful design in a house, especially a wooden one, there is an interior with a second light. This design looks especially impressive in a living room in any style (classical, modern, Provence, etc.).

This article will tell you what an interior with a second light is, as well as its features, pros and cons.

Features of the organization of such premises

The rooms in which the design with second light is designed are spatially high rooms. They are always filled with light, thanks to the numerous windows located along the side walls. Most often, such an interior can be found in a private country wooden or brick house. But some craftsmen manage to do it even in a city two-story apartment.

Note! When using a design in the “second light” style, you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail. Otherwise, the interior will not work.

A variant of such an interior

Often, such a design in a house requires large panoramic windows that overlook the courtyard. That is why it is best to design this design in a living room in a private ordinary or wooden house.
Despite the fact that the “second light” will look beautiful in any style, it is best to organize it in classic version or Provence.
In this case, the living room itself can be of two types:

  • with an open space decorated in any style (classical, modern, Provence, etc.);
  • zoned with decorative partitions. This option is suitable for Provence style, where a partition can add additional softness.

Note! Room design with second light is most often used in living rooms. But it is also suitable for organizing space in the dining room.

Both options can be easily used in a private house (wooden or ordinary brick), as well as in two-story apartments. Both types of living rooms will look really chic in this form. Although in a private home it would still be better to organize the interior with second light in an open and spacious living room.

Advantages and disadvantages of this design solution

An interior where second light is assumed has the following advantages:

  • such a design can be organized in any style (classical, minimalism, baroque, Provence, etc.). But it looks most beautiful in the classic and Provence style;

"Second Light" in classic style

  • the premises acquire an aristocratic appearance;
  • natural light that comes through the large windows provides full illumination in the living room;
  • the ability to decorate a room even in dark tones, thanks to high-quality natural lighting;
  • visual expansion of space;
  • the ability to place massive furniture in the room;
  • sunlight enters the room from two levels of windows at once;
  • windows can cover two floors of an apartment or house at once.

An interior created according to the “second light” type will make your living room much lighter, more beautiful and attractive. In addition, no lighting fixtures can compare in terms of quality of luminous flux with natural solar illumination at home.
But, despite its excellent appearance, this design solution carries with it certain disadvantages that will be especially noticeable at the project implementation stage. The disadvantages here include:

  • the high cost of the project, which arises from the need to do redevelopment. This disadvantage is especially noticeable when working in two-story city apartments;
  • need a lot of living space. Therefore, such a project today is implemented mainly in large private cottages, where there is room to spread out;
  • a large glass surface leads to significant heat loss in the autumn-winter period. Heat loss can be minimized by using quality windows, as well as their professional installation. You can also place additional heating communications underneath them;

Large windows in the interior

  • the need to consider the ventilation and heating system. This should be done by specialists, since many things need to be taken into account here. different nuances, which again will cost money. Otherwise, warm air will be at the top and cold air at the bottom. And this will significantly reduce the comfort of people staying in such a room;
  • existence of a need for additional insulation premises. Therefore, very often in country houses in such rooms real fireplaces are installed, providing not only comfort, but also warmth.

As you can see, this design solution has a sufficient number of pros and cons, which makes the question “is it worth it?” quite relevant.

Additional interior lighting

Despite the fact that the design in the “second light” style assumes high-quality lighting in a natural way through wide window openings, here you also cannot do without artificial lighting, the need for which arises in the dark.

Living room lighting with second light

Artificial lighting here can be performed in a variety of ways.

Note! When creating artificial lighting, it is worth focusing on the multi-level nature of the room.

But most often ceiling ones are used Spotlights and chandeliers installed on different levels, as well as wall decorative or accent lighting, organized using wall groups of lighting fixtures.


The design with the second light looks very beautiful and presentable. But to organize it you need suitable space, a good street landscape, as well as powerful financial investments. However, at the same time, your living room will take on a completely different look, which will outshine all the disadvantages of such a design solution.

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When building a country house, sometimes a second light is used. People's opinions on such a layout are divided into three groups. The first want a second light in their home, the second do not know whether this is advisable, and the third simply refuse.

So what is second light? This is the lack of overlap between floors in one or more rooms. This approach is used to increase visual space. In other words, the second light combines two floors into one.

When planning a second light, it is often used panoramic glazing, it looks impressive.

Opinions on the layout of a house with a second light are divided.

  1. “The second light is power, effectiveness, strength and uniqueness!” — advocates of arranging a combination of floors argue.
  2. “The second light is impractical! It eats up useful space. A simple hole appears that can become dangerous.” - This is how skeptics explain their point of view.

So who is right? There is no one general opinion. All people are different, each has their own tastes and preferences. Some people like one thing, others another. But it is worth considering both sides of the opinion. Give arguments for and against the arrangement of the second world.

Pros of second light

Arranging a second light will give the building solidity. It will have the feeling that the room is large in volume. This is missing in typical apartments where the ceilings are not very high. This approach will make it more impressive compared to other houses. In a house with second light, there is no question that the owners do not have enough space, and they save every square meter.

The second light, in most cases, is installed in the living room. This is one of the central rooms in the house, and guests will appreciate this layout. At the same time, from the second floor there is a beautiful view of the living room.

Second light looks aesthetically pleasing and adds additional beauty to the entire structure. Various thoughts appear on the layout and use of second light. Fantasy plays out, especially among creative people.

You can plan a fireplace and gather the whole family around it in the evenings. On weekends, guests and friends will bask in the warmth of the fire. This gives cozy atmosphere and tenderness.

At second light glazing can be made panoramic. This will bring even more light into the room. Double-glazed windows can be replaced with stained glass. At the same time, the living room will sparkle with a variety of colors of the rainbow, and will constantly delight you with new designs.

In the second light, it is possible to install tall trees or flowers. The height of the ceilings will allow this to be done, and the glazing will provide the necessary light.

Cons of second light

The most important disadvantage is loss of usable area. When arranging a second light, you can lose one or two rooms. But at the same time get a large, spacious room.

If the house is planned to be several hundred square meters, then it is possible to equip the second light with minimal sacrifices that will not affect necessary premises. When constructing a building with a minimum amount of space, but at the same time must contain several rooms, it is unlikely that it will be possible to create a second light.

The downside is the heating. According to the laws of physics, all heated air tends to rise, and cool air goes down. In the cold season, when heating a room with a second light, it will be warm above and cool below.

When designing a second light, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of replacing the bulb in lighting fixtures. Decide how windows and ceilings will be washed.

If the walls are not decorated with decor, then there will be a feeling of discomfort and emptiness.

With the second light, greater audibility occurs. Sounds from the large room reverberate throughout the building. This may cause drafts.

When arranging the second light it is necessary takes care of the heating. This problem should be approached comprehensively.

Consider insulating the shelf in a room with second light. This will minimize heat loss.

Choose carefully heating devices. Experts advise installing beam systems heating. They can be mounted on the ceiling and hidden under external finishing. When they release heat, they will heat the floor of the room and the air below. This complete solution with basic heating will help make your room warmer.

  • Install heated floors on the ground floor. This will allow you to be in convenient conditions, and not feel cold. Don't forget that warm air tends to rise.
  • Determine the quantity heating systems which is necessary. You can use specialists who can accurately tell you the heating power.
  • To minimize heat loss, you should approach glazing responsibly. When arranging the second light, windows are installed large area. They are conductors of cold air and loss of warm air.
  • When planning a house, second light and panoramic glazing, it is best to design on the south side. This will provide auxiliary light and will additionally heat the room with the help of sunlight.
  • If you take into account all the nuances when insulating the room and properly installing the devices. Heating a house with a second light will cost the same as a house without it.
  • When considering the pros and cons of a second light, it is now easier to answer the question: “Should I install a second light or not?”
  • With the second light, useful space is lost, but is it really necessary? Family and friends spend most of their time in the living room, which amazes with its size and scope. It's nice to sit in a large room with a fireplace.
  • When building a country house, I want to move away from the stereotypes of city apartments, build a room with large areas and scope. To do this, it is not necessary that the building be several thousand square meters, you just need to competently design the second light.

Traditionally, the originality of buildings is manifested in their external architecture. However, the internal “world” of buildings can also be arranged in a completely non-standard way. “Second light” - functional and effective technique in architecture that will appeal to all lovers unusual solutions. Thus, something excellent is created in a residential building and an unimaginable ambiance is created. It looks especially great during the day, when the large hall is filled with pleasant natural light.

Second light in the house - what is it?

Essentially this huge room with several rows window openings and high ceiling. Due to the absence of overlap between floors, the room turns out to be combined and very spacious, and when you are in it, you get the impression of a bright and airy space. This architectural solution is only permissible for spacious houses with an area of ​​more than 200 square meters. m. At the same time, the double row of window openings in these houses has a practical and interior function.

Double lighting in modern buildings is done more to create an ambiance than to illuminate, since it is impossible to recreate it, even using the most ideal artificial light sources.

Create a room with double light There are several ways to do this: remove the ceilings or lower the floor.

  • The first option involves abandoning the room on the second floor, which means that the height of the ceilings in the living room will increase.
  • The second option is used much more often, however, to implement it it is necessary to install steps into the living room from the corridor.

Layout of different types of houses

Even a small building will look much more spacious and lighter if you create a “second light” when creating its layout. The increase in space occurs due to the use of double ceilings; as a result, the hall and hall seem much larger. Many building projects are made taking into account the arrangement of the second light, thanks to which the house will become as comfortable, spacious and cozy as possible.

By adding this solution to the interior, you will make the building simultaneously beautiful, aesthetic, light, solid and multifunctional, while maintaining natural lighting. The plan of a building with a second light must include a layout, since it must be observed interior decoration premises and its proportions of space. It is also necessary to take into account the location of many objects: fireplace, stairs, and so on.


Planning future home made of wood, please note that it cannot be of a small area, since there is no point in building a task with the above architectural solution, if space is limited or saving square meters, you will put it first. It should have plenty of personal living space for all residents. Many timber building designs emphasize beauty over practicality.

Proper layout will keep the building warm. Large windows should face the sunny side to ensure additional lighting, as well as heat. It is worth considering the proportions of the building - its height must be commensurate with the area, otherwise it will resemble a well.

Take care of the design of the rooms and walls so that there is no feeling of emptiness and dullness. Install stained glass windows, grow tall plants or put on a piano - here the fantasies are limitless.

Issues of air circulation in such buildings are easily resolved - install light heaters that heat surrounding objects. Another option is to install heated floors, so that the building will always have a perfectly comfortable temperature.

Hall wooden house with second light. Attention is focused on the stone fireplace, chandeliers and huge windows with light curtains

You should not install heaters driven by fan heaters, since the air, one way or another, will rise upward. Buildings of this type have large windows, so their insulation is very important in the layout of the house.


A successful layout of a brick building involves great mood and comfort from living. There are general planning standards brick buildings with second light.

  • Consider the length of communications and the location of the house. Place the gas pipeline, sewerage and water supply compactly. The bathroom and kitchen should be adjacent to each other. Layout of the bathroom and toilets different floors suggests their location one above the other.
  • Plan your house so that there are enough rooms for all family members. In this case, provide guest bedrooms, a hall, an office and a library.

    Hall in a brick house with second light. Emphasis on large windows with white tulle and a black corner sofa

  • Public areas are planned according to the individual preferences of the owners. However, you should not block them with doors and walls. Zoning the space with a fireplace, upholstered furniture and all kinds of color and stylistic solutions will give a feeling of spaciousness, and various perspectives will allow you to create an unusual and beautiful interior in a brick building.
  • In the layout of the common area, you can do without corridors, so you will save usable area. If there are too many of them in the building, then this indicates an unsuccessful layout.
  • The second light in the main room opens various possibilities in design planning. Imagine the location of stairs, balconies, windows, height differences and chandeliers.

    Multi-level solution in a house with second light. Spiral staircase as a decorative element. Glass railings create a feeling of airiness and freedom of style

A successful layout will help you get as close to nature as possible in a brick house with such an architectural solution.

Frame house made of SIP panels

The layout of the second light in frame buildings made of SIP panels will help to bring uniqueness to the appearance. Thanks to the originality of such buildings, you can install translucent stained glass windows along the entire height of the walls, which, under the influence of natural lighting, will emphasize the luxury of the second-light interior.

Also pay attention to the design of the staircase, for example, install a modern and luxurious screw product made of tempered glass. Such a staircase will be a successful decoration in a frame building made of SIP panels.

Also, plan to decorate your spacious living room, e.g. beautiful trees. Fits perfectly into the interior of the second light conifer tree or exotic palm.

Planning solutions in frame structure should provide comfort, and there should be no talk at all about the threat to the safety of the building and the safety of household members. The layout and composition of the rooms is the first thing you should pay attention to when building a house.

A frame building with this type of lighting, despite its visual appeal, is an unprofitable structure, especially in terms of space use and energy savings. With a minimal area, it heats a large space, so it’s worth thinking about insulating the house.

Houses made of laminated veneer lumber

The layout of buildings made from such timber with a second light is an excellent opportunity to create spacious rooms that are filled with light and air. What features does the layout of the rooms have?

  • This is a room with high walls in which the warm air flow is directed upward and reaches non-residential areas. Therefore, it is necessary to plan the heating and ventilation system carefully. Great solution in this situation there will be a fireplace. In addition, consider installing high-quality windows.
  • WITH internal balcony you will have a wonderful view of the hall, which you can use elegantly when planning its design.
  • The second light in timber buildings involves planning a balcony and stairs, so it is worth securing these areas by equipping durable and comfortable handrails required height.

    Interior of the second floor in a house made of laminated veneer lumber with a second light. View from a balcony with high wooden railings

  • Lighting planning also has its own specifics. A chandelier will help distribute light evenly in the room at night. A desk lamp and floor lamps will provide additional lighting.

    Lighting design in a house made of laminated veneer lumber with a second light. Chandelier and floor lamps as part of a style solution for additional lighting at night

  • The design of the living room is planned at the project creation stage so that the interior details are harmoniously located in it.
  • To divide the space into zones, columns, small partitions, and stairs are used.

    Stairs and columns as space zoning in the interior of a house made of laminated veneer lumber with a second light

  • Roof windows are not installed everywhere, as they quickly release heat.
  • Second light looks best in the living room, so designers advise installing a fireplace there, which will create extra heat and comfort.
  • When decorating the premises, use light colors in the interior to increase illumination.

Layout of a house made of rounded logs

In houses of this type, the “second light” architectural technique is often used, which is ideal for the hall. This layout will create a comfortable atmosphere for receiving guests.

The fireplace in the hall decorates the interior of the house, since it is possible to build a high chimney in it. And near the fireplace you can plan a cozy area from a set of soft sofas.

It is better to arrange the interior of the second light in a building made of logs in one style direction. This will enrich and improve the interior, and you will always find a corner in the house you like. This solution will also provide an opportunity for new design ideas, which are not feasible in houses with low ceilings, for example, focus on size by increasing sizes upholstered furniture. When planning a second light, the furniture should correspond to the size of the space, as well as the size of the people living.

Decorate your interior outside the box big chandelier, which will perfectly highlight the area of ​​the house, and in the evenings will serve as a source of artificial lighting.

The presence of beautiful stairs and large partitions that will divide the area into zones looks great in the second light.

Space zoning metal stairs And wooden columns in a house with second light

What kind of curtains are needed?

When designing a house with a second light, do not forget about one important detail- curtains that can ruin general form interior or vice versa, become a luxurious addition to it and at the same time protect the windows from the penetration of bright light. Therefore, when decorating windows, consider the following criteria: Red curtains with vertical stripes in the interior of a house with second light. Style decision to enlarge the room

  • Horizontal stripes on curtains as a print will expand the space of the room;
  • Curtains with lambrequins also look good in this type of building;
  • A curtain rod located under the ceiling will help to elongate the room;
  • Light colors of curtains will enhance the illumination of the room, however, with an abundance of light emanating simultaneously from several levels of windows, even cold color palette the curtains will seem pleasant;
  • A good option is to use a translucent veil with thick curtains for second-light windows;
  • Choose curtain material with a large width, preferably with a pattern.

    Pros and cons of second light

    It is very simple to understand the beauty of “double light” if you look at all the advantages and disadvantages of the architectural technique.

    • Possibility to recreate individual design and lighting system. High ceilings the room requires the use of multiple spotlights or large chandeliers;
    • Huge windows save energy by maximizing the use of sunlight;
    • The insecurity and unreliability of buildings with this type of light are rumors. The houses are glazed with durable double-glazed windows that work on the greenhouse principle;
    • Aesthetics and attractiveness of the second world;
    • There is a feeling of space and air in the room;
    • Significant space will allow you to create winter Garden with tall plants or install a Christmas tree in the center of the second light;
    • Panoramic windows will allow you to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding area;
    • In such a room you will never feel a lack of fresh air;
    • A room with such a solution always looks luxurious, regardless of the chosen interior.

    Disadvantages include:

    • Lack of the same microclimate in a room with second light: hot - under the ceiling, cold - below;
    • Drafts are possible;
    • A loss additional area, since the second light implies the absence of interfloor ceilings where rooms could be located;
    • When decorating the walls, you will have to resort to the help of professionals, otherwise the interior may turn out ugly, monotonous and boring;
    • Sounds from the hall spread throughout the house;
    • Complex installation of the second light, correspondingly, more costs for its arrangement;
    • It’s impossible to keep the windows clean without a stepladder;
    • Additional inconvenience in replacing light bulbs on a chandelier and washing curtains due to high ceilings;
    • High walls will not allow you to change the design of the room without difficulty;
    • Odors from the premises will spread throughout the building.