Window decoration. Interior of a residential building, presentation for a lesson in fine arts (art) on the topic Make your window cheerful and beautiful

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Interior of a residential building 7th grade









Lesson on fine arts 7th grade

Subject: Interior drawing.

Target: teach students to draw interiors using frontal perspective.


  • introduce students to interior design schemes;
  • teach how to compare an image and an interior model;
  • develop the ability to compose the composition of the interior
  • deepen understanding of perspective phenomena.
  • educate: interest in fine arts lessons
  • develop creative and cognitive activity, imagination


Interior diagrams, teacher's drawing, presentation, album, colored pencils, felt-tip pens.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Reading a poem ( studying)

It’s so good, it’s easy to be at home,
Where everything is cozy, close and familiar;
I can always hide from problems there,
And failures and troubles don’t scare you.

What is this poem about?

Read the proverbs.

There is nothing better in the world than your own home.

My home is my castle.

Explain their meaning.

Give examples of proverbs about home.

3. Conversation

How does a person improve his home?

Why do you need to create comfort in your houses and apartments?

And who makes them feel comfortable?

What do you think is the art of creating comfort and beauty in living spaces?

4.Introduction to the concept of interior

Slide 1 (Interior of a residential building)

What is the topic of our lesson?

What will we talk about, what will we draw.

Slide 2 (Lesson objectives)

Because do you understand the word home?

House - this is a place where people live, where they feel comfortable and cozy.

Interior - This inner space buildings or rooms within a building; interior decor, it corresponds to the character of the person.

What should a person's home be like?

What requirements must it meet?

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Study cards

Functionality– promotes normal conditions residence. Each room in the apartment has its own purpose (function): kitchen, bedroom, living room, dining room, children's room.

Hygiene – a set of qualities that are taken into account during construction: sound insulation, air exchange, heat-protective qualities, operation of sanitary and hygienic equipment.

Aesthetics – arrangement of interior items in space, their relationship to each other, surface finishing, color and lighting design, shapes and nature of equipment, decorative decoration, landscaping

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Interior composition is a special arrangement: furniture, lamps, household equipment, functional areas.

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Zoning and decorative decoration depend on the individuality of the residents, their taste and originality.The apartments have rooms. It’s very good when each person (even a child) has a separate room or at least his own children's Corner where he sleeps, works, studies, plays.

11 - 14.Slide

Decorative decoration.

How can you decorate your nest?

Which zone did you like best?

5. Practical work.

Drawing the kitchen area.

Teacher's explanation.

6. Reflection.

Look at your work. Raise your hands who succeeded?

Who experienced difficulties at work?

What did you learn in today's lesson?

What is the interior?

7. Exhibition of drawings

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MBOU Krasnodonskaya sosh technology lesson section “House management technology” “Window decoration” (mind map method) Compiled by a technology teacher of the highest category Olga Nikolaevna Khizhnyakova 2012

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Harmonious combination colors of furniture, and other equipment with wall and ceiling decoration – required condition good design interior Curtains play a significant role; without them, the interior will seem incomplete.

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Elements of the Svagi window composition Svag is an element of a horizontal soft lambrequin, giving it sophistication and sophistication. Being inherently classic element, swag, nevertheless, can, with the right composition, bring quite avant-garde liveliness to a ready-made set of curtains. It is the selection of the proportions of the swag and the choice of fabric that ultimately determine how the curtains will look.

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Rigid lambrequins A lambrequin on a rigid base is a Bandeau, which first appeared in decor several centuries ago. Modern Bando serves primarily to enliven the interior, but in addition it also has practical functions. So, by fixing it higher than usual, we will immediately change the height of the window, while a wide Bando will visually increase its area. The silhouette of the lower edge of such a lambrequin often continues the pattern of the curtains and forms an inspired single composition with it.

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Curtains with eyelets Severity and simplicity, even flowing folds from top to bottom. These beautiful folds are obtained by installing eyelets (rings) on the canvas, which are strung on the cornice rod. Rings are selected in the required diameter and color. Here you can play with contrast, or, on the contrary, you can choose a color to match the curtain or cornice.

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Curtains in the interior Living room The living room is the face of the house, the “highlight” of the interior, so there should be a bright detail in the design of the living room. In most cases, curtains become such a detail. The design style of the curtains can be any - it depends on the overall concept of the interior. Thick curtains, complemented with fringe, tassels and other accessories, will look good in the living room.

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Bedroom The bedroom is a room for relaxation; its design should be dominated by calm tones and smooth lines. It is recommended to decorate the bedroom with classic curtains, complemented by swags, “de jabot” and others decorative elements. Fabrics in pastel shades, plain or with discreet patterns. Important for the bedroom good protection from the sun. Curtains should be thick, complemented by a tulle curtain. For complete light insulation, special blackout fabrics are used.

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Children's rooms Children's rooms are decorated in bright (but not annoying) cheerful colors. A “country” style (short curtains with tiebacks or garters) or a modern style - romantic curtains with various frills, loops, ties, bows, curtains with eyelets are perfect. Also good option for the nursery there will be Roman and Austrian curtains. Fabrics for children's fabrics must be natural and environmentally friendly.

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Dining room/Kitchen In the kitchen, the practicality of curtains is more important than their decorative component. Country style with short curtains with garters is very appropriate in the kitchen; Roman and Austrian curtains and cafe curtains are also perfect. The dining room is decorated somewhat more formally than the kitchen. The combination of the comfort of tulle curtains with the practicality of roller blinds and pleated curtains will fit well into the interior of the dining room.

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on a topic for 5th grade


Akulyonok G.A.

art teacher

highest qualification category


Momtselidze L.A.

head of ShMO

art teachers

Moscow region, Lobnya

Development of a visual arts lesson

on the topic "Drawing the interior of a room" for 5th grade

Perspective is a science that helps to correctly depict objects in space the way we see them in nature.

Rules, laws of perspective or patterns of perspective changes in objects, their shapes:

    As we move away from our eye, the size of objects decreases.

    Parallel horizontal lines, moving away, not only come closer, but at eye level they converge into one point - the vanishing point.

    Everything that has a vertical direction in nature and looks vertical in the drawing.)

The interior is an image of the interior of various buildings: classrooms, living rooms, corridors, etc.

Interior is the organization of internal space.

Drawing the interior of a room from a frontal perspective.

How to draw an interior from a frontal perspective?

Where should I start drawing? - (from the location of the front wall on a sheet of paper)

What options for the location of the front wall in the picture can there be? - (left, center, right)

What line did we use and a point on this line to construct the drawing? - (horizon line and vanishing point)

Do we need this horizon line and vanishing point when drawing the interior of a room? - Yes.

Let's look at the interior construction diagrams “Perspective construction of the interior in a frontal position.”

The type of perspective of the interior also depends on the change in the location of the vanishing point of the lines or point of view. Ta side wall, on which the drawer is closer, will always be in greater contraction than the opposite one.

The drawer must determine the vanishing point of parallel lines, which always lies on the horizon line and depends on the location of the drawer.

If the left and right walls are equally distant from us, then the main vanishing point will be located in the middle of the front wall. If we move left or right, the vanishing point will move accordingly.

We need to outline the side walls of the room, floor, and ceiling in the drawing.

Knowing that all parallel horizontal lines moving away from the viewer come closer and, as they continue, converge at one vanishing point on the horizon line, you can outline the side walls. Those lines that are located above eye level (ceiling line) appear to be descending, those below eye level (floor line) appear to be rising.

Here we have outlined the location of the front wall, ceiling, side walls and floor. Next, to draw the interior of the room, what needs to be done? - (draw objects - furniture in space)

Using the method of linear constructive drawing, the painter depicts all objects as if transparent and thereby has the opportunity to accurately determine the position of each object in space.

A drawing of a table by a window or a drawing of a sofa by a wall begins with an image of the edge of the side wall of the object, located in frontal perspective.

Then the lower horizontal plane of the object is outlined. The construction of the drawing begins, as it were, from the bottom up.

A linear constructive drawing of each item in the interior of the room is made.

Guys, we have completed a linear, contour drawing of the interior of the room in frontal perspective, and then what do we need to do to complete the drawing? - (Complete the volume of each item, and the room as a whole.)

Volumetric tonal drawing.

Use various shading to convey the volume and shape of the depicted objects using chiaroscuro.

Creative practical work

Assignment: Draw a picture of the interior of a room in frontal perspective or compose the interior of a room.

Each student must compose the interior of a room in the front


Sequence of task execution:

    Linear, contour drawing.

Each student remembers composition - placing a drawing on a sheet of paper.

Composition is the structural construction of a work of art, the combination of all its components into a single whole (composition, composition, arrangement).

The student's choice of the location of the front wall (to the left, straight or to the right) on a sheet of paper.

Draw a horizon line and a vanishing point on it.

Outline the location of the ceiling, side walls, and floor.

Outline the position of each object in space using the method of linear constructive drawing.

2. Volumetric tonal pattern.

Use various shading to convey the volume and shape of the depicted objects using chiaroscuro.

Shading with a pencil in various tones from light to black.

Students begin to work independently, doing it with a pencil.

Guys, while working to detect errors in the drawing, compare your method of action and its result with the tables “Constructing a drawing of a room”, reproductions of artist’s paintings and interior design diagrams found in the lesson.

List of sources used:

Everything in the interior should be beautiful: floors, ceilings, and windows. There are problems with the latter, however. Heavy memories of the withered Soviet wooden windows, the cracks in which had to be sealed for the winter (which did not prevent ice from freezing on the glass) discouraged almost everyone from experimenting with natural materials. Standard plastic windows, which flooded the market twenty years ago, have also become quite boring and no longer meet modern design requirements. Fortunately, more and more non-standard designs are now appearing on sale: colored, with a textured surface, and at the same time high-quality. We decided to figure out which interior owners should pay attention to the new items.

Apartments in Scandinavian style , at first glance, it is easiest to “make friends” with traditional white windows, but in reality it turns out that designer interior requires perfection of details, and White color not always The best decision. A bright window will look unusual and fresh, especially if its color matches the accents in the interior.

It is also necessary to remember that in Scandinavian interiors curtains are often abandoned, replacing them with Roman blinds or translucent tulle, so the beauty of the windows is especially important - they will always be in sight.

The model is perfect not only for Scandinavian interior, but also for loft-style interiors. The color of the windows should be chosen depending on the style of the room - it can either match the overall scheme of the interior or, conversely, become an accent color. For example, dark shades models go well with loft and can also be an excellent contrasting element in minimalism.

The hardest thing is for those who want to decorate their apartment in classic style : furniture with carvings, gilding, crystal not only do not combine with ordinary white frames - such a juxtaposition is absurd to the point of comical. For apartments with a “luxury” design, it is better to choose windows with natural wood or silver/gold laminated windows.

The model fits classic interior, but will also go well with a modern, minimalist setting or interior with eclectic elements.
Anna Chevereva, Zi-Design Interiors

Mediterranean style requires natural, gentle, but at the same time bright colors. Classic combination- azure and snow-white, but you can choose instead of whitewindows in copper or olive shade. They will be combined with details from natural wood at home and with greenery outside the window.

The model can be used both in Provence style and in a modern eclectic interior. More suitable for the first one pistachio color, for the second - a shade of copper, which is now at the peak of fashion.
Anna Chevereva, Zi-Design Interiors

Have you ever imagined what your room would look like if you moved your bed or chest of drawers? Or what would your living room look like if you moved the sofa, chairs and TV? It takes a lot of effort to rearrange everything and just see what your “design project” will look like. This wonderful blog tutorial will teach you how to draw a room, hall or foyer in frontal perspective, so you can decorate the interior as you please!

Of course, at first this lesson may seem simple and uninteresting to you, but it shows basic steps for constructing a frontal perspective of a room which will lay the foundations correct construction any room in the future.

In this lesson we will learn frontal perspective: This is a painting technique in which all objects are related to a single central point in the drawing. This perspective is also called “single vanishing point perspective.” Not to be confused with angular perspective, although they are based on the same principle. Only angular perspective uses two vanishing points in your drawings with specific alignments to create depth.

I won't explain how to draw furniture in this tutorial. Now let's let's concentrate on drawing a truly large three-dimensional space, which you can fill in yourself using your imagination.

1. Let's start the drawing from the back wall of the room. Draw two horizontal lines parallel to the top edge of your notebook and two vertical lines parallel to the side edges of the paper. It is very important.

2. Place an anchor point in the center of the resulting square.

3. Lightly draw a guide line diagonally through the corners of the room and straight through the anchor point in the center. You can use a ruler or the edge of paper.

4. Also easily guide the second guide through the opposite corners of the room directly through the center anchor point.

5. Now erase all the lines inside the square, leaving only the anchor point in the center.

6. Lightly mark the location front door. Notice how the concept of size is used. The bottom edge of the door is drawn bigger size to create the illusion of intimacy. Draw the floor, walls, ceiling, always keep the size rule in mind.

7. Using the center reference point, lightly draw a line through the near edge of the door to this very point. This point will become the positioning point for almost every line in this drawing.

8. Draw a window on the opposite wall, starting with two vertical lines. Don't forget to make the near line longer.

9. Once again, focusing on the center point, draw straight lines - the top and bottom edges of the window. It turned out well, didn't it?

10. Horizontal and vertical lines are used to draw door and window slopes. Draw horizontal lines to indicate the thickness of doors, windows and stairs.

11. Now draw a vertical line to define the slope of the window.

12. This step is very important in this tutorial. Using a center reference point, lightly draw the top and bottom lines of the window. Voila! You've created a window in frontal perspective! Now let's work with the stairs.

13. Using back wall as a guide, draw horizontal and vertical lines to create the far edge of the staircase. Remember in step 1 how I said about the importance of the first horizontal and vertical lines? And that's why. All other horizontal and vertical lines must be parallel to the first, otherwise your drawing will visually fall apart.

14. Time to use the center anchor point again. Draw each corner of the step using this point. Lightly sketch lines away from the center, like in the illustration below.

15. Erase all extra lines. Sharpen all edges to create a focal point in your drawing. Shade your drawing according to the light coming from the left window and from the ceiling. If there is a light on the ceiling, where should the shadows be? You can add parquet flooring and a row of light bulbs on the ceiling. Redraw this a few times, experimenting with different doors and windows.


Try drawing your room. Sit behind desk, on the bed, on the floor, where you will be comfortable and have the best view of the room. Position your canvas so that the vertical edge of your sheet aligns with the far corner of your room when you close one eye.

Draw everything you see: the edges of walls, ceilings, floors, windows and furniture. Try not to move your paper. Place it on the scanner and make a copy.

Use a pencil to color the copy and add color. Pay attention to "secret" shadows, drop shadows, and real-world occlusions, and how placement, size, and occlusion have a visual impact. Funny?

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