Fiberglass for painting: putty or paint immediately. Painting fiberglass "Cobweb": ways to decorate walls and ceilings How to glue painting fiberglass

What is fiberglass web used for? For what purpose is this material used in construction? First of all - in quality additional protection finishing finishing layer from cracks (microcracks) formed on surfaces. Of course, cracks don't always show up. But if you doubt the reliability of the surface, use fiberglass.

Main characteristics of fiberglass

Painting fiberglass canvas is made from fiberglass threads using a pressing method, which is somewhat similar to the production technology of ordinary paper, only in this case fiberglass and organic resin are pressed. The result is homogeneous fiberglass sheets with a density of 25 to 50 grams per 1 square meter.

Properties of painting fiberglass:

  • Reinforces walls.
  • Not afraid of water, chemical reagents.
  • Not flammable.
  • Does not attract dust.

It should also be noted that fiberglass canvases consist only of natural components. They do not cause allergies, allow steam and air to pass through, and prevent the formation of mold and mildew.

Unlike glass wallpaper, fiberglass does not have a woven pattern or a pronounced relief on its surface. The cobweb structure after painting appears in the form of a unique decorative texture. However, after puttingtying the web and further painting, you can get a flat and smooth, matte (depending on the paint) surface.

Fiberglass (web) is usually produced in rolls 1 meter wide and 20, 30, 50 meters long.

In what cases is it necessary to use fiberglass?

Painting fiberglass web is recommended for use on plastered or plasterboard walls (ceilings). This is due to the fact that these surfaces are prone to cracking, and the fiberglass web additionally reinforces the surface of the wall or ceiling, making the base more durable. It should be noted that drywall has problem areas - joints. And when correct installation By carefully gluing the joints with serpyanka, you can completely abandon the cobwebs on the drywall.

Let's decide when to use fiberglass web, and when it is not needed:

  • Monolithic ceiling for painting - it is recommended to use fiberglass.
  • Slab ceiling with rustications for painting - after sealing the rustications with serpyanka, we use fiberglass.
  • Plasterboard ceiling - after sealing the joints with serpyanka, it is recommended to use fiberglass.
  • Plastered walls for painting - it is recommended to use fiberglass.
  • Plasterboard walls can be painted - it is recommended to use fiberglass.
  • Use of decorative plasters as a finishing layer - the use of fiberglass is mandatory.
  • Use as a finishing layer of any type of wallpaper - no fiberglass required.

How and with what to glue fiberglass

If this is your first time encountering this material, keep in mind that gluing glass canvas is much easier than any wallpaper, because the glue only needs to be applied to the wall, and the canvas itself is very light and adheres well to the surface.

During work highly recommended use special glue for fiberglass. You will also need a roller, a brush, a tape measure, a painting (stationery) knife, a spatula (preferably rubber) and a mask-bandage (to avoid particles of fiberglass from getting into the respiratory tract).

Depending on the desired result, the fiberglass canvas is puttied after gluing finishing putty. This removes the cobweb texture, canvas joints and other defects, and allows you to achieve a relatively even, smooth surface. If you do not want to additionally putty the fiberglass, you will have to consider the following:

  • The surface under the fiberglass (cobweb) must be well prepared (at least two layers of putty, stripping and primer).
  • Double sizing of the canvas is required. In this case, the glue is applied (with a roller) to the surface to be pasted, and then onto the already glued sheet of web (with a roller or a rubber wallpaper spatula).
  • During work, you need to achieve perfect joining of the canvases. An alternative is gluing it overlapping, followed by cutting two panels with a paint knife. Also, do not forget that the material is relatively fragile, and any awkward movement will lead to tearing of the canvas.
  • The paint consumption increases, since the surface will have to be painted not in two layers (as usual), but in at least three layers (due to the structure and density of the fiberglass).

It should be noted that the first two points should also be adhered to if the fiberglass is planned to be puttied in the future.

Development construction technologies contributed to the implementation innovative solutions to create new multifunctional building materials, simplifying work during the construction and finishing of buildings for various purposes.

A bright representative modern building materials with a wide range of functions and a diverse range of applications is fiberglass, made from ultra-thin glass fibers with a diameter of 10-18 microns.

He owes his popularity to availability of raw materials And ecological cleanliness its components - quartz sand, clay, limestone rocks and glass scrap in the form of cullet.

The use of recycled glass raw materials allows us to successfully solve issues of maintaining the proper level of cleanliness environment and obtaining relatively cheap building materials such as fiberglass or glass wallpaper.

The basic raw material for the manufacture of fiberglass fabrics is glass elementary fiber filaments, obtained by drawing molten glass mass through platinum dies.

The production of fiberglass is based on the same principle, which you can read about.

Components of natural origin (quartz sand, clay and limestone) and glass recyclables based on cullet.

The addition of cullet to a mixture of raw materials, called a charge, significantly saves material and energy resources used for the production of fiberglass.

By processing one ton of cullet, more than one ton of the main natural raw materials is saved, including the following materials:

  • quartz sand – about 650 kg;
  • soda ash - about 185 kg;
  • limestone - almost 200 kg.

For every 10% added mass of cullet heat and electricity consumption is reduced by 3%, since melting a charge composed entirely of natural components requires a higher temperature than a charge containing cullet.

With the introduction of 40% cullet, energy savings will be 12%, which significantly affects production efficiency.

In total, about 3 million tons of fiberglass are produced in the world.

Leading fiberglass manufacturers pay increased attention to glass recycling.

Presence of cullet among the components of produced glass fiber reduces the amount of pollutants removed into the atmosphere, allowing the manufacturer to save on emissions treatment equipment.

You can read about other ways to recycle cullet and their benefits.

Differences from glass wallpaper

The technology for manufacturing canvas from glass fibers is fundamentally different from the production of glass fabrics:

  • fiberglass is obtained by pressing glass fibers randomly located under the press;
  • fiberglass fabrics are woven on textile weaving equipment.

After pressing glass fibers, fiberglass is formed - thin smooth material without a pronounced pattern, resembling sheets of paper.

From glass raw materials, fiberglass “inherited” its basic properties - chemical inertness, resistance to open fire and other qualities that made it one of the most popular construction and industrial materials.

In accordance with the production technology, fiberglass differs from glass wallpaper in terms of surface density and functional purpose:

  • the density of fiberglass does not exceed 50-65 g/sq.m, which allows it to be confidently used for covering ceilings;
  • the density of glass wallpaper exceeds that of fiberglass and is 150-225 g/sq.m;
  • fiberglass is a finishing material for covering walls and ceilings, suggesting subsequent final painting; thanks to its smooth surface, fiberglass can be repainted multiple times without deteriorating the quality of the coating;
  • glass wallpaper is the finishing touch decorative coating, which does not require mandatory painting.

With repeated repainting, the surface quality of glass wallpaper deteriorates significantly.

This is exactly what it is very important difference between them and fiberglass.

Thus, it is up to you to decide what is better to use for painting: fiberglass or wallpaper.

If you plan to repaint the coating several times, the choice is obvious.

You can read more about glass wallpaper and its differences from fiberglass in the article.

Areas of application

In Russia, more than 200 million m² of fiberglass is used annually. In construction and industry, it is used in combination with other materials that are selected in accordance with purpose and technical requirements for the final product/object.

So, what is fiberglass used for:

  1. Production waterproofing coatings, in which fiberglass sheets serve as the basis for applying bituminous impregnating compounds (roofing). In construction practice, bituminous coatings are used in the form of rolls. roofing materials and soft bitumen shingles.
  2. Production of linoleum, in which fiberglass is used as load-bearing frame, preventing shrinkage of linoleum.
  3. Manufacturing, in which fiberglass serves as a reinforcing material for impregnation with binders polymer compounds during the subsequent shaping of the product (boat, container, etc.).
  4. Construction, repair and finishing works, in which fiberglass is used for:
  • creating protective reinforced surfaces walls and ceilings;
  • formation finishing coating walls and ceilings, subject to subsequent decorative painting;
  • creating a soundproofing substrate in “floating floor” structures to reduce the level of impact noise.

Soundproofing canvas is a multilayer roll material with a one-sided bitumen-polymer coating, which is used as elastic soundproofing substrate under a cement-sand reinforced screed.

Varieties by density

The technology for the production of fiberglass is based on pressing chopped or staple fiberglass, the result of which is quite soft and flexible non-woven material.

Depending on the size of the pressed elementary fiber filaments (diameter and linear length of the segments) and the method of joining glass fiber threads in the panel, the surface density of glass fiber varies from 25 to 450 g/sq.m. m with a panel thickness of 0.5 to 4 mm.

In accordance with the absolute value of the density of fiberglass, its operational purpose changes. With the increase of this technical specifications the indicators of its mechanical strength increase proportionally.

Currently three groups are designated fiberglass, combined by density indicators, set of functions and scope of application.

From 25 to 65 g/m²

They are produced using wet pressing technology, identical to the manufacturing process of smooth paper sheets.

Canvases of this group are used for finishing walls and ceilings, for which they are called painting fiberglass canvases.

More popular name The materials of this broad group have a “cobweb” quality, which they received due to their translucent texture, reminiscent of an openwork woven web.

For writing paper for copiers and printers, the standard surface density is within 80 g/sq. m. Density of the “web” one and a half to two times lower than a sheet of paper.

To make the “spider web”, glass fibers with a diameter of 10-11 microns are used with a length of the constituent glass fibers of 6-10 mm (data for Spectrum SN 30 brand fiberglass painting canvas was used).

To strengthen the structure during pressing modified polyvinyl alcohol is used.

Another name for painting fiberglass - fiberglass - is assigned to it due to its identity with painting non-woven, which is a non-woven paper-like finishing material based on sized cellulose fibers.

From 60 to 200 g/m²

These materials differ from painting “gossamer” in their pressing technology:

  • glass fibers are combined using synthetic resin components;
  • the fibers are unevenly distributed throughout the volume, forming a rough, rough uneven surface, whereas in glass non-woven fabric the surface is smooth and soft, and the fibers are evenly distributed, without clumps or compactions.

Fiberglass canvases of this group have found their application as waterproofing materials, therefore they are often called roofing and bitumen fiberglass (depending on the type of binding component and its quantity).

Outwardly, they no longer resemble a weightless “cobweb”, but look like a dense, opaque fabric with the following characteristics:

  • glass fiber diameter – from 13 to 18 microns;
  • fiber length – 12-18 mm;
  • panel thickness -0.5-1.0 mm.

It should be noted that roofing fiberglass perfectly absorbs moisture And .

The use of roofing fiberglass is regulated by GOST 30547-97 “Rolled roofing and waterproofing materials. General technical conditions".

The most popular brands are::

  1. Fiberglass of the Technonikol brand, produced according to TU 5952-001-13344965-2004. The density of the material is 100 g/sq.m, the thickness of the panel is 0.8 mm. The glass fiber used has a diameter of 13-16 microns and a fiber length of 12-18 mm.
  2. Fiberglass brand VVG, produced in accordance with TU-21-5328981-16-96 in widths of 200, 400, 1000 and 1200 mm. Max diameter glass fiber is 18 microns. The thickness of the panel is 0.5 mm, the surface density is from 60 to 200 g/sq.m, depending on the type of binder.
  3. Fiberglass reinforced grade HSA, produced according to TU 5952-012-04001485-97. Reinforced fiberglass from competing analogues (TehnoNIKOL and VVG canvases) has increased mechanical strength due to glass fiber reinforcement in the longitudinal direction along the entire length of the material in increments of 30 mm. The density of reinforced fiberglass varies from 45 g/sq.m (for the XSA-45 brand) to 115 g/sq.m. m (brand HSA-115). According to HSA specialists significantly superior traditional VVG according to physical and technical parameters and is a more suitable quality basis for applying modern bitumen-polymer coatings.

Fiberglass is also used to create multilayer bituminous roll materials, of which the most popular is glass insulation TU 5774-004-00289973-96 grades K-3.5 (HKP) and K-4.0 (HKP).

The surface density of such coatings is 3500-4000 g/sq.m. m, since it takes into account the weight of the bitumen mixture and other components of glass insulation.

In the practice of marketing bituminous roofing coatings based on fiberglass, such materials incorrectly called bituminous fiberglass.

450 g/m²

This type of fiberglass is called pierced.

They are produced by fastening with knitting and stitching weave several layers of glass fibers with a diameter of 6-13 microns.

The stitching is carried out with glass threads. The formation of the material occurs without the use of binding materials.

The area of ​​application of pierced fiberglass is thermal insulation of building structures and pipeline systems of heating mains.

Accepted name and designation heat-insulating pierced fiberglass PSH-T. The thickness of the PSH-T panel is 2.0-4.0 mm.

Interior decoration

For internal finishing works V residential buildings and public buildings- children's and medical institutions, offices, hotels - painting fiberglass - "gossamer" - is especially in demand.

The “cobweb” breaks easily until it is glued to any surface.

However after glue impregnation in the process of sticking to a wall or ceiling, its strength is comparable to the strength of steel, which allows fiberglass to serve as a reinforcing material.

This feature provides the web with the following functionality:

  • strengthening walls and ceilings for preventing cracking processes and the appearance of microcracks;
  • increased surface strength, since fiberglass even after application paint coating retains mobility and in the process of many years of shrinkage of the walls of new buildings to a sufficient extent will withstand shrinkage loads to prevent microcracks from growing;
  • masking of existing microcracks and hiding defective areas surfaces;
  • leveling surfaces of walls and ceilings for painting;
  • giving specificity decorative texture covering walls and ceilings for artistic interior decoration and painting.

Advantages of use in finishing works

The main advantages of the “web” include the following factors:

  1. Increased fire safety premises covered with glass fiber canvas.
  2. Resistant to open flame and high temperatures in the event of a fire in the room, fiberglass can withstand up to 1300 without destruction and does not emit toxic substances.
  3. Valuable environmental qualities– cobweb coatings do not emit harmful substances and cannot provoke allergic reactions.
  4. High chemical inertness against corrosion, acids and alkalis.
  5. Absence conditions for education fungus and mold.
  6. Antistatic coatings, as a result of which static electricity does not accumulate on the finished walls and ceilings and dust does not settle.
  7. Fiberglass is not susceptible to impact dampness and condensation.
  8. “Gossamer” does not lose its performance properties with sudden temperature changes.
  9. Good strength qualities, preserving the integrity of wall coverings in houses and apartments with pets;
  10. Possibility of multiple repainting without loss of decorative qualities.
  11. A wall covered with a “cobweb” will not impede the movement of water vapor and air, positively affecting the microclimate of the home.

Summarizing the list of advantages of painting fiberglass as a finishing material, it should be noted that it is fully adapted to modern special requirements for materials for interior decoration of residential and public buildings.

Let us note the following circumstances that are in the foreground of the requirements for interior decoration:

  • hygiene coating, which implies the possibility of constant wiping, washing and disinfection;
  • antistatic fiberglass material;
  • bactericidal properties, allowing the use of “cobwebs” in clinic rooms, kindergartens, swimming pools and baths;
  • moisture resistance;
  • good acoustic properties in room.

Disadvantages of use

The disadvantages of the “cobweb” include the following points:

  • painting fiberglass canvas according to structure is soft and pliable, which makes it very difficult to fix it in one position when pasting walls or ceilings, so it is practically impossible to handle the material alone;
  • the difficulty of dismantling an already pasted “cobweb”;
  • "cobweb" canvases prevent the spread of small cracks, however, by simply applying it to the wall it is not able to “cope” with the elimination of large defects; when eliminating them, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation walls and putty, only then glue fiberglass;
  • painting fiberglass without putty 2-5 times increases paint consumption compared to painting a pre-putty “cobweb”;
  • the need to work in protective rubberized workwear and protection of the visual and respiratory organs in the process of cutting and gluing fiberglass.

Fiberglass consists of thin glass fibers, which when cutting the canvas break down. Micro-shards of glass become hazardous to skin, vision and breathing.

Types of painting fiberglass

In interior finishing work, the “cobweb” is used as a reinforcing layer, so the front side of the painting fiberglass has a smooth surface, while the back side has a fleecy and rough surface to improve adhesion to the wall or ceiling.

Depending on the surface density of the “web” material divided into three groups:

Pigmented fiberglass of the VPP 200 series produced by Vitrulan should also be included in the category of painting dense fiberglass canvas. It can no longer be called a “cobweb”, since the density of fiberglass is 200 g/sq. m.

A layer of primer paint is pre-applied on the front surface of the material in a factory manner, and on the fiberglass fabric of the Vitrulan VPP 200 Aqua model, in addition to the “primer” layer, a layer of adhesive base is applied on the reverse side of the panel.

Due to the presence of an adhesive composition, Vitrulan VPP 200 Aqua material can be classified as a self-adhesive wall covering, since when it is glued just wet it down wall without additional application of another adhesive.

The high density of the canvas allows you to reliably hide wall defects, and pre-applied paint will ensure even distribution during final decorative painting.

One layer of glossy paint is enough for the painted canvas to fit perfectly into the interior of any style.

Algorithm for sticker work

Speaking about how to use painting fiberglass for walls or ceilings, it is necessary to describe the following steps.

Stage 1 – preparation wall and ceiling surfaces (hereinafter referred to as the base), including a number of mandatory operations:

  • removing the remains of the old finish from the base;
  • cleaning from dust and dirt deposits;
  • sealing large cracks and recesses, alignment of protrusions;
  • priming to ensure maximum adhesion of the adhesive to the base.

Stage 2 - cutting pieces fiberglass for gluing, including the following operations:

  • cutting the “web” in accordance with previously made measurements and rough calculations;
  • cutting off cut panels from a roll.

It is customary to cut pieces of material into sizes that would be convenient to work with.

Stage 3 - kneading glue. Many craftsmen use homemade adhesives, believing that it is much cheaper.

Among the “branded” adhesives for glass interlining, practitioners distinguish the following brands:

  • Oscar;
  • Wellton;
  • Nortex.

Stage 4 – direct gluing glass interlining. When wallpapering rooms to create modern interior The so-called “double cut” method is used to obtain canvases glued end-to-end:

  • first, two sheets of material are glued overlapping, as shown in the photo;
  • the thickenings at the overlap are cut off along the entire length with a knife and removed.

Leading manufacturers

In the Russian market, foreign manufacturers of fiberglass are dominated by companies that produce not only painting glass interlining, but also a wide range of other fiberglass products - glass wallpaper, fiberglass, roofing and waterproofing materials.

Among them, the undeniable leadership belongs to the following brands:

  1. Vitrulan (Germany) – produces fiberglass in a wide range of fabric densities, ranging from 25 to 300 g/sq.m. For truly “German” quality, buyers of Vitrulan products have to pay high prices - the cheapest “spider webs” cost at least 2,000 rubles/roll.
  2. Wellton (Sweden) – workshops that produce painting fiberglass are located in Finland and Germany. Welton products are slightly cheaper than their Vitrulan counterpart (RUB 1,500/roll), but in some cases users there were complaints due to the shedding of the coating.
  3. Oscar (China) is a Chinese manufacturer that follows the trend of Wellton products, as it produces them under its Oscar brand. The cost of the “spider web” fluctuates around 1000 rubles/roll.
  4. Nortex produces fiberglass in the Czech Republic and China. On the Russian market, Nortex material is sold at a price of 610-630 rubles/roll.
  5. TechnoNIKOL – domestic manufacturer, widely represented in the field of fiberglass supplies increased strength for industrial premises and roofing insulation. Roofing fiberglass in a roll 9 meters long costs 669 rubles.
  6. X-Glass – Russian company, producing glass interlining at the European quality level. While the range of fiberglass is not wide, it tempts users its affordability. Depending on density, one roll standard size costs from 516 rub. (density 25 g/sq.m.) up to 646 rub. for material with a density of 50 g/sq.m.

Which one is better to choose?

When choosing a painting canvas for use in finishing works, they are guided by: the following circumstances:

  • its purpose (for painting, for paper wallpaper or Wall panels and so on.);
  • type of surface - wall, ceiling or floors;
  • degree of surface dilapidation;
  • the type of defects to be repaired (cracks, cavities, bulges);
  • the base material on which the fiberglass will be glued - concrete, brick, wood, etc.;
  • Useful video

    From this video you will learn why fiberglass “gossamer” is needed, which one to choose for certain purposes, as well as about the features of gluing walls and ceilings:


    The use of fiberglass in repair and finishing work effectively solves problems elimination of minor defects and irregularities walls, successfully replacing finishing putty and hardening the surface.

    As you can see, the price for a roll of painting fiberglass “gossamer” and other types of this material for painting or wallpaper varies depending on the density, which is determined on the basis of grams per m².

    The growing popularity of fiberglass materials and their availability in the domestic market creates additional incentives for rational use of natural resources and glass recyclables for the production of much-in-demand finishing coatings, what are “cobwebs” or glass wallpaper.

    Now you know more about why fiberglass is needed, what density of material is best to choose for a wall or ceiling for painting, how it differs from fiberglass, and how much it costs.

    In contact with

    Fiberglass, or gossamer, is a thin non-woven sheet of pressed fiberglass threads. It is produced in rolls 1 meter wide and 20 or 50 meters long. Unlike glass wallpaper, this material is not intended for finishing, but to protect against cracks on walls and ceilings.

    Fiberglass varies in density: the thinnest (20-25 g/sq. m) is best suited for painting, and the denser (50 g/sq. m) is recommended for better reinforcement in the presence of visible cracks on the surface.

    This material will hide flaws and imperfections in surfaces, prevent the formation of microcracks, while allowing the walls to breathe. It is absolutely natural and environmentally friendly, does not rot, prevents the appearance of fungus, is resistant to wear and fire, is not sensitive to many chemicals and is suitable even for rooms with high humidity.

    Many people, especially happy owners of housing in new buildings, are familiar with the sad consequences of the inevitable shrinkage of walls - a network of small and sometimes quite impressive cracks. To correct such a defect, all that remains is to start the repair again.

    Therefore, covering walls and ceilings with fiberglass is The best way save your time, nerves and budget, especially since this process does not require highly qualified performers. Remember that the pasted surface will not crack later.


    Fiberglass can be glued to almost any surface. This is necessary to increase the strength of putty and decorative plaster; if there is a fear of cracking, then it is also used before painting the coating.

    Note: The fiberglass canvas has a front and back side. The facial one is usually located with inside roll, it feels smoother to the touch. The reverse side, on the contrary, is more fleecy. Accordingly, it adheres better to the surface being pasted.

    However, as practice shows, failure to comply with this rule will not lead to dire consequences if the glue is applied in sufficient quantities and the material adheres tightly to the surface over the entire area.

    Tip 1: It is better to work with gloves and a respirator: small particles of fiberglass, although not toxic, are very irritating to the skin and respiratory tract.

    Tip 2: It is not recommended to glue fiberglass under wallpaper. The drying process usually takes a long time and bubbles may form as a result.

    Preparing the surface for gluing

    Puttying walls and ceilings

    Before starting work, it is advisable to fill the walls and ceilings with finishing putty (Vetonit LR+ is ideal), since small unevenness can cause the appearance of bubbles and voids, which will negatively affect the final result.

    Immediately before gluing, the surface is treated with a primer. Don't forget to close all the windows: there should be no drafts in the room, just like when hanging regular wallpaper.

    Working with drywall

    If fiberglass is glued to a plasterboard surface, all seams are first sealed with strong putty, and the sheets are glued so that their joints do not end up in the same place as the joints of the plasterboard sheets.

    It is better to try to glue the sheets onto the drywall end-to-end and without trimming, as far as possible: the surface is covered plasterboard sheet, it may crack at the pruning site, especially with frequent changes in humidity in the room.


    It is better to use ready-made glue. It is sold in buckets. For example, you can choose KLEO Ultra. If you purchased dry glue, dilute it in the specified proportion and add a little PVA glue at the end at a rate of 1:6 for stronger and more durable gluing.

    The most important thing is to choose a special glue for glass wallpaper. No other composition is suitable for such materials. The glue is thickly applied to the surface, the cut fabric is glued and leveled using a wallpaper spatula from the middle to the edges.

    Joining fiberglass is much easier than ordinary wallpaper: the canvases can be glued overlapping and you can cut through both layers, removing the excess - the joint will be invisible. There is no need to press hard on the blade; the material is cut very easily.

    If the glue on the surface is not applied thickly enough, you can lubricate the pasted canvas with it and rub it in with a wallpaper spatula.

    It is important to know that on internal and external corners, especially if they are not ideal, it is better to cut the fiberglass to avoid the appearance of voids. Cracks in the corners are glued with sickle tape or paper tape in advance, and the corners are leveled. The same applies to the junction of the wall and ceiling, if the installation ceiling plinth there are no further plans.


    After complete drying, which takes about a day, the surface can be puttied. For ideal preparation for painting, apply two layers of fine putty (for example, Sheetrock), allowing each layer to dry completely, and sand the surface with fine sandpaper. Immediately before painting, we treat the material with a primer.

    If putty is undesirable due to tight deadlines, and due to excess dust, which is inevitable during sanding, it is permissible to paint the surface covered with fiberglass without putty.

    The minimum necessary preparation in this case is to apply strongly diluted glue to the pasted surface. Such impregnation will reduce paint consumption, but will not eliminate the visible texture of the cobwebs even if painted several times. Therefore, if your goal is a smooth surface, you cannot do without putty.

    I recommend watching

    Fiberglass has big amount advantages, and therefore is often used in interior decoration. We will discuss its features, varieties, as well as how to glue fiberglass further.

    General concept and advantages of fiberglass

    Fiberglass is an environmentally friendly and harmless material, which is created on the basis of mineral glass fibers and organic resins. It appears in the form of a continuous non-woven fabric, without a pronounced texture, which has the highest tensile strength.

    Fiberglass, also called painting spider web, because of its specific surface and soft structure. Its composition is similar to glass wallpaper, but it has a number of features that make it different from them. Fiberglass fibers do not intertwine like glass wallpaper, but are simply randomly glued together in a chaotic manner.

    The production of fiberglass is not associated with machines; during its production, glass fiber is pressed. This process is similar to paper production. Ultimately, the manufacturer receives a very smooth sheet with minimal density. The difference between fiberglass and ordinary paper is that fiberglass is not susceptible to moisture, chemical substances and mechanical influence, they do not accumulate static electricity and dust, they perfectly reinforce the surface of the walls.

    The similarity of fiberglass with paper is air permeability, environmental friendliness, harmlessness to health, anti-allergic and antiseptic. The difference between fiberglass and glass wallpaper is the smoothness of the surface, which can be painted multiple times.

    On plastered walls, during shrinkage or influence high temperatures, tiny network-like cracks appear, which destroy its integrity and become noticeable only when the walls are wet. If such walls are reinforced with fiberglass, then cracks will not appear, and the surface will become clean and smooth.

    Fiberglass is also used to increase the strength of paint applied to the surface of walls or ceilings. In this case, the paint acquires new properties, it becomes non-flammable, stronger and waterproof.

    The main functions of the fiberglass web are:

    • eliminating minor irregularities and smoothing the surface of walls and ceilings;
    • reinforcement of small cracks;
    • subsequent application of finishing;
    • increasing the strength of the surface on which the fiberglass is applied.

    Among the advantages of fiberglass, the following qualities should be highlighted:

    • fire safety,
    • anti-corrosion,
    • antiseptic,
    • ease of care,
    • air passage,
    • antiallergic,
    • does not accumulate electricity,
    • harmlessness.

    Among the large number of advantages, there are several disadvantages of fiberglass:

    • fiberglass is difficult to work with,
    • Fiberglass will not cover large cracks; they must first be repaired,
    • When using it, you should use special clothing, a mask and a respirator so that small particles of glass do not get on the mucous membranes and irritate the skin.

    Scope of use of fiberglass

    The use of fiberglass is associated with interior decoration residential or public premises. It is used for decoration and reinforcement of walls or ceilings. Due to the presence of a dense structure, all irregularities are easily masked and paint is applied perfectly.

    The use of fiberglass when carrying out finishing work allows you not to use finishing putty walls, it is enough to putty them only with the starting one.

    After the plaster coating on the walls has been restored, they need to be puttied and then treated with primer deep penetration. The type of adhesive used to attach the fiberglass should be taken into account based on the manufacturer's recommendations.

    The glue is applied directly to the wall. The canvas, which has a margin of about eight centimeters, is cut and glued in the vertical direction. It is advisable to use a plumb line to mark the place where the pasting will be carried out. Gluing subsequent fibers is similar to wallpapering, they are joined to each other. Use a rubber roller or spatula to smooth out any uneven surfaces. Excess fiberglass is trimmed with a mounting knife. When the glue is completely dry, which takes one to two days, begin the painting process.

    Due to the fact that fiberglass has a fibrous structure, much more paint is required. To avoid this, you should putty the surface again, but this time with fiberglass. The consistency of the putty should be liquid, and application is carried out using rubber spatula. The putty seems to be rubbed into the fiberglass. This procedure is carried out carefully and slowly so that there are no minor errors left, since coloring will be done after it.

    The advantage of using fiberglass is that in the process wet cleaning When using high-quality paint, the surface does not lose its original appearance for many years. Therefore, this material is indispensable in the process of finishing a kitchen or children's room. Also, fiberglass does not burn, has excellent air permeability, has antiseptic properties, and most importantly is completely safe.

    Fiberglass photo:

    Scope of use of fiberglass:

    • production of waterproofing and roofing materials;
    • production of floor and wall panels from polyvinyl chloride;
    • polyvinyl chloride reinforcement;
    • drainage systems;
    • reinforcing base before applying plaster;
    • in the production of panels, fiberglass gives them a more presentable appearance, improves fire resistance and simplifies their installation;
    • to protect the pipeline system from corrosion;
    • when gluing roofing, to improve its quality;
    • when laying tiles or carpet;
    • in the construction of floating floors, for the construction of special soundproofing screens.

    How to glue fiberglass to the ceiling

    Tools for work:

    • building level,
    • assembly knife,
    • pencil,
    • roller,
    • tassel,
    • painting bath,
    • wallpaper spatula,
    • regular spatula.

    Before proceeding to directly gluing fiberglass to the ceiling, it must first be prepared for this process. Preparatory stage work includes the following actions:

    1. Remove old plaster, paint, lime or wallpaper from the ceiling. For these purposes, use a spatula. To remove old wallpaper, you need to pre-soak it with water and wait half an hour.

    2. If the ceiling is covered with lime mortar, especially if there are several layers of this material on it, then it is recommended to clean it with a spatula. So, the adhesion between the fiberglass and the ceiling will be very weak.

    Tip: If the lime ceiling is difficult to clean with a spatula, another treatment option is possible. Using a brush or roller, moisten it with water and wash it with a woolen cloth several times.

    3. After cleaning, you should begin to seal small cracks and depressions that formed during the surface cleaning process. Before doing this, it is recommended to go over the ceiling with a roller with a primer.

    4. It is possible to glue wallpaper directly to such a ceiling, but it is better if the entire surface is puttied.

    5. When gluing fiberglass to a plasterboard ceiling, you must first seal all the joints and screw heads and make the surface perfectly flat. The putty must be completely dry before moving on to the next step.

    6. If fiberglass is glued to a layer of insulation, for example, extraction polystyrene foam, then preparing the surface also includes puttying all the joints and dowels with which it is attached to the ceiling.

    How to glue fiberglass video:

    The process of gluing fiberglass includes:

    1. Pre-cut the canvases that will be glued into pieces. To easily join the sheets together, leave one centimeter of margin on each section.

    2. Decide on the place to paste the first sheet, using a level and a pencil, draw its location. Better yet, make a complete marking along which the gluing will be done.

    3. Pour glue into the tray and apply it to the ceiling surface with a roller. Apply such a strip so that it is slightly larger than the area on which the fiberglass is glued. Use a brush to apply glue to awkward areas, such as corners or near a chandelier.

    4. Then place the cut piece of fiberglass on the ceiling and level it using a rubber spatula. Do not press the edges too hard so that they can be easily joined to the next sheet.

    5. The second sheet is glued in the same way, the joint area is wiped with a dry cloth, and treated with a wallpaper spatula.

    6. After gluing all the fiberglass sheets, there should be no drafts in the room. This action will allow it to dry faster and adhere more firmly to the surface.

    Painting fiberglass - features of gluing on walls

    The procedure for gluing painting fiberglass on the walls begins with their preparation and complete cleaning. Then the walls are leveled and covered with this material.

    Let's consider the step-by-step application of fiberglass:

    • apply rough starting putty to the surface of the walls;
    • wait for it to dry completely and treat it with deep penetration primer;
    • After the primer has dried, apply glue using a roller;
    • start gluing the first sheet from the corner part;
    • to improve surface reinforcement, iron the edges of the fiberglass with a roller;
    • give Special attention joining two canvases - apply one canvas to the other with a gap, and then use assembly knife cut the joint and remove excess fiberglass;
    • the joint must be smoothed using a spatula;
    • when the wall is completely dry, you need to cover the wall with finishing putty;
    • after it dries, treat the wall with an abrasive mesh;
    • Apply primer and start decorating the surface.

    Tip: apply glue about one millimeter thick so that it saturates the wall and is evenly distributed over the surface.

    If the fiberglass is glued efficiently and correctly, the walls seem perfectly smooth. It is an excellent base for finishing decorative plaster. If all technologies are followed, cracks, fungus and mold will not appear on the walls.

    Painting fiberglass canvas

    It is possible to use unpainted fiberglass, as this material looks very aesthetically pleasing. But, if it is necessary to paint walls, fiberglass is an excellent material, which, in addition to providing a perfectly flat surface, also increases the adhesion of paint and walls.

    Advantages of using fiberglass for painting:

    • if you need to drive a nail into the wall, the plaster will not fall out of the hole;
    • complete absence of cracks.

    If fiberglass is used, which is intended for further coloring, it is recommended to use paints on water based. Thus, the material will not lose its properties, and after some time the staining procedure can be repeated.

    When choosing a paint tone, it is better to give preference to semi-matte. The question of direct puttying of fiberglass depends on what type of finishing will be used next. If you want to paint and obtain a smooth surface, the fiberglass should be puttied, otherwise it should be immediately coated with paint.

    To save on paint consumption, it is cheaper to first coat the fiberglass with a layer of regular glue and then paint it.

    In the dyeing process we use:

    • roller,
    • brushes,
    • wing,
    • bath.

    The minimum number of layers is two. The interval between them is twelve hours.

    The wing is used for rolling seams, since the roller is not able to paint this part evenly.

    2. Be sure to determine the front side of the fiberglass, as it is practically no different from the back side. To do this, read the material label.

    3. To prevent small glass particles from getting into your nose or skin, use gloves with long sleeves, respirator and goggles.

    4. When gluing fiberglass to a plasterboard surface, make sure that the seams of this material do not coincide with the seams of the plasterboard sheets. Otherwise, the surface will lose its aesthetics and the seams will be very visible.

    5. Optimal temperature for gluing fiberglass from 18 to 25 degrees. The absence of drafts is a must.

    6. Start working on the side opposite the door.

    Fiberglass video:

    In the process of finishing concrete ceilings Often you have to deal with cracks and irregularities. To ensure that the screed is strong and does not crack, the base of such a surface is reinforced with a painting “web”. To achieve good quality of the procedure, before carrying out it, you need to understand why it is needed. In the previous publication, the issue of working with fiberglass was deliberately not addressed. This topic was planned for consideration in a separate article, which is now offered to your attention.

    Main characteristics of the material

    The basis of this material is glass: during the manufacturing process it is melted, drawn into threads and twisted into fibers: these serve as the basis for obtaining fiberglass by weaving. Along with tensile strength, glass threads are characterized by elasticity, which protects the finished fabric from deformation. At the final stage of manufacturing, the “web” is treated with a special impregnation that increases its stability. The density of the finished material is in the range of 25-65 g/m2.

    Fiberglass has a number of advantages:

    1. Environmental Safety. To make the material, only natural ingredients are used that do not cause allergic reactions.
    2. High strength and durability. Fiberglass copes well with both mechanical and temperature influences.
    3. Does not collect dust. Electrostatic inertness makes it possible to avoid attracting light debris to the finishing surface.
    4. Fire safety. Exceptional resistance to fire allows the use of fiberglass for finishing the corridors of large buildings through which people are evacuated in case of fire.
    5. High reinforcing abilities. The web-trimmed base provides strength for the finishing layer.
    6. Biological inertia. Fiberglass is not a breeding ground for microorganisms, including fungus and mold. This is facilitated by the fact that glass fibers are not afraid of water and do not rot in conditions of constant humidity.
    7. High vapor permeability. This makes it possible to avoid “clogging” of reinforced bases.
    8. Excellent interaction with most building materials.

    Despite the great similarity, reinforcing fiberglass and are two materials with different purposes.

    As for the disadvantages of the “cobweb”, the main one is some inconvenience due to small glass particles that arise when cutting the webs. It is recommended to work in protective clothing, gloves, goggles and a respirator.

    Where is the “cobweb” used?

    Why do you need fiberglass:

    1. Reinforcement of walls and ceilings. With its help, you can strengthen concrete, brick and other foundations in premises for various purposes. This is especially true in cases where the surface is being prepared for painting. Thanks to fiberglass reinforcement the base is well leveled, without the threat of subsequent cracking.
    2. Corrosion protection. The presence of anti-corrosion characteristics in glass fibers allows them to be used for protection metal pipelines for various purposes.
    3. Production of high quality building materials. Wall panels are often reinforced with fiberglass. In addition, it is part of the composition, indispensable when arranging a soft roof.
    4. Arrangement of waterproofing protection and drainage.

    What is fiberglass?

    The most commonly used types of webs are:

        1. 25 g/cm2. The best fiberglass for ceilings for painting, which is facilitated by its a light weight and strength. The ceiling “cobweb” has low absorbency, which allows you to save paint material.
        1. 40 g/cm2. Universal material, twice as strong as the previous version. It is used to reinforce surfaces subject to increased operational loads (rooms with high level vibration). As for strengthening with a universal “web” ceiling surfaces, then this is justified only if there is dilapidated plaster and cracks.
        1. 50 g/cm2. This durable material is designed to strengthen large cracks. In addition, it is often used to reinforce enclosing structures in workshops, workshops and garages to protect against mechanical damage. The increased cost of this type of work is explained by the high cost of the material and the increased consumption of glue for its fixation.
        1. Wellton. This Finnish material Withstands numerous repaints very well.
        2. Oskar. A less expensive Russian analogue that can be repainted several times with little material consumption. Domestic fiberglass TechnoNIKOL also has similar qualities. .
        3. Spectrum. This Dutch company offers high-quality fiberglass in various densities.
        4. Nortex. A Chinese manufacturer offering fairly high-quality “spider web”. However, its choice is limited only to the universal variety (50 g/cm2).

    How to glue fiberglass to a concrete ceiling yourself

    To strengthen a concrete ceiling, the so-called “ceiling web” with a density of 25 g/cm2 is usually used. Great importance have optimal conditions work, since it is recommended to use fiberglass at an air temperature of +15-25º and a humidity of no more than 60%.

    Surface preparation

    1. Before gluing fiberglass to the ceiling for painting, its surface must be completely cleaned of whitewash, wallpaper and old putty- a bare concrete slab should remain.
    2. If base defects are detected, they must be eliminated. All protrusions are knocked down with a pick, and the depressions are sealed.
    3. If possible, it is better to lay a leveling layer of starting putty on the concrete surface.


    1. Primer. After the ceiling is completely dry, it is impregnated with a deep penetration primer. Acrylic compositions are very good in this regard. Thanks to this, the ceiling surface acquires the necessary adhesion for subsequent application of the adhesive. The primer should be allowed to dry completely (usually 30-40 minutes).
    2. Preparation of glue. For this it is recommended to use special compounds, since it will not be possible to properly glue fiberglass for painting with conventional wallpaper materials. As for PVA, it holds fiberglass well, but subsequently its surface may become covered with yellow spots. It is best to use special glue for fiberglass and glass wallpaper, which is sold in dry or ready-made form (usually good brands painting canvas included assembly adhesive from the same manufacturer). A pack of dry composition is diluted in a 10-liter bucket of clean warm water: this volume is enough to glue a “cobweb” with an area of ​​50 m2.

    Cutting and gluing

    1. Having measured the length and width of the room, then cut the required number of pieces of “cobweb”. This is not difficult to do, since the material is sold in rolls for convenience. The length of the strips is taken with some margin (about 10 cm). The same applies to the width - here you should take into account the fact that the strips are glued with a slight overlap (up to 20 mm). When cutting, be sure to wear a respirator, safety glasses and gloves to avoid getting sharp particles on the skin of your hands, eyes and respiratory organs.
    2. The first strip is mounted from the edge of the ceiling, having previously coated this area with a generous layer of glue (the canvas absorbs a lot of it). For convenience, it is recommended to cut a line the width of the strip along the entire length of the surface. Having placed the edge of the canvas along the line, it is necessary to smooth it from the center in all directions, expelling air bubbles and excess glue. This operation is most conveniently performed with a plastic wallpaper spatula. Excessive force should not be used when pressing the tool so that the fiberglass does not tear (at this stage it is very vulnerable).

    How to properly glue fiberglass strips

    The next strip is glued next to the first with a slight overlap (it is immediately cut with a sharp knife, removing excess parts). For better finishing quality, it is recommended to additionally coat the joint areas with glue. As you glue the fiberglass, it is important to maintain the continuity of the process by gluing the sheets one after another.

    The painting canvas has an inner and outer side - it is advisable not to confuse them. Outside usually rolled inside the roll (it is smoother to the touch).

    After the entire ceiling is sealed, excess pieces of material are trimmed along its entire perimeter. Next, the entire area of ​​​​the laid canvas is covered with a layer of the same glue (it is usually diluted slightly). The fiberglass for putty should dry well (1-2 days).

    Features of finishing

    The painting cloth creates a unique texture on the surface of the ceiling: therefore, it is advisable to putty the fiberglass “cobweb” before painting. 1-2 layers of a soft gypsum solution (Satengypsum) or ready-made (acrylic) mixture are enough. Such a ceiling should be sanded very carefully, without exposing the fiberglass. As for painting, you can use regular water-based, acrylic or latex paint, which is applied with a fabric roller in two layers.

    You can skip the putty, but for high-quality painting in this case you will have to use 5-6 layers, since fiberglass has significant absorbing characteristics.


    Properly glued painting fiberglass guarantees excellent quality of the ceiling screed: cracks and chips will not appear on it even in conditions of strong vibration. Such a surface can be painted many times. The decision to use or not to use a “web” is influenced by the initial state of the rough foundation.
